Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Left's Sanctuary Movement Leads to Murder

At Frontpage Magazine, "TREASON OF THE CITIES":

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

On Monday, illegal alien Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a 45-year-old repeat drug offender who had been deported five times, was charged with killing Kathryn Steinle, 32, at Pier 14 in the "sanctuary city" of San Francisco. The details surrounding this case are a testament to the multi-layered bankruptcy of progressive ideology.

We begin with the contemptible notion of a sanctuary city itself. Despite the passage of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act of 1996 requiring cities to cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), there are literally hundreds of cities in the nation that provide safe haven for illegal aliens in open defiance of federal law. Yet because that law conflicts with progressive sensibilities, not a single lawsuit has ever been filed by the federal government against a sanctuary city for violating it. In a revealing contrast, the Obama administration has filed suit against states such as Arizona, Alabama and South Carolina that were attempting to enforce federal immigration law. The administration claimed the states had no right to do so—despite the reality the administration itself refuses to do so.

The case of Lopez-Sanchez itself is equally illuminating. Despite his presence in America following five deportations to his native country of Mexico, ICE turned Lopez-Sanchez over to San Francisco police on March 26 because he had an outstanding drug warrant. And despite the reality he had a record of seven felony convictions, San Francisco released Lopez-Sanchez to the streets on April 15, after the district attorney declined to prosecute him for a 20-year old marijuana possession charge. In short, the feds aided and abetted the release of a serial border-buster to a sanctuary city manifestly unwilling to jail a career criminal.

No one made that reality clearer than San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi. Mirkarimi first blamed ICE for Sanchez-Lopez’s release, insisting the agency didn’t file a formal court application to detain him. But in a later interview with CNN, his progressive instincts were revealed. The sheriff defended San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy, insisting it "makes us safer." "We’re a world-renowned city with a large immigrant population,” Mirkarimi declared. "And of that population is a population that is also here undocumented. From a law enforcement perspective, we want to build trust with that population. And our sanctuary city and other attendant laws have allowed us to do that.”

Mirkarimi’s arrogant defiance of federal law is nothing new. In a press release sent out last year, he boasted about a revision made to his department’s policy of retainment that "reduced the number of individuals released to ICE authorities by 62 percent. Only one other county in California had a policy of similar strength,” it stated.

San Francisco’s equally contemptible Mayor, Ed Lee, added ideologically-inspired insult to injury. Despite issuing a press release saying he was "deeply saddened" by the "tragic and senseless death,” of Steinle and that his "thoughts and prayers” were with her family, he also endorsed his city’s sanctuary policy. "Let me be clear: [the policy] protects residents regardless of immigration status and is not intended to protect repeat, serious and violent felons," he said. Lee further emphasized his commitment to "civil liberties" and "public safety” to explain his 2013 decision to "veto any legislation” undermining the San Francisco Sheriff's Department's ability to determined whether or not to honor ICE-issued "detainers" on a case-by-case basis.

As for ICE itself, their criticism of San Francisco rings exceedingly hollow. "We're not asking local law enforcement to do our job,'' ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said in a statement. "All we're asking is that they notify us when a serious foreign national criminal offender is being released to the street so we can arrange to take custody.’’

Utter sophistry, belied by two inconvenient realities. ICE had Lopez-Sanchez in custody before turning him over to San Francisco, and by any reasonable measure his record of five deportations should have made his continued retention a no-brainer.

Yet even more to the point, ICE itself has released tens of thousands of criminal immigrants onto America’s streets over the past two years. In FY2013, 36,007 criminal aliens were released, followed by another 30,558 criminal aliens in FY2014. ICE cited both overcrowding and the Supreme Court case Zadvydas v. Davis as their rationale for doing so. In that case the Court ruled the doctrine of plenary power does not allow the federal government to detain an immigrant under a deportation order indefinitely if no other country will accept him. As a result of that decision, 134,000 aliens were released into the general population in only three years. Moreover, ICE does not keep track of those they release--including the 618 sex offenders given their freedom in the 2013 mass release.

In an April House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Lamar Smith challenged ICE Director Sarah Saldaña regarding those releases, honing in on that Court case. “One-quarter of these 30,000 criminal aliens had been convicted of level one crimes, such as murder, rape, and sexual abuse of a minor,” Smith revealed. “Of those 30,000, only 8 percent were Zadvydas cases.” When Saldaña insisted that half of those released in 2014 were the result of the Zadvydas ruling, Smith noted the Obama administration was nonetheless releasing criminal aliens not affected by that ruling. “Why are you doing this to the American people?” Smith asked. “You know their recidivism rate is high. You know these individuals are going to be convicted of other crimes. Why are you doing the this to the American people?”

The answer is as simple as it is distressing: because the Obama administration has embraced the American left’s determination to ignore any law it doesn’t like, using a policy of selective law enforcement as a club to do so. Just as it is with sanctuary cities, Obama’s executive actions attempting to grant amnesty to as many illegals as possible, or the administration’s continuing policy of allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to surge over the nation's border—followed by their calculated dispersion throughout the nation—the extortionist message is clear: Americans will be force-fed so-called comprehensive immigration reform, whether they like it or not...
Still more at that top link.

Cartoon Credit: IBD.

ABC News San Francisco Reports Pier 14 Shooter 'Stole' BLM Officer's Glock Semiautomatic Pistol

The suspect Francisco Sanchez claimed he'd "found" the weapon underneath a bench, wrapped in a t-shirt. He also claims to have fired three rounds "accidentally."

But Vic Lee at ABC-7 News San Francisco is reporting on Twitter that the suspect "stole" the handgun, which is said to be similar to the Glock 19 9x19mm pictured.

However, the full report indicates that the suspect "found" the gun, although law enforcement officials stopped just short of alleging that Sanchez stole the weapon. See, "GUN USED IN SAN FRANCISCO PIER 14 SHOOTING WAS STOLEN FROM RANGER."

Sanctuary State: California Bars Local Law Enforcement from Detaining Illegal Aliens for Minor Convictions

It's not just the City of San Francisco. The entire State of California is one massive illegal immigration sanctuary.

Illegal aliens can't be detained after their release date at the local level.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Fatal shooting of S.F. woman reveals disconnect between ICE, local police; 5-time deportee charged":

Kathryn Steinle photo abc_califronia_woman_shot_and_killed_ii_7415_606_zpshd8jqdgu.jpg
At the root of the tragedy is the uneasy relationship between immigration authorities and local law enforcement in many parts of the country — but most notably in California and perhaps nowhere more so than in the Bay Area.

Eager to encourage immigrants who are in the country illegally to trust the criminal justice system and report crimes without fear that police will hand them off for deportation, San Francisco honors federal requests that immigrants be held for pickup only if their current crime and earlier conviction meet thresholds spelled out in a 2013 city ordinance.

Sanchez didn't meet those. His past crimes were too old, and the case he was booked on had evaporated.

Handed over to the San Francisco County Sheriff's Department in March on a bench warrant for a 20-year-old marijuana sales case, he was cut loose when prosecutors declined to charge him.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had lodged an "immigration detainer" with the Sheriff's Department asking to be "notified prior to his release," but "the detainer was not honored," ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said in a statement.

California's Trust Act, which went into effect in January 2014, bars local law enforcement from detaining defendants with most minor convictions past their release dates in order to hand them over to ICE, but it allows jurisdictions to turn over people such as Sanchez with past felony convictions.

San Francisco, however, is among a number of local governments — including Santa Clara and Alameda counties — with policies that are more protective of potentially deportable immigrants than the Trust Act.

Although the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department follows the Trust Act, for example, the Los Angeles Police Department has not honored an ICE request since mid-2014 "unless there is a warrant or other legal requirement to do so," LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith said Monday.

The issue was complicated further when a federal court in Oregon ruled in April 2014 that Clackamas County had violated a plaintiff's 4th Amendment rights by holding her for immigration authorities beyond her release date. A slew of jurisdictions that had been complying with the detainer requests soon stopped doing so.

Sanchez's case is among more than 10,000 in California and 17,000 nationwide since January 2014 in which an ICE request that an immigrant in the country illegally be detained for pickup was declined or ignored, ICE officials said...
PREVIOUSLY: "Is Your Church Abetting Sanctuary Nation?"

San Diego Teenager in Coma After Skateboard Crash

I gather the kid wasn't wearing a safety helmet.

At ABC 10 News San Diego, "Teen fights for his life after skateboard crash":

The teen was airlifted and has had some of the best care you can get, and he has needed it.

"We don't know the full damage right now," Robin said. "He will have a brain injury, [and] he will have hearing issues."

10News learned Joseph smacked the back of his head so hard his brain hit the front and became bruised.

"Yesterday, the swelling was just too much, and so they had to remove the right side of his skull," Robin explained. "They're going to take his feeding tubes now and surgically put them into his stomach tomorrow morning."

Then, they will wake him when, and if, he is ready.

"I just want him to wake up," Raymond said.
Raymond and Robin are the parents of Joseph Rogers, a 17-year-old going into his senior year in high school.

Is Your Church Abetting Sanctuary Nation?

Well, yeah, if you're a Unitarian Universalist.

See Michelle Malkin:
The random, heartless murder of a young tourist on San Francisco’s Pier 14 by a five-time illegal alien deportee who benefited from the “progressive” city’s sanctuary policy has law-abiding Americans, law enforcement officials and political opportunists of all stripes up in arms.

But for decades, feckless government leaders ignored the pleas of families who suffered the bloody consequences of open borders.
For every Kate Steinle who died at the hands of an illegal alien sanctuary beneficiary, there is a Tony, Michael and Matthew Bologna in San Francisco.

A Jamiel Shaw (age 17) or Xinran Ji (age 24) in Los Angeles.

A Martin Kudlis (age 3) in Denver.

An Iofemi Hightower, Dashon Harvey, Terrance Aeriel, or Natasha Aeriel in Newark.

A Zina Linnik (age 12) in Tacoma.

A Vanessa Pham (age 19) in Fairfax County, Va.

As I’ve reported time and again, liberal “sanctuary” programs in these metropolitan areas have protected, harbored and enabled criminal illegal aliens who disappeared into the deportation abyss. Both Democrats and Republicans, goaded by Big Government and Big Business interests, collaborated to turn America into a collective sanctuary nation. Non-enforcement is the rule, deportation evasion is the game, and the country is a safe haven — for law-breakers from around the world.

Yet, even as born-again tough-on-borders grandstanders now race in front of cameras to condemn these dangerous policies, churches across the country are brazenly thumbing their noses at our immigration laws. And political phonies are doing nothing to stop them...
Keep reading.

Michelle's got a lot of links at the post.

Cyberattack Can't Be Ruled Out for New York Stock Exchange Outage, Say Analysts

No, not at all.

I mean c'mon, all these outlets went down simultaneously, WSJ, NYSE, United Airlines? Yeah, musta been a glitch (rolls eyes).

At the Epoch Times:
Trading in securities was suspended on the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday at 11:32 a.m. “All open orders will be canceled. Additional information will follow as soon as possible,” stated a brief message on its website.

What exactly caused the shutdown is still under investigation, yet foul play could be a factor.

Two major issues have hit the global stock markets hard. Stock markets around the world fell on Monday after the “no” vote in the Greece referendum. In China, things are even more severe, where its stock bubble burst and its markets have plummeted around $3.25 trillion in value.

“I would say there is a high probability that adversarial nation-states are behind it, based on their increasingly advanced capabilities and brazenness,” said Casey Fleming, CEO of BLACKOPS Partners Corporation, which does counterintelligence and protection of trade secrets for Fortune 500 companies.

The NYSE, on its twitter account, quickly denied the possibility of a breach: “The issue we are experiencing is an internal technical issue and is not the result of a cyber breach.”

The attacks on NYSE and United Airlines are being reported as separate incidents with separate causes, but being publicly-traded companies they have to be careful about what they say. The cybersecurity community, in particular, is still not ruling out the possibility of a cyberattack.

According to cybersecurity news service, The Cyberwire, “Early indications are that there’s no sign of cyber attack, but of course this bears watching.”

Fleming noted, the Chinese stock exchange is down 25 percent this week, and “there is a possibility they are trying to manufacture a softer landing to the forecast hard landing.”

A representative from the New York Stock Exchange gave only vague details. Marissa Arnold, an NYSE spokeswoman, said in an e-mailed statement simply that, “We’re currently experiencing a technical issue that we’re working to resolve as quickly as possible,” and noting that updates will be provided “as soon as we can.”

Fleming emphasized that it could also be an unrelated error, and that hackers may have nothing to do with the system going down. “It could be someone left a soda can on top of a server in the data center, or a rat chewing on a cable.”

“But the coincidence is way too high,” he said, noting that several systems seem to have gone down around the same time. “United Airlines was down after a computer glitch, other websites are down, and now the New York Stock Exchange is down.”
PREVIOUSLY: "Cyberwarfare in Real Time," and "New York Stock Exchange Hit by Glitches or Hacked?"

Cyberwarfare in Real Time

At Zero Hedge, "Is This What the First World Cyber War Looks Like: Global Real Time Cyber Attack Map":
After a series of cyber failures involving first UAL, then this website, then the NYSE which is still halted, then the WSJ, some have suggested that this could be a concerted cyber attack (perhaps by retaliatory China unhappy its stocks are plunging) focusing on the US. So we decided to look at a real-time cyber attack map courtesy of Norsecorp which provides real time visibility into global cyber attacks.

What clearly stands out is that for some reason Chinese DDOS attacks/hackers seem to be focusing on St. Louis this morning.
Click through for the attack graphic.

PREVIOUSLY: "New York Stock Exchange Hit by Glitches or Hacked?"

New York Stock Exchange Hit by Glitches or Hacked?

You just don't get "glitches" on the NYSE. Nope, not buying it for a minute.

See BGR Media, "Do They Think We’re Idiots? Officals Say No Indication that NYSE Trading Halt is a Cyberattack":
The New York Stock Exchange has been shut down after reports from earlier this morning indicated the exchange was having technical difficulties processing orders. Despite this, the Department of Homeland Security has issued a statement saying that there are no indications that this is part of a cyberattack, although they also haven’t put out any statement about what the actual problem might be.

The reason we’re viewing this skeptically right now is that all United Airlines flights this were grounded due to computer glitches. What’s more The Wall Street Journal’s website similarly went down at around the same time that NYSE suspended its trading. What’s more, hugely popular financial blog Zero Hedge also went down this morning along with multiple Dow Jones websites.

While this isn’t definitive proof that there’s a massive hack going on, it would also be a huge coincidence to imagine that the world’s biggest financial newspaper and the New York Stock Exchange would both go down at once.

So what could be going on? Financial analyst Josh Brown speculates that China is likely involved. On his Twitter feed, Brown says that DHS officials are “lying or wrong” about there being no indication of there being a cyberattack. He speculates that China has not been happy about WSJ’s coverage of its own recent stock market woes and says it “isn’t happy with the way our financial media is reporting on its financial market woes.” China this week announced major trading restrictions that have frozen traders out of 72% of the market.

Again, this is all speculation, but this doesn’t strike us as a particularly crazy explanation...

Seems pretty obviouis to me.

Emily DiDonato for Maxim


Here: "Emily DiDonato Is Maxim's August 2015 Cover Girl."

China Markets Fall Sharply Despite Fresh Help From Beijing

Now this is interesting.

At WSJ, "Fears about faltering Chinese demand rattles commodities markets":
Chinese markets fell sharply Wednesday, even as officials scrambled to arrest a three-week stock selloff. The widespread selling has spilled into global markets and is deepening doubts about Beijing’s limits to halt it.

China introduced fresh measures to restore investor confidence Wednesday seemingly to little avail. Stocks and Chinese bonds traded offshore, even high-quality corporate bonds issued by top state-owned companies, are getting dumped. China’s offshore yuan, which trades freely, hit a four-month low against the U.S. dollar amid a dimming outlook for the world’s second-largest economy.

The Shanghai Composite fell 5.9% at 3507.19, after losses of as much as 8.2% earlier Wednesday. The index has lost 32.1% since its peak in mid-June. The smaller Shenzhen Composite fell 2.5% at 1884.45, down 40% from its high last month.

The ChiNext board, which measures startups, ended up 0.5% at 2364.05 after regulators committed to buying small-cap stocks. The index remains down 40.6% since its June peak.

In Hong Kong, which has until recently fared better than the Chinese mainland, the benchmark Hang Seng Index closed down 5.8%, wiping out all of its gains for the year. A gauge of Chinese companies with Hong Kong listings, known as H-shares, plunged 6.1%.

A spokesman for the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Deng Ge said in a statement that “irrational selloffs” had increased, and described the current market mood as “panic sentiment.”

Hundreds of Chinese stocks were frozen from trading Wednesday, with 1,287 companies halted. That represents 45.6% of the constituent stocks of the Shanghai Composite and Shenzhen Composite and $2.5 trillion of market capitalization, according to data from FactSet.

China has put an arsenal of measures to work in recent days to stem the selloff that has wiped out roughly $2.4 trillion in value from China’s equities. On Wednesday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced that the China Securities Finance Corp., a commission unit that provides financing for margin trading, will increase purchases of small-cap stocks. The move follows an earlier pledge by the company to buy blue-chip shares to stabilize the market. China’s central bank said it would help ensure the unit has ample liquidity to stabilize the market.

Also on Wednesday, regulators said they would ease rules for insurers to buy blue chips and said state-owned firms shouldn’t sell their holdings in publicly listed arms.

Beijing’s attempts are undoing liberalization efforts that the country had pursued during the past year, said Gan Ai Mee, an investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management, which has $490.8 billion in assets under management, and less exposure to Chinese stocks relative to other markets in its portfolio .

“It doesn’t bode so well for investor confidence,” she said. “It’s a step backwards in terms of financial reforms they’re trying to put through.”
Keep reading.

Between Greece, Europe, and China, U.S. treasuries are pretty much the only safe bet on international currency markets right not.

I've been saying this for years, but all the talk of American decline --- you know, about how this was supposed to be the Chinese century --- is a bunch of bull. Frankly, the world economy is crashing all around us and we'll likely see a global recession before too long, heh.

First Cousin Marriages in Britain's Pakistani Communities Leading to 'Appalling' Disabilities Among Children

Actually, the science is settled on this, but leftists aren't really about science. They're about deplorable political correctness and social depravity.

Pat Condell tweets the report from the Telegraph UK:

Deep Dreaming Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: The Great San Francisco Acid Wave

Robert Stacy McCain oughta get a load of this.

At Wire: "Google Deep Dream Turns 'Fear and Loathing' Into Nasty Trip."

Greece Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Speaks to European Parliament

At Telegraph UK, "Tspiras demands that Greece 'be given a way out of debt crisis' as Greek PM torn apart by EU":

The Greek PM is up.

He says he has now been given a mandate from his people to "redouble our effforts to get a socially just and economically sustainable solution to the Greek problem without repeating the mistakes of the past, which condemend the Greek economy."

He his government came to power five a half months ago and "I fully assume this responsibility for what has happened in the course of these give and a half months. But if we are being sincere, we must recognise that the basic responsibility for the impasse of the Greek economy...don't just concern the past five and a half months, but five and a half years."


Mr Tsipras says the majority of the Greek people "have no other choice but to "demand that they be given a way out."

"We demand an agreement with our neighbours but one that gives us a sign that we are exiting from the crisis and there is light at the end of the tunnel. An agreement which will bring about credible and neccessary reforms."

Reforms have been more "than ordinary citizens can stand."


Debt relief is not a means to take money off European taxpayers, says Mr Tsipras.

He says the bail-out money never trickled down to the Greek people, but to save European banks. That generates a round of applause from MEP's.


Europe is at "a crucial juncture". Mr Tsipras says his country's crisis is just a manifestation of Europe's inability to solve its debt crisis.

"What we now need is a European solution to a European problem."

And with that, Mr Tsipras's address ends.


Marine Le Pen speaks.

Some odd bed fellows for the Leftist Mr Tsipras. France's Marine Le Pen is next to deliver a rousing defence of his country against euro diktats.

Like Mr Farage, she is advocating an exit from the "steel jaws" of the euro.
Check back for updates.

Hillary Clinton Now Has More Than 60 Paid Staffers in Iowa Alone — Bigger Than Any Other Campaign

From Jennifer Jacobs, at the Des Moines Register, "Clinton campaign adds 20 paid Iowa staffers":
Hillary Clinton has hired 20 more field organizers to campaign for her in Iowa, and they started work Tuesday, a spokeswoman told the Des Moines Register.

"A top flight organizing staff is critical to winning the caucus and we're excited to add to the team that has been on the ground for nearly three months," Clinton's Iowa director, Matt Paul, told the Register in a statement.

Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, is in Iowa Tuesday for her fourth visit to the first-in-the-nation voting state since she formally announced her candidacy April 12. She was scheduled to do events in Iowa City and Ottumwa.

Lily Adams, the campaign's Iowa spokeswoman, declined to reveal the total number of Iowa staff, which includes a team of strategists based in Des Moines, but said the 20 hires join the existing team of 21 field organizers and six regional organizing directors on the ground since April.

All 47 are paid, Adams said.

The field staffers are focused on organizing down to the precinct level, doing one-on-one meetings with activists, county chairs and Iowans who have never caucused before, as well as organize house parties and attend local Democratic events. They use commitment cards to secure pledges to caucus for Clinton on Feb. 1.

Hillary Confronts the Enemy

At Politico, "For the first three months of her campaign, Clinton remained virtually off limits to the national media. But on Tuesday she sat for her first nationally broadcast interview":

Hillary Clinton’s campaign, unlike those of her rivals, has provided the media with information about the fundraisers attended by the former secretary of state, down to the names of the donors who hosted and the head count for each event. Its communications shop has so far maintained a constructive working relationship with the press corps — senior staffers last month mingled with reporters over beers after a background briefing at the Brooklyn campaign headquarters.

That new spirit of openness may have neutralized the famously toxic relationship between the press and the Clinton operation, but with Bernie Sanders turning out huge crowds and the Republicans about to steal the spotlight next month with their first debate, Clinton operatives have realized it’s time to cross the final, harrowing frontier: providing access to the candidate herself.

For the first three months of her campaign, Clinton remained virtually off-limits to the national press. She did not sit down for a national television interview (her most recent occurred during her book tour for “Hard Choices” in 2014), nor did she grant any interviews to national newspapers or websites. With questions surrounding her use of private email during her years at the State Department, and surrounding the Clinton Foundation, the candidate herself remained as distant from the national media as ever — and it shows in the press coverage of her second presidential bid.

On Tuesday, after a campaign stop in New Hampshire, the campaign sought to enter a new phase of its relations with the press — Clinton sat with CNN’s Brianna Keilar (notably a beat reporter, not one of the network’s anchors who are household names) for her first nationally broadcast interview.

More interviews will follow, communications director Jennifer Palmieri has promised.

Clinton insiders said July makes sense for Hillary’s moment to finally embrace national television — enough time has passed since the height of the controversies surrounding the Clinton Foundation and her use of a private email address at the State Department that she will have space to talk about her own campaign message.

But the campaign doesn’t have the luxury of waiting much longer: In August, Clinton is scheduled to go on vacation, and then the crowded Republican field will be chewing up news cycles with the first debate — possibly defining Clinton on a national stage.

“Now is a good time for the campaign to take back control of the story of who Hillary Clinton is,” said longtime donor Jay Jacobs. “She can now use [national television] to accomplish that.” In terms of the controversies she will have to respond to, he said, “The tide has been turned.” Beginning Monday, Clinton will also start rolling out more detailed policy proposals to discuss...
There's more at the link, although that's a strange dig against Brianna Keilar, whose beat is in fact the Hillary Clinton campaign as Senior Political Correspondent for CNN. "Notably" she fills in for anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper regularly, and for the most part she's fair and balanced.

That said, Politico downplays what's obviously going on in Camp Clinton: they're shitting bricks at the rise of Bernie Sanders, who looks to make this a real race. It's pretty interesting, in fact.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Readers' Questions on Greece Crisis

Very informative.

At the Financial Times, "Greece debt crisis: Readers’ questions answered."

Five Days to Save Greece From the Abyss Warns Europe

At the Telegraph UK, "'This is the most critical moment in our history' - five days to save Greece from the abyss warn European leaders":
Creditor powers ready plans to deal with humanitarian crisis and a banking collapse in Greece as agreement remains perilously out of reach.

The European Union faces "the most critical" moment in its 64-year history, after leaders warned they had five days to prevent Greece from careering out of the euro and into a full blown humanitarian crisis.

"Our inability to find agreement may lead to the bankruptcy of Greece and the insolvency of its banking system", said Donald Tusk, head of the European Council, after talks between Greece and its partners ended without agreement on Tuesday night...
More at Euronews, "New deadline for Greek debt deal: Eurozone leaders have given Greece until Thursday to present a comprehensive reform package to the Eurogroup finance ministers."

Activists Petition to Rename Robert E. Lee Elementary School in Long Beach, California

From Tim Grobaty, at the Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Robert E. Lee and the ‘PC Nazis’ Square Off":

Our series of columns regarding the idea of a name change for Robert E. Lee Elementary School has resulted in a lot of anger and otherwise vitriolic disagreement, because that’s how life goes these days. “PC Nazi” is among the more cordial things we’ve been called since we sprang this on the readership last month.

Of the 500 or so comments we’ve received, the largest category is, “What about all those other guys?”

Jerry, or jjm2154 as he’s called on Yahoo!, is a typical responder in this camp. “Twelve presidents were slave owners, eight while in office,” he notes. “There are five schools in the LBUSD name dafter people who were slave owners. Do we change them also?”

“Political correctness and history revisionism gone berserk,” proclaims another commenter. “There really was a Civil War and you cannot name-change it away. What’s next, changing the name of Knott Avenue because Walter Knott was a Republican?” Well, yes, that does seem to follow.

Another,, wonders, “Where will it stop? Luther Burbank and David Starr Jordan were proponents of eugenics. Should they go too?”

We don’t know, we’re just a lowly PC Nazi, not the PC Heinrich Himmler.

And we truly don’t know. Maybe. Maybe change them slowly; one a year until everything’s cleared up.

At that rate, it’ll be after many of us are dead before the worst are weeded out and replaced by newer heroes. Surely people have made some significant accomplishments in the last 150 years....

But the matter at hand is Robert E. Lee, and a decision by the Long Beach Board of Education could come as early as the July 20 meeting. Meanwhile, apart from our gentle nudging, Earl Ofari Hutchinson and his Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable has entered the fray, delivering a petition of 57 signatures to the Board of Education on Monday, and Tuesday, the group announced that Al Sharpton has announced his support for the name change, which will no doubt enrage, in a deeply satisfying way, the anti-name change camp. Hutchinson has warned the board that “civil rights leaders will call for a march in Long Beach... if local officials refuse to take action.”
I think it's all out of control, but I'm not going to defend the Confederacy. Folks know my reasoning, and it's America's majority opinion by a wide margin. See, "Majority of Americans See Confederate Flag as Symbol of Southern Pride."

Texas' Revised Social Science Curriculum Whitewashes Role of Slavery in Origins of Civil War

Maybe Stogie should move to Texas?

At the Washington Post, "How Texas is whitewashing Civil War history."

PREVIOUSLY: "Leftist Stogie at Saberpoint Joins Marxists and Radical Libertarians on Civil War Revisionism."

Tuesday Afternoon with Robyn Lawley

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Woman at Hillary Clinton 4th of July Parade Wears Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul Stickers with Benghazi Sign in Hand

Gotta be some deeper significance. You know, the surge in populism this season.

Seen on Twitter:

Greece Clings to Hope as Alexis Tsipras Battles Banking Collapse

At the Guardian UK, "Prime minister pleads with sceptical leaders to provide two-pronged financial assistance with Angela Merkel saying it is ‘matter of days’ until time runs out":
Greece continued to cling to hopes of remaining within the eurozone as it pleaded with its sceptical European partners on Tuesday to agree fresh financial assistance that would prevent the collapse of its banks within the next few days.

Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, submitted proposals for a third bailout to a summit of eurozone leaders in Brussels, making clear that his country would also need immediate support to stop a banking collapse that would force a return to the drachma.

Greece’s new finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, prompted optimism of a breakthrough when he said there was “political will” in Brussels to keep the eurozone intact.

Government sources in Greece said Tsipras has proposed a two-pronged approach. The prime minister asked for three to four months of bridging finance that would keep the banks open and allow Athens to pay their pressing debts to the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. That would be followed by a third bailout package lasting two years, which would include debt relief.

Despite his favoured no vote winning Sunday’s referendum by a large majority, Tsipras is aware that both emergency finance and a longer-term deal under the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) would come with significant strings attached.

In the hope that Washington would lean on Brussels to agree a deal, Tsipras spoke to Barack Obama before the summit. The US president then spoke to Angela Merkel, putting pressure on the German chancellor to keep Greece in the eurozone. The White House is keen to avoid Greece leaving the euro, fearful that it could increase Russia’s influence in the eastern Mediterranean.

Brussels has made it clear that Greece’s fate will be decided quickly. Refusal by eurozone leaders – many of whom have lost patience with Tsipras – would lead to Greece’s departure from the single currency being confirmed at the impending summit of all 28 European Union countries, which has been tentatively planned for Sunday...
Keep reading.

Outrageous! Obama White House Blames Republicans for Murder of Kathryn Steinle!

The Obama White House blamed this on Republicans for "not passing comprehensive immigration reform"?

You can't be serious?

At Truth Revolt, "Outrageous: White House Blames Republicans for Steinle Murder."

And watch, from Fox & Friends this morning, "Placing Blame - White House Says GOP Responsible for Steinle's Death - Illegal Immigration."

NewsBusted — Bernie Sanders Surging in the Polls...

Heh, Jodie Miller's still got it, via Theo Spark.

Gang of Black Thugs Beats White Tourist Bloody, Crowd of Black Bystanders Does Nothing to Help (VIDEO)

More on the black thug violence in Cincinnati.

At CBS This Morning:

And here's the video of the bloodied white man being mocked by the black crowd of bystanders: "Cincinnati 7/4/15 Fountain Square."

PREVIOUSLY: "Black Mob Violence in Cincinnati on 4th of July (VIDEO)."

Novak Djokovic Screams at Wimbledon Ball Girl, Reducing Her to Tears (VIDEO)

He does this a lot.

Remember from April?, "Tennis star Novak Djokovic publicly apologises to ball boy and his parents after youngster was caught in outburst after he lost set against Andy Murray."

Hey, maybe some anger management classes bro?

At London's Daily Mail, "Now Djokovic loses his cool: World number one yells at ballgirl during tense clash - the day after Australian Nick Kyrgios got embroiled in racism row over court outburst," and "Novak Djokovic vows to apologise to ball girl after outburst during thrilling win at Wimbledon 2015 over Kevin Anderson."

Watch the video: "Novak Djokovic loses his cool with ball-boy [girl] at Wimbledon."

BBHMM: Rihanna's Violent 'Bitch Better Have My Money' Music Video

So, there's this Rihanna gangland "BBHMM" video.


Here: "Rihanna - Bitch Better Have My Money (Explicit)."

Does it promote violence? Violence against women? Does it glorify pot-smoking, gun-wielding thug life?

Prolly. Although it's not a new debate. Back in the 1990s everybody was all, "Violent video games cause criminal tendencies among young gamers, yo."

 And now here comes the radical feminist backlash, of course.

At the Guardian UK, "Feminists fall out over ‘violent, misogynistic’ Rihanna video":
Bitch Better Have My Money (BBHMM) is a slick seven-minute film, co-directed by one of the few black women in America who has managed to get right to the top of a male-dominated pop industry.

The plot is simple – an accountant has defrauded the singer out of money, so she kidnaps his wife, a spoiled, wealthy white woman complete with chichi dog and diamonds. With two friends, she bundles her into a trunk, strips her, swings her upside down from a rope, knocks her out with a bottle, then lets her almost drown in a swimming pool.

When that doesn’t get her the money, Rihanna finds the accountant, straps him to a chair, shows a collection of knives presumably used to finish him off, and then is shown blood-covered and naked in a trunk of money.

A show of sisterhood it isn’t, although the homage to Hollywood’s girl power blockbuster Thelma and Louise, with Rihanna and her co-conspirators riding off in a 1960s blue convertible, suggest the artist might think differently.
More at Bustle, "Who's The Wife In Rihanna's 'BBHMM' Music Video? Hannibal's On-Screen Wife Had Pretty Terrifying Night — VIDEO."

And at the Atlantic, "‘BBHMM’: Rihanna's New Video Does Exactly What It's Supposed To":
Of all the scandalized reactions to Rihanna’s music video for “Bitch Better Have My Money,” my favorite comes, as is not surprising for this sort of thing, from the Daily Mail. Labelling herself in the headline as a “concerned parent” (a term to transport one to the days of Tipper Gore’s crusade against lyrics if there ever was one), Sarah Vine opens her column by talking at length about how so very, very reluctant she was to watch Rihanna’s new clip. Then she basically goes frame-by-frame through the video, recounting her horror at what unfolds. “By the time it had finished, I wondered whether I ought not to report [Rihanna] to the police,” Vine writes. “Charges: pornography, incitement to violence, racial hatred.”

Bill O'Reilly Unloads on 'Sanctuary City' San Francisco, 'Directly Responsible' for Kathryn Steinle Murder (VIDEO)


O'Reilly just explodes!

Watch: "O'Reilly: Trump Right About Border Wall, San Francisco Officials 'Directly Responsible' for Steinle Murder."

Hannah Davis in Red, White, and Blue Bikini Sucking on a Popsicle for America

At BroBible:

San Francisco's Poor Denied Affordable Health Programs Under ObamaCare

San Francisco's poor had more affordable (and accessible) care before the ObamaCare monstrosity rendered the healthcare system asunder.


Austin Dillon Walks Away from Horrifying Crash at Coke Zero 400 at Daytona International Speedway

At USA Today, "Austin Dillon in horrifying crash; five fans injured."

Scot Breithaupt, Founder of BMX, Found Dead in Tent in Vacant Lot in Indio

Well, doesn't sound like that nice of a place to check out.

I never met him, but Scot Breithaupt's name is immediately recognizable from my own BMX days in the 1970s.

I was riding both bikes and skateboards for awhile. Once the big SoCal skateparks came around, though, not too many of us were riding BMX.

In any case, at LAT, "Scot Breithaupt dies at 57; started global BMX craze in Long Beach."

Zandria Robinson, Dirty Southern Black Feminist Sociologist, Now Teaching at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee

That's her handle, "Dirty Southern Black Feminist Sociologist," not mine.

She's definitely a dirty black bitch.

At Weasel Zippers, "Black Memphis Professor Who Left Job Under Cloud for Racist Comments Resurfaces at Another School."

54-Year-Old Man Gored to Death at St. Pere Festival, Castellon, Spain

The poor fucker got up and ran, but later collapsed. He died after being taken to the hospital.

Those bull runs are extremely hazardous to your health.

At London's Daily Mail, "A bull gored the man to death at the St Pere festival, held in Castellon: The local man was tossed around like a rag doll in the prolonged attack."

Watch at the video: "Shocking moment elderly man is thrown around by angry bull."

Florida State University Removes De'Andre Johnson After Punching Video Comes Out

A black privileged athlete asshole.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up. He was cut loose like a piece of highway scum stuck in the headlights.

At LAT, "Florida State removes De'Andre Johnson from team after punching video comes out."

Watch the video: "Video shows punch thrown by FSU QB De'Andre Johnson."

Swiss Artist Arrested for Nude Selfie 'Performance' with Tourists at Eiffel Tower

Well, that's just crazy.

At the Independent UK, "Artist Milo Moire arrested in Paris for taking naked selfies with passers-by in front of the Eiffel Tower."

And at London's Daily Mail, "Female artist is arrested after posing for NAKED selfies with tourists beside the Eiffel Tower as part of a ‘performance’."

Donald Trump: Mexico is Sending 'Tremendous Infectious Disease ... Pouring Across the Border'

Oh boy.

Trump's going aggro with his comments on Mexican rapists. Now he's saying, in a written statement, that Mexico is sending "tremendous infectious disease" across the border.

At the Daily Beast, "Trump Warns of Diseased Immigrants Coming Across the Border — Adds Insult to Injury." (And at Memeorandum.)

Here's his statement:

Statement from Donald J. Trump:

I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet this statement is deliberately distorted by the media:

“When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. This was evident just this week when, as an example, a young woman in San Francisco was viciously killed by a 5 time deported Mexican with a long criminal record, who was forced back into the United States because they didn’t want him in Mexico. This is merely one of thousands of similar incidents throughout the United States. In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. On the other hand, many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.

The Mexican Government wants an open border as long as it’s a ONE WAY open border into the United States. Not only are they killing us at the border, but they are killing us on trade … and the country of Mexico is making billions of dollars in doing so.

I have great respect for Mexico and love their people and their peoples’ great spirit. The problem is, however, that their leaders are far smarter, more cunning, and better negotiators than ours. To the citizens of the United States, who I will represent far better than anyone else as President, the Mexican government is not our friend…and why should they be when the relationship is totally one sided in their favor on both illegal immigration and trade. I have pointed this out during my speeches and it is something Mexico doesn’t want me to say. In actuality, it was only after my significant rise in the polls that Univision, previously my friend, went ballistic. I believe that my examples of bad trade deals for the United States was of even more concern to the Mexican government than my talk of border security.

I have lost a lot during this Presidential run defending the people of the United States. I have always heard that it is very hard for a successful person to run for President. Macy’s, NBC, Serta and NASCAR have all taken the weak and very sad position of being politically correct even though they are wrong in terms of what is good for our country. Univision, because 70% of their business comes from Mexico, in my opinion, is being dictated to by the Mexican Government. The last thing Mexico wants is Donald Trump as President in that I will make great trade deals for the United States and will have an impenetrable border--only legally approved people will come through easily.

Interestingly, Univision has just announced they are attempting to go public despite very poor and even negative earnings, which is not a good situation for a successful IPO or high stock price—not to mention that I am currently suing them for breach of contract. Remember, Univision is the one who began this charade in the first place, and they are owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers. After the speech was made, there were numerous compliments and indeed, many rave “reviews”—there was very little criticism. It wasn’t until a week after my announcement that people started to totally distort these very easy to understand words. If there was something stated incorrectly, it would have been brought up immediately and with great enthusiasm.

The issues I have addressed, and continue to address, are vital steps to Make America Great Again! Additionally, I would be the best jobs President that God ever created. Let’s get to work!
See the reaction at Memeorandum.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Greece Given 24-Hour Deadline

Never a dull moment over there.

At the Guardian UK, "Eurozone struggles to find joint response to Greek referendum":

Heads of governments at odds as Germany and European commission let Greece stew while France, Italy and Spain are impatient for a deal.

Germany and France scrambled to avoid a major split over Greece on Monday evening as the eurozone delivered a damning verdict on Alexis Tsipras’s landslide referendum victory on Sunday and Angela Merkel demanded that the Greek prime minister put down new proposals to break the deadlock.

As concerns mount that Greek banks will run out of cash, and about the damage being inflicted on the country’s economy, hopes for a breakthrough faded. EU leaders voiced despair and descended into recrimination over how to respond to Sunday’s overwhelming rejection of eurozone austerity terms as the price for keeping Greece in the currency.

Tsipras, meanwhile, moved to insure himself against purported eurozone plots to topple him and force regime change by engineering a national consensus of the country’s five mainstream parties behind his negotiating strategy, focused on securing debt relief. Tsipras also sacrificed his controversial finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, in what was seen as a conciliatory signal towards Greece’s creditors.

In Paris, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President François Hollande tried to plot a common strategy after Greeks returned a resounding no to five years of eurozone-scripted austerity. The two leaders were trying to find a joint approach to the growing crisis ahead of an emergency eurozone summit on Tuesday to deal with the fallout.

But Merkel said there was no current basis for negotiating with the Greek side and called on Tsipras to make the next move.

As eurozone leaders prepared for today’s emergency summit in Brussels, the heads of government were at odds. France, Italy and Spain are impatient for a deal while Germany, the European commission and northern Europe seem content to let Greece stew and allow the euphoria following Sunday’s vote to give way to the sobering realities of bank closures, cash shortages and isolation.

Greek banks are to remain closed until Thursday at the earliest, it was announced, with ATM withdrawals rationed to €60 daily.

“The prospects of a happy resolution of this crisis are rapidly diminishing,” said the British chancellor, George Osborne, after speaking to some of the key policymakers. “If there is no signal from these meetings that Greece and the eurozone are ready to get around the table again, we can expect the financial situation in Greece to deteriorate rapidly.”

The commission had nothing positive at all to say about Sunday’s Greek referendum, while Germany’s increasingly hardline social democratic leader, Sigmar Gabriel, warned that Greece was on the brink of insolvency.

He accused Tsipras, the radical leftist prime minister who outmanoeuvred the rest of the eurozone with his plebiscite, of ruthlessly pursuing the Greek national interest at everyone else’s expense. His message suggested a Grexit was now inevitable as he stressed the need for EU humanitarian programmes to forestall social implosion in Greece.
Utterly amazing.

Still more.

Germany's Power Polarizes Europe

Yeah, which explains all the Angela Merkel Hitler paraphernalia.

At the Wall Street Journal, "The Continent’s most powerful country is grappling with its leadership role—and other nations are, too":
BERLIN—Under the glass Reichstag dome in Germany’s parliament last week, left-wing opposition leader Gregor Gysi lit into Chancellor Angela Merkel for saddling Greece with a staggering unemployment rate, devastating wage cuts, and “soup kitchens upon soup kitchens.”

The chancellor, sitting a few steps away with a blank expression on her face, scrolled through her smartphone.

Ms. Merkel’s power after a decade in office has become seemingly untouchable, both within Germany and across Europe. But with the “no” vote in Sunday’s Greek referendum on bailout terms posing the biggest challenge yet to decades of European integration, risks to the European project resulting from Germany’s rise as the Continent’s most powerful country are becoming clear.

On Friday, Spanish antiausterity leader Pablo Iglesias urged his countrymen: “We don’t want to be a German colony.” On Sunday, after Greece’s result became clear, Italian populist Beppe Grillo said, “Now Merkel and bankers will have food for thought.” On Monday, Ms. Merkel flew to Paris for crisis talks amid signs the French government was resisting Berlin’s hard line on Greece.

“What is happening now is a defeat for Germany, especially, far more than for any other country,” said Marcel Fratzscher, head of the German Institute for Economic Research, a leading Berlin think tank. “Germany has, at the end of the day, helped determine most of the European decisions of the last five years.”

Senior German officials, in private moments, marvel at the fact that their country, despite its weak military and inward-looking public, now has a greater impact on most European policy debates than Britain or France, and appears to wield more global influence that at any other time since World War II.

Berlin think-tank elites, diplomats and mainstream politicians generally see the rise of German power as a good thing. They describe the stability, patience and rules-based discipline of today’s German governance as what Europe needs in these turbulent times. Germany—with its export-dependent economy and history-stained national identity—has the most to lose from an unraveling of European integration and is focused on keeping the union strong, they say.

Ms. Merkel’s popularity at home has remained strong through the Greek crisis, holding about steady at 67% in a poll at the end of June. She now must weigh whether to offer additional carrots to Greece to keep the country in the euro and preserve the irreversibility of membership in the common currency—at the risk of political backlash at home and the ire of German fiscal hawks. Only 10% of Germans supported further concessions for Greece in another poll last week.

U.S. officials generally see German leadership as crucial geopolitically, praising Ms. Merkel’s push last year to get all 28 European Union countries to adopt sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. But across Europe, Germany’s power is also straining unity in the EU, an alliance forged as a partnership of equals that now is struggling to accommodate the swelling dominance of one member.

With every crisis in which Ms. Merkel acts as the Continent’s go-to problem solver, the message to many other Europeans is that for all the lip service about the common “European project,” it is the Germans and faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who run the show...
Power is the ultima ratio.

Still more.

Holly Williams Reports: Anxiety in Greece After 'No' Vote

More excellent coverage from Holly Williams in Athens, for CBS News, "Celebrations, anxiety after "no" vote in Greece."

Ferocious Debate Over San Francisco's Status as Sanctuary City

Following-up from earlier, "Kathryn Steinle Murder: San Francisco Sanctuary City Garnering Major National Media Attention."

Ah, not the best publicity for your city, but hey, the Dems are compassionate!

At CBS News San Francisco:

Euclid Tsakalótos Takes Over as New Greece Finance Minister

At Zero Hedge, "Meet New Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos."

Germany Sticks to Hard Line After Greece 'No' Vote

At the New York Times, "Germany Maintains a Hard Line on Greece Debt After Vote":
ATHENS — Germany maintained a hard line with Athens on Monday after Greek voters rejected Europe’s austerity policies in a referendum, intensifying pressure on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to restart bailout talks and opening a rift with European countries that appeared more inclined now to consider softening the push for austerity.

As Mr. Tsipras changed his finance minister Monday and laid plans to restart bailout negotiations with creditors, however, it appeared the jubilation that followed the no vote in Greece could fade quickly as signs of financial collapse become more evident.

While the referendum may have lifted Mr. Tsipras’s popularity and bought some time to return to negotiations, Greek banks are almost out of cash and are expected to stay closed for at least several more days, analysts and people close to the situation in Greece said.

The government decided on Monday that a bank holiday scheduled to end Tuesday would now be extended through Wednesday, and a daily cap on A.T.M. withdrawals of 60 euros, about $66, in place since last week, could be tightened. An announcement was expected later in the day. Long lines formed again at cash machines in Athens on Monday as people continued to take out money in dribs and drabs.

The European Central Bank decided Monday to maintain emergency loans to Greek banks at about 89 billion euros, a level that keeps them from failing but will not prevent them from running out of cash they can issue to depositors within a few days.

Ominously, the central bank also said it would tighten requirements for collateral that Greek banks must post in return for loans. The decision means that, even if the European Central Bank decides to increase the lending limit, Greek banks might not have enough collateral needed to qualify for more emergency cash...
Continue reading.

Kathryn Steinle Murder: San Francisco Sanctuary City Garnering Major National Media Attention

Following-up from earlier, "Illegal Alien Francisco Sanchez Chose San Francisco for Its 'Sanctuary City' Policies."

Now here's Bret Baier, at Fox News:

CNN's also had non-stop coverage of the story, and I haven't even seen the evening news broadcasts yet. And watch Donald Trump's poll numbers. Leftists will be apoplectic.

PREVIOUSLY: "Kathryn Steinle, Vibrant 32-Year-Old San Francisco Woman, Murdered by Illegal Alien Suspect Francisco Sanchez," and "Deported 5 Times Previously, Illegal Alien Confesses to Murder of Kathryn Steinle at San Francisco's Pier 14."

Mona Hussein Obama Blames 'Right Wing' in Non-Apology for Death Threats Against CJ Pearson


Out Magazine: The 'Lesbian-Led' U.S. Women's Team Defeats Japan in World Cup Final

For the left it's not enough for the women's team to win the tournament. It's has to be the "lesbian-led" women's team.


At Out Magazine:

Andrew O’Keefe, Drug-Addled Boston Leftist, Faces Federal Charges for Threatening President Obama

The dude's a long-haired drug-addled Boston hippie.

And his father said he was depressed and abusing drugs. Yeah, I'm sure the leftist MSM will be all over this.

At the North Attleborough Sun-Chronicle, "Mansfield man accused of threatening president had cache of weapons in his apartment, police say":
Police found last week a cache of swords and knives, a DVD on the use of cyanide and a testing kit from a local man who allegedly threatened to kill President Barack Obama, according to court records made public today.

The weapons were discovered in the West Village apartment of 26-year-old Andrew J. O’Keefe last Friday, after he allegedly sent a threatening message via the Internet to an FBI tip line, a police search warrant affidavit said.

“I’m planning to kill President Barack Obama and I’ve got a really good plan. Have the Secret Service give me a visit. I could use some company,” the message said, according to the affidavit filed by Mansfield Detective John Armstrong.

O’Keefe allegedly identified himself by his Social Security number in the spoken electronic message, Armstrong wrote.

Police and the Secret Service descended on O’Keefe’s third-story, two-bedroom loft at West Village, a large apartment complex off West Street, last Friday after receiving the threat.

They searched the apartment after a 1 1/2-hour standoff with O’Keefe before he surrendered without incident. About 10 residents in the apartment building at the time were evacuated.

Inside, police found O’Keefe’s apartment in disarray, with numerous knives and swords lying about and more of the same type of weapons in a duffle bag under a living room table.

Authorities say one of the weapons was a plastic buck knife that would go undetected through a metal detector.

In addition, police found a box of cigarette lighters, a cyanide testing kit with at least one test strip missing and a DVD on cyanide use, according to the affidavit.

Police seized a sword and dagger from his car, in addition to an air compressed electronic rifle and a GPS device.

Authorities also seized his computer, which is now in the custody of the Secret Service for examination.

A state police K-9 unit checked the apartment, but found no explosives.

A local fire department Hazmat team was called because of concerns about a “foggy” liquid in three large water bottles inside the apartment, but the team determined the unknown liquid was not hazardous, according to court records.

O’Keefe, who court records say has a bi-polar disorder, was arrested today on a warrant at Norwood Hospital, where he was due to be released after a psychological evaluation.

The warrant charges him with two counts of carrying a dangerous weapon.

He has not been charged yet with threatening the president, but remains under investigation by local police and the Secret Service.

His arraignment on the weapons charges in Attleboro District Court was postponed until Friday to allow a state psychologist to examine him.

His father Michael O’Keefe filed a petition asking the court for a substance abuse evaluation for his son and also told the court his son was depressed and abuses marijuana.

Andrew O’Keefe was supposed to be in court for a previous case in which he faces multiple counts of assault by means of a dangerous weapon stemming from an arrest in November on Lindsey Street in North Attleboro.

In that case, police allege O’Keefe swung a 4-foot medieval sword when they arrived for a well-being check. Police say they had to hit O’Keefe with a Taser and a bean bag gun, according to court records.

O’Keefe pleaded innocent to the charges.
Yeah, the dude hangs out in the basement smoking marijuana, swinging his medieval battle sword, and playing Dungeons & Dragons.

A typical leftist loser.

Also at the Boston Globe:

So You Think Greece Can't Happen Here?

Think again.

From Michael Tanner, at the New York Post, "Think Greece can’t happen here? You’re wrong":
Most Americans look at the rerun of the Greek euro crisis with something between smug amusement and condescending disapproval. When will those profligate Greeks get their economic house in order and stop looking to others to bail them out?
But, should people living in glass economic houses really throw stones?

After all, just like Greece, the United States government has been living beyond its means, running up an enormous debt that will eventually need to be repaid.

True, our budget deficit this year will be lower than it has been, just $486 billion compared to $1.4 trillion as recently as 2009. But this is just a temporary respite. Within the next couple of years the deficit will start to rise again. By 2025, we will again face trillion-dollar shortfalls.

And even a $486 billion deficit adds to our ever growing debt. Our national debt currently approaches $18.2 trillion, roughly 101% of GDP. That’s right. We owe more than the value of all the goods and services produced in this country every year. It is as if your credit-card bills exceeded your entire pay check.

That’s not quite as bad as Greece, of course, whose debt exceeds 177% of their GDP. But it is worse than countries like France or Spain.

And give us time! Like Greece, the driving force behind our debt is the growing cost of entitlement programs for health care and retirement. If one includes future unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare, our real debt exceeds $90 trillion.

That’s more than five times our GDP. Greece is still in worse shape — their unfunded liabilities top 875% of GDP — but we’re gaining.

At the heart of Greece’s problems lies a government grown too big, too intrusive, and too expensive. The Greek government spent nearly half of the country’s GDP last year (49.3%), and that actually represents a decline from the 51.8% it averaged since 2006. The Greek’s may complain about austerity, but they’ve hardly practiced it.

Our government is far smaller than Greece’s today. Federal spending is just 20.5% of GDP. But, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s alternative fiscal scenario, that could rise to almost 34% by mid-century. Factoring in state and local government spending, which already accounts for roughly 14.4% of GDP, total government expenditure in the US could reach 48% to 50% in 2050, roughly Greek levels...
When America goes belly up, there'll be no one out there to bail us out. We're the top dog in the world economy, and likely will be for a long time. Frankly, our growing list of enemies around the world will be cheering America's collapse.

But continue reading.

Playboy's Miss July Kayla Rae Reid (VIDEO)

I love summer!

Watch, "Spend Some Time at the Beach With Miss July 2015 Kayla Rae Reid."

Democracy Now! Greece Rejects Austerity: 'Democracy Cannot Be Blackmailed' (VIDEO)

Professor Costas Panayotakis is the author of Remaking Scarcity: From Capitalist Inefficiency to Economic Democracy (The Future of World Capitalism).

He's interview by communist Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!

And ICYMI, the take on Greece from the far-left, "Steve Randy Waldman on Greece Crisis."

Angels Surge in the Power Rankings!

The Angels scored over 30 runs in their sweep of the Rangers this weekend. It was astonishing. And folks are noticing.

At Sports Illustrated, "Power Rankings: Pirates up to No. 2, Angels, Cubs move into top 10":

It's been a dramatic turnaround for the Angels, who have ripped off wins in seven of their last eight games to pull to within three games of the Astros in the AL West and into first place in the wild card race. Despite the exit of general manager Jerry Dipoto after a reported power struggle with manager Mike Scioscia, Los Angeles went 5–1 last week, taking two of three from the Yankees in Anaheim before sweeping the Rangers in Texas.

It's been the offense carrying the Angels of late, especially against the Rangers. Los Angeles hitters battered Texas hurlers to the tune of 33 runs in three games, including a 13–0 rout on Saturday. The Angels' lineup is slowly showing signs of life beyond Mike Trout (a team-high 174 OPS+) and Albert Pujols (leading the club with 25 homers): Kole Calhoun tore opposing pitchers apart last week and has hit .308/.321/.654 in his last seven games, while Erick Aybar has hit a sterling .478 in his last 23 at-bats. Now the Angels need to get David Freese, C.J. Cron and Matt Joyce going as well.

Pumping for a Perry/Fiorina Ticket

One can hope.

I doubt the MSM ghouls would allow it. So it's not just an election. It's a battle against the whole of the corrupt national regressive establishment.

On Twitter:

Condoleezza Rice and Jenny Oaks Baker: 'Amazing Grace'

Via Tania Gail on Twitter.

So beautiful.

BONUS: At Twitchy, "She didn't build that: BET credits Vocalist-in-Chief for Condoleezza Rice's Amazing Grace duet."

The Greeks Say No

At WSJ, "Better a euro exit than the risk of antireform political contagion":
Despite the pain it presages, Sunday’s overwhelming “no” vote at least leaves little doubt about where the Greeks stand. Greeks have rejected Europe’s latest bailout offer even after experiencing a taste of the ugly potential consequences of doing so—capital controls, limited ATM withdrawals and a banking crisis. Now they will have to live with those consequences.

It’s true the Greeks were given two bad choices, but they still chose the worst. Europe was offering more money to forestall a crisis in return for pension cuts and other reforms. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras claimed a “no” vote would help him extract better terms—by which he means even higher growth-killing taxes in return for fewer pension cuts. The Greeks chose the Tsipras ultimatum strategy, so they can’t blame the Germans for what comes next.

The big question now is whether German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other Europeans will flinch. Mrs. Merkel has not wanted to be seen as driving Greece from the eurozone, and the referendum means that the Greeks will have driven themselves out, if that’s what happens in the coming weeks. Mr. Tsipras will claim he has a mandate to demand more European concessions, but that mandate ends at the Greek border. He has no open-ended claim on the other taxpayers of Europe.

Yet as the Greek government runs out of money this month, Mrs. Merkel and the European Central Bank will come under considerable pressure to bend. This pressure will increase if there are bread lines or violence in the streets.

Mr. Tsipras and his ministers will also try to use the leverage of their European Union membership. The EU typically operates by consensus, and the Syriza Party government is likely to play the spoiler on Russian sanctions and other policies until it gets its way. Greek ministers are already musing about letting Greece become a thoroughfare for migrants from Africa and the Middle East into the EU. Expect more nasty threats and political blackmail.

But if Mrs. Merkel and her allies cave to Mr. Tsipras, the costs will be even more severe. The message will be that Europe’s other debtor nations can also use political extortion to block pro-growth reform. Parties of the left in Italy, Portugal and Spain will have a new argument to make against the reforms that have begun to show some progress: Vote to reject the reforms that creditors demand, and the creditors will reward you anyway. This could doom the center-right Spanish government of Mariano Rajoy as it goes to the polls later this year.

This political contagion is a far greater threat to the integrity of the eurozone than is the immediate fallout from a Greek financial crisis or even a Greek exit from the currency bloc...
Still more.

Yeah, extortion about explains it, although I've got no love for the European Union's statist bureaucratic elites. It's all one big cluster over there.

Illegal Alien Francisco Sanchez Chose San Francisco for Its 'Sanctuary City' Policies

We should be having a national debate on this. It's racist not to be.

KGO-TV San Francisco interviewed Kathryn Steinle's confessed murderer, "EXCLUSIVE RAW VIDEO: SAN FRANCISCO PIER 14 SHOOTING SUSPECT SPEAKS."

And see Hot Air, "Illegal deported five times who shot woman: I came back to San Francisco because it was a sanctuary city."

Plus, from ABC News, "San Francisco Shooter States He Chose City for Sanctuary Policies."

PREVIOUSLY: "Kathryn Steinle, Vibrant 32-Year-Old San Francisco Woman, Murdered by Illegal Alien Suspect Francisco Sanchez," and "Deported 5 Times Previously, Illegal Alien Confesses to Murder of Kathryn Steinle at San Francisco's Pier 14."

America Is Not Racist

From Katie Pavlich, at the Hill.

Freedom Playmates Rule 5


BONUS: At Blazing Cat Fur, "Evening Photo and Vape Update."

Playboy photo MTMxMzEyMzA1NTY3NzQ2MDU4_zpskzkf1xiz.jpg

Soak Up Summer Savings at Amazon

Do some shopping, Shop Amazon Outdoor Toys & Games - Soak Up Summer Event.

Plus, some summer reading, A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to America's Age of Entitlement.

Carli Lloyd Interview on 'CBS This Morning'

She's awesome.

Watch, "World Cup MVP Carli Lloyd on 'surreal' and 'unbelievable moment'."

And ICYMI, "Carli Lloyd's 50-Yard Goal (VIDEO)."

Greek Banks to Remain Shut as Creditors Squeeze Funding and Leaders Prepare Statement on Day of Turmoil

Here's the latest at the Telegraph UK live blog, "Greece news live: Banks to remain shut for another two days as creditors squeeze country after No vote."

Turns out Fidel Castro sent a note to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, "Fidel Castro writes to PM Tsipras: Greek bravery 'has won admiration across Latin America'."

5 Reasons Our Lapdog Media Agreed to Hillary's Leash

From John Nolte, at Big Journalism:
Of all days, on the 4th of July, the anniversary of our nation’s founding through the audacious Declaration of Independence, like the stupid sheep they are, the American media agreed to be literally corralled and leashed by a powerful politician.

From the fomenting of race riots to the fabricating of evidence against a working class Hispanic man to literally bowing before President Obama, these liars, cheats, cowards, frauds, propagandists, and servants to power who disguise themselves as journalists, have time and again proven they are impervious to shame, even if it means protecting their own personal dignity.

Why in a Republic that guarantees the right of free association and a free and unfettered press, would representatives from the most powerful media institutions on the planet (among them, CNN and The New York Times), agree to be publicly humiliated by Hillary Clinton?

What is the mindset of lemmings. who not only willingly and publicly agree to be corralled within a leash, but who do not then and there rebel, as any good and self-respecting American would and should.

Unfortunately, these are easy questions to answer.

Don’t get me wrong, the answers are depressing, but there is no mystery here.
Keep reading.

Plus, "Sally Kohn: Clinton Rope Wrangling the Press 'Just Awful'."

Carli Lloyd's 50-Yard Goal (VIDEO)

At FIFA's YouTube page, "Women's World Cup TOP 10 GOALS: Carli Lloyd (USA v. Japan)."

Dang that's a thing of beauty, an exclamation point of American dominance.

Joe Scarborough's Epic Pro-America Rant

Via Free Beacon, "BEASTMODE: Joe Scarborough Goes on Epic Pro-America Rant."