Saturday, August 16, 2014

Curfew? What Curfew? Livestream from #Ferguson — UPDATE! Shots Fired!

Supposed to be a curfew in Ferguson tonight.

Doesn't look like that's working out, according to people on the scene:

Livestream here.


VIDEO: Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain: We've Failed to Answer '911 Calls...' #Ferguson

It's Captain Ronald S. Johnson at today's press conference:

VIDEO: #Ferguson Violence: Black Panthers Chant 'We Want Darren Wilson Dead...'

Well, another way of saying "No Justice, No Peace."

Via Gateway Pundit, "BLACK PANTHERS Lead Massive March in #Ferguson==> ‘Death Chants’ to Officer Darren Wilson (Video)."

Amnesty International 'On the Scene' in #Ferguson as 'Observers'

Well, I'm sure they'll really tamp down the unrest.

From Ryan Reilly:

#Ferguson: People Are Scared


Michael Brown Anarchy Plays Out on Main Street

An interesting piece, at the Los Angeles Times, "Race, violence in Ferguson, Mo., cop killing play out on Main Street."

NYC's Clara Vondrich Chases Down Cellphone Thief Wearing 3-Inch Platform Wedge Pumps! (PHOTOS)

She's a badass!

At the New York Post, "Woman chases down, bearhugs alleged thief."

Click through for the photo of her platform wedge shoes. She's chased down that black mofo!

Anarchy in #Ferguson: Convenience Store Targeted for Looting in Michael Brown Unrest (VIDEO)

Obama's America.

At the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Volunteers hit Ferguson streets for cleanup; governor to return."

And at Twitchy, "Friday night fight: Looters wreak havoc again in #Ferguson; protesters try to stop the madness; Update: thieves take over," and "Ferguson police stand down; Looters run wild again; Local store owners plead for help: ‘Where the cops at?’"

Still more at Gateway Pundit, "Black Ferguson Resident: “Why Didn’t They Shoot Those Looters?” (Video)."

Anti-Semitism and its Limitations

From Caroline Glick:
From Paris to San Paulo, from Berlin to Boston the public space Jews can enjoy without fear is becoming more and more limited.
No words other than it's hard to believe in this day and age.


Legendary Skateboarder Jay Adams Has Died

At the Los Angeles Times, "Jay Adams dies at 53; legendary skateboarder."

Friday, August 15, 2014

Suspect Mike Brown, Seen with Cigars 'Connected to Robbery', Bum-Rushed Officer Darren Wilson — #Ferguson

More details are coming in on the shooting death of Ferguson teenager Michael Brown, but contrary to the mainstream media meme, reports indicate that Officer Darren Wilson did in fact know that Brown was a robbery suspect, and in fact assaulted and "bum-rushed" Wilson before being fired upon.

At V-Dare, "Ferguson, MO: Michael Brown Had Just Robbed a Convenience Store and Assaulted the Clerk, When He Tried to Murder the Policeman Who Stopped Him; See Pics from CCTV/ Police Report!," and "Ferguson, Missouri: Another “Al Sharpton Is Right” Moment for National Review?":
Michael Brown was the suspect in a robbery and assault (apparently there is video) that had taken place earlier in the morning and his Facebook page shows him flashing gang signs. The 18-year-old 300lb Brown (the media are calling him a ‘gentle giant’) already had a rap sheet for assault and burglary.

The main witness who the media and rioters were relying on—Brown’s friend, Dorian Johnson—is also a suspect in the robbery. Johnson had said Brown was shot for merely walking down the street and had his hands up.

The police version of events is that Brown was shot after an officer approached him on the street during a routine patrol. Brown pushed the cop into his squad car, assaulted him and tried to take the officer’s weapon. [Police: Teen shot by cop suspect in recent robbery, By David A. Lieb and Alan Scher Zagier, Associated Press, August 15, 2014]

The officer in question is a six-year veteran with a spotless record.
And then Jack Tapper tweets that Brown was in fact seen with cigars in his hands following reports of the convenience store robbery:

And then Dana Loesch has the interview with the friend of Officer Wilson, who explains that Brown assaulted Wilson at the police car, walked 35-feet away, and then turned and launched into a crazed "bum-rush" toward the police car, via Gateway Pundit, "EXCLUSIVE: Friend of OFFICER DARREN WILSON Speaks Out on Shooting of Mike Brown (AUDIO)":
He pulled up ahead of them. And then he got a call-in that there was a strong-arm robbery. And, they gave a description. And, he’s looking at them and they got something in their hands and it looks like it could be what, you know those cigars or whatever. So he goes in reverse back to them. Tries to get out of his car. They slam his door shut violently. I think he said Michael did. And, then he opened the car again. He tried to get out. He stands up.

And then Michael just bum-rushes him and shoves him back into his car. Punches him in the face and them Darren grabs for his gun. Michael grabbed for the gun. At one point he got the gun entirely turned against his hip. And he shoves it away. And the gun goes off.

Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, “Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something.”
Go straight to the radio interview here, "Josie On The Dana Show 8-15-14."

Pepperdine Pulls Faculty Page for Professor Russell A. Burgos, Who May Have Been Fired

Following-up from the other day, "Pepperdine University Issues Statement on Professor Russell Burgos."

And now here's Twitchy, "Exclusive: Pepperdine removes Russell Burgos’ bio from its website; Update: Pepperdine President says there’s no longer an active investigation: ‘We know all we need to know’."

The university has not released a formal statement on whether Burgos has been fired, but University President Andrew K. Benton said Wednesday, "We know all we need to know and there is no ongoing investigation."

At Pepperdine's Facebook page, a commenter wrote, "I guess the professor is no longer teaching at Pepperdine."

Professor Burgos was probably fired, although I'll update if the university releases a formal statement. And to be clear, Burgos is a flaming leftist who lied about his online activity, essentially attempting to cover up his hateful anti-conservative bigotry. Just the attacks on Pepperdine alumna Michelle Fields were likely fireable offenses by themselves (these attacks had been ongoing for years), but with his attempted cover-up, Burgos unequivocally crossed the ethical line. I expect they threw his rat's ass out on the street like a plague. Pepperdine cut him out like the cancer he was.

Typical progressive. So much hate it engulfed him.

Supporting #Hamas is Anti-Semitic

Of course.

Supporting Hamas is racist eliminationism.

See Alan Dershowitz, at the Gatestone Institute:

PREVIOUSLY: "Pro-Terror #ANSWERLA Organizers: 'We Stand with Hamas!'"

Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III Spewing Hate and Disinformation on #Ferguson Shooting

Stalking troll Reppy was tweeting out the racist hate-tweets from Jamelle Bouie earlier today. And Twitchy was all over Bouie's depravity, "‘Brown deserved execution’? Slate journo thinks he’s got ‘right-wing Twitter’ pegged."

And now the depraved hate-troll is spewing disinformation on the convenience store robbery:

I'll update should racist Repsac issue a correction. It's the decent thing to to do, but then, Reppy's not decent.

UPDATE: Hate-troll Reppy has issued a new tweet reluctantly correcting his hateful disinformation, although he has not disavowed the widely repudiated Jamelle Bouie and his demonization of "right-wing Twitter." That's just like the despicable stalker Repsac. A terrible person. A hate-mongering anti-conservative bigot.

Shooting Witness Dorian Johnson Confirms He and Michael Brown Robbed #Ferguson Convenience Store — UPDATED!!

I'm pulling the information from Fire Andrea Mitchell (sorry).

It wasn't the QuickTrip store that was robbed. It was "Ferguson Market and Liquor."

Hat Tip to Chris Denappy:

More at WDEF News 12, "Lawyer: Friend confirms that he and shooting victim had robbed convenience store."

And at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Ferguson officer realized during encounter that Michael Brown might be suspect in robbery":
The name and address of the store police say was robbed are redacted from the documents, but the store is Ferguson Market and Liquor on West Florissant Avenue.

Also named as a suspect in the robbery is Dorian Johnson, 22, a man who has said he was with Brown when he was shot.

The document release includes surveillance images of the robbery, showing an employee being attacked.

An unidentified employee had just come out of the restroom and come to the counter when she observed Brown telling a clerk he wanted several boxes of cigars, the reports say. The name of two employees have been redacted from the report:

"As (redacted) was placing the boxes on the counter, Brown grabbed a box of Swisher Sweets cigars and handed them to Johnson who was standing behind Brown. (Redacted) witnessed (redacted) tell Brown that he had to pay for those cigars first. That is when Brown reached across the counter and grabbed numerous packs of Swisher Sweets and turned to leave the store. (Redacted) then calls '911.' Meanwhile (redacted) comes out from behind the counter and attempts to stop Brown from leaving. According to (redacted),(redacted) was trying to lock the door until Brown returned the merchandise to him. That is when Brown grabbed (redacted) by the shirt and forcefully pushed him back in to a display rack. (Redacted) backed away and Brown and Johnson exited the store with the cigars."

The lawyer for Johnson, who was walking with Michael Brown when Wilson fatally shot Brown, said Johnson told authorities about the cigar theft earlier this week.

“He told them about the cigarillos and that Big Mike took cigarillos,” said the lawyer, former St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr.

He decried the timing of the release of the robbery information.

“It was Ferguson grabbing at straws,” Bosley said. “Their whole press conference was a disaster and unprofessional. At the end of the day this is about whether the officer used excessive force to kill Michael Brown.”

Asked whether Dorian Johnson will be charged, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said today, "No. We determined he didn't steal anything or use force."

Video of Teenager Michael Brown Convenience Store Robbery — #Ferguson

Following-up, "#Ferguson Police Releases Name of Officer Who Shot Criminal Homeboy Michael Brown (VIDEO)."

This Michael Brown dude was a big criminal thug mofo:

#Ferguson Police Releases Name of Officer Who Shot Criminal Homeboy Michael Brown (VIDEO)

At NYT, "Ferguson Police Identify Darren Wilson as Officer in Fatal Shooting and Link Teenager to Robbery."

More from Ms. EBL, "Separated by Perspective: Ferguson, Missouri Update: Michael Brown was a suspect in a gas station robbery just before he was shot?"

Why Iraq Air Strikes Might Not Be Enough

From Michael O'Hanlon, at Foreign Affairs, "How to Win in Iraq":
Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama announced his decision to airlift food and water to members of the Yezidi minority stranded in the Sinjar mountains of Iraq, and to use air-to-ground munitions against formations of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) moving against Kurdish units near Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region. So far, Obama’s strategy has been well calibrated and at least partly successful; the Yezidis’ plight appears less dire than a few days ago, and ISIS’ forays into Kurdistan have been stymied for the moment, perhaps even partly reversed in some places.

Obama’s restraint in providing major assistance to the central Iraqi government in Baghdad has likewise been prudent, since, by coming to the aid of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki too soon, the United States would squander the leverage it could use to persuade the Iraqi government to find a different and better prime minister. It is, after all, Maliki who governed so badly that major Sunni political and tribal leaders acquiesced to ISIS’ advances rather than work with a man they increasingly saw as a dictator to stop the brutal group’s march. The Iraqi army will likely not be willing to do its part to restore security in Iraq’s Sunni Arab heartland under Maliki, so it would be a fool’s errand for the United States to attempt too much while he still leads the country.

In other words, Obama’s critics should give him some space and some time. Over the years, most everyone in the United States, including the president, most of his critics, and certainly most of us in the think tank community, have had ample opportunity to be both right and wrong about Iraq and Syria. And, whatever those past debates, ISIS’ takeover of large swaths of Iraq and Syria constitutes a serious threat to U.S. national security that must be addressed on its own terms -- as the Obama administration seems to have realized.

Although the president has been correct to use only limited airpower so far (even while warning that U.S. involvement in Iraq could last for months), he needs to avoid any sense of complacency that he can limit the United States’ role to modest actions taken several thousand feet up in the air. For now, the United States’ only realistic goal in Iraq is to prevent further ISIS advances. But ultimately, the collective aim of the United States, Iraq, and others in the region should be to fully push back the radical and brutal group, which is committed to the creation of a caliphate throughout much of the broader Middle East and even parts of Europe, and is willing to employ brutal tactics to achieve its aims. This group simply cannot be allowed to remain in power in large sections of Iraq and Syria indefinitely.
I don't believe Obama's committed to pushing back ISIS. Actually, he's committed to riding out the remainder of his term without riling the antiwar base. Meanwhile, threats are piling up across the world stage and it's going to be a major salvage operation for the next president after January 20th, 2017. That is, if we don't have an attack on the homeland by then.

More from O'Hanlon, in any case.

The Banality of Anti-Semitic Violence in Europe

From William Jacobson, at Legal Insurrection, "Bubbling to the surface so often it’s now just part of the landscape in Paris and elsewhere."

Coming Face-to-Face with Anti-Semites in Paris

Well, I've come face-to-face with anti-Semites in Los Angeles. It's not for everyone but somebody's gotta do it.

In any case, from Cnaan Liphshiz, at the Times of Israel:
My friend Alain Azria gave me a puzzled look when I told him, with some indignation and disbelief in my voice, that I had just heard talk of killing Jews at an unauthorized anti-Israel demonstration last month in Paris.

A young black man with a Parisian accent told a dozen friends loudly, but without shouting, “OK, guys. Let’s go hunt some Jews.”

His friend answered, “Let’s break their heads.” To which the first speaker replied, “Catch them fast, kill them slow.”

The group blended into a mass of thousands of people who were marching toward the Gare du Nord train station while shouting slogans accusing Israel of genocide.

My shock stemmed from the fact that while anti-Semitic violence accounts for a fair share of my reporting here in Europe, I have personally been insulated from it — perhaps because I live in Holland, where such occurrences are rarer, or maybe because I had lived most of my life in Israel, where one receives only a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon.

But for Alain, a freelance news photographer who specializes in documenting France’s anti-Semitism problem, this was just another day at the office. Which is to say he didn’t really have time for my astonished discovery of the banal.

“OK, OK, welcome to Paris. Now let’s move it along,” he said as he took us on a shortcut designed to reach the station before the procession...
Heh, from the mouths of babes.

Keep reading.

'I Fought the Law'

The Bobby Fuller Four, "I Fought the Law," from last night on the Sound L.A.:

Don't Bring Me Down
The Animals
10:27 PM

I Fought the Law
Bobby Fuller Four
10:25 PM

Good Lovin'
The Young Rascals
10:23 PM

Bus Stop
The Hollies
10:19 PM

She Said She Said
The Beatles
10:17 PM

I Feel Free
10:13 PM

Eight Miles High
The Byrds
10:10 PM

Just Like a Woman
Bob Dylan
10:04 PM

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
The Rolling Stones
10:01 PM

Touch Me
The Doors
9:51 PM

Roadhouse Blues
The Doors
9:47 PM

Hillary Is Right About Obama

From Charles Krauthammer, at the Washington Post, "On Obama’s foreign policy, Clinton got it right":
Great nations need organizing principles, and ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle.”

— Hillary Clinton, The Atlantic, Aug. 10


Leave it to Barack Obama’s own former secretary of state to acknowledge the fatal flaw of his foreign policy: a total absence of strategic thinking.

Yes, of course everything Hillary Clinton says is positioning. The last time she sought the nomination (2008), as she admitted before Defense Secretary Bob Gates, she opposed the Iraq surge for political reasons because she was facing antiwar Sen. Barack Obama in Iowa. Now, as she prepares for her next run (2016), she’s positioning herself to the right because, with no prospect of being denied the Democratic nomination, she has the luxury of running toward the center two years before Election Day.

All true, but sincere or not — with the Clintons how can you ever tell? — it doesn’t matter. She’s right...
Continue reading.

The quote at top is from Jeffrey Goldberg's interview at the Atlantic, "Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS."

Israel in the Face of Aggression

From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker:
At the outset the obvious should be stated, as Abraham Lincoln stated it in his Second Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865. There was no moral equivalence between the two sides in the Civil War. One side would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish.

There is no moral equivalence between the objective of the terrorist group Hamas to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible and the response of Israel to stop the flow of thousands of rockets directed against it. The directive to massacre all Jews is unmistakable in the Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas) broadcast of July 20, 2014. It called on Jihad fighters “to enter settlements (towns in southern Israel) to kill them all… they are all invaders, they are all criminals… have no mercy on them.”

Nor is any moral equivalence present in the desire of Israel to settle the Arab Israeli conflict by peace negotiations without conditions, and the refusal of Palestinians authorities to do so.      

On one side of the equation is the focus of Hamas, whether its political or military wings or its religious council (Majlis al-Shura), on destruction, and continuation of violence, even massacre, against Israeli citizens, rather than concentration on building a progressive prosperous society, in spite of obvious problems. The fighting in Gaza has revealed the wastage by Hamas of the human resources and the material, bought from funds given by the international community.

The funds have been used to buy sophisticated machinery and thousands of tons of cement and other materials in order to obtain rockets and to build a network of underground tunnels from which to attack Israeli civilians. The network of the tunnels, of which so far 32 have been destroyed, has cost at least $90 million. Each tunnel has used amounts of construction materials that could have been used to build 86 homes, seven mosques, six schools, or 19 medical clinics. In addition, 160 exploited children have died while being used to build them.

On the other side, if not without blemish and being subject to objective and appropriate criticism, is the constructive record, the process of nation building, of the State of Israel. Since 1948 this has continued in spite of the relentless hostility of the Arab world, of bigoted bias, discrimination, and use of double standards by the “international community,” and the deceptive Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood that projects Palestinians as the most grievous victims in the world.

That process of successful nation building with all the diversity -- religious, ethnic, and economic -- in Israeli society, continues even though unacknowledged by much of the media, mainstream churches, human rights activists who decry Israel’s attempts at self-defense. Little or no attention is paid to the remarkable innovative activity of Israel, in areas of high tech companies, medical research, pharmaceuticals, health care, cyberspace, drip irrigation, electronics, or academic scholarship.

Of the making of books on Israel there is no end, but, in view of the Hamas brutality and hatred, it is refreshing to read a new book, Israel since the Six-Day War, written by Leslie Stein, the Australian historian. It provides an up-to-date broad survey,  precisely and clearly written, of the struggle of Israel to overcome the Arab aggression against it and survive as a Jewish state. Based on secondary sources, the book, though it has a long chapter on social and economic developments, is essentially concerned with Israel’s actions and policies in dealing with the threats against it and the efforts to reach peace with the Arab states and the Palestinians.

Those threats have been based on hatred of Israel, and often of Jews. That hatred has been inculcated from Palestinian kindergartens on. Schoolbooks show maps of “Palestine” that include all of what is Israel. It is sickening that Palestinian groups engage in Holocaust denial or distortion. Palestinian Authority broadcasts have denied the Holocaust death camps and excused them as “disinfecting sites,” and that Hamas documentaries explained that it was Jewish leaders who planned the Holocaust...
Continue reading.

Name of Officer Who Shot Teenager Michael Brown Could Be Released Today — #Ferguson

At the Wall Street Journal, "Peace Descends on Ferguson as Highway Patrol Take Over Security: Captain With Local Ties to Lead the Effort in Suburb Rattled by Shooting; 'No Tear Gas Tonight'":
The shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown Saturday led to peaceful protests as well as broken windows, looting and burning of several buildings. Well-armed police donned helmets and shields, used armored vehicles and dispersed crowds with tear gas. Police elsewhere have moved away from using aggressive tactics to control mass gatherings, fearing they can be provocative and militaristic.

President Barack Obama on Thursday expressed concern over the "violent turn" of events, saying there is no excuse for violence against police, or for law enforcement to use excessive force against peaceful protesters.

But on Thursday night, protests were peaceful and streets remained open to traffic. Officers walked by themselves through the crowd, no body armor or batons in sight.

The president called Mr. Brown's death a heartbreaking loss while declining to draw conclusions amid an ongoing investigation. His careful response, made from his vacation on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., underscored the challenges the first African-American president has faced as he tries to calibrate how much and how often to use that distinction to weigh in on issues involving race.

In an unusual move, the police tactics used earlier in the week also were called into question Thursday by the nation's top law-enforcement official, Attorney General Eric Holder, who said the nightly scenes of confrontations "cannot continue."

U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, added that "we need to demilitarize this situation—this kind of response by the police has become the problem instead of the solution."

The name of the officer who shot Mr. Brown could be released Friday, according to St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar, though it isn't certain. Police have so far refused to release the name, saying such a step could endanger the officer...

I'm gonna stick my neck out on this and say, no. The officer's name won't be released today, mainly so the poor mofo doesn't wind up dead.

But we'll see.

More at the link.

Wait! You're Transphobic?

I guess this piece is generating at lot of hate from the homosexual-leftist community.

But it's cracking me up!

From Gavin McInnes, at Thought Catalog, "Transphobia Is Perfectly Natural":

Wait—you’re transphobic?

You have a problem with a guy having his penis removed? He’s a chick, you asshole. God fucked up and made him a dude, but luckily we have the technology to fix that mistake. Why couldn’t he just be a drag queen? Well, for one, he needs to feel a penis inside him. No, his butt doesn’t count. He needs to feel a penis go in and out of his vagina—you know, like all women crave. That feeling of having your vagina fucked. It’s a primal urge, and to deny some woman this feeling just because she’s a dude is downright barbaric.

Haven’t you seen all the totally functional, happily married, normal trannies walking around? They aren’t all dead, you know. They sell flowers at the local village and bake pies for their scores of adopted children. They’re non-heteronormative. In fact, the only thing more normal than castrating yourself and taking tons of hormones to grow tits is chopping them off. Women who get double mastectomies and then have their cunts turned inside out are just righting a wrong. They need to have a weird cheese blintz-looking thing sticking out of their previous cooch because it feels way better than wearing a strap-on. Sure, the nerve endings aren’t the same as a real dick, but standing up to go pee pee is something these women were born to do. How dare you have a problem with that? ...
Heh, keep reading.

Maybe I'll update with the leftist two-minute hate later, but I wanna see if Robert Stacy McCain can do a number with this first, lol.

Check back.

Persecution of the Yazidis

At Pew Research, "Iraqi Yazidis: Hazy population numbers and a history of persecution."

The Internet is Making the Buying and Selling of Sex Easier and Safer. Governments Should Stop Trying to Ban It.

A provocative, libertarian-ish piece at the Economist, "Prostitution: A Personal Choice."

#ObamaCare's Future? Medi-Cal Problems Get Worse (and Worse) as Dependency Continues to Grow

The situation never improves as these dependency programs expand. They always get worse, but the Democrats then lock-in the dependency coalition, so the problems not only never get fixed, there's no political incentive for them to be fixed in any case.

It's statist corruption at its worst, right here in the once Golden State.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Medi-Cal struggles to provide services to ever-growing clientele":
Alisha Gutierrez, whose email address refers to her as the "tooth fairy," has spent years connecting developmentally disabled patients with specialized dental care.

But when a Santa Rosa man needed a root canal on a troubled molar earlier this year, the closest dentist she could find willing to perform the procedure was in Bakersfield — a 10-hour round trip by car.

"I felt terrible," Gutierrez said. "They would have to choose to travel that far, or choose to extract the tooth."

The tooth was pulled, and the choice was a reminder for Gutierrez that many needy Californians are struggling to receive care through Medi-Cal, the state's version of Medicaid. Concerns about access to care have taken on a new urgency since Medi-Cal enrollment began to swell in the wake of President Obama's federal healthcare overhaul.

The program, the state's second-largest expense after schools, is expected to cover one in three Californians by next year.

But the current state budget continues a 10% cut in reimbursements to some healthcare providers, a lingering sore point for advocates, lobbyists and lawmakers who have pushed to reverse the reduction. Doctors say the reimbursements are too low, forcing them to limit the number of Medi-Cal patients they treat...

Former Boxing Promoter Frank Maloney Now Living as 'Kellie Maloney'

How do you go from "Frank" to "Kelly"? I can see "Francine," but "Kellie"?

No rhyme nor reason, I guess.

At Telegraph UK, "Former boxing promoter Frank Maloney reveals he is 'proud to be British' after receiving messages of support for decision to become Kellie Maloney under gender reassignment."

Sounds like "Kellie" needs some additional hormone therapy to be rid of that deep male-sounding voice. That's kind of a buzz-killer, you know?

Frank Maloney, the former boxing promoter who guided Lennox Lewis to the world heavyweight title, has come out as a woman named Kellie.

In a open interview, the 61 year old said that coming out was a question of weighing up what she would gain against what she would lose.

"I think you have to be honest ot the people who are closest to you and the people you love. And you may risk losing those people but you can also risk losing them and destroying the relationship if you bottle it up like I did for a long time."

Speaking of the outcome of her sex change, Maloney said: "I hope I have given people the courage to stand up and face their troubles."

Maloney, a former Ukip candidate who is twice married and has three daughters, said she had been living as a female for more than a year.

"I do believe if you come out and you're honest about it you'll get the help and support you need."

Horror Stories from Yazidi Refugees in #Iraq

For awhile there it looked like the U.S. was going to reinsert ground troops into Iraq. But the aerial campaign and humanitarian food drops seem to have done the trick, for now.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Obama: Yazidis faced a 'terrible choice' between food or safety, and "that's when America came to help'."

And from NBC Nightly News:

Angry Protesters Shut Down New York's Times Square, Demand Justice for Homeboy Michael Brown

At WCBS-TV New York:

Also at the Wire, "Michael Brown Protests Spread to Times Square."

And at London's Daily Mail, "Times Square SHUT DOWN over 1000 marchers as Ferguson protests spin-off across the country on fifth night of tensions over gunned down teen."

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Laura Ingraham Rips Obama on #Ferguson: Sounds More Like Left-Wing Pundit Than President

Ms. Ingraham sitting-in for Bill O'Reilly. She's been on fire lately, especially with her political endorsements.

Threatening Racist Flyers with Swastikas Plastered at Jewish Business Near UCLA (VIDEO)

More of the logical consequences of the global left's war on Jews. I mean seriously, in Los Angeles?

It's like we're back in the 1930s, and it's a definite transnational scourge.

At KCBS‑TV Los Angeles:

What It Feels Like to Be Tear-Gassed — #Ferguson

Well, it's wouldn't be pleasant, that's for sure.

At National Journal:

On Set in Orange County With Jessica Alba

Via Maxim:

New Michelle Lewin Bikini Pics!

This is that super fit bikini lady from Florida. Truly a phenomenon.

At Egotastic!, "Michelle Lewin Heats Up Miami in a Bikini."

(I must admit, it's a bummer she went under the knife for breast augmentation, but that's the culture these days. I'd say her body was perfect before.)

Police Militarization

I think it's a lot more complicated, the balance of violence, thuggery, and police militarization and overreaction. But militarization has become a huge libertarian issue, for good reason, so you can't discount the concerns. As always, go case by case, and push back against leftist lies. For example, I'm sorry that Michael Brown died, but he was no saint, as his gang thug pictures attest.

At Newsweek, "How America’s Police Became an Army: The 1033 Program."

GANGSTA! #Ferguson Teenager Michael Brown Shown Flashing 'Bloods' Homeboy Gang Signs! (PHOTOS)

At Gateway Pundit, "BREAKING: Michael Brown Was a Local Gangster – Seen Flashing #BLOODS Gang Signs."

 photo f04535b7-2069-42f1-aae2-e051083c23ed_zps790a3c66.jpg

VIDEO: Obama Comments on #Ferguson: 'Now's the Time for Peace, Healing' — And 18 Holes of Golf!

Here's the video of the president's statement on Ferguson.

The equivalent of "an email autoresponse":

SHOCK VIDEO: 72-Year-Old Beaten, Bloodied in Vicious Black Thug #KnockOutAttack in Greenwich Village

Greta had this on "On the Record" a couple of days ago, and now at the New York Post:

'Peaceful Protesters', Infiltrated by Black Panthers and Communists, Light Molotov Cocktails in #Ferguson

At Gateway Pundit, "Chicago Communists, New Black Panthers Infiltrate #Ferguson Riots (Photos-Video)."

Robert Stacy McCain's Report on Brett Kimberlin's Vexatious Defamation Suit Against Bloggers

Following-up from earlier, "Brett Kimberlin Gets Hammered, Loses Vexatious Defamation Suit Against Bloggers."

Here's Robert's report of the trial, at the Other McCain, "Sue Me Again, You Evil Liar":

Any student of Christian theology knows that Satan is always the accuser, torturing us with the guilt of our sins, dishonestly attempting to convince us that our wickedness places us beyond the help of God’s grace. At the Day of Judgment, confronted by the infinite righteousness of God, we shall be unable to save ourselves from eternal destruction, except to claim the blood of Jesus as having atoned for our sins. Thus, to become a Christian requires first that we acknowledge what wretched sinners we are — “total human depravity,” in Calvinist doctrine, “sinners in the hands of an angry God,” as Jonathan Edwards so memorably phrased it — utterly helpless to deserve salvation by our own merit, and completely dependent on God’s mercy.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray that God’s will may be done “on earth as it is in heaven,” and there are times when divine providence is made so apparent by signs and wonders that the faithful may see the earthly path that God shows. So there was a lot of prayer Monday night, and it was as if God himself was telling Ali to go pro se. When Ali announced this decision in the courtroom, Judge Johnson called him, Ostronic and Kimberlin to the bench where, in a conference, the judge urged Ali to reconsider, and Kimberlin (himself proceeding as his own attorney) actually tried to argue that Ali shouldn’t be allowed to represent himself.


This is what poker players call a “tell.” Kimberlin’s haphazard and arguably unethical methods as a pro se plaintiff have been a weapon in his nearly four-year lawfare campaign against his critics, dating back to October 2010, when he sued Seth Allen and threatened to sue Patrick “Patterico” Frey and Mandy Nagy, writing in an e-mail to Patterico:
I have filed over a hundred lawsuits and another one will be no sweat for me. On the other hand, it will cost you a lot of time and money . . .

VIDEO: #Ferguson Riot Police Viciously Attack, Tear Gas Reporters and Protesters


Twitter Vows to 'Improve Our Policies' After Zelda Williams Terrorized by Demonic Hate-Trolls

Yeah, right. "Improve our policies"?

That's like a cruel joke.

At WaPo, "Twitter vows to “improve our policies” after Robin Williams’ daughter is bullied off the network."

'Jackie Blue'

From yesterday morning, after I dropped my wife off at work (because I needed the Jeep), at the Sound L.A. (I don't hear the Ozark Mountain Daredevils often on the Sound, which is why this stuck with me.)

Jackie Blue
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils
8:59 AM

Life In the Fast Lane (Live)
8:48 AM

Let's Go
The Cars
8:42 AM

Bohemian Rhapsody
8:36 AM

Just the Same Way
8:33 AM

Bad Company
Bad Company
8:18 AM

While My Guitar Gently Weeps
The Beatles
8:13 AM

Should I Stay or Should I Go
The Clash
8:10 AM

Say You Love Me
Fleetwood Mac
8:06 AM

Carry On Wayward Son
8:01 AM

The Islamic State Enforces Sharia

Part III, from VICE:

The Islamic State Terror Continues

From last night's NBC Evening News:

VIDEO: Maryland State Trooper Saves Man About to Jump Off 90-Foot Bridge

At the Baltimore Sun, "State trooper prevents man from jumping from I-95 bridge over Susquehanna River."

Pepperdine University Issues Statement on Professor Russell Burgos

They'll be more to come on this, that's for sure. Totally unprofessional. Makes the university look bad. And he's untenured. He could be fired.

At the Pepperdine Graphic, "Pepperdine addresses comments toward alumna Michelle Fields."

There's a longer statement from Pepperdine President Andrew Benton at the link. And a brief statement on Twitter and Facebook:

And see all the coverage at Twitchy, "Prof. Russell Burgos’ Twitter account disappears; Pepperdine president Andrew Benton weighs in; Update: Benton tells Twitchy, ‘I.T. was my first contact after I learned about the situation’."

Gloria Borger: Hillary 'Stepped in It' with Criticism of Obama

I remember Gloria Borger from way back, like the 1980s.

She's was a longtime columnist for U.S. News and World Report. The woman doesn't age!

In any case, she's lefty but doesn't pull punches when it counts. I like her:

Fresno State Struggles with Unprecedented Changes in N.C.A.A.

College football's going to a playoff system. The BCS championship system is out. Oddly, as flawed as it was, quirks in the scoring allowed middle ranking, less-funded programs to excel. Boise State had some astonishing years, and Fresno State was always game to take on the big top-tier teams.

So, we'll see what happens now with the changes in the pipeline.

An interesting piece, at the New York Times, "In Middle Tier, College Sports Tries to Adjust: Fresno State and Others Challenged in Changing N.C.A.A. Landscape":

Fresno State photo 3731_fresno_state_bulldogs-alternate-2006_zps2c5f3fd1.png
FRESNO, Calif. — As hundreds of universities try to make sense of the seismic jolts remaking the landscape of college sports, the only certainties appear to be that the rich are getting richer and that the poor will fall further behind. Stuck in the middle are universities like Fresno State.

With athletic ambition bigger than its budget, Fresno State represents the vast middle class in college sports. It is not in the top tier of success and prestige, but close enough to be tantalized by it. Centered in the heart of California, surrounded by the likes of U.C.L.A., Stanford and Southern California, it is perfectly positioned as a bellwether for how next-tier programs view the changes that seem destined to mostly help the nation’s top programs.

“Clearly we are moving away from parity,” Thomas Boeh, the Fresno State athletic director for nine years, said as he watched football practice on Monday morning. “We are certainly moving to a Darwinian model.”

As it turned out, Boeh’s own role did not survive the rest of the day. It was announced on Tuesday that Joseph Castro, the president of Fresno State, had reassigned Boeh from athletic director to special assistant to the president.

“In his new role, Boeh will serve as primary adviser to President Castro on the unprecedented changes occurring within the N.C.A.A. and Mountain West Conference due to recent labor actions and legislation,” the university said in a news release.

A search is underway for a new athletic director — one whose mission will be largely to raise more money to keep up with the changes coming to college sports.

On Monday, workers at Fresno State installed carpet in the football team’s decade-old locker room, part of a $500,000 remodeling that includes new, wider lockers for the players, more big-screen televisions and a neon-accented Bulldogs logo on the ceiling.

Next door, in the airy, $6.7 million Meyers Family Sports Medicine Center, which opened last fall, athletes from several Fresno State teams received treatment from an army of trainers. Next door to that, in a vast weight room with half a million dollars’ worth of new equipment, the women’s soccer team was led through workouts below a large Fresno State mural.

“Basically, we’re trying to look like a Cadillac on a Chevrolet budget,” Boeh said.

The athletics budget is about $30 million, below that of the 65 universities playing in the five richest conferences, which received preliminary approval from the N.C.A.A. last week to rewrite rules in their favor to basically allow their universities to spend more money on the athletes who fuel their programs. More than a dozen universities have athletic budgets of $100 million or more.

A significant court ruling on Friday, one of many cases that may upend the tradition of amateurism in college sports, could lead to more compensation for players — something that Fresno State, with 225 athletic scholarships, probably cannot afford to match.

“Does this become business as usual, where you do what you can to keep up?” Boeh asked. “Or is there a critical point where some institutions say we don’t want to play in this game anymore? To date, I haven’t heard of any institution say, ‘We’re not going to do all we can to stay competitive.’ ”

Continue reading the main story
Boeh cited 54 construction or renovation projects in his tenure. Outside the low-slung, concrete-block athletic department offices, backhoes rumbled in a patch of dirt that will become home to another department building next to an aquatic center that opened three years ago.

“You have to continue to move forward,” Boeh said. “The moment you decide to stand still, the rest of the industry goes by you very quickly.”

Fresno State has an admirable history of on-field success. It plays in the Mountain West, against universities like Boise State and San Diego State. Its football team was 11-2 last season, its men’s basketball team is on the rise, and its baseball and softball teams have won national championships in the not-so-distant past. Thanks largely to its relative isolation in California’s vast Central Valley, Fresno State has the full attention of a rapturous fan base.

But what if universities in the Big 5 conferences begin to offer stipends, or upgrade health insurance or allow greater access to agents? Can universities like Fresno State, and conferences like the Mountain West, afford to follow? Can they afford not to?

Tim DeRuyter is in his third season as football coach. Last year, Fresno State started 10-0 behind quarterback Derek Carr (a second-round draft choice of the Oakland Raiders in May) and was on the verge of crashing the big-money Bowl Championship Series when it was upset by San Jose State.

It won the conference championship and lost a bowl game to Southern California. In the off-season, DeRuyter signed an extension through 2018 that will pay him $1.4 million this year, with a chance at $750,000 in bonuses. It is big money at Fresno State, but typical in college football, where Alabama Coach Nick Saban has a base salary of $6.9 million.

DeRuyter estimated that half of his players were also recruited by programs in the bigger conferences — mostly lower-level teams in leagues like the Pacific-12. And he said about half of his players and their families might be enticed by the promise of cash stipends and more scholarship money, as the top conferences appear ready to offer.

“The chips have always been stacked against us,” DeRuyter said. “What you have to do is accentuate what you have to offer. Is getting another $1,000 worth more to a recruit than more playing time or winning a conference championship?” ...

'Hidden Cash' Calls It Quits

They don't want to go all commercial. It would lose the beautiful feel of philanthropy and private charity.

Click through at the link:

Not Mentioned as One of Robin Williams' Greatest Films

"One Hour Photo" was one of the first films that popped into mind at the news of his death. Sure, all the others mentioned are phenomenal, like "Dead Poet's Society" and "Good Will Hunting," in particular. But I just loved Williams in this stalker-thriller film:

Alessandra Ambrosio Bikini Perfect in Hawaii Blue

At Egotastic!, "Alessandra Ambrosio on the Beach in Hawaii."

Public Opinion Moving in Favor of Marijuana, Even as Medical Research Raises Fresh Alarms

From William J. Bennett and Robert A. White, at the Wall Street Journal, "Legal Pot Is a Public Health Menace":
The great irony, or misfortune, of the national debate over marijuana is that while almost all the science and research is going in one direction—pointing out the dangers of marijuana use—public opinion seems to be going in favor of broad legalization.

For example, last week a new study in the journal Current Addiction Reports found that regular pot use (defined as once a week) among teenagers and young adults led to cognitive decline, poor attention and memory, and decreased IQ. On Aug. 9, the American Psychological Association reported that at its annual convention the ramifications of marijuana legalization was much discussed, with Krista Lisdahl, director of the imaging and neuropsychology lab at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, saying: "It needs to be emphasized that regular cannabis use, which we consider once a week, is not safe and may result in addiction and neurocognitive damage, especially in youth."

Since few marijuana users limit themselves to use once a week, the actual harm is much worse for developing brains. The APA noted that young people who become addicted to marijuana lose an average of six IQ points by adulthood. A long line of studies have found similar results—in 2012, a decades-long study of more than 1,000 New Zealanders who frequently smoked pot in adolescence pegged the IQ loss at eight points.

Yet in recent weeks and months, much media coverage of the marijuana issue has either tacitly or explicitly supported legalization. A CCN/ORC International survey in January found that a record 55% of Americans support marijuana legalization.

The disconnect between science and public opinion is so great that in a March WSJ/NBC News poll, Americans ranked sugar as more harmful than marijuana. The misinformation campaign appears to be succeeding.

Here's the truth. The marijuana of today is simply not the same drug it was in the 1960s, '70s, or '80s, much less the 1930s. It is often at least five times stronger, with the levels of the psychoactive ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, averaging about 15% in the marijuana at dispensaries found in the states that have legalized pot for "medicinal" or, in the case of Colorado, recreational use. Often the THC level is 20% or higher.

With increased THC levels come increased health risks. Since Colorado legalized recreational use earlier this year, two deaths in the state have already been linked to marijuana. In both cases it was consumed in edible form, which can result in the user taking in even more THC than when smoking pot. "One man jumped to his death after consuming a large amount of marijuana contained in a cookie," the Associated Press reported in April, "and in the other case, a man allegedly shot and killed his wife after eating marijuana candy." Reports are coming out of Colorado in what amounts to a parade of horribles from more intoxicated driving to more emergency hospital admissions due to marijuana exposure and overdose....

There are two conversations about marijuana taking place in this country: One, we fear, is based on an obsolete perception of marijuana as a relatively harmless, low-THC product. The other takes seriously the science of the new marijuana and its effect on teens, whose adulthood will be marred by the irreversible damage to their brains when young.

Supporters of marijuana legalization insist that times are changing and policy should too. But they are the ones stuck in the past—and charting a dangerous future for too many Americans.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

#Ferguson Police Charge Protesters, Fire Tear Gas — 'This Is No Longer a Peaceful Protest!' (VIDEO)

Via Ruptly:

Also at ABC News, "Ferguson Police Use Tear Gas While Again Clashing With Protesters."

PREVIOUSLY: "VIDEO: Teenager Michael Brown Had Violent Confrontation with Police Officer Before Shooting — #Ferguson."

VIDEO: Teenager Michael Brown Had Violent Confrontation with Police Officer Before Shooting — #Ferguson

At the New York Times, "Missouri Teenager and Officer Scuffled Before Shooting, Chief Says":

FERGUSON, Mo. — The police chief here on Wednesday offered some details of the shooting death of an 18-year-old African-American man by one of his officers.

The police chief, Thomas Jackson, said that minutes before the shooting on Saturday, the officer and the young man, Michael Brown, had engaged in a violent confrontation, in which the officer was hit in the face.

“The side of his face is swollen,” Chief Jackson said at a news conference, adding that the officer, who has been put on administrative leave, was treated at a hospital.

Chief Jackson has not released the name of the officer, citing fears for his safety and that of his family. The police say Mr. Brown was shot after he assaulted the officer and tried to take his gun — an account disputed by a witness, a friend of Mr. Brown’s who said his hands were raised when the last of several shots were fired.

The F.B.I. has opened a civil rights inquiry into the shooting, and the case is being investigated by the St. Louis County Police.

Obama's Standing Among Voters Is Hurting #Democrats, Poll Finds

At McClatchy:
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is dragging down his party and hurting the prospects of fellow Democrats as they head into midterm elections that will determine who controls Congress, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

Obama is beset by problems at home and abroad. Just 40 percent of voters approve of the way he’s doing his job, tying his worst mark in three years and the second worst of his presidency.

Just 39 percent approve of the way he’s dealing with the economy and only 33 percent approve of how he’s dealing with foreign policy, the worst of his years in office.

By 42-32 percent, voters say their opinions of Obama make them more likely to vote this fall for a Republican than for a Democrat.

And for the first time this election cycle, more people said they’d vote for a Republican than a Democrat for Congress, by 43 percent to 38 percent.

“The Democrats are sputtering,” said Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion in New York, which conducted the national survey.

Republicans are making the campaign a referendum on Obama, hoping that discontent with the president will help them win control of the Senate and hold their majority in the House of Representatives.

Republicans need a net gain of six seats to gain control of the Senate, which many analysts see as within reach. The Republicans’ House majority, now 234 to 199, appears safe.

Germany's Beautiful Scrap Metal Ladies

These women really went into the scrap metal business, and now they're planning a hottie calendar.

Video at Ruptly, "Germany: These Beautiful Scrap Metal Ladies Love Servicing Your Junk."

Brett Kimberlin Gets Hammered, Loses Vexatious Defamation Suit Against Bloggers

Robert Stacy McCain hasn't been blogging these past few days, as the vexatious trial brought by convicted domestic terrorist Brett Kimberlin went to court on Monday.

Kimberly got hammered, losing conclusively, his case against the bloggers thrown out. The defense attorneys never even had to put up their defense in court.

At Legal Insurrection, "Bloggers defeat Kimberlin defamation suit in state court trial."

And Popehat, "Bloggers Defeat Brett Kimberlin's Vexatious Defamation Case In Maryland."

Zelda Williams, Robin Williams' Daughter, Attacked by Demonic Trolls on Twitter

At the Washington Post, "Robin Williams’s daughter Zelda driven off Twitter by vicious trolls."

And at the San Francisco Chronicle, "Trolls attack Robin Williams’ grieving daughter on social media."

Also at London's Daily Mail, "Robin Williams' daughter forced off Twitter after internet trolls post fake photograph claiming to be her dead father."

Robin Williams Found Himself Increasingly Prone to Depression, Fought to Maintain Sobriety

At the Los Angeles Times, "Robin Williams' friends saw signs he was succumbing to depression":
The end was shockingly sudden: a belt hung on a door; an assistant's distraught call to 911. But the road that led to Robin Williams' apparent suicide at age 63 was a long one — and if you knew where to look, there were plenty of signposts indicating trouble along the way.

In the wake of Williams' death at his home here Monday, fans around the world have struggled to understand what could have led a man whose thousand-megawatt comic persona had brought so much joy to millions to such depths of despair. But Williams' closest friends and colleagues knew well that beneath his manic, Technicolor exterior, the actor had battled depression for years.

In recent months — as Williams wrestled with the cancellation of his CBS TV series "The Crazy Ones" and fought to maintain a sobriety that had at times proved fragile — those friends could see that he was losing that fight.

"He started to disconnect," comedian Rick Overton, a friend of Williams' since the 1970s, said Tuesday. "He wasn't returning calls as much. He would send texts and things like that, but they would get shorter and shorter."

Williams appeared to have died of asphyxia due to hanging, authorities said Tuesday. The actor's wife, Susan Schneider, had left their home that morning at 10:30. His assistant arrived about an hour later and found him hanging by a belt affixed to a closet door, slightly elevated in a seated position, Lt. Keith Boyd, assistant deputy chief coroner for the Marin County Sheriff's Department, told reporters. Recent cut marks were visible on his wrist, and a pocket knife was found near his body.

Boyd confirmed that Williams had "received treatment for depression" but declined to speculate on what may have led the actor to take his own life. Toxicology tests will be conducted to determine whether he had drugs or alcohol in his system. Boyd declined to say whether Williams had left a note.

Comedian and longtime friend Steven Pearl ran into Williams at a barbecue last month in the San Francisco Bay Area, and he could see that something was wrong. Williams, who had battled drug and alcohol addiction early in his career, had just come out of a stint in rehab in Minnesota, where he had gone, his publicist said at the time, to "fine-tune and focus on his continued commitment" to his sobriety.

"You could just tell something was off," Pearl said. "He seemed detached. It's hard to explain. He didn't seem like his usual self. My fiancee and I were like, 'Is he OK?' I didn't know it would get this dark."

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

'This Isn't Mexico ... This Is America...'

Hmm, this is interesting.

It's a free country, so free you can fly the Mexican Red, White and Green and show your disrespect to Americans each and everyday.

My friend Tressy's not pleased:

I'll update on the City of Ontario's code violations. That'll be a hoot if the make that Consuelo wench pull the damned flag.

The Slippery Slope of U.S. Intervention

From Micah Zenko, at Foreign Policy:
Three and a half years ago, Obama promised that military regime change was not the reason that the United States intervened in Libya, because that would have engendered tremendous opposition on Capitol Hill and among the American public. Rather, his singular military mission was centered on protecting civilians in Benghazi, which Obama told his advisors would entail airstrikes that would last "days, not weeks," according to a senior White House official. Today, President Obama's clear omission of Nouri al-Maliki's name as he welcomed "Prime Minister-designate" Haider al-Abadi might lead some to believe this latest U.S.-directed political transition is a fait accompli, but Maliki retains the loyalty of well-armed security forces within Baghdad. But if Iraq's political leadership remains murky, what is less so is that Washington has now put skin in the game in negotiating this transition government.

When you listen to administration officials today, assume that their claims of a limited, relatively short, and narrowly scoped intervention will turn out to be false. Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged that, in reversing the threat posed by the Islamic State militants, "The president has taken no option off the table." Meanwhile, an anonymous official stated that White House conversations have focused on limiting the intervention, because, "[Obama] did not want to create a slippery slope." But, when the United States intervenes militarily in another country it does not have control over the decline or slipperiness of that slope. The two most likely outcomes of the most recent U.S. attacks in Iraq are that the lives of some civilians will be saved in the near term, and that there will be a military commitment larger and longer than what administration officials presently claim.
Shoot. Intervene, I say. Obama should have never cut-and-run in the first place.

Robin Williams Oscar Acceptance Speech for 'Good Will Hunting'

I think the whole world is hurting this morning:

PREVIOUSLY: "Robin Williams Dead at 63."

London Tricycle Theatre's Hateful Anti-Israel #BDS

Louise Mensch tweeted about this the other day:

And here's a roundup:

* From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker, "The Show Should Go On in London."

* From Seth Mandel, at Commentary, "Cultural BDS and the Tricycle Theater."

'Sweden ever so quickly has gone from so-called anti-Zionism to open anti-Semitism...'

At Legal Insurrection:
Swedish Jew visiting Israel told by friend: “Don’t come back here, you have no idea how bad it has become since you left.”

U.S. Air Drops to Yazidis Trapped on Mount Sinjar (VIDEO)

This used to be ITN video, but now they're ODN, so wtf?

Latest 'Leaked' iPhone 6 Images

At the Independent UK:

Plus, a great piece at WaPo, "Why surveillance companies hate the iPhone."

New Acer Chromebook 13

I've been using an Acer Chromebook since last Christmas and I like it. It's just for blogging.

So Acer's got a new HD model coming out with lots of memory, at the Verge, "Acer's new Chromebook 13 offers a high-resolution screen and all-day battery life."

Monday, August 11, 2014

Breaking: NBC's David Gregory Out at 'Meet the Press'

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air reports, "Politico’s “exclusive”: Gregory out at MTP, Todd in … maybe."