Sunday, June 12, 2016

'Game of Thrones' at Mitt Romney Election Summit in Utah

Romney needs to just go away.

He lost twice already. He's not making a good name for himself here.

At WaPo, "Romney loyalists’ divisions over Trump spill out into the open at Utah summit":
PARK CITY, Utah — Mitt Romney warned that a Donald Trump presidency could normalize racism, misogyny and bigotry in the national conscience. Businesswoman Meg Whitman compared the presumptive Republican presidential nominee to Adolf Hitler. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) was asked, uncomfortably, how he could explain his endorsement of Trump to a young child.

Then came Trump’s boosters, awkwardly imploring about 300 business executives and GOP establishment donors and strategists gathered here for Romney’s annual ideas festival to unite for the fall campaign. In a stroke of defiance, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus declared that Trump and the GOP would win in November “with or without you,” according to attendees.

So went the three-day Romney-hosted E2 summit that concluded here Saturday in this luxurious mountaintop resort. The confab put on stark display the Republican Party’s moral and philosophical divisions over its new standard-bearer and underscored the difficulty that Trump and allies such as Priebus will have to consolidate forces at the start of a general election in which Democrat Hillary Clinton is favored.

Anthony Scaramucci, a New York financier who was one of Romney’s top funders in 2012, came to Park City seeking to galvanize his old friends to help him raise money for Trump. He likened the atmosphere here to the hit HBO series “Game of Thrones.”

“I feel like Jon Snow, trying to get the Wildlings to team up with the kings of the castles,” Scaramucci said.

Recalling what he told Romney loyalists, Scaramucci said: “Your father just got slayed by your uncle, whom you don’t really like, and your uncle is now in charge. You’ve got the White Walkers descending from the north and they’re coming to hunt you and all the living. What do you do? Do you fight with your uncle or band together and fight the White Walkers?”

Romney made clear he would rather fight his uncle, figuratively speaking. The 2012 GOP presidential nominee was emotional here Saturday as he delivered an impassioned case against Trump. He said the business mogul’s campaign rhetoric — the latest example being his accusations of bias by a federal judge because of his Mexican American heritage — is so destructive that it is fraying at the nation’s moral fabric and could lead to “trickle-down racism.”

“I love what this country is built upon, and its values — and seeing this is breaking my heart,” Romney told summit attendees, according to the Associated Press.

Trump punched back at Romney at his Saturday rally in Tampa, calling him “poor, sad, Mitt Romney” and a “stone-cold loser.”

Scaramucci and other Romney associates supportive of Trump, including Ron Kaufman, a longtime RNC member from Massachusetts, have pleaded with Romney to tone down his opposition in the interest of party unity.

I blogged Anthony Scaramucci's WSJ op-ed earlier, "Here Are Four Things #NeverTrump Doesn't Get."

Friday, June 10, 2016

Anonymous Superdelegates Declare Clinton the Democrat Nominee Through the Mass Media

Politico had this back in February, "Sanders supporters revolt against superdelegates."

Too bad their revolt didn't come through.

Here's Glenn Greenwald, at the Intercept, "Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Superdelegates Declare Winner Through Media":

LAST NIGHT, the Associated Press — on a day when nobody voted — surprised everyone by abruptly declaring the Democratic Party primary over and Hillary Clinton the victor. The decree, issued the night before the California primary in which polls show Clinton and Bernie Sanders in a very close race, was based on the media organization’s survey of “superdelegates”: the Democratic Party’s 720 insiders, corporate donors, and officials whose votes for the presidential nominee count the same as the actually elected delegates. AP claims that superdelegates who had not previously announced their intentions privately told AP reporters that they intend to vote for Clinton, bringing her over the threshold. AP is concealing the identity of the decisive superdelegates who said this.

Although the Sanders campaign rejected the validity of AP’s declaration — on the ground that the superdelegates do not vote until the convention and he intends to try to persuade them to vote for him — most major media outlets followed the projection and declared Clinton the winner.

This is the perfect symbolic ending to the Democratic Party primary: The nomination is consecrated by a media organization, on a day when nobody voted, based on secret discussions with anonymous establishment insiders and donors whose identities the media organization — incredibly — conceals. The decisive edifice of superdelegates is itself anti-democratic and inherently corrupt: designed to prevent actual voters from making choices that the party establishment dislikes. But for a party run by insiders and funded by corporate interests, it’s only fitting that its nomination process ends with such an ignominious, awkward, and undemocratic sputter...
Greenwald's pretty excitable, and never forget he's a regular demonizer of Israel, etc., but he raises a good point nevertheless.

I can't stand the superdelegates. Would Hillary have won the nomination without them? Who knows? But had Bernie Sanders gone for the jugular early in his campaign, holding nothing back, and tearing into every corrupt, scandalous, enabling outrage that is the Clinton political machine, he might well have been crown the Democrat Party standard-bearer. In the end, that's probably the bigger story.

And remember, Donald Trump's under no such constraint. His challenge will be finding the zone while eviscerating the hulk shell cankles Clinton.

RELATED: At Truth Revolt, "Bill Clinton's Ex-Lover Describes Meeting Hillary: 'Lumpy, Thick Calves, Hairy Toes'."

Illegal Alien Valedictorian Larissa Martinez (VIDEO)

She's apparently been accepted to Yale.

Hey, good for her, but one can't help thinking that the so-called "disadvantaged" are nowadays the ones with the most advantages and social prestige.

At PuffHo, "Undocumented Valedictorian Takes Down Trump In Epic Speech."

More at FOX 4 News - Dallas-Fort Worth, "North Texas valedictorian reveals she’s an undocumented immigrant."

And I saw another woman, Mayte Lara, posting about her hot legs and undocumented status on Twitter. She's since deleted her account. No doubt she got death threats, and understandably so. These people are ghouls.

More at the Texas Tribune, "Valedictorians Draw Attention for Saying They're Undocumented (Video)."

Bill Clinton Bagged Millions from World's Largest For-Profit University (VIDEO)

From Professor Jonathan Turley, "The Clinton University Problem: Laureate Education Lawsuits Present Problem For Clintons [Updated]":

While largely ignored by the media, the Clintons have their own university scandal. Donald Trump has been rightfully criticized and sued over his defunct Trump University. There is ample support for claiming that the Trump University was fraudulent in its advertisements and operations. However, the national media has been accused of again sidestepping a scandal involving the Clintons that involves the same type of fraud allegations. The scandal involves a dubious Laureate Education for-profit online college (Walden) and entails many of the common elements with other Clinton scandals: huge sums given to the Clintons and questions of conflicts with Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State. There are distinctions to draw between the two stories, but the virtual radio silence on the Clinton/Laureate story is surprising. [I have updated the original column with some additional thoughts, links, and clarifications for readers).
Keep reading.

Death of Free Speech in Europe (VIDEO)

Via Theo Spark:

Lindsey Pelas Busting Out of Her Bikini

At WWTDD, "Lindsey Pelas in a Bikini."

Kate Upton's Birthday

She's 24-years-old. Still fabulous.

At Sports Illustrated:

She doesn't get photographed topless very often, which is a shame.

PREVIOUSLY: "More Kate Upton 'Sexiest Woman'."

Yankees Sweep Angels (VIDEO)

I've pretty much given up on my team. They're 11 games back in the American League West.

There's still hope mathematically, but they've got too many injuries, especially on the pitching staff. Even the hot All-Stars, Mike Trout and Albert Pujols, along with the awesome Kole Calhoun, aren't enough to carry the team into contention.

I'll be tuning in, but once the Angels are eliminated from playoff contention I've got to focus my loyalties elsewhere, probably the Dodgers and the Giants.

In any case, the Yankees pounded the Halos this week. It wasn't even close.

At LAT, "Angels get swept in the Bronx":

All of them silent, the Angels dressed themselves, shoveled in their dinners, loaded their suitcases, signed their checks for the Yankee Stadium clubhouse attendants, and boarded a bus.

If all went according to plan, they’d land at LAX after 2 a.m. PDT, bus back to Orange County, drive home, and then show up to Angel Stadium 10 hours later to play another ballgame.

It is a particularly grueling part of the Major League Baseball schedule that the Angels are occupying now, made worse by their abject struggles during a four-game series against the New York Yankees and, of course, the fact that this season’s result already seems rendered. They lost four straight in the Bronx, including by a 6-3 decision Thursday night.

Jhoulys Chacin pitched wonderfully for four innings and then terribly for one inning, the fifth. That determined the game’s outcome. He walked leadoff man Didi Gregorius, then lamented it later. With one out, Chris Parmelee, a heretofore anonymous man who dominated the Angels this series, singled through to left field to knot the score,1-1.

Jacoby Ellsbury singled, Brett Gardner walked, Angels pitching coach Charles Nagy visited the mound, Carlos Beltran doubled, Alex Rodriguez hit a sacrifice fly, and Brian McCann doubled. The Yankees had five runs in a dozen minutes; Chacin did not have his release point, varying wildly within his normal delivery.

He stayed in to start the sixth inning before the Angels turned to their taxed bullpen.

Closer Huston Street handled the eighth even though the score was the opposite of a save situation...

The hard-copy newspaper article is subtitled on the inside pages, "Angels might be running out of time and options."

How Millennials Can Still #FeelTheBern (VIDEO)

Bernie Sanders won't drop out.

At NYT, "Bernie Sanders Still Presses Battered Campaign Toward Washington Primary."

I suspect some folks on the left are getting pretty angry by now. He's a thorn in the establish Democrat Party's side.

But for a different take, see Jeremy Stern, at WSJ, "How Millennials Can Still Live Bernie’s Dream":

They backed him over Hillary Clinton in greater numbers than they backed Barack Obama over John McCain. But now, millions of millennials are left licking their wounds after the defeat of Bernie Sanders, the greatest progressive hero since the president he wanted to replace.

Many of them recoil at the thought of supporting Mrs. Clinton, a liberal but one with insufficient anticapitalist bona fides. For now, the Bernie-backers’ dream of grafting Scandinavian solutions onto American problems is dead.

Or is it? Despite some recent budgetary setbacks, a long-running American experiment in socialism is still going strong, and yet somehow it remains one of the country’s best-kept secrets.

The federal experiment involves 1.3 million Americans—less than 1% of the population, but 75% of the participants are themselves millennials, so Bernie’s supporters should feel right at home. Unless they feel like they’ve arrived in socialist heaven. Consider:

These lucky few, including their spouses and children, receive free single-payer health care. Pre-existing conditions? No problem. Prescriptions? Generally free.

Bernie only proposed free college for all; that’s already a reality for these young Americans. Local elementary schooling for their children is also tossed in at no cost. Vocational training? When do you want to start? And put your wallet away.

What’s more, the federal government provides these participants with generous living allowances. On top of their normal salaries, they collect a monthly allowance for rent or mortgage payments, an allowance for moving costs incurred when their job location changes, and an allowance for gas consumed when driving for work-related purposes. There’s even a clothing allowance. Oh, none of these allowances is taxable. Did I mention that tax preparation services are also free?

In case you thought it couldn’t get any more Nordic for these chosen few, they get 30 days of paid vacation a year in addition to the usual 10 paid federal holidays. That’s 40 days of paid leave every year—more than in the Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada.

These Americans are also eligible for a lifetime pension. If they enter the program after high school, they can start collecting their retirement—half the dollar amount of their final salary, every year for the rest of their life—at age 38! Not even Bernie thought of that. The amount they collect is calculated annually according to the Consumer Price Index and the effects of inflation, so the pension payments increase each year as the cost of living rises.

Speaking of salaries: No gender pay gap here. A male who occupies the same position with the same experience cannot earn more than his female colleague. That’s the rule, not subject to the whim of a paymaster.

So come on over, disappointed young Bernie fans....

Welcome to the U.S. Armed Forces!

You gotta love it!

Now let's see how many Bernie Bros (and Sisters) sign up?

Gawker Media Files for Chapter 11

People are thrilled about this, especially Louise Menshch, lol.

And from Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "QUESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED":
Shot: Was It Wrong for Peter Thiel to Fund Hulk Hogan’s Gawker Lawsuit?

Chaser: Gawker Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
More at Mediagazer.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Roger Scruton, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands

I mentioned Scruton's new book previously.

It came by mail today.

See, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left.

My son "graduated" from middle school today. We attended the promotion ceremony this morning. It was pretty awesome, actually. Especially the pledge of allegiance on the blacktop basketball court, with probably 1,500 people all reciting the pledge together. That felt good. It really did, especially given the nature of the times. I felt for a moment that the old, great patriotic outpouring for the America of our classic political culture was a blast from the past. I felt perhaps focusing on politics so much all the time makes one miss (under-appreciate) those times when we all share out national identity together, in this case while experiencing the joy of our young ones reaching a milestone in life.

It made me feel good.

In any case, the Scruton book's awesome.

I'll have more on it later.

Roger Scruton photo fools-frauds-and-firebrands_zpsdqui8dq5.jpg

A General Election Focused on Gender (VIDEO)

Clinton's speech the other night was a little much.

I mean, sure, the first woman nominee of a major party in U.S. history. It's a big deal.

But the Democrats just go overboard breaking the civil rights barriers. I just about keeled over in 2008 when Obama was elected. And the media overkill is a nightmare.

In any case, at LAT, "Analysis: Clinton, finally breaking the glass ceiling, ready for a gender battle with Trump":

In a political season filled with promises of revolution, something revolutionary happened: A woman has claimed a major party’s presidential nomination.

That historic occurrence, overshadowed somewhat by everything else that has happened in an election year that has wildly defied expectations, will shape the general election clash to come. It sets up a November battle between presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump that will tread heavily on issues of gender.

Clinton seized on history Tuesday night as she claimed the Democratic nomination during a campaign celebration in New York. She opened with an allusion to what she had memorably called the nation’s “highest, hardest glass ceiling” — the one separating women from the Oval Office.

Clinton seized on history Tuesday night as she claimed the Democratic nomination during a campaign celebration in New York. She opened with an allusion to what she had memorably called the nation’s “highest, hardest glass ceiling” — the one separating women from the Oval Office.

Exactly eight years ago Tuesday, as she departed the 2008 presidential contest, she said her campaign had knocked millions of cracks in that ceiling, one for each vote received in her losing effort.

“It may be hard to see tonight, but we are all standing under a glass ceiling right now,” she said with a grin Tuesday at the refurbished Brooklyn Navy Yard with a ceiling literally made of glass. “But don’t worry, we’re not smashing this one.”

Issues of gender will dominate the general election for at least two reasons. It will be the first time a woman has led a ticket in a presidential general election, and the two candidates already have been jousting over women and their roles.

In recent days, Trump has questioned Clinton’s very presence in the race.

“She doesn’t even look presidential,” he complained via Twitter as Clinton delivered a foreign policy address scathing in its criticism of the Republican.

The primary campaign has been loaded with such allusions to gender, and there’s no reason to think that will change in the months before the general election...
She's a known quantity with super high negatives. I don't think she's going to get as free of a pass as "The One" did in 2008. Still, the media going to boost Hillary and attempt to destroy The Donald as a racist, misogynist Islamophobe. It's just they way journalist operation. They're Democrat operatives with bylines.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Judges Makes a Difference in Judging

Here's the front-page story from the Los Angeles Times a couple of days ago, "Donald Trump's attack on judge and other racial comments stir trouble for the Republican Party."

Apparently, Trump's so-called "racist" attack on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel is the final disqualifying indignity of the 2016 campaign. It's as if Trump hadn't uttered a controversial statement since launching his campaign a year ago. All of a sudden, this is the end of the line. Both left and right, Democrats and Republicans, have now joined hands in a bipartisan denunciation of the GOP nominee. Some folks are even talking about a revived "Never Trump" movement, which includes yet another push to deny the nomination to the New York businessman at the convention.

Normally, a Republican presidential candidate has to run against not just the opposition party's candidate, but the leftist Democrat Media Complex as well. As Glenn Reynolds pointed out today, every four years the GOP nominee's smeared as the second coming of Adolf Hitler. This year's no different in that regard. What's different now is that the GOP nominee's also running against the Republican Party establishment itself. Sure, Reince Priebus backs Trump and has pledged to put the party's full resources toward the general election. The fact is, though, with this Curiel business former establishment Trump supporters are now pulling the rug out.

In any case, it's a tempest in a teapot, frankly. Trump's not doing anything the left doesn't do all the time. Indeed, Trump's just taking a page of the leftist playbook.

See, AoSHQ, "On Race and Judges, Trump Isn't a Racist nor a Conservative — He's a Standard Issue Liberal":
There's no part of a minority that's expected to rule in solidarity with his race?

No particular racial mode of thinking a minority brings to the table?

That would be a shock to these liberals:
"It's impossible not to be disgusted at someone who could benefit so much from affirmative action and then pull up the ladder after himself. "
-- Liberal Maureen Dowd making the standard liberal criticism of Clarence Thomas -- that he's a race traitor insufficiently biased towards members of his own race.
Did Jake Tapper call Maureen Dowd a "textbook racist" for that bit of demagoguery?

Of course not.

Did Paul fucking Ryan?

I doubt it.

He sure didn't remember objecting to it when called upon to comment upon Trump's similar race essentialism. Guess it didn't make much of an impression on him then.

Incidentally, Clarence Thomas is a figure of hate for the left because of his relative uniqueness.

Therefore, in the minds of liberals, most black judges are sufficiently solicitous of the political interests of their own races.

Again-- any upset from the liberals over this liberal idea that judges of color are supposed to "look out for their own"?


This "Thomas pulls the ladders up from other blacks (which most black judges don't do)" critique is of course not original to Dowd -- nothing is original to this tired, sad hag. It's standard issue liberal cant.

None of which is ever objected to by our liberal media masters.

Indeed, Clarence Thomas is attacked for his race quite frequently, on bizarrely unrelated grounds.
The left is renewing its venomous, racist attacks on Thomas in the aftermath of his dissent in the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling in favor of gay marriage.

Actor George Takei smeared Thomas as a “clown in blackface.” The Huffington Post called his dissent “beyond ridiculous” and tarred him as a hypocrite for opposing a court-created “right” to gay marriage:

“Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman — something that would be illegal today, if it weren’t for the Supreme Court’s historic Loving v. Virginia ruling.” As if his personal life is fair game.

Last Friday, in another low blow, New York Times reporter Adam Liptak portrayed Thomas as a lightweight whose opinions are cut-and-paste jobs from briefs submitted to the court.
Do Hispanics have a different style of judging than whites -- a different set of inputs leading to a different array of outputs?

Yes indeed they do, says liberal Justice Sandra Sotomayor.
In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge "may and will make a difference in our judging."
In her speech, Judge Sotomayor questioned the famous notion -- often invoked by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her retired Supreme Court colleague, Sandra Day O’Connor -- that a wise old man and a wise old woman would reach the same conclusion when deciding cases.

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life," said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.

Her remarks, at the annual Judge Mario G. Olmos Law and Cultural Diversity Lecture at the University of California, Berkeley, were not the only instance in which she has publicly described her view of judging in terms that could provoke sharp questioning in a confirmation hearing.

This month, for example, a video surfaced of Judge Sotomayor asserting in 2005 that a “court of appeals is where policy is made.” She then immediately adds: “And I know — I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don’t make law. I know. O.K. I know. I’m not promoting it. I’m not advocating it. I’m — you know.”
Indeed, President Obama himself has suggested that minority judges like Sotomayor may bring something to the bench that whites can't bring -- "empathy."
Still more.

Deal of the Day: Save on Select Kingston and HyperX Computer Products

At Amazon, HyperX Cloud II Gaming Headset for PC & PS4 - Gun Metal (KHX-HSCP-GM).

Also, Kingston Digital 32GB Data Traveler 3.0 USB Flash Drive, Red (DTIG4/32GBET).

More, INSANITY Base Kit - DVD Workout.

Still more, Beachbody Fuel Shot for the Body Beast Program - 3 lbs 30 Day Supply.

And ICYMI, Clinton Romesha, Red Platoon: A True Story of American Valor.

BONUS: Andrew Roberts, The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War.

Donald Trump Promises New Attacks on Hillary Clinton as GOP Race Ends (VIDEO)

The the full speech from last night at the clip.

And at the Wall Street Journal:

BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N.Y. – Donald Trump, sidestepping the firestorm that has engulfed his campaign in recent days, marked the end of the GOP primary season Tuesday by escalating his attacks on Hillary Clinton, raising questions about her ethics and promising to give a “major speech” as early as Monday to discuss “all of the things that have taken place” with the presumptive Democratic nominee.

“The Clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form form themselves,” Mr. Trump said speaking to supporters as the polls closed in New Jersey, one of five states voting Tuesday.

He made no mention of the controversies that have been roiling his own party for the last two weeks over his criticism of a federal judge handling litigation against Trump University.

Hoping to quiet the firestorm that has pitted Mr. Trump against most elected officials in the GOP, he had earlier in the day issued a statement saying he had been “misconstrued” by critics who said he was racist because he accused U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel of being biased against him because he is of Mexican descent. Mr. Trump did not apologize or recant his attacks despite wide criticism from allies and adversaries alike, but he said he would not discuss the case any more.

He stuck to that intention at the Tuesday evening appearance at his golf course in the suburbs of New York, as he prepared to celebrate primary victories in New Jersey, South Dakota, Montana, New Mexico, and California on the last day of the long, unpredictable primary season.

He took no questions from reporters; his speech was short, focused on Mrs. Clinton and uncharacteristically scripted for a man famous for his off-the-cuff performances. He read the speech from a teleprompter, less than a week after deriding Mrs. Clinton for using the device to present a major speech of her own attacking Mr. Trump as ill-suited for the Oval Office.

For a man struggling to unify his party after a long, divisive primary season, he chose one of the most powerful tools available for galvanizing Republicans: attacking Mrs. Clinton just as she was at last ending her own primary battle against Sen. Bernie Sanders...
Good for him.

Keep reading.

Sports Illustrated Summer of Swimsuit (2016)

Here's an eye-opener for all of you late-risers, lol.

Here's Today's Jackie Johnson Weather Forecast

I missed getting to this last night because of the election.

In fact, I didn't even blog. I just watched the returns on Twitter and TV, heh.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles: