Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook: #DNCLeaks a Russian Op to Help Donald Trump Campaign

Someone noted on Twitter earlier that this is in fact part of a broader effort to otherize Donald Trump as a foreign presence, an un-American Putinian-candidate.

Inevitable spin, I guess.

The Democrat convention's not getting off to a particularly auspicious start.

At Althouse, "Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook floats the conspiracy theory: Russians hacked the DNC emails for the purpose of helping Trump."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign Following Explosive Email Leaks

At Heat Street, "DNC Boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns After Wikileaks Reveals She Burned Bernie Sanders."



Bernie Sanders Says DNC's Debbie Wasserman Schultz Should Resign (VIDEO)

He's taking it pretty well, heh.

At CNN, via Memeorandum, "Sanders: ‘Awful’ DNC emails should cost party chair her job."

Friday, July 22, 2016

President Obama Mocked GOP's 'Vision of Chaos and Violence' Moments Before Munich Attack (VIDEO)

Well, he can pretend it's not serious with jokes and mockery. He's not up for reelection. Hillary is, though, and hence it's his third term on the line.

Frankly, I was a little surprised he took to the airwaves so soon. We still don't know exactly what happened.

In any case, you gotta love the headlines at Gateway Pundit, "OBAMA Mocked Trump and RNC’s “Vision of Chaos and Violence” 1 Hour Before Munich Attack (VIDEO)."

Plus, more video at CNN, "Obama pushes back against Donald Trump's speech."

Monday, July 18, 2016

Black Marxist Cornel West Slams Hillary Clinton's 'Dangerous Neoliberal Ideology...' (VIDEO)

Man, this dude's a shuckin' and jivin' huckster par excellence!

He throws Bernie Sanders under the bus all the while calling him affectionately "Brotha' Bernie," heh. And West then gloms onto "Sista' Jill" Stein because she represents the "progressive" alternative to Hillary Clinton's "dangerous neoliberal ideology" and the "neo-fascism" of Donald Trump.

What a real piece of work, lol.

He's interviewed by communist Amy Goodman, at Democracy Now!, "Cornel West: Why I Endorse Green Party's Jill Stein Over 'Neoliberal Disaster' Hillary Clinton."

And see earlier, "Bernie Sanders Names Hateful Leftist Cornel West on Democratic Platform Committee." Brotha Cornel talks about ultimately dissing the platform committee with the "Hillary forces" refused to put "Medicare for all" and "the Palestinian issue" up for the final vote.

Also, see David Horowitz's chapter outing Dr. West's radical leftist hatred in his recent book, Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion.

Friday, June 10, 2016

How Millennials Can Still #FeelTheBern (VIDEO)

Bernie Sanders won't drop out.

At NYT, "Bernie Sanders Still Presses Battered Campaign Toward Washington Primary."

I suspect some folks on the left are getting pretty angry by now. He's a thorn in the establish Democrat Party's side.

But for a different take, see Jeremy Stern, at WSJ, "How Millennials Can Still Live Bernie’s Dream":

They backed him over Hillary Clinton in greater numbers than they backed Barack Obama over John McCain. But now, millions of millennials are left licking their wounds after the defeat of Bernie Sanders, the greatest progressive hero since the president he wanted to replace.

Many of them recoil at the thought of supporting Mrs. Clinton, a liberal but one with insufficient anticapitalist bona fides. For now, the Bernie-backers’ dream of grafting Scandinavian solutions onto American problems is dead.

Or is it? Despite some recent budgetary setbacks, a long-running American experiment in socialism is still going strong, and yet somehow it remains one of the country’s best-kept secrets.

The federal experiment involves 1.3 million Americans—less than 1% of the population, but 75% of the participants are themselves millennials, so Bernie’s supporters should feel right at home. Unless they feel like they’ve arrived in socialist heaven. Consider:

These lucky few, including their spouses and children, receive free single-payer health care. Pre-existing conditions? No problem. Prescriptions? Generally free.

Bernie only proposed free college for all; that’s already a reality for these young Americans. Local elementary schooling for their children is also tossed in at no cost. Vocational training? When do you want to start? And put your wallet away.

What’s more, the federal government provides these participants with generous living allowances. On top of their normal salaries, they collect a monthly allowance for rent or mortgage payments, an allowance for moving costs incurred when their job location changes, and an allowance for gas consumed when driving for work-related purposes. There’s even a clothing allowance. Oh, none of these allowances is taxable. Did I mention that tax preparation services are also free?

In case you thought it couldn’t get any more Nordic for these chosen few, they get 30 days of paid vacation a year in addition to the usual 10 paid federal holidays. That’s 40 days of paid leave every year—more than in the Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada.

These Americans are also eligible for a lifetime pension. If they enter the program after high school, they can start collecting their retirement—half the dollar amount of their final salary, every year for the rest of their life—at age 38! Not even Bernie thought of that. The amount they collect is calculated annually according to the Consumer Price Index and the effects of inflation, so the pension payments increase each year as the cost of living rises.

Speaking of salaries: No gender pay gap here. A male who occupies the same position with the same experience cannot earn more than his female colleague. That’s the rule, not subject to the whim of a paymaster.

So come on over, disappointed young Bernie fans....

Welcome to the U.S. Armed Forces!

You gotta love it!

Now let's see how many Bernie Bros (and Sisters) sign up?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Shifts to Far-Left as She Claims Party's Nomination

This is interesting.

Back in the 1990s, the Clintons claimed to be centrist "New Democrats" opportunistically, so they could win. Inside there's always been an Alinskyite Marxist collectivist waiting to break out.

At the Wall Street Journal, "How Hillary Clinton Shifted Leftward":
When she stood before New York Democrats and launched her first campaign for office 16 years ago, Hillary Clinton was unabashed about her centrist credentials.

“I’m a New Democrat,” the first lady said in announcing her Senate bid. Her husband worked for a decade to move the party away from its liberal roots and win over independent voters. Now Mrs. Clinton touted that third-way philosophy, too.

“I don’t believe government is the source of all our problems, or the solution to them,” she said.

Today, a transformed Mrs. Clinton campaigns again, this time for president. On a swath of domestic issues, dragged along by a rapidly changing party and a surprisingly tough primary opponent in Sen. Bernie Sanders, Mrs. Clinton has moved to the left, sometimes reversing her positions and in other cases changing her tone in significant ways.

Mrs. Clinton has undone her longtime opposition to gay marriage. She apologized for her 2002 vote authorizing an invasion of Iraq. She backed off support for charter schools. She called for an end to the “era of mass incarceration,” a rebuke of her husband’s 1994 crime bill.

Under intense pressure from Mr. Sanders, she came out against the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that as secretary of state she said she was inclined to approve. She opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian free-trade agreement she had predicted would be the “gold standard,” but that was opposed by labor unions, most Democrats and Mr. Sanders.

And on Social Security, Mrs. Clinton all but abandoned her longtime interest in a bipartisan compromise aimed at extending the program’s solvency and adopted liberal promises not to cut benefits.

On Tuesday, eight years after Mrs. Clinton conceded the 2008 contest, she celebrated victory in her quest for her party’s presidential nomination, a historic achievement making her the first woman to run on a major party ticket. Primary voters cast ballots on Tuesday in California and five other states. Mrs. Clinton went over the top a day earlier with commitments from party leaders who are convention delegates, according to an Associated Press tally.

Now Mrs. Clinton is set to face Republican Donald Trump this fall, and being seen as more liberal may not help in wooing crucial independents and working-class voters. Further, her changing views may feed a perception among some voters that she is untrustworthy, as it did among many Sanders supporters.

“I don’t feel she’s genuine, to be honest,” said Bill Losch, 63 years old, of Las Vegas, a Sanders delegate. “She’ll do whatever she needs to do to be elected.”

Democrats in and out of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign say her shifting positions reflect new facts and show her willingness to adapt while sticking to core principles...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bernie Sanders Leads Among Eligible Voters in California

Today's election day, finally.

Here's Cathleen Decker, at the Los Angeles Times, "Analysis: Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in a tight race in California as the campaign batters her popularity":

Hillary Clinton’s popularity has slumped in California under an unrelenting challenge from Bernie Sanders, who has succeeded in breaching the demographic wall Clinton had counted on to protect her in the state’s presidential primary, a new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll has found.

As he has done across the country this primary season, Sanders commands the support of younger voters by huge margins in advance of Tuesday’s primary — even among Latinos and Asians, voter groups that Clinton easily won when she ran eight years ago. Many of his backers come from a large pool of voters who have registered for the first time in the weeks before the election.

Yet, Tuesday’s outcome remains difficult to predict, precisely because of the untested nature of Sanders’ following. That portends an intense fight in the final days of the campaign.

The Vermont senator has battled Clinton to a draw among all voters eligible for the Democratic primary, with 44% siding with him to 43% for Clinton. That represented a nine-point swing from a USC/Los Angeles Times poll in March, in which Clinton led handily.

But among those most likely to vote, based on their voting history and stated intentions this time around, Clinton led, 49%-39%, in the new poll. Her standing is bolstered by the reliability of her older supporters, who have a proven record of casting ballots.

She also leads convincingly among registered Democrats; 53% of likely Democratic voters supported her, to 37% for Sanders. Throughout the year, she has carried party members in every state but Sanders’ home state of Vermont and next-door New Hampshire, where he won in a landslide.

As he has elsewhere, Sanders benefits here from party rules that allow registered nonpartisan voters — known in California as “no party preference” voters — to take part in the Democratic primary. Among nonpartisans who were likely to vote, he led by 48%-35%.

Sanders’ chances of victory rest on big turnout of voters who typically don’t vote in primaries and who — in the case of the nonpartisans — will have to navigate complicated voter rules to request a Democratic ballot.

“His base of support is young voters, low-propensity voters and [nonpartisan] voters. Not only does he have to turn them out by election day, but he has to educate all those nonpartisan voters” to request a Democratic ballot, said Dan Schnur, the poll director who heads USC’s Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics.

“That’s not to say he can’t pull it off, but this may be the biggest voter mobilization challenge California has seen in many, many years.”

For all the threat the primary represents, Clinton, who likely will clinch the Democratic nomination even before Californians’ votes are counted, retains most of her strength in a general election contest against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Trump has contended in recent days that he could make a run at California in November, but the poll showed that to be implausible, at best...

And ICYMI, "Hillary Clinton Rallies Supporters at Long Beach City College (VIDEO)."

Quoted in LBCC's Viking Newspaper

Following-up from last night, "Hillary Clinton Rallies Supporters at Long Beach City College (VIDEO)."

The college newspaper contacted me for some comments on Clinton's visit. My colleague Charlotte Joseph was contacted as well.

Here's the piece, "Political-Science Professors React to Hillary Clinton Rally":
Professor Charlotte Joseph said in an email Sunday, June 5, she considers herself a “swing voter” and is supporting Clinton due to her vast experience in foreign and domestic policy. She said, “It is a fantastic opportunity whenever any candidate comes to our campus.  It allows our students and the entire college community a chance to hear challenging ideas and to evaluate how these fit with their own beliefs.”

Joseph said, “It provides an educational opportunity that most people never get the chance to see.  Most of us get our information from the television or the internet, in sound bites. We rarely have the opportunity to hear a speech from beginning to end. Hopefully, this will be the first of many such events at LBCC because of the uniqueness of our college and student body.”

Although he is registered to vote in the Republican primary, Professor Douglas said in an email Monday, June 6, just hours before Clinton’s speech that he doesn’t identify as Republican or Democrat.

Douglas said, “The 2016 election has generated tremendous excitement, more than usual, in my experience, especially in California, where our primary is expected to be decisive. So, it’s great that students can participate directly in the political process by attending a campaign rally. The event brings the campaign home to those who’re already interested and makes it a personal, potentially life-changing experience to see and hear their candidate close up.”

Douglas also said he expects Clinton to receive a lot of media coverage and believes if Clinton were to lose in California, then the Bernie Sanders campaign would receive “enormous momentum and could put pressure on the Democrat National Committee to weaken the rules of the party’s super delegates.”

Why Millennials Are Least Likely to Vote

Millennials have a lot of latent political power, but they're the slacker generation. I doubt they'll overtake older Americans in participation any time soon.

At the O.C. Register, "Why millennials, now totaling 69.2 million, are least likely to vote."

Monday, June 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton Rallies Supporters at Long Beach City College (VIDEO)

The college just announced the Clinton visit on Friday, which was relatively short notice.

I wasn't all that thrilled about it, especially since the original announcement said that doors were open at 2:00pm (for a 4:00pm event), and that was going to cut into class time.

It turns out the timeline was pushed back two hours, with doors scheduled to open at 4:00pm (for a 6:00pm event). That wasn't too bad. My 12:45pm American politics class saw pretty much regular attendance. My 2:20pm international relations class was less than half attended, but no matter. I had a brief presentation planned anyway, and I distributed a handout last week, in any case.

Students elsewhere around campus were complaining, though. It was a big event that caused some distractions for students not interested in the campaign. They just wanted to study.

I don't see a report on the rally anywhere. Everyone's talking about the AP story announcing the Clinton's got the delegates to clinch the nomination.

I'll update with more later.

Meanwhile, some video and tweets:

Young Blacks Aren't Enamored of Hillary Clinton

Here's the age divide among black voters, at LAT, "Among some black voters, a generational divide on Clinton vs. Sanders":
The president of the New Frontier Democratic Club made his hard pitch for voting for Hillary Clinton inside the South Los Angeles community room.

She will lead the charge for racial equality and fair pay for women, Mike Davis told the two dozen black men and women last month. She will fight for black families, he said, stretching his hosannas for the former secretary of state for a good 10 minutes.

Can we just take a vote to endorse Hillary, someone in the crowd said. “Let’s vote,” Davis agreed.

James Scriven Sr., 79, raised his hand high along with everybody except for two holdouts: Scriven’s two sons, Tabari, 39, and James Jr., 41.

To their father’s mild displeasure, they were feeling the Bern.

 “He has new ideas that will help the economy and create jobs,” Tabari, of Inglewood, said of Bernie Sanders. “Young people are trying to better themselves through education, but student loans are standing in the way.”

With the California primary set for Tuesday, polls suggest the race between Clinton and Sanders has tightened, although she still appears to hold a lead.

A poll of black voters in California commissioned by the African American Voter Registration Education Participation Project conducted by Evitarus found that 71% of 800 likely voters surveyed supported Clinton. But among the black voters younger than 40, half said they would probably vote for Sanders, compared with 34% for Clinton. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

His sons’ support for Sanders did not sit well with the elder Scriven, who like many blacks has an enduring affection for Clinton’s husband.

“Bernie is not going to win,” Scriven said dismissively. “They will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.”

Despite her overall lead with blacks, Clinton did not neatly inherit the love many felt for Bill Clinton, who famously played a soulful saxophone on “The Arsenio Hall Show” in 1992 and whom novelist Toni Morrison later dubbed “the first black president.”

If significant numbers of younger African Americans vote for Sanders, that could play an important role in a primary that Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at USC, said could be tight.

“There is no question that Sanders can win the California primary,” Schnur said. To do so, however, he would need an unusually large turnout of young voters,  including young minority voters like the Scriven brothers.
Keep reading.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Bernie Sanders Names Hateful Leftist Cornel West on Democratic Platform Committee

Bernie Sanders named Cornel West to the DNC's Platform Committee, among many radical others.

Dr. West is particularly loathsome pick, though, considering his execrable leftist Jew-hating and Israel-bashing. UCLA Professor Judea Pearl excoriated Dr. West for becoming "a leading propagandist for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement."

Here's the background from Jonathan Chait, at the New Yorker, "Why Did Bernie Sanders Put an Obama-Hater on the Democratic Platform Committee?"

Plus, David Horowitz has a chapter outing Dr. West's radical left-wing hatred in his recent book, Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion.

David Horowitz photo 13241325_10209934408779836_8932025620127033888_n_zpsex5x2wnp.jpg

Friday, May 20, 2016

Here We Go, Chicago 1968 Redux: Sanders Supporters Get Permits to Protest Democrat Convention in Philadelphia (VIDEO)

Senator Barbara Boxer, at the video, whines about how she felt "scared" by Bernie Sanders supporters.

Watch, "Sen. Boxer: I Felt Frightened, Physically Threatened While Sanders Supporters Booed Me."

Well, suck it up, sweetie. There's plenty more of that coming down the pike.

At WSJ, "Sanders Supporters Secure Rally Permit Near Democratic Convention in Philadelphia" (via Memeorandum):

Philadelphia has approved four demonstration permits in support of Sen. Bernie Sanders at the July Democratic National Convention — including a large rally planned near the convention’s epicenter.

One of the permits is for an event consisting of four days of all-day rallies at FDR Park in support of Mr. Sanders. The city said it expects 30,000 participants, and organizers said in an interview they hope turnout will be much higher.

The park is adjacent to the Wells Fargo Center, where many of the Democratic National Convention events will be held — raising the possibility of a large demonstration in support of Mr. Sanders just steps away from where delegates will officially select the Democratic nominee. A growing number of Democrats are concerned the convention could turn out to be divisive and disorderly due to activities planned by Sanders supporters.

The city has also granted permits to three smaller demonstrations at Thomas Paine Plaza, a few miles from the Wells Fargo Center. The city says it expects 2,000 to 3,000 participants at those events.

The events — which are being organized independent of campaign by supporters of Mr. Sanders — aim to call attention to support the Vermont Senator has received throughout the primary process and push for long-term changes in the way that the Democratic Party nominates candidates.

“The whole Bernie movement is an ideology. If Bernie wins the nomination, wins the presidency, that would be amazing. But even if Hillary does win the nomination, the movement has already started,” said Steve Okan Layne, who is helping organize one of the demonstrations...
Oh goody!

It's going to be fantastic! I can't wait for the Democrat Anarchist Socialist Communist 9/11 Truther BDS Convention, lol.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Voting Irregularities: Over 100,000 New York Voters 'Vanish' Ahead of Primary Election Day (VIDEO)


At the New York Observer, "Comptroller Will Audit New York City Board of Elections" (via Memeorandum):

Comptroller Scott Stringer is launching an audit of the city’s Board of Elections after reports of problems voting in today’s primary elections and the purging of more than 100,000 voters from rolls in Brooklyn.

“There is nothing more sacred in our nation than the right to vote, yet election after election, reports come in of people who were inexplicably purged from the polls, told to vote at the wrong location or unable to get in to their polling site,” Mr. Stringer said in a statement this afternoon. “The people of New York City have lost confidence that the Board of Elections can effectively administer elections and we intend to find out why the BOE is so consistently disorganized, chaotic and inefficient.”

In a letter to BOE Executive Director Michael Ryan, Mr. Stringer ticked off a litany of problems constituents had reported at the polls today, including one voter who reported arriving at 6 a.m., when voting begins, to find their Williamsburg polling site wasn’t open and wouldn’t be open any time soon. Voters have also complained of being sent to different poll sites or being given conflicting information, Mr. Stringer’s office noted.

“Comptrollers audit agencies, that’s why comptrollers are there,” Mr. Ryan said in a telephone issue. “If Comptroller Stringer believes that it is a worthy use of his agency resources to investigate the Board of Elections, we’re no different than any other city agency.”

Mr. Ryan insisted the voter problems Mr. Stringer and others had cited today were rare.

Hillary Clinton’s Lead Narrows Among Democratic Primary Voters, Poll Says

This is pretty big.

From NBC News, via Memeorandum, "NBC/WSJ Poll: Clinton's National Lead Down to Two Points."

And from Janet Hook, at WSJ:

Sen. Bernie Sanders has all but eliminated Hillary Clinton’s polling lead among Democratic voters nationwide, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has found, offering signs that she continues to struggle with the primary electorate at a time when she wanted to build strength for the general election.

Mr. Sanders for the first time is close to tying Mrs. Clinton, as 48% of Democratic primary voters picked him as their first choice for president, while 50% picked her. In a poll last month, Mrs. Clinton was ahead by nine percentage points, enjoying a 53%-to-44% edge.

A majority of states have already held their primary contests, and the Vermont senator’s surge in support likely comes too late for him to overcome Mrs. Clinton’s big lead in delegates to the summer nominating convention in Philadelphia. But the survey suggests that the long and bitter primary campaign has taken a toll on the former senator and secretary of state.

“As she is finishing this primary, she is not gaining strength,” said Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who conducted the survey with Democrat Fred Yang. “The cracks are showing, and she is losing strength.”

Mrs. Clinton’s saving grace is the weakness of her potential Republican opposition. The survey found that GOP front-runner Donald Trump would have a harder time consolidating his party behind him than she would hers. Some 38% of Republican primary voters said they couldn’t see themselves supporting the New York businessman, while 21% of Democrats said they couldn’t support Mrs. Clinton.

In a hypothetical general-election matchup, Mrs. Clinton outpolls Mr. Trump 50% to 39%, the survey found.

But for most voters, that would be a lesser-of-two-evils choice: 56% of both Trump and Clinton voters said their vote would be cast because they didn’t want the other candidate to win.

“For these voters, casting their ballot for president in 2016 is not about an idealistic vision of hope and change or a new day in America,” Mr. Yang said, “but, rather, a much more sober and pragmatic feeling as they check the box: It could be worse.”

Among Republicans, Mr. Trump has maintained his advantage as the field of candidates dwindled. He is the first choice of 40% of GOP primary voters, compared with 35% for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and 24% for Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

But the poll would fuel his rivals’ argument that Mr. Trump would be the party’s weakest candidate against Mrs. Clinton in a general election: Mr. Cruz trails her by two points, 46% to 44%, in a hypothetical matchup, while Mr. Kasich outpolls her, 51% to 39%.

The two parties’ front-runners are making history with the negative feelings they inspire. The share of voters who feel negatively toward Mr. Trump, at 65%, or Mrs. Clinton, at 56%, is unprecedented for a major-party nominee. By comparison, President Barack Obama was viewed in a negative light by 43%, and Republican nominee Mitt Romney by 44%, at the end of the 2012 general-election campaign.

“America is on the path to electing the most unpopular president since 1948,” said Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster who also helped conduct the survey...

Monday, April 18, 2016

George Clooney Admits Money He Raised for Hillary Clinton is 'Obscene'


This is pretty rich.

Interesting that Clooney had a momentary flash of self-awareness.

At the Guardian UK:
George Clooney, who hosted big-money fundraisers for Hillary Clinton in California this weekend, has called such fundraising “obscene”.

In response Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s opponent for the Democratic nomination, said he respected Clooney’s “integrity and honesty on this issue” and added: “One of the great tragedies is that big money is buying elections.”

Clinton leads Sanders by double digits in most polls regarding New York, which stages its primary on Tuesday.

The issue of fundraising has been a constant on the campaign trail, as Sanders heralds his reliance on small donors and lack of any fundraising Super Pac. Clooney’s events, however, in San Francisco and Los Angeles, attracted criticism from the Sanders campaign and, on Friday in San Francisco, protests outside the venue.

Speaking to NBC’s Meet the Press, the actor was asked by host Chuck Todd whether the sums involved in his events, such as $353,400 a couple to be a “co-chair”, were, as critics and protesters have said, obscene.

“Yes,” he said. “I think it’s an obscene amount of money. I think – you know that we had some protesters last night when we pulled up in San Francisco and they’re right to protest, they’re absolutely right, it is an obscene amount of money...
More at that top link.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders Supporter Attacks Hillary Clinton as 'Corporate Democratic Whore' at New York's Washington Square Park

Nasty primary they're having over there on the Democrat side, heh.

At LAT, "A Sanders supporter's 'Democratic whores' insult just exposed the party's risk of splitting":

A supporter's inflammatory rhetoric at a massive rally for Bernie Sanders on Wednesday — capped by a reference to Hillary Clinton as being among "corporate Democratic whores" beholden to the pharmaceutical industry — underscored the concerns of some Democratic leaders about unifying the party heading into the general election.

Dr. Paul Song, a Santa Monica radiation oncologist and leader of a major California progressive group called the Courage Campaign, was one of the first speakers at Sanders' evening rally in New York's Washington Square Park. He used his remarks to rail against what he called "an immoral and unjust healthcare system" even after some improvements through President Obama's Affordable Care Act.

"Please do not believe ... that our healthcare system is OK," he pleaded with the crowd, which the Sanders campaign said numbered more than 27,000. "Please do not believe that we only need minor tweaks."

Song praised Sanders as the only candidate who recognized healthcare as a human right and support for universal healthcare, before he turned his attention to Clinton.

First, he said he respected Clinton and her husband and noted they had helped his family -- President Clinton traveled to North Korea to secure the release of his sister-in-law, Laura Ling, a journalist who was detained there. But Song said he could only support a candidate who "will help every single family in the United States."

"Secretary Clinton has said Medicare-for-all will never happen," he said. "Well, I agree with Secretary Clinton that Medicare-for-all will never happen if we have a president who never aspires for something greater than the status quo. Medicare-for-all will never happen if we continue to elect corporate Democratic whores who are beholden to Big Pharma and the private insurance industry instead of us."

Clinton's campaign pounced on the comment, calling on Sanders to disavow it. Sanders' campaign did so on his Twitter account Thursday morning, calling the comment "inappropriate and insensitive."

"There's no room for language like that in our political discourse," the post reads...
And notice the Bernie Guevara t-shirt on that Sanders supporter. Just wow.