Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Holiday Gifts in Hobby Trains

A great idea for Christmas, and it's not too early to start shopping.

At Amazon, Holiday Gifts in Hobby Trains.


Friday, December 26, 2014

After Christmas Rule 5

Here's a few babes to brighten the holidays.

From the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Winter Solstice Edition."

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And at Egotastic, "Sabine Jemeljanova Bedroom Photoshoot for Zoo."

And check Sabine on Twitter.

More, at Zoo, "The Girls of ZOO 2015 Calendar!"

Also at the Rio Norte Line, "Rule 5: Vintage Christmas."

At the First Street Journal, "Rule 5 Blogging: From down under!"

And from Knuckledragging, "Your Good Morning Girl."

More, from 90 Miles from Tyranny, "Morning Mistress."

And at Pirate's Cove, "If All You See……is warmth created snow, you might just be a Warmist."

Soylent Siberia has "Coffee Creamer."


Proof Positive has "Friday Night Babe: Emily Wickersham!"

Ode has "A Very Merry Christmas Woodsterman Style (VIDEO)."

See also, the Hostages, "Big Boob Friday."

Also Daley Gator, "THE DALEYBABE."

Now from Wine, Women, and Politics as well, "Multiple exposure."

Front Army has "Rachel McDonald."

At Postal Dog, "Maitland Ward is my favorite Santa's helper."

Some history from Ms. EBL, "Mandy Rice Davies RIP and British Profuma Sex Scandal Affair Rule 5."

And In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World has "Friday Pinups."

Finally, Bob Belvedere has "Tibby Muldoon."

Stephen Ambrose, Citizen Soldiers

I'm just blazing through this book, which I pulled down off my bookshelf while watching "Band of Brothers."

At Amazon, Citizen Soldiers: The U. S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany.

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Year-End Deals at Amazon

If you're shopping, Shop Amazon Instant Video - Save Up to 55% on Digital Movies & TV Shows.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Radical Left Anti-Christian Hatred - UPDATED!!

I saw this idiot "Male Feminist" on Twitter somehow of late.

The sheer inanity of the handle caught my attention. So-called "male-feminists" are crazy.

Via Instapundit:

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And you know, as I was saying, "Leftists can't wish you a Merry Christmas..."

UPDATE: Ms. EBL, in the comments, informs me that "Male Feminist" on Twitter is a parody account, and in that case, it's totally cool. Check this thread at AoSHQ for more.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve in the Ardennes

Just now finishing up on "The Band of Brothers," so I guess this is appropriate.

At Legal Insurrection, "Christmas 1944: The Battle of the Bulge."

Saw Julia Roberts This Morning

In a beauty ad, for Lancome.

She's one of a kind. Style and perfection. And class.

Kelly Brook Christmas

Merry Christmas folks.

At London's Daily Mail, "She's definitely on Santa's naughty list! Kelly Brook shows off her ample assets as she performs a Christmas striptease."

Man, that woman has ample assets.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Last-Minute Holiday Shopping

Some deals at Amazon, Shop Amazon Fashion - Up to 70% Off.

Also, some new runners? Shop Amazon Fashion - 20% Off Athletic Shoes.

Peter Collier and David Horowitz, Destructive Generation

There's an enduring vitality to the work of David Horowitz. Folks may recall that in fact he's not popular among many on the right. And I take seriously the personal, professional repudiation of Horowitz by those among whom I count friends (including some very close friends from the right blogosphere). But be that as it may, when pondering the perplexing continued influence of the radical left in America, you're not going to fall astray by reading Horowitz's updates. I've read a number of his books, including those written with his long time colleague Peter Collier. The combination of personal bitterness and historical memory makes for very compelling reading. And having met Horowitz and listened to him speak on a number of occasions, I know that his words express unsurpassed first-hand experience. It's why he's so widely reviled by those on the left. He's got their number down to a tee.

Here's Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties. These are discrete essays. I recommend starting with Chapter 6, "Divided Loyalties: The Fifth-Column Left," which brilliantly chronicles the historical continuities of the left's treason and subterfuge over the decades. (And readers will be amazed at how some of the Democrat Party's top leadership today populate the history of New Left radicalism going back decades.)

And check the authors' essay at FrontPage Magazine, "Destructive Generation":

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The Left that the Sixties created tends to lose the battles: whether it is the push to erase the differences between the sexes, or to take away Everyman’s SUV, or to define down the terrorism of those who would bring their war into the heartland of this country. When they have the opportunity, the American people usually reject such ideas. But the Left wages a permanent war, and therefore often seems to be winning in the midst of its losses. Its survivorship comes from the fact that even as radicals were losing the decade-long referendum on their radical plans in the Sixties, they seized cultural citadels that allowed them to continue a stealth fight later on.

One of these citadels was the “elite” media, whose commitment to leftish ideas is so complete that it has become a series of scandals: Dan Rather’s bogus “exposé” about George W. Bush’s National Guard service, for instance, or Newsweek’s fraudulent report that Americans guarding al-Qaeda soldiers at Guantanamo desecrated the Koran—a story whose retraction did not keep sister publications such as the New York Times, the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the Los Angeles Times from editorializing, in essence, that Newsweek was right even though it was wrong or from continuing to pursue the Gitmo story like a vendetta.

Another citadel is commanded by the big foundations, notably Ford and Rockefeller, which have invested vast sums in movements carrying more than a whiff of the Sixties—a separatist Hispanic movement with an ethnic agenda rather than an assimilative one; and groups such as Catholics for Free Choice, created out of whole cloth to oppose the Catholic Church on abortion and other issues.

But nowhere is the entrenchment of the Sixties mentality more complete or more destructive than in the university. That the Left should now dominate the academy involves a savage irony, of course. It was only after failing in their intent to burn down the university in the Sixties that radicals decided to get on the tenure track in the Seventies. Unimpeded in their long march through these institutions by fair-minded centrists of the sort they themselves now refuse to hire, these Leftists have brought a postmodern Dark Age to higher education—“deconstructing” objective truths to pave the way for chic academic nihilism; creating a curriculum of contempt for American history and culture; and transforming many classrooms into chambers of inquisition and indoctrination. Some of them now profess to be embarrassed by the “excess” of a Ward Churchill, and no wonder: his sin is to reveal by his blatancy the agenda they try to disguise through stealth and subtle misdirection.

Former SDS president Todd Gitlin, currently a professor of sociology and journalism at Columbia whose academic work has centered on mythologizing the Sixties, candidly acknowledged the Left’s academic coup in a recent essay he called “Varieties of Patriotic Experience.” Writing about the failure of his—and our—former comrades to produce a revolution in the streets during the Sixties, Gitlin comments:
My generation of the New Left—a generation that grew as the [Vietnam] war went on—relinquished any title to patriotism without much sense of loss … . All that was left to the Left was to unearth righteous traditions and cultivate them in universities. The much-mocked “political correctness” of the next academic generations was a consolation prize. We lost—we squandered the politics—but won the textbooks.
Gitlin is as wrong in implying that the New Left, even in its earliest moments, ever had a “righteous” plan as he is in suggesting that establishing an atmosphere of political intimidation in the universities is simply a trivial pursuit. The “consolation” offered by the takeover is revolution by other means. And not least among the Left’s objectives now that the university is under its thumb is consolidating its fantasy of the Sixties as the Last Good Time. There are literally hundreds of college courses devoted to the history of the decade, but the growing literature of second thoughts—along with other dissident views—is virtually absent from the course lists.

Our book is no exception. Running for President in 2000, George W. Bush said that Destructive Generation was one of the three books that had formed his worldview on how America veered off course in the postwar era. But university professors have consigned this book to the memory hole, along with other books of second thoughts like Commies: My Journey Through the Old Left, the New Left and the Leftover Left, by Ronald Radosh, and Professing Feminism: Indoctrination and Education in Women’s Studies, by Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, former professors of women’s studies.

The erasure of an entire side of a critical argument calls to mind Stalin’s famous trick of airbrushing opponents out of photos so that they simply ceased to be part of history. The consequences can be measured by what is now the conventional treatment of two groups we wrote about in Destructive Generation, the Black Panther Party and the Weather Underground. Both were central to the meaning of the Sixties; both are now treated by the academy in a way that reverses novelist Milan Kundera’s famous formulation about the power of memory over forgetting. Forgetting—an induced amnesia—is exactly the point of the current pedagogy...

And pick up your copy at Amazon.

Barry Rubin's Silent Revolution

I'm going to post some book selections throughout the day, for folks still working on last-minute Christmas shopping. Amazon will ship in time for Christmas if you're shopping today.

I can't recommend Barry Rubin's book enough, Silent Revolution: How the Left Rose to Political Power and Cultural Dominance.

So timely, there's no other book that pulls together the disparate ideological strands of our current far-left predicament under the Obama interregnum. I'm reading Chapter 7 right now, "Barack Obama as a Case Study of a Third Left Cadre."

Rubin's "Third Left" is the far-left ideological tendency that arose out of the ashes of the two previous lefts, the Communist Party of the 1920s-1950s and the New Left of the 1960s and 1970s. The "Third Left" today is what the MSM deceptively identifies as "progressive" liberalism. As I've said many times, progressives are communists. According to Rubin, they've adopted a subterranean ideological program of seizing power across America's leading institutions, particularly the universities and the mainstream press. Millions of students have been marinated in the cultural and intellectual theories of Third Left practitioners, and through this strategy, "the far left converted to its views tens of millions of people, most of them unaware of how outlandish these ideas were and how fundamentally they undermined the basis of America's success."

It's a classic. Available at Amazon.

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Just Finished 'The Hunger Games'

There was something about the latest film, "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1," that piqued my interest more than usual. (The problem of totalitarianism really came out, especially at the conclusion.)

I took my kid to see it on the opening weekend. Impressed, I came home and picked up my older son's copy of the first volume in the series, "The Hunger Games."

A great gift item for Christmas, at Amazon, "The Hunger Games Box Set: Foil Edition."

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London Pub's Offer to Feed the Homeless Christmas Dinner Goes Viral

So awesome.

A pub in north London has been overwhelmed by support after their offer to feed the homeless a Christmas dinner went viral.

The William IV pub, on Shepherdess Walk, Islington, tweeted earlier this week: “This Sunday. We are open to the homless and hungry. Proper xmas dinner. Please spread the word and love”.

The tweet was instantly picked up by social media users, who celebrated the pub’s staff and owner’s actions. It has since been retweeted almost seven thousand times.

Chef and manager Adam Hardiman will offer homeless individuals a full roast, including a carvery of turkey, beef and salmon – with all the trimings from 12 to 3pm this Sunday.
So beautiful.

And of course, this is the kind of warm-hearted charity that big-government nanny-staters can't stand. For example, see, "Don't let the Left ruin our crusade... writes food bank pioneer ROBIN AITKEN."

Guaranteed. If the good people of the private sector do good works, leftists will try to ruin it. One way or another, leftists will destroy basic decency and holiday cheer.

Drone Video of Synchronized Holiday Lights


This is really cool.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Countdown

Hey, Amazon's got "12 Days of Deals" --- so if you're doing any Christmas shopping, it's much appreciated when you click through at AmPow's Amazon links!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cyber Week

It's not just Monday.

Keep shopping all week at Amazon, Shop Amazon Cyber Monday Deals Week.