Sunday, April 10, 2011

'Atlas Shrugged': New Film Takes Sorta Randian Road to Big Screen

I'm surprised.

A decent and fair report on the front page of today's Los Angeles Times, "'Atlas Shrugged' finally comes to the screen, albeit in chunks."

It has taken businessman John Aglialoro nearly 20 years to realize his ambition of making a movie out of "Atlas Shrugged," the 1957 novel by Ayn Rand that has sold more than 7 million copies and has as passionate a following among many political conservatives and libertarians as "Twilight" has among teen girls.

But the version of the book coming to theaters Friday is decidedly independent, low-cost and even makeshift. Shot for a modest $10 million by a first-time director with a cast of little-known actors, "Atlas Shrugged: Part I," the first in an expected trilogy, will play on about 300 screens in 80 markets. It's being marketed with the help of conservative media and "tea party" organizing groups and put into theaters by a small, Salt Lake City-based booking service.

The fact that one of the 20th century's most influential books is coming to movie screens in such a fashion is — depending on whom you ask — a reflection of liberal Hollywood's aversion to Rand's ideas, a symptom of Aglialoro's rigid adherence to them, or a testament to the challenges inherent in adapting the complex tome.

Aglialoro ultimately made a movie that hews more to Rand's ideology than the conventions of cinematic storytelling, at the risk that far fewer people will see it. Taking a page from the independent blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ," however, he is paying for his own theater bookings and marketing his film to an audience Hollywood often overlooks.

Keep reading at the link. The piece notes that the producers "showed footage at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington..." Also mentioned there is Freedomworks, where bloggers at the CPAC blog-bash saw a preview screening of the film's trailers.

The movie comes out next Friday, April 15th. There's a couple of local tea parties that day, so I might see it on Saturday --- and then I'll update with my own review.

On Budget Issues, Paul Ryan is ' Vastly More Experienced' Than President Obama

Says George Will on today's "This Week":

Plus, "Obama Advisor David Plouffe: Budget Cuts Both 'Draconian' and 'Historic'" (via Memeorandum).

Also, at LAT, "Budget deal foreshadows larger fight ahead." And ABC News, "Debt Ceiling Crisis Looms After Budget Deal: Congress Now Has a New Hurdle to Overcome in Passing an Increase on the Federal Debt Limit."

State Troopers Haul Protesters Out of Washington State Capitol Building

Gee, Toto, I guess we're not in Madison anymore ...

Video at KIRO-TV Seattle, "Protesters Hauled Out Of State Capitol Building." See also, "Third day of 'sleep-in' at Washington state capitol." (At Memeorandum and Crooks and Liars.)

And thank goodness for the police. Looks like union thugs were taking over, threatening violence against state officials. At The Blaze, "Manufactured Madison Moments: SEIU Storms WA Capitol And Invades The Governors Office":

Israel Defense Forces On the Recent Escalation in Southern Israel and the Gaza Strip

From the IDF YouTube channel at top, and at bottom a clip of Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system at work (c/o Norman Gersman):

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer: 'The Ground Zero Mosque - The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks', Calvary Chapel, Mission Viejo, April 9, 2011

Okay, the pictures below are from last night's screening and presentation of Pamela and Robert's film, "The Ground Zero Mosque - The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks." The crowd in attendance was mostly baby-boomers and retirees. But folks were passionate and very receptive of the program. This was the first time I'd seen the whole thing through. (I saw the first 10 minutes of the movie at CPAC.) It's an excellent documentary which deserves a wide screening. And during the Q & A, Pamela and Robert again developed their theme of combating the lamestream media's enabling of sharia at home. Of course Pamela's talk was outstanding as usual. She reminded the audience that if we want to preserve our country and our security, we have to do it ourselves. "When you wake up in the morning, after rubbing the sleep from your eyes, ask yourself what are you going to do today to save the republic?" She got lots of applause. And for good reason. It's shocking sometimes to see things in their totality, but the movie does that, illustrating what's essentially media malpractice --- and then Pamela and Robert bring it all home at the wrap-up discussion. Now, while Pamela was pleased to report that so far not a brick has been laid at the Cordoba Mosque, er, Park51 initiative, the battle is far from over. And another protest is planned for Ground Zero on September 11th. We're going to need it. See, for example, the lastest whitewash on the Hamas-backing Ground Zero developer Sharif El-Gamal at the April 5th Los Angeles Times, "The Man Behind the Manhattan Mosque."






More later ...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson at West Coast Retreat — President Obama's Postmodern Middle East Policy

Victor Davis Hanson gave the breakfast keynote address at the West Coast Retreat on Saturday, April 2nd. And out of a long day of many outstanding presentations, this one was truly special. I think Hanson's talk provided the weekend's biggest "Ah-Ha! Factor." That's the moment when all the pieces of the intellectual puzzle snap together and you say to yourself, "Ah-Ha!" It's a gleeful flash of recognition. The loose ends have been wrapped up and you really see things in a new light.


Continue reading at NewsReal Blog: "President Obama’s Postmodern Middle East Policy — Victor Davis Hanson Provides the “Ah-Ha! Factor” at West Coast Retreat."

I'm heading out right now to meet Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. They're giving a screening of their movie, "The Ground Zero Mosque - The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks," at the Calvary Chapel in Mission Viejo (on Chrisanta Drive off La Paz). Doors open at 6:00pm. Hope to see you there!

'The Biggest Annual Spending Cut in History'? — President Obama on Budget Compromise

I'll try to do a fact-check later, but the biggest annual spending cut in real terms, as a percent of the deficit, as a percent of GDP, or what? I don't trust Obama. He lies. So I'll update with more on this later.

Meanwhile, Ace of Spades has been hawkish on the budget, so scroll down there for some good stuff. And Pat in Shreveport has some pros and cons, "Slaying the Budget Beast."

RELATED: The Other McCain has a big roundup from last night, "REPORT: Deal Struck, Averts Shutdown (Insert ’30 Pieces of Silver’ Joke Here)." And this sounds about right, at Washington Post, "Budget fight shows Washington still broken" (via Memeorandum).

The Berkowitz and Bell Statements on the Goldstone Report

From Rick Richman, at Current Jewish Issues, "The Berkowitz and Bell Statements on the Goldstone Report -- What Justice Goldstone Heard at Stanford on March 28":
The March 28 debate on the Goldstone Report at Stanford University Law School may have had a significance beyond the substantive discussion, because Justice Richard Goldstone was in attendance and, three days after the debate, published his now-famous recantation in the Washington Post.

Set forth below, with permission, are the Opening Statements made at the debate by Peter Berkowitz and Avi Bell, followed by the Rebuttal prepared by Berkowitz with respect to the speakers who spoke in favor of the Report. The yellow highlighting is mine.

The Berkowitz and Bell statements are worth reading not only for their devastating analysis but also, given the time and place in which they were made, for the fact that some believe that they may have impacted Goldstone’s subsequent action.

RTWT at the link.

I read about this earlier, particularly Avi Bell's comments at Jerusalem Post, "Richard Goldston's Legacy."

Last Monday, I debated with Richard Goldstone about the controversial Goldstone Report at Stanford Law School. Three days later, Justice Goldstone finally admitted, in The Washington Post, that, contrary to the report’s assertions, Israel did not intentionally target civilians. A Palestinian outfit called the International Middle East Media Center carried a story this weekend lamenting that two “racist Zionists” at the debate – Peter Berkowitz and I – were responsible for convincing Goldstone of the error of his ways. Sadly, this is, at best, only partly true.

The debate at Stanford was not designed for enlightenment. Besides the moderator, there were five of us debating under a format that let Goldstone avoid responding directly. The debate had too many participants, too large a topic and too crimped a format to allow a serious probing of the report’s defects. The International Law Society, which organized the debate, tipped its hand by inviting an organization called “Students Confronting Apartheid by Israel” to cosponsor the event.

Even with the friendly format, Richard Goldstone cannot have enjoyed the criticism. As I watched him sitting through the debate stone-faced, his wife sitting next to him, and as I thought back on his lengthy resumé, I recognized the enormous tragedy of a man, once lauded as a champion of human rights, becoming a shill for a terrorist organization.

Also RTWT.

Bell thinks Goldstone's contrition insufficient, and others have called for an official apology to Israel.

Added: See also Stanley Kurtz at National Review, "Did Peter Berkowitz Change Goldstone’s Mind?"

Susannah Breslin on Blog Marketing and Hustle

At Forbes (via Instapundit):
These days, it’s not enough to be a good writer online. You have to be a smart marketer, your own content factory, your own publicist. If you can do it all, you are golden. If you cannot, you are screwed.
Breslin's using her own experience moving from True/Slant to Forbes as a case study, but the quote cited is applicable to anyone who's writing online nowadays. When I was away at the Horowitz West Coast Retreat last weekend I didn't bother with my blog. I think I put up just one post on Saturday, and maybe three on Sunday. And of course there was no promotion, through cross-posting, Facebook, Twitter, etc. My traffic numbers were already down for March but I think I had just over 1300 hits last Saturday, which is way down. I've been writing less frequently all around, in any case. Partly because of burnout, but not entirely. I've been reading, spending time with my wife and sons, going to the movies and bookstores, and out to eat! And then of course there's my work, which has been pretty interesting of late, especially with the panel on Egypt the other day, which had me preparing in advance for most of the week.

Anyway, this reminds me that Doug Ross had my blog ranked 100 out of the top 150 conservative websites --- which was surprising, since I don't do that well on the Alexa rankings. And besides that, my Wikio numbers have been eroding over the last year. I thought I was going to be bumped from the top 100 at Wikio but I've dropped down to 93 for the March rankings. I'd by lying if I said I didn't care. When you blog full-time --- as a second but very low-paying job --- the rankings provide a little recognition. That's why William Jacobson's always joking about how he doesn't pay attention to his top blog ranking for both legal and political blogs, precisely while he's writing another post on his top blog rankings for both legal and political blogs! William cites Technorati's rankings, and checking over there my blog is currently #65 for political blogs and #61 for U.S. political blogs --- so I guess that's not too bad. I'm surprised it's that good, since as noted I've been worrying a lot less about promotion. It's time consuming and takes a helluva lot of work. But I keep plugging away -- at blogging, promotion, and original reporting --- since this seems to be what gives me the most intellectual enrichment right now, and that's to say nothing of my addiction!

More later ...

CNN Ratings Fall as Breaking News Fades

At New York Times.

Fox News is dominating the cable networks, but I thought for a moment that television all around was losing the breaking news market to the Internet. That is happening, since more and more people look online for news, although in this case it's just a discussion of the ratings war. Fox's success reminds us again just how out of touch the lamestream media really is.

At 150th Anniversary, Civil War is Still Relevant to Most Americans

A new poll, from Pew Research, "Civil War at 150: Still Relevant, Still Divisive":

Lincoln Memorial

As the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War approaches, most Americans say the war between the North and South is still relevant to American politics and public life today.

More than half of Americans (56%) say the Civil War is still relevant, according to the latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted March 30-April 3 among 1,507 adults. Nearly four-in-ten (39%) say the Civil War is important historically but has little current relevance.

In a nation that has long endured deep racial divisions, the history of that era still elicits some strong reactions. Nearly half of the public (46%) says it is inappropriate for today's public officials to praise the leaders of the Confederate states during the war; 36% say such statements are appropriate.

Nonetheless, a majority (58%) say they have no particular reaction to the Confederate flag, the symbol of the South. Among those who have a reaction to the flag, more than three times as many say they have a negative reaction as a positive reaction (30% to 9%).

More at the link above. An interesting correlation would be to cross-tabulate opinion on the Civil War with party identfication. The Pew results find 37 percent independent, 32 Democrat, and 25 Republican. No doubt Democrats are most likely to have negative reaction to the Confederate Flag. Which reminds me, the attacks on people as racist who show any pride in Southern heritage are pretty pathetic. Yeah, Charles Johnson, Scott Lemieux and a few other progressive losers, I'm talkin' to you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wasted: Manny Ramirez Walks Away From Baseball After Second Drug-Related Offense

Former Cleveland and Boston slugger Manny Ramirez will retire. See LAT, "Manny Ramirez tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug":

Ramirez struggled with injuries but still hit .298 with nine homers and 42 runs batted in in 90 games for the Dodgers and White Sox last season. He's a career .312 hitter with 555 home runs in 18-plus seasons, including some of his best with the Cleveland Indians and Boston Red Sox.

It was after signing with the Dodgers, though, that his reputation was sullied.

The erratic Ramirez performed well on the field and became a fan favorite, with “Mannywood” signs popping up around town, and wound up signing a $45-million, two-year contract to remain with the Dodgers. But in May 2009, he was suspended for testing positive for human chorionic gonadotropin, a banned female fertility drug that is often used to help mask steroid use.

“I'm shocked,” said Colorado's Jason Giambi, who has acknowledged taking steroids during his own career. “He always kind of portrayed that he was out there, but he knew how to hit, man. He was unbelievable when it came to hitting.”

Texas Rangers Manager Ron Washington was more somber in his assessment of Ramirez's career.

“Until the past couple of years, I thought he was on his way to the Hall of Fame,” Washington said. “I don't think many guys got as many big hits in their careers as he has. There weren't many guys who had as big an effect on a game as he had. You hate to see greatness all of a sudden just fade.”

It's just a waste, plain and simple. I always enjoyed watching Ramirez play, especially when he was with Boston. Drugs are a waste.

D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton: 'If these Republicans insist ... then we have got to make them pay the price'

That's right after she said "It’s time that the District of Columbia told the Congress to go straight to hell."

That's belligerent and threatening, more of the new tone progressives keep talking about, or something.

At Fox News, "D.C. Delegate Tells Congress to Go 'Straight to Hell' Over Budget Battle." And MyFox DC, "Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton Upset Over Treatment of DC During Shutdown Resolution Talks":

Ezra Klein Shills for Planned Parenthood Abortion Industry

I never cease to be amazed, but Boy Wonder Ezra is up to his progressive tricks again, "What Planned Parenthood Actually Does" (via Memeorandum).
... As you can see in the chart atop this post, abortion services account for about 3 percent of Planned Parenthood’s activities.
Check the post for the chart he's talking about, but no matter. The "3 percent" figure is a blatant lie, and the rest of Ezra's post is questionable on the facts, and a diversion from the real issue in any case. Here's Live Action on the numbers, "38.4% of Planned Parenthood’s 2009 “Health Center Income” is from Abortion":


This means that fully 38.4% of Planned Parenthood health center income comes directly from aborting unborn children.

So, only "3 percent of activities"? I guess for Ezra abortion services are kinda like the Constitution --- too hard to understand.

Rep. Michele Bachmann: 'This is the “small ball” battle that House leadership has chosen to engage'

Representative Bachmann, at Red State, "Not a Big Enough Fight."

She's a little upset that House Republicans aren't staying focused on the big picture, especially the priority of ObamaCare repeal:

Don’t get me wrong, cuts in spending are a move in the right direction. House Republicans have brought about a change from the spending binge of the last two years. But it’s time to face the facts. This is the “small ball” battle that House leadership has chosen to engage. The current battle has devolved to an agenda that is almost too limited to warrant the kind of fighting that we’re now seeing in Washington.

Democrats only want to cut $33 billion of spending, while some reports say Republicans might settle for $40 billion. Either way, it’s not enough. We should be playing “big ball.” We should be fighting over trillions, not billions. We should be defunding ObamaCare, but we’re not.

I made a commitment to vote “no” on any Continuing Resolution that does not defund ObamaCare. That pledge to the American people remains unchanged. I believe that’s a battle we cannot walk away from. But, it’s not been an option in the recent government funding bills that House leaders have put up for a vote.

I am ready for a big fight, the kind that will change the arc of history. And, I’m hoping that when it comes to issues like the debt ceiling, ObamaCare, and the 2012 budget, House Republicans will take the lead, draw a line in the sand and not back down from the fight.

And here's Bachmann last night on Greta's:

I'll update on this. Social conservatives are loving the firm stand against Planned Parenthood, so there's special significance to this "small ball" battle after all.

GOP Threatens Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

And I'm glad.

The New York Times is spinning the debate as a "non-budget" issue, but $75 million or $75 billion, it's public funding and more power to the Republicans calling out Dems on government-sponsored death to the unborn. And quoted there is former welfare recipient Patty Murray:

“I am really stunned, and I am angry as a woman,” said Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, “that we have come to this after weeks of negotiating on numbers, where we have in principle an agreement on numbers, that there are those in the Republican Party in the House who are willing to shut down the government, take people’s paychecks away from them, because they want to deny women access to health care in this country.”
"Health care."

That's a nice rhetorical trick. Planned Parenthood is a death mill. Ground zero for the enormity of progressive pro-abortion evil. And leftists are manning (or womanning) the barricades on this one, since they know that abortion is to social policy as unions are to economics: Lose there and the Democrat-socialist-anti-life-coalition takes a knockout blow, with repercussions all the way up the electoral ladder (think President Barack "Infanticide" Obama).

Also, at Wall Street Journal, "Abortion Returns to Center Stage."

ANSWER Coalition's Brian Becker: 'Violence Sometimes Is Necessary’

It's not that this stuff is surprising, but that the media is so ridiculously biased when it comes to reporting violent rhetoric.

The clip below is from The Blaze, "Dark Rhetoric: Nonviolence Is Not Always the Answer; American Socialist Leader Calling for Revolution Says ‘We Are Not Pacifists, Violence Sometimes Is Necessary’":

And check out this piece at New York Review, "We Don’t Know the Language We Don’t Know." It's a report on the March 19th White House protest against the wars. All the usual suspects were on hand, including Code Pink Obama money-bundler Jodi Evans. The "language" reference is to Daniel Ellsburg, who argues that Americans don't know Pashto, so we'll lose in Afghanistan. It's more complicated, but we'll hold off on that for another time. Anyway, ANSWER's Brian Becker was there, talking up a revolution right here at home:

Then Brian Becker of the Answer Coalition, a socialist group that sponsored some of the biggest peace demonstrations before the Iraq war, tore into the Libyan intervention, which had begun with the launch of a hundred cruise missiles that morning. “We have to learn the lessons that are so crystal clear, as Obama and the Pentagon and France and Britain prepare in the next few hours to start dropping bombs on the people of Libya in the name of democracy,” Becker said. “Let’s know this: Libya is the largest oil producer in Africa, and there’s no possible way that if the US goes into Libya that it’s ever going to come out.” Libya must be the masters of their own destiny, he continued. “We ourselves reject the idea, fed to us once again, that US imperialism, with all of its guns and bombs and missiles, is going to help an oppressed people. The only help we can give to the people of Libya and Egypt and Tunisia and Yemen is to make our own revolution right here!” (Whooping and cheering.)

White House and Congress Seek to Avoid Shutdown

The report's at Chicago Tribune, "Budget deal elusive as negotiators scramble." Also at Hot Air and Memeorandum.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Please Help Find Marizela

Michelle Malkin's cousin Marizela Perez was last seen March 5th. The Find Marizela website is here. And here's Michelle with Megyn Kelly earlier today:

The Cars Reunion Tour 2011!


It's almost new wave retro, except The Cars aren't retro!

At RTTNews, "The Cars Announce Spring Tour Dates":

5/10 in Seattle, WA @ Showbox @SODO

5/12 in Los Angeles, CA @ The Hollywood Palladium

5/13 in Oakland, CA @ Fox Theatre

5/15 in Denver, CO @ The Fillmore

5/17 in Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue

5/18 in Chicago, IL @ The Riviera Theatre

5/20 in Toronto, ON @ The Sound Academy

5/23 in Washington, DC @ 9:30 Club

5/25 in New York City, NY @ Roseland

5/26 in Boston, MA @ The House of Blues

HAT TIP: The Sound LA.

RELATED: The new album available May 10: "Move Like This."

Prosser Picks Up Waukesha County With 7,500 Votes!

Hmm, now it's a rout!

At Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, "Prosser gains 7,500 votes in Waukesha County" (at Memeorandum).

Now this is the best! Ann Althouse has a post on Richard Hasen's commentary at Politico, "Wis. court election courts disaster." See, "Don't talk about fraud! Fraud?! There is no fraud! Pay no attention to those... those... those... frauders!":

Don't dare say fraud!
While the fraud allegations [in various recent elections] remain stuck in the public’s mind, no proof of any systemic fraud has been unearthed. Instead, close examination of elections show, time and again, that our election systems are not perfect – but this is due to human error and not fraud.... [I]f the Wisconsin Supreme Court race goes into extra innings, I expect things to become especially contentious and partisan.
To become contentious and partisan? It's been ridiculously contentious and partisan here in Wisconsin since mid-February. It's hard to understand why the Republicans should stand down now. Prosser was way ahead and would have easily won if Democrats hadn't turned what was supposed to be a nonpartisan election into a referendum on the Republican governor they hate. It took Prosser a long time to realize he had to fight like a politician and not just sit quietly modeling traditional judicial demeanor. Outrageous, dirty politics was played against the old jurist, and he had little idea what to do about it. Now, his advocates are supposed to play nice so things won't get ugly? We've been in uglyville since February.


The Political Carnival's already suspicious, and at Firedoglake: "Now this could approach scandal territory. Let’s see where it goes."

Right. Scandal.

More at POWIP: "Prosser Takes the Lead by . . . 7500 Votes?"

Facebook Revolution: The Democratization of Egypt and Changes in the Middle East

A panel discussion at my college today:


The college may upload the talk to YouTube, and if so I'll post it here.

John Yoo at David Horowitz's West Coast Retreat, April 3, 2011

I have a new essay at NewsReal Blog, "John Yoo at West Coast Retreat: Obama Has Made Us Less Safe."


Professor Yoo hammered the Obama administration’s foreign policy. President Obama has, he said, in attempting to dismantle the legal framework of the Bush administration’s anti-terror program, made Americans less safe. Not only did Obama attempt to shutter Guantanamo, but under his watch more than a quarter of the enemy combatants released from detention have returned to the field of battle. Professor Yoo indicated that the nature of the war on terror has changed significantly since the first few years after September 11. Al Qaeda has become increasingly decentralized as a terrorist organization, and transnational recruitment in the U.S. and Europe is a growing source of combatants for the next wave of operations. There are less likely to be large-scale attacks along the lines of 9/11, and more like that of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner two Christmases ago.
More later ...

Obama Says Shutdown Would be 'Inexcusable'

The Washington Post has the story. And here's the key quote:

Water's Fine

“I remain confident that, if we are serious about getting something done, we should be able to complete a deal and get it passed and avert a shutdown,” Obama said. “But it’s going to require a sufficient sense of urgency from all parties involved.”

He also sounded a stern note about the consequences. “It would be inexcusable, given the relatively narrow differences when it comes to numbers between the two parties, that we can’t get this done,” Obama said. “There’s no reason why we should have a government shutdown unless we’ve made a decision that politics is more important.”

I haven't been following the negotiations, but it's mostly theater, IMHO. Shutting down government is ridiculous, frankly. Americans want a deal, as Gallup reported earlier. And I doubt either party can expect a political upside to this, especially with unemployment as high as it is. And the actual effects of a shutdown would be deeply regrettable. See LAT, "Contingency plan for possible government shutdown packs a mean punch."

RELATED: Check this awesome commentary from Daniel Henniger, "A Ronald Reagan Budget: Paul Ryan's budget offers much more than deficit-reduction brimstone."

Taking Bachmann Seriously

At one of the least expected places: Salon, and the essay there from Steve Kornacki (via David Swindle, who's more open-minded about reading progressive websites than I am): "Why we need to take Michele Bachmann seriously."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Many Fans Don't Feel Safe at Chavez Ravine: Dodgers Hire Bratton to Develop Security Plan

Two stories at Los Angeles Times, here and here.

And a news report from KABC Los Angeles:

Allegations of Fraud in Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

At Daily Caller, "Election fraud allegations fly in close Wisconsin Supreme Court race":

Wisconsin citizens and election experts are questioning the veracity of the state’s Supreme Court race, which the Associated Press reports left-wing legal activist JoAnne Kloppenburg won by 204 votes over Justice David Prosser, out of the more than 1.4 million votes.

On an estimated more than 10,000 ballots in Dane County, Wisconsin, where the state capital Madison is, voters selected only a pick in the Supreme Court race, while leaving even the hotly contested mayoral and county executive choices blank. That raises red flags for election experts like Scott St. Clair of the Freedom Foundation, a conservative think tank.

“This is the state that wrote the book on squeaker elections,” St. Clair told The Daily Caller. “I wouldn’t put it past somebody in Wisconsin to be selectively revealing ballots or conveniently finding ballots because this is the kind of stuff we’ve seen in the past before. I think it’s also important to note that Wisconsin and Illinois are neighbors and how they vote in Chicago doesn’t necessarily stop at the state line.”

Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund, who authored ‘Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy’, said Wisconsin’s sketchy election history as well as its election-day voter registration policies make the state ripe for electoral fraud. Fund wrote that a recount, which is now considered inevitable by many accounts, “will be scrutinized for irregularities and possible vote fraud.”

Portugal Seeks Financial Bailout From European Union

At WSJ, "Portugal Pleads for Rescue: Bailout Request — Europe's Third — Will Test the Euro Zone":
LISBON—Running out of money and paralyzed by a political crisis, Portugal said Wednesday it would ask the European Union for a financial bailout—setting up a crucial test of the bloc's emboldened efforts to contain its sovereign-debt crisis.

Portugal is the third nation in the 17-member euro zone to turn to its peers for help, and one that has long been seen as a firewall between small economies whose bailouts are painful but manageable and large economies—like Spain—whose infection would set the crisis on a far darker course.

After days of pressure in financial markets, Prime Minister José Sócrates told Brussels authorities Wednesday that he needed help, and late that evening broke the news to his countrymen in a televised address.

It has appeared inevitable for weeks. Portugal has struggled to raise cash from wary financial markets, and its persistent deficits are draining state coffers.

Politics are at a standstill: Two weeks ago, Mr. Sócrates's government collapsed after parliament rejected his latest bid to rein in Portugal's budget. Mr. Sócrates had adamantly refused to countenance a bailout. Wednesday night, he said he had no choice.

"It is time to assume the responsibility to the country," Mr. Sócrates said in his speech. "It is in the name of national interest that I tell the Portuguese people that we need to take this step."

The country's been running continual budget deficits for thirty years and chronic unemployment is a way of life for large segments of society. Portugal's a basket case --- and a case study in where today's progressive left will take the U.S. under Democrat Party spending and taxing programs.

See, "Government Shutdown Showdown: Obama, Republican and Democratic Congressional Leaders 'Narrow the Issues': Obama Meets John Boehner, Harry Reid at White House in Bid to Facilitate Spending Deal." And all the latest budget news at Memeorandum.

'Transitioning Off' or Shutting TFU? Oh Well, Glenn Beck's Just Too Big for Fox

Since when was "transition off" a verb/adverb compound of note. Yeah, it works grammatically, but seems a little weird. And maybe Beck's not "transitioning off" after all? Maybe he's getting the boot for speaking truth to power, or as Pamela suggests, "Beck Bolts Fox":

Was it "I stand with Israel?" Was it his expose on the Muslim Brotherhood? Or does Glenn Beck want to be Roger Ailes? The media is saying that Beck's ratings have tanked or advertisers have bolted, but this is not so. Beck's numbers are strong, very strong. He holds at two million easy, beating Shlep, Brett, and at times, Hannity.

There is more at work here.

Keep reading Pamela's for all the ratings data. The commie dolts at Booman and Think Progress hope you'll ignore the reality of Beck's support.

Meanwhile, check out Business Insider, "Here's The Real Reason Glenn Beck And Fox News Are Parting Ways":

Beck and Fox are parting ways because Beck had too much power and Fox couldn't control him.

It's not exactly a secret that Beck was unhappy with many aspects of Fox's tightly controlled (and not always friendly) media machine and was eager to be free of it.

As I've noted numerous times, Beck employs his own PR firm outside of Fox's famous PR team. It is they, not Fox (who, in my experience, have rarely to never reached out on behalf of Beck, particularly after he began announcing things like his 100 Year Plan and really started gaining steam) who deal with Beck's many public relations.

Fox likes to wield absolute control over their stars. Glenn Beck, whose office is outside the Fox building, and whose many media holdings put him on track to become some sort of media mogul in his own right, has increasingly been outside of their control.

It's perhaps not a coincidence that Fox News' website has been noticeably stepping up its game ever since Beck's site The Blaze launched last year.

People are very focused on Beck's loss of advertisers and the crazier statements he's made (the one that pops up with most frequency is the time he called Obama a racist, even though that happened way back in July of 2009) as the impetus for this parting. And surely they were contributing factors.

But tune into Fox and Friends in the morning and you will quickly hear plenty of people say incredibly offensive things on Fox every single day -- the difference is that should Fox want to reign them in they are generally able to do so. Less so with Beck.

So to say this was a mutual decision is likely far more accurate.

For Beck it's almost a lateral move -- this is no Keith Olbermann we are talking about, Beck has an entire media empire waiting for him and will likely become his own case study in what a new media world might look like once stars become less dependent on traditional cable platforms.

For Fox it means they no longer have to answer for someone who doesn't like to answer to them.

More later ...

Michele Bachmann: 'We Have a Very Strong Opportunity to Make Barack Obama a One-Term President'

Well, since I'm on a roll here, check the full clip from O'Reilly's program last night, which is better quality from the last one, in any case:

And the reactions to the surging interest in Michele Bachmann are entertaining, at the least. The anti-Semitic
Booman Tribune writes a long essay hammering Congresswoman Bachmann on her lack of qualifications, with all the disclaimers about "not being elitist," and those just come after praising a candidate who attended an Ivy League university (like you know who). Of course, Barack Obama was an unknown community organizer and state senator before anyone had heard of him, and he hoodwinked the nation with a mellifluous baritone voice plus an in-the-tank press corps. So why not Bachmann? Well, Doug Mataconis has a bit on that, and I agree with his comments on Sarah Palin:
I no longer believe Palin will run. That means that Bachmann has a chance to surprise everyone there, especially when she has people who’ve won there before advising her. Michelle Bachmann has no chance of winning the GOP nomination, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the opportunity to make a splash.
Never say never, I always say. So yeah, while Bachmann's a long shot, hey, we have the most radical and unqualified guy sitting in the Oval Office right now. So check back with me after Florida and the Super Tuesday primaries (which will be held February 7th, barring unforeseen changes).

Michele Bachmann on O'Reilly Factor: 'I Have a Very Broad, Extensive Background'

Update to my birthday wishes for Representative Bachmann.

From Christian Heinze, "Bachmann: Why I'm qualified to be president" (via Memeorandum):

RELATED: At Cubachi, "Bachmann: We have a strong opportunity to make Obama a one-term president."

Happy Birthday Michele Bachmann!

Congresswoman Bachmann was born April 6, 1956.

Readers can sign her birthday card here. Her election homepage is here.


And check Jonathan Chait (FWIW), "How Michele Bachmann Could Win," and Josh Marshall (same warning), "Is She Unstoppable?"

Unions Made Wisconsin Judicial Election a Referendum on Walker's Budget Reform Bill, and They Still Couldn't Put It Away

And since the election's too close to call, progressives will likely steal a victory in the end. See Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Supreme Court race still too close to call, Kloppenburg has narrow lead":


As of 9:45 this morning, the Associated Press had results for all but 5 of the state's 3,630 precincts and Kloppenburg had taken a 311 vote lead after Prosser had been ahead most of the night by less than 1,000 votes.

That close margin had political insiders from both sides talking about the possibility of a recount, which Wisconsin has avoided in statewide races in recent decades. Any recount could be followed by lawsuits - litigation that potentially would be decided by the high court.

The razor-thin result was the latest twist in Wisconsin's ongoing political turmoil. The state has drawn the attention of the nation in recent weeks because of the fight over a controversial law sharply restricting public employee unions, which caused massive weeks-long protests in the Capitol, a boycott of the Senate by Democrats and attempts to recall senators from both parties.

Interest groups on both sides had portrayed the election as a referendum on Gov. Scott Walker's agenda and particularly on the collective bargaining law. Conservatives backed Prosser, and liberals supported Kloppenburg, even though the candidates themselves insisted they were politically neutral.

As this race goes to recount, conservatives should keep two words in mind: Al Franken.

Ed Morrissey has more, with special attention to the left's epic underperformance:

The recount process may take weeks or even months, depending on who wins the official tally and how hard the other fights. In Minnesota, we have some experience with recounts, of course, and the one that finally settled the 2008 Senate campaign between Al Franken and Norm Coleman took until the following summer to conclude. It’s an easy bet that the unions have already begun to flood the zone with lawyers to assist in the recount and cash for operations supporting Kloppenburg. If anyone in Prosser’s camp wants to heed the lessons of the Minnesota recall, calls should be going out today for a similar effort — and probably should have started a week ago or more.

But the unions have a bigger problem. Many gave Prosser little chance of holding his seat in this off-year, otherwise sleepy election, as unions organized fiercely to unseat him before the state Supreme Court could hear the challenge to Scott Walker’s law. Given the usual lack of turnout for April elections in off years, the organizing power of the unions should have been overwhelming, and Prosser should have been toast even in less-progressive areas of the state. Instead, Wisconsin voters thundered to the polls to support Prosser, and Kloppenburg turned out to do poorly outside of Dane and Milwaukee counties — and even in Milwaukee, Kloppenburg led by just a 57/43 margin.

What should have been a slam-dunk if Walker’s proposal was really as extreme and disaffecting as unions claim turned out to be an even split. Given their power and the investment of time and money by the unions, this is an eye-opening stumble.

Photo Credit: Ann Althouse.

RELATED: "Recount may not be able to start for weeks" (via Memeorandum).

Rough Language, Gay Sex Restored to James Jones' From Here to Eternity in New E-Book Edition

No doubt Scott Eric Kaufman will be thrilled.

At Los Angeles Times, "Profanity and more to be found in uncensored 'From Here to Eternity' e-book":

When James Jones published "From Here to Eternity" in 1951, his editors had pulled back some of the frank language and description in his original draft. The resulting novel, which chronicled the drinking, brawling and illicit affairs of soldiers stationed in Hawaii in the months before Pearl Harbor -- was a titillating, critically acclaimed bestseller. The 1953 movie, which starred Frank Sinatra, Montgomery Clift, Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr, got a similar reception, winning eight Oscars, including best picture.

Now, a new e-book edition of the novel will include the profanity and mentions of gay sex that were left out of the 1951 version. The uncensored "From Here to Eternity" is being published by Open Road Media and Jones' heirs, including daughter Kaylie Jones.

"It's been on my mind for quite a few years, and the right moment just hadn't come up yet," Kaylie Jones told the New York Times. “My father fought bitterly to hold on to every four-letter word in the manuscript. The publisher was concerned about getting through the censors."

More at the link. James Jones was one of the greatest American novelists, homosexual sex scenes or not.

Portland State Muslim Students Association Boots Citizen Vlogger From Public Event

From Gabriella Hoffman:
Our greatest arsenal to expose the truth on campus is to film/capture footage of blatantly hurtful, anti-Semitic, anti-American, etc. things. We must not let anything slide or go unnoticed. If you’re in a public place, especially Library Walk or any free speech zone on campus, you have every right to film whatever lies before you.

Check out this video from a citizen journalist who went to an MSA meeting at Portland State University:

The MSA's organizing is based on lies. They support terrorism and they don't want any scrutiny. I said the same things to Hamzah Baig at UCLA, when he refused pictures, whining about how I was "harrassing" his people. Oh brother. That was just one more lie. It's all lies, like this dungheap of propaganda:
They will learn that Israel, the Jewish state, is a racist, colonialist, imperialist, apartheid country that was born from the "ethnic cleansing" of the perfectly innocent, indigenous Palestinian population that wanted nothing more than to tend their Sacred Olive Groves in peace when militarist Jews marched out of Europe in the middle of the twentieth century and shoved them off of land that their ancestors had lived on for hundreds of thousands of years... from time immemorial.

They will learn that Hamas, a genocidal organization that calls for the slaughter of the Jews and that owes an ideological debt to the Nazis, is actually a moderate organization that was elected by the good people of Gaza because they are not nearly so corrupt as Fatah, which, because it has considered peace with Israel, is clearly a sell-out to the Jews and the Americans... despite the fact that they rejected that peace and continue to incite hatred toward Israelis.

They will learn that of all the nations on Earth only one is worthy of total condemnation, the Jewish nation. They will learn that of all that states on Earth only one should never have come into existence, the Jewish state. They will learn that since the Jewish state should never have come into existence that it must be opposed on every level and eventually dissolved in favor of a 23rd Arab country.

I'm getting sick to my stomach at the ignorance and stupidity of this, and the minds that hate. And this is taking place at our public universities, where we're supposed to be enlightening and enriching. Even worse is that this is America!! God, they're Nazis!! And that's no lie!!

NewsBusted — Wisconsin Teacher E-Mailed Death Threats to Legislators

Via Theo Spark:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Union Leader Pledges 'Thousands of Dead Bodies' at Greater Boston 'We Are One' Protest

A report from Nicole J. Pearce.

She covered the Greater Boston Labor Council's "We Are One" MLK exploitation protest at the Massachusetts Republican Party headquarters:

Yesterday I was able to attend the We Are One rally in Boston. This video is of the closing remarks of the event by Greater Boston Labor Council leader Rich Rogers ...

And check Kimberly Morin, "Violent rhetoric from AFL-CIO union rally in Boston":

’And to the Republican party of Massachusetts, if you think this is gonna happen here, it is going to be over thousands of dead people’s bodies. If you think Wisconsin was anything, we need to stop these guys in their tracks now and kill their bills at the State house.”
Another fine example of civility brought to you by a union boss (who is also a Democrat). Death threats from a teacher in Wisconsin ; AFSCME threatening businesses; and a male Wisconsin Democrat State Legislator telling his Republican colleague ‘You’re f*cking dead’ because she voted YEA on Governor Walker’s budget bill . Is this the new tone of the Democrat Party? Or is this just the typical behavior that the Left and unions have been using for decades? Why isn't this violent tone being reported by the main stream media? ...
Well, goes against the narrative, of course --- especially on the anniversary of MLK's assassination. Crass hijacking of the King legacy. Supposed to be all Gandhian non-violence, dontcha know?!!

Progressive union dirtbag thugs. Get the word out on these ghouls.

Added: Linked at Blazing Cat Fur, "We'll at least he's up front about it."

Also, at Maggie's Farm, "Union Civility in Boston," and Lonely Conservative, "Union Leader to MA GOP: If you think this is going to happen here, it’s going to be over thousands of dead bodies."

Plus, at Weasel Zippers, "Mass Labor Leader Pledges “Thousands of Dead Bodies” If Republicans Attempt Wisconsin-Style Union Reforms…"

Hispanics Suspected in Savage Beating of Giants Fan at Dodgers' Opening Day

Oh, but you can't say "savage."

But as the Los Angeles Times reports:

Brian Stow, 42, a Santa Cruz paramedic, a father of two and a Giants fan, was walking through the Dodger Stadium parking lot with two friends after the Dodgers' 2-1 victory over San Francisco. Stow was wearing Giants apparel, police said, and two young men began taunting him. One of the assailants then cursed the Giants and blindsided Stow with blows to the back and head, police said.

The two assailants repeatedly kicked and punched Stow while he was on the ground. Stow's friends attempted to help, and were also punched and kicked before the attackers fled in a car driven by a woman. Police said it appears there was also a 10-year-old boy in the car.

Stow has a brain injury and is in a medically induced coma at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. He remained in critical condition on Monday.

Part of Stow's skull has been removed to reduce the pressure on his brain, said Rebecca Mackowiak, his colleague at a paramedic service. Even if he recovers physically, she said, "he won't be the same person again."

The attack has helped add to Dodger Stadium's reputation as the home to what former major league player Dustan Mohr a few years ago told a reporter might be "the worst crowd" in baseball.

A ten year-old was driving the getaway car, naturally. Don't be surprised if we find out that the suspects are MS-13 operatives.

Paul Ryan: The Most Rational Man in America

Representative Paul Ryan lays out the path to prosperity, at Wall Street Journal (via Memeorandum):

No one person or party is responsible for the looming crisis. Yet the facts are clear: Since President Obama took office, our problems have gotten worse. Major spending increases have failed to deliver promised jobs. The safety net for the poor is coming apart at the seams. Government health and retirement programs are growing at unsustainable rates. The new health-care law is a fiscal train wreck. And a complex, inefficient tax code is holding back American families and businesses.

The president's recent budget proposal would accelerate America's descent into a debt crisis. It doubles debt held by the public by the end of his first term and triples it by 2021. It imposes $1.5 trillion in new taxes, with spending that never falls below 23% of the economy. His budget permanently enlarges the size of government. It offers no reforms to save government health and retirement programs, and no leadership.

Our budget, which we call The Path to Prosperity, is very different. For starters, it cuts $6.2 trillion in spending from the president's budget over the next 10 years, reduces the debt as a percentage of the economy, and puts the nation on a path to actually pay off our national debt. Our proposal brings federal spending to below 20% of gross domestic product (GDP), consistent with the postwar average, and reduces deficits by $4.4 trillion.


Also, an analysis at National Journal, "The Ryan Budget: Big Cuts, Bigger Questions."

If there's time, I'll work on a roundup of left-wing reactions to the Ryan budget. The question isn't so much are things "workable" or that Ryan's economic projections are "ambiguous." The issue is that Ryan's serious about changing the mindset of unlimited government largesse. And for that he'll be pilloried by the radical left's entitlement mandarins and the demon-screamers of the Democrat-Socialist Party.

Dennis Prager at David Horowitz's West Coast Retreat, April 3, 2011

Diane Schrader, my blogging colleague at NewsReal, reports, "Why You Better Pray that God is Not Dead – Dennis Prager Diagnoses America’s Disease":


What passes for faith in most mainstream (liberal) Christian denominations and most of Judaism (outside Orthodox) has become a mushy pablum of warm fuzzy feelings instead of concrete moral standards. One can’t even discuss concepts like sin and hell (which are necessary prerequisites, by the way, for mercy and grace) without being accused of “extremism” and, in a torturous logical twist, of being just like “radical Muslims.”

The lack of critical thinking skills from which these illogical flights of fancy emerge is of course the fault, in part, of our current educational vacuum, but Prager frames it in an interesting way. If a student was homeschooled in a strict Christian home his or her entire life, never allowed to watch television, listen to popular music, read anything other than the Bible, get on the internet, or even leave the house – would you consider them somewhat brainwashed? You might – although of course, I defy you to actually find anyone who has experienced this (despite the fevered imaginations of teacher unions that oppose homeschooling or any type of Christian education).

Now Prager turns this on its head. Keeping in mind the virtually lockstep leftist leanings of popular culture, the media and our educational institutions – if a student went to a secular K-12 school system his or her entire life, absorbed countless hours of secular TV programming, listened to nothing but popular music, read nothing about teen-oriented magazines and books, and went to movies, concerts etc. that were all completely non-religious and non-conservative in nature, would you consider them to be somewhat brainwashed? Because you should – and I guarantee that you can find thousands and probably millions of kids whose lives mirror this set of experiences.

What does this have to do with God? Well, an entire generation has been inoculated against thinking about Him in any kind of serious way. And without an understanding of God, as Prager says, our concepts of good and evil grow blurry indeed, and we get all mixed up, just like the leftists who confuse hating people who fight evil with hating evil.

Be sure to read the whole thing, at the link. Diane does an masterful job recounting Prager's talk, which was a sight to see. I'll have my work cut out for me later this week when I have some time to write up a couple of reports myself.

UCSD Professors Slam Anti-Israel Hostility on Campus

From Bruce Kesler, at Maggie's Farm, "Professors Call BS On Campus Anti-Israel Groups":
At college campuses across the US, student organizations that attack Israel have become more and more active, and obnoxious, over the past decade. The members are drawn from some of the Moslem students and their far leftist companions. Most students are there to get an education, or at least get their degree ticket punched. While there's little evidence these anti-Israel groups have much support, through their activism they load student governments and with their loud voices they usually dominate campus debates.

Over the past year or so, at many campuses Jewish groups have formed to counter this vileness. Others of sound minds have joined in.

The University of California, San Diego is one of the top-ranked academic campuses in the country. This week a group of professors joined together to call BS on the anti-Israel groups.

Dr. David Feifel, a professor at UCSD and Vice President of the UCSD SPME (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East) chapter, wrote a powerful editorial about the hypocrisy on campus relating to the Arab and Muslim students' focus on Israel Apartheid Week and their failure to acknowledge the suffering of the Arabs being murdered for demonstrating for democracy in Arab countries. Shockingly, the UCSD Guardian newspaper after an initial acceptance, at the final hour refused to run the editorial. SPME contacted SDIC [San Diego Israel Coalition, of which I'm a member, a group of about 2500 members who support Israel] and asked for our help, we brought in our partner StandWithUs who generously paid for a full page ad which today featured the editorial with 28 signatures of UCSD Professors.

The editorial is below the fold. It is quite educational, and directly confronts the hypocrisy of the on campus anti-Israel groups for actually not giving much of a darn for oppressed Arabs but, instead being preoccupied with vilifying Israel.

These strong counters need to be spread to every other college campus. Please distribute this post to students and professors at other campuses.

Read the letter at the link.

RELATED: From Gabriella Hoffman, "UCSD Guardian Fails to Uphold Principles of Unbiased Journalism."