Wednesday, July 9, 2014

#Murrieta Open-Borders Vigil Astroturfed by ANSWER Stalinists and Che-Loving Anarcho-Communists

Recall that background on ANSWER, from FrontPage Magazine in 2002, "What is the A.N.S.W.E.R.?":
The IAC [International Action Center] has been described as a Stalinist organization and one that supports authoritarian regimes and communist dictatorships. Incidentally, both Serbia and Iraq have retained [former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey] Clark as their U.S. counsel. The IAC is affiliated with the Workers’ World Party, which is affiliated with ANSWER. All of these organizations are advocates of Arafat.
More at Discover the Networks.

Democrats and open-borders leftists are in solidarity with hardline communists totalitarians whose goal is the obliteration of borders and the destruction of the United States.

And no surprise, but the ANSWER Stalinists were out in Murrieta today, astroturfing the "pro-children" amnesty vigil this afternoon:

More at the San Bernardino Press-Enterprise, "Vigil held for migrant children," and the Desert Sun, "Murrieta pro-immigrant supporters gather for vigil."