Thursday, April 20, 2017

Emily Rose Mitchell

Following-up from the other day, "Trump Supporters Crush 'Anti-Fascist' Protesters in Berkeley (VIDEO)."

Here is Emily Rose Mitchell, a.k.a. Louise Rosealma, the woman who was punched in the face by white supremacist Nathan Damigo during the melee.

More at the Ralph Retort, "MEDIA LIES EXPOSED: Antifa Thug Girl Was Using Glass Bottles as Weapons Before Punch."

And at, "The Doxxing Of Louise Rosealma Reveals Link Between Antifa and Porn Industry: Does Antifa recruit from the pornography industry?"

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Amber Lee's Warmup Weather Forecast

Ms. Amber's a hot sweetie.

For CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Shop Today

At Amazon, Today's Deals.

And, Arts, Crafts and Sewing.

Also, Best Sellers in Televisions.

More, Shop Laptops.

BONUS: Saul Friedlander, Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1933-1945: Abridged Edition.

'It's Alabama, you'll discover the police behave differently than they do in Berkeley...'

The quote's from Lew Harper's tweet, at Twitchy, "Auburn takes Berkeley to school as police unmask anti-fascists outside Richard Spencer speech."

I don't like Richard Spencer, but neither do I like the so-called "anti-fascists" (who are really fascists).

Paul Andrew Hutton, The Apache Wars


At Amazon, Paul Andrew Hutton, The Apache Wars: The Hunt for Geronimo, the Apache Kid, and the Captive Boy Who Started the Longest War in American History.

Bill O'Reilly, Replaced at Fox News by Tucker Carlson, Calls His ouster 'Tremendously Disheartening'

Following-up from yesterday, "Bill O'Reilly Out at Fox News."

At the Los Angeles Times:

Fox News has officially cut ties with its biggest prime-time star, Bill O’Reilly, following sexual harassment claims lodged against him.

“After a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the Company and Bill O’Reilly have agreed that Bill O’Reilly will not be returning to the Fox News Channel,” 21st Century Fox said in a statement.

O’Reilly — the network’s signature talent who used his cable news fame to become a best-selling author, live tour attraction and TV producer — has been off the air since April 12. He was scheduled to return from a vacation Monday, but instead he will be replaced by Tucker Carlson, who hosts the 9 p.m. Eastern hour that follows O’Reilly’s show.

On Wednesday afternoon, O’Reilly released a statement saying “it is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims.”

“But that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today,” he said. “I will always look back on my time at Fox with great pride in the unprecedented success we achieved and with my deepest gratitude to all my dedicated viewers. I wish only the best for Fox News Channel.”

Carlson, who joined the network’s weekday lineup last year and moved to fill Megyn Kelly’s time period in January, will be a part of a major shakeup of the Fox News program lineup triggered by O’Reilly’s departure.

Fox News is also moving its 5 p.m. Eastern discussion show “The Five” to fill Carlson’s 9 p.m. time slot. The replacement for “The Five” will be a new program hosted by Eric Bolling, who is one of the panelists...
Also at Memeorandum, "Fox News Has Decided Bill O'Reilly Has to Go."

Kori Ali Muhammad

By now you've probably seen this horrific story.

It's at the Other McCain, "Fresno Massacre: Three White Men Murdered by Kori Ali Muhammad."

Ali Muhammad said that Islam taught him to hate white people, and he acted on his faith. What's so hard about that? A lot, apparently. Leftist media outlets again tried to turn this into another "random" massacre. But that's not going to work.

See Noah Rothman, at Commentary, "Terror, Race, and Abject Absurdity: Calling Islamist terrorism by its name."

And at the Fresno Bee, "Shooting rampage could result in a rarity – death penalty for suspect."

Julia Roberts Named 'World's Most Beautiful Woman' by People Magazine for Record Fifth Time

I do like Julia Roberts. Oddly, it was her guest appearance on "Law and Order" years ago that did it. I realized how astoundingly powerful of an actress she was. Very beautiful as well.

The "world's more beautiful"? Probably not, but see WWTDD, "Julia Roberts 'Most Beautiful Woman' For Record Fifth Time."

Bella Thorne Sensational Instagram Photos

At London's Daily Mail, "Bella Thorne shows off her pierced nipple in sensational snaps."

ICYMI: Richard Slotkin, Regeneration Through Violence

I'm well into, and greatly enjoying, Richard Slotkin's, Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600–1860.

I picked up the 1996 Harper Perennial edition, which features Frederic Remington's "The Intruders" as the cover art (and seen below). Not sure, but some websites indicate the painting's dated to 1900. (Remington died in 1909 at the age of 48.)

Plus, my copy of Slotkin's The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800–1890 arrived on Easter Sunday. It's from the original publisher, the University of Oklahoma Press, which does an excellent job on frontier and Native American studies.

In any case, thanks for your support. I really recommend Slotkin if you're looking for super stimulating academic tomes. Indeed, Gunfighter Nation: Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America completes Slotkin's trilogy on the frontier myth, and boy do those three volumes represent a life's work. It's a pretty astonishing achievement. I'm pretty blown away by these books.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jackie Johnson's Clearing and Warmer Forecast

The lovely Ms. Jackie's back this week, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Professor Caroline Heldman Calls for 80 Percent Tax on the Rich (VIDEO)

My post from a few years ago, "Professor Caroline Heldman Marries Occidental Sociologist Danielle Dirks," was getting lit up on Google earlier this evening, so I was like, "What is up?"

It turns out Professor Heldman got "tucked" by Tucker Carlson, on Fox News:

Theresa May Calls General Election (VIDEO)


From the Prime Minister, at the Telegraph U.K., "Theresa May: An election is the best way to strengthen Britain’s hand as we exit the E.U. (P.M. believes it is in Britain’s national interest to have a General Election now.)":

On Tuesday, I announced my decision to hold a General Election on Thursday 8th June in order to secure the strong and stable leadership the country needs to see us through Brexit and beyond.

I welcome the fact that the other parties have indicated they will support that decision in the House of Commons today.

It is not a decision that I have reached lightly. The priority when I became Prime Minister was to provide the country with stability after the long and passionately fought referendum campaign.

But having delivered that and reflected long and hard about the task ahead, I believe it is in Britain’s national interest to have a General Election now...
More, "Theresa May announces snap general election on June 8 to 'make a success of Brexit'":
Theresa May has called a snap general election for June 8, claiming that divisions at Westminster risked hampering the Brexit negotiations.

The Prime Minister will require the support of two-thirds of MPs to go to the country, with a vote scheduled in the Commons on Wednesday after the surprise announcement on Tuesday morning.

The move stunned Westminster, as Mrs May and Number 10 have repeatedly insisted she would not seek a general election before the scheduled 2020 poll.

Speaking outside Number 10, the Prime Minister said the Cabinet had agreed to call an early election. It later emerged that Mrs May had phoned the Queen yesterday to inform her of her intention.

The move takes place against the backdrop of the country's decision to leave the European Union in last year's referendum.

Justifying the decision, Mrs May said: "The country is coming together but Westminster is not."

She said the "division in Westminster will risk our ability to make a success of Brexit".
Keep reading.

Interstate 20, in Atlanta, Shut Down After Freeway Buckles (VIDEO)

The buckled pavement launched a motorcyclist, who suffered broken bones, apparently.

At CBS News, "Section of I-20 buckles in Atlanta, "catapults" motorcyclist into the air."

And at ABC WSB-TV 2 Atlanta:

Bill O'Reilly Out at Fox News

It's a done deal.

WSJ is reporting, and they should know, being owned by Murdoch, who also owns Fox News.

Also, Hadas Gold at Politico below.

Well, he had a good run, heh.

ADDED: Politico's pulled the Hadas Gold piece, but I'm leaving that tweet up. Maybe Fox is now in fact confirming that O'Reilly's out. Expect updates.

More: Here's the link to the Hadas Gold piece, "Fox News won't confirm O'Reilly's return."

Bianca Balti Gets Flexible at Sumba Island (VIDEO)

She's a clean babe.

Following-up from previously, "Bianca Balti Uncovered for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 (VIDEO)."

At Sports Illustrated:

Out Today: David McCullough, The American Spirit

At Amazon, David McCullough, The American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For.

He's a good guy.

On CBS This Morning, yesterday morning:

Christy Clark, British Columbia's Conservative Premier, Backs Off Province's Carbon Tax (VIDEO)


Canadian leftists must want this woman dead.

At the Los Angeles Times, with the hilariously biased headline, "British Columbia was once a leader in fighting climate change. Now, it's embracing fossil fuels":

British Columbia promotes itself as “Super, Natural,” and for many years it was praised for walking that talk.

Nearly a decade ago, the province enacted North America’s first tax on carbon emissions, putting it on the cutting edge of government efforts to fight climate change. The economy grew even as emissions declined. Climate activists around the world admired the move, but so did conservatives like former Secretary of State George P. Shultz, who sought market-driven solutions.

Now, however, Canada’s West Coast is striving toward a very different kind of cutting edge: British Columbia is positioning itself to become a global leader in exporting fossil fuels, with plans to nearly triple crude oil exports through a controversial new pipeline and vastly expand production of liquefied natural gas to be sold in Asia.

And although the revenue-neutral carbon tax is still in place, the province’s current political leadership has halted the annual rate increases built into the original plan. Emissions, meanwhile, are rising again.

“They definitely have horses on either side of the wagon,” Tarika Powell, who studies fossil fuel exports for Sightline Institute, a Seattle think tank, said of the British Columbia government. “And they are going in opposite directions.”

In a province that has been influential in shaping environmental policy in Canada and beyond, the question is which horse will prevail — and one clue to the answer is expected to come next month, when Premier Christy Clark faces reelection.

Clark, who took office in 2011, leads the conservative but incongruously named BC Liberal Party. Her predecessor, Gordon Campbell, was also a member of that party, yet while Campbell pushed the carbon tax to approval in 2008 and still takes pride in it, Clark has shown little interest in climate leadership.

She instead has championed liquefied natural gas, which involves cooling natural gas into a dense liquid to make it easier and cheaper to ship.

If all 19 of the current LNG proposals in the province were built, according to Powell’s research, British Columbia would become the world’s largest LNG exporter many times over, dwarfing the current leaders, Qatar and Australia. Emissions from LNG terminals and refineries could drastically increase the level of greenhouse gas emissions within the province — and much of those emissions would be exempt from the carbon tax, according to analyses of Clark’s plans.

It was Clark who froze the carbon tax in 2012 and has refused to raise it since then, essentially ignoring the advice of a special task force she created to make recommendations. Although Clark does highlight the province’s leadership on the carbon tax, she has cited concerns among some business groups and others that increasing it would hurt the economy.

Her closest challenger next month, John Horgan of the New Democratic Party, has said he supports raising the carbon tax because “it’s the right thing to do,” and he has lashed out at Clark for accepting millions in campaign donations from fossil fuel companies and other industry groups.

Yet a New Democratic Party strategy document obtained and leaked by the BC Liberals made it clear that even Horgan’s party is wary of being cast as supporting tax increases, regardless of the benefits. It also expressed concerns that the province’s Green Party would peel away votes if it took no action.

“The BC Liberals will call it a tax increase — and they’ll holler from the rooftops in rural B.C.,” the leaked document said.

“We must holler back with: ‘Our plan puts more money in the pocket for a majority of B.C. families. Hers doesn’t. Our plan actually accomplishes the goals of a carbon tax — reducing carbon pollution. Hers doesn’t. Our plan creates good jobs that last in a more sustainable economy with more opportunities for the future. Hers doesn’t.’”

The political sensitivity over the carbon tax within the province is striking given its influence outside it...
Keep reading.

Dana Loesch: 'We the People' Have Had It with the New York Times

Following-up, "Dana Loesch: 'Old gray hag, we're coming for you...' (VIDEO)."

Stefan Molyneux Talks to Lauren Southern (VIDEO)

I'm having a problem with Ms. Lauren, in how she's on Twitter cheering out-and-out racist white supremacists. I'm not into that. (See the Modesto Bee, "White supremacist who created stir at Stanislaus State seen punching woman at Berkeley protest.")

And that's my problem with the so-called "alt-right" more broadly. Just because you can do or say something doesn't make it right, and that's particularly true with regards to race and racism. Some of the stuff at Taki's Magazine, for example, goes too far, and that publication's been doing this kind of thing way before Trump's MAGA movement attracted lots of such people last years.

So, while I really like her, I think Ms. Lauren needs to discern more carefully the bounds of political propriety.

PREVIOUSLY: "Lauren Southern Rocks Berkeley!"