Showing posts with label Glenn Greenwald. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenn Greenwald. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Backlash Against Britain's Treasonous Guardian Newspaper

I check Louise Mensch's Twitter feed everyday.

She's been on a crusade to bring charges against the Guardian UK for its treasonous publication of the NSA files, including the identities of UK intelligence personnel.

And see the devastating editorial at London's Daily Mail, "The paper that helps Britain's enemies."

Also at CIF Watch, "The paper which hates Britain? Guardian leaks ‘worst blow to British intel ever’":
The focus of this blog is of course to monitor the Guardian for antisemitism and the assault on Israel’s legitimacy, but it’s vital to understand the broader ideology which inspires the anti-Zionism we are constantly documenting.  Glenn Greenwald, as with his fellow political travelers at the Guardian, is not a mere “progressive” commentator (yet alone a “journalist) but, rather, a radical activist inspired by an “anti-imperialist” ideology which holds his own country and its democratic allies in contempt, and advances propaganda which amplifies the message of our enemies.

The Guardian’s editor Alan Rusbridger, typifying the vitriol directed against the West by many within the leftist intelligentsia, in defending his paper’s right to publish classified documents, referred to George Orwell’s book ’1984′ and argued that US and British intelligence gathering went “beyond Orwell’s imagination”. However, Orwell understood the advantages of even flawed democracies over totalitarian regimes and realized the danger of an intellectual elite which doesn’t understand such stark moral differences.

In 1945, Orwell published “Notes on Nationalism” which argued that within the leftist intelligentsia there is “a derisive and mildly hostile attitude towards Britain [that] is more or less compulsory”, and that that, to such intellectuals, political outrage is inevitably directed not towards truly totalitarian regimes, but “almost entirely against Britain and the United States.”

The Guardian’s role in nurturing indifference towards its own country’s national security – a political orientation John Stuart Mill characterized as a “decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling” – should rightly be seen as a genuine threat to the Western political values to which true liberals remain loyal.

Guardian editors and contributors may not hate Britain, but their activism certainly serves to aid and abet those who do.
Actually, I disagree there: They hate their country with a white-hot revulsion, as do any hard-leftists in any country, such as the American left supporting traitors such as Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden himself.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Guardian's Gift to Terrorists

And Glenn Greenwald's gift to terrorists, the f-king traitor.

At London's Daily Mail, "'The Guardian has handed a gift to terrorists', warns MI5 chief: Left-wing paper's Edward Snowden leaks caused 'greatest damage to western security in history' say Whitehall insiders":
A massive cache of stolen top-secret documents published in The Guardian has handed a ‘gift’ to terrorists, the head of MI5 warned last night.

In a blistering attack, Andrew Parker said the publication of confidential files leaked by US fugitive Edward Snowden had caused huge ‘harm’ to the capability of Britain’s intelligence services. Security officials say the exposé amounts to a ‘guide book’, advising terrorists on the best way to avoid detection when plotting an atrocity.

In Whitehall, it is considered to have caused the greatest damage to the Western security apparatus in history. In his first public speech since taking the job earlier this year, Mr Parker said the leaks handed the ‘advantage’ to terrorists and were a ‘gift they need to evade us and strike at will’.

He said there were several thousand Islamist extremists living in the UK who ‘see the British people as a legitimate target’.

The security services were working round the clock to stop the fanatics, but MI5 was now ‘tackling threats on more fronts than ever before’....

Mr Parker said: ‘What we know about the terrorists, and the detail of the capabilities we use against them, together represent our margin of advantage. That margin gives us the prospect of being able to detect their plots and stop them.

‘But that margin is under attack. Reporting from GCHQ is vital to the safety of this country and its citizens.

‘GCHQ intelligence has played a vital role in stopping many of the terrorist plots that MI5 and the police have tackled in the past decade.

‘It causes enormous damage to make public the reach and limits of GCHQ techniques. Such information hands the advantage to the terrorists.

'It is the gift they need to evade us and strike at will. Unfashionable as it might seem, that is why we must keep secrets secret, and why not doing so causes such harm.’

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

18 Questions for the Guardian UK

From Louise Mensch:
Remember, the Guardian said they agreed to destroy their computers – all of them – that contained the intel; they professed that they did not know what David Miranda was carrying – I believe their corduroy pants to be on fire even as we speak.

If they lied and kept copies and physically shifted the data, the UK and US intelligence agencies should go after them full throttle for espionage. At the bottom of this blog we have the police opening a criminal investigation into Miranda - remember the relief against that bit is only temporary – for transporting this data… if the Guardian have done it, they should be pursued in exactly the same way. Same with the New York Times.

She links Anderson Cooper's interview with Greenwald and Miranda, "Glenn Greenwald 'JOURNALISM IS NOT A CRIME AND IT'S NOT TERRORISM!'"

I think he's in over his head. Good thing, too. He won't ever be allowed in either the U.S. or Britain without possibly facing charges.

More at Memeorandum, "New York Times and Guardian Will Publish More Snowden Revelations."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Louise Mensch on BBC's Newsnight

Along with computer hacker Jacob Applebaum.

A righteous rampage. See her post, "David Miranda – Snowden’s Mule, and physical data."

I love the incredible clarity of her presentation on the BBC. She just destroys this idiot Applebaum.

The short version's at the BBC, "Miranda detention : Ex-MP Mensch v computer scientist."

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The 'Overblown Reaction' to Arrest of David Miranda

From the formidable British neoconservative Douglas Murray, "The reaction to David Miranda’s detention is completely ridiculous":
It may not have been the smartest move to detain David Miranda, the Brazilian partner of Guardian ‘journalist’ Glenn Greenwald, under the Terrorism Act.  But the explosion of righteous anger over the episode is ridiculous.

Starting with the outraged claim that Miranda was arrested only because of his connection with Greenwald. Wrong. Greenwald himself has previously told journalists that his partner assists him in his work. That present ‘work’ consists of engineering the leak of massive amounts of classified intelligence from a source – Edward Snowden – currently granted asylum in Moscow. Greenwald’s partner was travelling through London from a meeting using plane-tickets paid for by the Guardian and – it now transpires – appears to have been carrying files from Snowden. So all those ‘this could happen to any of us’ pieces are only really relevant if you happen to use your partner as a mule for industrial-scale sabotage against states you’re planning to travel to.

However, it seems to have become a variety of received wisdom that the rights we now enjoy should include the right to steal and publish vast amounts of secret intelligence that damages the intelligence-gathering abilities and thus the future national security of the UK and our allies. Crucially, it seems to be believed, if we exercise this right to steal we must also be entirely free from harassment by the countries we are targeting.  Perhaps in future this lovely set of presumptions will come to be known to as the new ’Miranda rights’?

Like Julian Assange, Snowden, Greenwald et al fall into that class of person who when people ask, ‘who has the right to know’ answers ‘we do.’ In particular they think that they know better than any security service what should and should not be in the public domain and how best a country should carry out surveillance. Except they don’t. And it’s not their point anyway. None of these new ‘freedom of information’ campaigners are ‘journalists’ working for this or any high-minded goal. They are simple saboteurs with an increasingly clear and specific anti-Western agenda. It is wrong to say that they don’t care how hampered our intelligence services might be as a result. They do care. They want them to be hampered.
Well, they're cyber-terrorists and traitors. No need to go wobbly on the point.

But continue reading.

'Red Hot' Louise Mensch Update

I had an angry drive-by commenter pushing back hard against Louise Mensch at last night's post --- which was about Glenn Greenwald, not Ms. Mensch, which the commenter ignored in order to blast any good word for the former Conservative MP.

So she wanted to rise up the Tory hierarchy, with her sights on a possible bid for No. 10 Downing? The horrors!

In any case, here's an update, "10 Rules for Red Hot Women."

And from the interview at Red Hot Magazine:
As a novelist she wrote bestsellers, as an MP she grilled the Murdochs and as a blogger she is reinventing feminism. Saska Graville meets the unstoppable Louise Mensch at her new home in New York.
Louise Mensch photo BQrpRsDCAAEoiMZ_zps049ab757.jpg

And see her latest piece at Telegraph UK, "David Miranda detention: Why I believe the Guardian has smeared Britain's security services."

Louise Mensch Slams Lying Liar Glenn Greenwald!

I've cooled on Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden, although this latest development --- where Greenwald's threatened to dump British intelligence secrets in retaliation for his partner's detention --- is pretty juicy.

Mandy Nagy has the background, at Legal Insurrection, "Greenwald says he’ll publish UK documents after partner detained in London." Plus, a bunch of links at Memeorandum.

But what really got me writing on this is the righteously angry post at Louise Mensch's blog, Unfasionhista, "The Smears of Glenn Greenwald and the Guardian – a primer."

And if you're unfamiliar with her, Ms. Mensch served as a Conservative Member of Parliament from 2010 to 2012.

Check her out on Twitter. A fascinating woman.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

David Michael Miranda, Glenn Greenwald's Partner, Detained 9 Hours at Heathrow

Here's the big story this afternoon, even making the New York Times, "Britain Detains Partner of Reporter Tied to Leaks."

Here's the happy couple:

And see Greenwald's response, "Detaining my partner: a failed attempt at intimidation":
At 6:30 am this morning my time - 5:30 am on the East Coast of the US - I received a telephone call from someone who identified himself as a "security official at Heathrow airport." He told me that my partner, David Miranda, had been "detained" at the London airport "under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act of 2000."

David had spent the last week in Berlin, where he stayed with Laura Poitras, the US filmmaker who has worked with me extensively on the NSA stories. A Brazilian citizen, he was returning to our home in Rio de Janeiro this morning on British Airways, flying first to London and then on to Rio. When he arrived in London this morning, he was detained.

At the time the "security official" called me, David had been detained for 3 hours. The security official told me that they had the right to detain him for up to 9 hours in order to question him, at which point they could either arrest and charge him or ask a court to extend the question time. The official - who refused to give his name but would only identify himself by his number: 203654 - said David was not allowed to have a lawyer present, nor would they allow me to talk to him.

I immediately contacted the Guardian, which sent lawyers to the airport, as well various Brazilian officials I know. Within the hour, several senior Brazilian officials were engaged and expressing indignation over what was being done. The Guardian has the full story here.

Despite all that, five more hours went by and neither the Guardian's lawyers nor Brazilian officials, including the Ambassador to the UK in London, were able to obtain any information about David. We spent most of that time contemplating the charges he would likely face once the 9-hour period elapsed.
Continue reading.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Guardian and Observer Runs Front-Page Story on Secret European-U.S. Surveiliance Deal Sourced to Jew-Hating Conspiracy Theorist Wayne Madsen

Here's the cover image on Twitter:

Here's Michael Moynihan:

And Louise Mensch calls out Madsen:

And checking the Guardian's homepage, here's the headline at the link for the article, "Taken down: deals to hand over private data to America."

The piece is still available, however, at Democratic Underground (with a Che Guevara avatar adding a nice touch there), "GUARDIAN: Revealed: secret European deals to hand over private data to America":
At least six European Union countries in addition to Britain have been colluding with the US over the mass harvesting of personal communications data, according to a former contractor to America's National Security Agency, who said the public should not be "kept in the dark".

Wayne Madsen, a former US navy lieutenant who first worked for the NSA in 1985 and over the next 12 years held several sensitive positions within the agency, names Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain and Italy as having secret deals with the US.

Madsen said the countries had "formal second and third party status" under signal intelligence (Sigint) agreements that compels them to hand over data, including mobile phone and internet information to the NSA if requested.

Under international intelligence agreements, confirmed by declassified documents, nations are categorised by the US according to their trust level. The US is first party while the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand enjoy second party relationships. Germany and France have third party relationships.
And it's clear the Guardian's editors knew of Madsen's reputation as a conspiracy theorist, as the article makes mention of their source's controversial background:
In an interview published last night on the blog, Madsen, who has been attacked for holding controversial views on espionage issues, said he had decided to speak out after becoming concerned about the "half story" told by EU politicians regarding the extent of the NSA's activities in Europe.

He said that under the agreements, which were drawn up after the second world war, the "NSA gets the lion's share" of the Sigint "take". In return, the third parties to the NSA agreements received "highly sanitised intelligence".

Madsen said he was alarmed at the "sanctimonious outcry" of political leaders who were "feigning shock" about the spying operations while staying silent about their own arrangements with the US, and was particularly concerned that senior German politicians had accused the UK of spying when their country had a similar third party deal with the NSA.

Although the level of co-operation provided by other European countries to the NSA is not on the same scale as that provided by the UK, the allegations are potentially embarrassing.

"I can't understand how Angela Merkel can keep a straight face, demanding assurances from Obama and the UK while Germany has entered into those exact relationships," Madsen said.
Read the whole thing at Southport - UK Front Pages.

And it turns out this Madsen dude's a regular on 9/11 truth central's Prison Planet with Alex Jones.

And according this pro-Israel website, the dude's a raving anti-Semite, "Wayne Madsen Promotes Classic Anti-Semitism on Iran’s PressTV," and "So Typical of Wayne Madsen’s Paranoia, Da Joos “Control” Obama and Romney." (Follow the links at those entries.)

I'll update with developments, but it's pretty telling that the far-left Guardian went ahead with a front-page story, with the hard copy print runs already rolling, while sourcing a hardcore 9/11 truther and Jew-hating conspiracy theorist. Well, come to think of it, that's not too different from Glenn Greenwald's ideological program, so there you go.

PREVIOUSLY: "Glenn Greenwald Speaks on NSA Surveillance at Socialism 2013 Conference."

Glenn Greenwald Speaks on NSA Surveillance at Socialism 2013 Conference

I think it's pretty telling that these people (Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill who introduces him) are addressing a conference of Marxists, who are by definition anti-American. Greenwald goes on about how the main responsibility of journalism is to piss off those in power. I'm amazed at how radical leftists reject the idea that there is nothing that government might keep secret in the name of carrying out national security programs. Certainly more honesty and transparency in government is needed, especially under this administration, which has done nothing but lie about what it's doing, but the left's cries of tyranny would be much more credible if they were joined by widespread protests against the Democrats and calls for impeachment of President Obama. Progressives pushed for impeachment of President George W. Bush, to say nothing of multiple calls for war crimes trials for the entire membership of the hated Bush-Cheney cabal. One those who called for that very thing, who now talks a tough game on civil liberties while refusing to walk the walk, is the idiot Kevin Gosztola at Firedoglake.

He's got an entry on this up this afternoon, "Glenn Greenwald’s Speech to the Socialism Conference [with Transcript]." (Via Memeorandum.)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Glenn Greenwald's 'Hairy Jocks' Porn Business

Well, well, well.

When you dig down, virtually all these prominent homosexual intellectuals have some sordid background as "RawMuscleGlutes" or "Hairy Jocks" pornography mofos.

And now it's Greenwald's turn for the depraved deep background to emerge, if he we didn't think he was depraved enough already.

At the New York Daily News, "Glenn Greenwald, journalist who broke Edward Snowden story, was once lawyer sued over porn business."

Read it all at the link. Greenwald was supposedly getting 50 percent profits in a porno outfit called "Hairy Jocks," in which he had a personal, ah, hands on role in creative content.

More at London's Daily Mail, "Journalist who helped Edward Snowden expose the NSA scandal was previously sued by business partner over running of 'Hairy Jocks' porn business."

This is great!

I've been waiting for a Glenn Greenwald "RawMusclesGlutes" moment. This is gold! Gold, I tell you!

ADDED: From Robert Stacy McCain, "Glenn Greenwald Is a Ridiculous Joke (And Alas, the Internet Never Forgets)."

Monday, June 24, 2013

Bush Official Defends Obama on #NSA Scandal

That would be Marc Thiessen, who is interviewed by Lee Stranahan at Big Government:
Theissen has been a passionate defender of the NSA and the programs exposed by former contractor Edward Snowden. He believes that conservative critics of the NSA need to pause and reconsider their attacks. He points out the PRISM program that's been the subject of much controversy was put into place by the Bush Administration and has been widely mis-characterized.

In an exclusive interview, he told Breitbart News "Programs like this are the only thing we have to protect us from terror. There are three ways to stop terrorists from carrying out an attack: interrogation, infiltration and interception. We've stopped interrogations. Infiltration has proven incredibly hard with these groups. So we're left with interception; using information to try and keep the worst from happening."

Theissen's assessment of the importance of PRISM is blunt: "If we lose this, we're blind."

I agree with him completely.

PREVIOUSLY: "Yes, Publishing #NSA Secrets Is a Crime."

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lee Stranahan Rips Glenn Greenwald — And His Sycophants on Left and Right

On Twitter today:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Yes, Publishing #NSA Secrets Is a Crime

From Marc Thiessen, at the Washington Post:
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) sparked a firestorm last week with his suggestion that Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian reporter who exposed the National Security Agency’s terrorist surveillance activities, ought to be arrested before he can publish more U.S. secrets.

Greenwald responded that King wanted to prosecute him for “the crime of doing journalism.” Wrong. Greenwald’s crime is violating 18 USC § 798, which makes it a criminal act to publish classified information revealing government cryptography or communications intelligence.

The law is absolutely clear. It states: “Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information— (1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of the United States or any foreign government; or (2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes; or (3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or (4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”

Note that emphasis, which I added: The law specifically states that publishing, not just divulging, such information is a federal crime. Greenwald clearly violated this law (as did The Post, for that matter, when it published classified details of the NSA’s PRISM program).

As a matter of prosecutorial discretion, the Justice Department may choose not to charge The Post or Greenwald for these criminal acts. But it is neither outrageous nor incorrect for Peter King to state that they are criminal acts. Nor is it unreasonable for a federal lawmaker to argue that federal law should be enforced.
Continue reading.

I'm sure Greenwald's getting a good laugh out of this, but still, the law's the law. Maybe he should come back to the U.S. and take his chances?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Glenn Greenwald Blamed the U.S. for 9/11 and Called for the 'Weakening of America...'

I blog about Glenn Greenwald quite a bit. He's consistent and makes the loser leftists look like dolts.

But I'm amazed at how the libertarian right is lionizing him, obviously clueless to Greenwald's anti-Americanism and vile Israel-hatred.

But Trevor Loudon's got the dope, "“9/11″ Was “Very Minimal in Scope”, Calls for the “Weakening of America” – NSA Leaks Journalist Glenn Greenwald."

Read it all.