Hat Tip: Dan Mitchell, at Big Government, "New Video Exposes Nightmare of IRS Complexity."
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Internal Revenue Nightmare
Change! Six in 10 Americans Expect Their Taxes to Increase
Sixty-three percent of Americans believe their taxes will increase in the next 12 months, while 4% expect a change that will reduce their taxes. Majorities of all income groups share this view, though it is more common among Americans in upper-income households ....
Despite the president's tax policies to date and his plans for the future, middle- and lower-income Americans may perceive that the federal government will need to raise taxes to pay for its greater spending and rising deficits since Obama took office, including the recently passed healthcare legislation, with its price tag of just under $1 trillion.Yep, sounds about right ... could be related to this, "Poll: Opposition to Obama's Health Law Surges":
Also, at Hot Air, "Gallup: Only 3% of Americans say their taxes are too low." (Via Memeorandum.)
Dems Freakin' at Tea Party Power!
Meanwhile, see "Why Democrats Fear the Tea Party Movement." And from Dan Riehl:
If Democrats weren't deathly afraid of the movement, they wouldn't be trying to smear, marginalize and even destroy it as they have. Democrats are vwery vwery afwaid of the Tea Party movement. And they have good reason to be. Party on!
And that's my good friend Dana Loesch at the viddy, "Do Democrats Fear Tea Party Power?"
Happy Tax Day Tea Party!
The radical anti-American left is going back to doing what it enjoys best: infiltrating and disrupting gatherings of patriotic Americans, as well as trying to discredit or undermine normal citizens so as to make them look like kooks. In addition to those who bankroll the Obama supporters of the oppressive left, there is reason to believe that criminals and subversives are at work to bring down the Tea Party's anti-tax rallies. Whether these groups overlap is at this point a matter of conjecture. They are certainly singing from the same hymn-book on the anti-Tea Party effort.Oh, they overlap alright. See, "Oregon Teacher Panel Probes Educator Determined to 'Demolish' Tea Party."
And at Michelle's, "How to spot and tag a Tea Party infiltrator":
RELATED: Gateway Pundit, "Tens of Thousands of Tea Party Patriots Ready to Rally – Hundreds of Tax Day Protests Planned."
Opposition to Obama's Health Law Surges
Opposition to President Barack Obama's health care law jumped after he signed it -- a clear indication his victory could become a liability for Democrats in this fall's elections.Good luck with that!
A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds Americans oppose the health care remake 50 percent to 39 percent. Before a divided Congress finally passed the bill and Obama signed it at a jubilant White House ceremony last month, public opinion was about evenly split. Another 10 percent of Americans say they are neutral.
Disapproval for Obama's handling of health care also increased from 46 percent in early March before he signed the bill, to 52 percent currently -- a level not seen since last summer's angry town hall meetings.
Nonetheless, the bleak numbers may not represent a final judgment for the president and his Democratic allies in Congress.
Only 28 percent of those polled said they understand the overhaul extremely or very well. And a big chunk of those who don't understand it remain neutral. Democrats hope to change public opinion by calling attention to benefits available this year for seniors, families with children transitioning to work and people shut out of coverage because of a medical problem.
Teabag Badge of Honor
I'm a proud teabagger. Embrace the hate I say. And no one hates more than Digby the Communist. See, "Teabag Nation" (via Memeorandum). Every caricature about extreme left-wing ideology is here, so buckle-up for radical ride:
The most charitable thing to say about this is that at least some of these people are just looking for some meaning in their lives and this movement is giving it to them. (I would guess that there are a few on our side who were drawn to the progressive movement for the same reasons.) They pick the teabaggers because it's their natural tribe. It's like my sister-in-law once explained to me: "being a Democrat would be as if I were a cat having my fur rubbed backwards." So I get that.Cartoon Hat Tip: Theo Spark.
There's nothing particularly surprising about the rest of them either. These people are nothing new. They have different iterations, but when you get right down to it they are, quite simply, the far right. They hate poor people (especially blacks) and they hate government that helps poor people (especially blacks.) They are deluded about taxes and spending and are paranoid about the government being infiltrated by "the other." They believe they are the only "true" Americans and alternate between insisting that their "traditional values" are best represented by the Bible or the Constitution, both of which they believe they are ordained by God to properly interpret. And they do not really believe in democracy which is really why they hate the government.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Teabagging Since 1773!
And see also, NYT, "Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated":
Of the 18 percent of Americans who identified themselves as supporters, 20 percent, or 4 percent of the general public, said they had given money or attended a Tea Party event, or both. These activists were more likely than supporters generally to describe themselves as very conservative and had more negative views about the economy and Mr. Obama. They were more angry with Washington and intense in their desires for a smaller federal government and deficit.Yep, sounds about right, but there's snarkworthy material there as well, so RTWT.
Leftist 'PolitiFact' Smashes Julian Assange's 'Permission-to-Engage' Allegations ... Plus, Commies Pissed Colbert DID REAL JOURNALISM!!
When Assange points out in the context of justifying the title "Collateral Murder" that the word "RPG" was not used until after the permission to engage was given, he leaves the impression that the soldiers were given the okay to open fire on a group of unarmed men, or men believed to be unarmed. But the video and accompanying audio make clear that the soldiers in the helicopter said they spotted "weapons" among those in the group -- later identified by an army investigator as an AK-47 and an RPG -- and that they mistook two cameras with telephoto lenses as weapons as well. Assange said he does not accept that his comment makes that implication, that introductory text in the video clearly states, "Although some of the men appear to have been armed, the behavior of nearly everyone was relaxed.""Half True?"
Who can say whether those in the Apache meant RPG when the cross-hairs turned to two of the other men in the group -- not journalists -- and they said "he's got a weapon, too." Photographs suggest that it probably was a man with an RPG, and another with an AK-47 rifle. Still, the soldiers in the Apache reported, "Five to six individuals with AK-47s." That's what the permission to engage appears to have been based upon. RPG's were not specifically referred to by that point, but other "weapons" were. And so while Assange's statement is technically accurate, we think it leaves out critical context. And we rule it Half True.
Not a ringing endorsement, eh, considering how many MSM-types have swallowed the WikiLeaks slanders hook, line, and sinker.
Plus, radical jerkwad Freddie DeBoer gets pissed that Stephen Colbert had the temerity to "break out of character":
It's a funny world we live in. Colbert has an opinion on whether or not what is revealed in that video is murder. He's entitled to it. Strange to see him step out of character; this, I take it, was a bridge too far, a crime too great to ignore: calling soldiers who fired round after round onto people attempting to load the wounded into a van and get them medical attention "murderers," well, that's past irony and shtick. That requires open and unequivocal condemnation. It's funny-- I consulted older videos of Colbert, online. He has spoken to members of Congress who voted for the war in Iraq several times. He has interview many who were involved in the apparatus of enacting the Iraq war, or who lent their considerable influence to the war effort. He has interview, that is to say, the people who created the material conditions where the victims of this attack were placed in harms way, where the soldiers involved were placed in danger of losing both their lives and their moral integrity. That's war, I'm told; you shouldn't wage it without being willing to risk atrocity.Freddie's a tool. Funny timing too. Just as Colbert's interview put the final nail in the WikiLeaks coffin, communist bloggers like DeBoer start attacking those formerly thought as in the tank.
Funny, but typical.
VIDEO CREDIT: The WikiLeaks Deception, c/o Jawa Report.
Sarah Palin at Boston Tea Party!
And the video's c/o The Right Scoop, "Sarah Palin’s Full Speech at the Boston Tea Party":
See also Politico, "Sarah Palin Throws Boston Tea Party" (via Memeorandum).
How Bad For the Democrats in 2010?
If ... Don is so certain about Obama's dismal approval ratings translating into epic failure then I'll offer him this meager yet serious wager: $100 says that the Republicans fail to gain a majority in either house of congress this November. I'm making the offer publicly so that every one reading this will be privy to it. I think Obama's a chess master of the highest caliber Don, and he's moved his pieces into position to retain his party's majorities through the remainder of his first term. Care to put your money where your mouth is, Fat Boy Slim?Just ignore JBW's weightist slur there at the end (the dude's shootin' blanks, so no surprise with the bigotry).
I'll add though, it's guaranteed that "Obama's dismal approval ratings" -- combined with economic anxiety and anti-incumbency outrage -- will translate into Democratic losses this fall. The questions is how large will they be?
Sean Trende has thoughts on this today. See, "How Bad Could 2010 Really Get For Democrats?":
I think those who suggest that the House is barely in play, or that we are a long way from a 1994-style scenario are missing the mark. A 1994-style scenario is probably the most likely outcome at this point. Moreover, it is well within the realm of possibility - not merely a far-fetched scenario - that Democratic losses could climb into the 80 or 90-seat range. The Democrats are sailing into a perfect storm of factors influencing a midterm election, and if the situation declines for them in the ensuing months, I wouldn't be shocked to see Democratic losses eclipse 100 seats.You'll want to check the whole thing. Trende's mostly analyzing macro-trends, which lack specificity and suffer from extreme volatility. His presentation of data is pretty convincing, in any case, in the probabilistic sense: There's an extremely intuitive case to be made for a massive blowout this fall, with voters repudiating the Democrats up and down the ballot across the country. I think it's going to happen, but I wouldn't bet on it until I see more data. Specifically, for Congress, we'd need to have some hard polling results at the district level (ideally in all 435 constituencies), along with the incumbent's margin of victory in 2008, as well as the party results for the presidential race. Trende does offer something along those lines, with this map, which shows "a rough average of the President's approval in recent state polls":
President Obama's policy choices to date are wreaking havoc on the brand that Democrats cultivated carefully over the past twenty years. Bill Clinton worked long and hard to make it so that voters could say "fiscal conservative" and "Democrat" in the same sentence, but voters are finding it difficult to say that again.I think Trende's analysis is probably the best you'll see until we have some full-on political science analysis of prospects around the country. Folks can go to Congressional Quarterly to see their "Race Rating Maps for 2010 Elections."
And with that, if JBW's so confident that "Obama's a chess master of the highest caliber," then the Dems shouldn't lose any seats at all. I mean, seriously, President George W. Bush actually gained seats in his first midterm elections in 2002 -- 6 in the House and 2 in the Senate. Since Obambi's so much greater than GWB (well, not, actually, not that lefties care), no doubt JBW will gladly put his money where is weightist-wanker mouth is. $100 says Dems lose seats in 2010. If on the other hand, Obama, like Bush in 2002, gains Democratic seats in Congress this year, I'll cut Brain Rage poser-boy a check for $100 fat ones. "Care to put your money where your mouth is," sexist weightmaster prick?
RELATED: Michael Barone, "What 1946 Can Tell Us About 2010."
Desperate Tea Party Crashers
And the news is for good folks to be on the lookout for idiot "tea party crashers."
Michelle's got the main piece on this, "Alinsky’s Avenging Angels: Tea Party Saboteurs."
Also, Sister Toldjah, "Running scared: NH Dem source says state liberals trying to recruit Tea Party crashers." And JammieWearingFool, "Hospitality Exec Plans to Crash Boston 'Tea Party Express of Retards'."
Plus, from Dana Loesch, "Tea Party Crashers Cozy Up to MSM For a Celebration of Marxism 101." (Via Memeorandum.)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
It's Come to This? Dems Allege Tea Party Bestiality
In a GRAPHIC report, WNY Media writes:
In this political climate, it’s safe to assume that the opportunists and hangers-on that make up much of Carl’s activist base will dismiss this report as a “smear” and circle the wagons around their candidate. It is the political culture wrought by Sarah Palin. A reflexive defensiveness to criticism from the opposition on even the most obvious of hypocrisies, malevolence or provable falsehoods.Folks can judge the breadth of this broad-brush smear of Sarah Palin and the tea parties. As anyone can see, leftists are panicked in sheer horror as their political fortunes sink deeper into the socialist crapper.
It’s why Carl Paladino is morphing into Carl Palin-dino, New York State’s own tea party fringe opportunist. However, people who are just being introduced to Carl Paladino now know he’s the kind of guy who enjoys videos of woman copulating with horses and sending racist emails which would make David Duke blush.
And again, as for Paladino? I have nothing but universal disgust for the asshole. He's a sick piece of trash if he thought this stuff was funny -- and the additional news of a 10 year-old "love child" now "fully integrated into the family" clearly puts this guy right up there in John Edwards territory for the ultimate in douchebaggery. But hey, if the radical leftists are reaching for folks like this Paladino trash, you know things aren't going so well on the Democratic side of the aisle.
RELATED: I can't see how this helps, "Paladino Apologizes for Inappropriate E-mails":
I Don't Mind You Comin' Here...
See also, Theo Spark, "Bedtime Totty ...", and Washington Rebel, "Tuesday Whip."
Thug Union Boss Andrew Stern to Retire
But see Michelle, "Purple People upheaval: What’s behind SEIU thug-in-chief Andy Stern’s resignation?; Update: The shadow of Richard Trumka; SEIU issues statement":
HuffPo lefties also confirm the rumors.
Behind the scenes and under the radar screen, as I’ve reported over the last year, Stern has installed a cadre of labor management stooges embroiled in financial scandals across the country and rankled rank-and-file watchdogs within the Big Labor organization. Obama paid no heed – appointing Stern to the federal joke of a “fiscal responsibility” panel.
And while fatcat union bosses toss hundreds of millions of dues into Democrat coffers, low-wage SEIU members’ pension funds are eroding and the organization’s debt is piling up. The union also remains under investigation by federal prosecutors for potential illegal lobbying activities at the White House.
A nasty fight in San Francisco with a rival union, UNITE HERE, has caused Stern major headaches and litigation costs.
As I reported in December, health care workers in Washington state also revolted against SEIU pressure.
And the Blago scandal, in which Stern plays a central role, still looms.
Union heavies don’t just relinquish their control and throw themselves under the bus for the standard bogus Beltway excuses (the need to “spend more time with family,” etc.).
This smells. Stay tuned.
FRONTLINE: 'Obama's Deal'
It’s hard to remember a piece of federal legislation since the civil rights bills of the ’60s that has rocked this country as has the leviathan health care bill that President Obama signed on March 23. It’s hard to remember anything since then to match the congressional bloodletting the bill caused, or its lasting national significance. Its passage saved Obama’s presidency and recalibrated the political calculus in Washington, which had been based on its assumed defeat.A little too sympathetic of a review.
If we are dim on all that’s in the bill, we were blind to the machinations behind the scenes that led to its rise and fall and rise again. To achieve victory, Obama had to cut unsavory deals. It wasn’t pretty, but it worked. Anyone remotely interested in big-time, hardball legislative politics should watch “Obama’s Deal’’ tonight at 9 on WGBH-TV (Channel 2) to see how the president got his bill.
“Frontline’’ delivers the goods. It gives us the large themes and nasty fights that dominated Capitol Hill over the past year. We hear from a legion of smart insiders, journalists, and politicians, from every angle of the action. Veteran documentarian Mike Kirk, who wrote, directed, and coproduced this story, has done it again.
The deals really were ugly. One involved an $80 billion closed-door pact between Obama and the top pharmaceutical industry lobbyist, a pact to lower drug costs that critics charge was entirely too soft on the industry. Then came the $100 million deal to benefit Senator Ben Nelson’s home state of Nebraska to secure his vote.
The threads in this story are fascinating ...
Here's hoping Frontline's program is less so. The website is here.
Britney Spears Un-Airbrushed
Celebrities and the industry around them is often accused of producing images that affect young people's body image.Check out the whole thing, at the link.
Which is why it's so refreshing to see one of the world's most famous pop stars allowing all of their imperfections to be highlighted.
Britney Spears has allowed the pre-airbrushed images from a shoot she took part in for fashion firm Candie's to be used ALONGSIDE the digitally-altered ones, so people can see the difference ....
A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'Britney is proud of her body - imperfections and all.'
Of the experience, the singer told press: 'I had so much fun shooting the Candies for Kohl's campaign. My favorite set-up was against the gigantic wall of pink cotton candy.'
And she added: 'I got to wear the cutest clothes and they are perfect for summer!'
Julian Assange Bald-Faced Lies on Colbert Report -- UPDATED!!
Then check out Assange, who continues his malicious campaign of deception. Jawa Report has the rundown, "Colbert Owns Wiki Leak (Video Added)":
Wow, what a liar Julian Assange is. Again, lying by omissions and slight of hand. Maybe the word "RPG" wasn't used before the go signal for firing on the insurgents, that might technically be true. But go watch the [WikiLeaks] video below again ...
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Julian Assange | ||||
http://www.colbertnation.com/ | ||||
More Jawa Report at the link.
UPDATE: Lots of folks reporting on this one today See, Jules Crittenden, "“Collateral Murder”":
“Purposeful Character Assassination” might be a better title for what Wikileaks is attempting on the United States military. It’s an all too familiar story. Most remarkable is the fact that, all these years in, anyone is viewing this as anything but a prurient effort to shock and disparage that is utterly lacking anything but the most damning, emotionally charged context, by people who admit that is their intention and who do not appear to know what they are talking about.More from Ed Morrissey, via Memeorandum.
Tiny Fey Sarah Palin Reprise
Monday, April 12, 2010
Bulletin Board Defacement -- Leftist 'Tolerance' at LBCC!
Then it turns out I get an e-mail from my division dean informing me of a complaint by a faculty member against my "Bounce Boxer, Devore for U.S. Senate" sticker at the bulletin board. The e-mail came March 31. I'd had the board up for no more than 4 business days and a leftist colleague files a formal complaint! The allegation? It wasn't "scientific" and wasn't "balanced" by opposing views, and was therefore inappropriate. And I'm a professor of politics who's supposed to be encouraging political participation!
But that's not all. I didn't check my e-mail until last weekend, and finding out about the complaint I was anxious to see if my "Bounce Boxer" sticker was still posted. And lo and behold, I return this morning to see the board defaced. I had my camera and took some pictures (and I'll take additional pics tomorrow and replace, since this one's blurry):
And I explained to her: The complaint and defacement violate my First Amendment guarantees. And simply put, no one has any right whatsoever to remove a political bumper sticker with which they disagree. And this is not the first time: Repeatedly, in the old building, newspaper articles on the Bush presidency would be taken down, and articles on Proposition 8 would be defaced (usually with extremely sophisticated comments indicative of one trained in LGBT discources, i.e., faculty). I told, my dean most of all, if someone had issues with my political view, they should take it up with me. To do otherwise is harassment and a violation of my freedom of speech and equal protection.
And after my dean left, I went down the hall to check the bulletin board of my Marxist historian colleague. Posted there is information for the History Department's "Community Studies Project":
Seen here:
And here at 30 seconds:
Such communist literature, posters, and propaganda has been plastered all over the History and Political Science hallways for years -- and no one's every complained. And faculty routinely recruit student to attend the protests, even organizing bus transportation. Democratic candidates are constantly promoted, and literature for Al Gore 2000 and John Kerry 2004 festooned the walls in past years. Go into any sociology classroom and student poster-board projects on "racism," "sexism," "genocide," blah, blah, cover the walls.
But one "Bounce Boxer" bumper sticker? Nope. Verboten. You just can't deviate from the leftist narrative.
So, this time I'm not backing down. The complainant invoked "anonymity," so this is not only an attack on my rights, but a cowardly one. I will follow up with my vice president of human resources. This is supposed to be a college of academic professionals and an institution of higher learning. We're commissioned with opening minds to critical inquiry and training youth for the competition of ideas. And what do you have? Democratic and radical antiwar professors who censor and suppress conservative views, rather than defend their ideas. And remember, we're talking about a darned bumper sticker!
Expect updates. (And I'll proofread this post in the morning. I'm going to bed. Done.)
RELATED: At CQ Politics, "Boxer’s Fight in California."