Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts

Saturday, December 20, 2014

James Holmes' Parents Plead Against Death Penalty

At LAT, "James Holmes' parents plead for their son: 'He is not a monster'":

The parents of shooting suspect James Holmes pleaded for their son’s life in a letter sent Friday, arguing that the man accused in the deadly rampage at a suburban Denver movie theater is mentally ill and should be institutionalized for life instead of facing execution.

Holmes, 27, faces the death penalty if he is convicted of killing 12 people and injuring 70 in the 2012 attack on a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. Jury selection is scheduled to start Jan. 20.

The case has reignited arguments over gun control, the death penalty and whether to execute people who are mentally ill. Holmes has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.

In a letter sent to the Denver Post and emailed to journalists around the country, Robert and Arlene Holmes wrote: “We are always praying for everyone in Aurora. We wish that July 20, 2012, never happened.”

Of their son, they wrote, “We have read postings on the Internet that have likened him to a monster. He is not a monster. He is a human being gripped by a severe mental illness.”

It was Robert and Arlene Holmes’ first comments except for a brief statement immediately after the attack at the theater.

“Treatment in an institution would be best for our son,” they wrote. “We love our son, we have always loved him and we do not want him to be executed.”
There must be some significant doubt about that insanity plea. If the courts find him competent, the f-ker should fry.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Emotional Support Animals

At Althouse, "So the lady getting on the plane with you seems to be carrying a duffel bag, 'But it turns out it wasn't a duffel bag'."

And from the comments:
This is getting crazy. Yesterday, a lady sat next to me on a flight from Denver to Newark. She had a small dog that she let out of her cage after a few hours. The dog took a crap on her side and she stepped in it. She cleaned up as best she could, but the smell lingered.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Deep Denials, Missed Chances on Newtown Murderer Adam Lanza

This makes me sick. Nancy Lanza especially. She practically deserved to die for her gross negligence toward her son's psychiatric care.

At LAT, "New report on Newtown shooter: Parental denial, breakdowns, missed opportunities":
In February 2007, Yale clinicians identified in Adam Lanza what they believed were profound emotional disabilities and offered him treatment that could give him relief for the first time in his troubled life.

But Adam was angry and anxious, and he didn't want to go. His mother, Nancy Lanza, constantly placating her son, was inclined to pull away from the treatment, prompting a psychiatric nurse to reach out to his father, Peter Lanza, in an urgent email.

"I told Adam he has a biological disorder that can be helped with medication. I told him what the medicines are and why they can work. I told him he's living in a box right now and the box will only get smaller over time if he doesn't get some treatment."

Nancy Lanza rejected the Yale doctors' plan. Adam was 14.

Six years later, Adam, now an emaciated recluse and fixated with mass killers, murdered his mother and massacred 20 children and six educators before turning a gun on himself at the elementary school he once attended in the Sandy Hook section of Newtown.

A report released today by the Office of the Child Advocate pointed to the Yale episode as one of dozens of red flags, squandered opportunities, blatant family denial and disturbing failures by pediatricians, educators and mental health professionals to see a complete picture of Adam Lanza's "crippling" social and emotional disabilities.

While the report does not draw a line between the events in Adam Lanza's young life and the massacre, it points out repeated examples where the profound anxiety and rage simmering inside Lanza was not explored in favor of attempts to manage his symptoms.

For example, at the apex of Adam's increasing phobias and problems coping with middle school, he went to a pediatrician and was repeatedly prescribed a lotion to soothe hands rubbed raw by excessive washing and a laxative to ease constipation brought on by a dangerous loss of weight. Yet, the authors note that there was no effort during these visits to address the underlying causes. A visit to a hospital emergency room was cut short before there was a chance for clinicians to explore Adam's problems at greater depth and schedule him for long-term treatment because Nancy Lanza said that being at the hospital was making Adam anxious.

"This shooting could have been stopped at any point along the trajectory of (Adam Lanza's) life," said Scarlett Lewis, whose son Jesse was one of the first-graders killed in classrooms in the Sandy Hook School.

"Red flags were evident, yet procedures were not in place to effectively deal with the issues. This is a systemic concern," Lewis said.

Lewis has started a foundation in her son's honor called the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation to create and promote social and emotional learning programs for school-aged children.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Should Children Be Held Back for Kindergarten?

Well, we held back our youngest son, who has ADHD and other neurological issues. And remember, I used to be skeptical of all the reports of ADHD, especially among my own students at college. But until you have a child with severe developmental issues, it's really hard to comprehend what kids --- and their parents --- go through.

So, keeping a kid back depends on the kid. Our oldest son is an outstanding student, basically a regular kid. He went to kindergarten when he was 5. But we kept back our second son and I'm glad we did. It's been helpful.

Either way, check the Wall Street Journal, "Many parents are holding back their 5-year-olds from school for a year, but the benefits are doubtful."

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Secretary of State Debra Bowen, Suffering From Depression, Now Lives in Trailer Park

Secretary Bowen is speaking out. She's suffered from depression in the past, and is currently having a relapse. She mentioned that she wanted to go public with her illness, especially in light of Robin Williams' death. She's termed out of office after this year, but now folks are questioning her continuing fitness to serve.

At LAT, "Secretary of State Debra Bowen tells of struggle with depression."

Also, "Secretary of state's disclosure of depression draws support, concern."

Friday, June 27, 2014

What Did Happen Exactly to James Hong, David Wang, and George Chen?

I'm really disliking this 20/20 Barbara Walters interview with Peter Rodger, Elliot Rodger's dad.

I might blog it tomorrow. I think Mr. Rodger is lying about how "surprised" he was at his son's rampage. He even sees his son as the "victim," not the perpetrator. (Or he thought his son was the "victim" when he first got news from Isla Vista.)

Meanwhile, here's the front-page report out a week or so ago at the Los Angeles Times "UCSB friends were victims of circumstance."

Also, "Elliot Rodger may have used knife, hammer, machete in killings, attorney says."

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Las Vegas Police Release New Video of Jerad Miller Shooting

At the Las Vegas Sun, "Metro confirms police gunfire took out cop-killer: Assistant sheriff also confirms officer was wounded at Wal-Mart shootout":

In the video, it appears that Amanda Miller fires into her husband, then took her own life with a handgun.

But McMahill said further investigation – and corroboration from the Clark County Coroner’s Office – showed the fatal shot came from a Metro firearm.

“The male was shot, in fact, by police fire just prior to this incident,” McMahill said after the video was shown.

Three officers fired their weapons, and all are on leave pending Metro’s standard procedure after an officer-involved shooting.

The video shows Jerad and Amanda Miller on the floor in an aisle that appears to be an automotive section at the back of the store.

At one point, Jared Miller looks at his wife and puts his face down. Amanda Miller then takes her handgun, twists it around in her hand and begins to point it at her head. Metro cut the video at that point.

Asked if Jerad Miller was wearing a bulletproof vest — he is wearing a dark vest of some kind in the video — McMahill would not say.

Additionally, McMahill confirmed a Sun report that an officer involved in the firefight inside the Wal-Mart suffered a wound to the upper right thigh. The officer didn’t discover the wound until later in the day after he had gone home, and he sought hospital treatment on his own.

McMahill didn’t say whether the officer suffered a gunshot wound, was hit by shrapnel or other details about the officer’s wound.

“I simply don’t know … it’s part of our investigation,” he said.

Also at KLAS-TV Las Vegas, "Metro Police interacted with Millers 3 times before shooting."

And at NBC News, "Police Fatally Shot Las Vegas Gunman Jerad Miller During Gunfight."

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How Could Effeminate Elliot Roger Overpower and Stab Three Men to Death?

I was wondering about this almost as soon as I'd heard the news that Rodger killed his roommates by knifing them to death.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Isla Vista returning to normal as painful questions linger":
Exactly how the rampage began remains one of the case's key mysteries. How did a physically unimposing 22-year-old manage to stab three men to death, apparently without drawing anyone's attention? Police are not releasing any details of their findings in the investigation.

On Monday, students were puzzling over how it could have happened.  "It's kind of unbelievable," said Bonan Yan, who took computer science classes with the stabbing victims.

Zhe Lu, another computer science student who knew the victims, said: "If a person was in danger for his life, I think he would try everything to escape. From a door. From a window...."

Wang's mother, Jane Liu, told KNTV-TV Channel 11 in the Bay Area that her son was upset by loud music that Rodger played in the middle of the night and had decided to find another apartment for the next school year...
Keep reading.

And at KEYT Santa Barbara, "Parents Help Students Heal from Isla Vista Mass Murders."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hijacking a Murder to Boost Self-Esteem — #YesAllWomen

From Heather Wilhelm, at the Federalist:
Let’s make no mistake—sexual assault is a serious problem. The sad reality is that women have to take more safety precautions than men. But #YesAllWomen, when it comes down to it, isn’t even remotely about sexual assault. It’s not about feminism or empowerment, or practical solutions to crime (like, say, concealed carry laws), and it certainly has nothing to do with a deranged college student killing six people. It’s about taking a tragedy and turning it into “I Want To Talk About Me.” In fact, #YesAllWomen might end up being the most narcissistic event of 2014, which is saying something, given that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West just got married.
Well, I'd disagree a little on the "not about feminism" part, but otherwise awesome.

See also the Other McCain, "Creepy Little Weirdo’s Murder Rant Becomes Cultural ‘Rashomon’."

This Is the Best Psychological Profile of Elliot Rodger You're Likely to Read

At Château Heartiste, "The Psychosis of the Effeminate Male":
From what I can glean, Elliot Rodger failed with women because he was a social retard. That’s pretty much all there is to it. News stories say he was on meds for asperger’s, and was in therapy. Social retardation diseases like any of the autism spectrum disorders are kryptonite to girls; no behavioral or physical defect is as debilitating to a man’s chances in the sexual market. Proof of his social awkwardness and total lack of anything remotely resembling game is right there in his long-form diary: He thought that “putting himself out there” with girls was sitting on a park bench like Aqualung. That making a serious move on a girl was quickly muttering “hi” as he stumbled past her, later delirious with rage that she didn’t reciprocate with an equally prompt blowjob. That bumping into an Asian dude talking to a cute chick, and glaring at them with his twisted angry face, was acting “cocky and arrogant”. That his effeminate passivity and lack of proactive engagement with women was evidence that they were “ignoring” him.

No, Elliot Rodger was not a failed pickup artist; he was failed human being. A sexless beta male who, stirred and shaken by a lethal cocktail of life circumstances, racial grievance, mental illness, and morbid narcissism that stunted his development into adulthood and compelled him to prefer morose martyrdom to active efforts at self-improvement, found it easier to blame the degree of his brow ridge tilt for his failure with women...
Turns out Rodger was putting out some pretty heavy gaydar signals as well. (Makes sense for a Hollywood emo progressive.)


Elliot Rodger: Isolated Son Worried Parents — #IslaVistaShooting #UCSB

At the Wall Street Journal, "Late-Night Phone Calls, Online Posts Raised Concern Before California Rampage":
LOS ANGELES—To keep her shy son Elliot from being lonely, Chin Rodger steadfastly arranged play dates for the fifth-grader, even as other children his age made plans of their own, classmates and parents said. When Elliot grew more frustrated and isolated as he got older, his parents nursed him through bouts of tearful anguish during late-night phone calls, according to the son's writings.

The parents also arranged for counseling, according to investigators and family friends, and the son's writings. Recently, his mother bought him a black BMW BMW.XE +1.55% to help boost his confidence, a family friend said.

Chin and Peter Rodger, a British commercials director who also worked in film, divorced years ago but remained close to their 22-year-old son and fretted over the young man, including reaching out for help last month after seeing some of his disturbing online posts, according to investigators and family friends.  Even as generous and obliging parents aware of their son's suffering, they had no idea that Mr. Rodger was amassing weapons and laying out a plan to kill, said a family friend in an interview.

Investigators say Elliot Rodger killed six University of California, Santa Barbara, students in a spasm of violence Friday night that shattered the college town of Isla Vista, about 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
Mr. Rodger allegedly stabbed to death three men in his apartment—including two who were his roommates. The three were identified as Cheng Yuan Hong, 20, and George Chen, 19, both from San Jose, Calif., and 20-year-old Weihan Wang of Fremont, Calif....

Elliot's social isolation started from a young age, family friends said, noting that as a boy his mother, who is from Malaysia, took an active role in planning his social life. "She was trying to make sure that her son had friends," said Marianne Bordier, a teacher at Mr. Rodger's elementary school and parent of one of his classmates.

He took solace in playing online video games such as "World of Warcraft" at a local cybercafe and on computers and game consoles that his parents bought him, according to his writings and family friends.

In middle school and high school, he saw himself as suffering because he couldn't get the attention he desired from girls, Mr. Rodger wrote. The family knew he was frustrated with his lack of attention from women, but not that he harbored deeply misogynistic ideas that were laid bare in a 141-page document that Mr. Rodger sent to about 20 people just before he allegedly carried out the murders, according to Mr. Astaire.

"He wasn't aggressive," Mr. Astaire said. "He was more of a sensitive child. There was frustration more than aggression."

When high school and enrollment at a community college near his parents' homes in the suburbs of Los Angeles went poorly, his parents decided he should move to Santa Barbara to start a new life at a local community college, Mr. Rodger wrote. But he dropped out of classes at Santa Barbara City College after he didn't get the attention he sought from women, he wrote.

Santa Barbara City College officials said he attended classes on and off, and was no longer attending by the time of the shootings. School officials there said they have no record of disciplinary problems with him.

According to Mr. Rodger's circulated document, his parents last year took him to a psychiatrist, who prescribed Risperidone, an antipsychotic commonly used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. But Mr. Rodger believed it was "the absolute wrong thing for me to take," and refused to take it, he wrote.
Continue reading.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Elliot Rodger Was Able to Legally Buy Guns, Despite Mental Illness — #UCSB

Here's the outstanding front-page story at today's Los Angeles Times, "In Isla Vista, red flags came too late."

The piece has a lengthy discussion on the Rodger's gun-buying, and notes:
One night last summer, he went to a party and tried to shove women off a ledge where they had been sitting. Several men intervened and pushed him off the ledge instead, and he injured his ankle.

He was treated at a clinic for his injuries, and police showed up to interview him. In theory, this was an opening for formal, official intervention....

Around the same time, Rodger hatched his plan for what he called "slaughter" and began buying semiautomatic handguns. Again, here was an opportunity for official scrutiny — he was making the purchases legally, abiding by California's background check system and waiting periods.

But Rodger sailed through, because despite his troubles, it does not appear that he triggered any warnings — he had no criminal history; he had never explicitly threatened anyone or been deemed a risk to himself or others; he had never been ordered to submit to involuntary mental health treatment; he had no history of addiction.

Even a diagnosis of serious mental illness, in itself, would not have prevented Rodger from buying a gun under California law, said Lindsay Nichols, staff attorney with the advocacy group Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

If Rodger had issued a threat of violence against specific, identifiable victims to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist would have been required to report it to law enforcement, and Rodger could have been banned from owning guns for five years. That did not happen, and there is no evidence that Rodger made such a threat — in fact, his writings suggest that he had worked studiously to hide his violent plan.

Adam Winkler, a UCLA law professor and expert on gun laws, said that in general, a diagnosis of mental illness doesn't affect a person's right to own a gun in California unless it has been adjudicated by a court or the person has voluntarily checked into a mental facility.

"It's just not a surprise that someone with mental health problems would still be able to get a gun," Winkler said.  Chuck Michel, one of the most prominent gun-rights attorneys in California, said there was nothing in Rodger's background that would have prevented him from being able to buy a gun.

"California's got pretty much every gun control law the gun control lobby wants, and it didn't stop this," he said.
And here's the second piece, from which the above is cribbed, "Isla Vista attacker's struggles didn't prevent gun buying."

Plus, at yesterday's far-left, gun-grabbing New York Times, "Even in a State With Restrictive Laws, Gunman Amassed Weapons and Ammunition."

So, even though California's the gun-grabber's heaven, the state's heavy restrictions failed to prevent the massacre. But it's not common sense or gun safety these people are about, it's about power, control and disarmament. Recall the Bloomberg-backed attack on Deborah Feyerick by Moms Demand Action:

More at Bearing Arms, "Isla Vista Massacre Proves That Strict Gun Control Laws Are Failures."

#YesAllWomen Exploits #IslaVistaShooting to Demonize Men

Over and over this weekend we've seen leftists and feminists argue that Elliot Rodger wasn't mentally ill. I'm simply blown away by these statements. For ghoulish progs the ravings of this literal madman were all about "misogyny" and (unbelievably) "white male privilege" (the suspect's mother is Malaysian-born).

Here's a comment I saw the first night at KEYT:
Actually, it's the definition of misogyny, entitlement, and male privilege. Do your research before you post things like this. People who are classified as mentally ill are actually less likely to commit violent acts because they often don't act out unless they are afraid. Elliot Rodger planned this entire massacre. There is video evidence. There is written, published evidence. He was a misogynist, a 'Men's Rights Activist', and a hateful, deranged man, but he didn't do this because of mental illness. He did this because he genuinely believed that women owed him their bodies and to refuse his sexual advances was a criminal act and an injustice.

This killing spree was committed literally because according to this man, women should not be allowed to make decisions on who they are attracted to. They should not be allowed to exist if they are not existing for the pleasure of men.  And if that doesn't scare you, something is really wrong.
The next commenter responded:
Please google narcissistic personality disorder.
Indeed, he was sick, as Louise Mensch noted when calling out feminists earlier:

On Twitter last night the domonic far-left trolls came out big time. Here's an exchange with a "Mad Scientist," for example, who was literally seething with leftist hatred. Film Ladd had already blocked him:

Twitchy commented on the feminist campaign, "‘Unless they’re conservative’: Feminist hashtag #YesAllWomen gets reality check from those standing ‘strong and free’."

And it was picked up at major MSM outlets, like the L.A. Times, "#YesAllWomen: Isla Vista attack puts a spotlight on gender violence," and at the Wall Street Journal, "California Shooting Sparks Massive Social Media Response From Women: Twitter Hashtag #YesAllWomen Generates More Than 500,000 Tweets by Sunday Afternoon."

A taste of the feminist misandry can be seen at the Boston Globe, "Everyone Needs to Read #Yesallwomen." And back at Twitchy, "‘Perfect example of male entitlement’: Pro-feminist supporters of #YesAllWomen angry about #YesAllPeople."

Professor Chris Ferguson, who is the Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Stetson University in Florida, had this yesterday at Time, "Misogyny Didn’t Turn Elliot Rodger Into a Killer":
Initial reports note that Rodger stabbed to death three roommates before beginning his shooting spree, but his anger appears to have been particularly directed at women. This has led some to speculate that cultural misogyny has contributed to this shooting. For instance, Jessica Valenti, writing in the Guardian, states that “Rodger, like most young American men, was taught that he was entitled to sex and female attention.” And Valenti isn’t the only writer to see cultural misogyny at the core of this shooting. Some reports suggest Rodger may have associated with “men’s rights” groups that view women as hostile....

Linking cultural misogyny to a specific mass shooting is more difficult, however. Although I understand Valenti’s point, I suspect cultural messages on the interaction between men and women are more complex than merely saying that men are taught to feel “entitled” to women’s attention. And although Rodger appears to have been particularly angry at women (and men who were successful with women as he was not), there’s little common thread among mass-homicide perpetrators to target women.

Rodger appears to have indeed been a misogynist, but this misogyny appears to have raged from within, a product of his anger, sexual frustrations and despondency rather than anything “taught” to him by society. Had he not been so focused on his own sexual inadequacies, his focus might simply have moved to mall-goers rather than sorority sisters.  We have an unfortunate trend when mass shootings occur to focus on idiosyncratic elements as potential causes. That is to say, we look for something unique about the shooter to explain why they may have done what they did. The January 2011 Tucson shooting by Jared Loughner was initially (and incorrectly) blamed by some on right-wing political demagoguery. A rare 2010 shooting by a woman, college professor Amy Bishop, led some to speculate on the traumatic experience of tenure denial. Video games are conveniently blamed when the shooter is young, then ignored when a shooter is older.

All of this serves to distract us from the commonalities between such shooters. With few exceptions, they are angry, resentful, mentally ill individuals. Certainly, we are right to worry about the stigmatization of the mentally ill, the vast majority of whom are nonviolent. But pretending no link exists at all with these crimes, if anything, prevents us from considering an overhaul to our mental-health system that could service all individuals in need, whether at any risk for violence or not.
Well, there is one commonality among all the shooters Ferguson cites: They were all far-left ideological fanatics.

But progressives don't want to deal the facts. The "cultural misogyny" program is the ideological underpinning of contemporary radical feminism. As Robert Stacy McCain pointed out last night in his discussion, "Toward Anarchy and Oblivion":

The Apostles of Equality and Progress, who have done everything in their power to destroy whatever vestiges of courtesy, decency, loyalty and honor remained in American society, now presume to disavow the Age of Hatred and Violence they have unleashed upon us. What Burke called the “barbarous philosophy” of the French Revolution — whereby “a king is but a man, a queen is but a woman; a woman is but an animal, and an animal not of the highest order” — has prevailed as he foretold, and the horrifying consequences are everywhere. Lesbian feminist Lisa Needham believes all men are Elliot Rodger:
[T]his might be mental illness, but it is an illness that is not unfamiliar to women who routinely and disproportionately are the victims of harassment, neglect, violence, and death at the hands of men. Rodger’s actions were an extreme manifestation of a cultural view that is not actually uncommon: that women “owe” men attention, that women who don’t put out are bitches, that women who do put out — for other guys, of course — are sluts, and all these women get what they “deserve” — violence from men.
Right. Women are victims “routinely” of “a cultural view that is not actually uncommon,” and a psycho creep who kills six people is just an “extreme manifestation” of this “not unfamiliar” illness....

Los Angeles Times headline: #YesAllWomen: Isla Vista attack puts a spotlight on gender violence — and never mind the fact that four of the six people Elliot Rodger killed in his murder rampage were men: Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez, 20, Cheng Yuan Hong, 20, George Chen, 19, and Weihan Wang, 20. If the facts don’t fit the liberal narrative, liberals will just ignore the facts, and will bristle with indignation if you dare to point out the cognitive dissonance.

“You have to hand it to the liberals: they never miss an opportunity to convert tragedy into political gain,” and who can disagree?

Ginning up hatred is always “political gain” for liberals, and this is what the hashtag #YesAllWomen is about: Convincing women that men are their enemy. The standard Tweet format is for a woman to say that A Terrible Thing happened to her because of a man (or men in general) and #YesAllWomen – a slogan framed as a reply to “Not All Men,” which is a feminist pet peeve: Whenever they complain about men in general, someone is always certain to point out that the generalization is unfair...

Understood in this context, #YesAllWomen is a chip on the shoulder, daring anyone to claim not all men are responsible for violence against women — to frame rape and abuse as a collective victimization of women for which men are collectively to blame.

#UCSB Victim's Father Richard Martinez Bewails Politicians After Sandy Hook - #IslaVistaShooting

Following-up from earlier, "Richard Martinez, Father of #UCSB Student Murdered in #IslaVista Rampage, Blames #NRA for Son's Death."

He's still in shock. Seriously. It's understandable but he looks like a pitiful fool. And it's a travesty that he's being exploited to push the bogus gun control narrative. No one wants to lose their son. I'd be devastated as well. Perhaps he'll become more reasonable as the healing begins. He won't be helped by ghoulish left-wing groups like Mom's Demand Action, that's for sure.

Seen a few minutes ago on Carol Costello's show. She's really pushing the gun control angle, despite the fact that the killer also used knives and his BMW to kill and maim his targets.

Did Police Miss Chance to Stop Elliott Rodger?

The million dollar question at this point.

See Daily Pundit, "Why Didn’t the Cops and Gun Laws Stop This Whackjob Mass Murderer?":
The usual suspects are going to be all over various aspects of this case, which screws with several of their narratives.  First, half of the murders were committed with a knife – an inconvenient fact for the “confiscate and ban guns and all will be safe” crowd, and second, the cops – the very people who are supposed to protect us from everything once we surrender our firearms – weren’t able to prevent this guy from doing what he did, even when they had multiple “warnings.”  (Of course, nobody warned the cops that this guy was planning on committing mass murder – how could they have?)

In actuality, this whole thing is a major and deadly argument against all the phony verities the gun grabbers preach, because it demonstrates that yes, it’s not the gun, it’s the guy using it (or using a knife):  If somebody wants to kill, they can find a weapon that will work.  Also, the cops cannot prevent violence.  Police are a reactive force and, even here, when seconds counted, the cops were minutes away...

And at London's Daily Mail, "Santa Barbara police face internal investigation as it's revealed cops had THREE bizarre encounters with Elliot Rodger over the last year but didn't arrest him after finding him 'polite'."

Also, at Newsday, "Cops who checked on Elliott Rodger didn't see YouTube videos," and at the Los Angeles Daily News, "Authorities walk fine line on mental health holds."

FWIW, more at Scallywag, "Are cops to blame for missing Elliot Rodger plot? Found him polite…"