Monday, June 8, 2015

Does 'Ending the Republican Drama' on Immigration Require Amnesty?

I hate amnesty.

I hate everything about it.

It's the most brutally unfair policy proposal in American politics, but it's more likely to be effected than anything else I can think of. And that's because of decades of bipartisan failure on U.S. immigration policy. But things are at such a critical mass nowadays, especially with the high proportion of Hispanics in the population, the amnesty issue will be the touchiest subject Republicans will face this year and next. It's going to be interesting, even brutal, you might say.

In any case, in an otherwise excellent essay, Carl's Jr. CEO Andrew Puzder argues that "every candidate should support a path to legal status..."

Even if they do, it's a gift to the Democrat Party. I hate it.

See, at WSJ, "Ending the Republican Drama About Immigration."