Sunday, January 3, 2016

Families Are Taken Into Custody as Push to Deport Immigrants Denied Refuge Begins

Postcards from Obama's America, at the Los Angeles Times.

Leftists are up in arms, comparing the U.S. to fascist regimes.

At the letters to the editor, "The Obama administration's inhumane, indefensible deportation of Central Americans":
To the editor: History will not remember kindly The Times' stance in support of deporting families back to extreme danger and death in Central America just because a judge ordered them out of the country. When we prioritize enforcing a broken bureaucracy over embracing the basic humanity of people who are suffering, we open the door to unspeakable tragedies. ("Why the Obama administration is right to deport migrants ordered to leave," editorial, Dec. 29)

Yet, despite acknowledging the injustices deeply embedded in the deportation system, the editorial board insists we must “follow through on legal processes that have been completed.”

No matter the great inadequacy of those processes? The Japanese internment was also found to be legal, after all.

No matter the human cost? We're talking about sending traumatized mothers and children back to countries that have the world's highest murder rates.

The Times seems to think its position is distinct from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's drive for mass deportation, but it's really just paving the way.

Jon Rodney, Oakland

The writer is communications manager for the California Immigrant Policy Center.
The fact is, far-left fanatics like this don't want any limits on immigration. They want open borders to flood the country with unwashed, uneducated migrants to feed the collectivist revolution.