Friday, July 11, 2014

VIDEO: #Fontana Catholic Church Takes 46 Illegal Aliens from Obama's Border Crisis

Following-up from earlier, "Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!", and "The Catholic Church in Obama's AmeriKKKa: Co-Opted by Führer's Regime to Bypass Law, House Criminal Aliens in California."

And now at CBS News Los Angeles:

Basically, all it takes is to make it over the border, claim hardship, and then qualify for legal status and citizenship. That's really not how the U.S. immigration system, by law, is designed to work. But Obama -- and his diseased Democrat Party enablers --- don't give a f-k about the law. They just want to build a future La Raza racist coalition from the ashes of this once sovereign nation.

More at the Los Angeles Times and the Riverside Press-Enterprise:

Senate #Dems Balk at Faster Deportations — #BorderInvasion

Of course they're balking. Democrats never wanted border enforcement in the first place.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Some Senate Democrats Balk at Faster Deportations: Securing Funding to Tackle Immigration Surge Remains Top Priority" (via Google):
WASHINGTON—Senior Senate Democrats are expressing concern that President Barack Obama's plans to speed up deportation of thousands of children crossing the southern border could hamper a careful review of the migrants' cases and potentially return them to danger back home.

Mr. Obama has asked Congress to direct $3.7 billion to deal with the surge of migrants, many of whom are Central American children and families fleeing gang violence. He has also asked for more flexibility in dealing with a 2008 trafficking law seen as slowing down the administration's response, but Mr. Obama didn't directly tie altering the law to his funding request.

While Democrats are broadly supportive of the funding request, some of them worried Thursday that changes in the law to expedite deportation of children could prevent them from getting the appropriate legal protections.

The top Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, however, didn't take a hard line on altering the law, saying their top priority is getting the funding request passed. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said that while she would prefer not to see the law altered, "it's not a deal breaker."

Republicans including House Speaker John Boehner have said they want to change the 2008 law to expedite the process used to return many of the children to their home countries. The 2008 law, signed by President George W. Bush, aimed to protect children from human trafficking.

It requires that migrant children other than those from Mexico and Canada be placed with sponsors in the U.S. during potentially lengthy waits until the backlogged court system can hear their deportation cases.

"We're required to hold those people," said Mr. Boehner, who said Republicans "would probably want language similar to what we have with Mexico" to speed up the process.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) said he would "fight tooth and nail" changes to the 2008 law. "When you have an 8- or 9-year-old girl who's being raped by gangs, that are being sent by their parents to escape that kind of violence, I'm not sure Americans really feel we should immediately send them back," he said at a Senate appropriations hearing on the president's request.

Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, also told reporters Thursday that he couldn't support changing the 2008 law unless he had more confidence that the children were receiving adequate legal representation and wouldn't be returned to dangerous situations.

"There's terrible poverty and violence going on and I need some assurance that there's some basic social service infrastructure there to protect them," said Mr. Durbin, who noted that he had discussed his concerns with Mr. Obama in a phone call last week.

In the Senate, a bill introduced by eight Republicans including Arizona Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain, would enable officials to treat unaccompanied children entering from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador—where most of the children are coming from—comparably to how they treat children from Mexico and Canada...
Treat them just like children from Mexico and Canada?

Dems don't want that --- they're loving this manufactured crisis.

MS-13 Actively Recruiting Obama's Flood of Illegal Aliens at U.S. Shelters — #BorderInvasion

The nation’s most violent street gangs—including Mara Salvatrucha—are actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing illegal immigrant minors and they’re using Red Cross phones to communicate, a Homeland Security source tells Judicial Watch...
Keep reading.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Says No More Alien Buses in SoCal — For Now...

From Tatiana Sanchez, at the San Bernardino Desert Sun, "Border officials: No more immigrant buses through Southern California":
Following a string of contentious protests and escalating tensions in Southern California, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday it will no longer send busloads of undocumented immigrants to San Diego or El Centro.

The immigrants — mainly families and unaccompanied children from Central America — were being bused to facilities in San Diego and El Centro every three days to alleviate overwhelmed detention facilities in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

"It looks like with the almost 1,000 (undocumented immigrants) processed between El Centro and San Diego, for now (it) helps," said Lombardo Amaya, union president of the El Centro chapter of the National Border Patrol Council in a message to The Desert Sun. "This does not mean that we will not continue to receive more loads in the future."
They'll send more, and don't believe authorities when they claim the Murrieta protests had nothing to do with this decision.

Obama's Disgraceful Border Dodge

From Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary:
Given the opportunity to demonstrate his concern and willingness to take charge of the ongoing fiasco that has overwhelmed U.S. border resources, President Obama chose instead to resort to his favorite pastime: bashing his political opponents.

To say that the president’s decision to schedule partisan fundraising events at the same time that the Rio Grande was being stormed by thousands of illegal aliens made for bad optics is an understatement. Even Democrats have compared his decision to avoid the border like the plague to President Bush’s flyby over a Hurricane Katrina-devastated New Orleans. As I wrote yesterday, that’s a bit unfair but the injured party is Bush, not Obama.

But even if we leave aside the sterile debate about whether Obama should have gone to the border, the problem now is how the president has exacerbated an already terrible situation. His defense of his choice to stay away from the problem was worse than the decision. Saying that he wasn’t interested in “photo-ops” or “theater” rang false even to liberals who know very well that a day rarely passes when the White House isn’t staging some dog-and-pony show where he is framed by the adoring faces of supporters standing by him. Moreover, it came just after time spent in Colorado where Obama pretended to hang out with ordinary people in front of cameras and then drank beer and played pool with the governor. And when he did speak, at least tangentially about the crisis today, the event was held … wait for it … in a theater where as usual, his advance team had assembled a chorus of fans to nod, laugh, and clap in all the right places.

But what was even more outrageous was the content of his speech. Instead of a sober, presidential assessment of a genuine crisis, he gave the country partisan rhetoric. Instead of a little much-needed introspection about how his statements and policies had, albeit unintentionally, set off a human wave of illegals seeking to get into the country where they expected to be allowed to stay, he gave us more jokes about the do-nothing Republicans in Congress...

The president's an asshole who cares not one whit about the illegals aliens streaming over the border. Even Democrats are calling him out, like Rep. Henry Cuellar, who felt the wrath of the White House for not toeing the collectivist, open-borders line:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obama Feels Border Heat in Texas

At the Los Angeles Times, "Obama defends immigration policy, meets with Texas governor":

President Obama faced sharp criticism for his immigration policies here Wednesday even as the White House stepped up efforts to cope with the tens of thousands of children and teens from Central America who have poured into Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.

Obama said he was “intimately aware" of the problems on the Southwest border, telling a news conference that his administration had assigned more Border Patrol agents and deployed more surveillance than ever before to stop illegal immigration, and that it deports almost 400,000 people each year.

Pressed to explain why he isn’t visiting Border Patrol stations or detention facilities during his two-day visit to Texas, he said that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson had visited the border five times recently “at my direction” and “then comes back to me and reports extensively everything that is taking place.”

“So there’s nothing that is taking place down there that I am not intimately aware of and briefed on,” Obama said. “This isn’t theater,” he added.

“This is a problem. I’m not interested in photo ops. I’m interested in solving the problem.”

The Catholic Church in Obama's AmeriKKKa: Co-Opted by Führer's Regime to Bypass Law, House Criminal Aliens in California

The Church also caved to totalitarianism in the 1930s, and the outcome wasn't good.

From Ryan Lovelace, at National Review, "The Obama Administration’s Border-Crisis Plan B: Use the Catholic Church":

In order to avoid future clashes with the citizens of Murrieta, Calif., over attempts to transfer illegal immigrants there, the Obama administration has turned to an unusual bedfellow: the Catholic Church. Deacon Luis Sanchez of the Diocese of San Bernardino tells National Review Online that an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent approached the diocese on July 2, 2014, and “expressed his desire for the Church to help in helping these families reach their destination.” Since that time, he says, diocesan officials have spoken on the phone with ICE, and they held a planning meeting on Monday.

John Andrews, the diocese’s director of communications who attended the planning meeting, tells NRO that the idea is to set up “transitional centers” where volunteers and representatives from Catholic Charities would provide food, medical, and spiritual care for families who have been processed at a Border Patrol station. He says he hopes to help the people pushed out of Murrieta, and would need to accommodate 140 people arriving every three days. Andrews says he expects the centers will house mostly mothers and their children for one or two days. But if there’s a situation where a family needs to stay longer than a day or two, he says that placing illegal immigrants with a local family would represent a “very viable option.”

PREVIOUSLY: "Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!"

Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!

Well, the Murrieta patriots are having a huge impact repelling the border invasion. Official claims of no further alien shipments proved to be bald-faced Obama lies, as reports on the ground in the Inland Empire indicate that Obama's DHS is recruiting private amnesty organizations to offload diseased alien migrants.

At NBC News Los Angeles, "SoCal Churches Provide Temporary Shelter, "Spiritual Food" for Immigrants":
An estimated 50 immigrants carrying temporary visas arrived Thursday aboard Homeland Security buses at two churches in San Bernardino County that are working with federal agencies to help the families through the immigration process.

Officials with the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino told NBC4 Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials reached out to them in an effort to address the border crisis stemming from a wave of undocumented immigrants from Central America who have recently crossed into the United States at the Texas-Mexico border. President Barack Obama has described the situation as a "humanitarian crisis."

"As a church, we want to let them know that there are people here in the United States who love and support them, they're praying with them and for them," said John Andrews, of the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino County. "Maybe that can give them some of that spiritual food for the next leg of their journey."
And the city issued a statement, distancing itself from the secret alien shipments:
Fontana police issued a statement on behalf of the city.

"The temporary placement of Central American Immigrants at the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church in Fontana is a humanitarian effort on the part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino in cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)," the statement read.

"While the City of Fontana is understanding of the issues and concerns of residents on both sides of this issue, the City has no direct control over the policies of ICE or the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino.

The City of Fontana will continue to monitor the situation for Code and Public Safety issues that may arise."
Eric Odom has on-the-ground coverage, at Liberty News, "BREAKING – CALIFORNIA SHOCK: DHS Blitzes CA With Buses Full of Illegal Immigrants, Busloads Being Dropped Off at Churches! (CONFIRMED)":

#Alien Invasion! Cases of Scabies, Tuberculosis, Swine Flu All Reported at Southern Border

Obama wants this. He's manufacturing a domestic crisis, the sick bastard.

At Town Hall, "Illness on the Rise: Cases of Scabies, Tuberculosis and Swine Flu All Reported at US Southern Border."

Obama Welcomes 'Border Kids' Julio and Juanita to the United States


Jake Tapper Demolishes Lying PLO Propagandist Diana Buttu

I saw this tool earlier. "Collective punishment" blah blah.

At Free Beacon, "CNN’s Jake Tapper Demolishes PLO Spokeswoman: Lying PLO Mouthpiece Has No Grasp of Facts."

Texas Governor Rick Perry Patrols the Border while Obama Tucks Tail for the High Grass!

No photo ops for Obama, 'cuz the f-ker can't touch this!

Governor Perry is da man!

At Twitchy, "‘THIS is the guy doing his job’: Texas Gov. Rick Perry rides with border patrol [pic]."

Obama's Incompetence or Intention Explains Illegal Alien Invasion


Michael Maloof: Islamic State Could Build Dirty Bombs with Siezed Iraqi Uranium

Well, ISIS threatened to "nuke" Israel earlier, so now they're procuring the materials to do it.

Thanks Obama!

Also from Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "Report: ISIS just seized a bunch of uranium in Iraq."

A Perfect Storm of Special Interests Have Hijacked U.S. Immigration Law

The latest from VDH.

Plus, don't miss Michelle Malkin, "Obama’s Immigration Lawyers’ Enrichment Act."

Kate Bolduan Confronts Rick Perry on Obama Conspiracy Theory

Well, Bolduan's not as bad as Ashleigh Banfield, but she's still pretty bad.

Report: Sheriff's Department to Arrest #Murrieta Patriots Blocking Diseased Illegal Alien Buses

It's Joe Biggs reporting for InforWars. These guys were out there on Monday as well. Alex Jones makes "blockbuster" references at the news, but Biggs doesn't cite sources, saying only that he'd read about it "last night."

So, this is unsourced information. I don't see any corroborating information after a quick Google search, but knowing that Murrieta Mayor Alan Long threw peaceful patriots under the bus previously, blaming the louder voices on out-of-town elements, I won't surprised by a police crack down. The on-the-ground police presence was massive on Monday. The latest news is that Murrieta won't be getting additional busloads of diseased migrants for the remainder of the week, but protesters are said to be planning a large turnout again today. I'll have more, including original reporting, throughout the day.

Obama Challenges Rick Perry to Rally Republicans for $3.7 Illegal Alien Slush Fund

It's all amnesty slush, not border control.

At the New York Times, "Obama Presses Perry to Rally Support for Border Funds":

DALLAS — President Obama on Wednesday directly challenged Gov. Rick Perry of Texas to rally Republicans in support of a $3.7 billion emergency measure aimed at solving the humanitarian crisis caused as thousands of Central American children have crossed the Mexican border.

The president described a frank exchange with Mr. Perry, who has been one of his most vocal critics, after their private meeting aboard the presidential helicopter and then at Dallas Love Field.

The meeting was hastily negotiated as the border crisis came to shadow Mr. Obama’s previously planned trip to Texas and Colorado to raise campaign money and talk about an improving economy.

The president said the emergency aid would address Republicans’ calls for increased border security while also providing care for the thousands of unaccompanied children who have been detained in the Rio Grande Valley. Mr. Obama suggested that election-year political maneuvering was blocking the package because Republicans see the crisis as a way to damage him and his party.

Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez Asks for State's Help with #Murrieta Migrant Situation

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise.

An interesting piece, especially in light of Douglas Gibbs' essay, "Elected Representatives Hide From Murrieta Immigration Showdown":
Alan Long, the mayor of Murrieta, has stepped up to defend his city, despite ridiculous cries by some shortsighted people that the protests give the City of Murrieta a black eye. Harry Ramos, the Mayor Pro-Tem, has spoken out in support of the efforts to protect the city by the protesters. Even Jeff Stone, the Riverside County Supervisor, at the townhall meeting a week ago, verbalized his frustration for how the federal government is acting regarding illegal immigration, accusing the White House of refusing to abide by the rule of law. However, that is where the support by elected representatives has stopped. Where is the State Assemblymembers, and State Senators? Where are the Congressmen that represent the local districts? Why have they been silent? Why aren't they out there with us on the protest site helping us turn the buses around, and sending the migrants back to where they came?

In Temecula, the Congressman that represents the local population in the United States Congress is Congressman Duncan Hunter, the son of a champion regarding the immigration issue. The son, the current member of the House of Representatives, not so much. He has been weak on the issue, and his absence only confirms that fact.

The even larger disappointment is Congressman Ken Calvert, the 42nd District representative whose office in Corona is just a quick shot down the freeway from the City of Murrieta, the second largest city in his district, second only to Corona. Where is Calvert? Why has he not made an appearance? Is the second hand information I heard true, where in a conversation, when asked about the situation in Murrieta, Congressman Ken Calvert asked helplessly, "What can I do?"

Has he fallen for the idea that Barack Obama is king, too?
A great essay.


Will Obama's Border Chaos Spark Revolution?

From Morgan Brittany, at WND:
Back on March 16, 2012, Barack Obama signed an executive order that went virtually unnoticed by the mainstream media and a majority of the America public. It was titled the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order, and it completely erased any judicial oversight or due process for any action by the government deemed in the interest of national security. Previous to this executive order, on Dec. 31, 2011, the president signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allowed for indefinite military detention without charge or trial for the first time in our history. This would enable the current and future presidents to allow provisions and authorizations for the military to pick up and indefinitely detain people captured anywhere in the world away from any battlefield.

Supposedly, the NDAA broadens the scope and power of the federal government to fight the War on Terror, and under this law the military has the power to carry out domestic anti-terrorism operations on U.S. soil. This means it allows the detaining of U.S. citizens domestically without trial if they are considered a threat. The question then becomes: Who is a threat? Is it a member of the tea party? Someone who speaks out against Obamacare or takes issue with the administration’s policies? Someone the NSA has listened to and feels is a problem? We saw what happened with the IRS targeting – can military arrests be far behind? This idea would be considered folly except for the fact that in 2009 there was a DHS report entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalism and Recruitment.” It specifically stated that conservatives and the unemployed represent a clear and present danger.

Ever since the executive order of March 2012 took effect there have been massive changes in many government departments....

So when you put the pieces of this puzzle together and you see what is happening on our border, am I crazy to think that this was all a plan that has been put in motion to overwhelm the system and create anger and chaos among the American people? With the influx of illegal children surrendering to the Border Patrol, the officers can no longer protect the border because they are too busy changing diapers and tending to sick kids. They are overwhelmed and cannot feed, house or nurse these thousands of people.

This massive invasion did not just happen by accident, and it certainly didn’t take the administration by surprise. They knew. And they have known that this invasion was going to take place since January or perhaps even earlier than that. On the White House website there were advertisements for escorts needed to take 50,000-plus (illegal) immigrant children from the border to family members in this country. They knew this was going to happen. They did nothing to prepare, warned no one and just waited for the chaos to begin.

Now as these illegal children are being scattered to cities and towns in the U.S., American citizens are rising up and protesting the arriving buses by blocking the roadways and daring them to pass. Just this year at least 290,000 illegals have been transported and dumped on cities around the country, and the residents are fighting mad. Protests in Murrieta, California, were televised over the holiday weekend, but of course the mainstream media spun the story to fit their agenda. The protesters were made out to be racists, and this was fueled even more by the pro-immigration organization La Raza, which eagerly escalated the conflict. They, along with members of other anti-American organizations, fueled the fire and tried to provoke the protesters. Thankfully, there was no violence....

If Obama gets his way and the system collapses through illegal immigration or financial means, if he succeeds in confiscating our guns and ammo so that no one but the government has them, then we the people will be at their mercy, and the sad thing is that many people will welcome their control. At that point the American people will be helpless against a totalitarian state, and they will have succeeded in the full transformation of this country.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

#Murrieta Open-Borders Vigil Astroturfed by ANSWER Stalinists and Che-Loving Anarcho-Communists

Recall that background on ANSWER, from FrontPage Magazine in 2002, "What is the A.N.S.W.E.R.?":
The IAC [International Action Center] has been described as a Stalinist organization and one that supports authoritarian regimes and communist dictatorships. Incidentally, both Serbia and Iraq have retained [former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey] Clark as their U.S. counsel. The IAC is affiliated with the Workers’ World Party, which is affiliated with ANSWER. All of these organizations are advocates of Arafat.
More at Discover the Networks.

Democrats and open-borders leftists are in solidarity with hardline communists totalitarians whose goal is the obliteration of borders and the destruction of the United States.

And no surprise, but the ANSWER Stalinists were out in Murrieta today, astroturfing the "pro-children" amnesty vigil this afternoon:

More at the San Bernardino Press-Enterprise, "Vigil held for migrant children," and the Desert Sun, "Murrieta pro-immigrant supporters gather for vigil."

Far-Left Whack-Job Sally Kohn: 'This Is Not a Border Crisis'

From Noah Rothman, at Hot Air:

This is odd.

In an appearance on CNN addressing the crisis at the southern border, CNN contributor and The Daily Beast columnist was asked about the “optics” of the president failing to go to the border to see the situation with his own eyes. While Kohn said that she would go to the border in between Democratic fundraisers if she were the president, but simultaneously suggested that to demand he do so – an increasingly frequent phenomenon on the left – represents a double standard.

That was not, however, the oddest of odd moments which occurred in this short segment. Seconds later, Kohn insisted that the border crisis was not a border crisis at all. In fact, she seemed believed that it could be more accurately labeled a bureaucratic crisis.

“This is not a border crisis,” Kohn said. “These kids are coming to the border, they’re getting stopped, the border’s working.”

“Republicans are trying to turn this into a narrative of ‘Oh, the border isn’t working,” she continued.

“They’re not slipping through holes on the border,” Kohn concluded. “It’s just not happening.”
She's a freak.

Obama's Health and Human Services Dept. Preps Additional Military Bases to House Diseased Alien Minors

Radical, anti-American open-borders protesters stormed Port Hueneme Naval Base yesterday, putting pressure on the White House to open additional facilities to house diseased illegal aliens.

As Michelle Moons reports, at Breitbart, a number of bases are under review at HHS, and it's just a matter of time before additional facilities will be made available to the flood of poxed criminal migrants.



Border Patrol Agent Gabe Pacheco: Obama Immigration Policies Bring 'Backdoor Amnesty

At WMEW CBS DC, "Border Patrol Agent: DHS Directing ‘Backdoor Amnesty’ For Illegal Immigrants."

And an interview with Pacheco with Steve Malzberg, via Political Pistachio, "Border Agent Spokesman: Illegal Kids Will Stay, 'Backdoor Amnesty'."

They're not going back. The illegals are here to stay. Leftists are lying to your face if they say otherwise. Indeed, leftists are responsible for the humanitarian crisis now unfolding across the Southwest United States.

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell: Obama White House 'Late to the Game' on Everything — #BorderInvasion

And listen to Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar, shaking his head, "floored" by Obama's callousness and his refusal to even take a half-hour to visit the border.

Shameful disregard for human life and basic decency. Democrats are all talk about humanity and compassion. It shows utter disregard for human life to live the high life, laugh it up over beers and billiards, as illegals are housed in overcrowded, inhumane warehouses and bodies stack up across the region.

As Bodies of Dead Illegals Stack Up, Obama Laughs It Up with Beer, Pool, and Gambling

Thirty-seven bodies of illegal aliens have been found in Brooks Country, Texas, this year. Four bodies have been recovered during the last two weeks. But our callous and unserious president is fundraising, laughing it up with quaffs and billiards, gambling with Colorado Governor Hickenlooper.

Here's the report from CBS Evening News last night, and below is the Washington Times report on our disgustingly AWOL chief executive.

The Democrats have exploited a humanitarian crisis for political gain, and the bodies are piling up.

Obama Created Border Crisis

From Senator Jeff Sessions, at USA Today:
The crisis on our border is the direct and predictable result of President Obama's sustained effort to undermine America's immigration laws. As the president's previous director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), John Sandweg recently acknowledged: "if you are a run-of-the-mill immigrant here illegally, your odds of getting deported are close to zero." Enforcement has collapsed.

Today President Obama says he needs $3.7 billion from Congress to handle the crisis his lawless policies are creating. Amazingly, the funding request further advertises his administration's amnesty efforts and our fraud-riddled asylum programs, while explicitly omitting any request for expedited deportation authority. The request is also not paid for. The administration wants to borrow every penny.

President Obama has yielded to the demands of open borders groups, to whom he pledged amnesty in 2008. He has dramatically abandoned his lawful duty to the American people. Immigration enforcement for the world's most powerful nation is now held hostage by a small band of radical immigration activists. That is why the administration still refuses to deliver the crucial message necessary to halt this flow: if you attempt to cross our border illegally, you will be apprehended and deported...
Keep reading.

The Threatening Face of Anti-Israel Boycotters in America

At Legal Insurrection.

Check the videos.

From racist Aztlán open-borders brownshirts to the BDS Nazis, this is the face of today's left.

Palestinian vs. Israeli Responses to Violence

One waits for an outpouring of condolences for the kidnapping-murders of the three Israeli teenagers, one of whom was also an American citizen. Especially, one waits for such statements from the most ardent supporters of a Palestinian state in the disputed territories.

One waits in vain...
Keep reading.

'The Purge: Anarchy'

This film's in theaters July 18th, although it feels like we're living it right now and always, given the left's complete breakdown of constitutionalism and legal order.

Also at Coming Soon. net, "Exclusive R-Rated Clip from The Purge: Anarchy."

Hamas Commandos Liquidated

Via the IDF:

Also at Legal Insurrection, "Watch: 5 Hamas “naval commandos” infiltrating Israel gunned down by IDF helicopter (Updates)."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Obama's Lawless Conduct 'Demeans the Respect This Nation Should Have In the World'

From Senator Jeff Sessions:

#Murrieta Protest Leader: Granddaughter Contracted Foot Hand-and-Foot Disease from Obama's Illegals

This is my good friend Douglas Gibbs, a longtime blogger and radio host located in Murrieta. He's been on the front-lines, speaking out in a number of interviews on Fox News:

Via Gateway Pundit, "Murrieta Protest Leader: I Joined Movement When My Granddaughter Caught Hand and Foot Disease (Video)."

Pat Buchanan: Country That Can't Control Borders Not a Country

At NewsMax.

Photos Show Angelina Jolie Strung Out on Heroin in the 1990s

She seems so wholesome today too, but here it is.

At London's Daily Mail, "Bloodshot hollow eyes, emaciated arms and rambling on the phone: Haunting video of Angelina Jolie the heroin addict."

VIDEO: Sarah Palin — 'It's Time to Impeach' President Obama


And tonight's interview with Sean Hannity:

VIDEO: Racist #Murrieta Brownshirt: 'I Don't Give a Fuck' What You Say 'Cracker Ass' Bitch...

My friend Victoria Taft was verbally assaulted by the left's open-borders La Raza thugs, and you can hear this vicious reconquista racist spewing insults in her face while she was covering yesterday's protest.

No Border Security: Obama's $3.7 Billion Funding to Care, Feed, and Transport Diseased Illegal Aliens

Following up from earlier, "White House Wants $3.7 Billion for 'Border Crisis' Illegal Alien Slush Fund."

From Byron York, at the Washington Examiner, "Obama border funding: Most money to care, feed, transport illegal immigrants; little for deportations":

It's still a little unclear exactly how much money President Obama will request to deal with the crisis of thousands of families and unaccompanied children crossing the border into the United States illegally. But there are indications the vast majority of the funding will go to caring for the illegal immigrants who are already here -- feeding, housing, and transporting them to new American homes -- while a far smaller amount will go to sending some of those immigrants back to their home countries and preventing future immigrants from crossing into the U.S. illegally.

The president will ask for a large amount of money, perhaps as much as $2 billion, for the Department of Health and Human Services. Most of that will go to care for the more than 50,000 unaccompanied children who have illegally entered the United States in recent months. The law requires that border officials transfer those children to the care of HHS, which is then required to find homes for them, unite them with family members, provide legal assistance, and help them in a variety of other ways. So most of the HHS funding request, whatever it is, will go to the care of illegal immigrants who are already here.

Then there is the administration's request for more money for the Department of Homeland Security, which handles border enforcement. But it appears that most of that money will go to care for -- rather than deport -- the new illegal immigrants...
Well, the figure's closer to $4 billion now, and that funding is not going to reduce the diseased alien invasion one whit.

Funding for Racist, Open-Borders La Raza Brownshirts Skyrockets Under Criminal Obama Regime

These are same racists as the Aztlán goons out at Murrieta.

From Joe Schoffstall, at the Capital City Project, "Federal funding to La Raza more than doubled after former VP joined Obama administration":

Amnesty, Barack Obama, California, Communism, Democrats, Election 2014, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Obama Administration, Radical Left, Republican Party, Secular Collectivism, Socialism Federal funding surged to a radical immigration group under the Obama administration after a former top member of the organization joined the Obama team in 2009.

In 2009, Cecilia Muñoz was appointed as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs in the Obama administration. She served in this position until January of 2012 when she became the President’s Domestic Policy Advisor and the Director of the Domestic Policy Council, a position which coordinates the domestic policy making process in the White House.

Muñoz is the former Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), one of the most radical groups today behind the push for a compete overhaul of the United States immigration system. She is married to Amit Muñoz-Pandya, a human rights lawyer and former counselor to the Open Society Institute, which was established and funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.

Prior to Muñoz joining the Obama administration, La Raza received $4.1 million in federal funds. When President Obama brought her aboard in 2009, he issued a special “ethics waiver” since it violated his lobbyist ban.

In 2011, it was reported by Judicial Watch that between 2009 and 2010, the funding increased from $4.1 million to $11 million — more than doubling and nearly tripling. During 2010, La Raza also received $2.5 million in funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for reasons such as housing counseling. The Department of Education doled out $800,000, and the Center for Disease Control gave nearly a quarter of a million...
These racists deny their funding windfall goes to open-borders advocacy.

Right. The whole deal is a slush fund designed to grease the wheels of the left's Northern invastion.

PREVIOUSLY: "Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts Threaten Violence at #Murrieta Illegal Alien Protest."

White House Wants $3.7 Billion for 'Border Crisis' Illegal Alien Slush Fund


This funding will be like a illegal immigration slush fund to provide "attorneys" to border-crossers while they hold out for amnesty.

Nothing will change, at WaPo, "White House requests $3.7 billion in emergency border control funds."


It's going to be a Democrat Party slush fund to flood future Democrat Party voter rolls will newly amnestied illegals.

Lilia Velasquez, San Diego Immigration Attorney: Illegal Aliens 'Hiding Somewhere' to Avoid Deportation

Look, ignore the leftist lies and disinformation. Once the illegals get here they spend years in the system, exhausting appeals for legal status. And as immigration attorney Lilia Velasquez reveals, approvingly, as you can see, the fact is when illegals lose their appeals, they "may have moved" and "be hiding somewhere," and they'll be in the U.S. until federal authorities track them down --- which is likely never.

More from Robert Stacy McCain, "They’re Not Going Back."

Free People, Free Markets

I love the Journal, but as I always say, they're a little loose with their open-borders advocacy.

At the Wall Street Journal, "The lessons from 125 years show how to revive American prosperity":

The answer to our current slow growth and self-doubt isn't a set of magical "new ideas" or some unknown orator from the provinces. The answer is to rediscover the eternal truths that have helped America escape malaise and turmoil in the past.

These lessons include that markets—the mind of free millions—allocate scarce resources more efficiently and fairly than do committees in Congress; that the collusion of government with either big business or big labor stifles competition and leads to political cynicism; that government will be respected more when it does a few things well rather than too many poorly; and that innovation and human progress spring not from bureaucratic elites but from the genius of individuals.

Above all, the lesson of 125 years is that whatever our periodic blunders Americans have always used the blessings of liberty to restore prosperity and national confidence. A free people have their fate in their own hands.

Internal #Democrat Polls Prompt Obama to Abandon 'Income Inequality' Message


Air New Zealand Pulls Safety Ad Featuring Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Hotties

At the New York Post, "Airline pulls sexy safety video featuring scantily clad SI models."

Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?

Native Americans were not victims of genocide. Even to suggest such throws the open-borders collectivists into fits of rage, bordering on heinous violence.

As I was talking to the blond woman yesterday I mentioned that there's at most one example of settlers deliberately trying to infect Indians with smallpox (and the evidence for that alleged single incident is thin). See Guenter Lewy, at Commentary.

You can't use reason with collectivists. They're ruled by emotion, and hatred in particular.

PREVIOUSLY: "#Murrieta Patriots Repulse Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts: 3rd Round of Buses Rerouted to San Ysidro," and "Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts Threaten Violence at #Murrieta Illegal Alien Protest."

Monday, July 7, 2014

Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts Threaten Violence at #Murrieta Illegal Alien Protest

These people are seriously vicious thugs. Go back to my last post, "#Murrieta Patriots Repulse Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts: 3rd Round of Buses Rerouted to San Ysidro."

As I was talking to the young blond woman in this Vine, a couple of the hardcore Aztlán thugs came over and got in my face. My friend Victoria Taft was on the ground and got this photo, just seconds before the chunky bitch with the buttons started going ballistic. The blond woman had started cussing, saying "No way, I don't believe this," and rolling her head back in rage as I debunked the left's lies about "stolen land." The chunky bitch gets up in my face, screaming "She's my best friend, f-k you!!" Another woman came over wearing some kind of "fight cancer" shirt, and she had a hospital mask over her face. She started yelling at me too, but I told her I couldn't understand her with the mask on (because I read lips). And I said "get your diseases out of my face!" Oh boy, that really sent these goons off. I put my hands behind my back at that point, hoping the bitch would strike me. She would have been arrested for assault on the spot.

Leftists are the worst people. Their anti-American hatred and violence sets back their cause, as if it wasn't bad enough already, the dirtbags:

#Murrieta Patriots Repulse Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts: 3rd Round of Buses Rerouted to San Ysidro

Although no Border Patrol buses rolled into the Murrieta station today, heated protests broke out at the front entrance to the processing center, and various reports indicate that federal officials are looking to outlast the patriots and resume shipments of diseased aliens to the town.


MURRIETA, Calif. (KABC) -- Protesters on both sides of the immigration debate gathered again in Murrieta on Monday over the anticipated arrival of more buses carrying undocumented immigrants.

The buses departed Lindbergh Field in San Diego County at about 11 a.m. and headed southbound on the 5 Freeway. When news came that the buses went to Chula Vista, many protesters viewed it as yet another victory.

"I think they're not bringing them here because we're taking a stand," said Vicki Doran of Murrieta. "They saw this stand that we were taking. I think they knew that it could turn ugly. We hope not, because we don't want that."

The issue has been ongoing since July 1, when crowds forced buses full of families and children to be diverted to another location.

Buses were expected again on Fourth of July, but they never arrived. Monday was the third day that buses were expected. Authorities are trying to deal with tens of thousands of immigrants who have flooded across the U.S. border through the Rio Grande Valley.

Many of the immigrants are children. In all, there were close to 200 protesters outside the Border Patrol facility in Murrieta, most of them opposed to processing the undocumented immigrants there.

"The American people have a right to be angry because they see all of this that's taking place," said James Bacas of Redlands. "This is an expression of anger."
I arrived on the scene sometime around 3:00pm. The two protest groups were not separated. Indeed, as I spoke to a young pro-amnesty supporter and indicated that the land wasn't "stolen" from the indigenous peoples, a swarm of open-border thugs got up in my face, spewing hatred, dropping f-bombs, physically threatening me. I stepped back to tweet some photos and Vine clips, and things escalated from there. Police soon cordoned off the protesters with yellow tape. It was a very big show of force, including heavily armed Border Patrol agents working to keep a riot from breaking out. I had lots of news cameras in my face throughout the afternoon, especially after protest groups squared off from behind the barriers. I denounced the Aztlán hordes as un-American, as well as their treasonous dual loyalty to Mexico. Their group was spewing epithets at the patriots gathered opposite them, including numerous allegations of racism.

It was pretty heated out there.

There's more reporting at Liberty News, "BREAKING – DAY 7: Murrieta – 3, Obama’s Foreign Invasion of the U.S. – 0… Feds Forced to Abandon Murrieta Facility for Third Time!", and "LIBERTY NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Murrieta Mayor Alan Long Discusses Diseases and Other Problems Brought By Obama’s Invasion Of Illegal Immigrants (VIDEO)."

And from my good friend Douglas Gibbs, at Canada Free Press, "The Real Illegal Immigration Agenda in Murrieta."

Check back for all the latest on Obama's Alinskyite manufactured immigration crisis.

VIDEO: Third Planeload of Diseased Aliens Lands in San Diego: Official Gag Order Clamps Down on #Murrieta Information

Here's the latest from KGTV-ABC News 10 San Diego, "Third immigrant plane lands in San Diego" (VIDEO):
SAN DIEGO - A third plane filled with Central American immigrants landed at Lindbergh Field Monday morning as protests continued at the Border Patrol station in Murrieta.

Three Department of Human Services buses shuttled them from the plane to one of San Diego's Border Patrol stations. The first plane from Texas carrying 140 immigrants arrived July 1.

The immigrants were then transported to the Border Patrol facility in Murrieta. However, the buses were blocked by protesters and forced to head back down to a facility in San Ysidro.

The second plane arrived Friday, the immigrants were bused to a BP facility in San Ysidro.

Ron Zermeno, a Border Patrol union official, told 10News last week that 40 of those immigrants on the first plane were quarantined at the BP Chula Vista Station with active scabies and head lice.

The rest were processed through other BP facilities and released. Zermeno later disclosed that a BP agent who had being processing immigrants had contracted scabies.

On Sunday, Zermeno told 10News that BP had placed him under a gag order.

 “As long as they send the bodies up there (Murrieta) to be processed, there will be no agents patrolling, and that's what the agency doesn't want me to say,” Zermeno said.

"Agents are tired, I know agents are being pulled from different areas to help processing," said Gabe Pacheco Monday, a BP spokesman.
Meanwhile Breitbart updates on the situation in Murrieta, "Murrieta Residents Preparing for Riot Squads, Ready to 'Be Detained'":
HOUSTON, Texas--A busload of illegal immigrants is expected to show up in Murrieta, California in spite of a furious group of residents who claim their town is no place for the migrants.

On Sunday Breitbart Texas broke the news that federal agents accompanying the bus will have riot gear and shields, in order to push back the crowd. Despite this, the protesters have no intentions of backing down--rather, the group is preparing for a showdown that one resident told Breitbart Texas "might get ugly."

Sources on the ground in Murrieta told Breitbart Texas that many protesters have already gathered in the town this morning in anticipation of the busload. Law enforcement is there, too.

"There are at least 60 officers here," John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, told Breitbart Texas. "Most of them are local law enforcement like the Murrieta Police and others from the Riverside Country Sheriff's Office. But I have seen at least 10 or 15 federal agents here as well."

He added, "There was also a fire truck pulling a 20 foot trailer as well. I would assume it is for medical purposes."

Henry said that, according to "rumors," planes carrying illegal immigrants are expected to land at 11 a.m. PST. He mentioned that it takes about an hour to drive from the airport to the protest grounds in Murrieta.
Check the #Murrieta tag on Twitter or more information, and also @AmPowerBlog. I'll be on the ground later and will update with original reporting.

U.S. Banks Shut Down Mexican Drug Trade Money Transfers

Well, no doubt non-cartel illegals also used the services, but still.

At the New York Times, "Immigrants From Latin America and Africa Squeezed as Banks Curtail International Money Transfers":
As government regulators crack down on the financing of terrorists and drug traffickers, many big banks are abandoning the business of transferring money from the United States to other countries, moves that are expected to reverse years of declines in the cost of immigrants sending money home to their families.

While Mexico may be most affected — nearly half of the $51.1 billion in remittances sent from the United States in 2012 ended up in that country — the banks’ broad retreat over the last year is affecting other countries in Latin America and parts of Africa as well. The banks are being held accountable not only for the customers who directly use their money transfer services but also for their role in collecting remittances from money transmitting companies and wiring them abroad.

“This is transforming the business and may increase the costs of international money transfers,” said Manuel Orozco, a senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, a research group in Washington.

JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America have scrapped low-cost services that allowed Mexican immigrants to send money to their families across the border. The Spanish bank BBVA is reportedly exploring the sale of its unit that wires money to Mexico and across Latin America. And in perhaps the deepest retrenchment by a bank, Citigroup’s Banamex USA unit has now closed many of its branches in Texas, California and Arizona that catered to Mexicans living in the United States and stopped most remittances to Mexico as it faces a federal investigation related to money laundering controls.

Regulators say the banking system was being exploited by terrorists and drug lords seeking to launder money. While they have not banned banks from engaging in higher-risk businesses like money transfers to certain countries, they acknowledge that banks must now invest significantly more to monitor the money moving through their systems or face substantial penalties...

VIDEO: Craven #Murrieta Officials Throw Patriot Protesters Under the Bus — #BorderInvasion

Murrieta Mayor Alan Long praised the town's patriot protesters for their "passion" last week, following the showdown with federal immigration officials.

But the coward's walking back his praise now, amid a heated national debate over immigration and humanitarianism. The Los Angeles Times has that, "Murrieta immigrant protests: Mayor defends his town's actions."

Mayor Long spoke to CNN's far-left Candy Crowley, and he was clearly uncomfortable during the discussion. Crowley was hammering him with humanitarian talking points. Here's the transcript, "California Mayor Alan Long on immigration: 'The world showed up on our doorsteps'."

But earlier, missed amid the turmoil, is the statement the city released on its website last Thursday, distancing officials from the protesters. See, the City of Murrieta, "Message to the Community" (via Don Allen, emphasis in italics added):
This has been a difficult week in the city of Murrieta. We have been challenged and in some ways we fell down in the face of the challenge. We have been both celebrated and vilified locally and in the national press -- and mostly based on inaccurate interpretations of the same issue. On Monday, Mayor Long gave a press conference. During that press conference he recognized people’s right to peaceful protest. He also expressed frustration with the federal immigration policy that appears to be encouraging women and children from Central America to migrate to the US via the Rio Grande Valley. He recognized that immigration is the responsibility of the federal government, but was concerned that the Murrieta Border Patrol station would be receiving 140 women and children every 72 hours for processing. This facility is not appropriate for that purpose – it is essentially a jail, designed to hold drug runners and criminals caught at the Border Patrol checkpoint on I-15 just south of Temecula. When Mayor Long expressed frustration with the federal government and recommended protest, he was suggesting that concerned citizens contact their US Representatives and the President to share their thoughts. To that end, a list of federal offices, Members of Congress representing our area and the White House phone numbers were compiled on a list that was shared at the press conference.

Sadly, too many people took this as encouragement to protest the arrival of buses carrying the women and children to the Border Patrol station in Murrieta. Protesters came from around the southland to oppose the arrival of undocumented immigrants to Murrieta for processing. In the face of the protest, three buses were turned around and the protesters claimed victory. This was not victory. It was a loss for the city of Murrieta, for the community that we live in and love. It made this extremely compassionate community look heartless and uncaring. That is NOT the Murrieta that we all know and love.

There appear to be two sides to this issue – those who believe Mayor Long was encouraging them to stand in front of the buses in protest, and those who believe that Murrieta does not recognize that the US is the envy of the world and that people want to migrate here, even at the risk of their lives and the lives of their children. Both sides are wrong. We understand that people want to come to the US to seek a better life for their families, and we are a compassionate people who want to help. But we also are a country whose legal system is based on the rule of law, and the people migrating must do so within the boundaries of the law. The protests resulting from the incorrect interpretations of Mayor Long’s comments have given our community a black eye.

To be clear, the City of Murrieta’s primary role is public safety. Our police department has been out in force to protect the lives and the rights of those individuals who have chosen to protest. We are proud of our police department knowing that they have done an outstanding job of maintaining the peace.

Beyond that, we recognize that there is a battle in play between the Congress and the President over immigration. True, this is a federal issue and should be resolved at the federal level. But it is affecting our community is a very real and ugly way. This brings us back to Mayor Long’s original message – we should be contacting our US Representatives and the President and letting them know that their failure to resolve this issue has damaged our community, and not only ours, but communities throughout the southwestern US. We should be encouraging them to begin a dialogue – a dialogue that we are very ready to be part of. And above all, we should show everyone what a truly compassionate and caring community Murrieta is!

Rick Dudley
City Manager
Also at Guardian UK, "Alan Long, the mayor of Murrieta, the southern town that has become a flashpoint in a crisis over undocumented migrants, blamed outsiders for orchestrating furious protests outside a US border patrol station there, which turned away the buses on Tuesday."

Open-Borders Catch and Release: Honduras Illegal Aliens Released by ICE, Reunited with Family (VIDEO)

It's pretty amazing.

Literally nowhere else in the world can you just traipse over a nation's border and then be released into the general population, with the official wink of knowing you'll never be seen again.

Once again,Carlos Delgado reporting, for XETV-TDT San Diego 6 News:

Congressman to Introduce Bill Authorizing Immediate Return of Illegal Alien Children

Via Pat Dollard.

Illegal Alien Border Crisis Threatens U.S. Existence

America’s porous southern border and the recent surge in illegal immigration is more than just a “humanitarian crisis,” claims the top U.S. general in charge of Central and South America, it’s a threat to the United States’ very existence.

Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly is commander of the U.S. Southern Command, or SOUTHCOM, charged with responsibility for the Caribbean Sea and all lands south of Mexico.

Particularly in regards to the drug trade, murder rates and terrorist activity brewing in Central America, Kelly says, the waves of Latin Americans sweeping through Mexico and illegally into Texas presents a threat to the U.S. every bit as serious as Iran or North Korea.

“In comparison to other global threats, the near collapse of societies in [this] hemisphere with the associated drug and [illegal immigrant] flow are frequently viewed to be of low importance,” Kelly said in an interview with Defense One. “Many argue these threats are not existential and do not challenge our national security. I disagree.”

It isn’t the first time Kelly has sounded the alarm. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in March, Kelly complained that budget cuts in recent years have handcuffed the military’s ability to shut down many drug and human trafficking corridors.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

#Murrieta Police Prep for Illegal Alien Showdown

From Douglas Gibbs:

It's the same setup as yesterday. The patriots at the corner are standing guard, ready to sound the tocsin:

The final confrontation could be tomorrow, as I've been reporting. I'll have updates as things happen.

VIDEO: San Ysidro's Diseased Aliens Now Processed and Released into General Population!

Remember, as I reported earlier this morning, once these aliens are released it may be years before they're called back for deportation hearings, "Democrats Won't Seal Border as Traffickers Exploit Left's Permiso System of Backdoor Amnesty."

Diseased alien migrants, overflowing our Border Patrol stations in Texas, shipped to California, and now processed and ready to flood welfare services and local hospitals. All at the cost of local communities. It's an alien invasion.

Carlos Delgado reporting, for XETV-TDT San Diego 6 News:

PREVIOUSLY: "#Murrieta Tinderbox! Feds to Deploy Riot Police Against Patriots Protesting Obama's Illegal Alien Invasion!"

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

William Warren photo Deepest_Sand_Trap_zps4499d2f7.jpg

Also at Randy's Roundtable, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

More from Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – 4th of You-Lie."

Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Appears in Public

At the Los Angeles Times, "Islamic State leader exhorts fellow Sunnis to join him":

The secretive head of the Islamic State militant group has made what appears to be his first public appearance, purportedly speaking from a mosque in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, according to a video posted online Saturday.

The video, uploaded by supporters to websites, including YouTube, appears to show Abu Bakr Baghdadi, chief of the Islamic State, an Al Qaeda offshoot, leading prayers in the Grand Mosque in Mosul, which was overrun by insurgents last month as part of an offensive across northern Iraq. The Islamic State stands at the forefront of a Sunni Muslim uprising that threatens the U.S.-backed Iraqi government in Baghdad...

VIDEO: Martha Raddatz Spews Leftist Open-Borders Talking Points During Interview with Rick Perry

Via Media Research Center, "ABC’s Raddatz Peddles Obama Talking Points on Border Crisis During Interview with Rick Perry."

Watch. Governor Perry is awesome:

'There are many things which are widely recognized as offensive which are not crimes, yet the aggregation of feminist pet peeves into a collective category called “rape culture” permits a sort of rhetorical abracadabra where everything leads to a discussion of rape...'

Another great piece on unhinged leftists and the lies of "rape culture."

See, "The Dorchester Doofus."