I should say "Hard Times for the Climate Change Alarmism Industry" again, since it seems with each passing year there's another devastating setback for the global warming climate shills.
Here's a report on the latest controversy surrounding the upcoming IPCC climate report, at the Telegraph UK, "
Row over IPCC report as nations 'try to hide lack of climate change’":
Scientists working on a landmark UN report on climate change to be published this week are at loggerheads over their explanation for why the earth’s surface temperature has stopped rising as rapidly as they previously predicted.
The behind-the-scenes wrangling is likely to cast a shadow over the publication on Friday of the 2,000-page report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The report is still in a draft version and will be finalised over the next five days with heated discussion centring on how to explain the fact that since 1998 the earth’s temperature has barely risen.
It is claimed some governments have even tried to intervene to remove references to the 15 year climate change 'hiatus’ or 'pause’.
The report - the fifth report by the IPCC and the first in five years - is hugely influential because its conclusions serve as the scientific basis for UN negotiations on curbing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. A global climate treaty is supposed to be adopted in 2015.
A leaked copy of an earlier draft of the report, seen by The Telegraph, will insist that the likelihood that global warming exists and that its cause is man-made has risen from 90 per cent certainty to 95 per cent certainty.
The study will also make predictions for rises in the earth’s temperature and sea levels to the end of the century.
One scenario suggests an average temperature rise of as little as 1.8 F by 2100 while at the most alarming end of the scale temperatures may rise by as much as 8.6 F, according to the draft version.
In the worst case scenario, the sea level could rise by as much as 3ft by the end of the century, the final report is expected to say.
The report will also touch upon solutions to global warming, including a hugely controversial and expensive proposal to put giant mirrors in space which can deflect the sun’s rays in order to cool the earth down.
The report, co-authored by 257 scientists, will be finalised this week ahead of its publication in Stockholm on Friday.
But scientists are “struggling” to explain the slowdown in global warming since 1998, it is being claimed.
Documents seen by the Associated Press (AP) show attempts at political interference in the final report, and that “several governments that reviewed the draft objected to how the issue was tackled”.
In a leaked draft, dating from June, the IPCC said that the rate of warming between 1998 and 2012 was about half the average rate since 1951.
The draft report blames the slowdown on the “natural variability” in the climate system, as well as cooling effects from volcanic eruptions and a change in solar activity.
The draft says that a reduction in warming for 1998 to 2012 compared to 1951 to 2012 is “due in roughly equal measure” to natural variations in the climate and factors such as “volcanic eruptions and the downward phase of the current solar cycle.”
But the documents, according to AP, show Germany called for the reference to the slowdown to be deleted while the US urged scientists to include as its “leading hypothesis” that the reduction in warming is linked to more heat being transferred to the deep ocean. Both countries’ governments have policies which state their belief in man-made climate change.
Belgium meanwhile objected to using 1998 as a starting year for any statistics because it claimed it was a particularly warm year.
The row will fuel claims by global warming sceptics that the issue has become too political and that governments are now spending vast sums of money on policies to combat a phenomenon that may not exist and may not be man-made. The effect of those policies, claim sceptics, is to increase global poverty because the policies are expensive to implement.
Continue reading.
This is simply another case of "hide the decline," only this time it's "hide the tapering temperatures," since they badly disprove all the sky-is-falling predictions of IPCC hacks.
These climate change hucksters are a freakin' joke. They've got their global warming co-religionists backing them, but that's about it. The science is not settled, as it shouldn't be. And as more and more countervailing evidence comes to light, the climate change industry simply must escalate the lies and intimidation to keep the whole house of cards standing.
More on this from Erika Johnsen, at Hot Air, "
UN climate panel: Hmm, how can we selectively edit these inconvenient truths to outwit those anti-science denialists?"
Also from Alan Caruba, at Theo Spark's, "
Global Warming: The BIGGEST LIE Exposed." Following the links takes us to a big report from the Heartland Institute, "
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science." The executive summary is
And somewhere earlier I clicked on this report from the Wall Street Journal last year, "
No Need to Panic About Global Warming: Concerned Scientists Reply on Global Warming." A very concise summary of why the alarmism should be rejected.
Expect updates. It's going to be a rough week for the climate hucksters.