Saturday, April 9, 2016

'Sesame Street' Unveils Islamic Jihad Muppet: 'Zari'

Oh brother.

And to think I used to let my kids watch "Sesame Street." I thought it was harmless. But then, one of our daycare ladies used to change the channel to Disney, lol.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "‘Sesame Street’ Unveils Hijab-Clad Muppet: ‘Zari’ Is a Feminist from Afghanistan."

Zari Islamic Jihad Muppet photo zari-sesame-street-hijab_zps9kdpc5sd.jpg

Poorest Sections of Los Angeles Blighted with Most Illegal Dumping, Littter, and Decay


At the Los Angles Times, "Cleanup need urgent on 4% of L.A. streets: New database to guide cleanup efforts":

A new database measuring garbage on more than 9,100 miles of Los Angeles streets and alleys shows poorer areas of the city see more illegal dumping and litter than affluent ones.

City officials on Friday released details on the far-reaching study, which is designed to help guide the city sanitation bureau to prioritize the grimiest areas and send clean-up crews there.

More than 370 miles of roads and alleys in L.A. — or 4% of all city blocks — were found to be so dirty that they require immediate cleanup, according to the rating system released by the city Friday. An additional 42% of road miles need some form of service.

A little more than half of the dirtiest streets are in Central, East and South L.A. But pockets of filth were found across the city, including east San Fernando Valley, Venice and Wilmington, the analysis found.

Officials aim to clean all the dirtiest locations by 2018, a spokeswoman for LA Sanitation said.

“Prior to this, we had no data to really look [at] to intelligently deploy resources,” said Leo Martinez, who oversees solid resource operations for the bureau. “This has given us an incredible amount of knowledge.”

A Times data analysis last year found that cleanup of illegal dumping in many poor areas of L.A. lagged behind wealthier neighborhoods.

The findings of the database are not surprising for residents in some working-class neighborhoods, who say that dealing with street trash is a frustrating part of everyday life. Some expressed disappointment about the city's inability to clean up streets...

Bill Maher Rips #NeverTrump Lewandowski Outrage: Michelle Fields Clearly Exaggerated (VIDEO)


Maher nails it every once in a while. He's equal opportunity in his attacks, and he's funny.

At the Daily Beast, via Memeorandum, "Bill Maher Defends Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski, Rips Michelle Fields."

And watch, via YouTube, "Outrage Over Corey Lewandowski Is Just Stupidity Michelle Fields Clearly Exaggerated."

'Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War'

From Sebastian Gorka, Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War.

Hat-Tip: Free Beacon. Click through for the book excerpt.

Danal Loesch: "The Real 'Gunsplainers'" (VIDEO)

This is great!

And don't forget Dana's books, Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America, and Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

Today's Jackie Johnson's Forecast

Well, I watched the Angels last night (who lost), and then doodled around, and read for a little bit before crashing.

I missed posting my evening Jackie Johnson post, so here you go. That tight black dress is to die for.

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Tamara Draut, Sleeping Giant

Hey, just released this week!

At Amazon, Sleeping Giant: How the New Working Class Will Transform America.

Advertising Standards Authority in Britain Deems Gucci Advertisement 'Unhealthily Thin' (VIDEO)

Too thin. Too fat. Is there anywhere near a happy medium in our politically correct culture?

At Toronto's National Post, "British regulator bars ‘irresponsible’ Gucci advertisement showing ‘unhealthily thin’ fashion model."

Well, if their thinness doesn't kill them, their epic geekiness sure will.

I'd rather be an obese rapper, sheesh.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Fred Siegel, The Revolt Against the Masses

At Amazon, The Revolt Against the Masses: How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class.

That's a timely book.

Hat-Tip: Ed Driscoll, who's got a fantastic entry at Instapundit on New York's Kitty Genovese murder-myth-making: "AND NOW YOU KNOW…THE REST OF THE STORY: “Queens Neighborhood Still Haunted by Kitty Genovese’s Murder...”"

Deal of the Day: Yamaha 7.2-Channel AV Receiver w/Bluetooth [BUMPED]

At Amazon, Yamaha TSR-5790BL 7.2-Channel AV Receiver w/4K Ultra HD and Bluetooth (Certified Refurbished).

Also, Save on Dyson Cinetic Vacuums.

And, Best Sellers in Toys & Games.

Still more, $15 Off Select Fire TV Devices.

BONUS: David Brion Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Emancipation.

Yo, Aaron Goggans, Black-on-Black Violences Surgin' in Chicago — Wake Up, Bro!

Leftism's a disease, so readily illustrated by this Aaron Goggans dude, seen at the previous post, "'Black Lives Matter' Organizer Claims Black-on-Black Crime's a 'Myth' (VIDEO)."

Now, stepping back into reality, at the New York Times, "Violence Surges in Chicago Even as Policing Debate Rages On":
CHICAGO — Late at night this month, the pastor’s phone beeped with a text message from an anguished parishioner. Andre Taylor, the church member’s great-nephew, had been shot and killed.

“Dre had just turned 16,” the message to the pastor, the Rev. Ira Acree, read. “I think that it’s time to call for action and solicit help, have the National Guard to take over and patrol the Chicago streets.”

Four days earlier, he had received another text. A different parishioner’s granddaughter, Daysha Wright, a 21-year-old nursing student, had been shot to death in a car, leaving a 2-year-old son.

At his desk at Greater St. John Bible Church, Mr. Acree said he was bracing for the coming months. “Unless something radical takes place, it’s going to be a blood bath this summer,” he said.

Chicago has long been troubled by violence, but homicides and shootings have risen sharply this year. Violent crime remains below the levels of two decades ago, and criminologists caution against finding trends in only a few months of data. But City Hall, the police and community leaders are alarmed by the surge: As of Friday, 131 people had been killed here in the first months of 2016, an 84 percent rise in homicides from the same period in 2015. There had been 605 shootings, nearly twice as many as at this point last year.

The increase could hardly have come at a more difficult time. The city is at a pivotal moment for law enforcement, mired in a crisis over police conduct and discipline and over distrust of officers, particularly among African-American residents, who make up about one-third of Chicago’s population.

The Justice Department is scrutinizing the patterns and practices of the city’s police force; the mayor on Monday named an interim police superintendent to replace the department’s fired leader; and voters have rejected Cook County’s top prosecutor, defeating her in a primary on March 15. The release in November of a police video that showed a white officer shooting a black teenager, Laquan McDonald, 16 times caused longstanding anger about police conduct to boil over.

And Mayor Rahm Emanuel faces enormous challenges: tamping down a flood of crime while simultaneously repairing frayed relations with the people who live here, as well as addressing low morale among officers.

“Trying to rebuild and do all of that at the same time, when violence is going up, creates all kinds of additional struggles and issues,” said Kim Foxx, who defeated a two-term incumbent in the Democratic primary to be the next Cook County state’s attorney in a race that revolved around the McDonald case.

Weekends and summer nights have often presented the most danger here, but these days shootings feel constant. On March 14, three police officers were shot and wounded in an exchange of gunfire that left a suspect dead. The next day, three people were killed in a single hour. The next, people inside two cars were reported shooting at one another along Lake Shore Drive.

“I’m really tired of it, and tired of worrying,” said Gloria Johnson, 37, who serves food at a restaurant in Austin, a neighborhood where the authorities say violence has been particularly harsh. Like other parts of the West Side, Austin has long wrestled with economic distress, gangs and crime, and Ms. Johnson bears a long scar on her elbow from a bullet fired about a decade ago. “But it seems like this year is just the worst of the worst,” she said.

The police say much of the violence in this city of about 2.7 million people is tied to gangs, which have become disorganized and have splintered into more factions. While shootings along Lake Shore Drive and near a W Hotel not far from Chicago’s Gold Coast have drawn notice, most of those dying are young men on the South and West Sides, the police say...
Keep reading.

The Ferguson effect is considered to be one of the likely factors causing the spike in violence this year.

Not only do the Black Lives Matter ghouls deny black-on-black crime, it's their own movement that's largely responsible for the violent upsurge in Chicago's black community. Just wow. *SMH*

'Black Lives Matter' Organizer Claims Black-on-Black Crime's a 'Myth' (VIDEO)

Hey, whatever version of the "truth" floats your boat.

Facts are hard for despicable leftists, so they resort to postmodernism to subvert reality. Black-on-black crime is a "myth."

Via RWN, "Black Lives Matter Organizer Calls Black-On-Black Crime a ‘Myth’."

Paris Attacks Suspect Mohamed Abrini Arrested in Brussels (VIDEO)

At the BBC, "Paris attacks: Key suspect Abrini arrested in Brussels."

More, at London's Daily Mail, "'Man in White snared': Dramatic footage ‘captures the moment Paris and Brussels terror suspect Mohamed Abrini is arrested by gun-toting anti-terror police’."

Bella Thorne Bikini Beach Photos in Miami

She's so cute.

At London's Daily Mail, "Sibling revelry! Bella Thorne and sister Dani frolic in the surf on bikini break in Miami."

She used to be on Disney Channel's "Shake It Up," but she's becoming quite a beautiful young woman nowadays.

Pope Francis Calls on Catholics to Be More Understanding, Except on Homosexual Marriage (VIDEO)

Well, the Church isn't budging on homosexual nuptials, which they still won't recognize.

At USA Today, "Pope has good news for divorced, but not for gays":

There had been hope among some Catholics that the pontiff might overhaul its position on gay marriage, but the large document that ends with the hand-written signature of “Franciscus” — the pope’s Latin name — made it clear that would not happen. It said there are “absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar … to God’s plan for marriage and family.”

The document also made repeated references to Christian marriage as a “union between a man and a woman.”

Bernie Sanders Disses the Vatican with 'Monumental Discourtesy'


Here's Bernie putting the "bro" in "Bernie Bros," lol.

At Bloomberg, "Vatican Academy Criticizes Sanders's ‘Monumental Discourtesy’" (via Memeorandum):
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ plan to attend a Vatican-sponsored conference put him in the middle of a diplomatic row as a senior Vatican official accused the senator of showing “monumental discourtesy” in angling for an invitation that puts a political cast on the gathering.

Sanders, whose foreign policy experience is under attack by competitor Hillary Clinton, said Friday he was “very excited” to have been invited to the conference on economic and social issues hosted by a pontifical academy in Rome on April 15. It will put him at the seat of the Roman Catholic Church four days before the New York primary.

It has also inserted Sanders into a dispute among Vatican officials. The president of the academy said Friday that Sanders didn’t follow proper protocol by failing to contact her office, and that his presence threatens to make the event political. The academy’s chancellor said he arranged the invitation and defended the Vermont senator.

“Sanders made the first move, for the obvious reasons,” Margaret Archer, president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, which is hosting the conference, said in a telephone interview. “I think in a sense he may be going for the Catholic vote but this is not the Catholic vote and he should remember that and act accordingly -- not that he will.”

Donald Trump Is Right About Megyn Kelly

Talk about contrarian. You don't hear this argument much, unless it's at the depths of the Twitter cesspools.

From Ying Ma, at the National Interest:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has repeatedly said that Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly is overrated and treated him unfairly at the first GOP presidential debate last August. Yet with the exception of Trump’s most die-hard supporters, few on the right agree. This is a sign of Trump’s problems with women (73 percent of them currently have an unfavorable view of him), but it is also a symptom of the GOP’s wussiness to ask tough questions about a popular female anchor, as well as of its failure to challenge the insidiousness of the Left’s prevailing narrative about women.

At issue is conservatism’s decades-old battle against identity politics, in which hostility has been declared toward the grievance industry that gins up phony allegations of racial, ethnic or gender injustice.

On the Fox News Channel, Kelly has exhibited a penchant for kissing up to liberal women, fawning over their feminist agenda, berating conservative men and behaving unprofessionally toward guests. No prominent conservative has ever dared to question the perception that Kelly is an exemplary anchor, or to observe that she spends far too much time peddling a softer, kinder version of feminist dogma.

Trump is the only major national figure on the right who has challenged Kelly’s status as a demigod at Fox News. By declaring unabashedly that Kelly is not very good, Trump has—unwittingly—offered conservatives an opportunity to reflect on the grave disservice that a star on the only major conservative television network often does to conservatism.

As it turns out, Kelly’s not being nearly as good as everyone says is directly intertwined with her being not very conservative.
Keep reading.

BONUS: For the establishment take on Kelly, see Variety's recent hagiography, "How Megyn Kelly Survived Donald Trump."

And at Hot Air, "Megyn Kelly: I haven’t decided if I’m staying at Fox News when my contract is up."

Never Take Advice From Feminists


From R.S. McCain, who's back on Twitter as @Not_RSMcCain.

Do Patients Have a Right to Secretly Record Doctors While They're Under Anesthesia for Surgery?

My first response when I saw this story on Twitter was "Never secretly record your surgery!"

Mainly, you might hear some stuff you might not like. I mean, the doctors and the nurses, etc., are essentially on the job, and they might say some politically incorrect things, if not some things even disrespectful to the patient herself.

In any case, at Althouse, "'Patient secretly recorded doctors as they operated on her. Should she be so distressed by what she heard?'":
I don't know about that.

But it occurred to me: Why aren't we entitled to a recording of what is said around our body when we're under anesthesia? Why should you have to sneak a recording device into your ponytail? You have to be knocked out for the surgery, and all these people have access to your vulnerable body, why shouldn't you have a right to use an artificial device to do what your senses would normally do — monitor what's happening to you? Do the doctors and nurses have an interest in having a private conversation around your body? I'd say you have the greater interest in finding out what's happening to you when you're unconscious. Anyone who wants to make a recording should be able to do it openly. You wouldn't need to take any additional steps to improve the "bedside manner" of doctors and nurses...
Keep reading.

The GOP's New Foreign-Policy Populism

A pretty good read, from Jacob Heilbrunn, at the National Interest.