Friday, June 10, 2016

How Millennials Can Still #FeelTheBern (VIDEO)

Bernie Sanders won't drop out.

At NYT, "Bernie Sanders Still Presses Battered Campaign Toward Washington Primary."

I suspect some folks on the left are getting pretty angry by now. He's a thorn in the establish Democrat Party's side.

But for a different take, see Jeremy Stern, at WSJ, "How Millennials Can Still Live Bernie’s Dream":

They backed him over Hillary Clinton in greater numbers than they backed Barack Obama over John McCain. But now, millions of millennials are left licking their wounds after the defeat of Bernie Sanders, the greatest progressive hero since the president he wanted to replace.

Many of them recoil at the thought of supporting Mrs. Clinton, a liberal but one with insufficient anticapitalist bona fides. For now, the Bernie-backers’ dream of grafting Scandinavian solutions onto American problems is dead.

Or is it? Despite some recent budgetary setbacks, a long-running American experiment in socialism is still going strong, and yet somehow it remains one of the country’s best-kept secrets.

The federal experiment involves 1.3 million Americans—less than 1% of the population, but 75% of the participants are themselves millennials, so Bernie’s supporters should feel right at home. Unless they feel like they’ve arrived in socialist heaven. Consider:

These lucky few, including their spouses and children, receive free single-payer health care. Pre-existing conditions? No problem. Prescriptions? Generally free.

Bernie only proposed free college for all; that’s already a reality for these young Americans. Local elementary schooling for their children is also tossed in at no cost. Vocational training? When do you want to start? And put your wallet away.

What’s more, the federal government provides these participants with generous living allowances. On top of their normal salaries, they collect a monthly allowance for rent or mortgage payments, an allowance for moving costs incurred when their job location changes, and an allowance for gas consumed when driving for work-related purposes. There’s even a clothing allowance. Oh, none of these allowances is taxable. Did I mention that tax preparation services are also free?

In case you thought it couldn’t get any more Nordic for these chosen few, they get 30 days of paid vacation a year in addition to the usual 10 paid federal holidays. That’s 40 days of paid leave every year—more than in the Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada.

These Americans are also eligible for a lifetime pension. If they enter the program after high school, they can start collecting their retirement—half the dollar amount of their final salary, every year for the rest of their life—at age 38! Not even Bernie thought of that. The amount they collect is calculated annually according to the Consumer Price Index and the effects of inflation, so the pension payments increase each year as the cost of living rises.

Speaking of salaries: No gender pay gap here. A male who occupies the same position with the same experience cannot earn more than his female colleague. That’s the rule, not subject to the whim of a paymaster.

So come on over, disappointed young Bernie fans....

Welcome to the U.S. Armed Forces!

You gotta love it!

Now let's see how many Bernie Bros (and Sisters) sign up?