Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Leftist Open-Borders Vigilantes Attack Santa-Barbara News-Press for Accurately Identifying Illegal Aliens

Radical open-borders thugs have laid siege to the Santa Barbara News-Press, after the newspaper ran a completely accurate report headlined, "Illegals Line Up for Drivers Licenses."

That's it. But in this age of manufactured "micro-aggression" perpetual outrage, publishing the truth on the front page of the daily news is likely to bring down the the left's fascist thought police, to say nothing of graffiti vandals and violent anarcho-communists. Unfortunately, the French jihadist attack on Charlie Hebdo has given the left a successful template on how to shut down speech and exterminate political enemies.

At NewsBusters, "Santa Barbara Newspaper Building Vandalized for 'Worst Ever' Headline on 'Illegals'."

And see KEYT-TV Santa Barbara, "Protestors Rally Against Santa Barbara News-Press: Paper Defends Use of "Illegals" in Front Page Story on Undocumented Immigrants":

Thursday afternoon, News-Press Director of News Operations Don Katich released this statement:

"It has been the practice for nearly 10 years at the Santa Barbara News-Press to describe people living in this country illegally as “illegals” regardless of their country of origin. This practice is under fire by some immigration groups who believe that this term is demeaning and does not accurately reflect the status of “undocumented immigrants,” one of several terms other media use to describe people in the Unites States illegally.

You have to look no further than the White House website to see the term “illegal” used when describing the 2 million illegal immigrants President Obama has deported since taking office for being in the U.S. illegally.

It is an appropriate term in describing someone as “illegal” if they are in this country illegally.

The colossal mess that describes the U.S. immigration policy is a product of unenforced laws, conflicting legislation, unsecured borders, executive action and political pandering. However the most egregious aspect of the U.S. immigration condition is the appearance of lawlessness that subjects millions of people living in this country illegally as pawns in a never-ending game of political posturing.

The outrage voiced by immigration advocates should be directed at the current immigration system that takes years of bureaucratic red tape to complete. This outrage is shared by those who go through the process legally and stand at the end of the line of those who skirt U.S. law.

Ours is a system of laws, a system so valued that people from around the world – including many from lawless nations – flock here to be a part of it. The United States of America affords those seeking it a lawful immigration process; it also affords the politically persecuted a haven from persecution. With this freedom comes responsibility. As history has shown, some choose to wait out the process, while others choose to come here on their own terms. The latter are illegal in the eyes of this valued system and the Santa Barbara News-Press calls them so.

When breaking the law becomes the norm, America is no better than other lawless nations."
Remember, truth is the new hate speech. And leftists will enforce their ideological prohibitions against truth with violence and destruction.

The Attack on Truth in San Francisco: CBS News Bay Area Libels Pamela Geller's AFDI Ads as 'Hateful'

"This political correctness will be the death of us..."Judge Jeanine Pirro.

As Pamela Geller has observed many times, "truth is the new hate speech."

And now it's CBS News San Francisco that substantiates Pamela's verities.

See Atlas Shrugs, "CBS News: 'Hitler Appearing In Ads On SF Muni Buses'":
The attack on truth is full-on in San Francisco. Even now, after Jews were taken captive and slaughtered in a kosher supermarket by a devout Muslim, the usual suspects and their goosestepping shills are attacking free speech.

Fight the machine. CONTRIBUTE to our ad campaigns here.

AFDI is running these ads in order to raise awareness about the nature and magnitude of Islamic antisemitism — a grim reality that is nearly universally ignored, and which led to the murders of four Jews in the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris several days ago. The massacre in the Paris supermarket shows how accurate, and urgently needed, these ads are.
“Hitler Appearing In Ads On SF Muni Buses”, CBS News, January 12, 2015":

Winning the Culture War

An interesting discussion, at FrontPage Magazine:
Below are the video and transcript to the panel discussion “Winning the Culture War,” which took place at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 20th Anniversary Restoration Weekend. The event was held Nov. 13th-16th at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida.
Check it out, at the link.

White-Out: Where #Democrats Lost the House

From Ron Brownstein, at National Journal, "In 2009, 76 Democrats represented primarily white working-class congressional districts. Just 15 of them are still in the House today":

Republicans have surged to their largest majority in the House of Representatives since before the Great Depression by blunting the Democratic advantage in districts being reshaped by growing racial diversity and consolidating a decisive hold over the seats that are not.

Compared with 2009 and 2010, when Democrats last controlled the House, the Republican majority that takes office this week has essentially held its ground in districts where minorities exceed their share of the national population, a Next America analysis has found. Aided by their control of redistricting after the 2010 census, Republicans over the past three elections have simultaneously established an overwhelming 3-1 advantage in districts where whites exceed their national presence, the analysis shows. Those white-leaning districts split between the parties almost equally during the 111th Congress, in 2009-10.

A majority of the GOP gains since then have come from the Democrats' near-total collapse in one set of districts: the largely blue-collar places in which the white share of the population exceeds the national average, and the portion of whites with at least a four-year college degree is less that the national average. While Republicans held a 20-seat lead in the districts that fit that description in the 111th Congress, the party has swelled that advantage to a crushing 125 seats today. That 105-seat expansion of the GOP margin in these districts by itself accounts for about three-quarters of the 136-seat swing from the Democrats' 77-seat majority in 2009 to the 59-seat majority Republicans enjoy in the Congress convening now.

The GOP dominance in these predominantly white working-class districts underscores the structural challenge facing Democrats: While the party has repeatedly captured the White House despite big deficits among the working-class white voters who once anchored its electoral coalition, these results show how difficult it will be to recapture the House without improving on that performance. "The question is: Are we at rock bottom here?" says Tom Bonier, CEO of the Democratic voter targeting firm TargetSmart Communications.

These trends present Republicans with a mirror-image challenge. The vast majority of their House members can thrive without devising an agenda on issues—such as immigration reform—that attract the minority voters whose growing numbers nationally have helped Democrats win the popular vote in five of the past six presidential elections. "When you can go out screaming 'amnesty' and not get any pushback in your districts, you are more prone to scream 'amnesty,' " says veteran GOP pollster Whit Ayres. "It leads to an attitude of: 'problem, what problem?'"...
Keep reading.

The way things are going it could be a decade before the Democrats are competitive in congressional elections --- that is, they're not likely to retake the majority in the House for quite some time. Thus, even if the GOP can't retain their Senate majority, Republicans will still have a legislative check on the White House should the Democrat Party continue its dominance in presidential elections. And keep in mind, the Democrats are the party of old white people (as seen in their top-tier candidates for the 2016 nomination). If Republicans remain disciplined, and select an excellent candidate for the GOP nomination, look out.

It's going to be fascinating.

Charlie Hebdo's New Issue Flies Off Newsstands

At WSJ, "Satirical Weekly’s First Issue Since Attacks Features Caricature of Prophet Muhammad on Front Cover":
PARIS—French commuters rushed Wednesday morning to newsstands to buy copies of Charlie Hebdo, the first issue of the satirical magazine since eight of its staff members were killed by Islamist gunmen last week.

Even though it has become a cause célèbre, the weekly—known for mocking all forms of authority, including some that have rushed to its defense—stayed true to form by printing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad holding a “Je suis Charlie,” or “I am Charlie,” sign on its cover. Several cartoons inside the issue mocked Islamist fighters.

As early as 6.30 a.m., it was difficult to find copies of the magazine in the few newsstands already open, even though the weekly’s distributors had said they were ready to print as many as 3 million copies—50 times the normal circulation.

David Beghin, who runs one of the stands in Gare de Lyon in eastern Paris, said the 75 copies he received Wednesday—up from eight on a normal week—had vanished 20 minutes after he opened at 6 a.m. “People came to buy copies by the dozen,” he said...
PREVIOUSLY: "Here's Who Is and Isn't Publishing the New Charlie Hebdo Cover Image."

America's Men Describe Their 'Perfect Woman' as Blonde with Blue Eyes

My wife's the one with blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm the one with the graduate degree, heh.

At London's Daily Mail, "It's not just about looks! America's men describe their 'perfect woman' as blonde, with blue eyes - and a graduate degree."

Heart-Wrenching First-Hand Report on the D.C. Metro Fire

Someone dying right before your eyes, you offer help. But sadly it's too late.

At the Washington Post, "Metro rider who helped dying passenger: 'I told her she was going to be okay'":
Jonathan Rogers said he was in the second or third car of a Yellow Line train Monday when it stopped abruptly in a tunnel just outside of the L’Enfant Plaza station. Soon, smoke filled the car and some passengers began having breathing problems. On Tuesday, Rogers, who works at the D.C. Department of Transportation, said he was still recovering from a difficult afternoon and remembering a woman he and his fellow passengers tried to help.

Rogers recalled that after several minutes aboard the smoke-filled train, passengers began having difficulty breathing, including a woman, who was identified Tuesday afternoon as Carol Glover, sitting in one of the seats facing the door. But unlike others who were very vocal about their discomfort, “She was kind of stoic.”

“She was just sitting,” he said. “You wouldn’t have even noticed that anything was wrong. ”

But there was something seriously wrong. Rogers watched through the smoke as the woman slid out of her seat and sank slowly to the floor. Eventually, she got down on all fours, he recalled.

“It wasn’t like she was demanding help,” Rogers said. “She was too short of breath.”

He and other passengers rushed to her side to help...
Keep reading.

Colorado Lesbian Vanessa Collier Died of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound

The woman died while cleaning her gun.

That very interesting tidbit of information was literally buried at the last line of this report from KUSA 9NEWS Denver, "Protest after church rejects funeral photos of lesbian":

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
Collier, 33, died when her gun went off while cleaning it. She is survived by her wife and two children.
Literally buried at the last line. This woman was by no means at typical lesbian radical. Gun ownership is a conservative principle, guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Screw the church that kicked them out.

Image Credit: The Heavy.

Hat Tip: Memeorandum.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

#ParisAttacks: Death of the Jews of France

From Pamela Geller, at Breitbart, "THE DEATH OF THE JEWS OF FRANCE":
In the wake of the slaughter of four Jews in a Paris kosher supermarket by an Islamic jihadist, a Parisian Jew said: “In the past year, 7,000 Jews have already left France and after this there will be many thousands more. We are not safe in France any more. There is no future for Jews here in France. We are finished in France.”

Europe loves to memorialize dead Jews, even to the point of fetishizing them – it’s live ones that they cannot tolerate. The idea that French President Francois Hollande did not want Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at a memorial march for Jews who were slaughtered in exactly the same way as Jews were in 2012 in Toulouse —where he said they were murdered because they were Jews, and even more importantly, in the same way as the Germans murdered Jews — speaks volumes. Inviting the head of a terror movement,

Mahmoud Abbas, because Netanyahu was coming, was depraved. With Muslims now accounting for 10% of France’s population, Jew-hatred is at a fever pitch...

WSJ's Not Big on a Romney Run in 2016

The third time's not a charm.

See, "Romney Recycled":
If Mitt Romney is the answer, what is the question? We can think of a few worthy possibilities, though one that doesn’t come immediately to mind is who would be the best Republican presidential nominee in 2016.

Mr. Romney told donors last week he is mulling a third run for the White House, confirming cheering whispers from his coterie of advisers. The question the former Massachusetts Governor will have to answer is why he would be a better candidate than he was in 2012.

The answer is not obvious. The logic offered by his admirers is that voters have a case of remorse about rejecting Mr. Romney in 2012, he can raise money and knows how to run a campaign, and even Ronald Reagan didn’t win until his third try.

The Gipper analogy is a stretch. Reagan’s first effort was belated in 1968, he nearly upset President Gerald Ford for the Republican nomination in 1976, and when he did finally win the nomination in 1980 he also won the general election. Mr. Romney lost the nomination decisively to John McCain in 2008, and he defeated a historically weak field in 2012 thanks mainly to his ability to raise more money and then pound his competitors with negative ads.

Mr. Romney is a man of admirable personal character, but his political profile is, well, protean. He made the cardinal mistake of pandering to conservatives rather than offering a vision that would attract them. He claimed to be “severely conservative” and embraced “self-deportation” for illegal immigrants, a political killer. But he refused to break from his RomneyCare record in Massachusetts even though it undermined his criticism of ObamaCare. A third campaign would resurrect all of that political baggage—and videotape.

The businessman also failed on his own self-professed terms as a superior manager. His convention was the worst since George H.W. Bush ’s in 1992, focusing more on his biography than a message. This left him open to President Obama ’s barrage against his record at Bain Capital, which Mr. Romney failed to defend because that would have meant playing on Democratic turf, as his strategists liked to put it. The unanswered charges suppressed GOP turnout in key states like Ohio.

Mr. Romney’s campaign team was notable for its mediocrities, led by a strategist whose theory of the race was that voters had already rejected Mr. Obama so the challenger merely needed to seem like a safe alternative. He thus never laid out an economic narrative to counter Mr. Obama’s claim that he had saved the country from a GOP Depression and needed more time for his solutions to work.

And don’t forget the management calamity of Mr. Romney’s voter turnout operation, code-named Orca. Mr. Romney likes to say he reveres “data,” but Mr. Obama’s campaign was years ahead of Mr. Romney’s in using Big Data and social media to boost turnout. The Romney campaign was so clueless on voter mobilization that well into Election Night the candidate still thought he would win. He lost a winnable race 51%-47%, including every closely contested state save North Carolina...
That's pretty hard hitting, and undeniably frank.

And I'm intrigued by another Romney run. But we'll see. It's still early. Lots of things could happen. For example, perhaps Rick Perry can catch fire this time, especially if he's learned the soft-on-immigration lessons from his 2012 disaster. Yep, we'll see.

Keep reading.

Watch: Unedited Video Shows Islamic State 'Child Soldier' Executing Two Suspected Russian Spies (GRAPHIC)

Update on the Religion of Peace.

See Long War Journal, "Islamic State uses a child to execute alleged Russian spies."

And Vice News, "Islamic State Video Purports to Show What Happens to Russian Spies Who Infiltrate Its Ranks."

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

And watch the unedited clip at the Argentine news outlet Infobae: "Otro horror del Estado Islámico: utilizó a un niño como verdugo de dos prisioneros rusos (Another horror of the Islamic State: used a child as executioner of two Russian prisoners)."

Wild Elephant Crushes Tourist Car in Thailand National Park (VIDEO)

Heh, a mating season rampage.

Radical Islam and Multicultural Suicide

From VDH, at Pajamas, "Multicultural Suicide":
Fueling the Western paralysis in dealing with radical Islam is the late 20th century doctrine of multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism is one of those buzzwords that does not mean what it should. The ancient and generic Western study of many cultures is not multiculturalism. Rather, the trendy term promotes non-Western cultures to a status equal with or superior to Western culture largely to fulfill contemporary political agendas.

On college campuses, multiculturalism not so much manifests itself in the worthy interest in Chinese literature, Persian history, or hieroglyphics, but rather has become more a therapeutic exercise of exaggerating Western sins while ignoring non-Western pathologies to attract those who see themselves in some way as not part of the dominant culture.

It is a deductive ideology that starts with a premise of Western fault and then makes evidence fit the paradigm. It is ironic that only Western culture is self-critical and since antiquity far more interested than other civilizations in empirically investigating the culture of the other.  It is no accident that Europeans and Americans take on their own racism, sexism, and tribalism in a way that is not true of China, Nigeria or Mexico. Parody, satire, and caricature are not Chinese, African, or Arab words.

A multicultural approach to the conquest of Mexico usually does not investigate the tragedy of the collision between 16th-century imperial Spain and the Aztec Empire. More often it renders the conquest as melodrama between a mostly noble indigenous people slaughtered by a mostly toxic European Christian culture, acting true to its imperialistic and colonialist traditions and values.

In other words, there is little attention given to Aztec imperialism, colonialism, slavery, human sacrifice, and cannibalism, but rather a great deal of emphasis on Aztec sophisticated time-reckoning, monumental building skills, and social stratification. To explain the miraculous defeat of the huge Mexican empire by a few rag-tag, greedy conquistadors, discussion would not entail the innate savagery of the Aztecs that drove neighboring indigenous tribes to ally themselves with Cortés. Much less would multiculturalism dare ask why the Aztecs did not deploy an expeditionary force to Barcelona, or outfit their soldiers with metal breastplates, harquebuses, and steel swords, or at least equip their defenders with artillery, crossbows, and mines.

For the multiculturalist, the sins of the non-West are mostly ignored or attributed to Western influence, while those of the West are peculiar to Western civilization. In terms of the challenge of radical Islam, multiculturalism manifests itself in the abstract with the notion that Islamists are simply the fundamentalist counterparts to any other religion. Islamic extremists are no different from Christian extremists, as the isolated examples of David Koresh or the Rev. Jim Jones are cited ad nauseam as the morally and numerically equivalent bookends to thousands of radical Islamic terrorist acts that plague the world each month. We are not to assess other religions by any absolute standard, given that such judgmentalism would inevitably be prejudiced by endemic Western privilege. There is nothing in the Sermon on the Mount that differs much from what is found in the Koran. And on and on and on.

In the concrete, multiculturalism seeks to use language and politics to mask reality. The slaughter at Ford Hood becomes “workplace violence,” not a case of a radical Islamist, Major Nidal Hasan, screaming “Allahu Akbar” as he butchered the innocent. After the Paris violence, the administration envisions a “Summit on Countering Violent Extremism,” apparently in reaction to Buddhists who are filming beheadings, skinheads storming Paris media offices, and lone-wolf anti-abortionists who slaughtered the innocent in Australia, Canada, and France.

The likes of James Clapper and John Brennan assure us of absurdities such as the Muslim Brotherhood being a largely secular organization or jihad as little more than a personal religious journey. Terrorism is reduced to man-caused violence and the effort to combat it is little more than an “overseas contingency operation.” The head of NASA in surreal fashion boasts that one of his primary missions for the hallowed agency is to promote appreciation of Muslim science and accomplishments through outreach to Islam. The president blames an obscure film-maker for causing the deaths of Americans in Benghazi (when in reality, it was a preplanned Al-Qaeda affiliate hit) — and then Obama makes it a two-fer: he can both ignore the politically incorrect task of faulting radical Islam and score politically correct points by chastising a supposedly right-wing bigot for a crime he did not foster.

What is the ultimate political purpose of multiculturalism? It certainly has contemporary utility, in bolstering the spirits of minority groups at home and the aggrieved abroad by stating that their own unhappiness, or failure to achieve what they think they deservedly should have, was due to some deep-seated Western racism, class bias, homophobia, or sexism otherwise not found in their own particular superior cultural pedigree that was unduly smothered by the West.

For the useful idiot, multiculturalism is supposedly aimed at ecumenicalism and hopes to diminish difference by inclusiveness and non-judgmentalism. But mostly it is a narcissistic fit, in which the multiculturalist offers a cheap rationalization of non-Western pathologies, and thereby anoints himself both the moral superior to his own less critical Western peers and, in condescending fashion, the self-appointed advocate of the mostly incapable non-Westerner.

Multiculturalism is contrary to human nature. Supposedly if Muslims understand that Westerners do not associate an epidemic of global terrorism and suicide bombing with Islam, then perhaps Muslims — seeing concession as magnanimity to be reciprocated —  will appreciate such outreach and help to mitigate the violence, all the more so if they also sense that they share with the more radical among them at least some legitimate gripes against the West.

So multiculturalism is the twin of appeasement. Once Americans and Europeans declare all cultures as equal, those hostile to the West should logically desist from their aggression, in gratitude to the good will and introspection of liberal Westerners. Apologizing for the Bush war on terror, promising to close down Guantanamo, deriding the war in Iraq, reminding the world of the president’s Islamic family roots — all that is supposed to persuade the Hasans, Tsarnaevs, and Kouachis in the West that we see no differences between their cultural pedigrees and the Western paradigm they have chosen to emigrate to and at least superficially embrace. Thus the violence should cease.

At its worst, multiculturalism becomes a cheap tool in careerist fashion to both bash the West and simultaneously offer oneself as a necessary intermediary to rectify Western sins, whether as a -studies professor in the university, an activist journalist or politician, or some sort of community or social organizer.
Heh, "Aztec imperialism, colonialism, slavery, human sacrifice, and cannibalism..."

You gotta love VDH. (Which is why the left's gotta hate on him, lol.)

Still more.

Sienna Miller at the Golden Globes

She stars in "American Sniper," which is out in general release on Friday.

At London's Daily Mail, "Sienna Miller shows off her toned sun-kissed legs in a daring thigh-high split dress as she prepares to co-host Golden Globes."

BONUS: Lots of additional photos here, "It's a Brit invasion as Rosamund Pike, Sienna Miller, Keira Knightley and Emily Blunt walk the red carpet in glamorous gowns at the 72nd annual Golden Globes," and "Kate Hudson, Rosamund Pike and Sienna Miller dare to bare as they lead the trend for cutaway gowns at the Golden Globes."

National Playoff Game Lifts College Football to New Level of Popularity

Well, I like the Rose Bowl in News Year's Day, which sometimes got messed up under BCS.

So, yeah. A national playoff works better for me.

But see the Los Angeles Times, "College football's breakout performance":
The show Monday night was forecast to draw the largest audience in cable television history. A 30-second advertising spot was going for as much $1 million.

The cause of all this attention: the first-ever College Football Playoff championship game.

Ohio State upset Oregon, 42-20, before 85,639 fans in a game that failed to follow anything resembling the anticipated script. The champion Buckeyes were the last team to earn a spot in the four-team playoff field, and they fell behind almost immediately as high-powered Oregon bolted 75 yards in 11 plays for a touchdown the first time they had the ball.

In the end, however, it was Ohio State celebrating on the field amid a shower of confetti, the first champions of a new era in college football.

The championship, at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, the most modern and palatial of professional football venues, concluded one of the most scrutinized seasons in history. It was the first time that a major college football championship was settled by a playoff.

On New Year's Day, semifinal matches between Ohio State and Alabama in the Sugar Bowl and Oregon and Florida State in the Rose Bowl, like Monday's game on ESPN, each drew record cable audiences of more than 28 million.

The game capped a season in which an already popular sport enjoyed a renaissance, scaling new heights in fan interest and flexing ever-building financial clout.

The playoff at least temporarily settled a rocky championship history that spanned decades.

For many years, teams from college football's highest competition level were awarded national titles in votes by associations of reporters and coaches. Then came the Bowl Championship Series, a 16-year era in which computer data were added to voting tabulations in a vexing formula that resulted in the two highest-rated teams at the end of the regular season meeting in a winner-takes-all final game.

It was a controversial — and, it turns out, flawed — system. Had the BCS been used this season, Alabama and Florida State would have been the top-ranked teams and met in the title game. Instead, they lost in the semifinal round.

This season, the final four teams were selected by a 12-member committee of college officials and other dignitaries — former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice among them — who met weekly near Dallas and, beginning in the ninth week of the season, issued a weekly top-25 ranking.

"The anticipation of the weekly rankings, the crescendo that built … is something I hadn't seen in my experience," said Pat Haden, a committee member who played quarterback at USC, was a broadcaster for Notre Dame and is currently USC's athletic director.

The new system, like the old, has stirred debate — right from the start. College football's top teams are spread over five "power conferences," and with only four semifinal spots available, at least one champion is always going to be left out.

This season, Texas Christian and Baylor, co-champions of the Big 12 Conference, were the odd teams out. It was particularly disappointing for TCU, which was No. 3 in the next-to-last ranking but was jumped by Florida State, Ohio State and Baylor on the final list even after a 52-point win in its last regular-season game.

"No matter what the system, the teams that finished outside the cutline are going to feel they were treated unfairly," Haden said. "No system, even this one, is going to be without critics."...

You Mad Muhammad?

Heh, that's pretty good.

Via Caleb Howe:

#Paris Attacks: New Footage of Charlie Hebdo Jihadists Firing on Police (VIDEO)

A Reuters video below.

And a report at Sky News, "New Footage of Charlie Hebdo Gun Attack." And at London's Daily Mail, "Dramatic new footage of Islamist gunmen's rampage emerges, showing the killers calmly stopping to reload their weapons before firing at police as they drive towards them."

When confronted, the police put it in reverse like lickety-split!

Rabbi Schmuley Boteach Debates Rula Jebreal on Islamic Anti-Semitism in Europe

The Rabbi just destroys this terror-enabling Rula Jebreal.

At CNN, "'You're excusing violence, and that's very..."

Jeremy Scahill Transforms Anwar al-Awlaki Into a Modern-Day Mahatma Gandhi!

On Democracy Now!

Scahill's extremely knowledgeable, but by the second half of this interview he turns Awlaki into some kind of saint. I had to giggle a couple of times. He's almost tripping over his tongue while spinning the now dead-and-gone anti-American hate preacher into a Gandhi-esque figure of global justice and benign inspiration.

Really good for some lulz if you stay with it to the end, heh:

Oregon Ducks Crushed by Ohio State Buckeys

Although the score wasn't that lopsided, there was obviously little hope for Oregon. Ohio State was clearly dominant.

From Bill Plaschke, at LAT, "Those fast Oregon Ducks are sped to their doom by Ohio State Buckeyes":
The speed was stopped. The tempo was trampled. The coolest team in college football was punched in its shiny, swoosh-adorned jaw.

At the sweaty, painful end of their national championship nightmare Monday at AT&T Stadium, the only thing the Oregon players dominated was their aluminum bench.

It sat at the rear of their sideline. As Ohio State finished off a 42-20 pounding to win the inaugural College Football Playoff national title, that bench was full of Oregon players. Some were staring glassy-eyed at the giant overhead scoreboard. Some were quietly crying. Some covered their faces in towels.

"Get up!" shouted linebacker Torrodney Prevot, stalking in front of his teammates, wildly waving his hands. "Get up, get up, get up."

Nobody moved. It was the final indignity. Oregon had been more than just beaten. The fastest team in sports had been rendered motionless.

The dozen or so Ducks left the bench only when the final seconds had disappeared and the gold confetti had begun raining mercilessly down upon their spoiled parade. By the time they had trudged off the field, gold strands struck to their sleek cleats, slowing them one final time.

"It's definitely shocking," Prevot said later, shaking his head. "We had everything in store for them. There was nothing else we could do."

Ohio State wasn't even supposed to be here. Under the old Bowl Championship Series system, the Buckeyes would not have been here. Oregon was supposed to win here. After showing both strength and savvy in wiping out defending champion Florida State in the semifinals, this was supposed to be both coronation and affirmation for the blindingly fast spread system that had dominated college football's regular season for several years.

This was supposed to be all about the Ducks, a fact that was seemingly confirmed after Oregon had driven for a touchdown in less than three minutes on the game's opening drive.

"Then things just went wrong," said Oregon running back Thomas Tyner.

Things like a powerful Buckeyes attack that steamrollered the Ducks for 538 yards, including 246 yards rushing by Ezekiel Elliott. Things like a crushing Buckeyes defense that smothered a Ducks offense that couldn't sufficiently capitalize on four Ohio State turnovers. Things like an overwhelming Buckeyes culture with fans filling much of the stadium with red shirts and ominous cries of "Ohhhhh."

"You know," admitted Tyner, "they played a helluva game."

Once again, being overpowered and outfought has happened to an Oregon team that has long fought the perception it is not big or strong enough. Once again, college football's funkiest uniforms have been stained with blood and flattened against turf. Once again, Nike's team didn't do it.

Oregon is still looking for its first national championship, the Pac-12 Conference has once again been scolded and sent to its room to beef up, and yeah, for the umpteenth time, bring on the bad metaphors.

They were duck soup. They were duck, duck goosed. They had the quack beat out of them. They spent three rocky hours on the Oregon Fail.

Plaschke's pulling no punches.

Still more at the link.

What the Paris No-Show Says About the Obama Administration — #CharlieHebdo

At the Wall Street Journal:

The failure of the U.S. government to send a high-level representative to the historic Paris march against Islamist terror on Sunday is being roundly criticized, even by anchors at CNN. We share the sentiment, but this is no mere diplomatic snafu.

Press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that President Obama regretted not joining more than 40 world leaders at the rally in defiance of the Charlie Hebdo killers and their al Qaeda sponsors. “I guess what I’m saying is that we agree that we should have sent someone with a higher profile,” Mr. Earnest added, which we guess passes for contrition.

Yet as recently as Sunday night officials dismissed criticism by noting the presence of Jane Hartley, the U.S. Ambassador to France nominated in June and an Obama campaign bundler. On Monday Mr. Earnest gestured at “security challenges.” Presumably the same risks attended the German Chancellor, the British and Israeli Prime Ministers, the Middle Eastern royals and African presidents.

If Mr. Obama was too much of a distraction, then surely someone else of cabinet rank was available. Secretary of State John Kerry claimed a previous commitment in India, but then why not Vice President Joe Biden or Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ? None would have to fly commercial. Attorney General Eric Holder was in Paris but still chose not to go.

A fair conclusion is that the White House didn’t think it mattered. This fits Mr. Obama’s generally dismissive attitude toward Europe. He was happy to use the symbolism of a speech before tens of thousands of adoring Berliners in 2008 to burnish his theme of restoring America’s image in the world. But as President he has treated foreign policy like a distraction from his work of, well, going to Tennessee to pitch “free” college. America’s image has worsened.

The other signal sent by his French omission is this Administration’s continuing failure to appreciate the nature and scope of the Islamist threat. The murders at Charlie Hebdo and the kosher deli were attacks on innocents and our ally France. But they also represent a political ideology that threatens Western freedom and civilization. The ostensible leader of the free world should want to show solidarity against such a profound menace that will require Western unity to defeat...

I'd thought by now my disgust with this administration had bottomed out. But no. Obama's shamelessness is a bottomless pit.

#ParisAttacks: The Search for Hayat Boumedienne

Holly Williams reports, for CBS Evening News.

Hamas-Linked CAIR Demands Fox News Drop 'Islamophobes' Who Speak Truth About Islam

From Robert Spencer, "Hamas-linked terror org CAIR demands that Fox drop those who speak the truth about the jihad threat."

Read it at the link --- and remember, it's a war of ideas in the information battlespace. Truth is the ultimate weapon. Muslims and their leftist terror-enablers cannot stand the light of decency and truth shone upon them.

'Hello, everybody! There is no global warming!'

I love this!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Here's Who Is and Isn't Publishing the New Charlie Hebdo Cover Image

At BuzzFeed. Click through for the list.

I noted earlier that the Wall Street Journal published Charlie Hebdo images in their first editorial on the attacks. The New York Times? Not so much.

Charlie Hebdo photo enhanced-buzz-wide-26402-1421106426-20_zps513b1d7f.jpg


The cover reads "All is forgiven." See Twitchy, "‘Le brass balls, y’all': Charlie Hebdo not backing down with new cover art [photo]."

The Scandal of Free Speech

From Bret Stephens, at WSJ, "A year from now none but the unfeint of heart will still be with Charlie":

The Death of Socrates’ photo David_-_The_Death_of_Socrates_zps9d141154.jpg
Last May, sex-advice columnist Dan Savage gave a talk at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics in which he used a term so infamous that it caused members of the audience to walk out “in a state of distress.” Later, a petition was put forward to demand that the institute apologize “for failing to stop” Mr. Savage from using the term, and to “assert a commitment to preventing the use of slurs and hate speech in the future.”

The word in question? To adapt the old joke: I could tell you but they’re going to kill me.

Well, OK, here goes. The word is “tranny,” meaning a transgender, or transsexual, or transvestite person. So hideously offensive is this word nowadays that, when I arrived at an Institute of Politics event a few weeks later, a group called Queers United in Power—or QUIP, minus the humor—held a protest outside and handed out fliers denouncing (without spelling out) the use of the “T word.” I had to ask around to find out just what the word was; I got the answer in a whisper.

Attention all of you logicians of Hyde Park: If words are to be forbidden, must they not first be known?

I was reminded of this small episode following last week’s massacre of journalists in France, after which it has become fashionable to “be” Charlie Hebdo. Sorry, but QUIP is not Charlie Hebdo: QUIP is al Qaeda with a different list of moral objections and a milder set of criminal penalties. Otherwise, like al Qaeda, it’s the same unattractive mix of quavering personal sensitivity and totalitarian demands for ideological conformity.

To which one can only reply: tranny-tranny-tranny; Muhammad-Muhammad-Muhammad; de-da-da-da. Free speech—at least speech that is truly free—is always a scandal to someone or other. Chill out and deal with it.

But deal with it we won’t. People forget just how radical is the idea of free speech. For more that 2,000 years—between, say, the executions of Socrates and Giordano Bruno —the story of the West was the story of killing blasphemers. Enlightenment began when we started to repent the practice; modernity survives under the shield of the First Amendment and equivalent laws in the free world. But the arrows always keep coming.

I doubt the Charlie Hebdo murders will do much to shake loose the array of campus speech codes or change the incentive structures for their enforcers in sundry administrative offices and multicultural-affairs departments...
No surprise, of course, that the radical left is Islam's partner in tyranny, terror, and oppression.

But continue reading.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Get the Hell Out of France

From Paula Stern, at A Soldier's Mother:
We went into Shabbat praying for the hostages and their families in Paris. We knew very few of the details - two killed, though this was denied by the French. At least 6 held hostage.

My youngest is about to turn 15, she has several friends whose parents came from France. The cousin of one was in the store just minutes before the attack; another wasn't able to find a cousin and was afraid she might be inside. This is how we began the Sabbath. "They won't leave," my youngest said to me in sadness. "They won't leave."

As soon as the Sabbath ended, I heard the devastating news that four innocent Jews had been killed and another 15 had been rescued in the hostage situation. Among the dead, was the son of the chief Rabbi of Tunis. They were part of a killing spree that cost France a total of 17 lives during the past week. At least five of those were Jews; the policeman gunned down in cold blood was a Muslim.

I am filled with pain and anger. Some for the Jews themselves. I do not believe in blaming the victim. That is something almost instinctive when you have low opinions of the killers, you naturally think that perhaps there is something the victim could have done - it's wrong.

And yet...I want to shout at the Jewish community in France. Enough already. Get the hell out of France now. I don't care how hard it is - the reality of what France is becoming is harder.

I don't care what it costs - would you place your money above the lives of your children? You have just paid the highest price. God Almighty, what more do you need?

Pack your stinking bags, please please please. The pain tears at our hearts - that is what it is to be a Jew. To feel, to the core of your being, the agony of a Jew, no matter where. All Shabbat, we held you in our prayers, in our hearts, desperate to hear of a miracle; deeply saddened that two had been murdered; terrified that even as we were praying more would have died.

There are a thousand reasons why moving to Israel is hard - the economy, leaving behind roots that have grown over centuries, the comfort of speaking the language of your birth, even if it isn't really the language of your fathers. Grandparents, elderly parents, relatives that can't come now and may never leave. Jobs, homes, stores...a thousand reasons to stay and but one major one to leave - the time has come...
Keep reading.

It's an interesting question. Remember, Claire Berlinski would rather fight the Islamists than have have the Jews flee France for a second time.

The Death-Cult Ideology That France Prefers Not to Name

An essay from Israel's David Horovitz, via Blazing Cat Fur:
France rallied on Sunday like its life depended on it. Three and a half million people took to the streets in an unprecedented show of solidarity with the 17 victims murdered by three Islamist gunmen last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. “I am Charlie,” “I am a police officer,” “I am a Jew,” their placards asserted, identifying in turn with each category of victim — the journalists, the cops, the Jews. “We will not be divided,” “We will not be terrorized,” “We will not give up our freedom,” they declared.

We will fight Islamist terrorism with every sinew of our being, in order to ensure the protection of the freedoms that we cherish and that it seeks to destroy? That, they didn’t say...

Click through to RTWT, at Blazing Cat Fur.

ISIS Hacks Pentagon Social Media

They're killing us here.

At the Washington Post, "U.S. military social media accounts apparently hacked by Islamic State sympathizers."

ISIS Hacks Pentagon Social Media photo screen-shot-2015-01-12-at-9-46-53-am_zpsca7f5fd6.png

CNN's Brianna Keiler: Terrorism Isn't Obama's 'Issue'; He's Not 'Comfortable' Standing Against Terrorism with Other World Leaders (VIDEO)

From Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "CNN: Terrorism really isn’t Obama’s ‘issue’":
On Monday, White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest conceded that Barack Obama’s White House should have sent a figure of more stature to attend the historic march in protest of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo than America’s ambassador to France. After much prodding from the press corps, Earnest conceded that the president was at home in the White House on Sunday.

The political press has been finding it difficult to make excuses for the president’s absence from this event. Many members of the media have, in fact, confessed that they are uncomfortable with the president’s decision to largely ignore the historic march.

One intrepid CNN reporter offered her theory for why Obama declined to attend the rally in Paris when so many of heads of state around the globe did: Politics.
Brianna Keiler's a good lady. Watch:

Geert Wilders: Charlie Hebdo Attack 'An Act of War'

At Britain's Channel 4 News:

I saw Wilders speak in New York, on September 11, 2010.

New York Magazine Surveys 53 Leftist 'Historians' on Barack Obama's Legacy

The first thing to note about this totally unscientific "survey," conducted by Thomas Meaney of the Columbia University History Department, is that it employs no systematic methodology to generate even the semblance of an unbiased "sample."

Indeed, looking over the report, I see no statement or disclaimer on the methodology. Shoot, these aren't even "historians" at all. It's a hodgepodge of non-fiction writers, historians, journalists, and political scientists. Included is the notorious anti-Semitic Stephen Walt, of Harvard's JFK School of Government, and author of "The Israel Lobby" infamy.

All efforts to rank presidents using "experts" will be horribly prone to bias, but New York Magazine's attempt is even more silly than usual.

In any case, here's the write-up at Newsmax, "Historians on Obama Legacy: 'Polarizing,' Not 'Transformative'."

Then, at New York Magazine, "53 Historians Weigh In on Barack Obama’s Legacy." (At Memeorandum.)

And also the partisan reactions, from Jonathan Chait, "History Will Be Very Kind," and Christopher Caldwell, "History Will Eviscerate Him."

Obama may not be history's worst president. It's too soon to tell, in any case. Perhaps he hasn't hit bottom yet. But it's highly doubtful he'll manage ultimately to escape the ignominy of "average" to "below average" categories. If Obama somehow manages to get credit for putting a floor in the collapsing economy in 2008, despite six years of less-than-middling economic growth, then it's likely he'll be saved from the final indignity of the "failed" category. But we'll see. We'll see.

Here's the "sample" of "historians," FWIW:
Jeffrey Alexander, Yale University, co-author of Obama Power (2014)

Joyce Appleby, UCLA, author of The Relentless Revolution: A History of Capitalism (2011)

Andrew Bacevich, Boston University, author of The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (2005)

Edward Baptist, Cornell University, author of The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism (2014)

Kai Bird, author of The Good Spy: The Life and Death of Robert Ames (2014)

Robin Blackburn, author of The American Crucible: Slavery, Emancipation, and Human Rights (2011)

Gordon Chang, Stanford University, author of Chinese American Voices (2006)

Jonathan Darman, author of Landslide: LBJ and Reagan at the Dawn of a New America (2014)

Mike Davis, UC Riverside, author of City of Quartz (1990) and Planet of Slums (2006)

Mary Dudziak, Emory University School of Law, author of Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy (2011)

Joseph Ellis, author of Revolutionary Summer: The Birth of American Independence (2013)

Crystal Feimster, Yale University, author of Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Southern Rape and Lynching (2009)

Beverly Gage, Yale University, author of The Day Wall Street Exploded: A Story of America in Its First Age of Terror (2009)

Samuel Goldman, the George Washington University, writer for The American Conservative
Annette Gordon-Reed, Harvard Law School, author of The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family (2008)

Aram Goudsouzian, University of Memphis, author of Down to the Crossroads: Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Meredith March Against Fear (2014)

Alexander Gourevitch, Brown University, author of From Slavery to the Cooperative Commonwealth (2014)

David Greenberg, Rutgers University, author of NixonÕs Shadow: The History of an Image (2003)

David Hollinger, UC Berkeley, author of After Cloven Tongues of Fire: Protestant Liberalism in Modern American History (2013)

Thomas Holt, University of Chicago, author of Children of Fire: A History of African Americans (2010)

Paul Kahn, Yale Law School, author of Putting Liberalism in Its Place (2004)

David Kennedy, Stanford University, author of Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 (1999)

Charles Kesler, Claremont McKenna College, editor of the Claremont Review of Books, author of I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Future of Liberalism (2012)

Stephen Kinzer, author of The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War (2013)

James Kloppenberg, Harvard University, author of Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition (2011)

Kevin Kruse, Princeton University, author of White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism (2005)

Matthew Lassiter, University of Michigan, author of The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South (2006)

Jackson Lears, Rutgers University, editor of Raritan, author of Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America 1877-1920 (2009)
Jill Lepore, Harvard University, author of The Story of America: Essays on Origins (2012)

Mark Lilla, Columbia University, author of The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, and the Modern West (2007)

James Livingston, Rutgers University, author of Against Thrift: Why Consumer Culture Is Good for the Economy, the Environment, and Your Soul (2011)

James Mann, author of The Obamians: The Struggle Inside the White House to Redefine American Power (2012)

Alfred McCoy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of Torture and Impunity: The U.S. Doctrine of Coercive Interrogation (2012)

Lisa McGirr, Harvard University, author of Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right (2002)

John McWhorter, Columbia University, author of Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America (2000)

Samuel Moyn, Harvard Law School, author of The Lost Utopia: Human Rights in History (2010)

Khalil Gilbran Muhummad, director of the Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture, author of The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern America (2011)

Nell Painter, Princeton University, author of The History of White People (2010)

Miriam Pawel, author of The Crusades of Cesar Chavez: A Biography (2014)

Kimberly Phillips-Fein, NYU, author of Invisible Hands: The BusinessmenÕs Crusade Against the New Deal (2009)

Thomas Powers, author of The Killing of Crazy Horse (2011)

Daniel Rodgers, Princeton University, author of The Age of Fracture (2011)

Jeffrey Rosen, The George Washington University Law School, author of The Unwanted Gaze: The Destruction of Privacy in America (2000)

Stephen Sestanovich, Council on Foreign Relations, author of Maximalist: America in the World From Truman to Obama (2014)

Theda Skocpol, Harvard University, co-author of The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism (2012)

Nikhil Singh, NYU, author of Black Is a Country: Race and the Unfinished Struggle for Democracy (2005)

Harry Stout, Yale University, author of Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War (2007)

Thomas Sugrue, University of Pennsylvania, author of The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit (reissued 2014)

Jeffrey Tulis, University of Texas, author of The Rhetorical Presidency (1987)

Stephen Walt, Harvard University, co-author of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (2007)

Mason Williams, Williams College, author of City of Ambition: FDR, La Guardia, and the Making of Modern New York (2013)

Robert Williams, University of Arizona College of Law, author of The American Indian in Western Legal Thought (1990)

Gavin Wright, Stanford University, author of Sharing the Prize: The Economics of the Civil Rights Revolution in the American South (2013)

Queen of Hollywood: Kate Hudson Rocks a Plunging White Gown at the Weinstein and Netflix Golden Globes After-Party

She's so lovely.

At London's Daily Mail, "Kate Hudson rocks a plunging white gown as she enjoys a girls' night out with Hollywood's finest at Golden Globes afterparty."

BONUS: At Egotastic!, "Heidi Klum, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Chastain And Other Hotties at the 2015 Golden Globe Awards Red Carpet."

So, No Air Conditioning at the Golden Globes?

A Beverly Hilton spokesperson denies it, but celebrities were dripping with sweat, with some stars even stripping off their clothing to beat the heat.

At Vanity Fair, "Why Everyone at the Golden Globes Looks So Uncomfortably Sweaty."

ADDED: At E!, "Um, Did Katherine Heigl Just Call Herself Full-Figured on the Golden Globes Red Carpet?!!"

And at London's Daily Mail, "Katherine Heigl and husband Josh Kelley kiss on the red carpet at Golden Globes afterparty."

A Warning From the Paris Attacks

From David Horowitz, at the Washington Times, "Obama’s stubborn denial of the terror threat endangers Americans":
The Islamic terror attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris was carried out by Muslim criminals who were apparently trained in Yemen.

Meanwhile, national security officials are warning of an imminent threat to Europe and the United States from jihadi soldiers who are returning from the wars in Syria and Iraq. According to the head of the FBI and other first responders, there is no way to stop their re-entry because, after all, they have American passports. Nor is there any way to stop them in Syria and Iraq since President Obama has surrendered both countries to our enemies.

The Democratic mayor of New York — ground zero for the Islamic war — has even stopped the surveillance of jihadi mosques, the breeding grounds for domestic “lone wolves.” And with our southern border shredded by Mr. Obama and the Democrats, it’s not going to be difficult even for foreign jihadis to reach their infidel targets. Of course, the president doesn’t like the word “terror” to begin with, let alone “Islamic terror.” Thanks to him, the Islamic war against the United States is officially referred to as an “overseas contingency operation,” while domestic Islamic mayhem is filed under the category “workplace violence.”

Fourteen years after Sept. 11, 2001, it is tragically clear that President Bush was right about the threat we faced and the Democrats were suicidally wrong. The Sept. 11 attacks were indeed a salvo in the war Islamists have declared on us but even now, 14 years later, Democrats still want to regard such attacks as acts of individual criminality. They insist on dealing with them through the legal justice system, affording American rights to those who want to destroy American rights. Why, you may ask yourself, is the Boston Marathon bomber being tried in a criminal court of law, where he will be able to make propaganda for his cause underwritten by his victims? Because Democrats want it that way. It shows we’re superior to everybody else.

Nine days after Sept. 11, Mr. Bush addressed both houses of Congress to outline his response to the terror attacks. This is what he said about states that harbor Islamic terrorists, such as Yemen and Syria: “We will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. [Applause.] From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.”

When the president had completed his remarks, these were precisely the sentences that were singled out for attack by the political left. To progressives, Mr. Bush was a tyrant in the making and they took his warning personally: “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Unfortunately, even though Mr. Bush was not referring the left in uttering these words, he might as well have been. When Mr. Bush decided to take on the terrorist-supporting, U.N.-defying regime of Saddam Hussein, Democrats went into full war mode against him, against the “war on terror,” and against America’s mission to defeat the al Qaeda armies that had assembled in Iraq. Their sabotage of the war went on for five years, making it impossible for Mr. Bush to take on the terror-supporting regimes in Syria, Iran and elsewhere.

The Obama administration is the product of this momentous Democratic defection from America’s purposes, from a robust defense of the American homeland, and from a militant response to the war that Islamists have declared on us. Why is there still a free flow of immigration from nations like Yemen that support or tolerate the Islamist armies ranged against us? Why isn’t our southern border secure? It is because the Obama administration, with support from Democrats in Congress, regards security measures against terror supporting states to be “Islamophobic,” and regards securing our southern border to be xenophobic. Why isn’t Mr. Obama embracing President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and his Egyptian regime that has declared the Islamists to be enemies of the Islamic world? It is because Mr. Obama is committed to the Muslim Brotherhood — the fount of al Qaeda — and against this same Egyptian regime...
Still more.

Rosie Gray in Paris

Ms. Gray, a BuzzFeed reporter, was in Paris yesterday for the unity rally.

Bosch Fawstin's Muhammad

For a while, I had reposting privileges from Mr. Fawstin, but then he started making so much money for his drawings, he had to rescind the offer.

He's good:

'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam...'

As lots of folks have been reminding us over the weekend, recall the president's infamous prophecy of doom, delivered at the United Nations, September 25, 2012:

And at Politico, "Barack Obama’s French kiss-off":
Barack Obama n’est pas Charlie — or at least, he wasn’t this weekend.

Don’t look for the president or vice president among the photos of 44 heads of state who locked arms and marched down Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. Nor did they join a companion march the French Embassy organized in Washington on Sunday afternoon.

Indeed, Obama’s public reactions to the attacks in Paris last week have been muted. His initial response Wednesday to the killing of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices was delivered as he sat calmly in an armchair in the Oval Office speaking about the “cowardly” acts and defending freedom of the press. Two days later, as a gunman took hostages and went on to kill four people in a kosher grocery, Obama took a few seconds away from a community college proposal roll-out in Tennessee because he said with events unfolding, “I wanted to make sure to comment on them” — but never then or afterward specifically condemned that attack.

Obama wasn’t far from the march in D.C. on Sunday that wended silently along six blocks from the Newseum to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Instead, he spent the chilly afternoon a few blocks away at the White House, with no public schedule, no outings.

Joe Biden was back home in Wilmington, Delaware.
Neither they nor any high-level administration official attended either event.

France’s top American diplomat, diplomatically, tried to make the best of it.

“Thank you to Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary at the Department of State, who has represented the U.S. Authorities at the demonstration in DC. A friend,” Ambassador Gérard Araud tweeted Sunday evening, as criticism of the administration mounted.

And though it’s symbolism—Obama made several statements last week condemning the terror, and the government has been supporting French efforts throughout—the symbolism has caught a lot of attention.

“I wish our US President had gone to Paris to stand with our European allies,” tweeted James Stavridis, the retired Navy admiral and current dean of Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

“It’s stunning, truly stunning,” said Aaron David Miller, who among other responsibilities during his time at the State Department under both Republicans and Democrats, helped deliberate over which officials to send to which events. “It’s a poster child for tone deafness.”...
It's literally unforgivable. I'm ashamed for my country, for the American people, who are without representation at a time like this. Victoria Nuland just doesn't cut it.

Not a "profiles in courage" moment, to put it mildly.

So, Jimmy Fallon Totally Missed Nicole Kidman's, Ahem, Enticements in 2005

Big mistake.

And Ms. Kidman hasn't seen him since then. He's just now finding out about his epic douchenozzle fail.

Pretty hilarious.

Watch, from last Tuesday's Tonight Show, "Jimmy Fallon Blew a Chance to Date Nicole Kidman."

George Clooney Salutes Charlie Hebdo at Golden Globes: 'We Will Not Walk in Fear'

ICYMI, video at Mediaite. Text (and unbridled swooning) at WaPo.

Some not so insignificant folks are not pleased with the Clooneys. See previously: "Lee Radziwill Disses George and Amal Clooney."

And see Red Nation Rising, "Clooney, Clinton, Hollywood-the Anti-American Globalists."



At NYDN, "Obama, Biden and cabinet bigs shun Paris, send Holder, who ditches rally that drew millions in France."

NYDN Disses Obama photo B7HIMfsIAAAFLnf_zps08783598.jpg

Previously: "World Leaders, Sans Barack Hussein, March in Paris — #CharlieHebdo."

Agent Orange Live in the O.C.!


I think I saw these guys play 35 years ago. They're currently on tour and will be playing the World Famous Doll Hut in Anaheim, on January 17th.

What a trip.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Lee Radziwill Disses George and Amal Clooney

You gotta love it, from the younger sister of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and thus the one-time sister-in-law of JFK.

Peyton Manning's Future Starts to Fade

The old Peyton would have marched his team down field and pulled up tight for the win.

Today, not so much.

At the New York Times, "As Passes Miss the Mark, Peyton Manning’s Future Begins to Waver":
DENVER — Somewhere in the anxiety-ridden depths of the fourth quarter, Peyton Manning stood tall as a ship mast in the Broncos pocket and tossed once, twice, three times into the middle reaches of the field.

His team’s condition was precarious: The Broncos trailed the Indianapolis Colts in the A.F.C. divisional playoff game. Each of his passes was reasonably well tossed, although without much starch. And each time the Colts defenders, those acrobats of the secondary, went airborne and slapped or punched or knocked the ball down.

Then the oddest of sounds was heard in this most often joyous orange-tinged stadium. Low, sonorous boos washed down from the stands, accompanying Manning on his walk back to the sidelines. The fans saw, and perhaps Manning did as well, another postseason slip-sliding away.

How, Manning was asked after the game, did he play? He looked at the reporter and shook his head, with disapproval of no one but himself.

“Not well, not good enough, didn’t play well enough,” he said.

Taps rarely sound for a great athlete in a single, climactic moment. Rather, the player experiences an accumulation of small indignities, the erosions of age adding a second or two to a pass, a split second off a handoff, muting that sixth sense that allows him to pick up a 300-pound man sprinting at him, shoulders aimed at his midsection.

Michael Jordan could score 20 points a game pretty much right to the end, but the ferocious athletic fires that made him magnificent had already banked. Willie Mays still could deliver a handsome home run, but the mind’s eye more clearly recalls that aging star stumbling about, lost in the windy center field shadows at Shea Stadium.

There’s no morality play to be found here. The notion, put forward by a Boston columnist Sunday, that Manning is a “habitual loser” of big games is sportswriter shorthand for deadline silliness. Manning has gone to three Super Bowls, playing against the best in the world, and he’s won once. There is no vein of shame to be mined here.

Peyton Manning is one of the greatest ever to play the game. For many years his soaring passes seemed attracted as if by homing beacons to the hands of his receivers.

Sunday offered Round 2 this season for the Colts and the Broncos, and Manning and Andrew Luck, the silver-armed young quarterback who may one day have his own Super Bowl victory. The teams met in a season opener in the same stadium, and the atmosphere then was festive. A blonde lass rode around on her white horse and fires sounded and fans screamed and drank their brews and munched on their gummy bears.

Manning won that duel, his arm true. Although in what may now be seen as foreshadowing struggles to come, he grew weaker as the game progressed. For the season, the pattern repeated. Manning was among the most dominant quarterbacks in the game for the first half of the season, then faded noticeably in the last six games.

Sunday’s game began in high spirits, with the spitting fire and the smoke and the gladiator’s triumphant entry. Manning marched the Broncos downfield for an early touchdown and fans thumped their feet, and it was as if a dozen D trains ran beneath the press box.

Then, slowly, ineluctably, he and his team began to fade. Manning tossed long, soaring balls three, four, five times.

Each began as a beauty, you could hear the fans suck in their breath, and each landed two, three, four feet beyond the grasping hands of his receiver. “We did probably go to the well too many times,” Broncos Coach John Fox said of those long passes.

Perhaps that is so...
So sad.

There's still more, if you Peyton fans are up for it.

Anita Ekberg, Requiescat in Pace

Guaranteed NOT halal.


Also at the New York Times, "Anita Ekberg, International Screen Beauty and Fellini Star, Dies at 83."

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Friday Frownies."

Branco Cartoons photo Hazarous-Duty-600-LI_zpsfd9b012c.jpg

Also at Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's Sunday Funnies," and Theo Spark, "Cartoon Round Up..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Front Lines."

Spectacular Photography from Unity Rally in Paris


At BuzzFeed, "Paris Anti-Terror Demonstration Is the Biggest March In French History."

One Kumbaya March Can't Stop Islamism or Cleanse Europe of Muslim Jew-Hatred


Jonathan Tobin harshes the left's mellow, at Commentary:
The spectacle of more than a million people taking to the streets of Paris in protest against the attacks against the massacres at Charlie Hebdo and a kosher market is in and of itself a good thing. The condemnations of Islamist terror from a broad cross-section of French society and the willingness of many world leaders, including some from Arab and Muslim nations, to take part in the event is encouraging to those who have noted with dismay not only the assault on free speech but also the many attacks on Jews in Europe in recent years. This has led some to express the hope that the march will mark a turning point in the struggle against Islamist terror and anti-Semitism in which a unified European continent will somehow reject hatred. But while it would be wrong to react to what is being portrayed by the cable and broadcast networks as a transcendent kumbaya moment with pure cynicism, it is important that no one should think a march can by itself undo the wide support that is given Islamist ideology in the Arab world. Nor should we confuse bromidic statements by leaders with policies that will end the delegitimization of Israel and the Jews...
Keep reading.

Oh My! Melissa Harris-Perry Dumbstruck as Jewish Forward Editor J.J. Goldberg Goes Off MSNBC Script on French Anti-Semitism

OMG this is too delectable!

At Pajamas, "Liberal Schools MSNBC News Host on Radical Islamism":
When Melissa Harris-Perry’s producers invited J.J. Goldberg on to speak about the Jewish community in France, they were probably expecting textbook politically correct responses from the editor at large of America’s largest left-wing Jewish newspaper, the Forward. Which is why it’s so funny to watch Harris-Perry attempt not to balk at Goldberg’s frank candor on the radical Islamist roots of anti-Semitism in France. “The anti-Semitism problem in France is not primarily a problem of anti-Semitism from French Muslims,” she rushes to clarify at 2:32. “There is a problem of anti-Semitism there, but it is not primarily a problem of Muslim versus Jewish populations there, but rather a question of – sort of — French citizens in the broadest sense.”

“Um, I don’t think so,” Goldberg begins before detailing in brief France’s dance with anti-Semitism over the past century, noting that the incidents happening now are “happening from the Muslim community.” He then rattles off a series of French leaders who are Jewish and have established bonds with the Israeli Jewish community. “The integration of Jews into France and the acceptance of Jews in France is very, very thorough,” he explains. He ends his segment by noting that 70% of Jews in France today have come from Sephardic countries of origin where they have experienced “tension with their Arab neighbors”.

Harris-Perry attempts to interrupt his scholarly explanation twice before giving in and going to the commercial break...
It's just a special --- and I do mean special --- little world of denial for the dolts at MSNBC.


World Leaders, Sans Barack Hussein, March in Paris — #CharlieHebdo

It's extremely sad that the American president is not in attendance --- although not surprising at all.

Via Twitter:


Millions March for French 'Unity' in France

Here's the report from the opening of CBS Face the Nation:

And see also Legal Insurrection, "Paris National Unity Rally (LIVE)." And at Instapundit, "NEXT TIME, THEY SHOULD CARRY PITCHFORKS: ‘Unprecedented’ rally is largest in France’s history, officials say":
“French media estimate up to 3 million are taking part, more than the numbers who took to Paris streets when the Allies liberated the city from the Nazis in World War II.”

Paris Jihadist Amedy Coulibaly #ISIS Propaganda Video — #CharlieHebdo — UPDATED AND BUMPED!

This is full blown.

It's not in English (although there are French subtitles), but just the visuals alone prove decisively that this motherfucker was no lone wolf wannabe.

And to think, there he was, right in the mother's breast of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. Damn, the West is losing the war on terror, and badly.

At Atlas Shrugs, "Watch VIDEO: Paris Jihad Amedy Coulibaly pledges allegiance to the Islamic State “retaliate against the enemies of Islam”."

UPDATE: MEMRI has the video transcribed with English language captions. Excellent.

Watch: "Paris Supermarket Gunman Amedy Coulibaly Pledges Allegiance to ISIS, Justifies His Actions."

National Front Leader Marine Le Pen Calls to Restore Death Penalty in France — #CharlieHebdo

I guess she's had enough with the left's "evolving standards of decency" bullshit.

At London's Daily Mail, "French National Front leader Marine Le Pen calls for return of death penalty as far-right party is expected to receive poll boost in wake of terror attacks."

And from Philip Gourevitch, at the New Yorker, "Le Pen's Moment":

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“We’ve been predicting this for a long time,” Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the French radical-right National Front party said on Wednesday, shortly after the massacre at the Paris office of the radical-left satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. “It was to be expected. This attack is probably the beginning of the beginning. It’s an episode in the war that is being waged against us by Islamism. The blindness and deafness of our leaders, for years, is in part responsible for these kinds of attacks.”

Although Le Pen and the National Front were frequent targets of Charlie Hebdo’s savage mockery, the two were at least as frequently aligned against shared political enemies. As the French say, “the extremes touch,” and when it came to ridiculing the mainstream political parties—the center-left Socialists of President François Hollande and the center-right Gaullists of his predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy—it was often difficult to distinguish the grotesque caricatures you might find in Charlie Hebdo from those in National Front rhetoric. So, too, when it came to the xenophobia and racism of their anti-immigration polemics, and their baiting of Islamophobic and anti-Semitic sentiment. (Charlie Hebdo was merciless toward Christianity, too, but there Le Pen lost his sense of humor.) Le Pen, the former fascist street fighter, relishes his role as a scourge of the establishment as much as the former Communist street fighters of Charlie Hebdo did, and he has always delighted in an opportunity to taunt his adversaries and critics. When I wrote about him in 1997, I reported that he had asked me, “What do I have to do not to be racist? Marry a black woman? With AIDS, if possible?” After the article appeared, he wrote to the magazine, complaining that, as “an Anglo-Saxon,” I had missed the Gallic subtlety of his wit: he had not said “une noire,” a black woman, but “un noir,” a black man.

The cover story of the issue of Charlie Hebdo released on the day of the massacre was about the author Michel Houellebecq and his new novel, “Submission,” a political fiction that describes the takeover of France by an Islamist party in the 2022 elections, following a tight runoff race against the National Front’s current leader, Marine Le Pen (who in reality took the party’s reins from her father four years ago). Marine, as everyone in France refers to her, has said that Houellebecq’s alarmist fantasy impressed her as entirely plausible, and the left-of-center daily newspaper Libération greeted the book with an essay damning Houellebecq as “the Le Pen of the Café de Flore,” a sort of fifth columnist for the National Front, sneaking far-right politics into the heart of Left Bank literary culture. Houellebecq, for his part, likes to protest that he is an apolitical sort of soothsayer—that he is merely imagining, not advocating, much less seeking to provoke, a radical polarization of French society, in which a soft and ineffectual center gives way to a clash of domestic and immigrant nationalisms. By the end of the week he had cancelled his book promotion and retreated to an undisclosed rustic hideout.

We know very little, as yet, about what the killers who terrorized Paris for the past three days sought to achieve, beyond the murders of Charlie Hebdo staff members; police officers; and Jewish hostages at a kosher supermarket. But nobody in France needed Houellebecq’s novel, or Jean-Marie Le Pen’s I-told-you-so, to recognize at once that the terror played directly to the National Front’s advantage. Whereas Le Pen, the father, was content for most of his career to rattle the political order as a protest candidate, Marine is hellbent on remaking that order in her own image.

“You’re looking for a place at the table,” I said when I met her four years ago, while reporting on Sarkozy’s collapsing Presidency.

“You’re right,” she said. “I’m looking especially for the Presidency of the table.” She laughed. “That’s right,” she said, and added, “It’s true today that we’re in a phase of accession to power.”

Since then, Le Pen’s popularity, and her share of votes, has only increased, and she has managed to present her agenda—anti-European Union, anti-immigrant, anti-euro—as approaching the mainstream, even as she cherishes her status as an outsider, untainted by the past twenty years of deepening French political crisis. In the immediate aftermath of the attack on Wednesday, as traffic surged on her Facebook page and she picked up thousands of new followers, she did nothing special to insert herself into the story or to exploit the fears that the Front has long fed on. She reiterated her longstanding call for France to withdraw, unilaterally and at once, from the Schengen Agreement, which allows for open borders within the extended European community, but that was hardly newsworthy. Rather, Le Pen appeared to adopt the time-tested opposition strategy of waiting for the political establishment to make a misstep that would turn attention her way—and she did not have to wait long. Within hours of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the ruling Socialists and a coalition of allied parties of the left announced plans for a massive solidarity rally on Sunday—a silent march through the heart of Paris in the cause of “national unity”—without extending an invitation to the National Front.

The exclusion of the Front was great news for Le Pen. Nobody believed that she would have wanted to go and be associated with the political mainstream, but, by failing to invite her, the Socialists had given her a cudgel. “I don’t intend to submit myself to this blackmail,” she told Le Monde. “It’s a total perversion of the concept of national union. They’ll have to accept the consequences from the voters.” She went on, “This whole thing is a way of pushing aside the only political movement that has no responsibility in the present situation, along with its millions of voters. All the other parties are deathly afraid. They’re thinking of their little elections and their little mandates. Their old reflexes that have frozen political life for twenty years and that dug the chasm between those who govern and the people. If I’m not invited, I’m not going to insist. It’s an old trap. The slightest incident and they’ll say it’s my fault.”

François Lamy, a Socialist parliamentarian, retorted in Libération, “There’s no room for a political group that, for years, has divided French people, stigmatized our fellow-citizens because of their origin or religion, and can’t get behind a group march.” Jean-Vincent Placé, a senator from an environmentalist party, piled on: “We’re democratic enough to allow” the National Front “in our elections. We’re not going to turn the other cheek any farther than that.” But one Socialist source, who chose to remain anonymous, told Libération that it was a mistake to make such an issue of Sunday’s march. “After an event like this, it’s time to strengthen the dikes. What happened on Wednesday should serve to bring voters back to the Republic, not to draw attention to Marine Le Pen and company,” the source said, and concluded that the Socialist party had “fucked itself” by stepping into the Front’s trap...

"Fucked itself." You gotta love it.


Claire Berlinski Won't Be Leaving France

Seems like she gets more pissed off by the day.

At Richochet, "An Update From Paris: This Jew is Still Here, and She is Not Leaving":
I am Jewish. I am in France. And I am not leaving–not because of a handful of terrorist swine, and not even if there’s an army of them. This family of Jews will not be driven out of Europe twice. And as far as I’m concerned, the response a Jew should have to this outrage is the one we should have had before–when up against a far more fearsome enemy. We may die, but we’ll die fighting, and you’ll be amazed how many of you we take down with us.

So let me speak personally now to anyone who thinks he’ll get me out of here: We will always have Paris. I will always have Paris. As will all the people who belong here. You, however, will die.