Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is Elena Kagan Lesbian?

Hey radical lesbian feminists! Stop throwing your bras at Elena Kagan! ... "Potential Justice Elena Kagan Supports Gay Rights, Has Short Hair. Ruh Roh."


In the high-stakes politics of Supreme Court nominations, Solicitor General Kagan needs to take a stand:
If she is not a lesbian, she needs to come out and say it, and put to rest the rumours and concerns. If she is gay, I believe she needs to say that too, and quickly. While being gay is not a shameful thing, being chased out of the closet can certainly make a person appear weak and lacking in integrity.
Or, perhaps she'll take a page from La Roux: "Sorry girls, I'm not a lesbian":
La Roux singer Elly Jackson has said she is sick of getting bras thrown at by lesbian fans.

In an interview with Heat magazine, 21-year-old Jackson said she always knew she would have a large lesbian following, but she wished they were just interested in her music and nothing more.

“It’s the fact that they think I want their bras - that’s what’s weird about it,” explained Jackson. “One girl in Toronto stood there for ages with her boobs out. Everyone just thinks I’m a raging lesbian and I want to see everyone’s boobs. Sorry, I’m not.”


RELATED: Legal Insurrection, "Kagan Rumors Expose Left-Wing Hypocrisy and Homophobia."

And don't miss Americablog-Gay, "Is it homophobic for the White House to deny the 'charge' that Elena Kagan is gay?"

BONUS: The whole debate's at Memeorandum.

Heidi Montag Bikini Pics!

Man, that is some transformation!
Previously at American Power: "Heidi Montag's Plastic Surgery," and "Heidi Montag: 'I Feel Very Plastic...'"

See also, Sir Smitty's
pre-FMJRA tea party blogging. Plus, at The Classical Liberal, "Amy Acker presents “The Federal Reserve: Engine of Corruption”." And Washington Rebel, "To My Libertarian Friends."

BONUS: Theo Spark, "
Just having the lawn mowed ..."

FLOTUS FAIL: Michelle Obama and Military Spouses

From Rebecca Noah Poynter, at The Best Defense, "Michelle Obama and Military Spouses: Here's Why We're Frustrated and Angry":

I'm a military wife. We don't mind that America doesn't know the 685,000 of us. We learned during that first deployment years ago that there are times in the middle of the night when there is no one to talk to assuage the loneliness, the frustration and the chilling worry that in fact nobody might really care.

But we really thought Michelle Obama did -- because she told us so. She visited our bases during the campaign. Then, in May, she said in an Army press release that, "I promise you that I will use every ounce of my energy to make sure that America always takes care of you." Then she suggested Americans should take us to lunch for Military Spouse Appreciation Day.

But she wasn't there for us when the going got serious. In November, new legislation gave spouses a home state, something service members have had since WWII. The new law offers us civil protections for income, voting, property tax. Some 14,000 spouses celebrated our first political victory on Facebook. Not included was Michelle Obama because the First Lady's office indicated no real interest. The bill was signed into law on Veteran's Day with only the virtual Facebook party for spouses across the country, the day after the shootings at Fort Hood.

In December the Defense Department said the new law, the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act, was "confusing," even though it simply supports the same rights offered to the military by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

Where was Michelle? On the same day of that announcement about the MSRRA, a Defense Department press release told us that the "First Lady Delivers Toys For Tots."
Which do you think matters more to us? "The markers and board games" collected from her staff (the largest of any First Lady's, yet without anyone dedicated full-time to her declared issue of military families), or acknowledging the MSRRA, which Army Times called "landmark legislation" for equal and civil rights for military spouses. The Pentagon and the First Lady had both missed their first opportunity of the new administration to genuinely support us.

And more FLOTUS FAIL at
the link.

Houston is Hot!

From Kathleen McKinley (full pic is here):


And she's with Michelle Lancaster and Kevin Jackson, yo!

Rush Limbaugh: 'I Want to Thank You Mr. President...'

It's Rush, "Obama Mocks American People, Demands a Thank You for His Work":

Plus, from Reason, "Bill Clinton: Tim McVeigh Hated the Guv'mint Too" (via Memeorandum).

Trigger Warning!

This post is the best!

Trigger Warnings Don’t Work. Here’s Why":

Yesterday, I wrote a post about trigger warnings, “Trigger Warning: This Blog Post May Freak You the F*** Out” ....

Not long after my post went live, counterattacks were launched by Feministing, which proclaimed me a “certifiable asshole,” Feministe, Shakespeare’s Sister, and elsewhere. As I wrote on my personal blog:

Since, I’ve been proclaimed a certifiable asshole, willfully ignorant, an invalidator, a non-friendly in the “cold, uncaring place” that is cyberspace, cruel, mocking, Glenn Beck-esque, an “Internet tough guy,” “Teabaggerian,” basely ignorant and lacking in empathy, simple, “a fucking tool,” “an unsophisticated thinker,” worse than moronic, “dangerous,” a crappy journalist, a poor googler, lacking in analytical skills, someone who can use my “melon as a hat rack,” a troll, “disgusting,” a “supercilious asshole,” “warped,” incapable of empathy, intellectually dishonest, a “Sister F***er,” “purposely obtuse and beyond help,” and “the kind of person who’d take [my] Vietnam-veteran granddad to see The Deer Hunter without warning him that it’s not actually about hunting deer.”

These responses were culled from the comments section at True/Slant. They don’t include the comment sections on the feminist blogs, where, among other things, I was declared a “cunt.” Then there was the hate mail.

I had included a trigger warning in the title of my post, yet feminist readers noted it and read on anyway, which, I believe, is primarily how trigger warnings function: by heightening the shock factor of the content, thereby increasing the likelihood the post will be read ....

Trigger warnings are a falsehood, a contrivance that pretends if triggers can be controlled, the trauma never happened, a National Enquirer-esque headline that screams in all-caps and big red block letters, but, in the end, signifies nothing but a preoccupation with its own salaciousness.

Perhaps most significantly, trigger warnings crystallize everything that is wrong with the current state of the feminist movement, if it can be called that. These days, feminism isn’t a movement at all, really, but a collection of blogs obsessed with the pop culture it claims to be victimized by, a forum for women who promote themselves as victims of a patriarchy that no longer exists, a pretend movement that contains within it no forward movement at all, only a fetal-like desire to curl up on itself, muttering Women’s Studies jargon, and handing out trigger warnings like party favors at a girl’s-only slumber party.

God, I gotta send this one to my post-colonial feminist friends!

BONUS: Don't miss Darleen Click's "TRIGGER WARNING!!1!!1!"

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bill Clinton Incites Violence With Allegations of Tea Party Extremism!

At Fox News, "Bill Clinton Warns Tea Party Anger Could Incite Right-Wing Extremism":

Former President Bill Clinton warned Friday that the anger some members of the Tea Party movement express about higher taxes and the size of government could feed the same right-wing extremism that led to the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, which killed 168 people and injured hundreds more.

"Before the bombing occurred, there was a sort of fever in America," Clinton said at a symposium commemorating the 15th anniversary of the bombing. "Meanwhile, the fabric of American life had been unraveling. More and more people who had a hard time figuring out where they fit in, it is true that we see some of that today."

The loosely organized Tea Party movement burst onto the scene last year with thousands of Americans protesting financial bailouts and what they saw as too much government spending. Since then, the movement has become increasingly political as members are choosing candidates across the country aligned with their conservative views against lawmakers they want to defeat in the November elections.

On Friday, Clinton appeared to draw implicit parallels between Tea Partiers -- who are accused by some critics of espousing racist and radical views -- and the far-right militia veterans that carried out the 1995 attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

"This Tea Party movement can be a healthy thing if they're making us justify every penny of taxes we raised and every dollar of public money we spend," Clinton said. "But when you get mad, sometimes you wind up producing exactly the reverse result of what you say you are for."
And at ABC News, "Rush Limbaugh, Bill Clinton Square Off: Who's Encouraging Domestic Terror? Former President Worries Anti-Obama Rancor Could Turn Violent; Limbaugh Shoots Back."

Obviously, it's the Democratic-left fanning the flames with constant allegations of racism, spitting, violence, etc., and the MSM just plays along to stokes the embers. It's ridiculous, but we'll remember in November.

Obama's Socialism in America

Our braindead communists over at The Swash Zone have outdone themselves (surprising, I know, given the depth of depravity over there): "Socialism in America, or Much Ado about Nothing."

Well, as you can see, some good folks have news for the Capt. Fogg, David Hillman, and their demon's henchmen:


Photo c/o Left Coast Rebel.

RELATED: From last week's NYT poll, 52% of Americans think Obama's "moving the country more toward socialism."

President Obama's Lying About Taxes

Ex-DLB would be funny if he wasn't so stupid, but I guess he can't help himself.

And not only that, his stupidity is totally unoriginal. Fact is, the president's lying about taxes (as I've shown numerous times already). Not only are Obama's "tax cuts" completely bogus (they're one-time credits and rebates, on top of an tax system already burdening middle-class households ineligible for Democratic "givaways"). No Sheeples Here! has a great video clip (via Memorandum).


But see also, Tim Philipps, "2010: The Year of Tax Hikes Beyond Belief":

This Tax Day I’m sure we’ll all raise a glass to our friends at the IRS.

After all, their ranks are only growing. While the private sector is still struggling, with unemployment hovering just under 10 percent and real unemployment (including those who have quit looking for work) estimated at over 16 percent, this is a boom time for hiring at the IRS. Come to think of it, it’s always a boom time for government hiring in general.

All the tax increases in the health care takeover legislation – more than $500 billion – and the new enforcement mechanisms required to make sure every American is purchasing health insurance mean thousands upon thousands of new IRS employees.

But there’s more on the tax front. Almost another $1 trillion in tax increases are heading our way on December 31, 2010, when the Bush tax cuts expire. I don’t think Americans are ready for this massive tax hike. They’ve forgotten it’s coming. They’re still having trouble finding new jobs, or getting their mortgages in order. They’re not ready for higher capital gains taxes, a return of the death tax, and a tax penalty slapped on married filers.

And with President Obama and Speaker Pelosi still looking to “spread the wealth around” as part of their radical liberal agenda, we’re looking at additional tax threats in coming months.
Also, at Heritage, "Obamacare: Impact on Taxpayers":
Now that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 has been passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama, substantial tax increases can be expected in the near future. Combined, all of these tax increases (including those on employers that do not provide health insurance for their employees and on individuals who do not buy health insurance) will cost taxpayers $503 billion between 2010 and 2019.[1]

These tax hikes will slow economic growth, reduce employment, and suppress wages. Further, in an act reminiscent of George H. W. Bush breaking his "no new taxes" pledge in 1991, the tax hikes in the PPACA will raise taxes on middle-income families in direct violation of President Obama's oft-stated pledge not to do so. And by delaying the effective date for most of these new taxes, the President and Congress have shown themselves unwilling to implement these taxes on their own watch, raising doubts as to whether future Presidents and Congresses will be willing to do so. This increases even further the likelihood that this bill will substantially increase the deficit, which would break another Obama promise.
And see Robert Samuelson, "Today Is the Best Tax Day of Your Life":
By all estimates, the budget outlook is daunting. The latest projections of the Congressional Budget Office reckon the cumulative deficits under President Obama's policies to be $12.7 trillion from 2009 to 2020. In 2020 the estimated annual deficit will be $1.25 trillion, or 5.6 percent of the economy (gross domestic product), despite assumed "full employment" of 5 percent. And the deficits get larger with every succeeding year. Given unavoidable uncertainties, these precise projections are likely to prove wrong. But their basic message seems incontestable: there's a large and growing gap between the government's promises and the existing tax base.

How big a tax increase would be needed to close the gap? Well, huge. To put things in perspective, all federal taxes (income, payroll, and excise) averaged 18.1 percent of GDP from 1970 to 2009. Under CBO's assumptions about Obama's policies, taxes in 2020 would already be slightly higher, at 19.6 percent of GDP. But on top of that, there'd need to be a further tax boost approaching a third to balance the budget, because spending is projected at 25.2 percent of GDP. Needless to say, this would be the largest tax burden in U.S. history, even including World War II.
It's not too difficult to figure out, but, obviously, President Obama is lying. His administration is shaping up as the worst in American history, and that's why fully one half of all Americans don't believe the president deserves a second term. See Gallup, "Voters Currently Divided on Second Obama Term." (Via Memeorandum.)

EX- DLB is like the "uninformed protester" in the video above: Totally clueless, but that's to be expected from stupid f***ing Obamabots.

Pull the Plug on Obama!

The full pic is here, via Pundit & Pundette:


Barack Hussein 'Perverted Un-American' Obama

I've got more pics coming from yesterday's events, but this one ought to tide folks over for a while:


And check Doug Ross, "Sign spotted outside Hutchinson, Kansas, 35 miles northwest of Wichita."

No Political Motive in Beating of 'Little Blonde Bitch' Jindal Staffer

Michelle has the story, "New Orleans beating follow-up: Attackers yelled “Little blonde b*tch,” “f**king faggot,” nothing political" (via Memeorandum):

This was a terrible crime in the crime-infested French Quarter. Your heart cannot help but go out to the victims after reading this description. They deserve non-partisan compassion and prayers for healing.

It doesn’t help to insist on making this a partisan cause celebre and reducing the victims to political pawns when the evidence remains murky — and especially when one of the victims himself heard no politically-motivated taunts.

Save the ideological outrage for
bona fide cases of politically motivated violence.

Hot Grizzly Tea Party Mama!

Actually, I don't know if she approves this message, LOL!

No matter, check out Grizzly Mama's Philly tea party coverage, "
Philadelphia Tax Day 2010." And that's Grizzly Mama hangin' with ALa (at right), and her post, from Blonde Sagacity, is here: "Philly Tax Day Tea Party 2010."


Hat Tip: Midnight Blue.

LAT Buries Tea Party Coverage; KABC-LA Slams 'Racist Teabaggers'; NYT Boosts Same-Sex 'Health Rights', 'Misunderstood Immigrants'!

Hey, the folks at Media Matters are keeping busy!

Talk about in the tank!


The Los Angeles Times buried its tea party coverage on "Page AA4" of this morning's paper. There's a teaser shot at the front of the "breaking" news supplement, but as you can see, the main article gets relegated to the obituary page. I'll update when the family of longtime NAACP leader Benjamin Hooks, who passed away on Thursday, complains of being lumped right next to those "racist teabaggers":



And this piece at local KABC Los Angeles is in totally OMFG territory. You gotta watch it to believe it. Tea partiers are RAAACIST!!

And check out the front page at this morning's New York Times:


While the nationwide tea party protests get consigned to "SECTION A - PAGE 17," readers are treated to the Obama administration's expansion of "medical visitation rights" for same-sex couples, and a second article debunks the "common perception" that recent immigrants are low-skilled manual laborers. Nope. No illegal alien bordercrossing strawberry pickers here. Move along.

You know how it is: Those lefty newspapers love them some "empathy" for the downtrodden gay and immigrant communities!

Fuhgettabout those tens of thousands of anti-tax protesters nationwide, those damned racist teabaggers!

Instapundit. See also, Ann Althouse, Doug Ross, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Left Coast Rebel, Nice Deb, Michelle Malkin (via Memeorandum), and The Other McCain.

The Right Reasons.

Thousands Turn Out for Irvine and Oceanside Tea Parties!

The weather on Thursday was perfect for tea partying.

I attended two events:
The Non-Partisan Tax Day Rally at the Irvine Auto Center, just a few minutes from my home. And The Tax Day Tea Party at the Oceanside Pier Amphitheater.

According to the Orange County Register, citing event organizers, just "400" turned out for the Irvine tea party. But last year the Register claimed the just "
hundreds" came out the April 15th tea party in Santa Ana (thousands turned out), and at the peak of Thursday's rally we easily had 800 people on hand in Irvine, quite possibly a thousand:



I took close to 150 pictures. I'll post more over the next few days. Meanwhile, some greats shots from the afternoon. Here's "Lady Liberty" starting off the rally with an invocation:


An excited patriot displays his poster, an awesome take-off on Ronald Reagan:


Yours truly (tea party professor) at the event:


Local opposition to ObamaCare:


One of my favorite signs of the whole day:


Another enthusiastic patriot:


The Secretary of State was able to make it, with her former president hubby:


Also President and First Lady Obama:


Lots of media teams on hand. Here's the KABC Los Angeles truck and a dude with the Gadsden flag:


Another great sign, from a genuine goddess:


Folks had a lot of professional signs with non-cluttered messages:


This is Kira Davis, who was interviewed at the Orange County Register, "I've had enough with the government taking our hard earned dollars and spending them in wasteful ways," she said. "I've met the nicest most open people today":


This patriot's got a Chuck DeVore sticker:


And he didn't go home disappointed. GOP Senate candidate Chuck DeVore running virtually neck-and-neck in a general election matchup with Barbara Boxer:


Steve Poizner spoke after DeVore, but more on him later. I took off a few minutes thereafter to have some lunch before heading down to Oceanside. AND HERE IT IS, OCEANSIDE, BELOW. And boy, was that a great crowd in North San Diego County, easily well-over a couple of thousand people. I said hello to the gentlemen from Irvine with the Reagan "recession" sign (partially obscured). We both laughed when I joked about two rallies in one day:


I kept moving up the stairs and then stood by a railing looking back down. Tea partiers are still arriving. It's about 4:30pm, the event's start time:


I walked around the amphitheater to get more crowd shots. Immigration's quite an issue around these parts:


Back up at The Strand, I came across this gentlemen hanging out with a friend, with another straightforward message for November. Notice the stage below, with the ocean backdrop. Great spot for a tea party:


This is Lloyd Prosser, who's a candidate for Oceanside City Council. A Marine Vietnam veteran, he noted during his speech that a year ago he was out in the stands as a fellow tea partier. This year he's a candidate for the Council. I heard a similar story at the Irvine rally, from one of the candidates for the GOP Central Committee. Amazing what's been taking place at the grassroots since the Obama-Dems took power:


The crowd's filling out now, but folks were still coming. I walked down the pier a bit for this shot. Sweet:


More media:


Walking back down now, you can get a feel for density of the crowd


I met up with Tim from Left Coast Rebel. He was on the lookout for tea party crashers, and he found some, "SEIU/ACORN/Fake Tea Party Plant at the Oceanside Tax Day Tea Party Doesn't Get Very Far":


GOP gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner made it down to Oceanside as well. He doesn't seem so much like a tea partier, actually (and as I write this a Poizner ad comes on the television):


While hanging out, I surveyed the crowd for signs, and ran up the steps to this woman. She was flattered:


Chuck DeVore made it to Oceanside as well, and he immediately connected with the huge veterans' contingent (Camp Pendleton's nearby). DeVore rattled off variations in the "hooah!" greeting between the Army and Marines. He's a former reservist, and combined with his authentic conservative credentials, he was a crowd pleaser:


I'll have more tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Year in Tea Parties @ 'American Power'

I had no idea, but April 15, 2009, would mark a radical turning point in my personal and political development. For one thing, I'd never photo-blogged before, and now I love it. I became a citizen-journalist after Tax Day 2009, not just an opinion blogger. It's been empowering. And that's important for the second change in my life. After last April I went from being largely resigned to the Democrats in power for the next two years, to being extremely active in helping to remove the radicals from office. I also went from being a little depressed, frankly, to feeling much better about myself and my life. And I quit drinking a couple of days after April 15th last year. (Not totally. I've had beers on my birthday, Christmas, and a recent family reunion, but that's it -- and I've lost over ten pounds in that 12 months!)

In any case, with the exception my mug shot here, the rest of the photos are here for the first time, from last year's "Orange County Tax Day Tea Party":









The anti-tax theme was to give way to the healthcare protests shortly after Tax Day. I went on to cover events in Pasadena, Alhambra, Orange County Airport ("Patriots Against Pelosi"), Laguna Hills, and Temecula, to name just a handful.

I'll have a report tonight or tomorrow of today's tea party rallies. Meanwhile, check
Gateway Pundit, Glenn Reynolds, Michelle Malkin, and Robert Stacy McCain.

Have a great day!

Keeley Hazell!

A little diversion for readers while I'm out tea partying today.

More at
Doug Hagin, The Other McCain, and Theo Spark,

BONUS: At Washington Rebel, "
Twin Whip Thursday!"