Thursday, July 14, 2016

Theresa May Taps Boris Johnson as British Foreign Minister (VIDEO)

I'd say this is something of a surprise pick.

I'd have never expected Johnson for the foreign ministry. I think this shows people the Theresa May's got some spunk, even a devious kind of humor.

At the far-left BBC, "Boris Johnson made foreign secretary by Theresa May."

Transgender Woman Charged with Secretly Taking Photos of 18-Year-Old Woman at Target Store in Idaho

Well, it's not like anyone hasn't been warning about this kind of thing.

At the Idaho Statesman, "Transgender voyeur’s Idaho arrest adds to national debate":
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The authorities in Idaho charged a transgender woman this week with secretly taking pictures of an 18-year-old woman changing in a Target fitting room.

The national retail chain drew praise from transgender advocates and condemnation from conservative groups when it announced in April that it would allow customers to use the restroom or fitting room corresponding to their gender identity.

Target has been the subject of a boycott petition created by the American Family Association, which contends the transgender fitting room and bathroom policy would give sexual predators access to victims. The petition has collected nearly 1.4 million signatures since April, according to the group’s website.

Officers from the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office were called to a Target in Ammon, Idaho, on Monday evening by a woman who said she saw someone reach over the wall separating the fitting rooms there with an iPhone taking pictures or a video.

After interviewing witnesses and reviewing surveillance footage, detectives on Tuesday arrested Shauna Smith, 43, on one felony count of voyeurism, according to the sheriff’s office. She was booked into Bonneville County Jail as a male, using her legal name, Sean Patrick Smith. The 18-year-old told the authorities she had been trying on swimwear when she spotted the iPhone, according to a court document obtained by

Her mother confronted the suspect, who fled on foot. Both later identified the voyeur as a white man wearing a dress and blond wig, according to the document. Another witness reported seeing the suspect leave in a vehicle that was later discovered to be registered to Ms. Smith.

Ms. Smith’s roommate confirmed to police that she is, indeed, a transgender woman and identified clothes worn by the suspect in surveillance footage as belonging to Ms. Smith, according to the document.

According to the document, an affidavit of probable cause for warrantless arrest, Ms. Smith told a detective that she had made videos in the past of women undressing for the “same reason men go online to look at pornography.”

According to the detective, Ms. Smith said that she gets sexual gratification from such videos and later showed the detective a video of a woman changing in a Target fitting room. Ms. Smith is represented by a public defender.

Target, which has 1,792 stores nationwide, said in a statement that it was committed to creating “a safe and secure shopping environment” and that it immediately cooperated with local law enforcement as soon as it learned of the case...

Shauna Smith isn't really a woman. She's pretending to be a woman so she can scope out hot 18-year-old chicks and get off on iPhone voyeur pornography. This is exactly why women are put at risk be leftist "gender neutral" bathrooms, and it's bad --- very bad --- for children, from kindergarten all the way through high school. And young women in college and beyond are also harmed by despicable leftist LGBT boondoggles. It's disgusting.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — the Notorious RBG — Apologizes for Attacking Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Watch, at Fox News, "Ginsburg regrets Trump comments, but is damage already done?"

And here's "juice box boy" Ezra Klein, at Vox, via Memeorandum, "Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the fetishization of “objectivity”."

Yes, because objectivity is only a "fetish" when your side bloviates out the ass like a bloated donkey.

Donald Trump Picks Mike Pence for Veep (VIDEO)

Sources say Trump's picked Pence for vice president.

We won't know for sure until tomorrow, when Trump holds his event announcing the pick.

But see WSJ, "Pence Is Trump Pick for Running Mate, Senior GOP Official Says."

I think Pence's a perfectly fine pick. It's a little surprising to me, actually, but from what I'm reading, Pence should make conservatives happy.

I'm just glad Gingrich didn't get the nod. I mean, yeah, he's smart and loquacious, but he's such an asshole personally. I don't know if I could stand watching him for four years, much less eight if Trump were to win a second term.

And don't even get me going about Chris Christie, heh. That would've been a laugh riot of a pick.

More, at CNN:

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Donald Trump Delivers Words of Resistance

For whites.

Of course, this is seen as evidence of whites supremacy by depraved leftists, and it's at the New York Times, so there you go.

See, "For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance":
The chant erupts in a college auditorium in Washington, as admirers of a conservative internet personality shout down a black protester. It echoes around the gym of a central Iowa high school, as white students taunt the Hispanic fans and players of a rival team. It is hollered by a lone motorcyclist, as he tears out of a Kansas gas station after an argument with a Hispanic man and his Muslim friend.




In countless collisions of color and creed, Donald J. Trump’s name evokes an easily understood message of racial hostility. Defying modern conventions of political civility and language, Mr. Trump has breached the boundaries that have long constrained Americans’ public discussion of race.

Mr. Trump has attacked Mexicans as criminals. He has called for a ban on Muslim immigrants. He has wondered aloud why the United States is not “letting people in from Europe.”

His rallies vibrate with grievances that might otherwise be expressed in private: about “political correctness,” about the ranch house down the street overcrowded with day laborers, and about who is really to blame for the death of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo. In a country where the wealthiest and most influential citizens are still mostly white, Mr. Trump is voicing the bewilderment and anger of whites who do not feel at all powerful or privileged.

But in doing so, Mr. Trump has also opened the door to assertions of white identity and resentment in a way not seen so broadly in American culture in over half a century, according to those who track patterns of racial tension and antagonism in American life....

The resentment among whites feels both old and distinctly of this moment. It is shaped by the reality of demographic change, by a decade and a half of war in the Middle East, and by unease with the newly confident and confrontational activism of young blacks furious over police violence. It is mingled with patriotism, pride, fear and a sense that an America without them at its center is not really America anymore...
Still more.

Saying #AllLivesMatter Is a Racist White Supremacist 'Rallying Cry' on Social Media

The Black Lives Matter movement is about anti-white racism and black supremacy, and if any leftist steps out of bounds they'll be destroyed.

Here's the background at USA Today, "#AllLivesMatter hashtag is racist, critics say."

And J.Lo's in trouble for tweeting #AllLivesMatter, at PuffHo:

J.Lo deleted the tweet soon after it was posted, but forgot about the other time she used your racist uncle’s rallying cry on Instagram. Nuzzled in between the caption #filltheworldwithmusicloveandpride and #JLin in a promotion post for her new single is #alllivesmatter, the social media movement that erases the specificity of the black experience in this country.

Tomi Lahren Blames Barack Obama, 'Two Black Attorney Generals', for Inciting Dallas Shooting (VIDEO)

Via Heat Street, there's video at the post:

Previous Tomi Lahren blogging's here.

Italy is Once Again on the 'Frontline' of Europe's Refugee Crisis (VIDEO)

Italy and the Europeans need to wind down this "crisis."

Watch, at Euronews, "Italy new 'frontline' in Europe's refugee crisis, warns Frontex chief":
Italy is once again on the 'frontline' of Europe's refugee crisis, replacing Greece, the head of the EU's border agency has said.

The warning came as nearly 1,000 migrants were rescued off Italy on Tuesday, in six seperate operations by the Italian coast guard.

Four migrants were found dead after suffocating below deck on their boat.

Laying out fresh plans to strengthen the bloc's borders Frontex chief Fabrice Leggeri said the agency wanted to conduct checks, so called stress tests...

Obama Sparks Backlash on Twitter for Inappropriate Comments at #Dallas Police Memorial (VIDEO)

At London's Daily Mail, "President Obama sparks backlash on Twitter for controversial comments on gun control as he and George W. Bush lead tributes to the five police officers killed in Dallas."

Katie Pavlich was just blistering, but amazingly, leftist Josh Kraushaar too was not happy at all:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Obama's Obscene Exploitation of the Dallas Massacre

From Sultan Knish, at FrontPage, "Exploiting dead police officers to promote #BlackLivesMatter":
In Dallas, Obama mentioned the name of dead sex offender Alton Sterling more times than those of the murdered police officers whom he was pretending to memorialize. After quickly dispensing with the formalities of eulogizing the slain officers, Obama demanded that “even those who dislike the phrase ‘black lives matter’” should “be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling’s family”.

Alton Sterling was a convicted sex offender, burglar and violent criminal who was shot while reaching for a gun. His family may mourn him, just as every criminal’s family mourns their own, but it was obscene to class him together with five police officers who were murdered by a violent racist while doing their duty.

It is even more obscene when Obama’s favorite sex offender displaces the murdered police officers.

And yet that was Obama’s theme in Dallas. Murdered police officers were contrasted with dead criminals. The proper thing for Americans to do, as Obama told us, was to mourn both officers and criminals, to respect the sacrifices of the police and the anti-police accusations of #BlackLivesMatter.

Obama did not come to Dallas to mourn the murdered police officers, but to defend the ideology that took their lives. And this is what he has done from the very beginning...
Very well said.

Keep reading.

Dana Loesch Gives a Shout-Out to Jesse Lee Peterson

This is interesting because I just mentioned Jesse Lee Peterson on Sunday, here: "Heather Mac Donald Discusses the 'War on Cops," the Ferguson Effect, and Black-on-Black Violence."

And then I posted on the Megyn Kelly segment here: "Debating Black Lives Matter's Impact on the National Conversation (VIDEO)."

So, here's Dana's shout-out. So cool:

Backlash Against Former Miss Alabama After Calling Dallas Cop Killer a 'Martyr' (VIDEO)

She's pretty despicable.

She should've kept that video to herself, rather than posting it to the world. She's feeding the hatred. She's compounding the hatred, the hatred that's been coming from the top, from President Obama on down. Indeed, blacks, with Barack Hussein in office, feel empowered to speak badly of white Americans, and feel "conflicted" when white cops are gunned down ruthlessly and viciously, in cold blood. It's shameful.

Following-up from last night, "Kalyn Chapman James, First Black Miss Alabama, Says Dallas Cop Killer Was a 'Martyr'."

She appeared on Hannity's show tonight, and I saw an image of her earlier. She looks like revolutionary communist Angela Davis, and I think she knows it.

President George W. Bush Speaks at Memorial Service in Dallas (VIDEO)

I literally tear-up when I see and listen to President Bush speak, and it's less because of his words than by the realization that I miss him so much. That realization makes me sad, but then I go back again and listen to his words, and I'm comforted. I'm comforted because I know that when Bush invokes God he means it. It's not just some rote statement uttered for political consumption, hiding far less benevolent sentiments, which is how I feel when President Obama speaks. When he speaks. He divides.

Via Fox News 10 Phoenix:

Don't Forget to Pre-Order Naomi Schaefer Riley's New Book, The New Trail of Tears [BUMPED]

Anna Sacca, Senior Publicity and Branding Manager at FSB Associates, thanked me for promoting Naomi Schaefer Riley's new book.

Hey, it's my pleasure.

Here's another link, at Amazon, The New Trail of Tears: How Washington Is Destroying American Indians.

Out Now: Robert Spencer, The Complete Infidel's Guide to Iran [BUMPED]

Robert's a tireless fighter for American freedom.

Here's his new book, just out yesterday, at Amazon, The Complete Infidel's Guide to Iran.

Donald Trump Rebukes Ruth Bader Ginsburg for Deriding His Candidacy

Following-up from earlier, "Ruth Bader Ginsburg Bashes Donald Trump, Crossing a Line."

She should be careful lest her comments become a campaign liability for the Democrats. Frankly, they already are.

From Maggie Haberman, at NYT:

Donald J. Trump on Tuesday assailed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Supreme Court for speaking out on the presidential race, calling her disdainful remarks about his candidacy “highly inappropriate” and suggesting that she owed other justices an apology.

Mr. Trump’s remarks came in a telephone interview with The Times two days after Justice Ginsburg was quoted as saying she was frightened about what the nation would look like if he were elected.

“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” Justice Ginsburg told The Times in an interview published Sunday. “For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.” She even joked ruefully about moving to New Zealand.

Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, said he found those remarks unbefitting a member of the high court.

“I think it’s highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign, frankly,” Mr. Trump said. “I think it’s a disgrace to the court and I think she should apologize to the court. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.”

He continued: “That she should be saying that? It’s so beneath the court for her to be making statements like that. It only energizes my base even more. And I would hope that she would get off the court as soon as possible.”

Mr. Trump also said he expected to announce his choice of a running mate by Friday, winding down a process that has been closely watched as in all likelihood the most significant decision he will make in his campaign.

“I have five candidates, plus two, two that are unknown to anybody,” Mr. Trump said from Chicago, where he was raising money for his campaign.

“I will be making a decision over the next three- to four-day period of time, and I think it will be a decision that will be a very good decision for a lot of people,” he added.

Mr. Trump said that he was not basing his vice-presidential selection on fund-raising prowess or potential, and indicated that he had had enough experience with many of those he has been considering for the job that their tryouts on the campaign trail would not necessarily be determinative.

“I’ve been with these people for a long time — I know them,” Mr. Trump said, specifically invoking Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker. “Christie was excellent yesterday and Newt is excellent.” Mr. Trump will appear on Tuesday night in Indiana with Gov. Mike Pence, who has risen in the estimation of many of the nominee’s advisers.

Mr. Trump said his decision was largely coming down to instinct. “A lot of is gut. A lot of it is,” he said. “My whole life has been about gut.”

He also suggested that he would consider polling in states like heavily Democratic Connecticut, which he again said he believed he could put in play in November...

And the Notorious RBG is doubling-down on her attacks:

I have a sense this isn't going to turn out well for Ginsberg, or the Supremes, for that matter.

Via Memeorandum.

Midweek Cartoon

I missed posting my Sunday cartoons, but this one's too good to wait for next weekend.

Via A.F. Branco, at Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Fraying With Fire."

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Kimberly Guilfoyle Blows Up Gretchen Carlson's Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Roger Ailes

This is pretty amazing!

At Breitbart, "Exclusive — Kimberly Guilfoyle Blows Up Gretchen Carlson's Allegations Against Roger Ailes: 'The Truth Should Matter...'"

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Obama Used Dallas Memorial to Confront the Nation on Race


That's the headline at the Hill, a mainstream news organization.

How combative.

The president truly is the Divider-in-Chief.

At Instapundit, "I’M SURE THE FAMILIES OF THOSE DEAD COPS APPRECIATED THE CONFRONTATION: The Hill: Obama uses Dallas memorial to confront nation on race."

Blazing Saddles: The Bernie Bros 'Fart-In' Against Hillary Clinton is Righteous and Hilarious!

This cracks me up.

At AP, via Memeorandum, "Bernie Fans Say ‘Fart-In’ Against Hillary Will Go On."

And at Heat Street, "Bernie Bros to Stage Epic Anti-Hillary ‘Fart-In’ at DNC Convention":
Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressive activists have a unique plan to protest the nomination of Wall Street-backed Hillary Clinton at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia later this month. They’re going to stage a “fart-in.”

You might be wondering what, exactly, a “fart-in” entails. Well, the plan is to make sure that Bernie Sanders’ convention delegates eat plenty of beans prior to entering the convention hall in Philly. Then, they shall unleash their noxious bodily fumes, which will send a powerful message to Hillary — that she stinks, or something.
God, this is too good, lol.