Tuesday, November 9, 2010

In Indonesia, Obama Continues Outreach to Muslims

And how's that working out?

At Jakarta Globe, "
First Day of Obama's Indonesia Visit Marked by Scattered Protests."

And Bare Naked Islam, "INDONESIA: Radical Muslim Group to Protest Obama Visit."


RELATED: At WaPo, "Obama Heralds Indonesia's Political, Religious Diversity in Latest Outreach to Muslims," and WSJ, "Full Text: Obama's Prepared Remarks in Indonesia."

Decision Points #1 at Amazon.com

Decision Points is out today. And checking Amazon, it's currently running at #1 in sales.


Also, a review from Daniel Henninger at WSJ, "Looking Back":
Discussing the Iraq surge strategy in 2006, former President George W. Bush notes that during his presidency he read 14 biographies of Abraham Lincoln. The cause of his preoccupation with Lincoln is obvious: The Bush presidency will be remembered as a war presidency. First in Afghanistan after 9/11 and then from 2003 onward in Iraq. The rest will be footnotes.
And an interview with Kim Strassel, "Bush Agonistes? Not Quite."

George W. Bush Talks With Matt Lauer

Right Scoop has the full video, and at New York Times (FWIW), "A New Bush, a Lot Like the Old One":

George W. Bush

Two years ago he left office with two wars raging and an economy in free fall, an embattled commander in chief with the lowest approval ratings of any modern president. Now Mr. Bush is offering himself up as a chatty president emeritus, sometimes defiant and other times cheerful, on a media blitz to promote his memoir, “Decision Points.”

It was a fascinating, at times disarming, performance, but also a confusing one: a plea for understanding from a president who says he doesn’t give a fig about popularity. At one point, Mr. Bush boasted that when an acquaintance told him his approval ratings were up, he retorted, “Who cares?”

In the hourlong NBC News special, Mr. Bush talked about himself with the blend of candor and self-serving boilerplate that almost all book-promoting celebrities master on a publicity tour.

Democratic House Minority Meltdown

After their debacle, you'd think they'd consider some fresh blood.

At NYT, "
No. 2 House Democrat Will Try to Retain Post":


Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat in the House, said Monday that he would try to hold on to that position when his party slips into the minority next year as the leadership of House Democrats remained in turmoil one week after devastating election losses.

The decision by Mr. Hoyer, who has served as majority leader the past four years, sets up a possible fight with Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, currently the No. 3 Democrat, who said on Monday that he was still pursuing the No. 2 position as well.

At the same time, some Democrats continued to publicly question the decision of Speaker Nancy Pelosi to try to remain as party leader in the new Congress though no lawmaker has stepped forward to challenge her. Both parties are to hold internal elections next week when Congress returns for a lame-duck session.

In a letter to his colleagues, Mr. Hoyer, who spent the weekend canvassing his fellow Democrats as he explored a run for minority whip, said he could provide the experience necessary to help Democrats try to recapture the House in 2012.

“As Democratic whip, I will hit the ground running, delivering our message across the country, speaking out on the House floor against efforts to undermine the health and security of the middle class, building support for our party among all Americans and fighting the special interest money that overwhelmed many of our colleagues,” he wrote.

Mr. Clyburn and Mr. Hoyer met Monday, but aides would not divulge any details about their talks. Mr. Hoyer leads in public endorsements.
More here.

Moderate Dems Line Up in Opposition to Pelosi's Bid for Minority Leader," and "FOX Exclusive: Defeated Democrats Pen Letter to Implore Pelosi to Step Aside."

Obama on '60 Minutes' — 'Republicans Were Able to Paint My Governing Philosophy as a Classic Traditional Big Gov't Liberal'

I watched the first 15 minutes. Steve Kroft does a good job, coming back to some questions as Obama prevaricates. But the president's only in his second year, and he's clearly a beaten man, blaming the GOP in the most abject --- and predictable --- way possible. More at WaPo (FWIW), "Obama Says He Fears Economy Could Enter 'New Normal' of Low Job Growth" (via Memeorandum):

The full transcript is here.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper Warns of Rise of Anti-Semitism

From Gloria Galloway, at Globe and Mail, "Harper Pledges ‘Relentless’ Stand Against Anti-Semitism":
Prime Minister Stephen Harper told an international group of parliamentarians in Ottawa to discuss anti-Semitism that he will continue to be a vocal supporter of Israel even if it costs Canada international honours like a seat on the UN Security Council.

The conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combatting Anti-Semitism – a gathering of politicians from more than 40 countries – is largely aimed at exposing what its members say is the “new anti-Semitism,” which is defined as excessive and unjust criticism of the state of Israel.

While the substance of anti-Semitism is as crude as ever, Mr. Harper said, its method is now more sophisticated.

“Harnessing disparate anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-Western ideologies, it targets the Jewish people by targetting the Jewish homeland, Israel, as the source of injustice and conflict in the world and uses, perversely, the language of human rights to do so,” the Prime Minister said. “We must be relentless in exposing this new anti-Semitism for what it is.”

That prompted loud applause from conference participants.

“Israel, like any country, may be subjected to fair criticism,” Mr. Harper said, pointing out that Israel subjects itself to such criticism as part of a healthy democratic debate.

“But when Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand,” he said.
RTWT. (And check the link above for video of Prime Minister Harper.)

U.S. Party Politics Mask Real Battle Lines

From Chrystia Freeland, at Globe and Mail (via Theo Spark):
A favourite theme of American business and political elites at the moment is that authoritarian regimes – i.e. China – may be better at making hard, long-term economic decisions than are querulous democracies – i.e. the United States. There is plenty of academic research to suggest that, over the long term, this view is wrong. But in the shorter term, this week in fact, the U.S. itself offered a case study of this scary theory.

Consider: On Tuesday, Americans swung sharply to the right, giving their Democratic President a shellacking and handing control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans. The country’s most powerful elected Republican, John Boehner, who will be the new Speaker, immediately declared it was a vote for “cutting spending” and “smaller, less costly government.” Most analysts, including happy ones on Wall Street (who are often most cheerful when the country’s elected officials are least active), decided it was a vote for gridlock, thanks to the Democrats’ continued control of both the Senate and the White House.

Then, on Wednesday, the most powerful unelected Republican, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, swooped in with massive government action, announcing a plan to pump $600-billion (U.S.) into the economy over the next two years. That is not much smaller than two of the big government interventions that earned the Democrats their shellacking – the $700-billion TARP program (never mind the pesky fact that it was actually a Republican Secretary of the Treasury who invented it) and the $787-billion stimulus.

The timing of the Fed’s move underlined one of the most important takeaways from the midterm election campaign. Watch cable news or surf the Web and you are likely to conclude that the United States is a deeply divided nation, split between fiercely partisan hardliners on the left and on the right. That’s one version of the political battle. But another one is that the division isn’t between liberals and conservatives, it’s between the hoi polloi and the elite.

The split between the mandarins and the public explains how you get a popular vote for government inaction the day before the bipartisan, Republican-led technocrats at the Fed, with only one dissenting vote, endorse massive government intervention. The economic battle today isn’t just between the Republicans and the Democrats, it is between the technocrats and the populists – and in the latter contest, the Bush-nominee who runs the Fed probably has more in common with the beaten-up Democratic President than he does with the victorious leaders of his own party.
More at the link.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Keith Olbermann: 'A Statement to the Viewers of Countdown'

At New York Times, "Olbermann Apologizes to Viewers, But Not to MSNBC" (via Memeorandum).

Bad News for Liberals Leftists May Be Good News for a Liberal Leftist Magazine

I'm bothered, increasingly, by the overwhelming tendency of the major actors and institutions of the political regime to treat those on the far left of the ideological spectrum as "liberals." Leftists are not liberal. They're anti-liberal. But one of the great achievements of radical left-wing politics in the second half of the Twentieth Century was to successfully label the massive Democrat Party interventions in the economy and bureaucracy as "liberal." This is no secret, by any means. The late historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., is widely credited with the claim that "There seems no inherent obstacle to the gradual advance of socialism in the United States through a series of New Deals." But thoughout history, the country's manichean and existential struggle against Soviet Communism made it taboo to formally (and accurately) recognize leftist ideology in America as socialist.

Karl Marx

As conservatives continue to sort out the lessons from the 2010 elections, one enduring ideological challenge remains clear: the need to appropriately and consistently identify so-called liberals for what the are, radical left-wing ideologues and statists.

We can see just large how the challenge remains at today's New York Times, "
Bad News for Liberals May Be Good News for a Liberal Magazine." I've obviously altered the title of this blog entry to better reflect what the Times is attempting to say. Basically, and fair enough, Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor and publisher of The Nation, sees the current resurgence of right-wing politics as providing a burst of life-saving blood to her far left-wing organ:
No weekly magazine tracked by the Media Industry Newsletter has lost more pages of advertising this year than The Nation.

As of Nov. 8, ad pages were down 30 percent compared with last year’s figures, remarkable even though advertising accounts for only a 10th of the revenue. Traffic to TheNation.com has also declined recently. And since 2008, the magazine has run an operating deficit of about $500,000 a year.

Despite all the gloom, could last week’s Democratic pummeling actually have a silver lining for The Nation, once home to writers like Henry James, Ezra Pound, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and even Yeats? Katrina vanden Heuvel, the magazine’s editor and publisher, did not have to think long about that question.

“If you can’t expose the hypocrisy of this new group of Republicans, then we’re not doing our job. And I mean that,” she said in an interview from her office on election night as she sipped a glass of Champagne, defiant as Democratic losses piled up and the mood around her darkened.

“I mean you’ve got a lot to work with,” she said. “You’ve got a Tea Party caucus in the Senate, a Tea Party caucus in the House. So I think you have a lot of rich material.”

If history is any guide, Ms. vanden Heuvel could be proved right.

The Bush years were good — very good — to The Nation. After operating in the red almost every year since it was founded by abolitionists in 1865, the magazine turned a profit in 2003.
More at the link.

Interestingly, The Nation's main competitors are blogs like Daily Kos and online news aggregators like Huffington Post. And like The Nation, both of these are neo-socialist outlets, but with more modern technological coolness. And also like The Nation, both Kos and Puff Ho are treated as respectable media organs while effectively functioning as neo-socialist appendages to the Democrat Party in Washington.

All of these folks are on the extreme left of the spectrum, and, along with the New York Times itself, they all advance a progressive and statist agenda that reaches from the tops of the elite media shops in Manhattan to the lowest elementary school classrooms in the inner cities. We've seen it over and over. And conservatives need to keep pushing back: Say no to the media lies of neo-socialist press organs as mainstream "liberal" institutions.

Los Angeles Times Slurs Geert Wilders Case as 'Hate Trial' — Hit Piece Cites 'Anti-Racist' Activists in Alleged Call to 'Dutch Tolerance'

It's the same thing, over and over.

The Los Angeles Times hard-copy has the headline: "Hate Trial Tests Dutch Tolerance." And at the web edition: "
Netherlands Politician Has Angry Words for Muslims."


He calls Islam a "totalitarian ideology." He compares the Koran to "Mein Kampf" and wants it banned. He says that millions of Muslims who have settled in Europe ought to be deported, taking their "retarded" culture with them.

Such statements have made Geert Wilders the most controversial politician here in the Netherlands and a provocative figure abroad.

But do they also make him a criminal?

For months, Wilders, 47, has been at the center of a messy legal fight that has forced the parliament member to defend himself in an Amsterdam courtroom against charges of inciting hatred and insulting an entire class of people.

Wilders insists that he is being prosecuted — and persecuted — simply for speaking the truth about a dangerous religion and its adherents. His critics accuse him of whipping up public paranoia and jeopardizing the lives and livelihoods of the thousands of Muslims in the Netherlands.

The rancorous legal battle has thrown a spotlight on the growing tensions in societies where freedom of speech and freedom of religion seem to collide. Observers throughout Europe are closely watching the Wilders case at a time when vocal anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiment is fueling the rise of right-wing parties and politicians.

The case also resonates in the U.S., which has been dogged by controversies such as the maverick pastor who threatened to publicly burn a copy of the Koran and the heated debate over the proposed building of an Islamic community center near the site of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York.
Notice the phony tie-in: Protesters in New York are the new Nazis, and the bloody freaking Westboro pastor in Florida is the poster-boy for alleged American racist hatred.

Typical for the left's DEMOCRAT-MEDIA-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX. You never get the full story. Not even close. Those who champion freedom and dignity for the individual are slurred as "haters." Those who truly hate, the Muslims calling for "Death to Jews," are glorified as alleged "victims of racist oppressors." It's all totally FUBAR. For example, at the Times' hit piece:
To his detractors, he is also a peddler of fear and hatred directed at the Muslims, who make up just 6% of the population but who Wilders constantly warns are undermining traditional Dutch society by following the dictates of a "fascist book."

"More and more people are starting to believe his paranoia," said Rene Danen, head of an anti-racist organization based in Amsterdam. "The fear is planted by Wilders, who says that the Muslims are taking over, that they're a fifth column."

Danen is one of the activists whose official complaint prompted Wilders' trial on charges of inciting hatred and insulting a class of people. These are criminal offenses in the Netherlands, though a conviction would probably result only in a relatively minor fine.

"For us, the main thing is that the judge draws a line," putting Wilders' conduct and speech outside the legal pale, Danen said.
This is pure bullshit, but what can you expect from the completely lame dead-tree press, not to mention the left's racism industry?

I'm still looking forward to meeting Geert Wilders. Once you listen to this man speak you know he has a heart of gold. He's truly one of the West's most vital champions of liberty and defense of democracy. Here's the speech from
New York's SIOA rally:

RELATED: "Faith, Freedom, and Memory: Report From Ground Zero, September 11, 2010." And at Atlas Shrugs, "The Ground Zero Mosque War in the Information Battlespace."

White Is the New Hate Crime

At Blazing Catfur, "Being white is now a hate crime":
Is that a Kafeiya the chicky is wearing in the Poster! Looks like they coloured it green to me. Some anti-racism message - No jews and whites!

Oh Goody you can leave them a message about their "
diversity initiatives." I signed as Martin Borman and congradulated them for their good work!

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Governor Chris Christie: O'Donnell Was a 'Missed Opportunity'

One thing I learned during the 2008 election was to stay away from intra-conservative battles. I was calling some right-wing bloggers all kinds of names for opposing John McCain's nomination. I regret it, mainly because I wasn't taking the long view. Whatever my policy differences, and my feelings for McCain (he was the best on foreign policy), it did little good to beat up on folks to the right of me --- especially since, in terms of important ideological trends on the right, their positions were more vindicated than mine were. And not only that: I've learned. When conservatives compromise with the middle --- and by that I mean endorsing moderate Republicans who will be "better" than centrist Dems --- they get burned every time. Newt Gingrich's endorsement of "moderate" Republican Dede Scozzafava in the NY-23's special election was a slap in the face to tea partiers (she endorsed Democrat Bill Owens after losing); and in California, we've had a "moderate" GOP governor in Arnold Schwarzenegger for seven years and this state is totally FUBAR. I won't be surprised if Governor-elect Jerry Brown pulls off a better incumbency than "The Governator," and that's saying a whole lot, believe me.

This brings me to the right's intra-ideological squabbles yesterday over New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's statement that Delaware conservatives (and voters) would have been better served with the nomination of RINO Mike Castle. We saw this debate during the primary (Patterico was
at the center of this, if I recall). I'm not invested, but when Frum Forum links approvingly to radical leftist Amada Terkel at Puff Ho, that ought to be a heads up on squishy "moderate" conservative loyalties. The left is the left. Compromise kills conservatives.

Anyway, here's the lineup from yesterday. Dan Riehl goes for the ideological purity: "Post 2010: Conservatives Must Reject Christie, Powerline And Other Short-Term Thinkers." Skipping the introduction (taking aim at both Christie and Paul at Powerline), here's the beef:
While a Republican, a corporatist, or a governmentalist might describe Castle as potentially a good Senator, no honest, serious thinking Conservative ever would. That does not mean that O'Donnell was an ideal candidate. But it is imperative that the conservative movement learn from 2010, come to understand why we lost where we did, and reject the conventional Republican wisdom that only serves to undermine our cause. Surrendering to liberalism, while claiming victory as a Republican, is a defeat for conservatism. And it is precisely those types of defeats Republicans have been fostering for too long, damaging our movement and, ultimately, their own brand in the process.
I like it. But how's the going over with folks? Well, Dan triggered a pretty good reaction among some other familiar bloggers. Check Jimmie at Sundries Shack, for example, "Conservatives, It’s Time to Grow the Hell Up":
It is obvious that Castle would make a far better Senator compared to Chris Coons who will be the Senator. In other words, had the Tea Parties shown a bit more discretion and wisdom, they most likely would not be looking at a reliable progressive vote in the Senate but someone who would side with Republicans at least as often as he would Democrats.

That’s not to say that Castle would have been our bestest buddy. We would have had to fight with him at least as often as we would with the Maine sisters, but we wouldn’t have to fight him all the time. I’m not big-shot blogger like my friend Dan, but even I know that someone who votes with conservatives half the time is much better than one who will never vote with conservatives. [edited].
I like that part about "I'm not a bigshot blogger." But be sure to read the rest. Jimmie suggests that whiny brats grow up and join the real world of bipartisan cooperation.

Which leads us to Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Doug is anything but unpredictable: If it's ideologically conservative along Sarah Palin/tea party lines ... well, that's just too f**king crazy. See, "
The Circular Firing Squad Takes Aim at Chris Christie":
Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good is rarely a good idea, and the fact that there are now two Senate seats in Delaware that are likely to be controlled by Democrats for the foreseeable future rather than just one should stand as a lesson to those who demand purity even when it’s suicidal.

And one final note.

When you start seeing people like Chris Christie being attacked for not being conservative enough, you know that the right is in danger of going off the rails. Or at least some parts of it.
Folks can quibble about all of this, and I'm betting Dan and the others are not tweeting each other sweet nothings this morning, but after seven years of RINO government in California, I can tell you that successful fake Republicans are no better than genuine socialist commie Democrats. Sure, a vote here or there might be reassuring for GOP insiders, but every compromise helps the left in the end, on bullshit cap-and-trade, on budgetary bloat, on appeasement in international affairs, and so forth and so on. Just look where pragmatic conservatives line up. It if were me, I wouldn't come close to Frum Forum RINOs with a ten-foot pole --- and you can make that 100 if the name Alex Knepper gets thrown in there for some "pragmatic" icing on the cake!

Emily Miller on Twitter!

Just started following her yesterday, and turns out she was on Fox & Friends this morning!

Perfect timing:


And The Other McCain has the morning news roundup, "LIVE AT FIVE – 11.08.10."

George W. Bush on the Tea Party in America

Democracy working.

I love this man:

Election Coverage You Might Have Missed

You know, since this doesn't really fit the narrative.

Founding Bloggers:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Field Stripping

At Sean Linnane's:

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Katy Perry Won't Pose Nude

At People Magazine, "Katy Perry: I'd Rather 'Tease' Than Pose Nude."

Plus, "
Katy Perry Sets Off 'Firework' For EMA 2010," and "Katy Perry On the Red Carpet at the 2010 EMA."

RELATED: At The Other McCain, "Finally, PJTV Discovers Rule 5," and "Approaching 5 Million Hits." And getting to 5 million hits entails a considerable bit of link-baiting, like the present post. I should be hitting 2 million at American Power by the end of the month.

At New Yorker: 'Clenched Fist' or 'Terrorist Fist Bump'

What's with The New Yorker's November 15th cover drawing featuring incoming GOP House Speaker John Boehner standing with President Obama in the Oval Office? While Obama is clearly extending his hand in what appears as a reluctant bid for cooperation, Boehner's hand is gathered in a fist. Is that a bump? The New Yorker says so, but with reference to public opinion: "Cover Story: Approval Bump?" But should the administration expect a bump after last Tuesday's Democrat debacle? No, according to Ryan Lizza's article from November 5th. Not unless Obama backs off from his aggressive left-wing policy agenda.

Boehner Obama


In contrast, Puff Ho's article is entitled, "John Boehner Gives Obama 'Terrorist Fist Bump' On New Yorker Cover." That's a clear retaliatory reference to New Yorker's July 2008 cover picture. Interestingly, though, the commentary at the essay suggests Boehner's extending the clench fist. Clearly, the title of the article was edited to maximize SEO and fever-swamp rage. Some folks at Puff Ho are still smarting at the image of Barack Hussein in Muslim garb:
In his inaugural address in January 2009, President Barack Obama promised a new era of diplomacy in foreign affairs. "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history," he said. But, he continued, "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

He didn't know that he might as well have been speaking to the Republicans.

Opposing ObamaCare is Bigoted Asshattery!!

Well, I'm up to a trifecta at this point.

Here's yet another tweet, from Olby-Obama cultist
Matt Osborne:


I've seen this guy around the 'sphere. His page is "Osborne Ink." Here's a sample: "They Are The Fear They Want Us To Feel."

If You Oppose ObamaCare You're RAAAAACIST and UNEDUCATED!!", and "If You Tweet Your Opposition to ObamaCare You're REALLY RAAAAACIST!!"

And what the heck, follow me on Twitter:

If You Tweet Your Opposition to ObamaCare You're REALLY RAAAAACIST!!

Okay, here's a follow up to "If You Oppose ObamaCare You're RAAAAACIST and UNEDUCATED!!"

I fowarded that to some lefty tweeps at
Single Payer's Twitter feed, and a few others in those threads.

And here's a reply from
Mona Hussein Obama:


And that was cracking up a couple of my tweeting friendlies, Robert Stacy McCain and William Teach (on Twitter here and here).

If You Oppose ObamaCare You're RAAAAACIST and UNEDUCATED!!

Out of the blue, I got this on Twitter earlier this morning:


I replied here.

@SinglePlayer then blocked me, typical for a leftist totalitarian.

RELATED: At Doug Ross, "
New England Journal of Medicine Inadvertently Hands House GOP the Game Plan for Starving ObamaCare." If you can't completely kill it (right away), squeeze funding until implementation becomes impossible:
The ACA contains 64 specific authorizations to spend up to $105.6 billion and 51 general authorizations to spend “such sums as are necessary” over the period between 2010 and 2019. None of these funds will flow, however, unless Congress enacts specific appropriation bills. In addition, section 1005 of the ACA appropriated $1 billion to support the cost of implementation in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).... [and the] ACA appropriated nothing for the Internal Revenue Service, which must collect the information needed to compute subsidies and pay them. The ACA also provides unlimited funding for grants to states to support the creation of health insurance exchanges (section 1311). But states will also incur substantially increased administrative costs to enroll millions of newly eligible Medicaid beneficiaries...

Without large additional appropriations, implementation will be crippled.
And thank goodness. That would be like a symphony.

See Dr. Marc Siegel, "
ObamaCare Will Clog America's Medical System":

ObamaCare was lauded by many for covering all Americans with pre-existing conditions. That's not the issue. We're going to get into trouble because of the kinds of coverage that the new law mandates. There are no brakes on the system. Co-pays and deductibles will be kept low, and preventive services will have no co-pays at all. That sounds like a good deal for patients, yes? But without at least a pause to consider necessity and/or cost, expect waiting times to increase, ERs to be clogged and longer lead times needed to make an appointment.

Patients with new Medicaid cards who can't find a doctor will go where? To emergency rooms. The escalating costs of these visits (necessary and unnecessary) will be transferred directly to the American public, both in the form of taxes as well as escalating insurance premiums.

Beginning in 2014, insurance exchanges will be set up in every state so that individuals can choose a health insurance plan. This will help control costs, right? Wrong. Don't expect to find individually tailored plans or those with higher deductibles or co-pays. They won't be there because they can't receive the government stamp of approval.

In the new system, my patients will be able to see me as often as they'd like. But will they get the same level of care? I don't think so. I anticipate that more expensive chemotherapies and cardiac stents or transplants, for instance, will have a tougher time being approved, as is already the case in Canada.

Over on the public side, the new Independent Payment Advisory Board — established by the health reform law to "recommend proposals to limit Medicare spending growth" — will advise Medicare that some treatments are more essential and more cost-effective than others. I believe that value judgments inevitably will have to be made, reducing my options as a practicing physician. Private insurers will follow suit, as they often do.

During the battle over this reform, you often heard, even from President Obama, that you'd be able to keep the plan you have. What he didn't say — but what we now know — is that because of this new law, the private markets will have to remake their plans, that the costs will rise and that the plan you were told you could "keep" is in all likelihood no longer available. But when your plan changes, backers of reform will simply blame it on those evil private insurance companies.

The truth is, private health insurance is a low-profit industry, with profit margins of 4% compared with over 20% for major drug manufacturers. With the additional costs of no lifetime caps and no exclusion for pre-existing conditions, these companies will be compelled to raise their premiums in order to stay in business. The individual mandate is supposed to be the tradeoff by providing millions of new customers, but there is no guarantee that this additional volume will preserve profits with all the new regulations. This is what occurred in New York state in 1992, when a new law denied exclusion on the basis of pre-existing conditions.
Clogged emergency rooms, death-panel rationing, and reduced consumer choice.

That's what
@SinglePayer is all about.

Bernardine Dohrn on the Real Terrorists

Saw this the other day at Verum Serum, but didn't get a chance to post:

Now also at Jennifer Rubin, "Dohrn vs. the Tea Party":
[Bernardine Dohrn] ... insists that the right is racist, armed (presumably, the Second Amendment is one that the hard left would rather do without), and violent. And she — who helped lead a violent, armed revolutionary group that resorted to bombs rather than the ballot box – is terribly concerned about the right’s dangerous propensities. And what of her past? She laughs — ah, well, they were trying to open a “front” in the heartland.

Remorse? Not from her. She still oozes with resentment, understandable given the utter lack of acceptance by the American people of her views. Perhaps her fury at the Tea Partiers, then, is nothing more than jealousy. After all, they are the embodiment of grassroots, peaceful change. And she is a has-been terrorist.

Post-Election Sunday Funnies






More cartoons at Flopping Aces, Jill Stanek, and Theo Spark's.

Sarah Palin's Alaska on TLC

Just saw this ad for Sarah Palin's reality show. And at Wizbang Pop, "Sarah Palin's Alaska Photos: Women With Guns‎."

And a preview: "TLC Unveils Trailer for 'Sarah Palin's Alaska'."

The homepage is here: "
Sarah Palin's Alaska."

And a bit on the controversy, "
Palin Complains About Invasion of Privacy in Sarah Palin’s Alaska’s First Ep." Plus, David Weigel on Twitter: "Joe McGinniss lawyers up, demands video of him removed from 'Sarah Palin's Alaska'." And from the misogynist assholes at Firedoglake, "Did “Privacy Advocate” Palin Violate McGinniss’s Privacy Rights?"

'So Long Number One'

Via FRC Action:

American Power Gets Results on Twitter!

From my tweet buddy JohnnyA99:


And linked there: "Casting the Victoria's Secret Show."

Be sure to follow Johnny
here, and AmPowerBlog is here.

I Whip It Real Hard, Real Hard...

Wicked cool video.

My youngest son digs Willow Smith. Kinda like the hip-hop gen's
Jackson Pollock. And while Will Smith is leftist as all get out, you gotta give it up for his 7 year-old daughter:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bombshell Fantasy 2010

A follow-up to last night's entry:

Christina Perri 'Jar of Hearts'

Because she's hotter than Pink ... Rule 5 material even.

Be sure to check Pirate's Cove for a Sunday roundup, and of course Linkmaster Smith:

Plus, check out
Bob Belvedere and Irish Cicero, and The Real United States.


And be sure to visit some of the other friends of American Power:

* Another Black Conservative.

Astute Bloggers (Honorary).

Blazing Cat Fur.

* The Blog Prof.

Bob Belvedere.

Classical Liberal.

Daley Gator.

Kathy Shaidle.

* Left Coast Rebel.

* Maggie's Notebook.

* Mind Numbed Robot.

Not a Sheep.

* Pirate's Cove.


The Other McCain.

Reaganite Republican (Honorary).

Right Klik (Honorary).

Saberpoint (Honorary).

Serr8d (Honorary).

Snooper's Report (Honorary).


Theo Spark.

Washington Rebel.


BONUS: Don't forget Instapundit.

And drop your link in the comments to be added to the weekly bikini roundups!

Saturday Rule 5: Courtney Rachel Culkin

Via Zion's Trumpet:

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Courtney Rachel Culkin was Playboy's "Playmate of the Month for April 2005."

More Rule 5 blogging at
American Perspective and Mind-Numbed Robot.

Will Pink Walk With Obama?

I play a lot of idealistic left-wing music, and I like it. And I make fun with the songs, poking the lyrics back at dumb lefties. But Pink? My wife likes the CD. Okay, although let's just say Pink needs to update this tune for President Obama, especially following the Democrat debacle. How does Obama sleep at night during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression?

Gloria Allred's Feminist Grievance Industry May Have Helped Sink Billionaire Meg Whitman

Yeah, it's obvious, but I'm responding to the folks at LAT. It's really one long gusher-piece on "the most famous woman attorney practicing law in the nation today..." See, "Legal Fray Still Suits Gloria Allred Just Fine." But note at the end of the quote below how the Times suggests that Allred's sponsorship of Nicandra Diaz Santillan pre-election publicity stunt may have helped decide the election:

When you walk into Gloria Allred's office to interview her, she hands you her book — "Fight Back and Win" — and suggests you read it. Immediately.

"Would you mind?" she asks. "I think it will answer some questions."

Smiling, she leaves you in the firm's conference room, with its long, glossy table and panoramic view of Los Angeles. This is where Allred holds most of the news conferences that have made her both famous and infamous — sitting at the head of the table, jaw set, arm wrapped tightly around a weepy client as cameras zoom in.

This afternoon, it's a study hall for a lone reporter frantically skimming the book subtitled "My Thirty-Year Fight Against Injustice — and How You Can Win Your Own Battles."

Whether you see this command cram course as an exercise in vanity or efficiency won't matter to Allred. As she writes in the book, "Early in my career, I decided that if I intended to be a strong advocate for women I couldn't be deterred by my critics."

She has not been. Allred has escorted into the spotlight a parade of castoff women — the TV star fired for being too pregnant, the banker fired for being too sexy, the jilted mistresses and wronged girlfriends of famous philanderers and murderers.

With her latest client — the sad-eyed housekeeper Nicandra Diaz Santillan — she may have helped spoil the gubernatorial chances of billionaire candidate Meg Whitman. After the housekeeper said she had worked for Whitman for nine years and then been fired for being undocumented, Whitman's poll numbers dropped and Jerry Brown's lead widened.

It wasn't just the Diaz scandal, but if some Latinos were on the fence, the explosive allegations may have shifted quite a number of undecideds.

The Immigrant Vote in California."

Americans' Message to New Congress: Less Gov't, Please

At IBD (via Glenn Reynolds):


A new IBD/TIPP poll on public attitudes suggests that Tuesday's event was less an election than an intervention: Stop what you are doing; you're hurting us all.

A majority of the public wants Washington to stop the spending that has exploded the budget deficit. In a listing of top priorities for Congress, cutting the deficit by cutting spending came in No. 1, cited by 53%. (Fully 73%, including a majority of Democrats, said this is a "high priority.")

"As reflected by the outcome of the midterm elections, the public is sending a clear message to Washington: They want the government to live within its means," said Raghavan Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, which conducted the poll.

Rounding out the top five on the public's list, pluralities also want Washington to: 2) repeal or revise the new health care law, 3) provide more protection against terrorism, 4) reduce illegal immigration and 5) pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by next year.

Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, the presumed incoming House speaker, has signaled that spending cuts and repealing ObamaCare will be the priorities for the GOP majority.

But Democratic leaders are doubling down. President Obama flatly rejected in a press conference that his policies were to blame for the election losses. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Friday she would run for House minority leader in the next Congress. With so many moderates in the caucus out in January, she may win.

"We have no intention of allowing our great achievements to be rolled back," she said in a statement.

But most Americans — 57% — said an ObamaCare rollback should be a "high priority" for Congress — including 46% who say it's very important.

The public is cool to liberal solutions to cut the deficit or boost the economy. Just 7% say deficit-cutting tax hikes are a top priority. Only 14% say the same about a mix of spending cuts and tax hikes.

Only 29% support the idea of more government spending to stimulate the economy; just 14% say it should be a top agenda item.
Anyone who looks at politics with a shred of pragmatism --- and even ideologues can be pragmatic at times, which includes admitting failure --- can see that the left's meme that Obama-Dems never truly advanced a progressive agenda is pure bull. The left is indeed doubling down, and one of the more despicable indicators of this --- if not outright evil --- is the increasingly strident allegations of Republicans as racist. It just proves to me that conservatives still have a lot of work to do, and of course retiring the Obamunist in the Oval Office should be job one.

Rachel Maddow Blows a Vessel, Claims MSNBC is Real 'News Operation'

I've already posted on Keith Olbermann. I say let the guy rot in the wasteland of forgotten left-wing bloviators. But the suspension debate at MSNBC lingers today with the pathetic Rachel Maddow, the fever-swamp leftist who happens to have a her own show: "On Cable News and Cable Not-News" (via Memeorandum).

Maddow can holler 'till she's blue in the face, but the fact remains: As much as the execs at GE would like to pretend otherwise, the MSNBC cable outlet is as partisan as they come. FOX News is a modern partisan news outfit that understands that the media environment today is an extension of the political battlefield, and Roger Ailes doesn't let meaningless rules and ridiculous pretensions get in the way of the problem at hand, which is to destroy the Democrat-Socialist partisan agenda. And while it's pretty sad watching Rachel Maddow preen about how ethical and upstanding MSNBC operatives are, anyone who watches the network knows that MSNBC wants nothing less than what FOX News wants, which is the obliteration of the ideological enemy. The problem for MSNBC, of course, is that FOX News has successfully compartmentalized it's real hard-news reporting from its opinion and commentary broadcasts. And it was no contest on election night, November 2nd: "Fox News 'Fair & Balanced' Offered Best Election Eve Coverage … Shocker, Even Better Than MSNBC." But Maddow's sugar daddy is Keith Olbermann, so she'll be making a stink until the commie cows come home --- one more reason why the network's ratings are in the tank: "Fox News Dominates Cable News Election Night Coverage."

Anyway, lots of lefty outrage across the 'sphere, but check this out from the brilliant minds at
Comments From Left Field:
MSNBC is a serious news organization, not a gauche political op like Fox. This appears to be the message MSNBC brass are attempting to send, following criticism from both wingnut and Beltway pundits (“right-wing cackling and old media cluck-cluck-clucking,” as Maddow put it) about the network’s purportedly “biased” election night coverage this past Tuesday: We are not Fox Left. We still inhabit the same void of vainly deluded fauxjectivity like our Village brethren do.
Okay. Right.

this guy's got a bit of the objectivity that's eluding those on the brain-blown left:

Color me unimpressed with the outpouring of outrage and garment-rending from liberal colleagues in the wake of MSNBC's suspension of shouting head Keith Olbermann.

Fine, fine, fine. Fox has no such enforced rules about political contributions from commentators and news presenters. This would never happen to a conservative. NBC's rules are antiquated in a participatory, opinionated age of "news." Stipulated. Noted. Filed.

But Olbermann certainly knew the rules and made no attempt to tell management he had broken them, when he surreptitiously made contributions to three Democratic Congressional candidates. In accepting millions from the corporation paying him to fulminate and snort nightly, he certainly agreed to the points in his contract above the signatures. And whatever the outraged left may claim about his actual status, it's clear that Olbermann considers himself a journalist - and a worthy successor to Edward R. Murrow, to boot. And he's one who regularly castigates right-wing media for abandoning the strictures of real journalism. Keith's stately silence on the matter thus far is, quite frankly, his most eloquent statement in quite some time.*

Would that it extended to the chirping chorus around the rest of MSNBC's soundstage - and quite frankly, in the progressive blogosphere, which seems to be pouring out more energy and gut-level anger into defending Olbermann than it did in defending the unappreciated accomplishments of the current Democratic administration and the now lame-duck Democratic Congress.

There are many liberals who root for MSNBC to grow into a counterweight to the Fox monstrosity, our side's version of fair and balanced and loud.

Count me out. It's bad strategy, it's bad karma - and it's bad television. The MSNBC squad is almost painful to watch these days. On election night, the roiling tension on the desk was a death star of hair-shirted self-flagellation, a black hole of anger and resentment that almost sucked the sunny Rachel Maddow into its vortex. O'Donnell vs. Matthews vs. Olbermann. Feel the love. Jagger and Richards are warmer at this point. As seat-squirmingly painful as any Larry David show, but without the yucks. And the freak show vitriol of the mid-term coverage was in direct opposition to the preening West Wing-style house ads that MSNBC has rolled out to push its "Lean Forward" line-up of lefties. God, is there anything that smacks of the white upper middle class patriarchy more than the ad featuring Lawrence O'Donnell leaving the MSNBC offices late at night, and the moment he touches the shoulder of the black security guy on his way out?

Bill Whittle's Firewall: 'What We Believe, Part 5: Gun Rights'

The latest installment:


* "Bill Whittle's Firewall: 'What We Believe, Part 1: Small Government and Free Enterprise'."

* "Bill Whittle's Firewall: 'What We Believe, Part 2: The Problem with Elitism'."

* "Bill Whittle's Firewall: 'What We Believe, Part 3: Wealth Creation'."

* "Bill Whittle's Firewall: 'What We Believe, Part 4: Natural Law'."

Who Knew? MSNBC's Lawrence O’Donnell Admits On-Air: 'I Am a Socialist'

Via The Blaze.

This is just part of the larger MSNBC commie catfight bewtween O'Donnell and Glenn Greenwald:

God this is wonderful.

Matt Lewis has the background, "
'Morning Joe' Battle: Lawrence O'Donnell vs. Glenn Greenwald," and he notes:
... the larger debate here is over whether Democrats will view the 2010 midterm elections as evidence they misread their mandate and over-reached after 2008 -- or if they will view it as evidence they moderated too much after 2008.
And never one to miss having the last word, Rick Ellensburg has more, "Lawrence O'Donnell vehemently denies his own words." In a couple of thousand words, Ellensburg regurgitates the line that "Democrats weren't socialist enough." This is essentially the left's pathology of defeat and denial. For the ace rebuttal, see William Galston, "It's the Ideology, Stupid."

The Best Angry 'Downfall' Parody Evah!! — Hitler Finds Out the GOP Has Retaken the House

OMG this is hilarious!

Blazing Catfur:

Marco Rubio Delivers Weekly GOP Address

Via Kim Priestap:

As I've said, we need some Marco Rubios in California.

Keith Olbermann, a Memorial Tribute

From Reason.TV, via Big Government:

RELATED: "The Obligatory Olbermann Suspended Over Donations Post." Plus, "TV Newser: “Insiders” say Olbermann won’t be back."


Check for hot updates throughout the day at American Power.

ADDED: From Ed Morrissey, "Reason TV’s valedictory salute to Olby."

NewsBusted — Bush Memoir Released Next Week

Via Theo Spark:

Black and Republican and Back in Congress

This is great.


For the first time in over a decade, the incoming class of Congress will include two black Republicans, both of whom rode the Tea Party wave to victory while playing down their race.

One of them, Allen West, a retired lieutenant colonel in the Army, prevailed in a tough fight in a South Florida district. The other, Tim Scott, is the first black Republican to be elected to the House of Representatives from South Carolina in over a century. They will be the first black Republicans in Congress since J. C. Watts of Oklahoma retired in 2003.

“I did not want to run as a black candidate; I did not want to run as a military candidate,” Mr. West said in a telephone interview. “I wanted to run as an American candidate and win the respect of the people.”

While the number of African-Americans in Congress has steadily increased since the civil rights era, black Republicans have been nearly as rare as quetzal birds.

For Mr. Watts, a former college quarterback, the job came with a significant spotlight and significant challenges — as an African-American he was a minority among Republicans, and as a Republican he was a minority among blacks on Capitol Hill. While his time in office overlapped the tenure of another black Republican, Gary A. Franks, who represented a Connecticut district from 1991 until 1997, Mr. Watts is in the one who came to represent the perks and travails of his position.

“I was smart enough to not allow Republicans to compel me to play the role of the ‘black Republican,’ ” Mr. Watts said in a telephone interview. “But I never felt compelled to ignore real issues of the black community either.”

He did not join the Congressional Black Caucus because it was dominated by Democrats, he said, a decision that Mr. West said was a mistake that he would not repeat.

“I think you need to have competing voices in that body,” Mr. West said. “I think that is important.” (Mr. Scott has not decided if he will join the caucus.)

African-Americans found a place in Congress in the latter decades of the 19th century, particularly during the Reconstruction period after the Civil War, when 16 black men served, all of them Republicans. The first was Hiram R. Revels, of Mississippi, who was in the Senate from 1870 to 1871. Joseph H. Rainey from South Carolina was the first black member of the House, serving from 1870 to 1879, according to Congressional Quarterly’s “Guide to U.S. Elections.”

There were no blacks in Congress from 1900 to 1929, but since then, their numbers have increased bit by bit, especially after the civil rights movement, this time with Democrats leading the way, a reflection of the changed dynamics of each party and the shifts of power in state legislatures. Of all the blacks ever to serve in Congress, 98 have been Democrats and 27 have been Republicans; there are 42 African-American members in the current lame-duck Congress ...