Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is Social Science a Giant Left-Wing Conspiracy?

No, it's not.

It's really not.

But so many leftists are activists before social scientists the idea that social science isn't in fact a conspiracy might seem counterintuitive.

I could make a list of mainstream --- and even conservative --- political scientists, for example, to bolster the case. But again, it's counterintuitive. And there are so many so-called scholars like LaCour pushing narrative social science it's pretty ridiculous.

That said, I'd be interested to know exactly how much time Jesse Singal has spent in the halls of academe. If you're in the humanities and social sciences at most colleges or universities, it's probably a 10-to-1 ratio between leftists and conservatives. And those ideological predispositions definitely influence research programs and scientific norms. Take the idiots at Lawyers, Guns and Money as fairly representative of what you'll find at most campuses around the country. The rare conservatives or Republicans probably keep a low profile for fear of losing their jobs. It's pretty bad.

In any case, at least Singal's familiar with a lot of interesting research on the question, at New York Magazine, "Is Social Science a Giant Liberal Conspiracy?"

Still, it's indeed counterintuitive to suggest that academe's not a leftist conspiracy.

Previous LaCour blogging is here.