Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria

Because it's going so well over there with our, er, allies.

At the Wall Street Journal:
An al Qaeda spinoff operating near Aleppo, Syria's largest city, last week began a new battle campaign it dubbed "Expunging Filth."

The target wasn't their avowed enemy, the Syrian government. Instead, it was their nominal ally, the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army.

Across northern and eastern Syria, units of the jihadist group known as ISIS are seizing territory—on the battlefield and behind the front lines—from Western-backed rebels.

Some FSA fighters now consider the extremists to be as big a threat to their survival as the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.

"It's a three-front war," a U.S. official said of the FSA rebels' fight: They face the Assad regime, forces from its Lebanese ally Hezbollah, and now the multinational jihadist ranks of ISIS.

Brigade leaders of the FSA say that ISIS, an Iraqi al Qaeda outfit whose formal name is the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, has dragged them into a battle they are ill-equipped to fight.

Some U.S. officials said they see it as a battle for the FSA's survival.

In recent months, ISIS has become a magnet for foreign jihadists who view the war in Syria not primarily as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to centuries-old Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one.

Al Qaeda militants from central command in Pakistan and Pakistani Taliban fighters have also set up operational bases in northern Syria, people familiar with their operations said.

The spread of ISIS illustrates the failure of Western-backed Syrian moderates to establish authority in opposition-held parts of Syria, some of which have been under rebel control for over a year.
Continue reading.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ken Norton Dies at 70: Former Heavyweight Champ Once Beat Muhammad Ali

At the Los Angeles Times, "Former heavyweight boxer Ken Norton Sr. dies at 70."

And at the Washington Post, "Former heavyweight Ken Norton dies at age 70":
Norton broke Ali’s jaw in their first bout, beating him by split decision in 1973 in a non-title fight in San Diego. They fought six months later, and Ali won a split decision.

They met for a third time on Sept. 28, 1976, at Yankee Stadium and Ali narrowly won to keep his heavyweight title.

Norton would come back the next year to win a heavyweight title eliminator and was declared champion by the World Boxing Council. But on June 9, 1978, he lost a bruising 15-round fight to Larry Holmes in what many regard as one of boxing’s epic heavyweight bouts and would never be champion again.

“Kenny was a good, good fighter. He beat a lot of guys,” said Ed Schuyler Jr., who covered many of Norton’s fights for The Associated Press. “He gave Ali fits because Ali let him fight coming forward instead of making him back up.”
Video here, "Muhammad Ali vs Ken Norton I - March 31, 1973 - Entire fight - Rounds 1 - 12 & Interviews."

Cameron Espinosa, 12, Dead After Fire Ant Bites

You just never know how you're gonna check out.

He was just a boy too. My youngest son is 12-years-old. Sad.

At US News, "Texas town outraged after middle school football player dies from attack by ants during game."

And at USA Today, "12-year-old football player dies after ant bites."

Historic Left-Wing Clusterf-k Media Falsely Reports AR-15 Used in #NavyYardShooting

Here's Emily Miller, at the Washington Times, "New York Times gets it wrong, media obsessed with linking AR-1."

And at Twitchy, "Emily Miller: Aaron Alexis made no effort to purchase AR-15, media ‘obsessed’ with idea."

And it wasn't just the New York Times but virtually the entire leftist MSM complex.

Here's the cover yesterday's New York Daily News:

NY Daily News AR-15 photo NYDailyAR-15_zps850ea367.jpg

A total, complete leftist clusterf-k.


More at Twitchy, "NY Daily News called out for epic front-page fail, absurd ‘AR-15 made for murder’ column."

And at Big Journalism, "NY Daily News Shamefully Leaves Up Mike Lupica AR15 Column."

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Freedom to Blog Update: Standing Up to Evil

Every single time I've been the target of left-wing harassment and intimidation --- including the numerous and despicable libel campaigns against my college employment --- it's been the result of blogging the truth about despicable leftists and their depraved ideology of hate, envy, and coercive redistributionism. There's nothing left-wing monsters hate more than people shining the truth on their acts of godless hatred, harassment, and intimidation. I'm proud of everything I've ever done to earn that kind of enmity, because I always stand for decency and right. I won't stop shining that spotlight of truth, ever.

So it's with a deep sense of investment that I link to this piece from Robert Stacy McCain, "The Fact of Evil: @Popehat Describes Brett Kimberlin’s Lawsuit Against Truth." And he writes:
Liars hate truth, and the wicked fear justice. Every honest man must oppose harassment and intimidation intended to silence those who call evil by its right name, because if truth is silenced, the righteous and innocent shall become prey for the wicked and dishonest.
Continue reading.

And following the links, don't miss Popehat, "The Popehat Signal: Help Fight Evil In Maryland."

Don't back down. Speak the truth and stand tall against these f-kers. They're genuinely evil.

Britney Spears Confirms Las Vegas Residency in 'GMA' Appearance

Hey, maybe I'll check her out next time I'm in Vegas.

More at London's Daily Mail, "Britney Spears takes a gamble in plunging jumpsuit as she is greeted by 1,000 screaming fans in Nevada desert to announce Vegas residency deal."

Pat Tillman Image Painted on Locker Room Door Leading Out to Sun Devil Stadium


Via BuzzFeed, "Arizona State Football’s Pat Tillman Tunnel Will Give You Chills."

'You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin' .... I'm gonna send ya back to schoolin'...'

From last Thursday morning's drive-time. I left home and went into the 7/11 store across from my apartment to get some coffee. When I got back in the van and turned the ignition, on comes the crack-a crack-a crack of Pat Benatar's drum intro to "Heartbreaker." I thought to myself, "Cool"! as I turned up the volume. And then as I was pulling into the parking lot at work, just as I pulled into my parking stall, on comes the thump-a thump-a thump-a of Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love." Of course I sat back for a few minutes to enjoy the music. Then it was off to start my day.

Music at The Sound L.A.

Whole Lotta Love --- Led Zeppelin 06:59 AM

The Wanton Song --- Led Zeppelin 06:55 AM

Old Time Rock N Roll (live) --- Bob Seger 06:50 AM

Hollywood Nights --- Bob Seger 06:46 AM


Ohio Crosby, Stills, Nash &  ----Young  06:29 AM

Rockin' In the Free World --- Neil Young 06:25 AM

Marrakesh Express Crosby, Stills & --- Nash 06:22 AM

Heartbreaker  --- Pat Benatar 06:19 AM

Why America Invaded Iraq

Outstanding discussion from Professor Andrew Roberts for Prager University (via Instapundit).

Notice how the Democrat Senators --- including Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and John Kerry --- all voted for the war authorization in 2002, only later to call President Bush a liar. But Professor Roberts notes the Bush "had no reason to lie." He was only continuing the policies the Bill Clinton administration put in place. And all the major intelligence agencies of course had warned about Saddam Hussein's brutal regime and his relentless pursuit of WMD. Amazing how clear it is today. But of course, the left's lies of the Bush years were so enormous as to turn reality inside out. These deceits are truly unforgivable. Democrats and leftists are genuine traitors to America and its national security. Never forget that. Never.

The Depravity of the Anti-Israeli Left

I read the Lustick commentary at the New York Times, "Two-State Illusion."

But see the outstanding response from Jonathan Marks, at Commentary:
Let me set aside Lustick’s argument against the two-state solution and begin with what is most shocking in his op-ed, his own proposed solution. Lustick argues that the U.S. and others should abandon the two-state solution and let the parties fight it out. The key passage must be quoted at length:
With a status but no role, what remains of the Palestinian authority will disappear. Israel will face the stark challenge of controlling economic and political activity and all land and water resources from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The stage will be set for ruthless oppression, mass mobilization, riots, brutality, terror, Jewish and Arab emigration and rising tides of international condemnation of Israel (my emphasis).
Lustick makes explicit the nihilism of the anti-Israeli left. He has no strong reason to believe that the bloodbath he wishes on the Israelis and Palestinians will have results favorable to either. But why not break a few eggs if there’s some prospect of an omelette? Like many on the anti-Israeli left, but more explicitly, Lustick is prepared to entertain a morally satisfying position, which costs him nothing but means a blood sacrifice for those whose best interests he professes to have in mind....

Lustick does not really think a two-state solution impossible. Instead, he thinks that when confronted with a choice between two difficult ways forward, one should choose the one that results in the end of the State of Israel. Again, Lustick says out loud what his crowd thinks:
The disappearance of Israel as a Zionist project, through war, cultural exhaustion, or demographic momentum, is at least as plausible as a two state solution.
Lustick’s op-ed should be required reading for anyone who thinks that to stand with the anti-Israeli left is to support of the rights of Palestinians. To stand with the anti-Israeli left is instead to hope for an open conflict that will result in the end of Israel. It is not just friends of Israel who should be disgusted with academics who hope to foment such a conflict, knowing, unless they are complete fools, that in making a poorly thought out, long-odds bet on a one-state solution, they gamble with the lives of Palestinians and Israelis.
One other point: Lustick constantly compares Israel to South Africa, and in so doing reveals not just his anti-Semitism but his ignorance. He's attacking Israel as an "apartheid state" that deserves destruction, while of course saying nothing of the totalitarian pathologies of Islam that form the foundations of the so-called "Palestinian" identity. Behold the core of the left's anti-Israel depravity: The lies and double standard that are handmaidens to evil.

Equally disgusting to me is that Lustick's a political scientist. There are certainly a great many political scientists who are champions of Israel. But it's especially bothersome that there are so many nihilists like the depraved Lustick --- glorified as "experts," there're little more than propagandists for a new Holocaust. Sick.

Time Magazine Yanks U.S. Cover Mocking 'Weak, Waffling' America: 'The World According to Vladimir Putin'

They shoulda ran it.

We are looking weak and waffling. Forty more months of the shit under Obama. 2016 can't come soon enough. Damn. Putin's putting this administration to shame.

At Pat Dollard's, "Time Magazine Scrubbed Gloating Putin U.S Cover."

Here's the cover at Time. And the article, or a stub of it, is here: "The World According to Vladimir Putin."

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University of California Paying $9,950 a Month for Napolitano's House

The system works!

Or, well, she's working the system.

At LAT, "UC leases housing at $9,950 a month for president Napolitano."

Image: "The System Worked? Janet Napolitano Flip-Flops on Terror Threat; President Obama, Still Mum on Thwarted Attack, Will Take Golf Break to Address Nation."

Monday, September 16, 2013

Helicopter Evacuates Survivor in Washington #NavyYardShooting

This image was playing over and over on cable news earlier today:

And just now at London's Daily Mail, "REVEALED: Gunman, 34, who murdered TWELVE in Washington Navy Yard rampage claimed he had 'anger issues' after rescuing victims of 9/11 and was kicked out of Navy after 2011 gun charge."

Well, so much for the leftist gun control narrative. Nothing's fitting into the hate-hole the left has assembled to demonize gun owners and patriots.

PREVIOUSLY: "Black Thug Aaron Alexis Identified as Gunman in Washington Navy Yard Shooting."

'Blurred Lines' Hottie Emily Ratajkowski Cast in 'Gone Girl'

She'll play opposite Ben Affleck, via Twitter.

More at Rolling Stone, "'Blurred Lines' Siren Emily Ratajkowski Cast in David Fincher Film," and "10 Things You Don't Know About 'Blurred Lines' Model Emily Ratajkowski."

Emily Ratajkowski photo BTe4DS2IMAI2-rF_zps46d9a240.jpg

The "Blurred Lines" video is here.

PREVIOUSLY: "Emily Ratajkowski Rule 5."

PHOTO CREDIT: Emily on Twitter.

Black Thug Aaron Alexis Identified as Gunman in Washington Navy Yard Shooting

Instapundit links to the FBI page from earlier today with the message:
Aaron Alexis, deceased, is believed to be responsible for the shootings at the Washington Navy Yard, in the Southeast area of Washington, DC, around 8:20 a.m. on September 16, 2013. The FBI is asking for the public's assistance with any information regarding Alexis.
Well, I'm sure the image of this man wasn't what the depraved gun-grab leftists were hoping for.

The New York Times has some information on Alexis here, "Gunman and 12 Victims Killed in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard." And at USA Today, "Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooting suspect: Who is he?"

But see Fire Andrea Mitchell, "Aaron Alexis – dead Washington Navy Yard shooter arrested in 2010":

Aaron Alexis photo df8fd792-230d-4e5c-a004-991d84341f58_zps9861d8bd.jpg

Aaron Alexis a black thug has been identified as the dead Washington Navy Yard shooter. Aaron Alexis was a 34-year-old individual from Fort Worth, Texas. According to NBC Dallas, Alexis recently began working as a civilian contractor. Aaron Alexis also had a criminal history. He was allegedly arrested in Fort Worth back in 2010 for firearms discharge. The Aaron Alexis mugshot is available here.

Maybe this shooting was done ‘for Trayvon.’

And those whiners who want to be politically correct about calling this scum a ‘thug’ it’s too damn bad. This site isn’t and never will be politically correct. He had a criminal record, killed at least 13 Americans for his own reason. Yes, he is a thug just like Jared Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza. Don’t like it? Too bad. Go whine on some leftist blog.

PREVIOUSLY: "Update on Washington Navy Yard Rampage," and "At Least 12 Dead in Washington Navy Yard Shooting."

Update on Washington Navy Yard Rampage

Here's the Washington Post screencap I took while working at the office this morning:

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As noted, I didn't have a lot of time to keep up with the news as it unfolded.

Here's the headline now at the Washington Post, "Gunman identified: Assailant at Navy Yard was a contractor":
At least 13 people are dead and several others were wounded after a gunman opened fire at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, police said, spreading fear and chaos across the region as authorities sought to contain the panic.

The incident, in which the death toll rose almost hourly, represents the single worst loss of life in the District since an airliner plunged into the Potomac River in 1982, killing 78.
Continue reading.

More, "Suspect was discharged from Navy in 2011 after shooting incident arrest."

At Least 12 Dead in Washington Navy Yard Shooting

I've been teaching today and my access to news has been sporadic. I saw the initial reports of the Navy Yard shooting after arriving at the office, but I had a lot of prep today and taught two classes. I'm just now back home and tuning into TV news and checking out what's happening online.

A lot's been happening, that's for sure.

So, check Memeorandum and Twitchy for updates, as well as Instapundit.

More updates and linkage later.

Meanwhile, here's Emily Miller, "Obama uses Naval Yard shooting to stoke fear, push anti-gun agenda":

Scaring the American public is one of President Obama’s favorite political tactics to get gun control. Just hours after the terrible shooting at the Naval Yard on Monday, Mr. Obama said that even though he didn’t have the facts, “We’re confronting — yet another — mass shooting. And today it happened on a military installation in our nation’s capital.”

Yet another?

The last mass shooting was over nine months ago at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. While we mourn every one of those children and educators lost that day — and today in Washington, D.C. — these events are not a cause for increased alarm.

A report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Study (CRS) released in April showed there have been 78 public mass shootings in the last 30 years that claimed 547 lives. That averages to 18 victims a year.

To put that number in context, there were 8,583 murders by firearm in the U.S. in 2011, the most recent year for which we have figures from the FBI. And, there were 851 people accidentally killed by firearms in 2011, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The congressional report concluded that,  “While tragic and shocking, public mass shootings account for few of the murders related to firearms that occur annually in the United States.”

The president also added as the press conference that the horrific crime at the naval building will “be investigating thoroughly what happened — as we do so many of these shootings sadly that have happened and do everything we can to try to prevent them.”

As I wrote in my new book, “Emily Gets Her Gun,” every life is precious. But Mr. Obama never has much to say about the thousands of people murdered every year in individual shootings. You never hear Mr. Obama talk about investigating those killed every day in our cities.

(Well, except for Trayvon Martin, who the president said looked like the son he never had — before the trial of George Zimmerman even started.)

Instead, Mr. Obama focuses on the rare mass shootings because the uncontrollable and random nature of them are more frightening to the public, which is politically helpful for him to push his gun-control agenda.
Typical gun-grabbing politicization.

Continue reading.

Half of Syria's 'Rebels' Are Jihadists or Hardline Islamists

Well, you can't say Obama's been inconsistent in his support for America's enemies. Siding with al Qaeda against Assad really does put a capstone on this administration's terror-coddling policies.

At Telegraph UK, "Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane's report":
Nearly half the rebel fighters in Syria are now aligned to jihadist or hardline Islamist groups according to a new analysis of factions in the country's civil war.

Opposition forces battling Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria now number around 100,000 fighters, but after more than two years of fighting they are fragmented into as many as 1,000 bands.

The new study by IHS Jane's, a defence consultancy, estimates there are around 10,000 jihadists - who would include foreign fighters - fighting for powerful factions linked to al-Qaeda.

Another 30,000 to 35,000 are hardline Islamists who share much of the outlook of the jihadists, but are focused purely on the Syrian war rather than a wider international struggle.

There are also at least a further 30,000 moderates belonging to groups that have an Islamic character, meaning only a small minority of the rebels are linked to secular or purely nationalist groups.

The stark assessment, to be published later this week, accords with the view of Western diplomats estimate that less than one third of the opposition forces are "palatable" to Britain, while American envoys put the figure even lower.
More at the link.

And at the video, from CBS News, "The Briefer: Ex-CIA No. 2 on Syria crisis.:
I'm concerned because I fear the breakup of the state of Syria, collapse of the central government, sectarian warfare, opportunity for al Qaeda to have a safe haven in Syria that is not dissimilar to the safe haven that it once enjoyed in Afghanistan and once enjoyed in the FATA [Federally Administered Tribal Areas].
Yay Baracky!

Hirsute Pennant Pursuit in Boston

Beards are pretty much always in with the Red Sox, although this year I'm especially impressed with Mike Napoli's, who was clean shaven for all those years with the Angels.

At the New York Times, "Bonding With Beards, the Red Sox Repair Their Clubhouse Chemistry":

The Boston Red Sox take their craft seriously. Catcher David Ross owns a special comb. First baseman Mike Napoli has reached a level of forestation so impenetrable that a family of squirrels could be living on his face. And pitcher Andrew Miller has stayed true enough to the cause that he said his wife had “given up the battle.”

The Red Sox have done two things exceptionally well this season: play baseball and grow beards.

The team’s fervor for facial hair has become a phenomenon in Boston, where fans have once again embraced a winner. Perched atop the American League East since July 31, the Red Sox left New York on Sunday after taking three of four games from the Yankees.

“The characteristic of this club is to grind all the way through to the end,” Manager John Farrell said.

Part of that has entailed surviving the itchy, scratchy and sweaty quest for the perfect midsummer beard. The Red Sox are fairly conformist with their look: trim along the cheeks with a bulbous bottom, as if a hairy water balloon were swaying in the breeze. For the team, beards have become more than a hobby.

“Baseball players are superstitious,” Miller said, “and it seems to be working.”

In the process, the Red Sox have become high-profile poster boys for the bewhiskered lifestyle. Phil Olsen, the captain of Beard Team USA, which competes at the World Beard and Moustache Championships, praised the players for being stylish and pragmatic.

“Good beardsmanship builds fraternity, camaraderie and friendship,” Olsen said in an e-mail. “My unscientific observation: The Red Sox’ record improves with the length of Dustin Pedroia’s beard.”
More at the link.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Putin Crushes Obama photo 137379_600_zps3d1f8908.jpg

More at Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies," and "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

CARTOON CREDIT: Nate Beeler at Town Hall.

Larry Summers Drops Bid for Fed Chair

He never had a chance.

At LAT, "Larry Summers pulls out of running to be Federal Reserve chairman."

And at the Wall Street Journal, "Victory on Summers Emboldens Liberals as New Fights Loom":

Larry Summers photo Barack_Obama_in_oval_office_with_staff_zps13ef0b3f.jpg
WASHINGTON – Chest-thumping by liberals after Lawrence Summers‘s decision to withdraw from consideration as the next chairman of the Federal Reserve could have broad implications, not just on the central bank but also for how Democrats maneuver during looming budget fights.

A number of Democrats and liberals quickly called Mr. Summers’s move a victory for their cause, and they tried to leverage the decision to pressure President Barack Obama to nominate Fed vice chairman Janet Yellen to the post.

“I applaud Larry Summers for withdrawing his name from consideration,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said late Sunday. Mr. Sanders is one of Congress’s most liberal members. “The truth is that it was unlikely he would have been confirmed by the Senate.”

Some Democrats could also interpret Mr. Summers’s decision, particularly his prediction that if he were nominated it would be “acrimonious,” as a possible thawing of their recently dormant influence with the White House on economic decisions. Instead of polite reaction to Mr. Summers’s move, liberal critics piled on immediately.

“Summers’ decisions to deregulate Wall Street & do the bidding of corporate America has made the lives of millions of Americans acrimonious,” tweeted Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a group that pushes for liberal causes and candidates.

Mr. Green’s characterization of Mr. Summers is popular among liberals, but one that Mr. Summers’s allies say is distorted and unfair.

The White House clearly didn’t appreciate the rebellion against Mr. Summers. Rather, senior members were annoyed at public attacks on someone who hadn’t even been nominated. But the result illustrated how quickly – and effectively – progressive groups can mobilize on particular issues even when they had appeared to lose clout on Capitol Hill.

The larger question is where things go from here...
Where do we go from here? Farther left, of course. These aren't "liberals" who quashed Summers' nomination. They're socialists. Bernie Sanders is a socialist who caucuses with the Democrats, and these so-called progressive organizations --- like the Progressive Change Campaign Committee --- are basically front-groups for far-left movements influenced by Marxist and "social justice" ideologies. They're not "liberals."

Control the language and control the culture. Call these assholes out for what they are: far-left radicals pushing Marxist gender politics and aggressive economic redistributionism.

More at the Washington Times, "Under pressure from some Democrats and feminists, Lawrence Summers withdraws name for Federal Reserve." And at Memeorandum.

FLASHBACK: At VDare, "The Larry Summers Show Trial."

Peggy Noonan on Vladimir Putin's Power Play

Here's Noonan yesterday, "Putin’s Audience":

Why would Vladimir Putin take such an aggressive tone in parts of a piece supposedly addressed to Americans and supposedly explaining his views on Syria and, more largely, U.S. foreign policy? Suddenly I realized: because he’s not really writing to America. That’s not who he’s talking to. He chose as a venue a major American newspaper, but he’s writing to the world. He is telling the world he knows how to correct America, tell it off, criticize it for its conceit. And he does it right to their faces, not in a Moscow interview or a St. Petersburg speech. He is rubbing America’s nose in it for the delectation of its friends, occasional friends, foes and occasional foes. He wasn’t writing to us at all. He’s attempting to show the world he’s its reliable voice, its real leader, not those other guys. Would he have done this in the past? No. A truly historic level of foreign policy incompetence on the part of the White House got us to this point.
And her longer piece yesterday is available at the Patriot Post, "Vladimir Putin Takes Exception."

HAT TIP: Carl in Jerusalem, "A truly historic level of foreign policy incompetence on the part of the White House got us to this point."

PETA Slams Katy Perry Over 'Roar' Music Video

Yeah, well, PETA is PETA.

At Variety:
Animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently slammed the use of animals in Perry’s video, which features the 28 year-old singer hanging out with monkeys, elephants and tigers.

“Animals used for entertainment endure horrific cruelty and suffer from extreme confinement and violent training methods,” a PETA spokesman said in a statement. “They often become stressed and anxious when hauled around and forced into unfamiliar or frightening situations.”
Oh goodness.

I'm sure Ms. Perry's crew treated the animals well. Can't folks have a little fun savagery these days?

Katy Perry photo Katy-Perry-Shows-Off-Her-Cleavage-In-A-Tarzan-Outfit-In-Her-Music-Video-For-Roar-02-760x1140_zps524ebe41.jpg

HAT TIP: Film Ladd on Twitter.

RELATED: At BuzzFeed, "17 Completely Absurd Moments From Katy Perry’s “Roar” Video."

Glendale Hoover High Monitors Students' Social Media

It's for the children!


More at Popehat, "Glendale Unified School District, Concerned About Social Media, Pays Money to Be Creepy."

Hot for Tennessee Vols

On Twitter.

Not sure if those breasts belong to Ms. Elise, although they're certainly spectacular.

Elise photo BTldFF-IQAAnKX2_zps065cf102.jpg

HAT TIP: Glenn Reynolds, who apparently loves hims some college boobs!

President Barack Obama Interview on 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos'

What to say?

Obama just talks babbles over key questions from Stephanopoulos, and the latter routinely fails to follow-up those questions and press the issues. U.S. policy under this administration has shifted from the two-year-long demand the Assad must step aside --- ASSAD MUST GO! --- to the position of reaching a Russian-brokered international accord allowing U.N. inspectors into Syria on a wish and a prayer? What could go wrong? Seriously.

The best thing for Obama is that the Syria crisis may now be finally coming to a much-needed conclusion, which allows foreign policy to move out of the constant 24-hour news cycle.

Idiot leftists are lamely trying to spin this interview as some kinda game-changer. See, for example, the partisan hacks at PoliticusUSA, "Obama Obliterates The Republican Myth That Putin Saved Him on Syria." (The blog's down at the moment, although that headline at Memeoandum is plenty lulz right there.)

Meanwhile, Margaret Wente nails the headline at Toronto's Globe and Mail (and you can click through and read this one), "Barack Obama, the 98-pound weakling":

So, let me get this straight. Some red lines cannot be crossed, and gassing Syrian children is one of them. That’s what Barack Obama told us Tuesday evening. “The images from this massacre are sickening,” he said. “Men, women, children lying in rows, killed by poison gas, others foaming at the mouth, gasping for breath. A father clutching his dead children, imploring them to get up and walk.”

The moral imperative is clear, he argued. We cannot let dictators get away with this. On the other hand, the United States can’t be expected to solve all the world’s problems, either. Therefore, the way ahead is to outsource U.S. foreign policy on Syria to … Vladimir Putin!

So much for the credibility of the world’s only superpower. Mr. Obama’s staff have been tweeting that this delaying tactic is an incredible display of smart diplomacy. But to most of us, it just makes him look gullible. The President has allowed himself to be hog-tied and hornswoggled by Lilliputians. He was determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past, when a blundering giant threw its weight around and only wound up showing the world how incompetent it is. But if there’s one thing worse than being a blundering giant, it’s being a 98-pound weakling.

On Thursday, Mr. Putin kicked more sand in his face. On the op-ed page of The New York Times no less, he lectured Mr. Obama on diplomacy and peace. “From the outset, Russia has advocated peaceful dialogue enabling Syrians to develop a compromise plan for their own future,” he said with a straight face. “We are not protecting the Syrian government, but international law.”

This from the guy who has been arming Bashar al-Assad to the teeth and blocking the United Nations from doing anything about it. Mr. al-Assad has been using Russian weapons to slaughter his own people.

I guess it’s always possible that the Syrian dictator (memorably likened to a “human toothbrush” by Christopher Hitchens) will immediately surrender his stockpiles of chemical weapons (which he has claimed he doesn’t have), welcome UN weapons inspectors with open arms and give armed protection to the squads of experts who will be necessary to decommission and destroy his various caches of nerve gas, who will somehow do their jobs in the midst of a the bloody civil war that has already destroyed half the country. Or maybe the UN can send in peacekeepers to put it under international control. Or maybe the Easter Bunny will intervene.

More likely is that Mr. al-Assad will use the newly opened diplomatic track to obfuscate, delay, prevaricate and continue killing people, while tying up the process in endless procedural knots. He has now promised to sign the UN Chemical Weapons Treaty – just not quite yet, and only if the U.S. stops arming the rebels, and only if Israel ratifies it first.

Continue reading after you remove your forehead from the furniture on which it just came crashing down.

And then check Janet Daly, at Telegraph UK, "Poker-face Putin holds all the cards":
At one point last week in the charade known as “the Syria peace negotiations”, John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, announced solemnly, “This is not a game”. Well, he was wrong there. This certainly is a game: the trouble is that Barack Obama is trying to pretend that it’s chess, while Vladimir Putin plays hard-faced poker. The absurd story that the White House has been concocting off the top of its head – in which the stage we have reached was actually the American goal all along – is desperate. We can expect the talks between the US and Russia to be punctuated by repeated announcements of “agreement” like the one we had yesterday, to make this seem credible.

So this was always the plan, plotted three moves ahead by the clever American president, who was only pretending to be indecisive, quixotic and out of his depth. By sort-of threatening military intervention and then appearing to back down at the last minute, the US was not dithering or tripping over its own feet on the world stage. Oh no. It was creating the necessary conditions for Bashar al-Assad and his Russian mentors to come to the table and begin the process of submitting themselves to international standards on chemical weapons. Of course, if we pursue the chess analogy, then the first clever move was really Assad’s. By using chemical weapons, he created the necessary conditions by which the US would be forced to engage in these negotiations, which will almost certainly protect his regime from removal by the West, and will guarantee his Russian friends a place on the highest global platform.

Assad the war criminal, presiding over his little tinpot dictatorship, can now present his demands (for no more threats of military intervention, and no help to Syria’s rebels) to the world’s only remaining superpower in return for handing over weapons that are illegal anyway. The man who holds an illicit armoury can use that cache of arms as a bargaining chip to protect his own future. And Putin, the ex-KGB autocrat presiding over a country with a dying population, a failing economy and a defunct military – who was once cast by Obama as beyond the pale because of his unacceptable human-rights record – can bluster and preen as he delivers peace in our time. Yes indeed, it’s all going according to plan.
Well, maybe it is going according to plan, if that plan is to destroy America's power, influence, and credibility in the world. The problem with that hypothesis is that of course the president denies it. He's arguing that his diplomacy is strengthening U.S. interests and standing.

In any case, Ms. Daly continues at the link.

The Los Angeles Times has the straight news angle, "Obama defends deal with Russia on Syria, says it could end war."

And still more at Memeorandum.

'The Battle for Busing'

Here's a report on the legacy of school desegregation efforts at the New York Times, "Desegregation and the Public Schools."

There's a video at the report:
This week’s Retro Report video, “The Battle for Busing,” follows the story of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg district, which became a national model for racial integration for 30 years only to resegregate about a decade ago, after a court ruling lifted the mandatory integration plan.

When the Charlotte busing plan began in 1971, there were whites who threatened to go to jail before they would let their children attend schools with blacks. The open racism voiced by whites in the Retro Report’s archival footage is vicious and ugly; students were injured when fistfights broke out between whites and blacks.

But by 1974, the district was being singled out in the news media as a national model, particularly West Charlotte High, which had previously been all black. The impact of integration was visible almost immediately at the school. When whites arrived, the facilities were upgraded, said a former chairman of the school board, Arthur Griffin. A gravel parking lot was paved, and the football stadium and the gymnasium were renovated.

Over the years, researchers like Prof. Roslyn Mickelson at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, conducted studies concluding that children of any race who attended diverse schools were more likely to succeed, in areas like graduating, avoiding crime and attending college.

But in the end, the same federal courts that had ushered in integration helped kill it. In the late 1990s, Judge Robert D. Potter of Federal District Court essentially said that the Charlotte district had met its constitutional duty by successfully creating a single school system serving all children regardless of race and that no more need be done.
Frankly, it's a strange report, almost like a time warp.

People aren't concerned with school busing these days, a program that epitomized big-government approaches to public policy. The statistics are jarring and cautionary, however, especially the data showing that in urban schools today the student demographic is 90 percent black and Hispanic. More than anything, parents need a way to get their kids away from that social disorganization, and that way is school vouchers. These would provide real choice to families who've borne the brunt of genuine patterns of racism and government indifference for decades.

But beyond that, of course, is the culture of black and minority student underachievement, which stems from cultural factors endemic to those demographics and which even school choice won't fix. I could go on about it, but the glorification of the thug culture, the delegitimization of book learning, and the generalized decline of the historical work ethic in many parts of the society account for a lot of the failures in the schools. Newfangled attempts at desegregation won't do jack to fix those problems. Indeed, the most likely outcome decades from now is more of what we're seeing today. What will bring change will be the destruction of the public school union monopoly on power and the freeing and redirecting of resources channeled to state bureaucrats to families themselves. I suspect things like this are happening in key pockets, but not fast enough for the great majority of disadvantaged students.

It's a depressing state of affairs that people aren't serious about fixing, especially Democrats, from the president on down.

'Building a Mystery'

Sarah McLachlan.

I love her voice. Just cherish it.

You come out at night
that's when the energy comes
and the dark side's light
and the vampires roam
you strut your rasta wear
and your suicide poem
and a cross from a faith
that died before Jesus came
you're building a mystery

You live in a church
where you sleep with voodoo dolls
and you won't give up the search
for the ghosts in the halls
you wear sandals in the snow
and a smile that won't wash away
can you look out the window
without your shadow getting in the way
you're so beautiful
with an edge and a charm
but so careful
when I'm in your arms

'Cause you're working
building a mystery
holding on and holding it in
yeah you're working
building a mystery
and choosing so carefully

You woke up screaming aloud
a prayer from your secret god
you feed off our fears
and hold back your tears oh

Give us a tantrum
and a know it all grin
just when we need one
when the evening's thin

Oh you're a beautiful
a beautiful fucked up man
you're setting up your
razor wire shrine



Christiane Amanpour Slams 'False Moral Equivalence' on @CNN's AC 360

Well, she's calling out idiots Andrew Sullivan and Charles Blow, so I'll give her that.

Intense and passionate.

At Politico, "Christiane Amanpour gets emotional on Syria."

'Pass the Torch' Super-Pac

Ainsley Earhardt interviews activist Sarah Ponn.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rush Limbaugh on American Exceptionalism

Via Common Cents.

U.S., Russia Agree on Plan on Syrian Chemical Weapons

Hey, maybe Obama's finally off the hook.

Putin pulled O's chestnuts out of the fire, and good thing too. It's been unbearable to watch all this time.

At WSJ, "Target Is for Damascus to Destroy Stockpiles by Early 2014":

GENEVA—The U.S. and Russia agreed Saturday on a broad framework for destroying Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons by the first half of next year.

Under the agreement between Moscow and Washington, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must provide a complete list of the types, quantity and locations of his country's chemical-weapons stockpiles to the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons by next Friday.

The plan will be codified in a U.N. Security Council resolution that won't rely on a threat of military action for enforcement, officials indicated. The U.S., France and Western allies had favored arming any U.N. resolution with a threat of force for noncompliance. But opposition from Moscow forced the Obama administration to drop the demand to pursue a diplomatic outcome and avoid U.S. military action.

Instead of a threat of force, an initial U.N. resolution will put into effect the process of inspection and destruction of Syria's chemical warfare infrastructure. If inspectors complain of noncompliance, a second U.N. resolution could be adopted under a U.N. rules that in some instances allows for the use of force.

However, Russia's opposition to force makes it nearly certain that any U.N. resolution on Syria will avoid military penalties, U.S. officials acknowledge, while reserving the right for military strikes by the U.S. acting on its own or with allies.

U.S. President Barack Obama said Saturday that the agreement marked progress in U.S.-Russian ties and "represents an important, concrete step" toward disarming Syria of chemical weapons. But he also insisted that the Assad regime live up to the agreement and indicated that if it didn't, the U.S. could respond militarily.

"This framework provides the opportunity for the elimination of Syrian chemical weapons in a transparent, expeditious, and verifiable manner, which could end the threat these weapons pose not only to the Syrian people but to the region and the world," Mr. Obama said in a statement. "And, if diplomacy fails, the United States remains prepared to act."
Hey, let's take the military option off the table... Wonderful, for Russia and Syria!

Assad will be playing cat and mouse from the outset with no fears of hard military reprisals. And Russia's  restored to key geopolitical player. Thank goodness! Now the Obama amateurs are breathing a sigh of relief at the White House and State Department. Vladimir is the man!

More at the link.

And see, "Four Reasons the Syria Deal Could Fall Apart," and "Syria Deal Revives a Partisan Divide: Republicans, Democrats Split After Brief Accord on Military Action."

Death Sentences in India Gang Rape Case

Do they matter?

See the New York Times, "Many Doubt Death Sentences Will Stem India Sexual Attacks":

NEW DELHI — There was no mistaking the whoop of joy that rose outside Saket District Court on Friday, when word got out that four men convicted in last December’s horrific gang rape and murder had been sentenced to death by hanging. People burst into applause. They hugged whoever was beside them. They pumped the air with their fists.

“We are the winners now,” said a woman holding a placard. Sweat had dried into white rivulets on her face, but she had the look of a woman who had, finally, gotten what she wanted. And it was true: A wave of protests after the December rape have set remarkable changes in motion in India, a country where for decades vicious sexual harassment has been dismissed indulgently, called “eve-teasing.”

But some of India’s most ardent women’s rights advocates hung back from Friday’s celebration, skeptical that four hangings would do anything to stem violence against women, a problem whose proportions are gradually coming into focus.

“I think a lot of people were hugging each other because they thought this evil is localized, and it will be wiped out, and that is not the case,” said Karuna Nundy, a litigator who has argued before India’s Supreme Court. “The sad truth is that it is not a deterrent.”

From the moment it broke, the story of the 23-year-old woman who became known as “Nirbhaya,” or “fearless,” awoke real rage in the population.

Hoping for a ride home from a movie theater, she and a male companion boarded a private bus, not realizing that the six men aboard had been cruising Delhi in search of a victim. After knocking her friend unconscious, they took her to the back of the bus and raped her, then penetrated her with a metal rod, inflicting grave internal injuries. An hour later, they dumped the pair out on the road, bleeding and naked. She died two weeks later of her injuries.

Young men and women, mobilized through social media, joined protests that spread across India, demanding tougher laws and more effective policing.

“As a woman, and mother, I understand how protesters feel,” Sonia Gandhi, India’s most powerful female politician and the president of the governing Congress Party, said at the time. “Today we pledge that the victim will get justice.”

After intensive public discussion of the case, some changes followed with extraordinary speed. Reports of rape have skyrocketed; in the first eight months of this year, Delhi’s police force registered 1,121 cases, more than double the number from the same period in 2011 and the highest number since 2000. The number of reported molestations has increased sixfold in the same period.

The government created a fast-track court for rape cases and introduced new laws, criminalizing acts like voyeurism and stalking and making especially brutal rapes into a capital crime. Scholars have delved into the social changes that may be contributing to the problem, as new arrivals in India’s huge cities find themselves unemployed and hopeless, stuck in “the space below the working class,” as the writer Rajrishi Singhal recently put it in an editorial in The Hindu.

But many were thinking of something more basic — punishing the six (one, a juvenile, got a three-year sentence in August, and the driver was found dead in his cell in March) who attacked the woman in the bus. It was those people who found their way to the Saket courthouse on Friday. Many came like pilgrims, hoping to find closure in a case that had haunted them.

Kiran Khullar arrived in a wheelchair, accompanied by her daughter, 17. “I have come here as a mother,” she said. “I came here only to see these men get the death penalty.”
More at that top link.

And change to India won't come until the culture changes, and it's a sick culture, for example, "‘Two-Finger’ Test for Rape Needs to End, Experts Say."

Screw That Guy and His New Agey 'Medium' Crap

Says Film Ladd on Twitter:

Click through for the Tech Crunch article.

Failure to Define the #AlQaeda Network Has Confused American Policy and Strategy

Via AEI:

Obama's Larger Syria Strategy in Disarray

You think?

That's the AP headline at the ABC News site, via Memeorandum.

Hot Shots Calendar 2014

The full roster of lovelies.

Fake Follower @Twitter Spam Mars Company's IPO Rollout

Well, that Twitter IPO has a lot of folks atwitter, with some looking forward to a huge payday (see NYT, "The Payday at Twitter Many Were Waiting For").

But for us grunts down in the Twitter trenches, everyday is Twitter gulag defense day. And there's none more hip to that reality than Robert Stacy McCain, who's been plagued by a literal plague of fake followers in some deranged coordinated attack to have his account suspended. TGDN!

See, "Crime Is a People Problem: Why @Twitter Must Prosecute Fake Account Makers."

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Online as in real life, every time a criminal gets away with illegal activity, he will be emboldened to further crimes, until he becomes so arrogant about his ability to evade prosecution that his continued spree of criminality is like an advertisement of the ineffectiveness of law enforcement: “You can’t catch me, cops!” Where wrongdoers no longer fear justice, the innocent must always fear wrongdoers.

Twitter is permitting this lawlessness. If they were genuinely determined to prevent the mass creation of fake accounts, there would not be — there could not be — these tens of thousands of fakes that have descended on my account like Egyptian locusts. After nearly 48 hours of this plague, I’m not just angry about the harassment, I’m becoming angry at other people for not being angry about it.
Continue reading.

Hey, it makes me angry, especially that Twitter's known about this problem all along, and is still looking to score that big payday without so much as a reckoning from the markets.

In any case, Robert's at least making a jovial time of it. More here, "‘Gosh, Stacy, There’s No Way @Twitter Could Spot All These Fake Accounts’," and "Dear @Twitter Security: Kill These Fake Accounts (Real People RT, Please)."

Winged Victory of Samothrace

Here's the real thing.

I love it.

Via Wikipedia:
The Winged Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace, is a 2nd-century BC marble sculpture of the Greek goddess Nike (Victory). Since 1884, it has been prominently displayed at the Louvre and is one of the most celebrated sculptures in the world. H.W. Janson described it as "the greatest masterpiece of Hellenistic sculpture."

Winged Victory of Samothrace photo Nike_of_Samothrake_Louvre_Ma2369_n4_zps8480e675.jpg

I had art history in college and we used H.W. Janson's, History of Art. It must've had an impact on my, because I'm still amazing by that sculpture.

PREVIOUSLY: "LBCC Academic Senate Retreat at Rancho Los Alamitos."

Elizabeth Hasselbeck Fox News Debut September 16th

Via Fire Andrea Mitchell.

How Muslims Celebrate September 11th

With cake. What else.

Via My Pet Jawa.

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And of course if you criticize this you're RAAAAACIST!!

More Pamela!

Via Blazing Cat Fur, "Pamela Geller Speaks at AFDI 9/11 Press Conference, Ground Zero."

And at Atlas Shrugs, "WHAT HE SAW AT GROUND ZERO ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2013."

Previously: "Muslim Brotherhood Haters Try to Shut down Pamela Geller/Robert Spencer Event in Canada." And back over to BCF for more information on that, "Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer - Hilton Suites Hotel - 8500 Warden Ave. Sept. 17, 2013 @ 7:30 PM."

Muslim Brotherhood Haters Try to Shut down Pamela Geller/Robert Spencer Event in Canada

Pamela reports.

Can't have a diversity of opinion, no can we?

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Dude Wears Lana Del Rey Shirt. Lana Del Rey Digs It.

Via Tumblr.

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Her YouTube Vevo page is here.

Communist Groups Helped Organize Petraeus Protest

Well, I could've told you that, lol.

At National Review:
Protests against General David Petraeus Monday by CUNY students were organized by an ad hoc committee that includes several Communist groups.

A leaflet for the protests, which refers to Petraeus as a “war criminal” and “mass murderer,” says that the events were organized by the Ad Hoc Committee Against the Militarization of CUNY and were endorsed by the Internationalist Group, Workers Power-US, and IGNITE.

These groups are explicitly Communist in nature. Workers Power states that it is a “revolutionary, communist organization . . . in the tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky.” The Internationalist Group uses the hammer and sickle alongside its articles. IGNITE is a self-described “communist youth league.”
No surprise here. I've been covering campus communists for years now. What's particularly bothersome is how they pick up so much support from rank-and-file students, to say nothing of Democrat Party and so-called progressive organizations. It's no enemies on the left, as I always say.

Friday, September 13, 2013

LBCC Academic Senate Retreat at Rancho Los Alamitos

The college Academic Senate met for a special meeting and retreat today at the historic Rancho Los Alamitos, a colonial rancho that is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. (Check the history lesson at the National Park Service page.)

Here's the main rancho, which is maintained as a museum and educational facility by the City of Long Beach:

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Background from Wikipedia:
The history of the 85,000-acre (340 km2) Rancho Los Alamitos is almost a microcosm for the history of expansion throughout Southern California, from the Native Americana cultures to contemporary times.[3] The area was first the location of the major circa 500 C.E. - 1780s Tongva—Gabrieliño sacred cere­monial and trading village of Povuu'nga, now an archeological site.[4] After Spanish occupation the ownership was to change and the boundaries would shrink many times. Situated in the floodplain between the mouths of the ever-shifting Los Angeles, San Gabriel and Santa Ana Rivers, the coastal plain terrain of the rancho is virtually flat rich soil, and was subject to frequent flooding. The rancho building itself is located near Puvunga springs alongside on one of the few small hills, Alamitos Mesa, in the area.

Rancho Los Alamitos was one of five ranchos that resulted from the partition of the original Rancho Los Nietos grant given to Manuel Nieto, a former sergeant in the Spanish army, in 1784 by governor Pedro Fages, coincidentally his former commander.[5] Nieto's grant was not only one of the first three awarded by the Spanish in Alta California, it was also the largest. After Nieto died, his children requested his original grant be partitioned. In 1834, Mexican governor José Figueroa officially declared Rancho Los Alamitos as one of the five partitions.
Out in back of the house is a classic old red barn with a blacksmith's shop:

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Some beautiful horses too:

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At the main educational exhibition room there's a showroom with a huge map of the rancho on the floor. You can see that the original Spanish land grant stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the San Gabriel Mountains. The history of the rancho is considered a microcosm of California history from colonial times to the present.

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There's a huge patio canopy for meetings at the side of the ranch house:

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The Bixby family, the last owners of the property, were connoisseurs of fine art. They owned American impressionist works and other fine paintings, and replicas hang inside the house. (Apparently the Los Angeles County Museum of Art stores and maintains the original works.) Out in the gardens I noticed this replica of the famous Nike of Samothrace. I got a kick out of that:

Rancho Los Alamitos photo photo1-2_zpsee003c8e.jpg

A great day, very educational!

Julia Ioffe: Obama Got Played

She's a good lady, appearing yesterday on Jake Tapper's show at CNN:

And see "The Syria Solution: Obama Got Played by Putin and Assad" and "How Long Before the Syria Deal Fails? Any Minute Now."

Also, "Here's What Went Unmentioned in Putin's New York Times Op-Ed."

George Will's Libertarian Evolution

At Reason, "George Will's Libertarian Evolution: Q&A on Obama, Syria, & the Power of Choice."

On the Crapper, Obama Gets Some Help

Via Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Stranded."

Obama Gets a Hand photo Clean-Up-590-LI_zps13eb6cf2.jpg

Last Boeing C-17 Delivered as Production Ends at Long Beach Plant

At the Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Boeing's last Air Force C-17 leaves Long Beach plant."

And at LAT, "Boeing to deliver final C-17 cargo jet to Air Force."

I toured the plant in 2011. Time goes by so fast. It's been a good run over there.

Republicans Rising

They're gonna keep rising too.

Democrats are gonna be flattened in 2014.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Poll Finds Republicans Gain Favor on Key Issues."

Republicans Rising photo NA-BY034A_POLL_G_20130912183304_zps08b40c64.jpg

The Republican Party is gaining a public-opinion edge on several key issues ahead of the 2014 elections, as Americans question President Barack Obama's leadership on Syria and worry about the country's overall direction, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows.

Republicans are now rated higher than Democrats on handling the economy and foreign policy, and the GOP's lead has strengthened on several other issues, including dealing with the federal deficit and ensuring a strong national defense.

On topics such as health care, Democrats have seen their long-standing advantage whittled to lows not seen in years.

The poll also reflected unease over the economy. Just 27% of Americans think the economy will improve over the next year, the lowest since July 2012, while nearly two-thirds think the country is on the wrong track.

The public tilt on several issues in favor of the GOP, particularly among independents, comes as Mr. Obama's own job-approval rating has hovered around 45% for three months, a tenuous place for a president trying to build support for likely battles with Congress over possible military action in Syria, a proposed overhaul of immigration law and the budget.

"There is no question that a president below 45% job approval starts having a little more difficulty with the bully pulpit," said Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who conducted the survey with Democratic pollsters Fred Yang and Peter Hart.

Mr. Hart described a president swerving from crisis to crisis who faces a "very bumpy road" this fall. His success going into next year, Mr. Hart said, may best be measured "by his ability to simply keep his head above water."

The jolt of support for Republicans falls well short of a renaissance, as the party itself remains widely unpopular by other measures. In the poll, just 28% of Americans said they hold positive views of the GOP, compared with 40% who view the Democrats positively. Less than half of conservatives see the GOP favorably, and just 13% of independents.

The Democrats' standing has slipped as the White House has dealt with myriad challenges, including widespread opposition to military action in Syria and revelations about government snooping into private communications.

Americans now give Republicans a seven-percentage-point edge on foreign policy. The party lagged behind the Democrats by nine points in the Journal's last sounding on the subject, in 2006, as public opinion turned against the Iraq war. The GOP also has made notable gains since February on which party is seen as best in dealing with the federal deficit and the economy.

The poll of 1,000 Americans also points to challenges for Democrats as they try to maintain their Senate majority and work to gain House seats next year. The poll found Americans giving the party increasingly less credit as stewards in areas long seen as Democratic franchises. The party holds a 17-percentage-point advantage in looking after the middle class, the lowest in decades of Journal polling on the issue.

The Democrats' eight-percentage-point advantage on dealing with health care also was a new low, and half the edge the party held on that issue in February.

At the same time, Mr. Obama faces modestly rising discontent even among the his political base. His approval among all Democrats fell to 78% from a high this year of 88% in January, and among African-Americans it dipped to 85%, from a 2013 high of 93% in April.

Putin's New York Times Op-Ed the 'Fruits of an Epically Incompetent Foreign Policy'

Oh boy.

Charles Krauthammer lays it down cold.

Added: Here's Krauthammer's Friday column, "The fruits of epic incompetence" (via Memeorandum).

9/11: America's Unfinished Business

Here's Michelle Malkin's September 11th essay, which leaves me shaking my head in disgust at this terror-coddling White House:
I’m sick of 9/11 anniversary ceremonies by politicians who pay lip service to peace and justice for our country, but refuse to secure them all the way, every day. Remembrance is worthless without resolve. Resolve is useless without action.

Want to honor the 9/11 dead? Take care of unfinished business here at home. Put America first.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Collapse of the Obama Presidency

From Peter Wehner, at Commentary:
How bad has 2013 been for Barack Obama? Let us count the ways.

In the first year of his second term, the president has failed on virtually every front. He put his prestige on the line to pass federal gun-control legislation–and lost. He made climate change a central part of his inaugural address–and nothing has happened. The president went head-to-head with Republicans on sequestration–and he failed. He’s been forced to delay implementation of the employer mandate, a key feature of the Affordable Care Act. ObamaCare is more unpopular than ever, and it’s turning out to be a “train wreck” (to quote Democratic Senator Max Baucus) in practice. The most recent jobs report was the worst in a year, with the Obama recovery already qualifying as a historically weak one. Immigration reform is going nowhere. And then there’s Syria, which has turned out to be an epic disaster. (To be sure, Mr. Obama’s Middle East failures go well beyond Syria–but Syria is the most conspicuous failure right now).

In watching the Obama presidency dissolve before our eyes, there is a cautionary tale to be told. Every presidency falls short of the expectations that the candidate sets. But no man has ever promised more and delivered less than the current occupant of the Oval Office.
Continue reading.


Worst. President. Ever.

Added: See Neo-Neocon's contrarian take, "Is Obama’s presidency in collapse?"

Texas Whooping Cough Outbreak

This story makes me sad, especially the infant coughing.

At CBS News, "Texas battling whooping cough epidemic."

Smokin' Army Sergeant Theresa Vail is First Tattooed Miss America Contestant

At the New York Post, "Meet the Army’s bowhunting beauty."

Theresa Vail photo BUAY3QrIEAAao6M_zps4ab20233.jpg

Also at People, "Miss America's Sgt. Theresa Vail Is First Contestant to Expose Tattoos."

PHOTO CREDIT: New York Post on Twitter.

Angela Giron, Ousted Gun-Grabbing Democrat, Blames #Colorado Recall on 'Voter Suppression'

At Twitchy, "‘Call it for what it is!’ Visibly frustrated Angela Giron blames her recall on voter suppression [video]."

Plus, "Angela Giron’s pre-recall tweets don’t exactly scream concern for ‘voter suppression’."


America 3.0 — On America the Resilient and Our Nation's Once and Future Prosperity

Because I believe in American exceptionalism --- and our people's ability to overcome the most devastating adversity --- I remain very optimistic on the future of America, with one caveat: The sine qua non of America's future revival will depend not just on an end to the Obama regime but also upon the complete annihilation of the radical statism that is represented by the president's party and the leftist cult of grievance, hate and envy. I know that is perhaps Utopian, but if we can't achieve a total obliteration of leftists and leftism, we need to at least marginalize them so far to the periphery that it will take decades before they can at least make the barest bid for legitimate political viability again.

That's a long-term project, no doubt, and it's one that fellow conservatives and patriots are currently fighting for with a passion.

More on that later, in any case. What got me thinking about this, especially about the optimism-in-America part, is David Swindle's wonderful essay at PJ Media, "On 9/11 and Benghazi’s Anniversary, We End Conservative Pessimism and Right-Wing Apocalypticism."

David showcases the new book from James C. Bennett and Michael J. Lotus, America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the 21st Century - Why America's Greatest Days Are Yet to Come.

I love that title, and David's got a screen-cap with excerpts:

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More about America 3.0 --- and the future of America --- at PJ Media.

Foreign Policy by Gaffe!

And Vladimir Putin's in the driver's seat!

Right on.

Andrea Tantaros is on fire at this clip from last night's Hannity:

What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria

Well, Vlad's stirring up a storm with his op-ed at the Old Gray Lady.

See, "A Plea for Caution From Russia." (At Memeorandum.)

Read it at the link, but I'll be honest: It's a loathsome piece of anti-American concern trolling that reveals Russian weakness vis-a-vis American power (yes, American power endures even under President Barack Obumbler.) All that crap about international law is the giveaway. The U.N.'s a neat idea in principle but an extremely flawed institution in practice. The less the U.S. defers to that body (and to ill-informed international legal norms) the better.

In any case, I agree with Jedediah Bila regarding Putin's penultimate dig against America and American exceptionalism:

And at Twitchy, "Checkmate: Garry Kasparov rips apart ‘pathetic’ NYT for providing Putin a platform for ‘condescending propaganda’."

AoSHQ on the Colorado Recall

See, "Two Different Perspectives on the Colorado Recall Which Ejected the State Senate Leader, and a Toady, Over Their Support for Bloombergian Gun Grabbiness."

And speaking of AoSHQ, R.S. McCain confesses his blog unworthiness, "Ace Keeps Killin’ It Every Day."

Wednesday, September 11, 2013