Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Accreditation Warnings at Many California Community Colleges

I didn't know so many colleges were risking sanctions.

At LAT, "More community colleges facing accreditation problems":
A warning to Los Angeles Mission College to correct a number of academic and administrative deficiencies didn't come as a great surprise to Daniel Campos.

The former student body president had long been frustrated with campus infighting, perceptions of cultural insensitivity and inadequate counseling and other student services.

All of these issues and others were cited recently by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges when it put the Sylmar campus on notice that it must make improvements.

"Most students in general are not aware of the impact of accrediting decisions," said Campos, who also served as student trustee for the Los Angeles Community College District. "If the college loses accreditation, I'll lose transfer credits, so I'll need to find a way to line up everything in one year in case that happens."

The warning issued to Mission is the mildest of the possible penalties. The college will remain accredited pending a follow-up report due by March 2014.

But in a raft of actions earlier this month, the panel made the rare decision to revoke accreditation from City College of San Francisco in July 2014 (the college is appealing) and issued warnings to Los Angeles Valley, Orange Coast and six other campuses. Sanctions were removed from West Los Angeles and Harbor colleges and seven other campuses.

Of California's 112 community colleges, one, College of the Sequoias in the Central Valley town of Visalia, is operating under the most serious penalty — "show cause" — meaning the college is substantially out of compliance with requirements and must correct deficiencies to remain accredited. Five other colleges are on probationary status, and 13 have been given warnings.
Continue reading.

I'm surprised OCC is on the list, since it has such a great reputation. But things that you wouldn't expect can get a college in trouble. You have to meet schedules determined from outside the institution and community colleges are extremely cumbersome places. Things don't move quickly. A lot doesn't get done. I've written about San Francisco CC before, and it's even deeper than that for that college. The place resembled more like a political machine with handouts to all kind of connected constituencies, minority constituencies. That's really corrupt.

Lightning Strikes Behind the London Eye

At Telegraph UK, on Twitter.

More here.

New Images From NASA's Cassini Spacecraft


At LAT on Twitter.

British Armed Forces Celebrate Royal Baby

Very well then.

More at Telegraph UK, "It’s royal baby fever the world over."

Who Gives a Flying F-k About What Tara Dowdell Has to Say?

The Sean Hannity clip is here, "The Left's Intolerance Debated: Joel Pollak vs. Tara Dowdell - Sean Hannity - Fox News - 7-22-13."

I just wondered why Hannity brought this bitch on TV.

Hey, maybe he'll drop that mf stooge. I don't like her.

British Newspaper Front Pages

Lots of folks are complaining about the sensationalism, but I love it.

Rosie Jones for Page 3


And at the Sun, "Rosie, 20, from Middlesex."

Unhinged #JusticeForTrayvon Protesters Scream at Brandon Darby in Houston

The leftists are animals, as we see once again.

#JusticeForTrayvon in Los Angeles

From John Sexton, at Big Government, "Video from the Justice for Trayvon Rally in Los Angeles."

More here, "At the 'Justice for Trayvon' Rally in Los Angeles."

Obviously a lot of the same thugs turned out Sunday at Anaheim. Same shit. Different day.

Video Shows Massive Sparks Flying as Southwest Jet Makes Emergency Landing at LaGuardia

Late night news broadcasts had the clip, but no major video available yet.

This is pretty wild nevertheless:

A local report is here, "#LaGuardia Landing Gear Collapse On Southwest Airlines Flight NYC."

PREVIOUSLY: "Southwest Plane's Landing Gear Collapsed Upon Landing at LaGuardia."

Increasingly, It's Women Who're Driving Today's Hookup Culture

From Andrea Tantaros on Twitter:

And click through at the link. An interesting piece.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Oh My! Lame Leftist Sally Kohn Blames Detroit Collapse on 'Racially Biased Policies'

My goodness, for some reason I missed the All-Star panel today. Bummer too, 'cause it was a riot.

At Twitchy, "Sally Kohn: Detroit ‘set up to fail’ by racially biased policies."

The debate, which took off on Twitter, was kicked off after Kohn had her ass handed to her by Charles Krauthammer.

Southwest Plane's Landing Gear Collapsed Upon Landing at LaGuardia

I promised an update.

Some raw video from AP:

And from Anderson Cooper at CNN, "Passenger: Felt like the plane could break in half."

PREVIOUSLY: "Southwest Airlines Jet Lands Without Front Landing Gear."

Angry Bill O'Reilly Slams Black Grievance Hucksters' Phony 'Conversation' on Race

O'Reilly gets really mad towards the end of this clip. Righteously mad.

And keep in mind O'Reilly's calling out the biggest race huckster of them all, Barack Hussein.

Watch it all.

Anaheim Police Were Ready to Protect Disneyland During Sunday's Anti-Brutality Hate Fest

As if they wouldn't be.

Loads of signage at the protest blamed Disneyland for underwriting Anaheim police brutality, but hey, they're communists. The whole system's racist, remember?

From Gabriel San Roman, at the O.C. Weekly, "Anaheim Police Were Ready to Protect Disneyland at Yesterday's Anti-Police Brutality Protest":

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With organizers of yesterday's statewide anti-police brutality demonstration in Anaheim failing to publicly disclose where exactly it would end up after its City Hall kickoff, a sense of ambiguity lingered in the air. This was especially the case with regards to the question if there was going to be an attempt to take the Harbor Boulevard bridge into Disneyland and show the Mouse up.
With this in mind, friend of the Weekly Duane Roberts and I spent much of the day photographically documenting the positioning of police 'assets' throughout central Anaheim to see what they were up to. First up? Finding the command post!

Back on July 29, 2012, a highly visible, highly militarized police presence was made known to all who dared protest the weekend following a night of riots in the city. The staging ground for all of APD's 'assets' was the public parking lot north of Glover Stadium. When "tone setters" beckoned and the fatal officer-involved shooting of Manuel Angel Diaz was ruled justified this March, Anaheim police took to the same location during the first city council meeting after the fact preparing for any possible civil disturbance.

This time around? Not so much! Well before the 1 p.m. scheduled start of the protest, the homeless of La Palma Park weren't cleared out and the lot was empty. (Although we would later discover tons of cops parked and eating at the nearby Carl's Jr.!) Unlike last year's demonstration, the police presence was not so easily visible and this was the first sign of that. Roberts, who methodically publishes the Anaheim Investigator Blog, had an idea.

After checking out the Anaheim Police Department's headquarters on Harbor, vehicles began deploying from the back. We tailed some patrol units to see if they would lead us in the right direction. They turned left onto South Street and were followed by a fleet of motorcycle cops who led us right to the command post at Central Yard. "There it is!" Roberts said lighting up like a damn Christmas tree!

More obscured from the public view with high walls, a whole lot of cops could still be seen. Parked at the command post were horses, trailers, an Anaheim SWAT vehicle, armored vehicles and numerous patrol cars--both marked and unmarked. Interim Chief Raul Quezada and his staff were congregating in an alley open to both Vermont Avenue and South Street. Should there be any impromptu attempt by protestors to take Harbor en route to Disneyland, police positioning could easily 'kettle' them, pinching like crab claws from both sides. As the prescient, fish-eyed Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars warned, "It's a trap!"

Back at City Hall, the assembly of protestors numbered at about 500 hundred at its peak. The large parking structure behind it was closed off for supposed "maintenance." Spotted among the crowd was James Armendaris, Manager for OC Human Relations' Police Community Reconciliation Program, snapping photos before the march headed down Broadway Avenue towards Harbor. The gathering eventually stopped in front of APD headquarters as speaker after speaker rallied for hours from atop a stage truck. Once again, Roberts and I took off to see if police assets had already been re-positioned from their command post.
There's still more at the link.

But I'm scratching my head here. Do idiot leftists seriously believe that the cops are just gonna go home for the weekend when anarchists, communists, drug-addled dirtbags, and everyday leftist scum are amassing for a riot?

Yes they do, apparently. Damned morons.

Unrest Continues on Anniversary of #Anaheim Police Shootings

More protests and "vigils" are planned, according to the Los Angeles Times, "Anaheim unrest continues on anniversaries of police shootings":
A vigil Tuesday night will mark a second day of memorials a year after two Anaheim police shootings fueled angry protest and calls for political change in Orange County's largest city.

The vigil for Joel Acevedo, who was killed July 22, 2012, comes the day after hundreds marched through Anaheim to mark the anniversary of the police shooting of Manuel Diaz.

The shootings were followed by days of protests that exposed a deep ethnic divide in a city most often recognized as home to Disneyland.

Diaz, who was unarmed, was shot and killed on July 21, 2012, by an officer who said he believed Diaz had a weapon. Acevedo was killed the following night.
And I'm supposed to be heart-broken?

Have you seen photos of Manny Diaz? The dude was a mf hard-assed criminal loco.

And with all the leftist pro-cop killing agitation, Anaheim PD needs to stay on its toes.

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Southwest Airlines Jet Lands Without Front Landing Gear

I'm watching CNN.

Three injured.

I'll be updating when more news is available.

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IMAGE: At London's Daily Mail, "Plane crash lands without nose landing gear at New York LaGuardia Airport."

New Kate Upton Bikini Pics From the Bahamas

Switching from the Duchess Kate to Kate Upton.

At the Sun UK, "Kate Upton strips to her bikini and unleashes her famous curves in the Bahamas."

And no comparison in the battle of the breasts, at London's Daily Mail, "And the winner is...! Athletic Cameron Diaz takes on curvy Kate Upton in a battle of the bikini bodies as pair sport tiny two-pieces."

'THE SON FRONT PAGE: It's a boy!'

It's pretty good, via Louise Mensch.

And the coverage is here, "Kate gives birth to baby BOY."

Britain's Royal Line of Succession After Elizabeth

Here's the report at the Guardian UK, "Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to baby boy, third in line to the throne."

And check the live feed, "Royal baby: Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a boy – live coverage."

The baby's name might not be known for some time, since it needs to be something kingly, like "James" or "Richard," and the name can't be currently taken by someone near the top of the succession hierarchy, or something. The New York Times has a nifty chart, "The Royal Line of Succession."

And back over to an interesting article from 2012, at the Guardian, "Charles in waiting: 63-year-old pays tribute to Queen – and his own destiny?"

Could the crown bypass Charles to William? The Guardian piece says it won't happen, but certainly if the law can be changed to allow for a female heir to the throne, no doubt tradition can bend to bring William's youth and vigor to the monarchy. It's pretty interesting, in any case.

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Mayors Against Illegal Guns Bleeding Mayors

A BuzzFeed, "Mayors Abandon Bloomberg's Gun Control Group":

Nashua, N.H. mayor Donnalee Lozeau removed her name from the MAIG website when the group released an attack ad, which claimed that Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), who voted against the failed Manchin-Toomey gun legislation, was misleading voters when she claimed to have supported background checks in the past.

“I simply cannot be part of an organization that chooses this course of action instead of cooperatively working with those that have proven over a lifetime of work their true intentions,” Lozeau said in a statement to Nashua’s the Telegraph. “I have faith that Senator Ayotte will continue to work toward finding a responsible solution relative to these issues.”
Well, thank goodness people are waking up to how horrible the gun control goons are. Seriously. The left is just out to bludgeon and eviscerate decent law abiding folks by any means necessary. Resist them. Smash them back and repudiate them like the scum they are.

Via Memeorandum.

George Zimmerman Helps Rescue Family From Overturned Vehicle

Well, I'd like to see video of the crash, but still, if true it's just painful for the Zimmerman-hating left.

At the Orlando Sentinel, "George Zimmerman helped rescue family from overturned SUV, cops say."

Fox News video is here, "Breaking: George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue."


Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Gives Birth to a Son

At London's Daily Mail, "Welcome to the Prince of Cambridge: Cheering at Buckingham Palace as Kate gives birth to future king with William by her side."

I'm sure I'll have some updates. The media overdose on this is pretty funny.

Disgusting: @MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Excitedly Wears Tampon Earrings on National Television

That's just gross.

Bad taste and monumental stupidity. And I remind people that this woman is a professor of political science. Yes, that's how debased our culture has become.

Katie Pavlich reports, "MSNBC Host Wears Tampon Earrings to Prove a Point or Something."

Today's Black Leadership Feeds Off the Fumes of the Glory Days of the 1950s and 1960s

It's all a civil rights shakedown nowadays.

See Shelby Steele, at WSJ, "The Decline of the Civil-Rights Establishment."

Also, from David Lehrer and Joe Hicks, at LAT, "Rhetoric, race and reality in America."

(Via Memeorandum.)

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CBS News Los Angeles Reports on #Anaheim Protest Against Police Brutality

My previous coverage is here.

And here's the report at CBS News Los Angeles:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

March Against Police Brutality in Anaheim

Here's the report at KABC-TV Los Angeles, "Hundreds of protestors march against police brutality in Anaheim."


PREVIOUSLY: "Communists Protest Police Brutality in Anaheim — #JusticeForTrayvon."

Communists Protest Police Brutality in Anaheim — #JusticeForTrayvon

The background is here, "Justice for Trayvon Martin! Shut Down the Racist System!," and "Communists March Against Police Brutality in Anaheim!"

He was interviewed at the Los Angeles Times, "Police-related shootings focus of Anaheim protest march Sunday":
"This is not just the anniversary of the murder of Manuel Diaz," said Mike Prysner, a self-described activist from Los Angeles who is helping to organize the march. "It's also the anniversary of Anaheim being brought into the national and international spotlight as a center of police brutality."
There's more at the Times, "Anaheim marchers mark one-year anniversary of police shooting."

Robert Stacy McCain has this at Viral Read as well:

And my coverage on Twitter:

I just caught the 6:00pm broadcast at KABC7 Eyewitness News, and I'll update when that clip becomes available. Plus, I'll be trolling for other updates on Twitter, YouTube and what not.

Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Rolling Stone's Disgusting Celebrification of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Via Nice Deb, "Pirro Tears Into Rolling Stone for Boston Bomber Glamour-Boy Cover (Video)."

And David Carr at the New York Times gives Rolling Stone the benefit of the doubt, "Behind Rolling Stone’s Cover, a Story Worth Reading."

Well, I think the universal condemnation of Rolling Stone, especially among real Hollywood celebrities, puts the lie to the piece as "worth reading." But things are pretty f-ked up in this country, thanks to the left.

A Trickle of Strangers Were All That Were Left Alive...

Posted this five years ago, "The Only Survivor of the National Peoples Gang..."

Seems relevant today, considering, at CSM, "With Detroit bankrupt, is 'blue model' to blame?"

ObamaCare is Falling Apart

From Ed Rogers, at the Washington Post:
As the reality of Obamacare emerges, a disastrous calamity imposed on the American people, even the most compliant members of the Obama fan club are beginning to panic. Three union presidents have sent Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi a scathing letter decrying Obamacare, showing just how out-of-control this law has become. This astonishing reversal has been underreported so far, except by the ever-vigilant Tom Gara in the Wall Street Journal.

The fact is that the crater of Obamacare is getting deeper, with sharper edges. The unions are first-tier political allies of President Obama and the Democratic Party, and it was surely their last resort to put their grievances with Obamacare in writing in the public sphere. A lot must have happened behind the scenes before they felt sufficiently frustrated with the Obama administration to take this step.
That's pretty messed up when even communist unions bail out on Obama's communist clusterf-k, but RTWT.

Image: At the People's Cube, "Labor Union Movement Demands Reform of Healthcare Reform."

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Some classic Sex Pistols:

Too many problems
Oh why am I here
I need to be me
'Cos you're all too clear
And I can see
There's something wrong with you
But what do you expect me to do?
At least I gotta know what I wanna be
Don't come to me if you need pity
Are you lonely you got no one
You get your body in suspension
That's no problem, problem
Problem, the problem is you

Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
You don't do what you want
Then you'll fade away
You won't find me working
Nine to five
It's too much fun a being alive
I'm using my feet for my human machine
You won't find me living for the screen
Are you lonely all your needs catered
You got your brains dehydrated

Problem, problem
Problem, the problem is you
What you gonna do

Problem, problem

Problem, problem
Problem, the problem is you
What you gonna do with your problem
The problem is you

I ain't equipment, I ain't automatic
You won't find me just staying static
Don't you give me any orders
For people like me
There is no order

Bet you thought you had it all worked out
Bet you thought you knew what I was about
Bet you thought you'd solved all your problems
But you are the problem

Problem, problem
Problem, the problem is you
What you gonna do with your problem
I'll leave it to you
Problem, the problem is you
You got a problem
What you gonna do

They know a doctor
Gonna take you away
They take you away
And throw away the key
They don't want you
And they don't want me
You got a problem
The problem is you
Problem, what you gonna do
Problem, I'll leave it back, I have a
Problem, you got a problem

Problem, problem,
Problem, problem,
Problem, problem,
Problem, problem,
Problem, problem,
Problem, problem,
Problem, problem,

Problem, problem,

'Kids on the Street'

Angelic Upstarts.

Off of 1981's "2,000,000 Voices."

Here's a recent live clip and the awesome studio version below.

Communists March Against Police Brutality in Anaheim!


Also at WORD: Women Organized to Resist and Defend, "July 21 in Anaheim: Statewide March Against Police Brutality: Demand an end to the war on Black and oppressed youth!"

And the response at the Anaheim Blog, "Radicals Working to Make Anaheim March More Combustible":
The left-wingers working with Genevieve Huizar and Donna Acevedo to bring a cavalcade of radicals and anarchists to protest in Anaheim this Sunday are now trying to mix in the explosive George Zimmerman verdict, with a healthy dose of race-war rhetoric.
I blogged about Anaheim's political disfunction after last year's riots. ANSWER LA certainly knows how to take advantage of circumstances, although they don't usually push for violent unrest. But we'll see.

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#TrayvonMartin and the Moynihan Report

It's Erin Aubry Kaplan, at the Los Angeles Times, "Trayvon Martin, an American son."

She gives the standard review of the Moynihan Report, which was perhaps the most important piece of sociological research in the second half of the 20th century, but which was attacked by blacks and leftists for putting the blame for black American family dislocation at the individual level level rather than the structural level, with its easy excuses of "institutional racism."

Her piece then goes on:

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
All of which brings us directly to Trayvon Martin. The 17-year-old was killed because he was seen by Zimmerman and many others as a potential threat, a conflation of racial fact and fantasy that obscured the more critical fact that he was a child and somebody's son — a loved member of a family.

The battle lines were drawn long before the trial even started. Zimmerman supporters circulated images of Trayvon as a wannabe bad guy and lone predator who seemed much older and harder than 17, complete with a gold grill on his teeth; Trayvon supporters emphasized the dignity and caring nature of his parents in an attempt to counter not just those stereotypes but the bigger assumptions that broken black families produce broken and potentially dangerous kids.

Trayvon's parents were divorced, hardly uncommon in America, but viewed through a racial lens, that was seen as just one more bit of black pathology. But the truth is that black families, whether nonnuclear or traditional, poor or middle class, are all subject to damning stereotypes and to a deeply rooted belief that they are somehow lesser.

The recent acknowledgments of high-profile black men such as Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. that they have been racially profiled by police speak to this long-standing truth. Black pundits such as MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry have also aired their personal frustration and a sense of what she poignantly called the "demoralization" of all black people in the wake of the not-guilty verdict.

The question now is whether Holder or anyone high up in the government, including our first black president, will be able or willing to make black crises a matter of national import again.

I have to say, I am not hopeful. Obama's unscripted remarks on Friday about race and his own experiences — an elaboration of his comment last year that "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"— were undoubtedly a relief to many who've been frustrated by the president's calculated silence on everything racial. There are reasons for that silence. From the beginning, he has gotten fierce blowback for even the mildest expressions of empathy with other blacks. His public addresses to black audiences have stressed so-called family values and personal responsibility on the part of black men, steering clear of systemic problems such as racism and employment discrimination. The Moynihan Revisited project, despite some laudable goals, has more than a whiff of that do-it-ourselves conservatism about it.

Personal responsibility has a role to play, of course, but that conversation can only take place in a society equally determined to address the broader systemic issues.

Pulling back from the philosophical extremes that all Americans — black, white and other — have accepted for far too long as normal will take much more than another report or retooled initiative. Real and sustained change on the racial equality front has to be a family effort, an effort of the entire dysfunctional American family to which we all belong.
Yes, the "broader systemic issues."

Those always help take the onus off personal responsibility, and they keep the left's perpetual race-grievance machine in business.

PHOTO CREDIT: The Other McCain, "The Greater Good’: Heretical Facts vs. the Myth of St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie."

Heidi Klum Goes Topless in Bora Bora

She posted to Instagram, via Londons' Daily Mail, "No clothes? No problem! Heidi Klum posts yet another topless Instagram snap as she adds to her collection of raunchy selfies."

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The Militarization of American Policing

From Radley Balko, at WSJ, "Rise of the Warrior Cop":
On Jan. 4 of last year, a local narcotics strike force conducted a raid on the Ogden, Utah, home of Matthew David Stewart at 8:40 p.m. The 12 officers were acting on a tip from Mr. Stewart's former girlfriend, who said that he was growing marijuana in his basement. Mr. Stewart awoke, naked, to the sound of a battering ram taking down his door. Thinking that he was being invaded by criminals, as he later claimed, he grabbed his 9-millimeter Beretta pistol.

The police say that they knocked and identified themselves, though Mr. Stewart and his neighbors said they heard no such announcement. Mr. Stewart fired 31 rounds, the police more than 250. Six of the officers were wounded, and Officer Jared Francom was killed. Mr. Stewart himself was shot twice before he was arrested. He was charged with several crimes, including the murder of Officer Francom.

The police found 16 small marijuana plants in Mr. Stewart's basement. There was no evidence that Mr. Stewart, a U.S. military veteran with no prior criminal record, was selling marijuana. Mr. Stewart's father said that his son suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and may have smoked the marijuana to self-medicate.

Early this year, the Ogden city council heard complaints from dozens of citizens about the way drug warrants are served in the city. As for Mr. Stewart, his trial was scheduled for next April, and prosecutors were seeking the death penalty. But after losing a hearing last May on the legality of the search warrant, Mr. Stewart hanged himself in his jail cell.

The police tactics at issue in the Stewart case are no anomaly. Since the 1960s, in response to a range of perceived threats, law-enforcement agencies across the U.S., at every level of government, have been blurring the line between police officer and soldier. Driven by martial rhetoric and the availability of military-style equipment—from bayonets and M-16 rifles to armored personnel carriers—American police forces have often adopted a mind-set previously reserved for the battlefield. The war on drugs and, more recently, post-9/11 antiterrorism efforts have created a new figure on the U.S. scene: the warrior cop—armed to the teeth, ready to deal harshly with targeted wrongdoers, and a growing threat to familiar American liberties.
I pretty much hate cops, but to be sympathetic here you have to think having 16 plants growing downstairs is just routine. I don't. But RTWT. I think any decent person's going to be more of a civil libertarian these days, what with the criminal Obama gang still in power. Sheesh.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Demonstrations Across the Country Commemorate #TrayvonMartin

A report at the New York Times (via Memeorandum).

And at Twitchy, "Rally we much: Al Sharpton’s tweet about Jay and Bey sparks mockery."

'The Whole System is Racist!' — The Left's Poisonous Post-#Zimmerman Untruths

From Heather Mac Donald, at National Review, "The Post-Zimmerman Poison Pill":

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The most poisonous untruth being peddled in the wake of the George Zimmerman acquittal is the claim that American justice is racist. The criminal law regularly announces that black Americans are “worth less than other Americans,” Cardozo Law School professor Ekow Yankah wrote on the New York Times opinion page this week. It wasn’t activists who “injected” race into the discussion, scoffed The American Prospect’s Jamelle Bouie on Monday, the “criminal-justice system” is “already” racial. An e-mail alert on Wednesday from the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School proclaimed: “An ugly truth rears its head again: Racial disparities are alive and well in our criminal-justice system.”

The idea that the criminal-justice system discriminates against blacks — and that this bias explains blacks’ disproportionate presence in custody — is a staple of civil-rights activism and of the academic Left. Every effort to prove it empirically, however, has come up short. A 1994 Justice Department survey of felony cases from the country’s 75 largest urban areas discovered that blacks actually had a lower chance of prosecution following a felony than whites did and that they were less likely to be found guilty at trial. Alfred Blumstein has found that blacks are underrepresented in prison for homicide compared with their arrest rates. A meta-analysis of charging and sentencing studies showed that “large racial differences in criminal offending,” not racism, explained why more blacks were in prison proportionately than whites and for longer terms, according to criminologists Robert Sampson and Janet Lauritsen.

Criminal-law professors across the political spectrum agree that the Zimmerman verdict resulted from prosecutorial overkill, not juror bias. The trial was scrupulously fair and presented the prosecution with full opportunity to make its case.

Close on the heels of the “biased justice system” conceit, however, is the preposterous implication that the primary homicide threat faced by young black males comes from honorary whites such as George Zimmerman. “Our children are targeted. Our community is targeted,” Martin Luther King III told the NAACP national convention on Wednesday. Protesters at the Orlando, Fla., courthouse this week held signs proclaiming “Endangered species: young black men and boys.” The New York Times ran an article today about the “painful talks” black parents are having with their children about how not to get gunned down by whites. A nurse’s assistant in Missouri told the Times: The whole situation ‘“would just make me skeptical about what crowd of white people I put [my son] around.’”

In fact, if a black parent wants to radically reduce his son’s chance of getting shot, he should live in a white neighborhood. New York’s crime profile is typical of urban-crime disparities across the country. The per capita shooting rate in predominantly black Brownsville, Brooklyn, is 81 times higher than that of predominantly white and Asian Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, according to the New York Police Department. Blacks in 2012 committed about 75 percent of all shootings in New York, and whites a little over 2 percent, though blacks are 23 percent of the city’s population and whites 35 percent. Blacks are 60 percent of the city’s homicide victims. Their killers? They aren’t white.
Well, the entire leftist model is predicated on lies. It keeps the protesters in the streets and the president can make distracting speeches about how he was racially profiled. Meanwhile, dead cities like Detroit proliferate.

That's the program of the regressive left in action.

The left's battle cry right now: "The whole system is racist!" (See, "Justice for Trayvon Martin! Shut Down the Racist System!")

Hat Tip: Blazing Cat Fur, "This is just getting freaky… NRO goes all Derbyshire on Trayvon."


Kelly Brook – Nuts Magazine July 2013

Cover girl.

Photos here.

The Italians Are Coming!

I keep seeing this commercial.

I like it, but it's not enough to get me to buy a Fiat. They look so small. Not much smarter than those "smart" cars which will get 100 percent killed in a collision.

Protesters Heckle Oakland Mayor Jean Quan at #TrayvonMartin Rally

I just mentioned this the other day, hilariously:
Idiot city leaders like this are completely bum-f-ked when they realize the protesters with whom they share ideological solidarity couldn't give a rat's ass about them and their words of "beautiful" peace and freedom speech.

And heckling the mayor is not a good sign that protesters want to keep it peaceful today. But we'll see.

Nick Gillespie on Detroit's Tragedy

A nice little clip:

And Obama's former car czar Steven Rattner wants a bailout, naturally.

At NYT, "We Have to Step In and Save Detroit" (at Memeorandum).

Jay Z and Beyoncé Attend New York #JusticeForTrayvon Protest

Star treatment.

Commentary from Becca Lower, "Why We’re Losing the Narrative on Race."

And at the Los Angeles Times, "'Justice for Trayvon' rallies unfold across the U.S."

#JusticeForTrayvon March in Los Angeles

So much for solidarity.

At the Los Angeles Times, "L.A. marchers for Trayvon Martin continue on Wilshire Boulevard":
Several hundred participants in a “Justice for Trayvon” march in Los Angeles split up Saturday in the Mid-City area, with one group continuing west on Wilshire Boulevard while another faction headed north on Coronado Street.

Blowing whistles, beating drums and chanting “No Justice, No Peace,” the protesters made their way from the federal building downtown to the Mid-City area. The group was followed by more than a dozen officers on motorcycles and bicycles, while a police helicopter hovered overhead.

But no arrests and no problems were reported during the march. Police closed intersections as marchers passed and eastbound Wilshire remained open.

It was unclear where the marchers were headed.

Oakland Police Cancel Days Off So That Every Officer Available on Saturday

The video at this report is worth your time, at NBC Bay Area, "Oakland, San Francisco Join 100 Justice of Trayvon Rallies."

Hopefully it all stays peaceful today. Either way, the authorities aren't taking any chances.

Sybrina Fulton Wears #HoodiesUp T-Shirt at #JusticeForTrayvon Rally in New York

The story's at CBS News, "Trayvon Martin's Mother Speaks Out With Sharpton at Rally Outside NYPD." (Added: A Memeorandum thread.)

I guess the #HoodiesUp shirt is more honest than the baby pictures the media keep blasting of St. Trayvon.

Obama's Race Talk Gets Marquee Treatment at the Los Angeles Times

Almost six years into his administration, the president's personal race reflections have made the press corps drop to its knees in worship.

Here's the coverage at LAT, "President Obama speaks personally on Trayvon Martin and race":
On the eve of more protests over the George Zimmerman verdict, Obama discusses black skepticism of the legal system and his own experience with prejudice.
Obama Race photo photo-16_zpscee8dd03.jpg

Controversial Journalist Helen Thomas Dead at 92

A raving anti-Semite, Helen Thomas ended an otherwise pathbreaking career in ignominy.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "White House Gargoyle Helen Thomas Dead."

And at the New York Times, "Helen Thomas, Barrier-Busting White House Reporter, Is Dead at 92." (At Memeorandum.)

The video covers her entire professional life, including her shift to radicalism and Jew-hatred.

Australian Scientists Develop 'Invisibility Suit' to Protect Surfers From Sharks

This is really cool, at National Geographic, "Invisibility Suit Aims to Protect Humans From Sharks."

It's surfers, divers, and anybody at risk of a shark attack. But you can fool 'em.

Bill O'Reilly Repudiates the Nanny State on 'CBS News This Morning'

This was on earlier in the week. As readers will recall, I rarely watch GMA anymore, with George Stephanopoulos especially making me sick. I like the morning news shows, however, and I'm often pleasantly surprised with Charlie Rose and Co.

And this segment with O'Reilly roiling the leftist waters was great, especially with soft and squishy liberal Norah O'Donnell all discombobulated listening to the highly popular Fox News bloviator.

Bill Whittle's Afterburner: 'The Lynching'

A don't miss segment from Bill Whittle, who gets much more animated in this clip than usual.

Behold a powerful summation that doesn't pull punches. He slams the race-baiting liars who perpetuated this farce as blanket demons, despicable people who deserve all the angry condemnation they can get.

Hey Frank Newport, STFU!

You're upsetting the narrative, cracka!

At Gallup, "Fewer Blacks in U.S. See Bias in Jobs, Income, and Housing" (via):
PRINCETON, NJ -- Black Americans are significantly less likely now than they were 20 years ago to cite discrimination as the main reason blacks on average have worse jobs, income, and housing than whites. Today, 37% of blacks say these differences are due to discrimination and 60% say they are caused by something else. In 1993, 44% said such differences were due to discrimination and 48% something else.
Gallup Blacks photo kd0sp2nnjukm4tomseqa-a_zpsbff7d240.png

Yeah, well, that old racial shuck and jive only works so long, and then you gotta come up wit sumpin else. Just 20 percent of whites chalk up differential outcomes to racism, so the left's shakedown artists better step up their game, mf's.

Yo, Al Sharpton, you wit me brother?!!

Via Memeorandum.

New York Times Editorial on President Obama's Race Speech

Oh brother.

At the Old Gray Lady, "President Obama’s Anguish":
President Obama did something Friday that he hardly ever does — and no other president could ever have done. He addressed the racial fault lines in the country by laying bare his personal anguish and experience in an effort to help white Americans understand why African-Americans reacted with frustration and anger to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Mr. Obama’s comments during a surprise appearance at the White House press briefing crystallized the dissonance around this case. In the narrow confines of the trial, all talk of race was excluded, and the “stand your ground” element in Florida’s self-defense law was not invoked by Mr. Zimmerman’s lawyers. But in the broader, more profound and more troubling context of Mr. Martin’s death, race and Florida’s lax gun laws are inextricably interwoven.

On the first, Mr. Obama said: “The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner. The prosecution and the defense made their arguments.” The jurors, he added, “were properly instructed that in a case such as this reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict.”

But on the broader context, Mr. Obama eloquently rebutted those — like Representative Andy Harris, a Republican, with his dismissive “get over it” remark on Tuesday — who said that the verdict should have ended discussion of the case, especially talk about race and gun laws.

“Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,” Mr. Obama said, adding that “it’s important to recognize that the African-American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away.”

He said there are “very few African-American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store” or “the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off.”

“That,” he said, “includes me.”

It's a sideshow for the most part.

Race wasn't even a factor at trial. The left made this about race, and the president couldn't resist getting involved. Gotta satisfy the Democrat race masters, no doubt.

More at that top link.

William and Kate Lookalikes Punk the Press Outside Hospital

At the Sun UK, "It’s a ploy! Royal lookalikes in Kate tot stunt":
Britain’s favourite newspaper sent the pair — dead ringers for Prince William and wife Kate — to lift the mood outside the clinic where well-wishers and news crews had been huddled in anticipation of the imminent royal birth.

And at the Telegraph UK, "Royal baby: lookalikes and bets for a Leo cause media frenzy outside Lindo Wing."

Race Hustler Blowout on Hannity's!

I was watching this, and it was weird because it was like 6:57pm and at the very end of the show. But boy, did it get heated there for a minute.

 Via Gateway Pundit, "BLOWOUT ON HANNITY – Leftists Blast Monica Crowley After She Slams Race Baiters (Video)."

Incidentally, this is the national conversation on race everyone's talking about. Sean Hannity deserves massive plaudits for really airing the important issues. An impressive night of television.

Justice for Trayvon Martin! Shut Down the Racist System!

It turns out there's a big communist protest rally scheduled for tomorrow in Anaheim.

Maybe I'll dust off my reporter's badge and get out there for some original coverage.

Here's the announcement from L.A.'s International ANSWER, "July 21: Zimmerman is Free - Killer Cops are Free - We've Got to Fight Back!"

PREVIOUSLY: "'Justice for Trayvon' National Day of Action."

@MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Creams Her Shorts at Obama's 'Absolutely Historic' Race Speech

It wasn't all that impressive a speech, as I noted in my comments yesterday afternoon, but Melissa Harris-Perry is a special case of leftist crazy, especially when it comes to anything related to black politics and possibility of making big government even bigger.

MSBNC's ratings are floundering. I'm not going to be surprised when the network big wigs send this lady packing.

Responding to Obama's Race Speech

New York Magazine does a poor Twitchy imitation here, "How Conservatives Are Reacting to President Obama’s Race Remarks":
In a surprise appearance at the White House press briefing this afternoon, President Obama spoke in depth on the death of Trayvon Martin and, more generally, the complex nature of race in America and the disenchantment and alienation felt by many African-Americans. The unscripted remarks were arguably the most personal and heartfelt he's made as president.

On Twitter and elsewhere, prominent conservatives reacted pretty much as expected: They called Obama a racist, accused him of faking emotion, and claimed that he's only trying to distract from the IRS scandal, which isn't even a thing anymore.
Okay, but Detroit's a thing, via Alan Caruba:

Race Baiter in Chief photo AA-Obama-Race-Baiter_zps278f45ac.jpg

Bernice King on #Zimmerman Verdict: The Value of Some Lives Are 'Not the Same...'

She's an idiot race baiter, claiming some bullshit about the "language Zimmerman was using on the 9/11 call." It was the dispatcher who asked about race. Zimmerman never mentioned race on his own, so in fact he was not profiling. She's a tool and her speech sounds not much better than Rachel Jenteal. Frankly, you'd think we never had the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, the way she's blabbering on about "institutional racism." A very disappointing woman, considering the contribution and sacrifice her father made to and for American politics.

Friday, July 19, 2013

San Diego County Sheriff Sets Up Bob Filner Sexual Harassment Reporting Line

From the you-can't-make-this-stuff-up department, at the Los Angeles, "S.D. County sheriff's hotline fields sex accusations against mayor":

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department announced Friday that a telephone hotline has been established for anyone wishing to report sexual misconduct allegations against Mayor Bob Filner.

Filner, battling accusations of sexual harassment of staff members and constituents, said late Friday that he's fine with the idea of a hotline because it might lead to an objective investigation rather than just "press conferences and innuendo."

If an investigation is warranted, the Sheriff's Department will be the lead agency, not the San Diego Police Department which reports to the 70-year-old Democrat, officials said.

Under state law, victims of sexual abuse are provided anonymity and can be accompanied by a representative or advocate during interviews, sheriff's officials said.

Sheriff Bill Gore said that "these are extremely sensitive matters and should there be an investigation, [the sheriff's] department as the lead agency, will not be providing any details as the investigation proceeds."

Announcement of the hotline came as three-dozen people rallied outside City Hall to talk about their effort to recall Filner and to seek volunteers to gather the signatures necessary to put a recall on the ballot.
Keep in mind that's Democrat Mayor Bob Filner.

He's a former Member of Congress, it turns out, and Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is standing by her sexual harassing man. At Weasel Zippers, "War on Women: Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Call 0n San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to Resign Over Sexual Harassment Claims…"

Oakland #TrayvonMartin Protesters March on Fruitvale BART Station

Here we go again. Maybe there will be some pretty good protest action this weekend.

Hugh Jackman Interview at the Telegraph UK

I love the X-Men movies, and of course Wolverine. And it turns out they're already filming another movie for the franchise.

See, "Hugh Jackman: 'My wife gets fairly excited when I put the Wolverine outfit on'":

It ["The Wolverine"] is the sixth time Jackman has portrayed the Wolverine character and when we talk he is on a brief trip from Quebec where he is filming his seventh turn as the conflicted steel-clawed superhero in X-Men: The Days of Future Past which reunites the original X-Men casts of Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender etc.

Nate Silver Moving to ESPN

Brian Stelter reports, "Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight Blog Is to Join ESPN Staff" (via Memeorandum):
Nate Silver, the statistician who attained national fame for his accurate projections about the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, is parting ways with The New York Times and moving his FiveThirtyEight franchise to ESPN, the sports empire controlled by the Walt Disney Company, according to ESPN employees with direct knowledge of his plans.

At ESPN, Mr. Silver is expected to have a wide-ranging portfolio. Along with his writing and number-crunching, he will most likely be a regular contributor to “Olbermann,” the late-night ESPN2 talk show hosted by Keith Olbermann that will have its debut at the end of August. In political years, he will also have a role at ABC News, which is owned by Disney.
This ought to be interesting.

It's good for Silver, whose resources as a sports analyst have been badly underutilized at NYT. But it'd be hilarious if Silver were to force Olbermann off message to the point of violating his contract by talking about politics. Otherwise, Silver will be rolled out periodically during the election year to talk about his presidential predictions. In 2016 it's going to be a GOP year, so allegations of Silver's bias for the Dems will be seriously tested.

Anyway, more at the link.

'Justice for Trayvon' National Day of Action

It seems to me that the urgency of events has died down by now, but here's Occupy Oakland'S announcement for the National Day of Action that race-baiter Al Sharpton's been agitating for, "“JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON” NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION VIGILS IN 100 CITIES."

And Occupy Wall Street's got a flyer announcing a "Million Hoodies for Justice."

I'll have more on this.

Meanwhile, here's Katie Pavlich, "Al Sharpton to Continue Stoking Bogus and Non-Existent Racial Element of Zimmerman Case."

Charles Krauthammer on #Zimmerman Verdict and Obama's Comments to the Nation

Krauthammer's weekly Washington Post column discusses the verdict and the responses to it on the left, "The Zimmerman case: A touch of sanity."

And the video's from this afternoon's Fox News All-Stars. A great segment:

Authorities Warn Against Organized 'Bash Mob' Crime Rampages

The video discusses Long Beach, but it's a region-wide warning for Southern California, according to the Los Angeles Times, "'Bash mobs' sweep through Southern California."

President Obama's Comments on #TrayvonMartin and Being Black in America

I've watched the entire clip and I think it's good to recognize that the president was sincere in his desire to add something meaningful to the discussion of the Zimmerman verdict and the controversial issues of race in America that we've been having. I'm not particularly impressed with his comments, especially those about racial profiling, but since I've often in the past criticized Obama for not using the bully pulpit to speak about the crisis of black America I've got to give at least mini props to his later comments about using the powers of his office to convene resources for our vulnerable black youth across the nation. As a second term president with declining capital, this could be one of the most important legacies of his entire time in office. And notice how the president blew off talk of grand new federal programs to address such concerns. That's both a recognition that he wouldn't get much done legislatively as well as a statement on the need to increase private social capital in distressed communities outside the purview of government. I think that's important.

Other than that, like I said, there's really not much here for me. Check Ace of Spades HQ's comments, for example, where he mentions that mostly Obama speaks in "Notional Sentences, that is to say, assemblages of words which mirror the structure and form of a content- and idea-conveying sentence but which actually contain far less than the sum of their word-parts." That's true, so again mostly we're dealing with symbolism rather than action. I don't even expect much follow through on that bit about helping black youth. Mostly it's just fair enough to note that the man has spoken and I expect a lot of inner city folks can take that to heart.

In any case, here's the New York Times' piece, "In Wake of Zimmerman Verdict, Obama Makes Extensive Statement on Race in America" (at Memeorandum).

I'm going to troll around for awhile and will update with additional reactions. Obama conceded, at the earlier part of the speech, that it's not likely that federal civil rights charges will be brought against George Zimmerman, so that's not likely to go over well with the hardline race grievance monsters on the Democrat race plantation, but we'll see.