Monday, February 2, 2015

The Alarming Thing About Climate Alarmism

This guy's great. See Bjorn Lomborg, at WSJ:
It is an indisputable fact that carbon emissions are rising—and faster than most scientists predicted. But many climate-change alarmists seem to claim that all climate change is worse than expected. This ignores that much of the data are actually encouraging. The latest study from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that in the previous 15 years temperatures had risen 0.09 degrees Fahrenheit. The average of all models expected 0.8 degrees. So we’re seeing about 90% less temperature rise than expected.

Facts like this are important because a one-sided focus on worst-case stories is a poor foundation for sound policies. Yes, Arctic sea ice is melting faster than the models expected. But models also predicted that Antarctic sea ice would decrease, yet it is increasing. Yes, sea levels are rising, but the rise is not accelerating—if anything, two recent papers, one by Chinese scientists published in the January 2014 issue of Global and Planetary Change, and the other by U.S. scientists published in the May 2013 issue of Coastal Engineering, have shown a small decline in the rate of sea-level increase.

We are often being told that we’re seeing more and more droughts, but a study published last March in the journal Nature actually shows a decrease in the world’s surface that has been afflicted by droughts since 1982.

Hurricanes are likewise used as an example of the “ever worse” trope. If we look at the U.S., where we have the best statistics, damage costs from hurricanes are increasing—but only because there are more people, with more-expensive property, living near coastlines. If we adjust for population and wealth, hurricane damage during the period 1900-2013 decreased slightly.

At the U.N. climate conference in Lima, Peru, in December, attendees were told that their countries should cut carbon emissions to avoid future damage from storms like typhoon Hagupit, which hit the Philippines during the conference, killing at least 21 people and forcing more than a million into shelters. Yet the trend for landfalling typhoons around the Philippines has actually declined since 1950, according to a study published in 2012 by the American Meteorological Society’s Journal of Climate. Again, we’re told that things are worse than ever, but the facts don’t support this.

This is important because if we want to help the poor people who are most threatened by natural disasters, we have to recognize that it is less about cutting carbon emissions than it is about pulling them out of poverty...

But climate change leftists don't care about pulling people out of poverty. All they care about is increasing government power to "save" the environment.

Keep reading.

Amazing Finish Marks a Super Bowl for the Ages

I had no real rooting interest in either of these teams, but, as much as I admire them, I've had a lingering grudge against the Patriots since the 2001 AFC divisional playoff game against the Raiders.

So, I'm torn between the awe of a phenomenal game and the head-shaking dejection of the Seattle loss. Weird that.

In any case, here's Mitch Albom, at the Detroit Free Press:
GLENDALE, Ariz. – And then it broke. The magic bubble that Seattle had been living under, the immortal elixir, the string of amazing finishes, the incredible touch of Russell Wilson and decision making of Pete Carroll — it all ended in a blink, the most unlikely of plays, a forced pass by Wilson to Ricardo Lockette with just 20 seconds left that was snatched at the goal line by New England's Malcolm Butler.

And suddenly, the Patriots were Super Bowl champions. It happened so fast, I'm not sure the Patriots believed it themselves. Tom Brady, still reeling from watching a ridiculous circus catch by Seattle's Jermaine Kearse moments earlier — one that looked like the final dagger to the Pats' hopes — suddenly threw his hands in the air and screamed. So did every New England fan.

And so, for that matter, did every Seattle fan. Because a team with Marshawn Lynch in the backfield, a team that only needs one yard to score a championship-winning touchdown, should not be knifing a pass into coverage in the most crowded part of the field.

But the Seahawks did. And they paid for it. Final score: 28-24.

Champ, dethroned.

In an incredible finish to an incredible Super Bowl, it was a bad call and a bad pass that left the biggest mark. And if, upon hearing the names Lockette and Butler, you said, "Who?" well, you're not alone.

But it was that kind of Super Bowl. These two teams, the best in the business, were so adept at taking away each other's strength, it left the stage vacant for the second-tier guys.

Or in some cases, the end of the bench...

And I think Mike DiGiovanna nails it here:

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Return to Glory: Patriots Defeat Seahawks in Super Bowl XLIX

Such an amazing game. Seriously incredible.

At the Boston Globe, "Patriots rally to beat Seahawks in Super Bowl":
GLENDALE, Ariz. — The last time the New England Patriots played a Super Bowl in the Arizona desert, it was a most unlikely hero that made the play of the game, a play that broke the Patriots’ backs.

This time the Patriots returned to the desert for Super Bowl XLIX, and it was again a most unlikely hero that made the play of the game, this time the play that delivered Lombardi Trophy No. 4 to New England.

The Patriots beat the Seattle Seahawks, 28-24, to reclaim the title of NFL champions thanks to an interception in the end zone by undrafted rookie cornerback Malcolm Butler.

Facing second-and-goal from the 1, the Seahawks made the stunning decision to pass rather than hand it off to power back Marshawn Lynch. Russell Wilson threw right into traffic, and Butler, who a little more than a year ago was playing for West Alabama, stepped in front of Ricardo Lockette for the play of his young career.

The Patriots become the sixth franchise in NFL history to win at least four Super Bowls, joining the Steelers, Cowboys, Giants, Packers, and 49ers.

The Patriots are also the first team to come back from a 10-point, second-half deficit in the Super Bowl to win.

The game-winning touchdown came with 2:02 to play, a 3-yard Tom Brady-to-Julian Edelman strike, Brady looking to his most-trusted receiver when it mattered most. Edelman finished the game with nine receptions for 102 yards and a TD.

Brady, the first quarterback to start six Super Bowls and chosen as the game’s most valuable player (for the third time), set a slew of records: his 37 completions (he was 37 for 50 for 328 yards, 4 touchdowns and 2 interceptions) are a Super Bowl record, his 13 Super Bowl touchdown passes put him past his childhood idol, Joe Montana (11), and he became the first quarterback in league history with 50 touchdowns in his postseason career...
Well, I still can't believe the finish.

See Mike Vaccaro, at the New York Post, "Pete Carroll threw away Super Bowl with one awful decision."

I'll have more on Pete Carroll. What really was he thinking?

Super Bowl Caps Off Tough Year for NFL

Norah O'Donnell interviews James Brown, on "Face the Nation":

Super Bowl Blowouts No Longer the Norm

Well, it's 7-7 late in the second half, so thus far Super Bowl XLIX is confirming the new norm.

At the New York Times, "Super Bowls Are Getting More Interesting":
Any football fans old enough to remember the 1980s are old enough to remember the idea that Super Bowls were lousy football games. Blowouts were the norm for much of the 1980s and 1990s, with scores like 38-9, 46-10, 55-10 and 52-17.

But blowouts are now the exception. Even after last year’s 43-8 romp by the Seahawks over the Broncos, five of the last seven — and 10 of the last 17 — Super Bowls have been decided by a touchdown or less.

It’s not just based on what is happening during the games, either. Heading into the Super Bowl, the matchups have looked more competitive in recent years than in the past. Justin Wolfers has noted that this year’s game, between the Seahawks and the Patriots, is one of the few without a clear favorite according to oddsmakers (and oddsmakers have an impressive track record).

The point spread set by many bookies is 1 point, in favor of the Patriots. (Some other prediction markets list the Seahawks as a slight favorite.) Only two other Super Bowls — Dolphins-Redskins, in 1973; and 49ers-Bengals, in 1982 — have had such narrow spreads. This year’s game is also the seventh in a row with a spread of a touchdown or less.

What explains the trend?...
What do you think? More at the link.

Quick Super Bowl XLIX Rule 5

I like Seattle, so check out the Seattle Sea Gals for some Rule 5 goodness.

Ms. EBL gets in the spirit, "Cheerleaders of Super Bowl XLIX."

So does Wirecutter, "And let the games begin!"

At Odie's, "Happy Super Bowl Sunday Woodsterman Style."


Seattle Seahawks Seagalls photo 1fe724650ceeb34f29391c1135c0f77d_zpstpwxck8t.jpg

More at Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Patriotic Pinup," and "If All You See……is horrible pizza which makes people fat which makes climate change worse, you might just be a Warmist."

Also at 90 Miles From Tyranny, "Morning Mistress."

And at Randy's Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart: Johanna Lundback."

PCP has, "Flowing Curves of Beauty."

At Proof Positive, "Super Bowl of Babes."

Crazy Uncle Bubba has, "Buenas babetastic!"

At Egotastic!, "Hailey Clauson Sextastic Supreme Modeling Beach Wear That You’d Like to See Come Off."

More at Reaganite, "'Miss Colombia' Paulina Vega Stuns Judges, is Duly Crowned 'Miss Universe 2014'."

See more at the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Shake It Off."

At iOTW Report, "The Super Bowl Will Have More Security Than Benghazi."

A View From the Beach, "Superbowl XLIX Live Blog (with hotties)."

And from the Hostages, "A Naval Aviation Superbowl."



From Dana Pico, "Rule 5 Blogging: Basic Combat Training."

As usual, drop your Rule 5 links in the comments if you're not included.

Until then...

Hostage's 'Apparent' Beheading by #ISIS Stirs Anger in Japan — #KenjiGoto

Well, you think?

TOKYO — Japan reacted with sorrow and outrage on Sunday to the posting by the Islamic State of a video purporting to show the grisly killing of the journalist Kenji Goto, bringing an end to a hostage standoff that has horrified this usually tranquil nation.

Gripped by anger and disbelief, Japan has so far shown support for the strong line taken by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who did not meet the hostage takers’ initial demands on Jan. 20 for a $200 million ransom, pledging not to yield to terrorism. Mr. Abe strongly condemned the murder claim made in the video released early Sunday, saying Japan “will cooperate with the international community and make the terrorists pay the price.”

“I’m outraged by the despicable terrorist act, and I will never forgive the terrorists,” Mr. Abe told reporters on Sunday at the prime minister’s office in Tokyo.

For now, the Japanese public seems to be united in grief and a desire to show support for Mr. Abe and other leaders. However, political analysts have said that as the shock wears off, there will be more questioning of how Mr. Abe’s government handled the crisis, which began with the appearance online of a video from the militant group threatening the lives of two Japanese hostages, Mr. Goto and Haruna Yukawa. In that first video, the group called the country’s pledge of $200 million to help shore up the government of Iraq and to assist refugees in Turkey, Syria and Lebanon a “foolish decision” and called for a ransom of the same amount.

The group dropped the ransom demand after releasing a video online days later showing the decapitated body of Mr. Yukawa, a 42-year-old adventurer. The militants changed tack, offering to swap Mr. Goto for Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman on death row in Jordan for a deadly bombing there 10 years ago. This seemed to offer hope that a way would be found to secure Mr. Goto’s release.

Those hopes came crashing down over the weekend, when another video appeared showing Mr. Goto kneeling in an orange jumpsuit in what appeared to be a dry riverbed. Next to him stood a masked militant who spoke while waving a knife, which he then apparently used to cut off Mr. Goto’s head.

While the video had yet to be confirmed as authentic on Sunday, the top government spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, said the government had no reason to believe it was not real. He said Japan had had no contact with the militants, suggesting that the nation was relying almost entirely on Jordan to handle the fate of the hostages. During the 10-day hostage standoff, Japan said it was trying to establish communication with the militants via local tribal and religious leaders, but apparently to no avail.

The gruesome images helped feed an outpouring of sympathy for Mr. Goto, 47, a veteran journalist who entered Islamic State-held territory in Syria in late October in a doomed effort to rescue Mr. Yukawa, who had been captured in August, according to Mr. Goto’s mother. Local television stations showed clips from Mr. Goto’s reports out of Syria, Iraq and other conflict zones, where he often reported on the plight of children and other noncombatants.

“My son’s final act was to go to Syria to help a fellow Japanese,” Mr. Goto’s mother, Junko Ishido, said Sunday. “Please understand his kindness and courage.”...
After all this time, why everyone keeps saying the "apparent" beheading is beyond me. There's pretty much nothing "apparent" about it.

But keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Islamic State Hostage Kenji Goto Mourned by Family and Friends."

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Cartoons."

William Warren photo tons-of-practice_zps6ncyorfd.png

Also at Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies," and Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's Sunday Funnies."

Lonely Con has "Saturday Funnies." As well as Theo Spark, "Cartoon Round Up..."

And see Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – His Kingdom Come."

Cartoon Credit: William Warren.

Swastikas Painted on U.C. Davis Jewish Fraternity House: Leftist BDS Anti-Semitism Suspected (VIDEO)

Well, good thing it's not far right-wing neo-Nazis or anything.

At Brietbart, "After Israel Boycott Vote, Swastikas Hit Jewish Fraternity at UC Davis," and the Times of Israel, "Jewish fraternity in California defaced with swastikas."

Also at the Sacramento Bee, "Swastikas sprayed on Jewish fraternity building near UC Davis campus," and "Swastika painted onto UC Davis Jewish Fraternity."

RELATED: "Anti-Semitism and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions."

UPDATE: Linked by Darleen Click at Protein Wisdom. Thanks!

Plus, now a Memeorandum thread.

Roundup of Theo's Totties

Some babe blogging from Theo Spark.

* "Bedtime Totty..."

Theo Spark's photo BTJ 30_zps8krvolf2.jpg


* "Sunday Totty..."

* "Saturday Night is Bath Night..."

* "Teatime Totty..."

* "Saturday Totty..."

Angie Harmon Behind the Scenes for Red Earth Trading Company — #AngieHarmonxRedEarth

I just love this lady.

More Angie Harmon here. She's a huge football fan, obviously.

What Deflation? NFL's Best Are Pumped and Ready to Go

From Sam Farmer, at the Los Angeles Times, "This Super Bowl has plenty of talking points":
Maybe Marshawn Lynch got it right.

Perhaps the stubbornly silent Seattle Seahawks running back, who donned sunglasses, pulled his ball cap low and frustrated reporters by saying next to nothing all week, actually made an astute statement about Sunday's matchup with the New England Patriots at University of Phoenix Stadium.

After all, these Super Bowl XLIX story lines speak for themselves:
• The Seahawks are looking to become the first franchise to repeat as Super Bowl champions in a decade. The last team to do it? The Patriots, in 2003 and '04.

• This game pits two of the NFL's brilliant defensive coaches, Seattle's Pete Carroll and New England's Bill Belichick. At least publicly, the two reside at the opposite ends of the enthusiasm spectrum, with Carroll ready to jump out of his skin, and Belichick receding into his hoodie.

But there's more. Carroll coached the Patriots from 1997 to '99, before his tremendous run at USC. He was fired in New England, and the man who replaced him was Belichick.

This week, Carroll said Patriots owner Robert Kraft "really was a good partner to work with back in the day. He gave me an opportunity that I will always be grateful for. He also sent me out the door too, and I remember that."

• Sunday's game will be played on the same field where the 2007 Patriots saw their perfect season go poof. They brought an 18-0 record into that game against the New York Giants, and left trying to come to grips with a shocking 17-14 defeat.

"I think over the years we've gotten some tough losses, and obviously we made it in '07 and '11, those were challenging games," said New England quarterback Tom Brady, referring to consecutive Super Bowl losses to the Giants. "They came down to the wire and we lost.

"I don't think those things discouraged me at all. They just reemphasized how hard and challenging it is to get to this point, and how challenging it is to win this game."

• Here's to unheralded quarterbacks. Seattle's Russell Wilson was a third-round pick, and Brady was a sixth-round afterthought. Now, Brady is about to start his sixth Super Bowl — more than any other quarterback in NFL history — and is one ring away from tying San Francisco's Joe Montana, his boyhood idol, and Pittsburgh's Terry Bradshaw with four.

"He's the best," Patriots defensive tackle Vince Wilfork said of Brady. "That's my opinion. Everybody has an opinion. I think he's the best, and I'm glad he's my teammate."

Should they wind up lifting back-to-back Lombardi Trophies, the Seahawks will have knocked off two of the greatest passers in league history on the biggest stage: Peyton Manning and Brady.

• While the Seahawks sing the praises of the 12th Man — the legions of fans who make Seattle games locomotive loud when opposing offenses are on the field — the Patriots spent the week trying to avoid talk about another 12: the minimum 121/2 pounds to which a football must be properly inflated.

The NFL is investigating whether New England played with improperly deflated footballs — ones easier to throw and catch — in its 45-7 blowout of Indianapolis in the AFC championship game...
Still more.

'I'm with the terrorists' — 8-Year Old Boy Questioned by French After Remarks on #ParisAttacks

I don't think 8-years-old is too young to be indoctrinated. The ISIS kid who executed the two hostages was about 12 or so. They start 'em young these days.

But still, maybe this is a little heavy handed.

At WSJ, "French Police Question 8-Year-Old Over Remarks on Terror Attacks: Probe Into Child’s Comments Spurs Debate Over France’s Efforts to Crack Down on Extremism":
PARIS—French police have questioned an 8-year-old boy after he allegedly made comments in support of terrorists, part of a controversial crackdown on extremist propaganda in the wake of this month’s deadly attacks in the capital.

Police in the French city of Nice said Thursday that they have questioned a boy and his father to determine how the boy picked up what they describe as “alarming statements” in support of the gunmen who killed 12 people in a terrorist attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Jan. 7.

“I’m with the terrorists,” the boy—identified only as Ahmed—said in class discussions, according to Sefen Guez Guez, a lawyer for the family. He says the boy didn’t understand the meaning of the word “terrorist” and described the decision to refer him to police as “total insanity.”

The father and son weren’t held by police.

The investigation into the circumstances surrounding the boy’s alleged remarks, which police say is continuing, underscores the challenge France faces in balancing free speech with combating terrorism. Last fall, the government increased penalties for condoning or inciting terrorism by moving the provision from a less-enforced press law into the national penal code to stem terrorist recruitment in France.

The attack on Charlie Hebdo, and another two days later at a kosher grocery in Paris, have pushed the government to heighten its efforts—which free-speech advocates have criticized as being too heavy-handed at times. Between the Jan. 7 assault on the magazine and Jan. 26, prosecutors opened 144 criminal cases on charges of supporting or inciting terrorism, which have so far led to 16 prison sentences, the French justice ministry said. Including instances where suspects have also been charged with other crimes, such as drunken driving, the number rises to 234 cases.

French stand-up comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala has been ordered to stand trial next month on criminal charges of being an apologist for terrorism, after he appeared to liken himself to Amedy Coulibaly, one of the gunmen in the Paris attacks. “I feel like Charlie Coulibaly,” the comedian posted to his Facebook page days afterward.

“My client’s comments aren’t, by far, an endorsement of terrorism,” Jacques Verdier, Mr. M’Bala M’Bala’s lawyer has said, adding that his client had been “harassed by French authorities.”

In another instance, 34-year-old Kamal Belaidi was sentenced to a four-year jail term on charges including drunken driving and for praising the killing of the three police officers in the Paris terror attack and shouting “Allahu akbar” at the scene of a car accident in the northern French town of Valenciennes, local prosecutors said.

Schools have been a particular battleground.

Islamic State Hostage Kenji Goto Mourned by Family and Friends

At the Japan Times:
A video posted online early Sunday morning that shows what appears to be the beheaded corpse of Islamic State group hostage Kenji Goto has left his family and friends speechless and in anguish.

Goto’s 78-year-old mother, Junko Ishido, was barely able to speak as she read from a prepared statement to express her grief.

“Kenji has passed away. I am at a loss for words, facing such a regretful death,” she said late Sunday morning at her home in Koganei, western Tokyo. “The only thing I can do now is to shed tears of deep sorrow.”

She added, however, that she believes such feelings of pain should not lead to a chain of hatred.

“I strongly hope we can hand down Kenji’s wish of creating a society without war and saving children’s lives from war and poverty,” she said, referring to the work of the 47-year-old freelance journalist.

Goto’s older brother, Junichi Goto, 55, told NHK that he appreciated all the efforts made to rescue his sibling, including those of the Japanese government, the people of Japan and others all over the world.

“As a brother, I had hoped Kenji would come back safe and thank everyone himself, so this is extremely regrettable,” he said.

“I am proud of the work he has done in the past, but I think the action he took this time was indiscreet,” he added.

Junichi Goto said although he was preparing for the worst, he had hoped the negotiations would somehow work out and his brother would come back alive.

“The Islamic State group has been showing off its power and expanding its influence by taking away the lives of my brother and many other people,” he said. “Such actions are anti-social and unacceptable.”

Shoichi Yukawa, the 74-year-old father of Haruna Yukawa, 42, who was being held with Goto, told reporters Sunday morning he feels sorry for Goto’s death.

“I have heard that Mr. Goto went to save my son. I feel deeply sorry for his family,” he said. “Mr. Goto is a very respectable person. I feel so regrettable that I can think of nothing else to say.”

Yukawa is believed have been executed on or before Jan. 24.

Freelance photojournalist Naomi Toyoda, who worked with Goto in Jordan in 1996, was overcome with grief because he had been trying to save his friend since the hostage crisis began on Jan. 20.”It’s devastating,” Toyoda said Sunday. “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t rescue him.”

Toyoda, who had earlier released two statements through the Japan Visual Journalist Association pleading for Goto’s release in English, Arabic and Japanese, said he is angry at both the Islamic State groupand the Japanese government.

“Tell me, what has the government been doing after all this time? Can it swear that it did its absolute utmost to negotiate with (the captors)? Did it really mean it when it said it will save him? I’m angry, disappointed and exasperated.”...
Poor bastard.

Keep reading.

'Straight Outta Compton' — Real Life Imitates Art as Suge Knight Charged with Murder in Fatal Hit-and-Run

Here's TMZ with a follow-up, "Suge Knight -- Arrested for Murder in Hit and Run (UPDATE)."

And at LAT, "Suge Knight's arrest foreshadowed in 'Straight Outta Compton' scene":
On a film set in Leimert Park, an actor playing rap mogul Suge Knight angrily peeled out of a parking lot in a Jeep. The film, "Straight Outta Compton," tells the origin story of N.W.A and its famed members, including Ice Cube and Dr. Dre.

The fictional reenactment on the set late last fall took on eerie overtones this week after Suge Knight's arrest on suspicion of homicide. Police allege he ran over two men with his truck, killing one, Thursday following an altercation in connection with the film.

Knight's character has only a minor role in the film, with the parking lot scene depicting a pivotal, early '90s moment in Dr. Dre's business relationship with Knight, one of rap's most feared players.

Dr. Dre and Ice Cube are both producers on the Universal Pictures film, but Knight was not involved, director F. Gary Gray said during the shoot in September. When asked if the former record label exec had ever visited the set as many former associates and N.W.A group members had, the otherwise talkative Gray gave one flat answer: "No."

The history between Knight and Dr. Dre (a.k.a. Andre Romelle Young) is one of success and tragedy. Dre and Knight co-founded Death Row Records after N.W.A's demise in the early '90s.

The label launched such rap luminaries as Snoop and later signed Tupac Shakur, as well as mainstream chart topper MC Hammer.

Dr. Dre became one of the most respected producers in hip hop because of much of the work he did in that time period.

But Death Row also became the center of controversy, as Knight had numerous run-ins with the law over his business tactics. In 1996, he was sent to prison for nearly five years after the brutal beating of a rival of rapper Shakur's at a Las Vegas hotel; the beating occurred just hours before Shakur suffered fatal gunshot wounds.

Dr. Dre left Death Row in 1996, going on to break artists such as Eminem and 50 Cent, and eventually founded the multimillion-dollar headphones company Beats by Dre. Death Row Records went bankrupt, and Knight lost relevance for most in the music industry...

Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles

More on the emerging measles epidemic. Thanks progs!

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — Their children have been sent home from school. Their families are barred from birthday parties and neighborhood play dates. Online, people call them negligent and criminal. And as officials in 14 states grapple to contain a spreading measles outbreak that began near here at Disneyland, the parents at the heart of America’s anti-vaccine movement are being blamed for incubating an otherwise preventable public-health crisis.

Measles anxiety rippled thousands of miles beyond its center on Friday as officials scrambled to try to contain a wider spread of the highly contagious disease — which America declared vanquished 15 years ago, before a statistically significant number of parents started refusing to vaccinate their children.

In recent days, new measles cases popped up in Nebraska and Minnesota, New York and Marin County in California. Officials around the country reported rising numbers of patients who were seeking shots, as well as some pediatricians who were accepting nonvaccinated families but were debating changing their policies. The White House urged parents to listen to the science that supports inoculations.

In Arizona, health officials warned that 1,000 people could have been exposed to measles and urged anyone displaying symptoms to avoid this weekend’s Super Bowl events in the Phoenix area. In a small planned community where one family became ill after visiting Disneyland, store windows were lined with measles alerts, and a sign on the Pinal County office building warned: “Stop! Measles is in our county!” and asked people with symptoms to wear masks before entering.

But here in California, anti-vaccine parents whose children have endured bouts of whooping cough and chickenpox largely defended their choice to raise their children on natural foods, essential oils and no vaccinations.

“There is absolutely no reason to get the shot,” said Crystal McDonald, whose 16-year-old daughter was one of 66 students sent home from Palm Desert High School for the next two weeks because they did not have full measles immunizations.

After researching the issue and reading information from a national anti-vaccine group, Ms. McDonald said she and her husband, a chiropractor, decided to raise their four children without vaccines. She said they ate well and had never been to the doctor, and she insisted that her daughter was healthier than many classmates. But when the school sent her home with a letter, Ms. McDonald’s daughter was so concerned about missing two weeks of Advanced Placement classes that she suggested simply getting a measles inoculation.

“I said, ‘No, absolutely not,’ “ Ms. McDonald said. “I said, ‘I’d rather you miss an entire semester than you get the shot.’ “

The anti-vaccine movement can largely be traced to a 1998 report in a medical journal that suggested a link between vaccines and autism but was later proved fraudulent and retracted. Today, the waves of parents who shun vaccines include some who still believe in the link and some, like the Amish, who have religious objections to vaccines. Then there is a particular subculture of largely wealthy and well-educated families, many living in palmy enclaves around Los Angeles and San Francisco, who are trying to carve out “all-natural” lives for their children...
Granola-crunching, 'Whole Foods' leftists, the lot of them. Fucking morons.


PREVIOUSLY: "Anti-Vaccine Parents Boost Measles Comeback," and "Affluent Leftists Dominate the Ranks of Anti-Vaxxers, Overwhelmingly Voted for Obama."

Democrat Tulsi Gabbard: 'You have to know who your enemy is in order to defeat them...'

She's been speaking out a lot on these issues, especially the importance of honesty in identifying our enemies. Maybe she'll be switching parties. The Democrats are the party of appeasement and such cowardice doesn't seem like her style.

Via the Daily Signal, "Why Won’t Obama Use the Words ‘Islamic Extremism’? Watch What This Democrat Says."

Kurdish Peshmerga Assault on ISIS-Held Ground Near Mosul

Via My Pet Jawa.

Liz Kaszynski

She's one of Lockheed Martin's aerial photographers, via Theo Spark.

The Truth About No-Go Zones

Ezra Levant speaks with Mark Steyn (via iOTW Report).