The latest liberal meme is to equate skepticism of the Obama administration with a tendency toward violence. That takes me back 15 years ago to the time President Bill Clinton accused "loud and angry voices" on the airwaves (i.e., radio talk-show hosts like me) of having incited Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. What self-serving nonsense. Liberals are perfectly comfortable with antigovernment protest when they're not in power.RTWT.
From the halls of the Ivy League to the halls of Congress, from the antiwar protests during the Vietnam War and the war in Iraq to the anticapitalist protests during International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings, we're used to seeing leftist malcontents take to the streets. Sometimes they're violent, breaking shop windows with bricks and throwing rocks at police. Sometimes there are arrests. Not all leftists are violent, of course. But most are angry. It's in their DNA. They view the culture as corrupt and capitalism as unjust.
Now the liberals run the government and they're using their power to implement their radical agenda. Mr. Obama and his party believe that the election of November 2008 entitled them to make permanent, "transformational" changes to our society. In just 16 months they've added more than $2 trillion to the national debt, essentially nationalized the health-care system, the student-loan industry, and have their sights set on draconian cap-and-trade regulations on carbon emissions and amnesty for illegal aliens.
Had President Obama campaigned on this agenda, he wouldn't have garnered 30% of the popular vote.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Liberals and the Violence Card
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Barrett 'Bodies' Brown Disses Him Some Social Conservatives!
I think that in person you are probably a decent fellow who cares for this country and who tries to do the right thing, but that in the realm of politics, your honor and integrity are non-existent. Clearly, your religious beliefs have not done anything to prompt you to act in accordance with basic ethical standards. And although I doubt it will play out this way, I sincerely invite you to ask yourself why you have chosen dishonesty and misinformation over a mere correction that would have taken you 30 seconds to write and which would have cost you nothing in terms of ideological point-scoring.
If I'm not mistaken, Barrett wants an update to this post on Wikileaks, where I note, "the video and illustrated photo are added just for idiot Barret Brown, who like all hardline leftists, denies truth for a manufactured reality." (Now updated.) Or it could be this post, where, after debunking Wikileaks' propaganda, I write, "Sorry, Barrett, don't pass go, don't collect $200. Better go back and visit Jawa a bit more." (Now updated.) The Jawa reference is to Rusty Shackleford, et al., who did the yeoman's work in debunking the lies of Julian Assange.
But what's particulary interesting is that, in fact, when first contacted by Barrett, I went to update my posts -- but I couldn't find Barrett's alleged correction. And readers can check for themselves. Below are the relevant headlines at Barrett's blog. Only the first post cited includes anything resembling normal blogospheric practice indicating revisions, such as "UPDATED", or "CORRECTION APPENDED", etc. Frankly, looking again, I'm just now finding what could be seen as a retraction, but the post is not marked in any highlighted fashion, or is the post appended to previous entries to reflect a major rethinking or recognition of others. Truth is, Barrett Brown lives in his own atheistic world of hate, but see the titles for yourself:
* "Wikileaks Press Conference; Mankind Decides His Future, One Eye Open; VIDEO, TRANSCRIPT NOW UP."
* "Fascist U.S. Bloggers Come Late to Game, Announce Score."
* "Wikileaks, the Reactive Media, and the Necessity of Project PM."
Here's where he corrects his mistakes, but there's no special mention at the post or anywhere else. And Barrett never sent me the link as a courtesy heads up:
* "WikiLeaks Editor Lies to Stephen Colbert, World; WikiLeaks Necessary Nonetheless."And this is what I get instead:
* "Video: Why Project PM Will Not Include Social Conservatives."Here's the vloggy edition:
Amazing resemblance to Johnny Rotten (social conservative). Anyone for some "Bodies"?
she was a girl from birmingham
she just had an abortion
she was a case of insanity
her name was pauline she lived in a tree
she was a no one who killed her baby
she sent her letters from the country
she was an animal she was a bloody disgrase
body i'm not an animal
body i'm not an animal
dragged on a table in a factory
illegitimate place to be
in a packet in a lavatory
die little baby screaming fucking bloody mess
it's not an animal it's an abortion
body i'm not animal
mummy i'm not an abortion
throbbing squirm, gurgling bloody mess
i'm not an discharge, i'm not a loss in
protein, i'm not a throbbing squirm
fuck this and fuck that fuck it all and
fuck the fucking brat
she don't wanna baby that looks like that
i don't wanna baby that looks like that
body i'm not an animal
body i'm not an abortion
body i'm not an animal
an animal
i'm not an animal...
i'm not an abortion...
mummy! ugh!
RELATED: "Barrett Brown -- Another Progressive Bigot and Racist."
Democrats on the Edge
The Democratic Party is on the edge of an electoral cliff with a long fall to the bottom. No wonder they're seeing a demon under every bed.
Image Credit: Bosch Fawstin.
The End of Pax Americana (Not)
The United States emerged from World War II in a position of global dominance. From this unparalleled military and economic power came a Pax Americana that has endured for more than six decades. It seemed the sun would never set on the U.S. empire.RTWT at the link.
But America is increasingly unable to play the hegemon’s assigned role. Militarily, a hegemon is responsible for stabilizing key regions and guarding the global commons. Economically, it offers public goods by opening its domestic market to other states, supplying liquidity for the world economy, and providing the reserve currency. A hegemon is supposed to solve international crises, not cause them. It is supposed to be the lender of last resort, not the biggest borrower. Faced with wars it cannot win or quit and an economy begging rescue, the United States no longer fits the part ....
That the United States needs a post-Pax Americana foreign policy should be obvious. But there is no guarantee that the U.S. will adjust to a transforming world. Even as the globe is being turned upside down by material factors, the foreign policies of individual states are shaped by the ideas leaders hold about their own nations’ identity and place in world politics. More than most, America’s foreign policy is the product of such ideas, and U.S. foreign-policy elites have constructed their own myths of empire to justify the United States’ hegemonic role. To move successfully to a post-Pax Americana foreign policy, Americans will need to move beyond these myths.
The foundational American myth of empire is exceptionalism, the belief, dating back to the Puritans, that the U.S. is different, better, and morally superior to the rest of the world. Americans have always looked at the outside world suspiciously and viewed it as a source of contagion: war, imperialism, militarism, religious intolerance, non-democratic forms of governance, and latterly totalitarianism, genocide, and terrorism. All these bad things, we believe, come from “over there.”
GSGF posted on this today, and says it much better (more pithy) than I can: "Yawn. Must. Stay Awake."
I'll just add that as long as we've got folks like Angie Harmon unabashedly speaking up for American exceptionalism, I expect American Power to endure quite a while.
RELATED: Robert Leiber, "Falling Upwards: Declinism, The Box Set."
'South Park' Caves to Jihadi Intimidation
And Ann Althouse, "Comedy Central cowers in the face of a murder threat/warning against "South Park" creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker." (Via Memeorandum.) And at Gay Patriot:
Those in our media élites have been taught to see “the other” as the victim of Western cultural hegemony, hence they excuse the violent posturing (and actions) of those deemed spokesmen for (or representatives of) the Third World and/or the “oppressed.” By contrast, any attempt to stand up for the ideas which made this nation great are seen as retrograde, reversion to their perverted image of what our nation’s past was. (Perverted because they define our past by its worst aspects, oblivious to the fact that at least since Reagan, conservatives don’t want to turn back the clock.)Plus, some video background:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
D.C. Douglas, Voice Over Hate Guy, Fired by Geico
We are a grassroots movement made up of people who believe in individual freedom and individual responsibility. Racism and hate are inherently collectivist ideas. As individualists we judge people as individuals, based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.This is the typical demonology you get from those sickended dead-souls on the left:
I asked the activists that joined with 40,000 of their fellow Americans on the Mall in front of the Washington Monument on the evening of April 15th to police the crowd for any hate or racial slurs. If you see bad actors, ask them to leave. If they won’t leave, get a picture and we will out their bad behavior online in the light of day. I don’t care who you are: we will not tolerate haters or racists in our community.
So when the voice-over guy for Geico Insurance, D.C. Douglas, called and left us another hostile message, and left his phone number, we held him accountable too, posting his message where he calls all of us “mentally retarded,” and potential killers. Geico canceled his contract. He now says that we, “like Glenn Beck, are flirting heavily with sedition.” Strange accusation from an actor that talks for a living.” Americans covet our freedom of speech. We have a sacred right, enshrined in the Constitution, to show up, protest and challenge government policies that are bad for America. Freedom: it’s an insurance policy we should all buy.
See also, "Geico voice actor fired after insulting tea parties."
Institutionalizing Blacks ... BLOOD OF MARTYRS UPDATE!!
I have pointed this out many times before, but it's worth repeating yet again. One of my all-time favorite movies is The Shawshank Redemption. In it, Morgan Freeman, aka "Red", coined the term when prisoners become dependent on the prison system and can no longer survive without it - institutionalized. One of the older prisoners, Brooks, was willing to kill to stay in the system as he knew nothing else after so many years. Yet they let him out and he promptly hung himself. He was institutionalized. The Democrats have institutionalizing the black population in this country, no different than slave masters did many decades ago. The same party that fought for slavery, not against it, segregated schools and filibustered the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 now has shackled the black population to another form of slavery - slavery to the state. Stripped naked of their dignity, their hope and their self-reliance.And don't forget the Democratic Party's "Blood of Martyrs" racial grievance shakedown strategy:
The "Blood of Martyrs" refers to the chokehold the far-left grievance masters have on the post-1960s Democratic Party. As told by Juan Williams, in Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America - and What We Can Do About It, the story goes back to Al Sharpton's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, where Sharpton attacked President George W. Bush for taking the black vote for granted:"Our vote is soaked in the blood of martyrs, the blood of Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner, soaked in the blood of four little girls in Birmingham, Alabama. This vote is sacred to us. This vote can't be bargained away...given away. Mr. President, in all due respect, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale!"But as Williams asks, what record of achievement could the Democrats claim to justify continued black partisan support?The answer: absolutely nothing. But by waving the red flag labeled "blood of martyrs," Sharpton diverted all attention from dealing with bad schools, persistent high rates of unemployment, and a range of issues that are crippling a generation of black youth. Somehow, "blood of martyrs" remains the anthem of black politics at the start of the twenty-first century. Black politics is still defined by events that took place forty years ago. Protest marches are reenacted again and again as symbolic exercises to the point that they have lost their power to achieve change. As a result, black politics is paralyzed, locked in a synchronized salute and tribute, by any mention of the martyrs, the civil rights workers who died violent deaths at the hands of racists. The major national black politicians invoke these icons and perform shallow reenactments of the powerful marches of the movement as hypnotic devices to control their audiences. And if people try to break the spell by suggesting we move beyond these ancient heroes and their tactics, they are put down with language that implicates them as tools of the white establishment, reactionaries who've "forgotten their roots." Race traitors.
And leftists will defend this bankrupt agenda to no end, despite contrary evidence from real folks on the ground:
RELATED: John Fund, "Why the Left Needs Racism."
Steve Benen Concern Trollery on Lindsey Graham Sexual Orientation
But leftists have long attacked Senator Graham on his sexual orientation, often using crude homophobic stereotypes:Tea party activists in South Carolina apparently didn’t receive the memo to tone down their incendiary rhetoric, in the wake of death threats and violent acts waged against U.S. lawmakers. A tea party rally held in Greenville over the weekend provided the few thousand in attendance a cornucopia of racism, hate, paranoia, seditious calls to take up arms against the government and anti-gay rhetoric. And the offensive remarks receiving the most attention were those made by the event’s keynote speaker, race-baiting nativist and former U.S. congressman Tom Tancredo. He took to the podium and whipped up the crowd with an anti-Obama racist birther rant: “If his wife says Kenya is his homeland, why don’t we just send him back?”
The rally was organized by the Upcountry Conservative Coalition. The group’s mission statement: “We the People…are coalescing to reclaim our God given rights by restoring our Constitutional Republic.”
Lindsey Graham (R-SC), an unmarried/never married 52 year old with a funny, forced way of walking, has been far more fastidious with his homosexuality. Again, "everyone" knows-- except the voters in conservative South Carolina. Not that it doesn't come up from time to time; people talk. In fact, the head of the Democratic Party in South Carolina said something when the effeminate Lindsey decided to run for Thurmond's senate seat. "He's a little too light in the loafers" to succeed Strom Thurmond. Graham got into a really queenie tizzy fit and loudly threatened to sue-- although he didn't. (They never do.)And thus notice Digby's total hypocrisy:
In light of the teabaggers' crude outing of Lindsay Graham, I took a little trip down memory lane and revisited the history of the right wing attacks on gays as threats to national security. I guess that Mad Men craze has unfortunately put McCarthyism back in vogue.Yeah. Right.
No Oaksterdam: Most in U.S. Against Legalizing Marijuana
A new poll shows most Americans oppose legalizing marijuana, but as California voters are set to consider the always controversial topic in the fall, many readers are questioning the poll's validity.RTWT and check the links.
In the Associated Press-CNBC poll, 33% of respondents favored legalization while 55% opposed it. The results showed a division in age as younger people were more likely to support legalization, while older people were more likely to oppose it. Women and Republicans also strongly opposed legalization.
California voters will consider the issue of pot legalization in November.
The California initiative would allow anyone 21 or older to possess, share and transport up to an ounce of weed for personal use and grow up to 25 square feet per residence or parcel. It would allow local governments, but not the state, to authorize the cultivation, transportation and sale of marijuana and to impose taxes in order to raise revenues.
Proponents of legalization cite the financial and social cost of enforcing pot prohibition and argue that marijuana isn't as dangerous and addictive as legal substances such as tobacco or alcohol. While opponents can argue rising teenage use and the harm that marijuana can cause smokers.
According to the AP, the poll conducted April 7-12 by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Media involved telephone interviews with 1,001 adults nationwide. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.
Marijuana is always is a hot topic among our readers -- and some questioned the accuracy of the poll. Here is what they had to say about the results ....If a driver under the influence of marijuana runs into my I have the right to beat the living crap of the stoner? ....
Pot users will be more likely to be unemployed and more likely to need free public health care.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Taco Bell Blogging!
Also, cleaned up my post from this morning with the profanity. My apologies. That's not so much like me, and I haven't felt right most of the day. Frankly, I do it mostly to push the boundaries and confound the lefty freaks. But that needs to be way less frequent. I'm practically morphing into that which I reject (i.e., unwashed netroots atheist commies), and THAT bothers me.
Anyway, getting in bed ... I was up at 4:00am.
More later dear readers ...
White House Closets Media at DADT Protest: Rachel Maddow's 'Lafayette Tapes' Forthcoming!
And at Big Journalism, "Media Kept Well Away as Obama Clashes With Gays and Lesbians in Washington, L.A.":
The fact of the matter is that many Americans have soured on President Obama, including those who once were his passionate supporters – the left-wing gay community. I never quite understood their support, since Obama’s views on gay marriage (the Gay Left’s litmus test) are the same as former President Bush’s — and Bush was seen as the devil incarnate. But that being said, there are enough bodies under the Obama bus to have tipped off The Gays that they’d be next.More from Ben Smith via Memeorandum.
Looks like some gay Americans aren’t playing their part in the Obama script now. It is just sad that the White House increasingly looks like the Soviet-era Kremlin when it comes to tolerating different points of view.
Tea Party Movement Stronger than Ever
Kibbe starts to talk like a third party leader, which bothers me. Good stuff other than that (and toward the end, Kibbe predicts for a landslide GOP takeover in November).
Hat Tip: Glenn Reynolds.
Reading the Goldstone Report
Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, has asserted that the report “bestows virtual immunity on terrorists and ties the hands of any nation to protect itself.” The U.S.-led war on terror, with its vast tally of civilian deaths, Oren wrote, could never pass muster before such an inquiry. Ehud Barak, Israel’s minister of defense, declared that democracies “must not allow themselves to be handcuffed by the abusive application of lofty ideals.” What, after all, was Israel to do against an enemy that intentionally based its fighters and rockets in the midst of civilians, daring the IDF to produce the kind of collateral damage that would provoke international opprobrium? The argument comes down to this: If international humanitarian law really does criminalize Israel’s behavior in Gaza, then abiding by it is a suicide pact for countries, like Israel, confronted with terrorism. And if that’s the case, then states must choose either surrendering to their enemies or enduring global censure—or international humanitarian law must change.RTWT.
'Vote the Idiots Out': Union Construction Workers Against Obama!
It's going to be tougher in the Senate (the GOP must win all 10 closely contested states), but it's not like it's getting any easier for the Dems (see, "Distrust, Discontent, Anger And Partisan Rancor").With just over six months to campaign, Democrats face a substantial risk of losing the House and surrendering much of their advantage in the Senate, as Republicans capitalize on strong discontent with President Obama and continued voter concern over jobs and the economy.
The trend marks an erosion for Democrats since the beginning of the year, after the retirement of several senior lawmakers and the polarizing healthcare debate. Even recent signs of an economic rebound — the first glimmers of job creation, the stock market surge, a big rise in consumer spending — may not help Democrats, unless it translates into a significant drop in the unemployment rate by fall.
The good news for Obama and fellow Democrats is that, unlike the Republican landslide of 1994, strategists are well aware of the peril the party faces — Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown saw to that — and have much more time to fight back.
"Democrats got a heads-up," said Neil Newhouse, a Republican pollster with dozens of clients in the midterm election. "They can raise more money, do opposition research against opponents, do focus-group testing on how to beat these guys. ... In 1994, they had very little notice a wave was coming" ....
Still, several trends are running strongly in Republicans' favor, after two dismal elections that first cost them control of Congress, then the White House.
The party holding the White House almost always loses congressional seats at the midpoint of a president's first term; since World War II, the average is 16 House seats. However, the losses have been much greater when a president's approval rating is below 50%, where Obama has been hovering of late ...."The question is not whether we have an uphill climb," said Maryland Democratic Rep. Chris Van Hollen, head of the party's House campaign committee. "The question is the steepness of the hill."
Photo Credit: A union construction worker tea partier at the Ivine Tax Day Tea Party.
Lego Blogging!
Michele Bachmann: Democrats ‘Celebrating Oklahoma City Bombing’
Oh! It's a memorial for human beings who died 15 years ago. We are remembering them, and that brings Bill Clinton, who was President in 1995, to the fore. There was nothing partisan about who lived and died in the Oklahoma City bombing. Children — individuals who never thought about politics — died that day. Yet here is Bill Clinton using his special prominence today to unleash a political attack to push back a populist movement that threatens his political party.
Yes, Obama's Lying About Taxes (And So Are Radical Leftists)
And Ex-DLB, who's apparently a gang-bang blogger, finally found some cajones in the comments at Biobrain's, although he's still fail on Obama taxes. See, "Obamacare and Taxes: The Final Tab."
The Obligatory Obama Heckled by Same-Sex Fanatics Post
More at Another Black Conservative, "Gay Rights activists heckle Obama at Barbara Boxer rally," and Michelle also, "It’s not the color of his skin. It’s the thinness."
Added: "Bummer for Boxer."
Monday, April 19, 2010
Leftist Political Crisis Exploitation
It is hard to know how much such grim fantasies are stirred by the steady stream of conspiracy theories pushed by talk-radio hosts. Rush Limbaugh talks about the Democrats planning to "kill you" with health-care reform and suggests (agreeing with black Muslim minister Louis Farrakhan, of all people) that it "seems perfectly within the realm of reality" that the H1N1 vaccine was "developed to kill people." Like many talk-show hosts, he uses martial language to rouse the faithful: "The enemy camp is the White House right now," he says. Former Alaska governor turned media star Sarah Palin posted on her Facebook page a list of House Democrats who voted for health-care reform with crosshairs aimed at their home districts, while tweeting to her followers, "Don't Retreat, Instead—RELOAD!" She strongly denied any intent to incite violence. Other conservative talkers insist their foes are preparing violent attacks on them. Glenn Beck of Fox News is the master purveyor of this particular brand of sly paranoia. He suggests that he will be the victim of violence. "I'd better start wearing a [bulletproof] vest" to guard against White House attacks, he says, and warns that the Democrats will sic goons on him to break his kneecaps. Some talk-show hosts see the risk of going too far. Bill O'Reilly, the top-rated talker on Fox News, interviewed Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers in February and treated him coolly. After the interview O'Reilly said to his audience, "We have a system to uphold the Constitution. It is called the judicial branch. The Supreme Court. The Oath Keepers are not the system." Wise words, but it's a sign of disturbing times that O'Reilly felt required to say them.Pretty pathetic.
But it's all of a piece. The lamestream press has formally launched a war on the tea parties, and they've labeled any opposition to the Democrats' radical big-government agenda as "extremist."
And as I noted this morning, today, on the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Rachel Maddow will host a chilling broadcast that exploits current anti-government protests for political gain, "American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing." And citing the Newsweek piece above, Byron York points how former President Bill Clinton shamelessly sought political gain out of crisis: "How Clinton exploited Oklahoma City for political gain." And right on cue, here's President Clinton in today's New York Times:
Criticism is part of the lifeblood of democracy. No one is right all the time. But we should remember that there is a big difference between criticizing a policy or a politician and demonizing the government that guarantees our freedoms and the public servants who enforce our laws.And note the timing at WaPo, which has a big story on today's Second Amendment demonstration in Washington: "Militia Movement Will Be Packing Heat at Gun Rally on the Potomac." According to the report, some consider the event "an alarming escalation of paranoia and anger in the age of Obama."
We are again dealing with difficulties in a contentious, partisan time. We are more connected than ever before, more able to spread our ideas and beliefs, our anger and fears. As we exercise the right to advocate our views, and as we animate our supporters, we must all assume responsibility for our words and actions before they enter a vast echo chamber and reach those both serious and delirious, connected and unhinged.
Civic virtue can include harsh criticism, protest, even civil disobedience. But not violence or its advocacy. That is the bright line that protects our freedom. It has held for a long time, since President George Washington called out 13,000 troops in response to the Whiskey Rebellion.
Fifteen years ago, the line was crossed in Oklahoma City. In the current climate, with so many threats against the president, members of Congress and other public servants, we owe it to the victims of Oklahoma City, and those who survived and responded so bravely, not to cross it again.
Yeah. Right.
Michelle Malkin pulls the mask off of these opportunistic hacks, "Oklahoma City, Waco, and Crisis Exploitation":
Today in Washington, gun owners will march in defense of Second Amendment rights.RELATED:
Predictably, left-wing groups are taking their cue from Clinton and using the event to smear Tea Party activists, the NRA, and limited-government advocates all as potential OKC bombers.
In the Left’s playbook of Rahm Emanuel-esque political crisis exploitation, the Timothy McVeigh card has no credit limit.
* Melissa Clouthier, "Why the Left Must Destroy the Tea Party Movement."
* Robert Stacy McCain, "Mark Potok and the Hijacking of ‘Hate’."
* Saber Point, "Timothy McVeigh's True Motivations."