Pretty typical for leftists though. You can see why these people are seen as toxic hulks of radioactivity to be avoided at all costs.
At iOWNTHEWORLD Report, "“Self-important and condescending academics are nothing unusual, but mocking a traumatized rape victim crosses a line”." Following the links takes us to Fox News, "Boston University prof in racist tweet flap accused of trolling white rape victim."
Also at London's Daily Mail, "'Go cry somewhere': Hateful words of black Boston University professor to a white rape survivor written on Facebook three months before she claimed white men are 'THE problem for America's colleges'."
"Hateful words" alright.
The left is full of hate. Hate, hate, hate. Hate all the time. Ghouls.
RELATED: At College Insurrection, "Newly Hired Boston University Prof Bashes Whites and Men on Twitter," and "Boston University Responds to Prof’s Racist Tweets Aimed at White Men."
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