Sunday, January 10, 2016

Fire Consumes Jerusalem Offices of Far-Left Anti-Israel Group B’Tselem (VIDEO

Well, if it truly was a right-wing arson attack then that's terrible.

Israel's far-right is screwing up these days. Sheesh. (See, "Israel's Homegrown Enemies.")

At the Jerusalem Post, "Arson suspected in fire at offices of left-wing NGO B'Tselem."

And at the radical +972, "Amid right-wing attacks, suspected arson at B'Tselem offices":
Headquarters of Israel’s oldest human rights organization sustain heavy damage. Spokesperson says if fire turns out to be arson, ‘it must be seen in the context of the wave of government incitement and smear campaigns against Israel’s human rights groups, and B’Tselem in particular.’
There's video here, "Suspected arson at B'Tselem offices in Jerusalem."

I blogged about this awful group previously. Still, I wouldn't wish an arson fire on them.

Here, "B'Tselem: The World's Most Destructive Anti-Israel Organization."