Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama to Nominate Sotomayor

President Obama will nominate Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court at 10:15am. The New York Times has the story, "Obama Chooses Sotomayor for Supreme Court Nominee."

Tom Goldstein discusses Sotoymayor and the politics of judicial appointments at SCOTUS Blog, "
The Dynamic of the Nomination of Sonia Sotomayor":

Republicans cannot afford to find themselves in the position of implicitly opposing Judge Sotomayor. To Hispanics, the nomination would be an absolutely historic landmark. It really is impossible to overstate its significance. The achievement of a lifetime appointment at the absolute highest levels of the government is a profound event for that community, which in turn is a vital electoral group now and in the future.

Equally significant for not only Hispanics but all Americans, Sotomayor has an extraordinarily compelling personal narrative. She is a first generation American, born of immigrant parents. She grew up in a housing project, losing her father as an adolescent, raised (with her brother) by her mother, who worked as a nurse. She got herself to Princeton, graduating as one of the top two people in her class, then went to Yale Law. Almost all of her career has been in public service–as a prosecutor, trial judge, and now appellate judge. She has almost no money to her name.

For Republican Senators to come after Judge Sotomayor is not only hopeless when it comes to confirmation (something that did not deter Democrats in their attacks on Roberts and Alito) but a strategy that risks exacting a very significant political cost among Hispanics and independent voters generally, assuming that the attacks aren’t backed up with considerable substance.

The most likely dynamic by far is the one that played out for Democrats with respect to Chief Justice Roberts. Democratic senators, recognizing the inevitable confirmation of a qualified and popular nominee, decided to hold their fire and instead direct their attacks to President Bush’s second nominee. Justice Alito was the collateral damage to that strategy. Here, with Justice Stevens’s retirement inevitable in the next few years, Republican senators are very likely to hold off conservative interest groups with promises to sharply examine President Obama’s second (potentially white male) nominee.

Overall, the White House’s biggest task is simply demonstrating that Judge Sotomayor is the most qualified candidate, not a choice based on her gender and ethnicity. The public wants to know that her greatness as a Justice is informed by her personal history and her diversity, not that it is defined by those characteristics. For that reason, the focus on “empathy” — rather than the “wisdom” or “good sense” of the nominee in light of her experience — plays out poorly, in my opinion.
See also my earlier entry, "Sonia Sotomayor: The Next Token Justice?"

Related: Conservative Rumblings, "Probable Obama SCOTUS Pick Sotomayor: Dangerous and Ignorant."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Same-Sex Hate-Seekers

I had a long and extremely interesting exchange with Alex Knepper yesterday. Alex is a member of my Facebook community. He's a young conservative who thinks the GOP needs to moderate its social conservatism. He sent me an e-mail after finding an old essay of mine on Sarah Palin at RealClearPolitics. We debated Palin for a little while, and then our discussion turned to gay marriage.

We went back and forth for a few iterations. Alex got a little agitated when I mentioned a continuing controversy in the literature over the biological basis for sexual orientation. He turned at that and said, "if you actually think that homosexuality is not a choice, then you're accusing me of being a liar and a con artist. All of those feelings toward boys that I started having at the ages of 11 and 12 - were they fake?" I then wrote back calmly, "I'm not doubting your feelings, Alex. All I'm saying is that biological determination is still controversial in the literature." (See, for example, "
Current Theories on the Genesis of Homosexuality.")

Alex mellowed out a little later, especially after I told him that he'd be my friend irrespective of his sexual orientation. As some may know from my writing, I get along fine with homosexuals. Indeed, I lost friends during the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. A good friend of mine now lives in San Francisco. We used to party on the weekends. He graduated from high school with my older sister. As much as I liked him, I declined his offer to perform oral sexual favors. "I'm straight," I told him, "and not interested." So much for "not knowing a single gay," as leftists always allege.

I mention all of this since we're seeing the gay marriage debate pick up again this weekend. The
California Supreme Court will rule tomorrow on the constitutionality of Proposition 8. The Court is expected to uphold the will of the voters, and gay activists have planned massive statewide demonstrations to protest the "hatred."

In my discussions with Alex, he mentioned that he'd written a lot on all of this, and he linked to his essay, "
The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage." But while doing some research last night, I found Alex's piece, "Gay. And Republican. And Not Confused." According to Alex:
I believe that the gay subculture is destructive. I am not completely sure why a person should be "proud" of his sexuality, which is not an accomplishment. I am confused by the discord between a group of people who insist that they're just like everyone else on one hand and then on the other refuse to assimilate into mainstream society ....

I am unable to relate to the faction of gay men who revolve their lives around their sexuality: their neighborhood is gay, their friends are gay, their music and movies are gay, their academic interests are gay, the stores that they frequent are gay — their lives are gay. I am not interested, though, in living my life as a gay man, but simply as a man. I envision a future in which a person's sexual orientation will be an afterthought. I do not in any way whatsoever see the Democratic Party furthering that.

I have been discriminated against more by Democrats than by Republicans. I have been shunned and mocked by Democrats, many of whom will not accept me as a gay man unless I fit into their neatly packaged view of what a gay man is "supposed" to be. I have yet to encounter, on the other hand, a Republican who has rejected my presence in the party, shunned me on a personal level or refused to engage me on the issues.
I asked Alex if I could share our exchange with readers, so it's not like I'm "dishing dirt." Indeed, Alex has grappled with these issues more than most people. And I especially appreciate Alex's identification of gay radical leftists as those who evince the most vicious intolerance on these issues.

I've been blogging gay marriage regularly since last November. As I've noted repeatedly, the same-sex marriage agenda is the capstone to the nihilist revolutionary program that's sweeping the country. Leftists constantly impute "bigotry" to their conservative enemies. The truth of the matter is it's become politically incorrect to stand for traditionalism in America today.
As Diana West argued after the radical gay protests last year:
Conservatism isn't simply in political retreat, it is fast travelling beyond the pale, fast becoming anathema in America. And not just "conservatism" - any bumper sticker sentiment that denies due reverence for the precepts of progressivism as exemplified by the leftward evolving sensibility of the media and cultural mainstream ... It is anything that smacks of the traditional that is under assault now in the public sphere, in the cultural mainstream, and sometimes literally.
And it's coming again. One of the most incredible memes on the left right now is that conservatism - especially as seen in faith-based opposition to the homosexual marriage program - is essentially a violent militia movement that's spring-loaded to erupt in a last-gasp violent backlash against the "inevitable" political success of same-sex marriage.

Check out Sara Robinson's essay at Orcinus, "
Decision Day on California's Prop 8." This is really a mind-boggling piece of gay marriage advocacy. The tone is not just of political inevitability, but of outright moral condescension toward anyone who deviates from the radical same-sex marriage party line. If you read it close enough, the piece is essentially a propaganda précis justifying mayhem in the streets if the California Court upholds the will of a majority. It's extremely interesting, since these are the same people who are all about constitutional rights and due process, and what not. But when those same legal and political processes leave them on the short end of the stick, all bets are off. It's now "Mormon bigotry" or "extremist Dominionism." In fact, some of Robinson's assertions are truly out there in left field. I mean really, we're talking 9/11-trutherism type stuff:

In the worst case, this decision could become the catalyst for a new round of large-scale domestic terrorism from the right. As I've noted, everything I'm seeing points to a subculture that is gearing up for this kind of heroic last stand in defense of a lost cause. And this time, it's not going to be just a few white supremacist/militia/patriot/anti-choice wackos. The new crop of right wing militants is better connected, better trained, better armed, and absolutely determined to go down fighting. And, as the SPLC keeps telling us, there may considerably more people motivated to support them than there have been in the past. It’s not unthinkable that between 15 and 20% of the country could be inclined to start - or at least support - a civil war over this.
You really have to step back for a second to catch your breath. Just 31 percent nationally support full-on same-sex marriage rights when given a choice between that or civil unions. And in the allegedy "liberal" Iowa, only 26 percent support unequivocal gay marriage given the same choices. But majorities like this, seen as standing athwart the radical left's agenda, are excoriated as "white supremacist/militia/patriot/anti-choice wackos."

I imagine leftists are in fact so insecure that such demonological conspiracy discourses are necessary to sustain whatever momentum they've got. Frankly, most people I've talked to don't really want to deal with allegations of "homophobia" and "racism" toward "marginalized" minorities. The attacks get old, and people have lives. The media plays along, and today's youth aren't acculturated to traditionalism and American exceptionism. So the leftist demonization seeks to gain traction.

Alexander Cockburn,
in a recent Nation essay on the decline of the GOP, ridiculed the notion that "there's a right resurgence out there in the hinterland with legions of haters ready to march down Main Street draped in Klan robes, a copy of Mein Kampf tucked under one arm and a Bible under the other ..." According to Cockburn, folks like Morris Dees at the Southern Poverty Law Center are "hate-seekers" barking up the wrong tree. The truth, for Cockburn, is that the true "haters" are right under our noses: "The effective haters are big, powerful, easily identifiable entities. Why is Dees fingering militiamen in a potato field in Idaho when we have identifiable, well-organized groups that the SPLC could take on?"

According to Discover the Networks, Cockburn is an "unreconstructed Communist." As strong as that sounds, what's interesting is how close Cockburn's "legions of haters" meme tracks with the claims of the gay radical agenda.

I mean, really. Check out
Pam Spaulding's post on Sara Robinson's, "Decision Day on California's Prop 8." The leftists are now gearing up for cultural Armageddon: "Folks, arm yourselves. Get training, buy a gun and a good personal safe, get a carry permit, and protect yourselves."

People often talk of how polarized is American politics today. Leftists see traditionalists as racist militia members out to defend their culture in a final battle of righteousness. But in making such arguments, the radicals transmogrify into a caricature of the very enemy they seek to destroy.

Meanwhile, the regular workings of the democracy will function tomorrow. The California Court will rule on the constitutionality of a ballot initiative supported by a mainstream majority of the people. The fact is, the real "wackos" we'll likely be seeing in the next few days are the gay marriage extremists who take to the streets to protest the legal affirmation of the popular will.

This is the battle for America's future. It's hardly any longer a fight for gay marriage "rights." No, we'll see the battle lines drawn at the landing grounds of America's partisan culture wars this week. The stakes are extremely high. The left will continue to browbeat and bully those slow to get in line. Boycott lists will be circulated once again, and show trials will be mounted for the "collaborators."
We saw the countours last November. The next phase is about to begin.

Happy Memorial Day - And Never Forget!

Here's Wordsmith's Memorial Day video:

Here's wishing all of my readers a wonderful Memorial Day, and let's never forget the sacrifices of those who have fought to keep us safe.

Letters to Donna Reed: Hometown Girl Was Popular WWII Pinup

Here's a letter written to movie star Donna Reed, from the New York Times' story, "Dear Donna: A Pinup So Swell She Kept G.I. Mail":

Dear Donna:

Have just received your letter from the eight of December. And believe me or no, it was the first piece of mail I have received in the last two months. By the sound of your tale, life in the U.S. is not quite as fine as it used to be. But I honestly feel that it is better than eating the same 3 meals out of the same 3 c-Ration cans for a month or three.

We have been in action for some time here in North Africa, you see. Quite an interesting and heartless life at one and the same time. One thing I promise you - life on the battlefied is a wee bit different from the "movie" version. Tough and bloody and dirty as it is at times. There is none of that grim and worried feeling that is so rampant in war pictures. It's a matter-of-fact life we live and talk here. And for the first time no one has the "jitters." I hear you have done your part and done got married. Congratulations and good luck! See you in your next "pic."

Norman Klinker
P.S. Can hardly wait for four years ... no "pics" here.
What a wonderful letter!

I dare say your average "Joe" on the frontlines in World War II was a better wordsmith than the average youth slacker of today!

And did you know that Donna Reed became
a '60s Vietnam antiwar activist!

Hat Tip:

Is Charlie Crist Gay?

Some thoughts on Florida GOP Governor Charlie Crists, from one of Robert Stacy McCain's readers:

How are you/we/they going to handle the persistent rumors that Charlie Crist is gay? The first conservative blog to raise this issue is going to be slammed by the MSM, the Democrats and Crist’s Republican supporters for rumor mongering and the politics of personal destruction. But these rumors ain’t going away. LGBT groups have already raised the specter of hypocrisy about Crist being safely in the closet while denying gays access to marriage.

If Crist is gay and had sex with a man, what are the odds we are going to hear about it? If so, I would wager that any revelations will come out after he has won the nomination.

If Crist is gay but has been celibate his entire life, until, you know, he married a woman, what impact will the rumors have on conservative voters in Florida?
If Crist is not gay but the rumors persist, again, impact on conservative voters?
Mark Foley Redux?

On the other hand, what negative impact will a public discussion of the topic by conservatives have on the Rubio campaign?
Speaking of LGBT groups ... here's this on Crist over at Queerty, "That Fag Charlie Crist Wants to Be a Senator (And Wishes to Be Straight)":

Yes, he's making it official. And yes, the gay rumors will only grow closer and closer to accepted fact, if they aren't already ....

Why such animosity toward Crist? Not because he's a closeted homo — which we feel bad about — but because it's folks like him whose self-hatred comes out in the political games they play. Playing god with other people's rights from the governor's mansion, Crist stood by Florida's standing ban on gay couples adopting, claiming "traditional family provides the best environment for children." Then there was his 2006 run for governor, where he supported civil unions but not same-sex marriage. And his support during the 2008 election season for Proposition 2, which wrote into the state constitution a ban on same-sex marriage.
What strikes me first about the Queerty post is how they throw around epithets like "fag" and "homo" casually, like black do-ragged inner-city gang bangers calling each other "nigga"! It's appropriate to no one except as a badge of stupidity on those making the slur.

It's too bad too. Queerty makes a good point. If the rumors are true, Crist has an extremely odd governing philosophy for a gay man. I don't, however, think this should be seen as some larger negative statement on the GOP. What Crist does is give radical leftists ammunition. The focus will not be on Crist's assumed hypocrisy, but on the alleged "GOP bigotry" that has forced him to stay in the closet. So, let's get to the bottom of it. Christ is a basically Florida's Schwarzenegger Repubican, which is to say, he's really no Republican at all. The press doesn't care of Crist is a fiscal moderate. They'll hammer him on the hypocrisy. A good preview of the coming attacks is Howie Klein's post, "
Charlie Crist's Bright Shiny Object":

Is the fight between the far right plus nutroots extremists and the Establishment Republicans of the NRSC and the Florida Republican Party over the Charlie Crist/Marco Rubio Senate nomination just a ruse to keep the media from talking about Crist's closet problem? With the release of Outrage, which exposes Crist's hypocrisy on gay issues while he himself was seducing young gay men, it was important to the GOP to point the media in another direction-- any other direction.

So Republican extremists and John Cornyn's NRSC are engaged in a noisy, very flashy
topless mud wrestling match about who's further to the right, the Republican Governor who Inside the Beltway Repugs felt is their only shot of holding onto the Florida Senate seat, or the fanatic Bush-clone ex-Speaker of Florida's lower house who's stuck with a job.
Notice something in all of this. Radical gay leftists can attack Crist with bigoted language, but that's cool as long as you're down with the homosexual agenda. Then angry communists like Howie Klein can hammer both Crist for his closeted shame and Marco Rubio as a right-wing extremist.

And you know what? This is the first I've really paid attention to this angle. Rubio's no media distraction. He's the real thing. So what Crist does is give left-wing nihilists ample ammunition to paint the GOP as both hypocrites and rednecks. And in the backgound is the fact that
huge majorities oppose same-sex marriage while supporting civil equality for gay couples. It's all quite interesting, but let's bring it full circle with Robert Stacy McCain:

OK, this is not a story that really interests me, either politically or personally. But as my tipster says, you can bet good money that it's a story the MSM are going to be very interested in -- if and when Crist gets the Republican nomination.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keeping it Real on Social Security and Medicare

Scott "Social Scientist" Lemieux, at Lawyers, Guns and Money, perfectly demonstrates that membership in the "reality-based community" is all about living in the utopian make-believe "reality" of postmodern ideology.

Heads exploded today
LGM in response to Robert Samuelson's latest column on Social Security and Medicare, "Let Them Go Bankrupt, Soon." Why bankruptcy? These entitlements are inevitably insolvent and thus fundamentally unsustainable:
When the trustees of Social Security and Medicare recently reported on the economic outlook for these programs, the news coverage was universally glum. The recession had made everything worse. Social Security, Medicare face insolvency sooner, headlined The Wall Street Journal. Actually, these reports were good news. Better would have been Social Security, Medicare risk bankruptcy in 2010.

It's increasingly obvious that Congress and the president (regardless of which party is in power) will deal with the political stink bomb of an aging society only if forced. And the most plausible means of compulsion would be for Social Security and Medicare to go bankrupt: trust funds run dry; promised benefits exceed dedicated payroll taxes. The sooner this happens, the better.

That the programs will ultimately go bankrupt is clear from the trustees' reports. On pages 201 and 202 of the Medicare report, you will find the conclusive arithmetic: over the next 75 years, Social Security and Medicare will cost an estimated $103.2 trillion, while dedicated taxes and premiums will total only $57.4 trillion. The gap is $45.8 trillion. (All figures are expressed in "present value," a fancy term for "today's dollars.")
Samuelson's argument isn't that controversial, actually. Talk of the entitlement "time bomb" is not new. That policymakers keep kicking the can down the road is irresponsible, if unexceptional. It currently takes taxpayer contributions from 2.5 workers to finance the Social Security benefits of one recipient. In 40 years we'll have only two workers supporting one retiree. The facts are staring us in the face. I teach social policy every semester. According to George Edwards, in his non-partisan textbook, Government in America (2008):

About 75 million baby boomers will start retiring in about 2010. Chances are, they will live longer and healthier lives than any generation before - and run up even bigger costs for the Social Security system and its health care cousin, Medicare ... There are some - President George Bush is among them - who think Social Security needs reform. It is a time bomb, most experts think, ticking away, moving inexorably toward the day when the costs will exceed income ...
The text notes that at some point, likely 2038 (one year later than Samuelson's estimate), expenditures will exceed payouts, and the government will have to siphon increasingly large amounts of funding from other federal programs to cover the deficit.

But that's just my textbook, written by some of the most prominent political scientists in American governmental studies. They can hardly be attacked as embarrasing "hacks," as is Samuelson by
Scott "Social Scientist" Lemieux.

But for good measure, let's check in with Daniel Shea, another political scientist who's got a brand-new textbook out,
Living Democracy:

Everyone talks about the crisis that is coming to Social Security and Medicare - is it real? Left unchecked, spending for Social Security will account for 6.4 percent of GDP by 2050, and Medicare and Medicaid will use a combined 21.9 percent, for a total of 27.3. Over the past fifty years, total government spending has averaged 18.5 percent of GDP. What this means is that by 2050, these programs will absorb 150 percent of average government spending without appropriating a penny for food stamps, defense, science, space exploration, or anything else - including interest on the federal debt, which is projected to average 2 percent of GDP in coming years.

Something's got to give. You can't run an annual deficit equal to 18 percent of GDP without wrecking the economy. Solving this problem will require either huge tax increases or huge benefit cuts - or some combination of the two. With our aging workforce, this seems to foreshadow some sort of generational conflict, and conflict that might be eased in part if the immigration of working-age foreign-born people continues to surge and more of them become legal, Social Security-paying workers. Boston University economist Laurance Kotlikoff and financial columnist Scott Burns have called this confluence of more retirees and fewer workers "the comuing generational storm" ....

This generational storm is still decades down the road and may break just when you are ready to retire ...
As you can see from mainstream political analysis, Robert Samuelson's hardly an extremist on Social Security and Medicare. But Scott "Social Scientist" Lemieux's too blinded by his own ideology - and too economically illiterate - to know better. It's no coincidence that Lemieux is joined by Bruce Webb at Angry Bear, "Hacktackular! Samuelson on Social Security."

But as this essay shows, the genuine "hacks" are those idiots in the left-blogosphere who claim to know something about entitlements, but only end up showing their abject incompetence in addressing complicated policy issues requiring something other than, er, partisan hackery.

On the Relevance of Intramural Ideological Disputes

Or, "How I learned to stop worrying and love the f-bomb ..."

Robert Stacy McCain explains:

Whatever the relevance of intramural ideological disputes (or concern about the tone and content of the GOP "message") to the current situation, henceforth propagation of false understanding by Republican commentators must be identified and denounced as nothing but what it is: Aid and comfort to the Democrats in the electoral showdown that is now less than 18 months away ...

Defeatist rhetoric and mistaken analyses offered by "Republicans," tending to impugn, demoralize and confuse the conservative grassroots, can only be considered as objectively pro-Democrat. Such incorrect understandings of the political situation cannot be ignored, but must be actively repudiated. Idiots have the right to free speech, and we have the right to call them idiots.

Powell Says G.O.P. Needs More Inclusion

The video below shows Colin Powell, on Face the Nation, discussing the legal politics of Guantanamo and enhanced interrogations. The full CBS video is here.

What's getting more attention is Powell's call for the Republican Party to be "more inclusive." The New York Times has the story, "Answering Critics, Powell Says G.O.P. Needs Change."

See also, "
Powell Defends GOP Credentials, Calls for More Inclusive Party" (via Memeorandum):

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell took on Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh Sunday, shooting down their accusations that he had abandoned the Republican Party while continuing to dish out advice to the GOP.

Powell, speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation," touted his Republican credentials and urged his party to be more moderate and inclusive. He was answering back after Limbaugh called on him to join the Democrats and Cheney said he thought Powell had already left the GOP.

"Rush will not get his wish and Mr. Cheney was misinformed. I am still a Republican," Powell said, noting that he "oted solidly for Republican candidates" for president for 20 years, spent 10 years of his life serving in Republican administrations and spoke at two GOP conventions.

"You know, neither (Cheney) nor Rush Limbaugh are members of the membership committee of the Republican Party. I get to make my decision on that," Powell said. "And so I will continue to work in a way that I think is helpful to the country and helpful to the party."
Colin Powell is a great American. I think HE was misinformed in voting for Barack Obama, and his own personal history belies the notion that the GOP lacks inclusion or fails to provide opportunities for qualified minorities.

Actually, it's something of a shame for him to be getting into these debates at this point.

But check Noel Sheppard on seeing the big picture, "
Will Media Notice Powell Defended Bush and Agreed With Cheney?"

Obama's Plan for the Destruction of Israel

The title is ominious: "U.S. Presses Israel to End Expansion of Settlements; Bush Pact Complicates Issue." But when you dig down into it, the facts indicate that the settlements aren't the issue. What we're seeing is the Obama administration's plan for the destruction of Israel.

According to
Carl in Jerusalem, the "secret" pact in question is the set of guarantees made by the George W. Bush administration holding "that Israel would be allowed to keep the large 'settlement blocs' in any 'final status' agreement with the 'Palestinians'."

But now President Obama is determined to abandon established U.S. policy to push a "peace" plan that would not only rescind previous guarantees to the Jewish state, but would privilege Palestinian interests above those of the Israeli people. The settlement issue is a smokescreen: "
Settlements are not the reason that the diplomatic process failed ... Even when Israel evacuated swathes of land, terrorism continued. Even when we uprooted communities, all we got in return was 'Hamastan'." No, Washington now seeks an accommodation with Israel that would eventually deprive Jerusalem of its historic right to exist. And Israel-bashers are twirling their mustaches with glee.

Caroline Glick notes, with respect to both Palestine and the Iranian threat:

BY MAKING the achievement of the unachievable goal of making peace between Israel and the Palestinians through the establishment of a Palestinian terror state the centerpiece of his Middle East agenda, Obama is able to cast Israel as the region's villain. This aim is reflected in the administration's intensifying pressure on Israel to destroy Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria.

In portraying Jews who live in mobile homes on barren hilltops in Judea and Samaria - rather than Iranian mullahs who test ballistic missile while enriching uranium and inciting genocide - as the greatest obstacle to peace, the Obama administration not only seeks to deflect attention away from its refusal to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. It is also setting Israel up as the fall guy who it will blame after Iran emerges as a nuclear power.

Obama's intention to unveil his Middle East peace plan in the course of his speech to the Muslim world in Cairo on June 4, like his decision to opt out of visiting Israel in favor of visiting a Nazi death camp, make it clear that he does not perceive Israel as a vital ally, or even as a partner in the peace process he wishes to initiate. Israeli officials were not consulted about his plan. Then, too, from the emerging contours of his plan, it is clear that he will be offering something that no Israeli government can accept.

According to media reports, Obama's plan will require Israel to withdraw its citizens and its military to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines. It will provide for the free immigration of millions of Israel-hating Arabs to the Palestinian state. And it seeks to represent all of this as in accord with Israel's interests by claiming that after Israel renders itself indefensible, all 57 members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (including Iran) will "normalize" their relations with Israel. In short, Obama is using his peace plan to castigate the Netanyahu government as the chief destabilizing force in the region.

During his meeting with Obama, Netanyahu succeeded in evading the policy traps Obama set for him. Netanyahu reserved Israel's right to act independently against Iran and he conceded nothing substantive on the Palestinian issue.

While itself no small achievement, Netanyahu's successful deflection of Obama's provocations is not a sustainable strategy. Already on Tuesday the administration began coercing Israel to toe its line on Iran and the Palestinians by engaging it in joint "working groups."

Then, too, the government's destruction of an outpost community in Judea on Thursday was perceived as Israeli buckling to US pressure. And it doubtlessly raised expectations for further expulsions in the near future.
Hat Tip: Memeorandum.

10 Things Americans Should Know About World War II

Rick Atkinson has a cool Memorial Day column at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "10 Things Americans Should Know About World War II."

Keep in mind his 5th point when we hear continuing attacks on the Bush administration's initial war planning in Iraq:
The U.S. Army for a long time after we entered the war was not very good. Part of the WWII mythology is that all the brothers were valiant and all the sisters were virtuous. War is the most human of enterprises, and it reveals every human foible and frailty, as well as human virtues: cowardice and tomfoolery, as well as courage and sacrifice. The Greatest Generation appellation is nonsense.

In the first couple years of American involvement the Army was burdened with clearly inferior equipment and commanders. Those first couple years of war required a sifting out, an evaluation at all levels within the Army of the competent from the incompetent, the physically fit from the unfit.

It has sometimes been argued that in an even fight, when you matched one American battalion or regiment against a German battalion or regiment, the Germans tended to be superior, the better fighters. But who said anything about an even fight? Global war is a clash of systems. What matters is which system can generate the combat power needed to prevail, whether it's in the form of the 13,000 Allied warplanes available on D-day; the 10:1 American advantage in artillery ammunition often enjoyed against the Germans; or the ability to design, build and detonate an atomic bomb. What matters is which system can produce the men capable of organizing the shipping, the rail and truck transportation, the stupendous logistical demands of global war.

Germany could not cross the English Channel, which is only 21 miles wide, to invade Britain. The United States projected power across the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Pacific and into Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Power-projection, adaptability, versatility, ingenuity, preponderance -- these are salient characteristics of the U.S. Army in WWII.

'Easy Rider' in 40th Anniversary Screening at L.A.'s Nuart Theatre

If you never saw it at the movies (40 years ago), Easy Rider's now playing a one-week limited engagement at the Nuart Theatre in West Los Angeles.

For some feeling, check out this SlipShotFilms production of "
Born To Be Wild and Easy Rider":

Here's the blurb from Nuart's homepage:
A landmark road film, Easy Rider chronicles the search for freedom by two motorcycle-riding drifters (Peter Fonda and director Dennis Hopper). After closing a big-time coke deal in Los Angeles, the two bikers "head out on the highway," trying to discover the real America on the way to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. They cruise Monument Valley, spend some time at a commune and try to deal with the negative vibes their hippie regalia provokes in most of the citizenry. Thrown into a southern jail, they meet up with an alcoholic lawyer (Jack Nicholson) who gets them out and then joins them on their liberating journey. Includes cameos by Karen Black and record producer Phil Spector, as well as a legendary soundtrack featuring "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf, plus songs by The Byrds, The Band, Jimi Hendrix, The Electric Prunes and more. An Academy Award nominee for Best Supporting Actor (Nicholson) and Best Original Screenplay (Fonda, Hopper and novelist Terry Southern).
See also Betsy Sharkey's "Critic's Pick," at the Los Angeles Times.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Full Metal Saturday: Marisa Miller

It's time again for Full Metal Saturday! I'd like to begin this entry with a dedication to Amy Proctor and Cassandra at Villainous Company. These two beautiful blogging friends have reminded me that it's fine and dandy to enjoy the eye candy, but Rule 5 bloggers must also respect both women and their dignity!

And with that, let me present this week's lovely lady, SoCal's own Marisa Miller. As readers can see, Marisa's featured on
the latest cover of Shape (and her homepage is NSFW!):

I remember recently seeing Marisa at TigerHawk's blog. He links to Sports Illustrated's 2008 Swimsuit Gallery, where Marisa is featured.

Checking around the web, Saber Point's getting in
some Rule 5 hotness with Kim Kardashian." Also, TrogloPundit's wholesome milk-drinking showcase of Danica Patrick will rev every guy's motor!

Plus, don't miss my friend
Dana at CSPT, and his entry this week, "Rule 5 Blogging." And Private Pigg directs us to Maxim's Not 100 for 2009! Jimmie Bise has got some babe blogging going on, "It’s FMJRA Saturday."

On the ladies' side, Suzanna Logan fills us up with some
Adriana Lima hotness. (Suzanna introduced us to Becky Brindle last week).

And Pundette's got a "
Saturday Linkfest." She's joined by Carol at No Sheeples Here!, who goes all out with, a "Memorial Day Weekend Full Metal Jacket Reach-Around." I don't see any beefcake this week, but I'm linking to Fausta’s Blog anway!

See also,
Jordan at Generation Patriot. The Classical Liberal gets hot with, "Hayden Panettiere Presents Rule 5 Saturday!" And Paco Enterprise's got the global goods, with "Rule 5 Goes International!" Plus, The Daley Gator's got, "Saturday full metal jacket reach around."

Always smokin' is GrEaT sAtAn"S gIrLfRiEnD, especially today's examination of "California - Rest in Peace!"

And don't forget to go to the "source," Smitty at The Other McCain! He's stoked Technorati's functioning adequately in, "Finally, My Joy Returns. Ahhhh!"

If you missed it, check out my steaming entry last week, "
Full Metal Saturday: Jessica Simpson." And here's the obligatory link to Glenn Reynolds!

Exit quote for the day: "Call me when “conservatives” are ready to get serious. Because as it stands, our high-traffic spokespeople seem content to play by the left’s rules while humping each other for traffic."

With Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 8th Regiment, U.S. Marines, in Afghanistan

This piece in today's Wall Street Journal shows why troop numbers are so important in modern anti-insurgency conflicts: "Stalemate: A single company of U.S. Marines is slugging it out with the Taliban in Afghanistan’s toughest ghost town. The battle shows how limited troop numbers have hurt the war—and why the U.S. is changing its strategy."

The report is from the town of Zad, in Helmand Province:

The inability of the Marines to dominate the area is an extreme example of how limited troop numbers, especially in the country’s strategically vital south, have hampered the U.S. ability to eradicate the Taliban threat. The U.S. and NATO-led coalition has easily defeated the Taliban in battle, but struggled to prevent insurgents returning to towns and villages across the country.

As part of President Barack Obama’s Afghan “surge,” the military has ordered 21,000 new troops to Afghanistan, bringing the total to around 60,000. The beefed-up force is a central element of the military’s new counterinsurgency strategy for Afghanistan, which aims to replicate the successes of the Bush surge in Iraq, in particular the way it was able to both “clear” important areas of insurgents and “hold” the territory long enough for the government to solidify its position.

The strategic shift gelled earlier this month when Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked for the resignation of Gen. David McKiernan, the Pentagon’s top general in Afghanistan, in a bid to further instill counterinsurgency tactics throughout the war. The successor, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, is a former Green Beret who recently commanded the military’s secretive special operations forces in Iraq.

Still, the new approach won’t bring enough troops to put overwhelming force into every hotspot, suggesting that Now Zad and other pockets won’t see relief any time soon. Afghanistan’s terrain, replete with inaccessible valleys and remote villages, exacerbates the shortfall.

“We’re still only at half of what we had in Iraq,” says Col. Greg Julian, the military’s chief spokesman in Afghanistan. “In counterinsurgency doctrine, it should really be a 10-to-one ratio of population [to troops], and we’re nowhere near that.”

Soon after the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, charities from the United Nations and European Union installed clean-water wells and a mother-child health clinic in Now Zad. But by 2007, fighting between insurgents and small British and Gurkha contingents prompted the estimated 10,000 to 30,000 residents to flee. An Estonian force joined the British before a company of U.S. Marines arrived last year. None was big enough to clear the town of insurgents.

The Marines here now, Lima Co. of 3rd Battalion, 8th Regiment, number fewer than 300 men and are currently training their replacements. Being a sideshow to the main effort has meant a daily routine of dangerous patrols through a no man’s land littered with land mines, all the while accepting the fact that at best they’ll go home next month with a tie.

Matthew Nolen, a 27-year-old Navy corpsman from Memphis, Tenn., insists that each man on his patrols carry two Velcro tourniquets. The assumption is that if a Marine steps on a mine, he’ll likely lose both legs at once, and the corpsman will have two arterial bleeds to stem. Some infantrymen wear tourniquets loose around their ankles, like bracelets, so they can get at them quickly.

“It’s not for me,” said Sgt. Roy Taylor, a 23-year-old squad leader from New Orleans. “It’s for the guy next to me.”
For more on Lima Company, see Steve Moyer, "Combat Camera: US Marines Operate in Now Zad, Afghanistan."

Pelosi Galore!

God, this is too good!

Via The Politico
, Nancy Pelosi as Pussy Galore!

Taylor Marsh is not pleased (and she's "hyperventilating"):

At the end it says “Democrats Galore.” Imposed with a naked woman behind the tag line. Get it? Subtle it is not. But check out the video at around :40 seconds; a split screen that says it all. “Pussy Galore” is shown with “Starring the Speaker” over “Pussy’s” image.

But hey, it’s good to have a sense of humor about these things right? And who doesn’t love the Bond films, especially those Sean Connery classics?

The RNC, however, is not celebrating the in these classic , even by 1960’s standards. Nor are they empowering through utilizing one of the the cunning female villains who parade around in them by equating her with Speaker Pelosi. I shouldn’t have to spell it out any further, though if the RNC doesn’t have in their leadership ranks or men who get this stuff and know bad taste when they see it, the Rush, Newt and Cheney Party (as they were aptly called on “Hardball” yesterday) is truly nothing more than a frat boy institution. No offense to fraternities meant.

That a woman, let alone Speaker of the House, should never be hinted to in any public way through the use of “Pussy” insinuations should be obvious. That this is being used by a once major political party in the 21st century is stunning.

Well, it's not like they're attacking her as an evil lesbian or anything!

Fist Bumps for World Peace!

It had to be one of the strangest Naval Academy commencement ceremonies ever. Former GOP presidential candidate John McCain and his wife Cindy were in attendance for their son's graduation:
Obama spoke before a graduating class of 1,036 that included John Sidney McCain IV - son of Obama's rival in the 2008 presidential race, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), and fourth in a line of McCain Naval Academy graduates. About 30,000 attended the ceremony in Annapolis, Md.

"President Obama fist-bumps with a graduate at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium during the graduation ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy" (Source).

"President Barack Obama fistbumps a graduating Midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy graduation ceremony in Annapolis, Md., Friday, May 22, 2009" (Source).

And here's Obama comments on American "straying" from our values:

"When America strays from our values, it not only undermines the rule of law, it alienates us from our allies, it energizes our adversaries and it endangers our national security and the lives of our troops."

But hey, if fist bumps are good enough for Hugo Chavez, they're good enough for our naval midshipmen!

Open Your Hearts and Minds to Abortion!

There's some buzz this morning on Barack Obama's recent statement that the U.S. should "reduce the number of women seeking abortions" but not the number of actual abortions!

Check the links at
Memeorandum for more. But since the debate on torture's also the rage this weekend, check out the tortured logic of this pro-choicer's letter to the editor at the Los Angeles Times:

Whether members of the pro-life movement realize it or not, they now have a president who actually wants to do something about the number of abortions performed in America. However, if they fail to moderate their self-righteous, self- defeating tactics and continue to try to impose their will on those who disagree with them, without discussion or compromise, they will get exactly what they got from eight years of the pro-life-friendly Bush administration -- nothing.

Wake up: President Obama wants to reduce and, to the extent that it is possible, end abortions in America. But it is you who protest so vehemently and yet accomplish so little.

Obama is right; open your hearts and your minds if justice for the unborn is what you really seek.

Eugene Sison

San Dimas

I guess that's the pro-choice version of "Obey Obama!"

Do You Know Your Enemy?

Thirty years ago Green Day would have been hip, but if you'd seen the The Sex Pistols, you'd have been there, done that. Get PISSED DESTROY! and all that, you know?

Still, give it up for the these guys anyway. They've made punk more popular than ever. I saw them last week on SNL, and yesterday on GMA's summer concert series. Strange how anarchy plays with the masses? Here's Green Day's, "
Know Your Enemy":

The 75 Movies Every Man Should See

Via Glenn Reynolds, check Esquire's feature, "The 75 Movies Every Man Should See."

Here's this on one of my favorites, Runaway Train:

Existential action flicks are tough tricks to pull. Turns out the secret is two escaped cons and a girl on a runaway train in Alaska, chased by an evil warden in a helicopter. Easy.
Here's the existential finale:

Eric “Mancow” Muller: The Biggest Pussy

You know, I watched the video, and I've got to say: If you're going to talk tough, you should be tough. And Eric "Mancow" Muller is not so tough.

The lefties love him, though. He's more popular than Rock Hudson at a West Hollywood coming out party.

But let's be clear. It's easy to see why Muller would gladly agree to have water poured over his face? He wouldn't be permanently maimed. He'd still have all of his fingernails, not to mention his fingers. No one would be gouging his eyes, nor slicing off his tongue. His arms would not be pressed into a wood-shredder.

And here's this, from
John Hawkins:

Waterboarding is hardly torture. It does not maim, cause permanent physical damage,or result in death. It merely simulates the sensation of drowning and having no control over your ability to end the encounter for very brief periods of time. Khalid Sheik Mohammed was subjected to this interrogation technique and was able to resist much longer than would have been expected from an individual who had not been trained to resist waterboarding. This is an indication that our enemies are being prepared for the possibility of being captured.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Britney Spears Bikini Pics!

It's a slow traffic day, so let's heat things up around here with some Britney Spears bikini shots! Via John Hawkins and Conservative Grapevine, check out the whole slideshow, "Britney Spears Bikini Pictures are ... Hot":

Beats waterboarding any day!

I'll just make this a preview of Full Metal Saturday by linking to my blogging allies: Ann Althouse, The Blog Prof, Dana at CSPT, Dan Collins, Dan Riehl, Glenn Reynolds, Jimmie Bise, Little Miss Attila, Moe Lane, Monique Stuart, No Sheeples Here!, Private Pigg, The Rhetorican, R.S. McCain, Saber Point, Suzanna Logan, TrogloPundit, and William Jacobson.

I'll have more hot neocon blogging tomorrow!