Thursday, June 4, 2015

Time to Question the Inevitability of Homosexual 'Marriage'

I've demonstrated for years that the radical homosexual agenda's been built on lies and coercion.

And all the political scientists wringing their hands about the Michael LaCour scandal have been focusing on everything but the key issue: LaCour fabricated his research to further the far-left homosexual agenda. And the abject incuriosity of the political science establishment let him get away with it, including the so-called "eminent" scholar Donald Philip Green.

The movement's been based on lies, leftist ignorance (especially among the young secular demographic), and propaganda.

I can't wait to see how the Court rules in Obergefell v. Hodges. If the justices affirm the ruling of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, the so-called "inevitability" of homosexual "marriage" will have suffered a crippling blow.

In any case, see Rachel Lu, at the Crisis, "Time to Question Inevitability of Gay 'Marriage'."