I have been talking, pleading, coaxing, begging about this for a long while. Conservative have nothing like it. At all. legalinsurrection.com/2013/02/upwort…
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
"GReen" politics isn't anti-capitalism. It's anti-you. "Green" zealots want you to live in cold, dark places, eating cold, horrible food.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You see someone who wants you to give up light bulbs and warm houses? Laugh at them, then make sure they never touch political power. Ever.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You know those people who want to raise the minimum wage? They don't want young people in the job market. They want them dependent.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Why on Earth do you think the same "raise the minimum wage" people also want to keep people locked into their parents' health insurance?
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
It's not because they're being *kind*. It's because they get a few more years of control. They are control-freaks. Power-hungry tools.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Take a good look some time at what the minimum wage has done to employment rates of young people. It's brutal.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
But once those entry-level, "learn as you earn" jobs get priced out of the market, what's left? College. Specifically, college loan debt.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
And who just spent a couple years putting college loans in the hands of the same government that jacked up the minimum wage? *DING DING*
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
So, the very same people who ran young people out of entry-level jobs and pushed them into college also took control of college loans.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
And those *very same* people are locking young people into their parents health insurance plans until they're 26. Well, hmmm...
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
What might a reasonably intelligent person say about someone who did all three of those things in the past four years? Come on. Think.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
For goodness' sake, think like a politician who just shunted young people into *at least* a decade of debt for which they hold the note.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Think like the political who holds paper on how many college graduates who also depend on that politician's lackeys for health insurance.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
For Pete's sake, THINK!!
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
But wait, you say! I can open a small business, you say. Maybe do some grunt work to pay off that debt, you say. Haul junk. Landscaping.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
*BUZZ!!* No dice, dude. you don't get to do *any* of that without at least two permits from, guess who, MOAR BUREAUCRATS!
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
So now they control your debt, your health care, your job prospects, and your ability to work for yourself to pay off the debt.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Now here's the funny part, really. Okay, not so much funny as heart-breakingly sad. Ready? Listen closely. Bend in so you hear it.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Do you feel like a sap? No? Well, you will, in just a couple years when the bills come due. Oh, wait. Did I mention bills? Hang on.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I have one more thing about those bills. See, it's about that health care. You know, the police you're on with your parents? Yeah.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
The second you get off that policy, you're going to have a choice. You can buy a policy of your own, approved by the bureaucrats, or...
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
...you can pay a fine. Umm...I mean a tax. See, the government says you *have* to pay them even if you don't want. Even if you don't need.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You can't just set money aside in case something bad happens, and pay the bill with your savings. Oh, no. You have to pay every year.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
And you're not paying for you. You won't use as much health care as you pay for. You'll pay for the health care of -- TA DA -- your parents.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
So that policy you rode on until you were 26? Congrats. You'll be paying for it once you get off it. More than you want or need.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
But this isn't about your need. It's about control, and you are not your own person any more. You're not in control any more. You're a cog.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You're a little cog in a huge machine and you have a job. Work. Work every day. For someone else. Not for you. Never for you.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
This is your life now. You belong to THE MAN. Youtake THE MAN's wage, go to THE MAN's doctor, retire when THE MAN says.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You buy what THE MAN allows you to buy, drive the car THE MAN wants you to drive, watch movies THE MAN says get made.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Sucks, huh? Sucks hard. Well, you did choose it. You liked it on Facebook and RTed it on Twitter, and up-voted it on Reddit.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You sucked down the happy juice and shared it with all your friends and now...what? What's it look like for you?
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Look, I'll be honest. This new world THE MAN has put together, it's pretty good for folks like me. I'm heading into the sweet spot.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I'm about in my mid-40s now. I should be starting businesses and hiring you guys and setting you up for your own businesses and success.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I should have loads of disposable income on which I can shower you. Buy your stuff. I'm tech-savvy. I want your apps and tunes and movies.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
But that tax bite is tearing me down, setting me up for when I'm in my 60s and you're paying my freight. I hate that.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Let me say that again. I hate that. With a passion you can't even begin to imagine. I want it to be different. I want to help you succeed.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I want to teach you every single trick I know and I want you to rock the whole freaking planet. I want you to invent and cure and live.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I want to kick this world in its ass and get it moving then hand you the torch so you can light the fuse and make it really take off.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I can't do it without you, though. I need your help. I need your enthusiasm, energy, humor, and savvy. I have lots of my own. I need more.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Seriously, we can fix this. We can make things right. We can put the country back in your hands and in mine. We can. WE CAN!
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Listen to me. WE CAN DO THIS.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You have to stop buying the hype. You have to push your friends and family to stop buying the hype. I promise I'll do the same. Promise.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I will not leave you hanging. I will not abandon you. Get right beside me and let's do this. Let's throw those control freaks out. Every one
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I don't give a rat's ass what their party is. Democrat, Republican, don't matter. If they want to control your life or mine, they're done
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Washington can not make the calls anymore. They're blown it. Wrecked the whole thing. Look around. See the #Fail.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
They blew it and they don't get a second chance. End their careers. Throw them out and all their puling little bureaucrat buddies.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Get on my shoulder. We will handle our business. We got this. You know we do.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Really, the only question today is: ARE YOU READY TO DO THIS? I think you are. Let's go.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
BY the way, I'm not telling you to follow me. I'm not even asking. CRap, the last thing I want is for you to follow me. Stop following.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Following is what got us into this godawful mess. We follow too much. We get in line too often. Don't follow me. Do. Not.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Get beside me. Cover my flank. Get my back. Get your friends' backs. Cover each other. Everyone moves forward. Lead. Go. Do.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
Don't ask permission from anyone. Not me. Not a politician. Not a so-called leader.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You like what I'm doing? Share it. Make stuff like it. Share that. Build your own groups. You do it. Yes, you.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
You're not a leader? Cool. Neither am I. I don't know what I am. I'm just a guy. I blog. I write. I do a podcast. I tweet.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
But I figure if there are enough of us who look at the control-freaks right in their beady, greedy eyes and shout "NO!!!!!", we'll win.
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
So, there. That's all. :)
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) February 17, 2013
I caught Jimmie posting this manifesto midstream, but if that top tweet is any clue, it's William Jacobson who got him going: "Upworthy — or, How we are losing the internet to lowest of low information young liberals."
Jimmie's manifesto is a thing of beauty, and since I had the time to curate it, I thought, "Why in the heck not?"