Sunday, July 24, 2016

ICYMI: Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust

Out August 23rd.

Pre-order, at Amazon, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

Bernie Sanders Says DNC's Debbie Wasserman Schultz Should Resign (VIDEO)

He's taking it pretty well, heh.

At CNN, via Memeorandum, "Sanders: ‘Awful’ DNC emails should cost party chair her job."

Trump Surrogate Pam Bondi Reacts to Tim Kaine as Democrat Running-Mate (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "Pam Bondi Speech to the Republican National Convention #RNCinCLE (VIDEO)."

Via Fox News:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Endorses Donald Trump


Trump's better for Europe.

At WSJ, "Hungarian Prime Minister Expresses Support for Donald Trump":
BUDAPEST—Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday expressed support for U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, citing Mr. Trump’s views on fighting terrorism.

Mr. Orban said Mr. Trump’s proposals for the U.S. would also help Europe solve its security issues in wake of recent terrorist attacks.

The European Union’s current political leadership has failed and should undergo a major revamp to stem the rising fear and insecurity among the European people, Mr. Orban said in Baile Tusnad, a town in Romania’s Transylvania region, which has a large number of ethnic Hungarians.

The Hungarian premier’s annual Baile Tusnad speech gained international interest in 2014, when he rejected liberalism and expressed admiration for “illiberal democracies,” listing Turkey or Russia, among other countries.

Since Mr. Orban came into power with a landslide victory in the 2010 general elections, the Obama administration has criticized Hungary several times for alleged state corruption, failure to observe freedom of religion and shortcomings in following the rule of law.

“The EU is incapable of defending its own citizens, its own external borders, unable to hold together its community—as reflected in the exit of the United Kingdom. What else is needed to state that Europe’s current political leadership has failed?” Mr. Orban said.

The U.K. voted in a referendum last month to leave the bloc...

Laurie Penny Hangs with Twitter's Biggest Troll

This is an excellent excursion into the far-left mindset in the age of Donald Trump.

Bear in mind here that Laurie Penny's a Marxist, or more specifically, she's "a radical queer feminist leftist writer burdened with actual principles."

She thinks Milo Yiannopoulos is a brilliant provocateur who's wrong about everything. She'd deny it, but she's got a hopeless crush on the dude.

But read the whole thing, via Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit:

Saturday, July 23, 2016

How to Defeat Terrorism

This is a freakin' awesome piece, from David Solway, at Pajamas:
In summation, until we recognize that Islam itself—not only its presumably “radical” variants—is incompatible with pluralistic Western democracies, we will not be able to save our countries. Pushback is unlikely for some time yet, if ever. Notwithstanding, peaceful Muslims must be pressured by informed opinion to undertake a thoroughgoing transformation of their faith even if the result has little affinity with millennial orthodoxy. The liberal argument that, in so doing, we will drive the moderates into the arms of the radicals is a reductio ad absurdum and, as Milo Yiannopoulos pointed out in an interview with a typical mealy-mouthed British journalist, is actually a threat. Must we keep assuring these putative moderates that Islam is demonstrably a religion of peace in order to keep them moderate? “Be nice to us or we’ll kill more of you,” as Yiannopoulos puts it. Must we refrain from fighting an implacable foe at the risk of finding ever more of them? Is this how we respond to Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs? Such an argument is patently a confession of defeat and guarantees yet more of the same.

Should the measures I and others are recommending be instituted, Islam will not go away, and innocent people will still die in terrorist attacks or find their everyday lives to some extent imperiled by Islamic social and cultural incursions, although to a much diminished degree. Nevertheless, there is no other resolution to our dilemma, failing which the sequel is eminently predictable: the grizzly march of terrorist atrocities like those we have seen since 9/11 (and before) up to the latest carnage in Nice, dramatic Muslim inroads into the culture, eventual civil conflict and armed skirmishes on the streets of our cities, the rise of fascist parties profiting from the general malaise, and the inevitable disintegration of a way of life that we have ignorantly taken for granted.

“There needs to be an admission that we are in a full-scale war—not just lip-service," Robert Spencer writes, “but a genuine acknowledgment, followed by a genuine war footing, and an end to the weepy memorials, empty condemnations, and po-faced get-nowhere investigations. This is not crime. This is war.”

We are now at the inflexion point. Either we are prepared to continue being slaughtered like sheep and to lose our ancestral traditions of rights and freedoms, or we are determined to preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage and the best the West has to offer.
Be sure to read the whole thing.

I doubt Solway's proposals will ever be enacted, much less seriously considered, unless the U.S. suffers another catastrophic Islamic attack on the scale of September 11. Even then, it wouldn't be a Democrat administration implementing anything near this scale. The Democrats are not on the side of American victory in this war. They're just not.

Scottie Nell Hughes Under Fire After Mocking Tim Kaine's Spanish with 'Dora the Explorer' (VIDEO)

She is the kind of fast-talking chick the barks comebacks before really thinking about 'em.

Heh, now she's apologizing. Wouldn't want to lose that lucrative commentator gig at CNN or anything.

Here's the video, "Scottie Nell Hughes on Kaine Speaking Spanish: Didn’t Need a ‘Translator’ for RNC Speeches."

And on Twitter:

Erin Heatherton Summer of Swim 2016 (VIDEO)

She's so sweet.

'Wonder Woman' Trailer Debuts at Comic-Con (VIDEO)


Politico's Ken Vogel Had Agreement with DNC to Approve Hillary Clinto Stories in Advance

Some folks were accusing Twitter of suppressing #DNCLeaks stories on the platform last night, and you can see why.

These WikiLeaks hacks are devastating.

From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "JUST THINK OF THEM AS DEMOCRAT OPERATIVES WITH BYLINES AND YOU WON’T BE FAR WRONG: Leaked emails reveal Politico reporter made ‘agreement’ to send advanced Clinton story to DNC..."

Authorities Claim 'Obvious Link' Between Munich Attacker and Norway Massacre's Anders Breivik (VIDEO)

Okay, right.

The leftist media's got its angle, which will work perfectly to cover-up the growing jihadist threat now terrorizing Europe.

Germany's going to be ground zero of the coming apocalyptic jihad.

At the Telegraph U.K., "Munich shooting: Teenage killer Ali Sonboly 'inspired by far-right terrorist Anders Breivik' and 'used Facebook offer of free McDonald's food to lure victims'."

And at the BBC, "Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings'":

The 18-year-old gunman who killed nine people in Munich was obsessed with mass shootings but had no known links to the Islamic State group, German police say.

Written material on such attacks was found in his room. Munich's police chief spoke of links to the massacre by Norway's Anders Behring Breivik.

The gunman, who had dual German-Iranian nationality, later killed himself.

His name has not been officially released but he is being named locally as David Ali Sonboly.
He has also been referred to as Ali David Sonboly, or David S.
Ah, "David S."

Convenient that.

Indeed, apparently the BBC completely dropped the Islamic given name "Ali" in its initial reporting, all the better to turn this Iranian Muslim into the next Anders Breivik wannabe.

See Raheem Kassam, at Breitbart London:

Austria to Build Huge Border Fence to Stop Invasion of Islamic 'Refugees' Seeking Asylum

Yeah, with all these jihad attacks, you'd think EU countries would be doubling efforts to build those walls.

At the Mirror UK, "Austria announces plan to build huge border fence to stop migrants as Schengen crumbles."

Hat Tip: BNI, "AUSTRIA follows Donald Trump, announces plan to build huge border fence to stop Muslim migrants as Schengen crumbles."

Aline Weber Maxim Magazine Cover Girl August 2016 (VIDEO)

At Maxim, "Say hello to this breakout Brazilian supermodel."

All the photos are here.

She's a real looker.

WikiLeaks Trove Plunges Democrats Into Crisis on Eve of Convention


Here's more on the story, via WikiLeaks:

Kelly Brook Goes for a Bike Ride

It looks like she's embracing her fuller frame. And I mean, she's like 25 pounds fuller, lol.

At London's Daily Mail, "'No Bra Bike Ride!' Kelly Brook shows off her perky assets in low cut yellow top as she enjoys a cycle through sunny Rome with boyfriend Jeremy Parisi."

More here, from last September.

Leaked Docs Show How DNC Used Foul Language to Insult Fox News Staff While Praising Rachel Maddow, MSNBC

I really should be blogging this #DNCLeaks story more aggressively. I'm gobsmacked at the utter MSM partisanship and corruption.

Until then, at Heat Street:
The embarrassing Wikileaks document dump of the Democratic National Committee’s private emails reveal how its communications staff derided journalists from news organizations they perceived as unfriendly. At the same time, the DNC was cooperating with friendlier journalists—doling out talking points and pre-approving articles in what appears to be a breach of journalistic ethics.

Much of the DNC’s private bile was reserved for Fox News.

“Is there a Fuck You emoji?” Communications Director Luis Miranda wrote a colleague who forwarded him freelance reporter Fred Lucas’ questions about Donald Trump bringing up Bill Clinton’s dalliances.

DNC Press Assistant Rachel Palermo then replied: “hahahahahahhahahaha”.

Lucas politely e-mailed the DNC again three days later asking, “I hoped the DNC could weigh in one the appropriateness of Trump attacking along these lines? I would really appreciate any response you have. Thanks very much.”

Palermo then e-mailed Miranda and Deputy Communications Director Mark Paustenbach: “The asshole from fox e-mailed us again. I did some research and there’s still no ‘fuck you’ emoji, unfortunately.”
See what I mean?

Still more.

Are Anarchists and Radical Leftists Saving Violent Protests for the Democrat Convention?

Well, the police presence in Cleveland was phenomenal, so if the forces in Philadelphia can match that, I doubt there'll be any trouble.

But see William Jacobson, at Legal Insurrection, "Are anarchists and radical leftists saving violent protests for #DemsInPhilly?"

At the video, Lee Stranahan interviews Jeremy Segal, a.k.a., Rebel Pundit:

Louise Mensch Implores Me to Come Back to the Light

I love Louise. She's a sweet lady and super smart. She's a role model, in fact.

It's just that my support for Donald Trump is a protest vote against the left. It's that simple. I don't think Trump's conservative. I don't think he's neoconservative. I just know that he speaks his mind, he's got excellent instincts, he's a good family man, and he'll hit the left with all he's got. In that last respect he's the antithesis of Mitt Romney, to whom I threw my unreserved support in 2012, and look what that got me.

In any case, here's Louise on Twitter, responding to Bill Kristol's tweet of Stephen Hayes' essay, "Donald Trump Is Crazy, and So Is the GOP for Embracing Him."

Islamic State Claims Responsibility as Homicide Bombers Slaughter at Least 80 in Kabul (VIDEO)

It's every day now.

It's catastrophic slaughter on a daily basis.

At WSJ, "Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 80 in Kabul":

KABUL—Three suicide bombers killed at least 80 people and wounded more than 230 others at a protest in Kabul on Saturday, according to the Afghan health ministry, where thousands had gathered to demonstrate against plans to reroute a new power line.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack on a “gathering of Shiites,” the group’s affiliated Amaq news agency reported, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist activity.

It is the first attack claimed by the Sunni extremist group in the Afghan capital. Islamic State emerged as foreign forces were withdrawing from Afghanistan in 2014 and has established a stronghold in the eastern part of the country.

An Afghan intelligence agency official said the attack was carried out by three suicide bombers dispatched from Islamic State’s eastern stronghold in the Achin district. “There were three bombers and they were all armed with suicide vests. Probably they all detonated their explosives at once,” the official said...

Donald Trump Goes 'All-In' — And He's Got a Realistic Chance of Becoming President

Following-up from Cathleen Decker's analysis, "Donald Trump Accepts Nomination, Depicts Grim Times Under Obama and Clinton."

Check out Nate Silver, at 538, "Donald Trump Goes ‘All-In.’ How Will Clinton Respond?":

CLEVELAND — No matter what happens between now and the election on Nov. 8, Donald Trump’s dark and defiant acceptance speech on Thursday will probably be remembered as a pivotal moment in American political history. If Trump wins the election — an increasing possibility based on recent polls — the speech will serve as proof that he did so as an explicitly nationalist and populist candidate, having stirred up support in a country that has historically resisted such movements. If Trump loses to Hillary Clinton, especially by a wide margin, the speech will probably be seen as an historic debacle, the hallmark of a convention that went wrong from start to finish. Either way, the Republican Party might never be the same.

Trump delivered a long and loud address that violated most of the normal rules of acceptance speeches. The speech, and the Republican convention overall, made only perfunctory efforts to appeal to voters who weren’t already aboard the Trump train. It had no magnanimous gestures to Trump’s vanquished Republican rivals. It contained a fair bit of bragging, but not much autobiographical detail. It contained no laundry list of policy positions. Most strikingly, it was unrelentingly pessimistic, whereas acceptance speeches usually aim to soften the blow.

But Trump has broken a lot of rules and gotten away with it, and it will be a few days before we’ll have a sense of Trump’s convention bounce and a few weeks before we can reliably say how the conventions have affected the election overall. Given what Trump accomplished in the primaries, it’s probably prudent to avoid making too many assumptions in the meantime.

However, Trump is at a potential tactical disadvantage because he’s now committed to a strategy, whereas Democrats get to make the next move at their convention next week...
Still more.