Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Riot Ideology in Ferguson

At the Other McCain.

Hillary Clinton Barface


And at WaPo, "Hillary Clinton's image is worse than at any point since 2008."

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Police Deny Officers Beat #Ferguson Suspect; Photographer Confirms Jeffrey Williams 'Hanging Around' at Protest

Jeffrey Williams is a piece of leftist scum, and his lawyer sucks big black donkey balls.

At LAT, "Police deny claims that officers beat Ferguson shooting suspect":
A man accused of shooting and wounding two police officers during a protest outside the Ferguson Police Department last week - while possibly aiming for someone else in a crowd of demonstrators - was arraigned Monday, according to the St. Louis County prosecutor's office.

Jeffrey Williams, 20, is charged with two counts of first-degree assault, one count of shooting from a car and three counts of armed criminal action. If convicted, he faces life in prison.

Online court records showed Williams entered no plea.

Late in the day, defense attorney Jerryl Christmas suggested that police had used excessive force during the arrest. Christmas told the Associated Press that Williams had bruises on his back, shoulders and face and a knot on his head. A pastor who visited Williams in jail made similar allegations, and Williams' mug shot appeared to show at least one red mark on his cheek.

Authorities denied wrongdoing.

“The St. Louis County Police Department calls these allegations completely false,” St. Louis County police spokesman Brian Schellman said in an email to the Los Angeles Times, adding that “the arrest team had an overwhelming presence and Williams did not resist whatsoever.”

Williams' interview with detectives shortly after his arrest was recorded on video, and a nurse deemed him fit for confinement, Schellman said.

Williams, who lives near Ferguson, was arrested over the weekend and confessed to firing the shots at the protest early Thursday, officials said Sunday.

Williams told investigators he'd had an argument with someone at the demonstration and hadn't intended to shoot the officers, according to St. Louis County Prosecuting Atty. Robert McCulloch, but officials said they hadn't confirmed that claim. 
A photographer for the St. Louis American newspaper confirmed to the Los Angeles Times that Williams was at the scene earlier in the evening, hanging toward the back of the crowd.
And at the St. Louis American, "Police arrest 20-year-old North County man in connection to police shooting in Ferguson":
St. Louis American photojournalist Lawrence Bryant, who has worked almost every protest since August 9, said he noticed Williams "hanging around" at the protest on Wednesday - specifically as a new face he had never seen before.

"I always notice new faces," Bryant said, "because I wonder what they are there for."

'Wheels Starting to Come Off' Putin Leadership

Watch Julia Ioffe, at CNN.

Plus, at Telegraph UK, "Vladimir Putin reappears in public for first time in 10 days."

And at NYT, "Putin Returns After Curious Absence and Shrugs Off Rumors."

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) Says #Ferguson Protesters 'Despise' Cop-Shooting Suspect for Damage to 'Movement'

Yeah, well, opening fire on the police doesn't go over too well in public opinion.

At the Hill, "Missouri rep: Protesters 'despise' man arrested in Ferguson shootings."

#Ferguson Leftists Excoriate WaPo's Jonathan Capehart for Admitting 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' Was Despicable Lie

Well, at least Capehart was willing to come out on the side of honesty and decency. His leftist attackers, not so much.

At Sooper Mexican, "Ferguson Movement Turns on Liberal Columnist for Admitting ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ Was a Lie."

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hillary Clinton Changes Story on Email Scandal

Dirtbags. Scum-sucking money-grubbing no good dirtbags. Always have been.

From Thomas Lifson, at the American Thinker, "Team Hillary changes its story on e-mail deletions."

And following the links, at the Wall Street Journal, "Hillary Clinton Spokesman: We Did Read Each Email."

Well for crying out loud, make up your freakin' minds.

Family of Jeffrey Williams Confirms Cop-Shooting Suspect 'Had Taken Part' in #Ferguson Protests

Of course he "had taken part" in the protests.

Photos show him on the ground in Ferguson. And now the family confirms he was a "demonstrator."

At the New York Times, "Man Accused of Shooting Police Officers in Ferguson Appears in Court":

Jeffrey Williams photo jeff-williams-facebook1_zps7zbtarlx.jpg
FERGUSON, Mo. — The 20-year-old man accused of shooting two police officers last week outside police headquarters here made his first court appearance Monday morning.

The man, Jeffrey L. Williams, made no statements during a brief appearance before a St. Louis County judge, who set his next court date for March 31, according to the local news media.

Mr. Williams had told investigators he had been at a demonstration the night of the shooting, had gotten into a dispute with some people who were there and shot at them, but he said he missed and struck the police officers instead, the authorities said. Both officers were treated at a hospital and have been released.

“After Michael Brown, he was out there protesting,” an uncle, Mark Mooney, 35, said, referring to the black teenager who was shot and killed by a white Ferguson officer in August. “He had his shirt on. He had his signs up. After that, when things died down, he died down with it.”

Relatives and friends of Mr. Williams said he had taken part in demonstrations but said he was not a protest leader or organizer. They said he lived with his pregnant girlfriend in an apartment in the brick complex where he was arrested Saturday night, about four miles from the police station. He made money by placing bets on the basketball and football video games he played with others, relatives said.

Prosecutors expressed doubts about Mr. Williams’s description of the shooting, and said it remained unclear if he was aiming at others or was targeting the officers. He was unemployed and had had several run-ins with the law, and was on probation at the time of the shooting for receiving stolen property, officials said.

Mr. Williams admitted his involvement to investigators, acknowledged firing the shots from inside a 2003 Pontiac Grand Am and faces first-degree assault and other charges, according to court documents and the authorities.

The two officers — one from the county police and the other from the nearby Webster Groves department — were shot Thursday shortly after midnight as they stood shoulder to shoulder as part of a protective line facing demonstrators at the police station. The demonstration followed an announcement that the Ferguson police chief, Thomas Jackson, was resigning. Mr. Jackson became the latest senior city administrator to step down after a Justice Department report accused the city of using its municipal court and police force as moneymaking tools that routinely violated constitutional rights and disproportionately targeted black residents.
Others dispute the idea that Williams was involved in the protests at the time of the shooting, and claim in fact that others may have been responsible for the shots that hit policemen. I'm sure they're jonesin' to see the mofo walk, but clearly there's no doubt that Williams was a regular participant in the protests, although he wasn't a central organizer or leader of the movement.

Leftists saying otherwise can just STFU. They're going to lie and obfuscate, because that's what they do. The Ferguson protests have been radical and violent, renouncing Martin Luther King's model of non-violence and civil disobedience. The movement is a revolutionary collectivist initiative to break down U.S. hierarchies of inequality. They've repeatedly expressed their radical ideological tendencies throughout.

UPDATE: NYT changed its story, although the title at the URL remains the same as the original. Here's the updated story, "Lawyer Doubts Suspect’s Role in Ferguson Shootings."

And here's a screencap of the original text, via leftist Matt Pearce of the Los Angeles Times:

Jeffrey Williams Protester photo CAPlBHgUkAEVcd2_zpsw0pvujxy.jpg

Kate Hudson Bikini Pics

At Egotastic!, "Kate Hudson Wears a Bikini In Malibu."

PREVIOUSLY: "Kate Hudson in Tank Top and Daisy Dukes in Sunny Los Angeles."

Feminists Are Satan's Craven Slaves

Do not listen to them, says Robert Stacy McCain, "Feminist Wonders: Why Do Christofascist Godbags Keep ‘Dehumanizing’ Hillary?"

Putin Says Russia Was Ready to Activate Nuclear Arsenal Over Crimea

Well, that's one hella reentry after being missing for week.

At LAT, "In film, Putin justifies Russia's seizure of Crimea last year":
Russia was prepared to activate its nuclear arsenal a year ago when its troops secured the Crimean peninsula and eventually annexed it to the Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin said in a broadcast aired Sunday.

In the documentary-cum-reenactment timed to Monday's anniversary of a referendum in which Crimeans voted to secede from Ukraine, the film, “Crimea: Path to the Motherland,” features Putin justifying Moscow's seizure of the Black Sea territory as necessary to protect Russians and military bases from what he described as a nationalist junta that had taken power in Kiev.

Putin accused the United States of masterminding the three-month uprising in the Ukrainian capital that ended with the ouster of Kremlin-allied President Viktor Yanukovich, who has since taken refuge in Russia. He said the “beneficiaries of the armed coup” planned to kill Yanukovich, prompting Putin to personally order Russian military intervention to protect the political ally and save Crimea from attack by Ukrainian nationalists.

Although the documentary was clearly prerecorded, it served to project a vibrant and defiant image of the Russian president, who hasn't been seen in public for more than a week, spurring rumors that he is sick or has been deposed in a palace coup.

The Kremlin website on Sunday also carried a message of condolence from Putin on the death of Russian writer Valentin Rasputin, adding to the impression that he is on top of state affairs.

The documentary covered the year since the March 16, 2014, referendum in which 97% of voters among Crimea's 2 million residents were said to have supported secession. Two days later, Putin issued a decree annexing the peninsula, which is home to Russia's Black Sea fleet and Soviet-era air bases.

The film was a montage of images of Russian paratroopers coming to the rescue of Crimeans, Putin’s observations on his obligation to protect Russians outside his country and reenacted clashes between Ukrainian nationalists and the police and security forces defeated by the popular uprising in Kiev.

Masked Ukrainian zealots were depicted in the reenacted segments hunting Russians with attack dogs and barbed-wire-wrapped truncheons. Fiery scenes of torched police vehicles and black-clad rightists attacking law enforcement cast the overthrow of Yanukovich as a violent, Western-inspired coup d’etat, and the Russian minority in Crimea and eastern Ukraine as the targets of fascist death squads.

The United States, along with Poland and Lithuania, “facilitated the armed coup” by training the nationalists, Putin said...

And at NPR, "Kremlin Says Putin Is Fine, Just Fine."

Carly Fiorina Plans to Excoriate Hillary Clinton, and Her Competition is Grateful for It

At National Journal, "Playing the Heavy":
Hundreds of conservative and evangelical activists had been listening politely and applauding on cue as Carly Fiorina talked about God, and opportunity, and work ethic. For many of those attending the Iowa Freedom Summit, it was the first time they'd heard her speak. For some, it was the first time they'd heard of her at all.

Then, more than 10 minutes into the speech, she mentioned Hillary Clinton.

"Like Hillary Clinton, I too have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe," said Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard. "But unlike her, I've actually accomplished something. You see, Mrs. Clinton, flying is not an accomplishment; it is an activity."

The audience roared and was suddenly engaged, hanging on her words as she criticized Clinton on one issue after another. And when she landed on Benghazi—"Unlike Hillary Clinton, I know what difference it makes that our American ambassador and three other brave Americans were killed in a deliberate terrorist attack"—the crowd surged to its feet with a standing ovation.

"That's the first time I've ever seen her in person, and, frankly, I was moved by the speech. That takes a lot," says Sam Clovis, a former conservative radio host and tea-party favorite in Iowa. "It was the perfect speech on the perfect topic at the perfect place at the perfect time given in the perfect manner."

Fiorina, the only Republican woman actively considering a run for the White House, is taking on Clinton more forcefully and directly than any other GOP contender. It's a deliberate strategy meant to make headlines, differentiate her from the pack, and elevate her position on the national stage. And in the process, it's winning her friends, as Fiorina assumes an attack role that many Republican strategists think male GOP candidates need to avoid...
Keep reading.

This sounds pretty packaged and slickly marketed, and it's apparently working for her. But what's her game? Recall that Ms. Fiorina ran for U.S. Senate in 2010, and was defeated handily by Barbara Boxer. She's never held elective office. I imagine she's got even less of a chance to win the 2016 GOP nomination than Michele Bachmann had in 2012. Perhaps she's looking to do well in a primary or two to position herself as a legitimate running mate for the eventual nominee. A woman would certainly be a nice touch, and Fiorina's smart. She wouldn't generate the kind of attacks that hit Sarah Palin in 2008, although leftists are so evil I can imagine the most horrific smears on the former CEO even now. (Health issues? Say vicious attacks on her as a cancer survivor? Put nothing past the diabolical left.)

In any case, we'll see.

Federal Immigration Agents Raid Suspected Fake Schools

Well, our entire immigration system's a fraud at this point, so there you go.

At WSJ, "Foreigners on U.S. student visas allegedly paid millions but didn’t take classes":

LOS ANGELES—Amid a widening crackdown on immigration fraud, federal agents on Wednesday raided a network of schools alleged to be part of a scheme to collect millions of dollars from foreigners who came to the U.S. on student visas but never studied.

Agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations arrested three individuals who ran four schools in the Los Angeles area alleged to serve as a front for the purported scheme.

Hee Sun Shim, 51 years old, was arrested at his Beverly Hills home, and his alleged associates, Hyung Chan Moon and Eun Young Choi, were arrested in their offices near downtown Los Angeles.

They were taken into custody and charged in Los Angeles federal court with conspiracy to commit visa fraud, money laundering and of other immigration offenses, U.S. authorities said. They weren’t immediately available for comment and their attorneys weren’t known.

Wednesday’s action was the latest in a series targeting visa fraud nationwide.

“It’s a priority for us,” said Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of HSI in Los Angeles. “It is something that can be exploited by types who want to do harm to the country.”

He added that authorities haven’t seen any evidence in this case that suspected terrorists used the alleged scheme to enter the country.

The main school in the alleged scam is Prodee University, located in Los Angeles’s Koreatown neighborhood. It is affiliated with three other schools: Walter Jay M.D. Institute and American College of Forensic Studies in Los Angeles and Likie Fashion and Technology College in nearby Alhambra.

Catering primarily to Korean and Chinese nationals, the schools enrolled 1,500 students, the government said, most of whom live outside of Los Angeles, including in Texas, Nevada and Hawaii. They generated as much as $6 million a year in purported tuition payments, authorities said.

Sham colleges across the U.S. are believed to attract thousands of foreigners who pay fees, some of them with the promise of an education they don’t receive and others with assurance that no classes need be taken.

“It’s never clear to what extent the students are victimized or are in on the scheme,” said Barmak Nassirian, policy analysis director at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.

The crackdown comes at a time when U.S. colleges and universities are attracting a record number of foreign students—about one million currently...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Police Shootings in #Ferguson Entirely Predictable — Anonymous Agitation! And Eric Holder Agitation!

From Matthew Hennessey, at City Journal, "Springtime for Chaos in Ferguson":

Shortly before shots rang out at Wednesday night’s protest outside the Ferguson Police Department, injuring two officers and reviving fears of return to last year’s social unrest, the Twitter account of Operation Ferguson posted an ominous warning: “This will not end well tonight.” Whoever composed the Tweet was right. Exactly how they knew is an open question.

The Operation Ferguson Twitter account has 70,000 followers. It is run by Anonymous, the mysterious band of online vigilantes and mask-wearing anarchists that allies itself periodically with far-left causes from the Occupy movement to Julian Assange’s Wikileaks. To read the stream of anti-police invective on Operation Ferguson’s timeline is to get a sense of Anonymous’s goals in Ferguson—and beyond. A pair of cellphone photos of cops in riot gear is captioned “punk ass terrorists.” A picture of a young African-American facing off with the police is accompanied by text: “You’ve been killing kids like me for decades. You can’t stop the revolution.” Yet another tweet reads: “protestors have taken streets to usher in the last days of the brutal regime. Same thing happened in #Egypt. #BlackLivesMatter”

During last year’s protests in Ferguson, Anonymous pledged to protect demonstrators from “abuse and harassment” at the hands of police. Hackers affiliated with the group crashed Ferguson City Hall’s e-mail server and, using a favored tactic, threatened St. Louis County Police Department Chief Jon Belmar by posting his home address, telephone number, and photos of his family. “I’ve said all along that we cannot sustain this forever without problems,” Belmar told the media late Wednesday after the shooting. “We were very close to what happened in New York”—a reference to the assassination of two NYPD officers last December.

Anonymous is not the only far-left group that has tried to turn Ferguson into the American Bastille. As the Daily Beast and the Blaze reported last year, well-known Communist agitators flooded into town following the death of Michael Brown with the goal of keeping emotions high and the revolution roiling. But the most-effective left-wing activist in Ferguson has got to be Eric Holder’s Justice Department.

Last week, the DOJ released a report clearing Officer Darren Wilson of misconduct in Brown’s death—the left’s initial justification for its war on Ferguson’s cops. But by dismantling the myth that Wilson had murdered Brown in cold blood, Holder risked undermining the agitators’ casus belli. So he went the extra step of accusing Ferguson’s police and courts of widespread and systemic racism. The report charged that the financially strapped city thought of its black citizens as not much more than a revenue stream. In a press conference, Holder decried last year’s riots, claiming that “violence is never justified,” before going on brazenly to justify the violence: “[S]een in this context—amid a highly toxic environment, defined by mistrust and resentment, stoked by years of bad feelings, and spurred by illegal and misguided practices—it is not difficult to imagine how a single tragic incident set off the city of Ferguson like a powder keg.”

Holder’s claim is that while Darren Wilson didn’t murder Michael Brown, in a way, the entire system did. This type of racial grievance-fueling is like a shot of straight adrenaline to the agitators of Anonymous and their fellow travelers on the professional far left...
Keep reading.

And see Caleb Howe, at Truth Revolt, "'Yes, He Is A Demonstrator': Police Announce Arrest Of Ferguson Cop Shooting Suspect."

#Ferguson Leftists Desperate to Distance Themselves from Cop-Shooting Mofo Jeffrey Williams

From Derek Hunter, at the Daily Caller, "Protesters, Media Try to Distance Ferguson Shooting Suspect From Protests":

Jeffrey Williams photo jeff-williams-facebook1_zps7zbtarlx.jpg
The arrest of Jeffery Williams, 20, for the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, has set off a rush to distance the protesters from the would-be cop killer.

Was Williams a “regular” attendee of protests, a casual participant, or not involved at all? There is a lot riding on the answer to that question.

In spite of the riots after the grand jury found no evidence to indict officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, the protests have been portrayed as “largely peaceful.” If a member of those protests tried to assassinate two police officers on the day the chief of police of that embattled city resigned, it would harm that carefully cultivated image.

The “hands up, don’t shoot” protests successfully avoided association with Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who made statements on social media in solidarity with them before assassinating two New York City police officers in December. A second protester shooting police officers would make the “peaceful movement” argument a tougher case to make.

As such, protest leaders and reporters scrambled to contain the narrative and shift attention back to the report the Justice Department released claiming racism is rampant in the Ferguson Police Department.
Well, Williams has some significant ties to the protests, whether he was a "regular" or not. Indeed, he might have been a regular looter more than a protester, which tells you something. See Sooper Mexican, "BREAKING: Punk Arrested for Ferguson Police Shooting Said He LOOTED Over Mike Brown Shooting on FB."

Ferguson Protesters STOMP on American Flag and DESTROY IT in Front of Police Dept

At Sooper Mexican, "It’s really funny how Ferguson protest defenders keep telling us that they’re not all that bad and they’re just Americans like the rest of us. But then they do things like loot and burn down businesses, shoot at cops, and now, stomp on and destroy an American flag."

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoons photo Bone-600-LI-594x425_zpsmuegxr0t.jpg

Also at Lonely Con, "Saturday Funnies," and Theo Spark, "Cartoon Roundup..."

More at Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Salvage Operation."

'Karl Marx was the foremost hater and most incessant whiner in the history of Western Civilization...'

From Gary North, Marx's Religion of Revolution: Regeneration Through Chaos:

Karl Marx
Karl Marx was the foremost hater and most incessant whiner in the history of Western Civilization. He was a spoiled, overeducated brat who never grew up; he just grew more shrill as he grew older. His lifelong hatred and whining have led to the deaths (so far) of perhaps a hundred million people, depending on how many people perished under Mao's tyranny. We will probably never know.

St. Louis County Police Announce Arrest of BLACK MOFO SUSPECT in Officer Shootings


Also at Hot Air, "Arrest made in attempted assassination of Ferguson police officers."

Kelly Brook Ready for Primetime!

Heh, she's been ready.

At the New York Post: