Thursday, July 12, 2018

Shopping Today

Prime deals, at Amazon, Today's Deals. New deals. Every day. Shop our Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals and more daily deals and limited-time sales.

Also, Womens Sun Hat Foldable Floppy Travel Packable UV Summer Beach Straw Hats UPF50.

Plus, Hemlock Women Flat Shoes Leisure Boat Shoes Working Shoes Summer Beach Sandals Round Toe Shoes (US:8.5, Pink).

More, Utopia Towels Premium Quality Cabana Beach Towels - Pack of 4 Cabana Stripe Pool Towels (30 x 60 Inches) - Multi Color Towels with High Absorbency.

Still more, Banana Boat Sunscreen Sport Family Size Broad Spectrum Sun Care Sunscreen Lotion - SPF 50, 12 ounce.

And, Buck Knives 110 Famous Folding Hunter Knife with Genuine Leather Sheath.

Also, Premium Horny Goat Weed Extract with Maca & Tribulus, Enhanced Energy Complex for Men & Women, 1000mg Epimedium with Icariins, Veggie Capsules.

BONUS: Annie Proulx, Barkskins: A Novel.

New Poll Has Democrats Up 8-Points on the Generic Congressional Ballot

Up and down we go, where we stop nobody knows.

At Fox News, "Fox News Poll: Democrats ahead in election enthusiasm, interest -- and the vote":
Democrats are more interested in the upcoming midterm elections and more enthused to vote than usual, and that helps them to an 8-point edge in the generic congressional ballot test.  This amid widespread concern that the country’s political debate is overheated and even dangerous -- to the point that many voters steer clear of talking politics with family and friends.

Fifty-four percent of Democrats are “extremely” interested in the November elections, and 51 percent are more enthusiastic about voting than usual, according to the latest Fox News national poll.

Republicans trail on both measures:  47 percent are extremely interested and 42 percent are more enthused.

Here’s the take-away:  by a 48-40 percent margin, voters prefer the Democratic candidate in their congressional district over the Republican.  Democrats were up 48-39 percent last month.  The rule of thumb is the Democrats need to carry the generic ballot test by about 10 percentage points to take over the U.S. House this fall.

When the results are narrowed to only extremely interested voters, the Democratic advantage is 13 points:  54-41 percent.

“Things seem to move day to day, but the prevailing political wind favors the Democrats right now,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the survey with Democrat Chris Anderson.

“There’s still a lot of time until Election Day, but we’re close enough that polls like this should worry the Republicans.”

There’s a 14-point interest gap between Republican men and women, as 53 percent of GOP men are extremely interested, while 39 percent of GOP women say the same.

Among Democrats, 54 percent of men and 53 percent of women are extremely interested...
The election's still months away. I don't think Dems should get too excited, especially if they're planing on running and "Abolish ICE" platform.

But read the rest at the link.

Giant Baby Trump Blimp for Anti-Trump Protests in the U.K. (VIDEO)

At Vanity Fair, "Giant Baby Trump Balloon May Follow Trump All Over the U.K."

Alexis Ren Working It!

She's on Twitter.

And at Hollywood Tuna, "Alexis Ren Is Working Hard On Her Booty Pump!"

Also at Drunken Stepfather, "ALEXIS REN OF THE DAY":
This picture of Alexis Ren is hilarious because she had someone take it, looked at it, loved it, and posted it…knowing that people would be excited by it, knowing that despite it being pretty fucking aggressive, it’s what the people want…and she’s not going to be the one to not give it to them…so here she is giving it to them….I mean I’ve seen butt shots, I’ve seen over the shoulder butt shots, I’ve seen it all, I’ve probably even seen this pose..but it’s so hardcore, hard to believe she was one of the most followed “influencers”…I mean not really with posts like this…it’s the kind of thing I want to follow…

Sandra Kubicka

Another Instagram hottie.


Allie Stuckey vs. Tomi Lahren

Two blonde babes on the issues. The difference here is that Ms. Allie's an intellectual. She's hot, but she's not only smart but she's book-learned, especially Bible-learned. Ms. Tomi's not stupid, but she's more of an enraging personality. She makes strong points and gets you fired up. Sadly though no one is buying her pro-choice positions. She sounds rather pathetic about it, in fact.

Following-up from the other day, "Tomi Lahren Goes Off the Rails on Kavanaugh and the Right to Life (VIDEO)."

President Trump Throws NATO Into Crisis (VIDEO)

Well, maybe NATO was already in crisis. Trump is just lifting the lid off.

At LAT, "Trump throws NATO summit into crisis mode with demands, before switching and claiming victory":

President Trump threw the annual NATO summit into crisis Thursday — forcing an emergency session and suggesting the United States could leave the nearly 70-year-old alliance — before switching positions and claiming victory.

As the summit closed, the president held an unexpected news conference, taking credit for having secured firmer commitments from all 28 other member nations to increase their spending on defense.

Other leaders, however, denied that NATO members had made any significantly new commitments to spending beyond what they’d agreed to in 2014, under some pressure from President Obama.

French President Emmanuel Macron, in his own closing news conference, said NATO members had made no new commitments. He also said that Trump "never at any moment, either in public or in private, threatened to withdraw from NATO."

From Brussels, Trump headed next to Britain on a diplomatic tour that will end Monday in Helsinki, Finland, with his first official meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Before departing for London, however, he sent some undiplomatic advance signals in his news conference — calling Britain a “hotspot,” noting the resignations that have threatened Prime Minister Theresa May’s government and questioning whether her “Brexit” plan for Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union is what British voters want.

Trump at NATO’s close cast himself as a savior in a crisis of his own making. Yet in declaring victory and agreeing to sign a closing declaration — emphasizing joint defense against Russia — Trump avoided the debacle that he made of last month’s summit of the Group of 7 industrialized powers in Canada. There, as he flew off, he tweeted his withdrawal from the summit’s final statement and hurled insults at host Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, for his perceived slights.

In Brussels, Trump said that the NATO members committed to meet the already agreed-to goal of allocating an amount equal to 2% of each nation's gross domestic product toward defense spending, and that he would like to see the benchmark raised to 4% eventually.

"Yesterday, I let them know I was extremely unhappy with what was happening. And now we're very happy. We have a very powerful, very strong NATO — much stronger than it was two days ago,” Trump said at the 35-minute news conference here...

Ben Shapiro's Legal Team Shuts Down 'Cock Boy' Appeal


At Twitchy, via Instapundit, "LED BY SUPERLAWYER KURT SCHLICHTER: Our long national nightmare is over: Ben Shapiro’s legal team cleans Clock Boy’s clock in appeals court."

Fishing Girls Trip (VIDEO)

Via Theo Spark:

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

University of California Boosts Transfer Admissions

This is interesting.

And it's very helpful for me as a professor, because with efforts by U.C. to increase transfers, and real data on the increased numbers, I can better prod my students to work hard toward attending the U.C. system.

At LAT, "UC opens doors to record number of Californians, led by growth in transfer students":

The University of California opened its doors to a record number of Californians for fall 2018, led by growth in transfer students from across the state, according to preliminary data released Wednesday.

The public research university’s nine undergraduate campuses offered seats to 95,654 Californians, nearly 3,000 more students than last year. Overall, UC admitted about three-fifths of the 221,788 California, out-of-state and international students who applied.

“After reviewing yet another record-breaking number of applications, our campuses have offered admission to an exceptionally talented group of students,” UC President Janet Napolitano said in a statement. “With the benefit of a UC education, these accomplished young people from different backgrounds, with diverse beliefs and aspirations, will make California and the world a better place.”

The data reflect UC’s stepped-up efforts to reach more deeply across California for community college students, as it responds to growing pressure from Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature to open access for more residents.

Brown has long advocated the transfer option as a cheaper alternative to a four-year degree at a time the state is projected to face a 1.1-million shortfall in college-educated workers by 2030, and he has used his budget power to prod UC to adjust its admission policies. In recent years, state elected officials also have successfully pressed UC to boost enrollment of Californians and limit out-of-state and international students.

The mix of offers for freshmen and transfer students slightly shifted this year in response to such pressure. Most campuses increased offers to California transfer students and decreased them for freshmen.

UCLA, for instance, admitted 562 fewer freshmen but 64 more transfer students this year. Berkeley, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz also boosted their admission offers to state transfer students. Offers to California freshmen were down at Berkeley, Irvine, San Diego and Santa Cruz in addition to UCLA.

“Transfer students are the future of our university,” said Youlonda Copeland-Morgan, UCLA vice provost of enrollment management.

One of them is Francisco Cruz Tapia, a 24-year-old transfer student from Moreno Valley College who plans to study computer engineering at UCLA this fall. He said he chose to start at a community college to stay closer to family and save money. His costs were minimal, he said, because he lived at home and received a fee waiver for his classes.

At UCLA, his tuition and fees will be covered by Cal Grant and university aid, but he said he’ll need to pay rent in the pricey Westwood area. Cruz Tapia said, however, that the costs will be worth it for a chance to pursue his research interests in artificial intelligence.

“It was really challenging to transfer because I had to take a lot of math and physics classes, but I’m excited to go to one of the top universities in the nation,” Cruz Tapia said.

UCLA particularly focused on recruiting in the Central Valley this year as part of a joint effort between UC and California Community Colleges to increase students from areas with historically low transfer rates. Under the partnership, launched in September 2016, the college system gave UC $2.6 million to help students at 39 of its 114 community colleges become more competitive applicants.

Copeland-Morgan said the campus chose to work with four Central Valley colleges — San Joaquin Delta, Bakersfield, Solano and Reedley — because students there are more geographically isolated, often low-income and the first in their families to attend college. Many have less access to the resources and information needed to succeed in the competitive world of college admissions, she said.

Her recruiters made multiple trips to the colleges to help students and counselors understand how to become not only eligible but also competitive for UC admissions. UC requires a minimum 2.4 GPA for California transfer applicants, but Copeland-Morgan said most successful UCLA applicants have at least a 3.6 GPA..

UCLA boosted applications from those colleges by 29% and admission offers by 34% this year. Overall, the Westwood campus admitted students from 109 state community colleges...

Taylor Swift Bikini Shots

She looks good, healthy.


Also, at the Sun U.K., "NAVEL GAZING: Taylor Swift shows off her rarely-seen belly button in a bikini on romantic holiday with boyfriend Joe Alwyn: After years of reluctance towards wearing clothes that show her navel, the pop star has exposed her stomach to fans."

Lucy Vixen Supports Team England by Bodypainting

On Twitter.

Myla Dalbesio Wearing Only Feathers (VIDEO)

She's a sweetie:

Joy Corrigan in Sheer Blouse

At Taxi Driver, "Joy Corrigan in Sheer Blouse."

Kavanaugh Coverage at the Other McCain

From Robert Stacy McCain, "Rhetorical Escalation":

After President Trump announced Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee to the Supreme Court on Monday, Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) spent all day Tuesday engaged in a competition to demonize Kavanaugh. If you believe what Democrats tell you, Kavanaugh is the most extreme extremist in the history of extremism. How extreme is he? Extremely extreme! He’s not just a right-winger, he’s “far-right.” How far? Extremely far! He’s so extremely far right as to “threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades,” to quote Clinton crony and former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe. (Hat-tip: Hogewash.)

The reader who isn’t tuned into the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat hysteria may wonder, how does a federal judge threaten millions of lives? On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Chuck Schumer said: “I will oppose this nomination with everything I’ve got. . . . This man should not be on the bench. . . . I believe he is far, far right on so many issues.” Schumer repeatedly asserted that the Kavanaugh nomination is somehow a threat to ObamaCare. Exactly how the Supreme Court affects healthcare legislation, Schumer didn’t specify, but he said that coverage for “pre-existing conditions,” which he described as “very popular” with the Democrat Party’s base, would be jeopardized if Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Because I don’t pay much attention to the paranoid fears of Democrats, it’s possible that Schumer is actually right about this. For all I know, there are cases pending in lower courts challenging elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which Democrats rammed through Congress on a party-line vote just a few months before they lost their majority in the 2010 midterm elections. The ACA’s mandate of coverage for “pre-existing conditions” was one of the worst job-killers in the bill. Requiring employers to provide insurance that covered whatever health problems the employee might have had before being hired meant that a lot of people simply couldn’t get hired, and this measure also sent health insurance rates skyrocketing, as insurers sought to compensate for the (often very expensive) treatments they were now required to cover.

One reason the economy started booming — and unemployment started declining — as soon as Trump was elected was that he promised to repeal ObamaCare and, by executive action, was able to limit the job-killing impact of this badly constructed legislation. If somehow the Supreme Court could render the entirety of ObamaCare null and void, good, although as I say, I’m not aware that this is likely, or even possible...

Also at the Other McCain, "Democrats Use Kavanaugh Nomination in Congressional Fundraising Efforts."

Don't know about you, but I don't expect Kavanaugh to have a tough confirmation. Pro-choice Republicans (I know, oxymoron) Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have signaled their support for the nominee, and most of those red-state Democrats facing reelection this year are likely to fall in line (see the interesting Survey Monkey poll at Axios, "Democrats' Senate dream slips away.")

Kavanaugh will be borked, of course. But he's a decent family man and Democrat opposition to him is going to put the party on the wrong side of the American people, which is where the Democrats are most of the time anyway nowadays (*eye-roll*).

NATO in the News

It's time to realign NATO to reflect American interests. Donald Trump is doing that, and I'm all for it.

Most importantly, make NATO partners pay more. They can pay more for their own security. They can quit free-riding off the American hegemon.

Following-up from yesterday, "Allies Brace for Trump at NATO Summit (VIDEO)."

At Foreign Affairs, the American Interest, and the National Interest:

Judeo-Christian Values Are the Real Counterculture

This video just popped up as recommended by YouTube, so I watched. It's old, from 2014, but Dennis Prager's worth watching. I love his wisdom, and it's wise to remind people that the leftist culture is the mainstream culture. Conservative values, and especially conservative religious values, are the counterculture

Here's Prager's recent book, at Amazon, The Rational Bible: Exodus.

And watch, at Prager U:

Tomi Lahren Goes Off the Rails on Kavanaugh and the Right to Life (VIDEO)

I'm not sure where she got these weird ideas, but Ms. Tomi's definitely "out there" on the politics of abortion. President Trump won evangelicals because he credibly promised to appoint socially conservative jurists, and the pro-life stand is the sine qua non of social conservatism.

She's been attacked as a "liberal" this week on Twitter, and for good reason at this point. She's digging a hole for herself. I like her spunk. And she's a fox. But c'mon, you're not "conservative" if you're pro-choice. Libertarian maybe, but definitely not conservative.

On Fox & Friends this morning:

Nice Fish

Seen on Twitter:

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Gold Box Deals


Shop today, at Amazon, Today's Deals. New deals. Every day. Shop our Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals and more daily deals and limited-time sales.

Also, Wireless Security Camera, KAMTRON HD WiFi Security Surveillance IP Camera Home Monitor with Motion Detection Two-Way Audio Night Vision, Black.

And, AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning to USB Cable - 6 Feet (1.8 Meters) - White.

Plus, JBM Adult Cycling Bike Helmet Specialized for Mens / Womens Safety Protection CPSC Certified - Black / Blue / Red / Yellow.

Still more, Brand44: 90' Eagle Series Seated Zipline Kit (Weather Resistant).

Here, LG Electronics PF1000UA Ultra Short Throw Home Theater Projector (2017 Model).

And, CLIF BAR - Energy Bar - Blueberry Crisp - (2.4 Ounce Protein Bar, 12 Count).

More, Premium Horny Goat Weed Extract with Maca & Tribulus, Enhanced Energy Complex for Men & Women, 1000mg Epimedium with Icariins, Veggie Capsules.

BONUS: F.A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents - The Definitive Edition (The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, Volume 2).

Democrats Go Completely Bonkers Over Brett Kavanaugh Nomination (VIDEO)

From Laura Ingraham's opening "angle":

Allies Brace for Trump at NATO Summit (VIDEO)

At NYT, "Trump Poised to Enter NATO Meeting as Wild Card Among Allies."

And video from President Trump's comments upon landing in Belgium:

Belgian Model Marisa Papen Slammed by Religious Leaders for Posing Nude at Israel's Western Wall

At Haaretz, "Belgian Model Poses Nude in Front of Western Wall as Part of Art Exhibition."

They posted the full picture with little doilies covering up her most private parts.

And also at Maxim, "MODEL SLAMMED BY RELIGIOUS LEADERS FOR POSING NUDE AT ISRAEL'S WESTERN WALL: Globe-trotting beauty Marisa Papen was also arrested for getting naked outside the pyramids."

IHOP Changed its Name in Fake Marketing Ploy?

Hmm, seemed legit at the time.

At the Chicago Tribune, "IHOP has come clean. The pancake chain has acknowledged it faked its IHOb name change to promote its burgers."

And at Instapundit, "UNEXPECTEDLY: In shocking twist, IHOP acknowledges it faked IHOb name change to promote burgers. “That will come to no surprise to some Internet sleuths, who combed through federal records, finding no proof of the restaurant officially changing its name”."

Another Nice Lady

Seen on Twitter:

Nice Second Amendment Lady

Seen on Twitter:

Francine Prose, What to Read and Why

I can't read this right now (I've got too many books going, lol). But it's great!

At Amazon, Francine Prose, What to Read and Why.

Reading is among the most private, the most solitary things that we can do. A book is a kind of refuge to which we can go for the assurance that, as long as we are reading, we can leave the worries and cares of our everyday lives behind us and enter, however briefly, another reality, populated by other lives, a world distant in time and place from our own, or else reflective of the present moment in ways that may help us see that moment more clearly. Anyone who reads can choose to enter (or not enter) the portal that admits us to the invented or observed world that the author has created.

I’ve often thought that one reason I became such an early and passionate reader was that, when I was a child, reading was a way of creating a bubble I could inhabit, a dreamworld at once separate from, and part of, the real one. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a kind, loving family. But like most children, I think, I wanted to maintain a certain distance from my parents: a buffer zone between myself and the adults. It was helpful that my parents liked the fact that I was a reader, that they approved of and encouraged my secret means of transportation out of the daily reality in which I lived together with them—and into the parallel reality that books offered. I was only pretending to be a little girl growing up in Brooklyn, when in fact I was a privileged child in London, guided by Mary Poppins through a series of marvelous adventures. I could manage a convincing impersonation of an ordinary fourth-grader, but actually I was a pirate girl in Norway, best friends with Pippi Longstocking, well acquainted with her playful pet monkey and her obedient horse.

I loved books of Greek myths, of Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales, and novels (many of them British) for children featuring some element of magic and the fantastic. When I was in the eighth grade, I spent most of a family cross-country trip reading and re-reading a dog-eared paperback copy of Seven Gothic Tales, by Isak Dinesen, a writer who interests me now mostly because I can so clearly see what fascinated me about her work then. With a clarity and transparency that few things provide, least of all photographs and childhood diaries, her fanciful stories enable me to see what I was like—how I thought—as a girl. I can still recall my favorite passage, which I had nearly memorized, because I believed it to contain the most profoundly romantic, the most noble and poetic, the most stirring view of the relations between men and women—a subject about which I knew nothing, or less than nothing, at the time.

Fox News' Shannon Bream Cancelled Field Coverage at Supreme Court Due to 'Volatile' Situation with Protesters

This is terrible. Someone could get hurt.

Seen on Twitter last night.

Brett Kavanaugh Sits Next to Clarence Thomas on Supreme Court's Ideological Spectrum

I just love this Kavanaugh pick.

Seen on Twitter:

The Hill Slams Tomi Lahren with Photo That Looks Like She's Giving a Blow Job

Sorry, not sorry, but that's not the most flattering photo, no matter what you think of Ms. Tomi.

Red Wave in November

Lol, a Marxist red wave.

Megan Parry's Hot and Muggy Forecast

It's not near as bad as it was last Friday, but it's summer, and it's hot.

Here's the lovely Ms. Megan, for ABC News 10 San Diego:

Democrats Come Out Swinging Against Kavanaugh (VIDEO)


At NYT, "Senate Democrats Come Out Swinging in Long-Shot Fight to Block Kavanaugh":

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats, facing an uphill struggle to reject the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, opened a broad attack on Tuesday, painting him as an arch-conservative who would roll back abortion rights, undo health care protections, ease gun restrictions and protect President Trump against the threat of impeachment.

But the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, excoriated Democrats for engaging in what he called “cheap political fear-mongering,” and for declaring their opposition to Judge Kavanaugh even before his nomination was announced.

“They wrote statements of opposition only to fill in the name later,” the ordinarily staid Mr. McConnell said, growing exercised as he delivered his customary morning remarks on the Senate floor. “Senate Democrats were on record opposing him before he’d even been named! Just fill in the name! Whoever it is, we’re against.”

And a key Republican swing vote, Senator Susan Collins of Maine, quickly signaled just how hard it will be for Democrats to pull any Republicans into the opposition. “When you look at the credentials that Judge Kavanaugh brings to the job, it will be very difficult for anyone to argue that he’s not qualified,” she told reporters.

As Judge Kavanaugh arrived at the Capitol to meet with the Republican leader and the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the committee’s Democrats and the Democratic leader took to the Supreme Court steps to deliver a direct appeal to Americans to rise up in opposition to his nomination.

“If you are a young woman in America or care about a young woman in America, pay attention to this,” said Senator Kamala Harris, Democrat of California. “It will affect your life.”

Brett Kavanaugh Could Cement Conservative Majority for Decades

It's the big story, and it's great!

At NYT, "Senate Democrats Come Out Swinging in Long-Shot Fight to Block Kavanaugh":

President Trump on Monday nominated Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, a politically connected member of Washington’s conservative legal establishment, to fill Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court, setting up an epic confirmation battle and potentially cementing the court’s rightward tilt for a generation.

Presenting Judge Kavanaugh at the White House, Mr. Trump described him as “one of the finest and sharpest legal minds in our time,” and declared him a jurist who would set aside his political views and apply the Constitution “as written.”

The nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, 53, a federal appeals court judge, former aide to President George W. Bush and onetime investigator of President Bill Clinton, was not a huge surprise, given his conservative record, elite credentials and deep ties among the Republican legal groups that have advanced conservatives for the federal bench.

But his selection will galvanize Democrats and Republicans in the months before the midterm elections. Moments after the announcement, the Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, declared, “I will oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have.” Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who leads the barest of Republican majorities, had expressed misgivings about his path to confirmation, but said he was a “superb choice.”

Justice Kennedy, who is retiring, held the swing vote in many closely divided cases on issues like abortion, affirmative action, gay rights and the death penalty. Replacing him with a committed conservative, who could potentially serve for decades, will fundamentally alter the balance of the court and put dozens of precedents at risk.

Judge Kavanaugh’s long history of legal opinions, as well as his role in some of the fiercest partisan battles of the last two decades, will give Democrats plenty of ammunition for tough questions. Nearly 20 years ago, working for the independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr, he laid out broad grounds to impeach Mr. Clinton — words that Democrats can now seize on to apply to Mr. Trump and the Russia investigation.

In choosing Judge Kavanaugh, the president opted for a battle-scarred veteran of Republican politics but also someone with close ties to the Bush family — a history that aides to Mr. Trump said he viewed as a strike against him and had to overcome.

Before serving Mr. Bush in the White House, Judge Kavanaugh worked for him in the 2000 presidential vote recount in Florida. When Mr. Bush nominated him in 2003 to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Democrats complained that he was too partisan. He survived a contentious confirmation hearing and was confirmed in 2006.

In his remarks, Judge Kavanaugh, who once clerked for Justice Kennedy, said he would “keep an open mind in every case.” But he declared that judges “must interpret the law, not make the law.”

Democrats are still bitter that Republicans blocked President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick B. Garland to fill the last Supreme Court vacancy, created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016. Republicans denied Judge Garland a hearing, arguing that the right to name a justice ought to be left to Mr. Obama’s successor...

And lots of stuff at Memeorandum.

Barbara Palvin Shows Off Confidence and Beauty (VIDEO)

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Chanel West Coast in Red Lace Lingerie

At Taxi Driver, "Chanel West Coast Nipples in Red Lace Lingerie."

Monday, July 9, 2018

Prime Shopping

At Amazon, Prime Deals all day.

Also, Tommy Bahama 2 Backpack Cooler Chair with Storage Pouch and Towel Bar.

More, Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/Cell Phones/TV.

And, Samsung UN75MU6300FXZA MU6300 Series 4K UHD TV.

Here, Mountain House Just in Case Essential Bucket.

Plus, Koffee Kult Dark Roast Coffee Beans - Highest Quality Gourmet - Whole Bean Coffee - Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans, 32oz.

BONUS: Darnell Moore, No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America.

Rita Ora Relaxes in a Bikini by the Pool in France

At Just Jared:

Also, at Drunken Stepfather, "RITA ORA STILL IN A BIKINI OF THE DAY."

She's a fabulous lady.

Jennifer Delacruz's Heat and Thunderstorms Forecast

It's not nearly as bad as Friday, when we had the power outage, although it did rain in the inland areas over the weekend. Look for a combination of heat and rain today and through Tuesday.

Here's the fabulous Ms. Jennifer, for ABC News 10 San Diego:

The Rebirth of Socialism in American Politics

It's not so much as a "rebirth" as an acknowledgment of reality. Democrats are far-left Marixist ideologues. It's just now that they're not afraid to come out that way publically.

At the Washington Monthly, "The Socialist Network: Are today’s young, Bernie-inspired leftist intellectuals really just New Deal liberals?":
It’s Time to Give Socialism a Try.” So declared the headline of a Washington Post column in March; one imagines Katharine Graham spitting out her martini. The article, by a twenty-seven-year-old columnist named Elizabeth Bruenig, drew more than 3,000 comments (a typical column gets a few hundred); a follow-up piece, urging a “good-faith argument about socialism,” received nearly as much attention.

By now, the rebirth of socialism in American politics needs little elaboration. Bernie Sanders’s surprisingly strong showing in the 2016 Democratic primary, and his continued popularity, upset just about everyone’s intuition that the term remains taboo. Donald Trump’s victory, meanwhile, made all political truisms seem up for grabs. Polls show that young people in particular view socialism more favorably than they do capitalism. Membership in the Democratic Socialists of America, which has been around since 1982, has grown from about 5,000 to 35,000 since November 2016, and dozens of DSA candidates are running for office around the country. In June, one of them, twenty-eight-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, upset New York City Congressman Joe Crowley in the Democratic primary, knocking off a ten-term incumbent and one of the most powerful Democrats in the House.

The meaning of socialism has always been maddeningly slippery, in part because it has always meant different things to different people. Michael Harrington, one of the founders of the DSA and the most outspoken American socialist of the postwar era, writes on the first page of his 1989 book, Socialism: Past and Future, that socialism is “the hope for human freedom and justice.” By the end of the book, the definition hasn’t gotten much more concrete. Karl Marx himself spent more time critiquing capitalism than describing communism, a habit that subsequent generations of leftists inherited. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously said of pornography that, while he couldn’t define it, “I know it when I see it.” Socialism sometimes feels like the inverse: socialists know it when they don’t see it. Bernie has only made things murkier by defining his brand of socialism in terms hardly indistinguishable from New Deal liberalism. “I don’t believe the government should own the corner drugstore or the means of production,” he declared in the fall of 2015, at a speech at Georgetown University, “but I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal.” But while the meaning of American socialism in 2018 begins with Bernie, it doesn’t end there. Every political movement needs an intellectual movement, and when it comes to today’s brand of socialism, it’s the thirty-five-and-under crowd doing much of the heavy lifting...
Keep reading.

This is all a scam, of course. Leftists won't define "socialism" because they know the American public will reject it. Real socialism calls for the natioanlization of industry, if not the public ownership of all means of production (think the Soviet Union). It calls for the elimination of capitalist oppression and the eradication of inequality. Most of all, socialism calls for solidarity with the world's workers, anywhere on earth, and thus the eradication of borders and national sovereignty.

And if genuine ideological socialism were practiced, it would then see the so-called withering away of the state and the advance to "full communism."

This is textbook socialism and any leftist that tells you differently is lying.

Via Memorandum.

Boris Johnson Quits

This is interesting.

At the Guardian U.K., "Boris Johnson resigns as foreign secretary over May's Brexit plans: Senior Conservative becomes third minister to walk out over ‘common rule book’ proposal."

Also, "Power, not Brexit, is behind Boris Johnson’s decision to quit." Sounds about right: Perhaps old Boris is looking to trigger a vote of confidence on P.M. Theresa May." More on that, "Theresa May would fight any no-confidence vote, says No 10 – politics live."

Anticipation Ahead of Trump's Supreme Court Nomination Tonight

Ann Althouse posts on NPR's big piece on tonight's announcement, which I happened to tweet a little while ago:

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Holiday Fire in Goleta (VIDEO)

Via KSBY News 6 San Luis Obispo:

Also, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles, "Fast-Moving Brush Fire Rips Through 20-Plus Buildings In Goleta; Thousands Evacuated."

ADDED: At LAT, "'I had no idea the flames could go that fast': Goleta devastated by fire as record heat burns path of destruction."

Georgie Clarke in White Lace Bodysuit

At Taxi Driver, "Georgie Clarke in White Lace Bodysuit."

BONUS: "Ashley Greene in See-Through Black Tank Top."

Today's Deals

At Amazon, Today's Deals. New deals. Every day. Shop our Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals and more daily deals and limited-time sales.

Here, Abba Patio 9 Ft Market Outdoor Aluminum Table Patio Umbrella with Push Button Tilt and Crank, Red.

Plus, Coit & Campbell Premium Hotel Collection Solid 400 Thread Count Deep Pocket 100% Cotton Sateen Sheet Set, TwinXL Sage Green.

And, Paul Mitchell Original Shampoo One 10.14 fl oz (300 ml).

More, Premium Horny Goat Weed Extract with Maca & Tribulus, Enhanced Energy Complex for Men & Women, 1000mg Epimedium with Icariins, Veggie Capsules.

More here, MusclePharm Combat Protein Powder - Essential blend of Whey, Isolate, Casein and Egg Protein with BCAA's and Glutamine for Recovery, Chocolate Milk, 4 Pound.

Plus here, MTech USA Xtreme MX-8054 Series Fixed Blade Tactical Knife, Tanto Blade, G10 Handle, 11-Inch Overall.

BONUS: Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., The Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest.

Nina Agdal Celebrates Fourth of July (VIDEO)

Hey, she's a patriot!

Marxism Didn't Die

From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "OH, TO BE IN ENGLAND: Marxism didn’t die. It’s alive and well and living among us. New Labour was a triumph of the reborn left, made to seem like a takeover by the right..."

Evelyn Taft's Heatwave Forecast

It's a hellish heatwave.

Our electrical power went out around 6:00pm last night, at the peak of the afternoon heat, around 109 degrees. We walked across the street from out apartment complex to 7/11, and the local Korean barbecue had a sign posted: "Power Outage: Currently Closed." PG&E was able to get the power back on within a couple of hours, thank goodness. It would have been unbearable overnight with no cooling.

In any case, let's hope it's not so hot today.

Here's the lovely Ms. Eveyln from last night, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Friday, July 6, 2018

Feminism, 'Intersectionality', and Violence Against Women

From Robert Stacy McCain, at the Other McCain, "Murder, Lies and Feminism":
The word “mansplaining” was inspired (although not coined) by Rebecca Solnit, whose book Men Explain Things to Me became a bestseller. In this book, Ms. Solnit writes: “So many men murder their partners and former partners that we have well over a thousand homicides of that kind a year — meaning that every three years the death toll tops 9/11’s casualties, though no one declares a war on this particular kind of terror.”

Here we have an actual fact — that the U.S. annually records “well over a thousand homicides” in which women are killed by their male partners or ex-partners — supporting a dishonest insinuation, i.e., that “this particular kind of terror” is a pervasive reality of American life, a widespread form of oppression which our sexist society ignores.

It should not be necessary to say this: Murder is a rare crime, for which our criminal justice system metes out the harshest punishments.

Furthermore, criminal violence — including murder, including rape, including every species of crime against women — is disproportionately a phenomenon of the social and economic underclass.

This is not something that feminists like Ms. Solnit wish to acknowledge, because their political allegiance to the Left requires them to believe that members of the underclass (especially those who are black and Hispanic) are victims of systemic social injustice. After the Ferguson riots of 2014, for example, every feminist began hashtagging #BlackLivesMatter as a gesture of solidarity against allegedly racist police. It is asserted by feminists that the “intersectionality” of oppression in American society is such that women and radial minorities are both victimized by systemic injustice, thus uniting them in a common cause — the struggle against “capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy,” in the words of Vanessa Diaz, former executive director of the University of Southern California Women’s Student Assembly.

Feminism’s devotion to an “intersectional” concept of oppression serves to obscure the messy reality of American life, which does not conform to such tidy ideological categories. Blaming all social problems on systemic causes (capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, etc.) is a way of denying individual responsibility for wrongdoing, while suggesting that every problem is political and can be solved by left-wing policies...
Keep reading.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Do some online shopping, folks, at Amazon, Today's Deals. New deals. Every day. Shop our Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals and more daily deals and limited-time sales.

And especially, 600 Thread Count 100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton Sheet Set, Queen Sheets, Luxury Bedding, Queen Sheets 4 Piece Set ,Smooth Sateen Weave, White, by Threadmill Home Linen.

Also, [KLAIRS] Midnight Blue Youth Activating Drop, anti-aging serum, facial essence, 20ml, 0.67oz.

Plus, HASLRA Women's Light Weigh Premium Viscose Rayon Stretch Full Length Leggings.

And, Paul Mitchell Original Shampoo One 10.14 fl oz (300 ml).

More, Premium Horny Goat Weed Extract with Maca & Tribulus, Enhanced Energy Complex for Men & Women, 1000mg Epimedium with Icariins, Veggie Capsules.

More here, MusclePharm Combat Protein Powder - Essential blend of Whey, Isolate, Casein and Egg Protein with BCAA's and Glutamine for Recovery, Chocolate Milk, 4 Pound.

Plus here, MTech USA Xtreme MX-8054 Series Fixed Blade Tactical Knife, Tanto Blade, G10 Handle, 11-Inch Overall.

BONUS: Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power.

The Democratic Party Is Killing Itself

Well, one hopes so.

At American Greatness:

'Abolish ICE' a Sign of the Left's Rising Extremism


At the New York Post:

Leftist Can't Come to Grips With Loss of Power

It's V.D.H., at I.B.D., "The sudden and unexpectedly loss of power has driven the Left mad":
To progressives, Trump became not an opponent to beaten with a better agenda, but an evil to be destroyed. Moderate Democrats were written off as dense; left-wing fringe elements were praised as clever.

Voters in 2016 bristled at redistribution, open borders, bigger government and higher taxes, but progressives are now promising those voters even more of what they didn't want.

Furious over the sudden and unexpected loss of power, enraged progressives have so far done almost everything to lose even more of it.

And that paradox only leads to more furor.

Looking at the Left at Concordia University

This is an enlightening piece, at Quillette, "Through the Looking Glass at Concordia University."

And interesting is the little Twitter exchange:

Alan Dershowitz 'Shunned' by Leftists on Martha's Vineyard

He's supported President Trump and he's got a book out on Tuesday arguing against impeachment, at Amazon, The Case Against Impeaching Trump.

And at Instapundit, "ONE OF THE WAYS YOU CAN TELL THAT LEFTISM IS A RELIGION IS ITS RELIANCE ON SHUNNING APOSTATES: The Martha’s Vineyard Crowd Strikes Back at Alan Dershowitz for His Defenses of Trump."

Oral History of 'The Purge' Franchise

I gotta go see this new "Purge" flick.

I love these movies and I saw the election purge in theaters last time around. They're so accurate, heh.

At LAT, "An oral history of 'The Purge' franchise: From micro-horror breakout to Trump-era cautionary tale":

When filmmaker James DeMonaco and his longtime production partner Sébastien Lemercier started working on "an X-rated treatise on violence," they had no idea they would eventually conceive of "The Purge."

"We thought it was going to be an independent Michael Haneke-type of film that would play in one theater in New York," said DeMonaco, who wrote and directed the first three movies in the ongoing "Purge" franchise.

"People were telling us it was way too anti-American,” DeMonaco said of the concept set in a near-future dystopia in which a dominant ultraconservative party, dubbed the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA), has legalized all crime for one night each year. “So our original search for financing was completely independent. We had no thoughts [of] wide distribution or anything."

That all changed after the script landed on the desk of producer Jason Blum, founder and CEO of Blumhouse Productions. Blum had recently signed a three-year deal with Universal Pictures and was tasked with delivering genre movies that cost $4 million or less to make. He gave DeMonaco and Lemercier $3 million to make their film.
"It's really hard to make low-budget movies resonate, so I always told the filmmakers, ‘We'll worry about a sequel if it's a hit,’ ” said Blum. "Once we're doing sequels, we have a piece of IP that has been proven, so we're willing to invest more. But on the first movie, we don't think about what's going to be our next."

What would come next would be three sequels and a spinoff television show in a franchise that has earned more than $320 million worldwide even before the release of the fourth film, “The First Purge,” on July 4...

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Shop Today


Thanks for your support everybody. It's much appreciated.

At Amazon, Today's Deals New deals. Every day. Shop our Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals and more daily deals and limited-time sales.

Also, Tommy Bahama 7ft. Vented Fiberglass Beach Umbrella w/ built in Sand Anchor.

Plus, Igloo Ice Cube Roller Cooler (60-Quart, Ocean Blue).

And, Kaufman Sales 4 Pc Pack Stripe Beach Towel by Ben Kaufman Sales.

More, Intex Recreation 20" Glossy Beach Ball 59020Ep Inflatable Toys.

Still more, Coppertone SPORT Continuous Sunscreen Spray Broad Spectrum SPF 50 (5.5-Ounce Bottle, Twin Pack).

More here, Nestlé Pure Life Bottled Purified Water, 16.9 oz. Bottles, 24/Case.

BONUS: Joel Engel, Scorched Worth: A True Story of Destruction, Deceit, and Government Corruption.

Happy Birthday, U.S.A.!

Seen on Twitter:

Facebook Algorithm Flags, Removes Declaration of Independence Text as Hate Speech

This just so so badly, it's un-American.

At Reason, "A post consisting almost entirely of text from the Declaration of Independence was flagged by Facebook, which said the post 'goes against our standards on hate speech'."

Angie Harmon on 4th of July

Flashback, "Angie Harmon: 'I Disagree With Obama'."

Such a great American dream woman patriot.

Happy 4th of July everybody!

Angie Harmon

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Kate Upton in Aruba (VIDEO)

She's so lovely.

Democrats and Leftists Hate America

We're constantly told how politically "polarized" we are as a nation.

Since I teach politics I talk about the phenomenon all the time.

But step away from the desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone --- and enjoy real human interaction --- and life doesn't seem so polarized. One simple solution to the polarization problem is to focus on the things in life that aren't political. I'd submit that many of our current divisions are rooted in our practice of collective digitized news consumption, especially among the young and digitally mobile (and that's following up on my previous entry, "How Our Online Experiences Shape Our Political Identities.") Take away the constant social media political virtue signaling, and regular life becomes more shared and cooperative. Life becomes more like a community. People actually talk to each other.

I'll flesh out these hypotheses in future posts. Meanwhile, take a look at some of the Independence Day polling on patriotism and leftist hatred. Democrats don't love America, they hate America; and such antipathy to the United States predates the Trump administration. Current politics has only accelerated a trend of leftist anti-nationalism and self-loathing that's been building for a while.

See Gallup and USA Today, for instance:

You can read Allahpundit for an analysis of the trends (hint: decline in patriotism is literally an exclusive phenomenon on the ideological left).

Now, for some digital youth anti-Amnericanism, I give you Leila Ettachfini and her America-loathing screed at Vice:

And from the article:
America has always been bad, no matter who the president is or was. Since Trump’s election, however, the qualities that make America particularly bad—racism, sexism, homophobia, the institutionalized manifestations of each of these, et cetera—have been emboldened, forcing many people to reckon with the ugly reality of their beloved USA. “This is not America,” I keep hearing. But the truth of the matter is that family separation, a disregard for Black lives, homophobia, and every other incarnation of white male supremacy are exactly what America is made of. In light of that, celebrating the Fourth of July in the spirit of patriotism may sound far from appealing. Here are some alternative ways to celebrate the Fourth of July that include less blind nationalism and more uplifting communities that American institutions have so long worked against.
Now if you read the entire essay, you'll find that all of the "alternative ways" to celebrate the Fourth are found in progressive, far-left political activism, including things like asking "fellow guests if they’re registered to vote, and tell them how to do that if they don’t know," and shopping for food and party supplies at businesses "operated by indigenous people or other communities who face systemic disadvantages in the U.S."

When talking about polarization, and especially the generational dynamics of America hatred, reading articles like this one confirms those worries of people who say they're scared for the future of our country.

If one hates America, you won't defend it. Indeed, younger Americans --- the digitized online-identiy generation --- are working assiduously to tear it down.

And with that wonderful news, enjoy your 4th of July!

How Our Online Experiences Shape Our Political Identities

Online culture is predominantly political culture nowadays. I'm really fascinated by this idea and look forward to reading more empirical academic research on it. Meanwhile, leftist culture warriors aren't waiting for the peer-reviewed prognosticators of culture to lay down some existential verities.

Seen just now on Twitter, FWIW:

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused of 'Turning Blind Eye' to Sex Abuse as Ohio State Wrestling Coach

Jim Jordan's a Republican, so naturally leftists would try to destroy him with bogus allegations.

See Gateway Pundit, "Deep State Targets Conservative Favorite Jim Jordan w/ Vicious Smear Campaign After Announcing Speakership Plans."

AMLO the Populist

Third time's a charm for Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

He ran in 2006 and 2012, and this year he triumphed --- in a landslide. And he's a populist. A leftist populist, but still. It freaks elitist media types out if you're for the common man. It's better if you're a Bernie-style populist rather than a Trumper. But it's still an issue either way.

At LAT, "With Mexico presidential election, another step in global populism — but this time from the left":

The victory of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in Sunday’s presidential election in Mexico is yet another advance for the global march of populism, an ideology that feeds on both fear and hope.

In Mexico, however, populism comes with a twist: Lopez Obrador emerges from a leftist tradition in a sea of right-wing tendencies.

From the election in 2016 in the United States of Donald Trump to the rising leaders in Hungary, Italy and other U.S. allies, populism is posing new challenges to modern democracy.

An often anti-intellectual or xenophobic movement, populism capitalizes on existential worries among middle- and working-class populations who see their jobs being lost to technology or to lower-paid workers.

It can offer unrealistic expectations and often stokes people’s fears of immigrants and outsiders, criminals and terrorists, while railing against an ill-defined traditional elite portrayed as callously distant from the concerns of ordinary citizens.

Those touchstones are clearly part of a Trump playbook. Lopez Obrador also appeals to the common man, but his brand of populism does not employ the same level of negativity or tap into racist or nativist beliefs. It remains to be seen how it will evolve.

The underlying call to action in such a climate is to take a sledgehammer to the system, to “throw the bums out,” or, memorably, to drain the swamp.

Like Trump, Lopez Obrador benefited from a strong current of outrage where many voters felt disenfranchised, left out or overlooked.

His campaign rhetoric did not vary much from his earlier runs for president in 2006 and in 2012. He railed against Mexico's elite and the neo-liberal economic policies embraced by Mexico's leaders, but which many feel have left the working class behind.

What was different this time was the mood of the electorate.

“Mexicans are very angry,” said Genaro Lozano, a professor of political science and international relations at the Iberoamerican University in Mexico City.

It’s not difficult to understand why. Violence is at a modern high and fetid corruption infects seemingly every level of the established, sclerotic government. Around half of Mexico’s population lives in poverty, and the country ranks near the bottom of developed nations for social mobility, the chance to get ahead...

How Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Could Undo Kennedy’s Legacy

There was a lot of eye-rolling over Jeffrey Toobin's tweet the other day, and I gotta admit, it's a bit over the top.

And linked is the whole article, at the New Yorker:

Monday, July 2, 2018

Collapse of the Never-Trumpers

Here's the original essay, at Am Spec, "The Collapse of the Never-Trump Conservatives."

And Jonah Goldberg's response, which is a little of the he doth protest too much variety, "Another Lazy ‘Never Trump’ Screed."