Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Terror Attacks Fuel Debate Over Migrants in Europe (VIDEO)

I'm past worrying about when people are going to wake up.

There's actually no outrage in Europe. It's all daisy-chains and hippie candles (and calls for French fries, oddly enough). The Paris piano-man's going to be singing "Imagine" in Maelbeek any minute now, no doubt. "Solidarity" will see us through, you know. There's no time for the "hate."

It's Pollyanna all the way around.

At the New York Times, "Brussels Attacks Fuel Debate Over Migrants in a Fractured Europe":

LONDON — It did not take long. Almost as soon as the bombs went off in Brussels on Tuesday morning, the new act of terrorism in the heart of Europe was employed in the bitter debate about the influx of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.

Even before the identities and nationalities of the attackers were known, there was an immediate association in popular discourse between the attacks on the airport and subway station in Brussels and the migrant crisis. Right-wing politicians and average citizens alike raised concerns that groups like the Islamic State, which claimed responsibility for the attacks, are slipping radicalized recruits, including European jihadists, through the vast migrant stream and into an unprepared Europe.

The murderous attacks in another European capital — just days after the Belgians finally tracked down the sole surviving suspect in a series of similarly coordinated attacks that killed 130 people in and around Paris in November — prompted new questions about European solidarity and security. And they came during a period of severe self-doubt about the European Union, with low growth, high unemployment, and the threat of a British exit from the bloc, to be decided in a June referendum.

“There is a growing perception among European public opinion that E.U. leaders are not in control of the Continent’s terrorist threat,” said Mujtaba Rahman of the Eurasia Group, a political risk and consulting company. “Combined, these attacks will increase xenophobic and anti-immigration sentiment across the E.U., which has already been rising in light of the E.U.’s ongoing refugee crisis.”

Right-wing parties all over Europe, and especially the Alternative for Germany party, “have and will continue to conflate refugees with terrorism,” Mr. Rahman said. “This will in turn put more pressure on incumbent governments and limit their space for policy action to address Europe’s multiple crises.”

Nigel Farage, a leader of the populist, conservative U.K. Independence Party, said: “I think we’ve reached a point where we have to admit to ourselves, in Britain and France and much of the rest of Europe, that mass immigration and multicultural division has for now been a failure.”

The attacks will also put more strain on the deal brokered last week by Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany with the Turkish government to restrict the migrant flow into Europe, in return for more liberal visa arrangements for travel into Europe by Turkish nationals. That deal was already being criticized as a security threat to Europe and had been questioned on humanitarian and legal grounds...

Lightning Cables for Apple Devices

At Amazon, Shop Basics - Lightning Cables for Apple Devices.

Also, from Professor F.H. Buckley, The Way Back: Restoring the Promise of America.

And from Thomas Frank, Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?

More, from Greg Gutfeld, How to Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct.

BONUS: From Hunter Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72.

ICYMI: Dana Loesch, Flyover Nation

She's so hot!

It's out June 21st.

At Amazon, Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

Dana Loesch photo Cc5GjKXUcAAJDo3_zpslp2sdjnp.jpg

Part-Choctaw Girl Removed from Loving Foster Home Under Indian Child Welfare Act (VIDEO)

Now this is just sad.

If you don't think the state (the American government) has too much power, think again.

The child considered the foster family as her real family, and the parents, Rusty and Summer Page of Santa Clarita, had begun the legal adoption process.

At LAist, "Child Taken From Foster Family Because of American Indian Heritage."

And watch, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Not Happy With the Candidates? Try Out a New Country


Let's have masses of leftists emigrate. They always threaten but never do. Maybe this time will be different! Bye Susan Sarandon, Cher, and Roseanne Barr, heh!

At the New York Times:
On Feb. 15, Rob Calabrese, a Canadian radio disc jockey, launched a website inviting Americans to take refuge on a Nova Scotia island. The site, Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins, has received 977,000 visits and so many inquiries about emigrating that it now offers a link to the Canadian government’s application. (President Obama even mentioned it during last week’s state dinner with Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister.) The site was, of course, a response to a familiar refrain, the threat to move abroad if politics doesn’t go your way. In the wake of primary victories by Hillary Clinton and Mr. Trump on Super Tuesday, people took to Twitter to vow to move to Canada, and the use of the search phrase “move to Canada” surged on Google.

The Association of Americans Resident Overseas estimates that eight million nonmilitary Americans currently live abroad, in more than 160 countries. While there are no reliable statistics about motives, few of the expatriates are believed to have left out of disgust with their politicians. Much more likely, they made a job-related move. Or retired to a warmer climate and friendlier economy. Or simply took a vacation and never came home.

Nan McElroy, for instance, had been working as a film and video editor in Atlanta when she visited Italy for the first time at the age of 40. She fell in love with the country, and ultimately moved to Venice 11 years ago. Now 60, she works as a sommelier and oarswoman, teaching people to row boats standing up in the Venetian style. “Even when it’s simple, it’s really complicated,” she said about emigrating. “You have to really want to do it.”

I asked Ms. McElroy and others familiar with expat life about the things Americans traveling abroad should do if they’re visiting a place with an eye to settling down. Here are several suggestions...
Keep reading.

BONUS: "Why you won't really move to Canada if Trump wins in November."

President Obama Pictured in Front of Revolutionary Che Guevara Mural in Cuba

At Weasel Zippers, "Obama Speaks In Front of Cuba’s Communist Dictatorship, Praises Their “Passion for Liberty”," and "FLASHBACK: When Castro & Che Guevara Tried to Kill Millions of Americans on Black Friday…"

More, from Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "OBAMA GOES LIMP: “I take it that Obama was exploring the outer limits of his defiance of the Castro regime. It seems to represent another of the Obama administration’s great moments in diplomacy, but your guess is as good as mine,” Scott Johnson writes at Power Line."

PREVIOUSLY: "Barack's Adventures in Cuba-Land (VIDEO)."

Monday, March 21, 2016

Barack's Adventures in Cuba-Land (VIDEO)

Fulfilling some communist dreams.

See Katie Pavlich, "Obama's Cuba move is all about fulfilling long-time far-left, Marxist, progressive dreams while slamming America in the process."

Also, at Twitchy, "‘Classic Reality Moment’: Iowahawk Offers @POTUS An Important Reminder About Cuba," and "‘My God’: This Photo Of Obama In Cuba Symbolizes Our ‘Utter Humiliation’ [Video]."

And the Washington Post, "Raúl Castro, Obama spar on human rights, Guantanamo, views of US and Cuba."

And at CBS Evening News:

Was America Once Socialist?

Well, once upon a time. Think back. Way back, heh.

Here's Professor Larry Schweikart, for Prager University:

Hailey Clauson Mesh-Bikini Photos 'Too Hot' for Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit App

Well, yeah.

Freakin' unreal.

Here, "These Hailey Clauson photos were deemed 'too hot' for the SI Swimsuit app."

She's very lovely.

PREVIOUSLY: "Hailey Clauson Outtakes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)."

Deal of the Day: Save on Batman DVD and Blu-Ray Titles

At Amazon, Save on Batman DVDs.

"Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" premieres on March 25th, so I guess this is the promotional angle.

More, The Dark Knight Trilogy (Batman Begins / The Dark Knight / The Dark Knight Rises), and The Dark Knight Trilogy: Ultimate Collector's Edition Blu-Ray.

Also, from Glen Weldon, The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture.

Barack Obama Will Not Meet the Invisible Cubans

From Christopher Dickey, at the Daily Beast, "Barack Obama Won't Meet the Real, Invisible Cubans."

Also, "Cubas Reforms Are a Myth."

Why It's Time for a Trump Revolution

From Michael Goodwin, at the New York Post.

And he's interviewed at Fox News, "New York Post columnist shares his thoughts on 'Fox & Friends'."

How David Brooks Created Donald Trump

From Glenn Reynolds, at USA Today (via Instapundit):
Political establishment denounced bourgeois Tea Party. Now, they must face raucous working-class Trumpsters.

Last week, in assessing the rise of Donald Trump, New York Times columnist David Brooks engaged in an uncharacteristic bit of self-reflection:

“Trump voters,” he wrote, “are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages, lost dreams. The American system is not working for them, so naturally they are looking for something else. Moreover, many in the media, especially me, did not understand how they would express their alienation. We expected Trump to fizzle because we were not socially intermingled with his supporters and did not listen carefully enough. For me, it’s a lesson that I have to change the way I do my job if I’m going to report accurately on this country.” (Emphasis added.)

Well, it’s a lesson for a lot of people in the punditocracy, of whom Brooks — who famously endorsed Barack Obama after viewing his sharply creased pants — is just one. And if Brooks et al. had paid attention, the roots of the Trump phenomenon wouldn’t have been so difficult to fathom.

Brooks is, of course, horrified at Trump and his supporters, whom he finds childish, thuggish and contemptuous of the things that David Brooks likes about today’s America. It’s clear that he’d like a social/political revolution that was more refined, better-mannered, more focused on the Constitution and, well, more bourgeois as opposed to in-your-face and working class.

The thing is, we had that movement. It was the Tea Party movement. Unlike Brooks, I actually ventured out to “intermingle” with Tea Partiers at various events that I covered for PJTV.com, contributing commentary to the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Examiner. As I reported from one event in Nashville, “Pundits claim the tea partiers are angry — and they are — but the most striking thing about the atmosphere in Nashville was how cheerful everyone seemed to be. I spoke with dozens of people, and the responses were surprisingly similar. Hardly any had ever been involved in politics before. Having gotten started, they were finding it to be not just worthwhile, but actually fun. Laughter rang out frequently, and when new-media mogul Andrew Breitbart held forth on a TV interview, a crowd gathered and broke into spontaneous applause. A year ago, many told me, they were depressed about the future of America. Watching television pundits talk about President Obama's transformative plans for big government, they felt alone, isolated and helpless. That changed when protests, organized by bloggers, met Mr. Obama a year ago in Denver, Colo., Mesa, Ariz., and Seattle, Wash. Then came CNBC talker Rick Santelli's famous on-air rant on Feb. 19, 2009, which gave the tea-party movement its name. Tea partiers are still angry at federal deficits, at Washington's habit of rewarding failure with handouts and punishing success with taxes and regulation, and the general incompetence that has marked the first year of the Obama presidency. But they're no longer depressed.”
Keep reading.

Veteran Older Reporters Are Being Forced From the Profession — Wahhh!


From Robert Stacy McCain, at the Other McCain, "Fear and Loathing: ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’ Could Not Be Reached for Comment":

Wahhh! photo waaaah_zpszmc43gid.png
Here’s a headline:
What Happens to Journalists When No One Wants to Print Their Words Anymore? As newsrooms disappear, veteran older reporters are being forced from the profession. That’s bad for journalism — and democracy.
Please shut up. Nobody feels sorry for you, and probably nobody should. The idea that people are entitled to be employed in whatever field they choose to pursue, and that once they get hired, they then have a “right” to keep that job — that is what’s bad for democracy.

Newspapers were my life for more than 20 years. Deadline after deadline after deadline — from 1986 to 2008, that’s what it was about. From the day I talked myself into a job as a $4.50-an-hour staff writer at a tiny weekly in Austell, Georgia, until the day I quit the Washington Times after a decade as assistant national editor and Culture page editor, my life was all about deadlines. It was a job I loved except for when I hated it, but one scam I never bought into was the lofty illusion cherished by the Professional Journalism types who insisted that the rotten pay and miserable working conditions of the typical newspaper reporter were justified because we were doing What’s Good For Democracy.

Bovine excrement.

We were doing what was good for the advertisers and the publisher, and any benefit to Democracy was strictly incidental. Long before the Internet made it possible to have “metrics,” as they say, of reader interest, I realized that there was a disconnect between (a) the average journalist’s conception of his job, and (b) what most readers actually wanted to read. Two or three decades ago, there was a lot of puffy nonsense — the kind of stuff you’d read in Columbia Journalism Review or the monthly American Society of News Editors (ASNE) bulletin — about “community service” and “investigative journalism” and so forth, all of which amounted to your mother telling you to eat your broccoli.

Every major metro daily in the country was piling manpower into the kind of five-part “investigative” series (or “enterprise journalism”) cynics used to call “Pulitzer bait.” This always seemed to involve a pet liberal crusade — racism, environmentalism, homelessness, etc. — that would appeal to the sensibilities of the Professional Journalism types who think of their jobs as What’s Good For Democracy: “Eat your broccoli.”
Keep reading for "‘Kazika the Mad Jap’."

Dana Loesch Interviews Dr. Yaron Brook, CEO of the Ayn Rand Institute (VIDEO)

Dr. Brook is pretty sympathetic to Donald Trump, as a fighter, although not as a thinker and principled leader.

He's got a new book coming out, remember?

Here, Equal Is Unfair: America's Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Amber Lee's Hazy-to-Sunshine Forecast

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Take an Extra 25% Off Men's Suiting and More

At Amazon, Shop Fashion - Extra 25% Off Men's Suiting and More .

Plus, from Jay Newton-Small, Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works.

From Emily Miller, Emily Gets Her Gun: …But Obama Wants to Take Yours.

And Dana Loesch, Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

When Millennials Run the Workplace


I have Millennials in my classrooms. So far, I don't have them in my conference rooms, lol.

At NYT, "What Happens When Millennials Run the Workplace?":
Joel Pavelski, 27, isn’t the first person who has lied to his boss to scam some time off work.

But inventing a friend’s funeral, when in fact he was building a treehouse — then blogging and tweeting about it to be sure everyone at the office noticed? That feels new.

Such was a recent management challenge at Mic, a five-year-old website in New York that is vying to become a leading news source created by and for millennials. Recent headlines include “Don’t Ban Muslims, Ban Hoverboards” and “When Men Draw Vaginas.”

“There’s 80 million millennials; we focus on the 40 that went to college,” said Chris Altchek, Mic’s 28-year-old chief executive.

But he is still working out how to manage many of the traits associated with his fellow millennials: a sense of entitlement, a tendency to overshare on social media, and frankness verging on insubordination.

Mic’s staff of 106 looks a lot like its target demographic: trim 20-somethings, with beards on the men and cute outfits on the women, who end every sentence with an exclamation point and use the word “literally” a lot.

Their crowded newsroom on Hudson Street has an aggressively playful vibe, like a middle-school fraternity house. Some ride hoverboards into the kitchen for the free snacks. Others wield Nerf dart guns or use a megaphone for ad hoc announcements. Dino, a white Maltese terrier owned by the lead designer, snuffles between desks.

Mr. Altchek is proud of the freewheeling office culture. “It helps us to have everyone speak out and best ideas rise to the top,” he said. “What that can feel like or sound like is rudeness. But I’d rather have a lot of people speaking their minds than a very controlled environment.”

But running an office made up exclusively of millennials, it turns out, is not without its snags. His philosophy was tested when Mr. Pavelski, Mic’s director of programming, requested a week off, ostensibly to attend a wake back home in Wisconsin. “I went to talk to Joel and said, ‘So sorry about your loss, take as much time as you need,’” Mr. Altchek said.

Then, several days later, he noticed Mr. Pavelski tweet a link to Medium, a popular blog for cathartic, personal essays. In a post titled, “How to Lose Your Mind and Build a Treehouse,” Mr. Pavelski wrote about feeling burned out at work and wanting to rebuild a childhood treehouse as therapy. The first line read, “I said that I was leaving town for a funeral, but I lied.”

“I was sort of taken aback,” Mr. Altchek said. “It’s not acceptable to be lied to.”

In a disciplinary meeting the next day, Mr. Pavelski’s supervisor acknowledged that he had been working grueling hours, so he was given another chance. Still, Mr. Altchek wanted to send a message. “Our feedback to him was, ‘This is not a three-strike policy, it’s a two-strike policy,’” he said...
He should have fired him on the spot. He lied. And blogged about lying. How much more insubordinate can you be?

But keep reading, in any case.

Donald Trump and Counter-Jihad

From Danusha Goska, at American Thinker (via Blazing Cat Fur):
Counter-jihadis are frustrated people. We see truths that others ignore. Jihad's death toll increases daily. We hope for a turning point, perhaps a charismatic public champion or a social media icon to propagate our movement.

The perfect public relations gimmick can change the landscape overnight. Relatively few people were thinking about, or donating money for research to cure amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in spring of 2014. By summer of 2014, a social media fund-raising gimmick called "the ice bucket challenge" inspired millions to participate in raising $115 million for ALS -- five times more than had been raised the year before. Counter-jihad needs that moment: when the landscape changes, and millions join the cause.

One might think that high-profile jihad attacks, such as 9-11, or ISIS' sexual enslavement of girls, might create a public relations tsunami, bringing leaders into the counter-jihad camp. Alas, the opposite has occurred. "Islam is peace," President George W. Bush said six days after 9-11, speaking in a mosque, accompanied by CAIR. "ISIL is not Islamic," said Barack Obama on September 10, 2014.

In 2010, a New Jersey Muslim man who had raped and tortured his arranged, teenage wife was exonerated by a New Jersey judge, on the grounds that the husband's behavior was consistent with Islamic belief and practice. Also in 2010, Derek Fenton was fired from New Jersey Transit for burning three pages from a Koran. In both cases, Americans applied sharia's standards. In spite of these events in his own state, Governor Chris Christie insisted that any question of sharia in the U.S. is nonsense. "This sharia law business is crap. It's just crazy. And I'm tired of dealing with the crazies."

Americans, beneficiaries of the freedom of speech as granted in the first amendment, inheritors of Western Civilization and its emphasis on truth as the highest value, now engage in the same process of decoding of news items that slaves of the Soviet system used to resort to. We hear of an explosion, a stabbing, a plot or a decapitation – the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, the 2014 decapitation in Moore, Oklahoma, the July, 2015 shootings in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the November 2015 UC Merced stabbing – and we all wonder when and if we will learn the suspect's name. The name is not released for hours or days. Officials rush to insist that the incident was not terrorism, but, rather, workplace violence.

Tremendous resentment, confusion and frustration are building up. People are angry. People are afraid. People don't know whom to trust.

But wait! There's good news. Very good news. The rhetorical landscape has slowly changed since 9/11.

Fifteen years ago, there were far more people who were eager to play the cultural relativism card and excuse away jihad and gender apartheid. As time has gone on, more and more people, in spite of the PC indoctrination that permeates schools, churches, politics and media, have concluded that there is something about Islam that poses a challenge. People are eager to learn more. When I give talks about Islam, audiences grant me a uniquely intense level of focus and concern. Audiences are much more likely now than in the past to have self-educated, and to know the differences between Islam and other world faiths, and to be able to refute standard-issue apologias for jihad.

The gap still exists, though, between average people's openness and awareness and the elite. Political correctness demonizes and punishes people who speak the truth about Islam. Heroes like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders must wear Kevlar and be surrounded by armed guards. Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are targeted and slandered by the incorrectly named Southern Poverty Law Center...
Keep reading.

Geller and Spencer aren't particularly big fans of Trump. So that prompts the question: Who will be our counter-jihad presidential champion?

Babe Roundup

Sorry, not doing a huge Rule 5 roundup like days of yore.

They take a lot of time and my forearm's still sore from repetitive stress.

Here's a few babe blogging links to keep the spirit alive:

At WWTDD, "Emily Ratajkowski Got a Gift Basket," and "Irina Shayk Tits Are Serious."

Plus, at Drunken Stepfather, "IRINA SHAYK FOR BRAS OF THE DAY," and "STEPLINKS OF THE DAY."

Also at Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is a field perfect for a solar project funded by the federal government, you might just be a Warmist."

See Wirecutter, "Must be rehearsing for her wedding night."

90 Miles From Tyranny has "Hot Pick of the Late Night."

At College Pill, "30 Super Hot Bikini Babes That Will Make You Crave For Summer!" (Via Linkiest.)

More, at Bro Bible, "Please Watch This Middle School Chick Fall Victim to the Biggest Track and Field Fail in Recorded History."

Also, at the Hostages, "Big Boob Friday™."

BONUS: From Dana Pico, "Rule 5 Blogging: Basic Combat Training," and the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Looking Back, All I Did Was Look Away."

Don’t Blame Trump for Divisiveness When the Left Says Stuff Like This

From Heather Mac Donald, at National Review:
Commentators on MSNBC and CNN have been shedding crocodile tears over Donald Trump’s “divisive rhetoric” and lamenting his failure to unify the country. This sudden concern for national unity is rather hard to take from the same worthies who have incessantly glorified the Black Lives Matter movement over the last year and a half.

Let’s dip into the rhetoric of a garden-variety Black Lives Matter march that I observed last October on Fifth Avenue in New York City. It featured “F**k the Police,” “Murderer Cops,” and “Racism Is the Disease, Revolution Is the Cure” T-shirts, “Stop Police Terror” signs, and “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Racist Cops Have Got to Go” chants.

What about the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter leaders? Last October, DeRay Mckesson, one of the self-appointed spokesmen for Black Lives Matter, led a seminar at the Yale Divinity School, while his BLM ally, Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop), tweeted about the proceedings. Mckesson (now running for mayor of Baltimore) had assigned an essay, “In Defense of Looting,” which justified the August 2014 Ferguson riots as “getting straight to the heart of the problem of the police, property, and white supremacy.” Elzie’s tweeted reporting on the class included “If you put me in a cage you’re damn right I’m going to break some glass” and “Looting for me isn’t violent, it’s an expression of anger.” (Let’s hope Baltimore residents do their homework before voting.)

President Obama routinely claims that the police and the criminal-justice system treat blacks differently than whites — an allegation without any empirical support. Last October, he defended the Black Lives Matter movement on the ground that “there is a specific problem that is happening in the African-American community that is not happening in other communities.” And might that “specific problem” be drive-by shootings, which happen virtually exclusively in black communities, mowing down innocent children and drawing disproportionate police presence? Of course not. Obama was referring to the alleged problem of racist cops’ mowing down black men. In fact, a police officer is two and a half times more likely to be killed by a black man than a black man is to be killed by a police officer. Blacks make up a lower percentage of victims of police shootings — 26 percent — than their astronomical violent-crime rates would predict. And the percentage of white and Hispanic homicide deaths from police shootings (12 percent) is much higher than the percentage of black homicide deaths from cop gunfire (4 percent).

The rhetoric of Democratic presidential contenders is just as incendiary. Hillary Clinton says it’s a “reality” that cops see black lives as “cheap.” Bernie Sanders says the killing of unarmed black people by police officers has been going on “decade after decade after decade.” In fact, among the 36 “unarmed” black men killed by the police last year (compared with 31 unarmed white men), a large percentage had been trying to grab the officer’s gun, were pummeling the officer with his own equipment, or were otherwise so viciously fighting with the arresting officer as to legitimately put him in fear for his life.

Black Lives Matter ideology, eagerly embraced by media and political elites, has created a volatile, dangerous atmosphere in urban areas when officers make an arrest...
Keep reading.

And see Mac Donald excoriate Trump as well, "Trump’s ‘Riot’ Comments Disqualify Him from the Presidency."

Amazon Deals

Here, Save on Lego Building Sets.

Also, Save on Select Fisher-Price Power Wheels.

More, Select Tasty Snacks.

Also, from Kay Ann Johnson, China's Hidden Children: Abandonment, Adoption, and the Human Costs of the One-Child Policy.

And, Mei Fong, One Child: The Story of China's Most Radical Experiment.

Donald Trump Fountain Hills Protesters Face Jail Time in Arizona (VIDEO)

Following-up from yesterday, "Donald Trump Supporters Clash with Protesters in Arizona (VIDEO)."

At ABC News 15 Phoenix.

One of the women waiting to get into the rally says, "Trump just represents all my morals and values":

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoons photo Lybia-Losses-600-LI_zpsiomcozwf.jpg

More from Michael Ramirez, "Hillary on Libya," and Theo Spark, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Obstruction of Justice."

What David Brooks Wrote About Trump Could Be Just as Easily Said of Obama

From Aaron Goldstein, at the American Spectator (via Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit):

Obama Trump photo obama_trump_logos_8-2-15-1_zpsdn0xae9c.jpg
I am almost in complete agreement with David Brooks regarding his assessment of Donald Trump in his latest New York Times column:
He is a childish man running for a job that requires maturity. He is an insecure boasting little boy whose desires were somehow arrested at age 12. He surrounds himself with sycophants. “You can always tell when the king is here,” Trump’s butler told Jason Horowitz in a recent Times profile. He brags incessantly about his alleged prowess, like how far he can hit a golf ball. “Do I hit it long? Is Trump strong?” he asks.
So why am I almost in agreement with Brooks?

Well, to put it very simply, what Brooks has written about Trump could just as easily be said of Obama.

Remember when Michael Jordan dissed Obama's golf game shortly before the 2014 mid-term elections? While Obama acknowledged Jordan was a better golfer he added, "Of course if I was playing twice a day for the last 15 years, then that might not be the case." I realize Obama has played golf 270 times since taking office, but the idea he could compete with one of the greatest athletes in American history is delusional. But, of course, Obama would think like that. This is, after all, a man who has said with complete conviction, "I'm LeBron, baby. I can play on this level. I've got some game."

It takes a certain amount of hubris to think an iPod full of one's speeches is a fitting gift for anyone much less a Queen. Speaking of the Brits, it doesn't say a lot for Obama's maturity that he saw fit to blame British PM David Cameron for the debacle in Libya. To Obama, leading from behind means attacking one's friends from behind...
Keep reading.

Frank Luntz Focus Group Member Says Hillary Clinton's the 'Worst Liar I Think I've Ever Seen' (VIDEO)

Here's the original segment, which I just watched, at CBS Face the Nation, "Frank Luntz on focus group: Why voters hate Trump and Clinton."

And I really took notice of this woman's comments. She's very articulate and sincere. Others noticed as well. At Free Beacon, "CBS Focus Group Member Calls Clinton ‘Worst Liar I Think I’ve Ever Seen’."

Amanda Carpenter Creates List of Conservatives Blackballed for Supporting Donald Trump

She puts her money where her mouth is.

At Conservative Review, "Blackballing Those Who Endorse Trump":
Here is the list of current federal and state GOP officials, former Republican officials, and private citizens who have formally endorsed Trump if anyone else is interested in joining me. Each and every one of his endorsers should be held accountable in their future elections or political ventures.
Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin are on the list, two of my favorite conservatives, heh.

Amanda's throwing down the gauntlet.

More at Breitbart, "Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers'."

And back at Conservative Review: Brian Darling, "Against Blackballing."

Donald Trump and the Rebirth of the Republican Party

From Pat Buchanan, at VDare, "Trump Isn’t the Suicide of the GOP, He’s Its Rebirth – And He CAN Beat Hillary In the General!":
“If his poll numbers hold, Trump will be there six months from now when the Sweet 16 is cut to the Final Four, and he will likely be in the finals.”

My prediction, in July of 2015, looks pretty good right now.

Herewith, a second prediction. Republican wailing over his prospective nomination aside, Donald Trump could beat Hillary Clinton like a drum in November.

Indeed, only the fear that Trump can win explains the hysteria in this city. Here is The Washington Post of March 18: “As a moral question it is straightforward. The mission of any responsible Republican should be to block a Trump nomination and election.”

The Orwellian headline over that editorial: “To defend our democracy, the GOP must aim for a brokered convention.”

Beautiful. Defending democracy requires Republicans to cancel the democratic decision of the largest voter turnout of any primaries in American history. And this is now a moral imperative for Republicans.

Like the Third World leaders it lectures, the Post celebrates democracy—so long as the voters get it right.

Whatever one may think of the Donald, he has exposed not only how far out of touch our political elites are, but how insular is the audience that listens to our media elite.

Understandably, Trump’s rivals were hesitant to take him on, seeing the number he did on “little Marco,” “low energy” Jeb and “Lyin’ Ted.”

But the Big Media—the Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times—have been relentless and ruthless.

Yet Trump’s strength with voters seemed to grow, pari passu, with the savagery of their attacks. As for National Review, The Weekly Standard and the accredited conservative columnists of the big op-ed pages, their hostility to Trump seems to rise, commensurate with Trump’s rising polls.

As the Wizard of Oz was exposed as a little man behind a curtain with a big megaphone, our media establishment is unlikely ever again to be seen as formidable as it once was.

And the GOP?

Those Republicans who assert that a Trump nomination would be a moral stain, a scarlet letter, the death of the party, they are most likely describing what a Trump nomination would mean to their own ideologies and interests...

How Trump vs. Clinton Would Reshape the Electoral Map

This is pretty good, from Dan Balz, at the Washington Post.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Matthew Desmond, Evicted

Well, I continue to devour books, especially considering how blogging and tweeting have been less appealing with all the Trump purity wars.

Besides, I'm still getting over some repetitive stress injuries on my left arm. It's been too painful to blog sometimes, man.

In any case, this looks great, from Matthew Desmond, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.

BONUS: Also good, from Kathryn Edin and Luke Shaefer, $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America.

Earth Hour Celebrates Ignorance, Poverty, and Backwardness [REPOST]

From last year, a repost:
Most excellent.

From Professor Mark Perry, at AEI:
In 2009, Canadian economist Ross McKitrick was asked by a journalist for his thoughts on the importance of the annual one-hour event in energy self-flagellation and green nitwitery known as Earth Hour, which takes place today, March 28, at 8:30 p.m. Here is his excellent response (my emphasis)...
Keep reading.

The Left is Pushing Hard Against Privacy Bills

From Laurie Higgins, at the Illinois Family Institute:
The Leftist effort to sever objective immutable sex differences from both meaning and cultural recognition and to promote the fiction that one’s sex can change marches on. Within hours of the filing of the Pupil Physical Privacy Act (HB 4474) in Springfield, which would prohibit students in public schools from using restrooms and locker rooms designated for the opposite sex, Equality Illinois, an organization dedicated to the normalization of sexual perversion and confusion, flew into a paroxysm of deceit:
HB4474…would stigmatize transgender and gender non-conforming youth by requiring them to use separate restrooms and locker rooms.

This bill is an attack on the well-being and dignity of transgender and gender non-conforming students. It says to them that they are not respected and valued in the very spaces where they should be safe and affirmed.

The only fair option is to ensure transgender students have access to the facilities that correspond to their gender identity.
Despite the demagogic rhetoric of Equality Illinois, policies and practices that acknowledge and respect objective, immutable, and important sex differences do not “stigmatize” or “attack the well-being” or “dignity” of gender-dysphoric students. Respect and valuation of humans does not require affirmation of all their feelings, beliefs, desires, or actions. In fact, sometimes respect and valuation of humans includes not affirming some of their feelings, beliefs, desires, or actions. Many would argue that allowing a boy or girl to deny the meaning and import of their sex through cross-dressing, rendering themselves sterile through the use of cross-sex hormones, and mutilating their healthy bodies is profoundly disrespectful—an egregious denial of their dignity.

The Left believes—sort of—that all reality is determined by the subjective feelings and desires of each individual. So a person’s maleness or femaleness is determined by their feelings not by their, well, maleness or femaleness.

But, it’s a horse of a different color, when other people “feel” that maleness and femaleness is inextricably linked to objective, immutable sex, or when they believe that it’s wrong to pretend people are the sex they are not, or that treating others with dignity requires affirming their wholeness. In such cases Leftists, who with alacrity and regularity violate the law of non-contradiction, claim their subjective feelings (and assumptions) should be considered immutable, absolute, objective truth—you know, unlike each person’s sex...
Keep reading.

RELATED: iOTW Report, "'XY' and 'XX' chromosomes are genetic markers, not a disorder."

Donald Trump Supporters Clash with Protesters in Arizona (VIDEO)

"#CrushTrump" is trending right now on Twitter, and that's for the New York protests against Trump today.

Also, more at "#Arizona Trump."

And at LAT, "Protesters block road outside Donald Trump rally, so supporters walk instead."

Plus, watch at CNN:

Samantha Hoopes Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Video 2016

She's great, heh.

PREVIOUSLY: "Super Sexy Samantha Hoopes Outtakes from Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 in Malta (VIDEO)."

Deal of the Day: Samsung 48-Inch Smart LED TV

At Amazon, a nice deal, 44 Percent Off Samsung 48-Inch 4K HD Smart LED TV.

Also, KIND Nuts & Spices Bars, Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt, 1.4 Ounce, 12 Count.

More, Death Wish Ground Coffee, The World's Strongest Coffee, Fair Trade and USDA Certified Organic - 16 Ounce Bag.

And, from Christian Appy, American Reckoning: The Vietnam War and Our National Identity.

BONUS: Fredrik Logevall, Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam.

David John Vanzo Arrested on Suspicion of Wheeling Dying Mother Into Bank to Withdraw Money

This is one of the most evil stories I've read in a while, and that's saying a lot, considering.

At LAT, "Man accused of wheeling dying mother into a bank to withdraw money is arrested in Pomona."

Also at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, "Minnesota man suspected of wheeling unresponsive mother into bank for withdrawal is arrested."

The fucker needs to be put away behind bars for a long, long time.

Political Anger 2016: The Decomposition of Traditional Institutions


At the Washington Post, "A deep dive into an angry, and divided, America":
There is so much anger out there in America: “Anger at Wall Street. Anger at Muslims. Anger at trade deals. Anger at Washington. Anger at police shootings of young black men. Anger at President Obama. Anger at Republican obstructionists. Anger about political correctness. Anger about the role of big money in campaigns. Anger about the poisoned water of Flint. Anger about deportations. Anger about undocumented immigrants. Anger about a career that didn't go as expected. Anger about a lost way of life. Mob anger at groups of protesters in their midst. Specific anger and undefined anger and even anger about anger.”

This anger is the culmination of long-emerging trends in American life: “The decomposition of traditional institutions. The descent of politics into reality-TV entertainment. Demographic and economic shifts quickening the impulses of inclusion and exclusion and us vs. them. All of it leading to this moment of great unsettling, with the Republican Party unraveling, the Democrats barely keeping it together, and both moving farther away from each other by the week, reflecting the splintering not only of the body politic but of the national ideal.”

FLASHBACK: At SF Gate, "Lightworker: Is Obama an enlightened being? / Spiritual wise ones say: This sure ain't no ordinary politician. You buying it?"

Friday, March 18, 2016

Salah Abdeslam Captured in Brussels Raid (VIDEO)

Instapundit had this earlier, "TERROR: Salah Abdeslam, Suspect in Paris Attacks, Is Captured in Brussels."

And at LAT, "European manhunt ends with arrest of suspect in Paris attacks":

The largest manhunt in Europe came to a dramatic end Friday when police in Belgium arrested a fugitive linked to the Paris terrorist attacks that killed 130 people in November.

Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old French national who grew up in Brussels, was captured in a raid that sent loud bursts of gunfire reverberating through the city's Molenbeek neighborhood.

“We got him,” tweeted Belgium's secretary of state for asylum and migration, Theo Francken.

Abdeslam was injured in the leg during the raid and police were preparing to question him late Friday, hopeful that he will reveal crucial information about a Europe-wide network of Islamic extremists.

Images from French TV showed a man with a seemingly injured leg, wearing an off-white hooded top, being bundled into a police car by several armed officers in combat gear. The identity of the man in the footage was not immediately known...
More at that top link.

And more video at Euronews, "Salah Abdeslam, Europe's most-wanted man, arrested in Brussels."

Josh Rubenstein Flies with the Blue Angels (VIDEO)

Very cool.

Rubenstein's the chief meteorologist at CBS News 2 Los Angeles.

It's a ride of a lifetime.

I'm Gay and I've Been Banned from San Francisco!


What a headline.

It's from Milo Yiannopoulos, via Ed Dricoll at Instapundit:
“The city has a fetish for banning things (among many other weird fetishes, some of which are OK I guess). Things that are currently unwelcome in San Francisco: McDonalds Happy Meals, Segways, plastic bags, soda vending machines, and gay people with opinions…It’s little wonder that companies like Twitter and Facebook, based in San Francisco, are so rapidly descending into the wacky politics of social justice, censorship, and blatant anti-conservatism.”

Bernie Sanders Claims Sheriff Joe Arpaio 'Ambushed' His Wife at 'Tent City', in Maricopa County, Arizona (VIDEO)


What a great story!

At the Phoenix New Times, "Jane Sanders Blasted for Arpaio 'Photo-Op' on Social Media":
After Bernie Sanders' wife took a tour of Maricopa County's Tent City Jail with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, critics today accused her of acting as a "prop" in the spread of racist propaganda.

Among the naysayers was Democratic U.S. Representative Ruben Gallego, who, in a Facebook post, advised Jane Sanders "to take a less naive approach" to promoting her husband's policies if she "is serious about winning over Latino voters in Arizona."

Gallego is an announced Hillary Clinton supporter.

And at Free Beacon, "Bernie Sanders Walks Off Interview":
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) walked away during an interview with a local NBC channel in Phoenix, Arizona.

The footage was released by KPNX, NBC 12 ahead of Arizona’s primaries on Tuesday, March 22 and widely reported by The Hill.

Sanders appeared irked at first by a question from Brahm Resnik about Sanders’ stance on the Minuteman, a group who would voluntarily patrol the Southern border. After Sanders commented on it, Resnik asked Sanders about his wife, Jane Sanders’ recent trip to ‘Tent City,’ an outdoor prison in Maricopa County, Arizona. The prison is run by the famous Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who endorsed Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for Trump’s strong stance on illegal immigration.

Jane Sanders went on a tour around the perimeter of the prison with Carlos Garcia, an immigrant rights activist. Arpaio approached her and invited her inside the prison for an up-close tour, which she accepted.

Sanders appears to be unhappy however with Arpaio’s invite. As Resnik attempted to ask Sanders about the visit, Sanders interrupted and gave his take.

“You know, let me just tell you something, you know, what Joe Arpaio is doing is an outrage. My wife went to look at the so-called ‘Tent City,’ which is something that should not exist. The fact that he crashed her meeting is to me, very, very wrong. Not something that he should have done.”

After Sanders was done, he got up, took off his microphone and walked off the set...
Watch the video at the link.

Donald Trump's Campaign Threatens to Steal Tea Party's Thunder

Ah, hardcore Ted Cruz supporters aren't going to love this argument.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Trump campaign threatens to steal tea party thunder":

Sarah Palin Donald Trump photo Cclx0auVIAQfYZC_zpsr9gfauiq.jpg
Always a bit of a rebel, Debbie Dooley was so frustrated in 2009 over bank bailouts and stimulus packages that she threw herself into organizing Atlanta’s first tea party rally.

Today, the daughter of a Southern preacher has shifted her energy and passion into electing Donald Trump as the latest Washington outsider to shake up the status quo.

No matter that many of Trump’s policies stray from the tea party’s original small-government ideals. The tough-talking billionaire ignites that same anti-establishment fervor that fired up many tea party foot soldiers like Dooley.

In the process, Trump has recast their earlier champions — namely tea party darling Sen. Ted Cruz — as disappointing outsiders-turned-insiders who cater to corporate donors and fail to deliver on big promises.

“The support for Trump is not only a screw-you to the Republican establishment, it’s a screw-you to the conservative establishment,” said Dooley, 57, an energy consultant. “[People] are sick and tired of the same old, same old — just money corrupting the political process. They work hard, they vote for elected officials and they expect them to keep their promises.”

Trump’s candidacy has not only fractured the Republican Party, it’s threatening to break apart the tea party movement and erode a once-powerful voting block that has driven conservative politics and elections for the past seven years.

In addition to grass-root defections by activists like Dooley, tea party leadership has split over Trump’s presidential bid. Some conservative activists met this week to try to stop him, while others have joined his campaign.

Meanwhile, major financial backers, including groups funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, have been sidelined from publicly backing GOP primary candidates, partly out of fear they might alienate their divided base.

The soured relationship should come as no surprise. The tea party was always somewhat of a marriage of convenience between Washington’s free-market powerhouses and frustrated ordinary Americans who showed up at rallies with their tri-cornered hats and “Don’t Tread on Me” flags.

Fighting President Obama provided an easy alliance that Republicans at first leveraged to their advantage. But it also was a relationship built on what now looks like a rickety foundation — less about think-tank-driven policies and more about voter outrage against perceived elitism.

From an ideological standpoint, the tea party’s natural candidate should be Cruz, the Texas senator who was swept into office in the tea party revolt and wears his unpopularity in Washington as an “outsider” badge of honor.

But in Trump’s long shadow, Cruz and rival Sen. Marco Rubio, before he left the campaign, suddenly looked to many rank-and-file activists as part of the problem.

“I don’t see Ted Cruz being a job creator,” Dooley said...
Still more.

Deal of the Day: FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System

At Amazon, FoodSaver V2244 Vacuum Sealing System with Starter Kit.

Plus, KIND Nuts & Spices, Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt, 1.4 Ounce, 12 Count.

Also, Save on Select Baseball & Softball Gear.

BONUS: From Sasha Issenberg, The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns.

Hillary Clinton’s Appalachian Problem

From the great Sasha Issenberg, at Bloomberg.

BONUS: At the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "As Hillary Clinton Sweeps States, One Group Resists: White Men."

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Free Trade Doesn't Work

The author Ian Fletcher sent me a copy of this book a few years back, and then harangued me with constant emails about publishing a book review. Hey, I can't power through all these tomes on demand, lol.

Still, talk about timely. I wonder if this guy's lobbying for a trade policy position in the upcoming Donald Trump presidential administration, heh.

At Amazon, Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace It and Why.

Also, from Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and Its Discontents.

More, from Jeff Madrick, Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present. And from Robert Reich, Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few.

BONUS: From Professor Benjamin J. Cohen, Currency Power: Understanding Monetary Rivalry.

Curly Haugland, RNC Rules Committee Member: 'Political parties choose their nominee, not the general public' (VIDEO)

Oh boy. Talk about bringing on those riots Donald Trump warned about.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "GOP Delegate: We Pick The Nominee, ‘Not The General Public’."

And watch, at CNBC, via Memeorandum, "We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official."

Donald Trump and the Left's Accusations of Fascism

From Bruce Thornton, at FrontPage Magazine, "Trump and the Left’s Accusations of Fascism":
The stale ad Hitlerum fallacy used by progressives to demonize violators of the Party Line.

Donald Trump’s success in the primaries and his rhetoric have sparked troubled meditations about an awakening of fascist impulses among his supporters. Bret Stephens has drawn an analogy with the Thirties, “the last dark age of Western politics,” and compared Trump to Benito Mussolini. On the left, Dana Milbank, in a column titled “Trump Flirts with Fascism,” wrote about a campaign rally at which Trump was “leading supporters in what looked very much like a fascist salute,” a scene New York Times house-conservative David Brooks linked to the Nuremberg party rallies.

Much of the rhetoric that links Trump to fascism or Nazism is merely the stale ad Hitlerum fallacy used by progressives to demonize the candidate. They did the same thing when they called George W. Bush “Bushitler.” This slur reflects the hoary leftist dogma that conservatives at heart are repressed xenophobes and knuckle-dragging racists lusting for a messianic leader to restore their lost “white privilege” and punish their minority, immigrant, and feminist enemies. As such, the attack on Trump is nothing new or unexpected from a progressive ideology whose totalitarian inclinations have always had much more in common with fascism than conservatism does.

What Auden called the “low dishonest decade” of the Thirties, however, is indeed instructive for our predicament today, but not because of any danger of a fascist party taking root in modern America. Communism was (and in some ways still is) vastly more successful at infiltrating and shaping American political, cultural, and educational institutions than fascism ever was. But the same cultural pathologies that enabled both fascist and Nazi aggression still afflict us today. These pathologies and their malign effects are more important than the reasons for Trump’s popularity–– anger at elites, economic stagnation, and anti-immigrant passions–– that supposedly echo the “waves of fear and anger” of Auden’s Thirties.

The most important delusion of the Thirties still active today is the idealistic internationalism that had developed over the previous century. A world shrunk by new communication and transportation technologies and linked by global trade, internationalists argued, meant nations and peoples were becoming more alike. Thus they desired the same prosperity, political freedom, human rights, and peace that the West enjoyed. Interstate relations now should be based on this “harmony of interests,” and managed by non-lethal transnational organizations rather than by force. Covenants and treaties like the Hague and Geneva Conventions, and institutions like the League of Nations and the International Court of Arbitration, could peacefully resolve conflicts among nations through diplomatic engagement, negotiation, and appeasement.

The Preamble to the First Hague Convention (1899) captures the idealism that would compromise foreign policy in the Thirties. The Convention’s aims were “the maintenance of the general peace” and “the friendly settlement of international disputes.” This goal was based on the “solidarity which unites the member of the society of civilized nations” and their shared desire for “extending the empire of law and of strengthening the appreciation of international justice.” Two decades later, the monstrous death and destruction of World War I should have shattered the delusion of such “solidarity” existing even among the “civilized nations.” Despite that gruesome lesson, Europe doubled down and created the League of Nations, which failed to stop the serial aggression that culminated in World War II.

But the League wasn’t the only manifestation of naïve internationalism. The Locarno Treaty of 1925 welcomed Germany back into the community of nations with a seat on the League of Nations council. Nobel Peace prizes, and wish-fulfilling headlines like the New York Times’ “France and Germany Bar War Forever,” were all that resulted. The Kellogg-Briand pact of 1928 “condemn[ed] recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce[d] it as an instrument of national policy” in interstate relations. The signing powers asserted that “the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts . . . shall never be sought except by pacific means.”

All the future Axis Powers signed the treaty, and they all soon shredded these “parchment barriers.” In the next few years, Japan invaded Manchuria, Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland in gross violation of the Versailles Treaty, and Italy invaded Ethiopia. By the time Germany annexed Austria, and Neville Chamberlain’s faith in negotiation and appeasement handed Czechoslovakia to Hitler, all these treaties and conventions and conferences were dead letters, and the League of Nations was exposed as a “cockpit in the tower of Babel,” as Churchill suggested after the First World War.

However, such graphic and costly evidence showing the folly of “covenants without the sword,” as Hobbes put it, did not discredit this dangerous idealism over the following decades. Indeed, it lies behind the disasters of Obama’s foreign policy. Just consider his “outreach” to our enemies, his acknowledgement of our own “imperfections,” his reliance on toothless U.N. Security Council Resolutions, his preference for non-lethal economic sanctions to pressure adversaries, and his belief that negotiated settlements and agreements can achieve peace and good relations even with our fiercest enemies. All reflect the same failure to recognize that our adversaries in fact do not sincerely want to reach an agreement, for the simple reason they are not in fact “just like us,” and so they do not want peace and prosperity and good relations with their neighbors and the “world community.”

The catalogue of Obama’s failures is long and depressing...
A great essay.

Keep reading.

Tuesday's Primary Voters Expressed Major Worries About the Economy (VIDEO)

This is a great segment from CNN below.

Combined, close to 95 percent of GOP primary voters are "very worried" or "somewhat worried" about the economy, and those voters went for Donald Trump by around 45 percent. (Democrats say they're not as worried about the economy, but that's under-reporting in order to protect Obama. They're worried, just not as openly as Republicans are, and even if they say their own economic situation is under control, it's all "There but for the grace of God go I" when these same voters see their very neighbors and family members struggling in the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.)

Donald Trump 'Won’t Be a Pushover' in the General Election

I don't know why people think he would be. And I don't know why people think that nominating Trump is "giving away" the election to the Democrats.

It's going to be the most polarizing election we've had in decades, and perhaps as close as the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. All the talk about Republican voters sitting out the election is pure speculation at this point. Polls showing large numbers of GOP primary voters saying they'd "never" vote for Trump are likely to change, especially once the general election campaign gets rolling in September. Stay tuned.

In any case, see Instapundit, "DONALD TRUMP’S NEW HILLARY ATTACK AD suggests that he won’t be a pushover in a general election contest (VIDEO)."

Laura Ingraham: Time for Republicans to Unite Behind Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Well, you'd think.

But I expect the GOPe will pull a circular firing squad before uniting behind the electorate's Republican primary front-runner --- and that's sad.

Here's Ms. Ingraham, with Greta Van Susteren yesterday:

Stop Comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler

From Michael Lind, at Politico, "Quit Comparing Trump to Hitler!":
This indirect version of the Hitler smear goes back to the 1950s, when émigré Marxist intellectuals of the so-called Frankfurt School, many of them refugees from Hitler, wondered why the masses of their adopted country had not yet risen up to overthrow capitalism. Their answer was that many if not most of the blue collar workers in the country that had saved them were sinister brownshirts in the making, afflicted with “authoritarian personalities.”

Around the same time, centrists like Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and Peter Viereck were appalled and puzzled by the demagogic appeal of the red-baiting Senator Joe McCarthy. They couldn’t understand why everybody in America didn’t join them in rallying behind Adlai Stevenson. For these centrists and liberals, the historian Richard Hofstadter supplied an explanation in his essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” More careful historians, in Hofstadter’s time and ours, have demolished his explanation of the populist movement in terms of irrational, quasi-fascist paranoia. But the phrase “the paranoid style” is endlessly recycled by lazy journalists and editorial page columnists. And the equally dubious Frankfurt School concept of the “authoritarian personality” is likewise recycled by social scientists in every election cycle. Typically the liberal academics begin by equating regular conservatism or run-of-the-mill populism with “authoritarianism” and then predictably discover—surprise!—that “authoritarianism” thus defined is found among conservatives and populists.

Of course both sides can play the Hitler smear game. In October 1964, Republican Representative William Miller compared President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society reform to the Hitler regime. More recently, the conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg’s book Liberal Fascism, which equated the entire Progressive-Liberal tradition from Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt to the present with Italian Fascism and German Nationalism, was a best-seller on the right.

That Obama is the new Hitler has been a frequent theme of conservative commentators and politicians during his two terms in office. A low point came when Mike Huckabee said that as a result of the multinational Iranian nuclear deal, President Obama “will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”

All of this bears out the “law” of the Internet age put forward by Mike Godwin, an American attorney and author, that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” But long before Godwin, the German philosopher Leo Strauss—himself a Jewish refugee from Hitler—dismissed what he called the argumentum ad Hitlerum as a cheap debating trick: “A view is not refuted by the fact that it happens to have been shared by Hitler.”
Actually, Mike Godwin recently argued that Godwin's "law" might not actually apply to Trump --- you know, if the shoe fits, or something, idiot.

In any case, more at the link.

Donald Trump Talks About Bringing Jobs Back Home, With Sean Hannity in North Carolina (VIDEO)

It's a tall order, Trump's claim that he's going to turn things around in the U.S. economy by adopting aggressive trade protectionism. Still, he's resonating with the people like mad.

Here's the New York Times' report on Trump's trade agenda from last week, "On Trade, Donald Trump Breaks With 200 Years of Economic Orthodoxy."

And watch Trump below with Hannity last week in North Carolina. The crowd was overfill, and thousands were still lined-up outside the venue, unable to get in. This is becoming a phenomenon. His campaign's becoming a social movement, and I expect it's even bigger and more spectacular than what bits here and there indicate during mainstream television coverage. Something's happening with the great unwashed silent majority. It's really amazing.

George Kennan Died 11 Years Ago Today, March 17, 2005

Kennan's most famous essay, "The Sources of Soviet Conduct," published under the pseudonym "X", laid out the basis for the U.S. "containment" doctrine.

The essay was published at Foreign Affairs, in July 1947:

George Kennan photo George_F._Kennan_1947_zpsqjogtns9.jpg
The political personality of Soviet power as we know it today is the product of ideology and circumstances: ideology inherited by the present Soviet leaders from the movement in which they had their political origin, and circumstances of the power which they now have exercised for nearly three decades in Russia. There can be few tasks of psychological analysis more difficult than to try to trace the interaction of these two forces and the relative role of each in the determination of official Soviet conduct. Yet the attempt must be made if that conduct is to be understood and effectively countered.

It is difficult to summarize the set of ideological concepts with which the Soviet leaders came into power. Marxian ideology, in its Russian-Communist projection, has always been in process of subtle evolution. The materials on which it bases itself are extensive and complex. But the outstanding features of Communist thought as it existed in 1916 may perhaps be summarized as follows: (a) that the central factor in the life of man, the factor which determines the character of public life and the "physiognomy of society," is the system by which material goods are produced and exchanged; (b) that the capitalist system of production is a nefarious one which inevitably leads to the exploitation of the working class by the capital-owning class and is incapable of developing adequately the economic resources of society or of distributing fairly the material goods produced by human labor; (c) that capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction and must, in view of the inability of the capital-owning class to adjust itself to economic change, result eventually and inescapably in a revolutionary transfer of power to the working class; and (d) that imperialism, the final phase of capitalism, leads directly to war and revolution.

The rest may be outlined in Lenin's own words: "Unevenness of economic and political development is the inflexible law of capitalism. It follows from this that the victory of Socialism may come originally in a few capitalist countries or even in a single capitalist country. The victorious proletariat of that country, having expropriated the capitalists and having organized Socialist production at home, would rise against the remaining capitalist world, drawing to itself in the process the oppressed classes of other countries." It must be noted that there was no assumption that capitalism would perish without proletarian revolution. A final push was needed from a revolutionary proletariat movement in order to tip over the tottering structure. But it was regarded as inevitable that sooner or later that push be given.

For 50 years prior to the outbreak of the Revolution, this pattern of thought had exercised great fascination for the members of the Russian revolutionary movement...
There's a PDF version here.

PHOTO CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons.

Hailey Clauson Outtakes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)

She's really fabulous.

Of the three cover editions of the new issues, Clauson's are flying off the shelves. The others, not so much.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Above-Average Temperature Forecast

Very summery weather today, heh.

Plus, at the beginning of the video is Island Grissom, one of the THUMS Islands, in Long Beach, which is a man-made oil-production facility. One of my best friends had connections and landed a roughneck job there in the early-1980s, and it was union-pay with astronomical hourly wages. People couldn't believe it when my buddy quit the job after a year or so, because he would have been set for life. Interesting.

Hoover FloorMate Deluxe Hard Floor Cleaner

So, Amazon's really pushing the spring cleaning items, lol.

Here, today only, Hoover FloorMate Deluxe Hard Floor Cleaner, FH40160PC.

Also, Kindle Countdown Deals: Limited-Time Discounts on Amazon Kindle-Exclusive Books.

Plus, Save on Toys and Baby Gear.

BONUS: From Matt Lewis, Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections (and How It Can Reclaim Its Conservative Roots).

Also, from E.J. Dionne, Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism--From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond.

Donald Trump Wins Florida GOP Primary, Knocks Out Rubio; Kasich Wins Ohio to Stay Alive (VIDEO)

Trump won Florida, Illinois, and North Carolina. Kasich took his home state, where he's the sitting governor. Missouri is still too close to call and folks were talking about statewide recounts last night.

In any case, the nomination's Donald Trump's for all intents and purposes. He'd have to have some kind of spectacular collapse to prevent him from heading into the Cleveland convention without the necessary delegates to win on the first ballot. Indeed, with Kasich staying in the race, he'll siphon votes from Ted Cruz, however small, which will allow Trump to continue to win the plurality of GOP primary voters in the remaining contests.

Now all the GOPe can do is hope for contested convention, or frankly, get behind a dark-horse third party candidate, which would mean the end of the party as a legitimate organization.

More, at LAT, "Trump builds momentum with at least 3 more wins; Rubio drops out, Kasich takes Ohio":

Donald Trump romped to victory Tuesday in Florida, chasing Marco Rubio from the race, but Ohio Gov. John Kasich won his home state, raising hopes for those seeking to stop Trump and settle the presidential contest on the floor of the Republican National Convention.

Trump also won North Carolina and Illinois and was locked in a close fight with Sen. Ted Cruz in Missouri.

“I'm getting ready to rent a covered wagon, we're going to have a big sail and have the wind blow us to the Rocky Mountains and over the mountains to California,” Kasich said at a jubilant rally outside Cleveland.

That is just the sort of extended nominating fight the GOP establishment sought to avoid by stacking the political calendar with big early contests, capped by Tuesday night's winner-take-all primaries in Florida and Ohio. California votes on June 7, near the close of the primary season.

Now, many of those same party types see an inconclusive nominating contest as the best and perhaps only chance of thwarting Trump, even if it threatens to shred the GOP in the process.

The setback in Ohio, where Trump campaigned hard, was his most disappointing performance since he finished second to Cruz in February's Iowa caucuses.

His unhappiness was evident as he addressed reporters at his posh Mar-a-Lago private club in Palm Beach, Fla., and complained about the miseries of running for president.

“Lies, deceit, viciousness. Disgusting reporters. Horrible people,” the Manhattan businessman and reality TV star said. “Some are nice.”

Cruz, speaking with 99% of the Missouri votes counted, once more insisted he was the only candidate who could defeat Trump.

“Starting tomorrow morning, every Republican has a clear choice. Only two campaigns have a plausible path to the nomination — ours and Donald Trump's,” the Texas senator told supporters in Houston. “Nobody else has any mathematical possibility whatsoever. Only one campaign has beaten Donald Trump over and over again.”

With Trump's unmatched string of victories, no other candidate is nearly as well positioned to win the nomination ahead of the July convention in Cleveland. He padded his overall delegate lead with Tuesday's victories, putting him ahead of Cruz and Kasich, who had not won a state before Ohio.

But there were signs Tuesday that not just the establishment but rank-and-file Republicans have yet to rally around the party's polarizing front-runner.

Nearly 3 in 10 Republican voters across the five states said they would not vote for Trump if he wins the party's nomination, according to exit poll interviews. Four in 10 said they would consider voting for a third-party candidate if the choice came down to Trump or the Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton.

Defections of that magnitude could badly undermine Trump in the general election, and that prospect will probably be stressed by his opponents going forward into next week's contests in Arizona and Utah.

'Top Conservatives' Plot Third Party Run to Stop Donald Trump

Nothing will guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency more than a plot to run an independent bid against Donald Trump as the GOP nominee.

At Politico, "Top conservatives gather to plot third-party run against Trump":
Three influential leaders of the conservative movement have summoned other top conservatives for a closed-door meeting Thursday in Washington, D.C., to talk about how to stop Donald Trump and, should he become the Republican nominee, how to run a third-party “true conservative” challenger in the fall.

The organizers of the meeting include Bill Wichterman, who was President George W. Bush’s liaison to the conservative movement; Bob Fischer, a South Dakota businessman and longtime conservative convener; and Erick Erickson, the outspoken Trump opponent and conservative activist who founded RedState.com.
Erick Erickson's an asshole.

But keep reading, FWIW.

Donald Trump Has Earned Close to $2 Billion in Earned Media

Well, he's a political genius, that's for sure.

At the New York Times, "Measuring Donald Trump's Mammoth Advantage in Free Media":
Of all the ways Donald Trump has shocked the political system, one of the most significant is how he wins primary after primary with one of the smallest campaign budgets.

He still doesn’t have a super PAC. He skimped on ground organization and field offices. Most important, he spent less on television advertising — typically the single biggest expenditure for a campaign — than any other major candidate, according to an analysis by SMG Delta, a firm that tracks television advertising.

But Mr. Trump is hardly absent from the airwaves. Like all candidates, he benefits from what is known as earned media: news and commentary about his campaign on television, in newspapers and magazines, and on social media. Earned media typically dwarfs paid media in a campaign. The big difference between Mr. Trump and other candidates is that he is far better than any other candidate — maybe than any candidate ever — at earning media.

No one knows this better than mediaQuant, a firm that tracks media coverage of each candidate and computes a dollar value based on advertising rates. The mentions are weighted by the reach of the media source, meaning how many people were likely to see it. The calculation also includes traditional media of all types, print, broadcast or otherwise, as well as online-only sources like Facebook, Twitter or Reddit.

Its numbers are not quite an apples-to-apples comparison to paid advertising. But they do make one thing clear: Mr. Trump is not just a little better at earning media. He is way better than any of the other candidates.

Mr. Trump earned $400 million worth of free media last month, about what John McCain spent on his entire 2008 presidential campaign. Paul Senatori, mediaQuant’s chief analytics officer, says that Mr. Trump “has no weakness in any of the media segments” — in other words, he is strong in every type of earned media, from television to Twitter.

Over the course of the campaign, he has earned close to $2 billion worth of media attention, about twice the all-in price of the most expensive presidential campaigns in history...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Thomas Frank's New Book, Listen, Liberal

Say what you will about him (he's certainly a hardline leftist), Frank's definitely got the Trump phenomenon nailed down.

At Amazon, Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?