Thursday, January 28, 2016

WATCH: FBI Press Conference Video of LaVoy Finicum Being Shot by Oregon State Police - #Malheur

Following-up, "LeVoy Finicum Update: Press Conference — Statement of Greg Bretzing, Special Agent in Charge, FBI Portland," and "WATCH: Official FBI Video Shows Oregon State Trooper Shooting #Malheur Militiaman LaVoy Finicum."

Here's the video shown during the press conference this afternoon, via the Portland Oregonian's Beth Nakamura, "Law enforcement prepare to project from computer (r) to tv screen at FBI presser, so running a few minutes behind."

Ouch! Megyn Kelly Hammers Ted Cruz on Past Immigration Policy Hypocrisy – #GOPDebate (VIDEO)

Here's the report at Politico, "Trump-free debate puts Cruz in the hot seat."

At watch, via Fox News. Cruz's gets both defensive and angry:

Jackie Johnson's Got Your Friday Forecast

She's so lovely and peaceful, especially considering that I've been blogging ugliness and violence all day.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

#Malheur: Last Four Militia Members Are 'Desperate', Heavily Armed — Won't Leave Without Guarantees

According to FBI Special Agent in Charge Greg Bretzing, "I would like to confirm that as of this morning one more person left the refuge through a checkpoint. We believe there are four others who currently remain on the refuge. Since the establishment of checkpoints, a total of nine people have left the refuge. Of those, the FBI released six and arrested three."

Also, from Andrew Dymburt, at KOIN News 6 Portland, "4 militia still occupying refuge. They have demands. include a guarantee they won't be arrested after surrender."

It's David Fry and Sean Anderson, his wife, and one other militia member.

Fry's mentally unstable, it appears. See, "Armed Militiaman David Fry, Among Last Holdouts at Malheur Reserve, Says He's Prepared to Die in Siege."

More at Oregon Public Broadcasting, "Trapped Inside Malheur Refuge, Militants Desperate For Way Out":

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OPB’s Think Out Loud talked Thursday with David Fry and Sandy Anderson, two of the remaining militants inside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

They offered an inside account of the negotiations taking place with the FBI, and the growing anxiety among the militants as tension mounts to make their next step.

“The option is you go out there and they get you and it’s a felony crime and it’s a prison sentence,” Fry told Think Out Loud host Dave Miller. “A lot of us are scared of that option.”

Fry estimates that there are 20 guns in the refuge, left behind during the chaos of militants fleeing.

“We’re not planning on using any guns. Like I said, we [want] to go home,” he said. “But if they want to attack us then we got to defend ourselves.”

Fry said if the FBI tried to arrest him, he would see it as an attack.
Fry's not on speaking terms with his parents, who live in Ohio, and did not want him to travel to the Malheur refuge. John Sepulvado, at OPB, spoke to Bill Fry, David's father, "... i'm not worried he's going to kill himself. he's a 'shock jock.' he would point a gun at a cop, i could see him doing death by cop." (More here and here.)

And see Matt Pearce, at the Los Angeles Times, "FBI releases video of Oregon occupier's shooting by state police":
One of the four remaining occupiers, David Fry, told the Los Angeles Times in a phone interview Thursday afternoon that “we’re willing to leave” but wanted assurances from the FBI that they wouldn’t be charged.

Some occupiers have been allowed to pass through the police checkpoints, but others have been arrested and charged with federal intimidation charges for occupying the refuge.

“Right now the only thing that’s keeping us here is them not being clear with us with what’s going on,” said Fry, adding that the holdouts have been in periodic contact with two law enforcement negotiators.

“They’re saying three of us can leave and if we leave right now, we’ll be fine,” but a fourth member of the group, a man, faces a criminal charge when he leaves the compound, Fry said.

“Everybody’s really skeptical of what’s going on there,” Fry said.

Fry said that he had spoken with his family. “They’re basically just saying to surrender, it’s not worth dying for,” he said.

I'll have additional reporting as information becomes available.

Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee Speak at Rival Donald Trump Event for Veterans (VIDEO)

It was a brief event, compared to the GOP debate, which just wrapped up a few minutes ago.

I can't watch the debates without Donald Trump. It just feels, well, kinda naked.

LeVoy Finicum Update: Press Conference — Statement of Greg Bretzing, Special Agent in Charge, FBI Portland

Following-up, "WATCH: Official FBI Video Shows Oregon State Trooper Shooting #Malheur Militiaman LaVoy Finicum."

And from the FBI Portland, "Statement by Greg Bretzing, Special Agent in Charge, FBI Portland, 1/28/2016":
We have quite a bit of information to share with you tonight concerning the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

First, I would like to confirm that as of this morning one more person left the refuge through a checkpoint. We believe there are four others who currently remain on the refuge. Since the establishment of checkpoints, a total of nine people have left the refuge. Of those, the FBI released six and arrested three.

Secondly, I would like to confirm that the FBI and Oregon State Police have narrowed the containment zones. This was done to make it more convenient for those who live and work in the immediate area of the refuge to go about their business. To this end, Highway 205 is now open in both directions.

There has been some media reporting that the situation at the refuge is resolved. That is NOT true. Again, we still believe there are occupiers on the refuge. The negotiators continue to work around the clock to talk to those four people in an effort to get them to come out peacefully.

Thirdly, we know there is quite a bit of interest related to the events as they occurred on Highway 395 on Tuesday afternoon. We know there are various versions of what occurred during this event: most inaccurate, some inflammatory. To that end, we want to do what we can to lay out an honest and unfiltered view of what happened and how it happened.

FBI agents and Oregon State Police troopers were involved in this operation. During this operation, OSP troopers utilized deadly force due to their proximity to LaVoy Finicum as the situation unfolded. Because of this, the Deschutes County Major Incident Team is conducting the outside review of the shooting per Oregon State law and established protocols. Because of that on-going investigation, I will not be able to answer every question you have... but hopefully we will give the public some clarity as to what occurred.

At approximately 4:25 pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2016, FBI and OSP began a law enforcement action to bring into custody the people riding in two separate vehicles as they traveled between Burns and John Day. The FBI did have a plane in the air, and what I am about to show you is a video from that plane. A couple of notes about the video before we watch it.

*The plane is following the vehicles, and the camera sometimes pans from one vehicle to the other... a white truck in front and a jeep in back. At other times when the vehicles are in a fixed location, the plane is flying in a pattern over that location. Because of that flight pattern, there are portions where trees obscure what is happening. The details that I am about to provide to you are based both on an analysis of this video and some ground-level observations of agents and troopers on the scene.

*Because the operation lasted more than 25 minutes, we are showing you two of the most pertinent clips today. The entire unedited video from the start of the traffic stop through the surrender of all individuals will be available to the media and the general public on the FBI's YouTube channel.

*Because I am using some very specific language to describe what is happening, the entire transcript of my comments will be posted to

*I want to caution you that the video does show the shooting death of LaVoy Finicum. We realize that viewing that piece of the video will be upsetting to some people, but we feel that it is necessary to show the whole thing unedited in the interest of transparency...
Keep reading.

ADDED: From the Portland Oregonian, "Live updates: FBI holds news conference on Oregon standoff."

Fox News Apologized to Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Here's the clip, from CNN's interview with Mr. Trump moments before the rival veterans' event:

PREVIOUSLY: "Poll Shows Donald Trump Solidifying Lead in Three Early States."

WATCH: Official FBI Video Shows Oregon State Trooper Shooting #Malheur Militiaman LaVoy Finicum

The national networks are focused on the presidential campaign, so there's no coverage of the Malheur press conference.

More information's coming on the shooting of LeVoy Finicum.

My earlier report is here, "FBI and Oregon State Police: LaVoy Finicum 'reached down toward his waistband where he had a gun...'"

And on Twitter now:

Poll Shows Donald Trump Solidifying Lead in Three Early States

At WSJ, "Donald Trump Solidifies Lead Over GOP Rivals in First States to Vote":
Donald Trump is dominating the GOP presidential field in the first three states to vote in the 2016 campaign, including in Iowa where he has extinguished the lead once held by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll finds.

In New Hampshire and South Carolina, Mr. Trump leads by double-digit margins. In all three states he is the first choice of more than 30% of people likely to vote in the Republican primaries or caucuses.

“Trump is positioned to run the house in these first three states,” said Lee M. Miringoff,director of the Marist College Institute of Public Opinion. “His supporters are committed and plan to turn out.”

The poll suggests Mr. Cruz will be his strongest competitor even if the senator has lost ground in Iowa. Mr. Cruz now stands in second place in all three states including New Hampshire, a place that doesn’t typically favor Republicans with his kind of conservative profile.

Among Democrats, the poll points to a roller-coaster ride through the three early-voting states. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont remain deadlocked in Iowa; Mr. Sanders has opened a commanding 57%-38% lead in New Hampshire; in South Carolina, Mrs. Clinton enjoys an even wider 64%-27% spread.

The polls demonstrate that Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton remain their party’s front-runners. While Mrs. Clinton has a rougher road than Mr. Trump in Iowa and New Hampshire, South Carolina gives her a “firewall,” Mr. Miringoff said.

The Iowa poll found, with less than a week before Monday’s caucuses, that Mr. Trump is the leading Mr. Cruz by 32%-25%, after weeks of pummeling his rival by questioning the Canadian-born senator’s eligibility to be president, his personality and character. Earlier this month, Mr. Cruz had led 28%-24% in Iowa, the state that represents his best shot to block the billionaire businessman.

What’s more, the poll found that Mr. Trump has inspired deep support: three-quarters of Trump backers in Iowa say they are strongly committed to their choice of candidate, compared with only 58% of Cruz supporters. Similar gaps show up among voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Showing quiet improvement in Iowa is Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida who came in third with 18%—a five-point improvement over the early January poll. But he has slipped in New Hampshire, and dropped behind Mr. Cruz to third place. In the Granite State, Mr. Trump leads with 31%, to Mr. Cruz’s 12% and Mr. Rubio’s 11%. The South Carolina poll finds the same three candidates topping the GOP field.

Among Democrats, the Iowa poll is little changed from the neck-and-neck finish found earlier this month. Mrs. Clinton drew 48% to Mr. Sanders’s 45%. Former Maryland Gov.Martin O’Malley, remains in the low single digits in all three states...
More at NBC News, "Trump Strong in Early States as Clinton, Sanders Battle: Poll."

And at Marist, "1/28: Trump Leads in IA, NH, and SC… Clinton and Sanders Competitive in IA, Sanders up in NH, Clinton Leads in SC."

LATEST: Officials Confirm LaVoy Finicum Death; 'Active Situation' at #Malheur; Press Conference Tonight — UPDATED!

UPDATE: The FBI's released the video of the police shooting of LaVoy Finicum.

Here, "WATCH: FBI Video Shows Oregon State Trooper Shooting #Malheur Militiaman LaVoy Finicum."


Following-up from previously, "UPDATE: Press Conference at 5:30pm Pacific — #OregonStandoff Ends: Massive Government Convoy Descends on Refuge; Militiamen Taken Away (PHOTOS)."

Here's the latest via Twitter. This is developing:

Expect updates...

UPDATE: Press Conference at 5:30pm Pacific — #OregonStandoff Ends: Massive Government Convoy Descends on Refuge; Militiamen Taken Away (PHOTOS)

Welcome Instapundit readers!

This story is developing. See, "LATEST: Officials Confirm LaVoy Finicum Death; 'Active Situation' at #Malheur; Press Conference Tonight."

MORE: "WATCH: Official FBI Video Shows Oregon State Trooper Shooting #Malheur Militiaman LaVoy Finicum."




It looks like the remaining militia members have agreed to surrender. There's no confirmation yet, but signs indicate the standoff is winding down.

From various sources, on Twitter. I'll update with more throughout the night:

Expect updates...



Here's the Spot Along U.S. 395 Where LaVoy Finicum Ambushed, Gunned Down by FBI (PHOTOS)

From Luke Hammil, at the Portland Oregonian, "The spot where Finicum died, Bundy arrested: twisting road, dense forest":

BURNS — The spot where police shot Robert "LaVoy" Finicum and arrested Ammon Bundy differs markedly from the open rangeland that the militants occupied for nearly a month. The showdown played out in a dense forest along a twisting, shadowy and narrow road.

A day later, the scene still showed evidence of the shooting: broken glass littered the pavement and tire tracks on a snowbank indicated that one driver – perhaps Finicum, as a witness claimed – tried to escape by swerving onto the wrong side of the road.

Orange paint on the ground appeared to show where investigators later noted that vehicles didn't passively pull over to the snowy shoulder.

The place, with an elevation rising about 1,000 feet higher than Burns, is like the set of "an old western movie" – the kind where lawmen would lie in wait for their target, said area businessman Tim Smith, who knows the location well.

In contrast, Bundy and his followers could see for miles around the refuge they took over Jan. 2.

On their many 30-mile drives between Burns and the federal bird sanctuary, they traveled along straight roads and – save for one butte mid-commute – through flat terrain covered in snow and scrub brush.

That changed soon after Bundy, Finicum and six others turned onto U.S. 395 Tuesday afternoon and headed north for Grant County, where they were scheduled to present their views on the federal government and the Constitution to people in John Day.

The road entered Devine Canyon and quickly began to wind and climb into the forest. The FBI and state police pulled up about 4:30 p.m. behind the protesters, who were traveling in a pickup and a Jeep, and stopped them, according to Mark McConnell, who said on Facebook that he was driving the Jeep. More law enforcement officials waited ahead, he said.

Not long after that, Finicum was dead and five militants arrested amid gunfire....

Clint Van Zandt, a former supervisory special agent for the FBI who spent 25 years at the agency, said it "makes all the tactical sense in the world" for police to stop the Bundy convoy where they did. The objective, he said, would be to confront the leaders when they had separated from the rest of their supporters.

"It can be the downside when you can see for miles and miles because you don't want the individuals to see what's happening," Van Zandt said. "You don't want them to see anything. You don't want them to hear anything."

Smith said he's also not surprised that authorities picked the secluded spot. He's not happy that the FBI and state police chose it for what he called "an ambush."

Smith worked with the occupation leaders as a member of the Harney County Committee of Safety, a group formed at Bundy's urging before the refuge takeover. The committee members distanced themselves from Bundy after the siege but nonetheless took up his cause against federal land management.

"This is pretty upsetting for everyone, and it really does affect what I believe are our objectives," Smith said...

Karl Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' is the Most Frequently Assigned Book at U.S. Colleges

Actually, students should read it. They'll see for themselves what a farce it is.

The problem's not the book so much as the professors who're teaching it.

At Truth Revolt, "Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges."

Karl Marx

Pick up a copy, at Amazon.

Yeah, I know. It's not free. Communists always leave that part out. Free stuff isn't really free. Someone's gotta pay. Shoot, most college students don't even paying for their own copies. Either mom and dad are footing the bill, their college or university foundations, or the taxpayers through financial aid. When you have to start paying your own way is when you really learn how big a crock Marxism is.

Residents of Burns, Oregon, Hope #Malheur Standoff Winds Down Soon — And Peacefully (VIDEO)

Andrew Dymburt reports, for KOIN News 6 Portland.

PREVIOUSLY: "Oregon Democrat Gov. Kate Brown Pushed Obama for 'Swift Action' Against #Malheur Militiamen (VIDEO)."

Rita Ora for 'Lui' Magazine


The folks at Lui had to put the little pasties to cover her breasts on Instagram.

But not on Twitter, lol.

Via the Idolator, "Rita Ora is Topless on New 'Lui' Cover: She Frees the Nipple in New Terry Richardson Shoot."

Hat Tip: London's Daily Mail, "Topless Rita Ora puts on a VERY raunchy display as she flashes her assets in her most revealing shoot to date."

Newt Gingrich Says Republican Party's In Period of 'Tremendous Transition' (VIDEO)

It's a good transition. The GOP needs a swift kick in its establishment pants.

Via Fox News:

Oregon Democrat Gov. Kate Brown Pushed Obama for 'Swift Action' Against #Malheur Militiamen (VIDEO)

Here's the Portland Oregonian, "Kate Brown on Oregon standoff: 'Everyone was hoping to avoid bloodshed'."

That's a lie, actually. She was fomenting bloodshed.

See from last week, "Kate Brown presses top federal officials for 'swift' action against occupiers."

Watch at the video. She brought pressure on the feds. She appealed to the "highest levels of authority," including the White House, using extremely belligerent rhetoric that no doubt contributed to LaVoy Vinicum's death.

Notice how she doesn't even pretend to hide her partisan hatred of the ranchers. Who's the "militant" here?

PREVIOUSLY: "Alex Jones: How to Properly Take a Stand Against Tyranny — #MalheurOccupation (VIDEO)."

Alex Jones: How to Properly Take a Stand Against Tyranny — #MalheurOccupation (VIDEO)

InfoWars reporter Joe Biggs is reportedly at the Malheur occupation. You know, while they're conspiracy mongers, some of their reporting is good, for example, on the Central American refugee invasion a couple of years ago.

Here's Alex Jones on the occupation:

PREVIOUSLY: "LATEST: Ammon Bundy Makes New Plea to #Malheur Militiamen: 'Turn yourselves in, do not use physical force...'"

LATEST: Ammon Bundy Makes New Plea to #Malheur Militiamen: 'Turn yourselves in, do not use physical force...'

I'm keeping up with breaking developments in Oregon.

Earlier, "Range War! Central Oregon Constitutional Guard Calls for 'Thousands' of Militiamen to Flood #Malheur!"

And now, the latest from Conrad Wilson and Oregon Public Broadcasting:

Added, from Maxine Bernstein:

Range War! Central Oregon Constitutional Guard Calls for 'Thousands' of Militiamen to Flood #Malheur!

It's increasingly looking like a High Noon situation now, except the militiamen are taking the Will Kane role.

Following-up from a little earlier, "LATEST: Militiamen from Central Oregon Constitutional Guard Arrive to Bolster Occupiers at #Malheur."

Now there's more, from Les Zaitz:

PREVIOUSLY: "WATCH: Sean and Sandy Anderson, Husband and Wife Occupiers at #Malheur, Post 'Last Dance' Video."

WATCH: Sean and Sandy Anderson, Husband and Wife Occupiers at #Malheur, Post 'Last Dance' Video

Sean Anderson's the militiaman in this entry, "'They're Going to Murder All of Us!' — #Malheur Occupiers Livestream Siege at Wildlife Refuge (VIDEO)."

He and his wife Sandy are holding out with four other, including David Fry, discussed here, "Armed Militiaman David Fry, Among Last Holdouts at Malheur Reserve, Says He's Prepared to Die in Siege."

Now, according to the Portland Oregonian:
On Thursday morning, [David] Fry posted yet another video, this time showing a mournful scene at the refuge with two of the occupiers -- apparently [Sean] Anderson and his wife Sandy -- dancing to music blaring from a truck radio. The song: "Tangled Up in You" by Staind. The video shows supplies scattered on the ground, vehicles parked next to a small canopy, a U.S. flag propped against a pick-up truck.

At one point, someone said, "We've got someone on the hill behind us.

Anderson addressed the camera after the dance.

After Anderson finished the dance,

"We want to go home," said Anderson, dressed in camouflage gear. "We don't need checkpoints. We don't need felony charges. We're camping out here."

His last words in the scene: "God help us."

PREVIOUSLY: "LATEST: Militiamen from Central Oregon Constitutional Guard Arrive to Bolster Occupiers at #Malheur."

LATEST: Militiamen from Central Oregon Constitutional Guard Arrive to Bolster Occupiers at #Malheur

From Gordon Friedman, of the Salem Statesman Journal:

And from the Oregonian's Les Zaitz:

PREVIOUSLY: "LATEST: Just Four Occupiers Remain at #Malheur National Wildlife Reserve."

Also, from earlier, "Amid Calls to Stand Down, Authorities Say Militiamen Have Explosives and Night-Vision Goggles (VIDEO)," and "'They're Going to Murder All of Us!' — #Malheur Occupiers Livestream Siege at Wildlife Refuge (VIDEO)."

And, "Armed Militiaman David Fry, Among Last Holdouts at Malheur Reserve, Says He's Prepared to Die in Siege."

LATEST: Just Four Occupiers Remain at #Malheur National Wildlife Reserve

From Oregon Public Broadcasting's Amelia Templeton:

Also, from earlier, "Amid Calls to Stand Down, Authorities Say Militiamen Have Explosives and Night-Vision Goggles (VIDEO)," and "'They're Going to Murder All of Us!' — #Malheur Occupiers Livestream Siege at Wildlife Refuge (VIDEO)."

And, "Armed Militiaman David Fry, Among Last Holdouts at Malheur Reserve, Says He's Prepared to Die in Siege."

WATCH: Donald Trump Attacked for Supporting 'Amnesty' in New Ad from Mitt Romney-Backed PAC (VIDEO)

Red Meat for the National Review crowd (remember, @NRO endorsed Romney back in '08, you know, as the true "conservative" in the race, heh).

Via WSJ, "Trump Accused of Backing Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants in TV Ad" (at Memeorandum).

#Malheur Occupier Victoria Sharp Says LaVoy Finicum Had 'Hands Up' Before Police Opened Fire (AUDIO)

Following-up, "Five Militiamen Still Holed Up at Malheur National Wildlife Reserve, Negotiating Release (VIDEO)," and "Cliven Bundy Says Cops Shot LeVoy Finicum '3 or 4 Times When He Was on the Ground Dead...' (VIDEO)."

It turns out Victoria Sharp was in the truck with LaVoy Finicum, witnessed the shooting, and repudiates claims that there was a shootout with the FBI.

Listen, at The Truth About Guns, "BREAKING: Eyewitness Account of Oregon Occupier Testimony from Victoria Sharp (AUDIO)."

And at the Kansas City Star, "Kansas woman found herself inside Oregon gun battle":

Victoria Sharp photo Victoria-Sharp-Facebook-800x430_zpsmdo7fsrz.png
At a small-town community meeting in Oregon, the Sharp Family Singers from Kansas were scheduled to perform for an audience that would include occupiers from a standoff at a national wildlife refuge.

Two vehicles on the way to the meeting never made it. Inside were several protesters — and a Sharp family daughter.

Authorities stopped the vehicles Tuesday in what they said was an attempt to end the occupation peacefully, yet one of the drivers was killed.

Victoria Sharp, 18, was taken into custody and released. But at least one family member, a brother in Chicago, remained frantic Wednesday night about the safety of Victoria and the entire family....

An FBI official said authorities took the action Tuesday after nearly a month of working with other agencies to end the illegal takeover.

“Yesterday, the FBI with our partners took the first steps to bring this occupation to a conclusion,” said Greg Bretzing, the FBI’s special agent in charge in Oregon, at a news conference. “We worked to ensure that we could do so peacefully and safely, out of harm’s way of the citizens here in the county.”

Authorities will continue to try to empty the refuge of occupiers in the safest way possible, he said.

Victoria Sharp said in an audio interview posted Tuesday night on YouTube that the two vehicles were on the way to the meeting in the town of John Day.

“All of us Sharps were going to sing,” she said. “We were just going to try to talk, maybe do some negotiations, and we were going to sing. That was all.”

Sharp, who had arrived in Oregon from Montana after the weekend performances, gave an account of the shooting that differed from that of the driver of the other vehicle.

She said that when authorities stopped the pickup she was in, Finicum — who was driving — told them he wanted to go talk to the sheriff. Authorities told him to turn the ignition off and put his hands out the window, she said.

“Finally, he decided to just drive,” she said. “So we all got down on the floorboard and he took off. And they started firing at us. They had a roadblock set up. And so he ran into a snowbank and they were riddling the car with bullets.

“When we crashed, he got out of the car. He had his hands in the air and he’s like, ‘Just shoot me then. Just shoot me.’ And they did. They shot him dead. And then after he was down on the ground they shot him three more times. And then they bombarded our vehicle with bullets. … We were praying so hard. We were saying stop, please stop.”

She said the shooting lasted five to 10 minutes. “They shot at least 120 shots altogether,” she said.

Nobody in the vehicles fired a shot, she said: “We showed no aggression at all.”

Photo Credit: Facebook.

Five Militiamen Still Holed Up at Malheur National Wildlife Reserve, Negotiating Release (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "Amid Calls to Stand Down, Authorities Say Militiamen Have Explosives and Night-Vision Goggles (VIDEO)," and "'They're Going to Murder All of Us!' — #Malheur Occupiers Livestream Siege at Wildlife Refuge (VIDEO)."

Les Zaitz, at the Portland Oregonian, says five militiamen remain, "Last 5 negotiate with FBI, willing to give up refuge if all are left to go without arrest."

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Also, there's video at KOIN News 6 Portland, "5 militia members allegedly still at refuge."

Donald Trump Leads Ted Cruz 30-to-23 Percent in Latest Monmouth University Poll (VIDEO)

Folks were saying it's a "dead heat" as late as Monday and Tuesday this week, but Trump keeps expanding his lead in the Hawkeye State.

His dissing of the Fox News GOP debate's not going to hurt him. Frankly, there's not much Ted Cruz can do to recapture the momentum of the race. If traditional political science is correct, the superior ground game's going to win the day on Monday.

I have no clue. I'm going off the polls to predict a Donald Trump victory. But we'll see. We'll see.

At WGAL News 8 Lancaster, "Iowa poll: Trump builds on lead over Cruz":
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Donald Trump has opened up a solid lead over Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the GOP caucus in Iowa, according to a new poll out Wednesday.

The GOP front-runner tops Cruz 30% to 23% in a Monmouth University poll, gaining 11 points from a similar survey in December. Then, Cruz was up 24% to 19% over Trump.

It's Trump's highest number in any Monmouth polling of Iowa, the university said.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has held steady in third place with 16% support among likely caucus-goers. In fourth place, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (10%) is the only other candidate cracking double digits.

Cruz leads Trump in one area: voters' second choice. Cruz is the second choice of 20% of likely caucus-goers, whereas Trump is 9% of likely voters' second choice. That matters because in the Iowa caucus format, as voters can change their minds as the night wears on.

Cruz leads Trump among past party voters, very conservative voters, tea party supporters and evangelicals. Trump leads Cruz among newer GOP voters, somewhat conservative voters, non-tea partiers and non-evangelicals, the poll found.

The poll was conducted before Trump announced he would skip the last GOP debate before Iowa votes on Monday...
There's video at the link.

Jon Ritzheimer Appears Before Federal Judge in Phoenix (VIDEO)

He fled Malheur before the feds got there, no doubt fearing for his life. And that's after he made all those videos holding the pocket Constitution and what not whining about how he was "going to die out here" for freedom.

Blah, blah.

At the Arizona Republic, "Oregon standoff suspect Jon Ritzheimer makes Arizona court appearance."

And watch, at ABC News 15 Phoenix:

He's expected to be sent back to Portland to stand trial with the others.

Cliven Bundy Says Cops Shot LeVoy Finicum '3 or 4 Times When He Was on the Ground Dead...' (VIDEO)

Remember, we have a couple of competing perspectives: Here, "Report: Militia Spokesman LaVoy Finicum 'was shot three times while he had his hands up in the air...'" And here, "FBI and Oregon State Police: LaVoy Finicum 'reached down toward his waistband where he had a gun...'"

Plus, there's also the account of him charging authorities, here, "UPDATE: LeVoy Finicum 'Charged at Law Enforcement,' Then Shot and Killed, Driver Says (VIDEO)."

Well, the conspiracies are going to fly until officials release the videotape of the shootout.

In any case, rancher Cliven Bundy spoke to the press from his ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada.

Via KOIN News 6 Portland:

Amid Calls to Stand Down, Authorities Say Militiamen Have Explosives and Night-Vision Goggles (VIDEO)

Here's Les Zaitz yesterday, on Twitter, "Bundy bunch brought night vision goggles, explosives and weapons to refuge when it took over, court filing says."

And at the video, CNN's Dan Simon also reports that the "federal complaint that was opened today" says "there's reason to believe the occupiers have explosives and night-vision goggles."

Remember, the last holdouts might be gunning for the apocalypse. See, "Armed Militiaman David Fry, Among Last Holdouts at Malheur Reserve, Says He's Prepared to Die in Siege.

Also, as reported earlier, "Three New Arrests in Militia Occupation at #Malheur National Wildlife Refuge," and "FBI and Oregon State Police: LaVoy Finicum 'reached down toward his waistband where he had a gun...'"

Armed Militiaman David Fry, Among Last Holdouts at Malheur Reserve, Says He's Prepared to Die in Siege

This guy's a real psycho.

Reportedly an ISIS sympathizer, Fry's said to be prone to apocalyptic rants and is determined to go out in a blaze of glory (or ignominy, depending on your perspective).

At the Cleveland Plain Dealer, "Oregon standoff militant David Fry of Ohio prepared to die, says LaVoy Finicum was murdered":

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CLEVELAND, Ohio – David Fry, an Ohioan who is among the remaining armed occupants of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, said he is prepared to die during the siege.

"I'll pass on and move on to the next life. I don't know (how it will end), but I'm willing to go that far,'' Fry told The Plain Dealer in a brief phone interview Wednesday.

"Obviously they are murdering people at this point. They've been doing it for a long time now, and you guys are watching it.''

The Oregonian newspaper reported Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, the spokesman of the refuge occupation, was shot and killed after he charged police during a roadside stop, according to a man who claims to be the driver of one of two vehicles involved in the highway shooting.

Fry, who was not at the scene, said he thought Finicum was "murdered.''

Fry is from the Cincinnati area, as is Peter Santilli, who was one of seven militants arrested at a roadblock Tuesday, when Finicum reportedly was killed. The occupation's leader, Ammon Bundy, and his brother Ryan also were arrested. All were charged with conspiracy to interfere with a federal official, a felony.

Santilli hosted The Pete Santilli Show, an online radio show.

Oregon Public Broadcasting reported Wednesday seven to 12 occupants remain at the refuge, including Fry, 27.

"I'm holding up alright,'' Fry told The Plain Dealer. "Everybody is still holding their ground. We did get the women, children, most of them out of here -– all the children. I think there's one woman who's pregnant. That still counts as a child.''

In a video posted Wednesday to Fry's youtube account, defendyourbase, Fry could be seen with a gun over his shoulder while a backhoe operated in the background.

On the same video, another man with a gun said, "The media has been ordered to leave. That means they're coming to kill us. They're going to murder all of us, and the medias are cowards."

The same man also urges people to join the occupation and shouts into the camera, "This is history in the making. There are no laws in this United States now. This is a free-for-all Armageddon. Any military or law enforcement or feds that stand and don't abide by their oath are the enemy. If they stop you from getting here, kill them!''

Fry is from Blanchester, a small town northwest of Cincinnati. He said he taking college classes by his junior year in high school. He was convicted of a minor drug-related offense in 2008. A woman who answered the phone at his family's home and said she was a relative declined to comment.

Fry reportedly was on vacation with his parents in Costa Rica when he left them and traveled to Oregon to join the occupation. He told reporters in Oregon he drove through a blinding snowstorm to get there.

Fry reportedly has been using government computers at the refuge to establish a website for the occupiers while conducting his own live stream and updating his Google+ and Facebook accounts. The website,, has been taken down, and it not cleary by whom.

His social media accounts included posts that were anti-Semitic, homophobic, and pro-Nazi, as well as posts in support of ISIS. After media reports about his posts, many were deleted.

"ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS FOR ISIS TO NUKE ISRAELHELL!" he wrote on his Google+ the site Nov. 30.

He also tagged posts #HitlerWasRight, and another #Pray4ISIS.

"You see a lot of slander,'' Fry said. "They called me an ISIS supporter and a group of people said I was an anarchist. They're making these things up about me and taking some of my comments -- it's satire. They twisted it out of hand and make it look like I'm an an anarchist. I'm not an anarchist...
Still more.

Plus, at the Portland Oregonian, "Live, from inside the Oregon standoff: 'You're going to get to watch us die'":
With the 6-mile road into the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge blocked by police late Tuesday night, the remaining militants there were isolated from much of the world. With members of the media stuck on the wrong side of the roadblocks, Americans were left without a window into what was left of the occupation.

Or they would have been. Instead, thanks to one YouTube user at the compound, tens of thousands of people got an inside view of the militants during what they thought might be their final hours.

Like some sort of bizarre reality show, viewers tuned in to watch militants say goodbye to their families, promise to defend their "base" and vow to avenge the death of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, who was killed as law enforcement moved to arrest the anti-government protesters and end the occupation that started Jan. 2 in Harney County.

David Fry, a 27-year-old from the Cincinnati area, had been broadcasting developments at the refuge since he arrived in early January. On Tuesday afternoon, as tensions between occupiers and law enforcement mounted, Fry began a near-continuous livestream of events.

Though the hours following the arrests and deadly shooting were relatively calm for those still at the wildlife refuge, Fry drew thousands of viewers with his end-is-nigh rants, peppered with the occasional background conversation between militants.

"Yeah folks this is it," he said at one point. "I'm going to try to get this livestreamed constantly until the end here."

Also, the Los Angeles Times had this sensational headline earlier, "Remaining Oregon protesters warn of 'Armageddon,' but Bundy urges holdouts to go home":
The leader of the armed occupation of an Oregon wildlife refuge urged his colleagues-in-arms to “stand down” Wednesday, as a small band of holdouts vowing to fight fell under increasing pressure to surrender to the cordon of law enforcement now surrounding the sprawling facility.

By late Wednesday, it appeared that several of the protesters still inside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge were heeding the request, as three more people were arrested and several others were allowed to leave freely, according to the FBI and other sources....

“The FBI and our partners continue to work around the clock to empty the refuge of the armed occupiers in the safest way possible,” the agency said.

Earlier in the day, at least some at the refuge were still expressing defiance.

“There are no laws in this United States now! This is a free-for-all Armageddon!” a heavyset man holding a rifle yelled into a camera transmitting from the refuge. He urged others to join those at the protest site, adding that if “they stop you from getting here, kill them!”

But that was before leader Ammon Bundy, arrested with other protesters Tuesday in a law enforcement operation that killed one of their comrades, called for those remaining in the high-desert refuge to “go home and hug your families.”

Bundy and several codefendants appeared in U.S. District Court in Portland on Wednesday afternoon and were ordered held without bond.

“Right now, I'm asking the federal government to allow the people at the refuge to go home without being prosecuted,” Bundy said in a written statement read after the hearing by his attorney, Mike Arnold. “To those remaining at the refuge, I love you. Let us take this fight from here. Please stand down. Please stand down. Go home and hug your families. This fight is ours for now -- in the courts.”

Authorities were offering free passage to most who left peacefully, and there were signs Wednesday evening that FBI agents were in communication with those inside the refuge before the departures.

“We’re just camped here by the fire,” one of the occupiers, David Fry of Ohio, said in a brief telephone interview.

“I’m waiting on the FBI calling,” he said.

A live stream feed Fry was running from the refuge through most of the day Wednesday showed a group with apparently mixed feelings. Some holdouts seemed ready to leave, while others were counting their weapons and ammunition.

“I want to go to my wife,” a man could be heard saying Wednesday afternoon, complaining that his credit card was maxed out and he was driving a rental car. “Sorry, guys.”

“No hard feelings,” another man responded.

At one point, the live stream caught what sounded like the cocking of a gun, and at least six occupiers could be seen passing through the camera’s field of vision and discussing their available weapons and ammunition.

“You got enough rounds for the 12-gauge?”

“We’ve got, what, two SKS [rifles]?”

“Hey, Sean! I think these fit your gun – they won’t fit the AR [rifle].”

“Anybody got a .45 pistol?”

But by Wednesday night, the stream included an image of a campfire burning in darkness, with a few voices talking of topics ranging from their personal finances to marijuana, relationships and the stars above.

“Oh, another great night,” a woman said. “There’s the Milky Way.”
Still more.

Plus, from Jennifer Hayden on Twitter, "When I wake up, I’m hoping to read David Fry and the rest are hungover in a jail cell."

And from JJ McNab, "David Fry, 'I'm sitting around waiting to die, I guess.' The kid has lost it."

ICYMI, from last night, "Three New Arrests in Militia Occupation at #Malheur National Wildlife Refuge."

FBI and Oregon State Police: LaVoy Finicum 'reached down toward his waistband where he had a gun...'

We've got two clear and conflicting narratives on the shootout that killed LeVoy Finicum.

You're got the Bundy militia narrative of the "hands up don't shoot" variety, and you've got the official police narrative holding Finicum resisted arrest, charged officers, and now, reached for his "waistbelt."

The best thing about the latest news is that authorities are contemplating releasing the dashcam video. Obviously they're not going to have much of a choice. The truth needs to come out and soon.

CNN reports, "Oregon occupiers: What officials say happened at traffic stop":

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(CNN) A high-speed getaway attempt and a reach for the waistband are said to have prompted police SWAT team members to open fire on a group of leaders of the Oregon armed occupiers.

A law enforcement official described the dramatic showdown that occurred Tuesday night on a desolate stretch of U.S. 395, some distance away from the federal wildlife refuge where the group took over federal buildings nearly a month ago.

FBI and Oregon State Police at a command center in Burns were monitoring the group when they departed the refuge to attend a town hall meeting with local residents in the town of John Day.
(CNN)A high-speed getaway attempt and a reach for the waistband are said to have prompted police SWAT team members to open fire on a group of leaders of the Oregon armed occupiers.

A law enforcement official described the dramatic showdown that occurred Tuesday night on a desolate stretch of U.S. 395, some distance away from the federal wildlife refuge where the group took over federal buildings nearly a month ago.

FBI and Oregon State Police at a command center in Burns were monitoring the group when they departed the refuge to attend a town hall meeting with local residents in the town of John Day.

For days, they watched as members of the group came and went freely from the refuge. Some went home on weekends. Ammon Bundy, the group's leader, visited family near Boise, Idaho.

"They got quite comfortable coming and going. This was a 'standoff-lite,'" said one official who was monitoring the events as they went down.

Tuesday was the first time that the combination of top leaders was all together traveling away from their base at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the official said.

The FBI and state police teams knew the route they were going to take. They picked a spot away from populated areas to attempt a traffic stop. One vehicle stopped on command from authorities. The second, allegedly driven by LaVoy Finicum, took off at high speed, attempting to get away.

About a mile away, out of sight, the FBI and state police had set up a roadblock.

But Finicum, with police in hot pursuit, attempted to leave the main road and drove into a snow bank. When he emerged from the vehicle, FBI and state police ordered him to surrender. That's when, authorities say, Finicum reached down toward his waistband where he had a gun.

The SWAT team opened fire. Finicum was killed. Ryan Bundy suffered a light wound on his arm.

The shooting was captured on camera by the SWAT team. FBI and Oregon police officials are discussing possibly releasing the video, in part to counter claims by supporters that Finicum was gunned down while trying to surrender...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Three New Arrests in Militia Occupation at #Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

From the FBI's Portland office, "Additional Arrests in the Occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge":
At approximately 3:30 pm, the FBI made probable cause arrests of Duane Leo Ehmer, age 45, of Irrigon, Oregon, and Dylan Wade Anderson, age 34, of Provo, Utah. At approximately, 7:40 pm, agents made a probable cause arrest of Jason S. Patrick, age 43, of Bonaire, Georgia. All were in contact with the FBI, and each chose to turn himself into agents at a checkpoint outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The arrests were without incident.

Each man faces one federal felony count of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation, or threats, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 372.

All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty...
The agency posted some rather intense tweets yesterday, giving clear signal on the wind was blowing.

Just five militiamen were holding out at the refuge early this evening. I'm not sure how many will still be there tomorrow, but word is there's a couple of crazy mofos still left. More on that shortly.

Also at the Portland Oregonian, "Jason Patrick, 2 others linked to Oregon refuge occupation taken into custody."

RELATED: See OPB, "FBI In Active Negotiations With Remaining Militants."

ADDED: At USA Today, "FBI arrests 3 more protesters as standoff winds down."