Showing posts sorted by date for query Walter James Casper. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Walter James Casper. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wait for It! Repsac3 on #OKBeheading: Attacking Islam Just Because the Suspect Tried to Convert Coworkers is Racist!!

Remember, according to Walter James Casper III, when American Muslims murder by beheading, it's never about Islam --- and to "rush" to the conclusion of honor killing or Islamic jihad is racist!!

Bwahaha! Recall the depraved Repsac3 a couple of weeks back:

And now idiot leftists are all over Twitter saying it's racist to "rush" to the conclusion that this is about Islam.

So, wait for it! PC-mongering Repsac3 will be attacking the "racist" right for "jumping" to conclusions "without the facts." Because racism lol!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bwahaha! Darleen Click Slams Walter James Casper's 'IslamoNazi Entitlement Syndrome'

Remember, for stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper III, to actually stand up against Islamic jihad --- you know, the people who are killing us --- is racism.

Darleen Click hammered terror-enabler Repsac3 on Twitter last week. Really, she just nails the "IslamoNazi" R-E-P-S-A-C.

And ICYMI, "Texas Hot Momma Blocks Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Texas Hot Momma Blocks Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III

That's the way to do it.

Disgusting Repsac's beaten down, again resorting to his pathetic cries of "racism."

Flashback: "Obsessed Hate-Troll Walter James Casper Attacks Mad Jewess with Despicable 'Racist' Smear."

And, "Bwahaha! Walter James Casper III Shouts 'Bigotry' and 'Racism' to Silence the Opposition and Claim Victory!"

Here's Texas Hot Mama:

She's got small children. Good on her for blocking the trolling stalker asshat, no doubt she's keeping 'em safe from Walter James "Sweety Man" Casper.

PREVIOUSLY: "Ban, Block and Report Walter James Casper III in 2013," and "Enough! Stand Up to Harassment and Stalking — Block and Report Walter James Casper in 2014."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

No Matter What, Repsac3 Will Attack You as Racist!

I'll be teaching all day.

In light of stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper's pathetic allegations of "bigotry" and "racism," here's Harry Stein's, "No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All."

Lolz. More blogging tonight!

Scott Wiener, of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Takes Truvada to Prevent Contracting AIDS

From homosexual Josh Barro, at the New York Times, "San Francisco Official Says He Takes Truvada to Prevent H.I.V., and More Gay Men Should, Too":
Scott Wiener, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, made an unusual public announcement on Wednesday: He takes Truvada, a daily antiviral pill, to greatly reduce his risk of contracting H.I.V.

Taking the pills is a practice known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, and some researchers believe it may reduce the risk of infection by 99 percent if patients take their medication daily as prescribed. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2012, PrEP has increasingly been embraced by public health authorities and is one of three planks of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan in New York to sharply cut new H.I.V. infections.

But it carries a stigma in some parts of the gay population, and Mr. Wiener appears to be the first public official to disclose that he’s personally on it.

“A much larger segment of gay men should be taking a close look at PrEP,” Mr. Wiener, who represents the same Castro-based district once held by Harvey Milk, said in an interview on Wednesday. “I hope that my being public about my use of PrEP can help people take a second look at it.”
Oh, preventing HIV carries a "stigma" in the homosexual population, you know, among the bare-backing rim-station demographic, folks who Walter James Casper thinks are just swell.

It's not a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, young homosexual men of color are the most likely demographic cohort to contract and die from AIDS. But hey, wouldn't want to discourage that kind of bare-backing promiscuity, because bigotry!!!

More at the link.

Bwahaha! Walter James Casper III Shouts 'Bigotry' and 'Racism' to Silence the Opposition and Claim Victory!

Poor Repsac3.

Proved wrong from the get go, all he can do is cry bigotry like a typical leftist loser who's lost the debate. As I indicated yesterday, "When all you've got are lies and allegations of "racism," naturally all you can do is respond desperately with more lies and pathetic allegations."

And drum roll please!!!! Ta-da, Repsac's allegation of bigotry: "Making an accusation just because the murderer (& his victim) are Muslim & the victim is a member of his family is bigotry."

Are you losing the debate? Check! Call your opponent a "bigot," like Repsac3! Bwahahahaa!!

More, "According to Repsac3, Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing, No Matter the Circumstances, Makes You Guilty of 'Bigotry'."

Pathetic fascist stalker hate-troll Walter James Casper III, universally repudiated across the 'sphere, lol!


This is What the Left Thinks of Women

Mind-boggling leftist misogyny.

Right up Walter James Casper's alley.

You know, those "compassionate" progressives, at Twitchy, "Elisabeth Hasselbeck makes devastating Benghazi point; HuffPo lies, libs spew foul misogyny."

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bwahaha! Lying Hate-Troll Now Says He Claimed Aasiya Hassan Murder Would Be Honor Killing All Along!

When all you've got are lies and allegations of "racism," naturally all you can do is respond desperately with more lies and pathetic allegations.

For quoting his very own unequivocal words, "In fact, you are telling a fairy story...," Walter James Casper calls me a liar and claims that he said Mrs. Hassan's murder by beheading would be an honor killing all along.

Now that's dishonesty.

The remark that "In fact, you are telling a fairy story..." is a stand-alone statement. Hate-troll Repsac's comment about "This may turn out to be an honor killing" was a throwaway line, a rhetorical sop. After denouncing me, claiming "you might just as well be telling a fairy story," Repsac can't be more clear: He's completely unequivocal with this statement, "In fact, you are telling a fairy story..."

When you state a fact there's no wiggle room. He denounced me and those who I cited at the blog as bigots and racists for spreading allegedly false "hatred" to smear Mo Hassan as some stereotypical Muslim.

Well, here's a harsh fact: Mo Hassan beheaded his wife in a ritual Islamic slaughter, a religious honor killing, and he was convicted at trial, and experts were proved right from the beginning.

Pathetic little Repsac's still playing the same old games he always does. He denies his own words, which are there for everyone to see. It's the old, "I'll let readers judge for themselves" ploy, attempting to cast doubt on the fact that lying Walter James Capser is indeed a liar.

What a dirtball, sleezebag and loser.

Typical, that's for sure.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

According to Repsac3, Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing, No Matter the Circumstances, Makes You Guilty of 'Bigotry'

Honor killings are by definition murders committed by Muslim fathers or husbands against their daughters or their wives. So, if a Muslim man beheads --- beheads! --- his wife after alleging that the wife had disrespected and dishonored him, as in the case of Mo Hassan, who murdered his wife Aasiya, then that person has committed a classic honor killing.

It's not hard. Or, it's not hard as long as you don't have an Islamo-enabling agenda in which you attack people as racist for identifying the obvious.

That is ideological hatred, and it's lies and dishonesty, which perfectly explains Walter James Casper when he tweets such malignantly stupid leftist codswallop:

Repsac's not only a liar, he's literally mentally deranged. By his logic no one could ever call out a Muslim murderer for honor killing without being attacked as a bigot and a racist. And so, poof!, by Repsac's logic, the crime of honor killing would simply disappear! Of course, that's why fanatical terror-enablers like Repsac (and CAIR) cry "bigotry!" until the end of days. Note that following the logic further makes Repsac an accomplice to Islamic murder, which certainly fits, because progressive ideology is all about coercion, violence and death.

"Bigot" (like "racism") is a term that has been drained of all meaning. It's simply a bludgeon used by leftists --- who've already lost the debate --- to silence their political enemies.

In 2009 Walter James Casper was wrong from the start. Those who he attacked as racist then --- and who he continues to falsely attack today for "bigotry" --- were right all along.

This pattern of progressive deception and lies is why Repsac was banned from this blog. He's an evil man, a genuine and proven racist and bigot himself, ideologically deranged, and burning with cancerous hatred.

A sad spectacle all around.

Walter James Casper Denounced Claims of Aasiya Hassan's Honor Killing as a 'Fairy Story' in 2009

Muzzammil Hassan was convicted in 2011 of the murder of his wife Aasiya in a ritual honor killing under Islamic Sharia "family justice." See Pamela Geller, "GUILTY! Moderate Muslim Beheader Convicted of Islamic Honor Killing in New York, “Hassan may have been conscious when the defendant started to behead her”."

When I blogged this murder at the time Walter James Casper denounced me as a racist and a bigot for spreading "lies" about Mrs. Hassan's honor killing by beheading. Actually, as is always the case, it's Repsac3 who's lying. He was on Twitter calling me "dishonest Donald" yesterday after I pointed out his extreme political correctness to Renegade Cowboy.

But the fact is, in February 2009, at this blog, dishonest Reppy was unequivocally denouncing any claims of Mrs. Hassan's honor killing as a "fairy story":
There is nothing new in this post... Just more speculation and bigotry repeating the lie that when a Muslim man does it, it must be because of his culture or religion.

This may turn out to be an honor killing... But until you can back your statements about "methodical, premeditated religious ritual" with facts actually from this case, you might just as well be telling a fairy story.

In fact, you are telling a fairy story...
Longtime readers will recall that Walter James Casper III is an epic liar, harasser and leftist stalker who was banned from this blog years ago. Repsac's MO is to attack people as bigots and racists, but when proven wrong --- which is always --- there's never so much as an admission of guilt or an apology for his prejudice --- which is exactly what it is when you preemptively attack people who were right from the beginning. It's leftist, collectivist prejudice and hatred in the defense of murder in the name of Allah.

Repsac is a sick, disgusting and evil man. He's a liar who does demonic work. He supports all the worst enemies of America and Israel, and he'd have you six feet under before admitting that his disgusting "progressive" ideology is the work of raw anti-Americanism and terror-enabling.

More from Phyllis Chesler, "Jury Finds Honor Killer Muzzammil Hassan Guilty, and "Cold, Premeditated, Ritual Murder: The Honor Killing of Aasiya Z. Hassan. Part Two."

RELATED: At the Other McCain, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Amanda Marcotte's '7 Female Misogynists' Is Actually 10, But Who's Counting?

She's a vile woman.

Funny though, she's not lesbian, which is an anomaly for Robert Stacy McCain and his series on radical feminism.

Marcotte ain't so great with numbers, that's for sure. The Politichicks --- Ann-Marie Murrell, Morgan Brittany and Dr. Gina Loudon --- count as one woman is Marcotte's rogue's gallery of femisogynists.

And yes, turn off those mentions! What better way to avoid the fact that you're reviled by the entire world?!!

Walter James Casper take note!

Added! From Darleen Click, "Vagina Warrior Amanda Marcotte has an Enemies List."

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Yes, Indeed, Let's Be Mindful of What 'the Left has already accomplished...'

Demonic hate-troll Walter James Casper tweets:

Oh, and we have "further to go"?

Right. We certainly wouldn't want to waste any time destroying the rest of the moral and strategic order that's taken decent society decades to build. The 1960's saw the rise of the most "destructive generation," and pity the next generations of Americans, who will live in greater danger and less prosperity than those who came before.

But according to vile Utopian assholes like Walter James Casper III, all of this is progress.

Let’s accept, arguendo, that the outgoing DIA chief is right, and that we are now in an era of danger similar to the mid-1930s. How did we get here? It’s worth looking back into the mists of time — an entire year, to Labor Day weekend 2013. What had not happened then? It’s quite a list, actually: the Chinese ADIZ, the Russian annexation of Crimea, the rise of ISIS, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fall of Mosul, the end of Hungarian liberal democracy, the Central American refugee crisis, the Egyptian-UAE attacks on Libya, the extermination of Iraqi Christians, the Yazidi genocide, the scramble to revise NATO’s eastern-frontier defenses, the Kristallnacht-style pogroms in European cities, the reemergence of mainstream anti-Semitism, the third (or fourth, perhaps) American war in Iraq, racial riots in middle America, et cetera and ad nauseam.

All that was in the future just one year ago.

What is happening now is basically America’s version of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The President of the United States — supported to an exceptional extent by an electorate both uncomprehending and untrusting of the outside world — is Clarence the Angel, and he’s showing us what the world would be like if we’d never been born, Unsurprisingly, Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, and it’s a terrible place. Unfortunately we do not get to revert to the tolerable if modest status quo at the end of the lesson: George Bailey will eventually have to shell the town and retake it street by street from Old Man Potter’s Spetsnaz.

But the larger point here is not what’s happening, because what’s happening is obvious. Things are falling apart. The point is how fast it’s come. It takes the blood and labor of generations to build a general peace, and that peace is sustained by two pillars: a common moral vision, and force majeure. We spent a quarter-century chipping away at the latter, and finally discarded the former, and now that peace is gone. All this was the work of decades.

Look back, again, to Labor Day weekend 2013, and understand one thing: its undoing was the work of mere months.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why Does Walter James Casper III Deny Evil?

It's a rhetorical question.

I know why Repsac3 denies evil. To confront it you have to perceive the world in terms of right and wrong, just and unjust, good and bad.

Leftists universally refrain from this dichotomy because they must to invert morality to achieve the perverted political agenda. From homosexuality (good and virtuous) to the war against Islamic terrorism (criminal and imperialistic), the left cannot elevate moral righteousness without undermining its own agenda, which is to undermine all that's right and good.

Here's Jonah Goldberg on Twitter yesterday:

And here's Walter James Casper III on Twitter some time back.

There is evil in the world. If you don't confront it you are joining it. Repsac3 long ago went over to the dark side, which is why I will continue to expose his demonic political agenda and fight back against his stalking and harassment.

Same as it ever was.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III Spewing Hate and Disinformation on #Ferguson Shooting

Stalking troll Reppy was tweeting out the racist hate-tweets from Jamelle Bouie earlier today. And Twitchy was all over Bouie's depravity, "‘Brown deserved execution’? Slate journo thinks he’s got ‘right-wing Twitter’ pegged."

And now the depraved hate-troll is spewing disinformation on the convenience store robbery:

I'll update should racist Repsac issue a correction. It's the decent thing to to do, but then, Reppy's not decent.

UPDATE: Hate-troll Reppy has issued a new tweet reluctantly correcting his hateful disinformation, although he has not disavowed the widely repudiated Jamelle Bouie and his demonization of "right-wing Twitter." That's just like the despicable stalker Repsac. A terrible person. A hate-mongering anti-conservative bigot.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sick Anti-Zionist Repsac3: 'The Fact Is' I've Got 'No Tweets Supporting' Racist BDS Movement

I thought I'd better screencap this one, since once again racist, smarmy Repsac3 is cornered like a greasy polecat, dishonestly --- no, wickedly --- attempting to weasel out of his own words.

The fact is, not only has Walter James Casper III tweeted his racist support of BDS, he's allied himself with the most disgusting anti-Zionist racists I've ever seen.

Here's a Google link to more lies from racist anti-Zionist Walter James Casper III: "Donald Douglas Beclowns Himself (again), and Insults His Friend."

And he writes:
The fact is there are no tweets supporting BDS--in fact I don't support that movement, and never have--and while I did once post a tweet saying "Occupy Wherever You Are," it's quite the implausible stretch for Donald to imply that that tweet is in any way racist...not that the implausibility of his...well, "conspiracy theories" regarding me have ever stopped him before...
Screencapped here, since lying skunk-wad Reppy will probably pull the post, the racist pig:

 photo ScreenShot2014-08-05at103912AM_zps5fe07889.png

As I noted earlier today, Repsac3's health is failing him --- he's literally at death's door --- and he's obviously lost his cognitive capacities. Heart bypass patients often suffer reduced blood flow --- and oxygen --- to the brain, restricting mental function. I've suggested that sick racist Reppy just call off his hateful jihad against American Power. He's been stalking me for over 6 years. He tried to get me fired by sponsoring attacks at American Nihilist, posting my work contact information, and he's continued to ally himself with all the hateful trolls who've libeled me time and again throughout the years of workplace harassment.

Repsac3's a racist, a stalker, and a liar.

Here's my post from April 2013, where Repsac3 attacked Pamela Geller, posting an endorsement of the eliminationist BDS movement: "Hateful Anti-Semitic Ghoul Walter James Casper III Tweets Jew-Bashing Attack on Pamela Geller — and Israel!" Screencapped here, since Reppy might pull that tweet, just as his racist BFF "Cassandra Rules" has been doing all weekend:

Hateful Racist Walter James Casper III photo ScreenShot2014-08-05at100601AM_zps44f95fd3.png

Walter James Casper tweeted his support for censoring Pamela Geller --- my friend in liberty, and a true crusader for human rights. His same tweet says that BDS hatred "should be allowed."

BDS is the premiere organization of contemporary global anti-Zionism. Judea Pearl, father of slain Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl, has written that BDS should be understood for precisely what it is: a racist movement whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel and the Jews. See: "Anti-Zionism is Racism."

So again, if Repsac3 doesn't like being called out for his racism then he should stop his racism. Simple as that.

Oh, and my wonderful friend the Mad Jewess Woman wrote that the ANSWER LA protest last weekend was "phoney," as in composed of a bunch of bullshit losers. She was writing facetiously.

Repsac3, on the other hand, was writing literally, not only correcting his spelling to the non-facetious "phony," but further elaborating with some conspiracy about how I "make a point" showing up at these protests" looking for these women."

Again, not enough circulation to Reppy's de-oxygenated brain. I wouldn't have even known who "these women" were until the disgusting Reppy starting reaching out to "Cassandra Rules" on Twitter in mid-July.

So, I renew my plea for Walter James Casper III to retire from this madness. He's getting worse. He's been bad a long time, since he started trolling me at Biobrain's blog. But he's gotten worse, more sinister and racist, and more intent to inflict harm on me and my friends. It's not good for him. It's obviously been bad for his health. He needs to just come clean and say, simply, "I'm sorry. Enough. No more of the hate. I'll leave you alone."

Thousands March Against Israel in Los Angeles: Racist Repsac3 Sees Conspiracy of 'Phony' Protest

Perhaps readers will feel sorry for him, as apparently Walter James Casper III is a dead man walking, with a debilitating heart condition, but it's just sad that he's losing his cognitive faculties as well.

Thousands turned out for the protest march I covered last weekend in Los Angeles. See the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, "Pro-Palestinian protest in Westwood draws thousands, causes Wilshire to shut down."

Never mind that, though. It turns out that near-death Repsac3, in his diminished capacity, is bizarrely warping reality in his ongoing demonization efforts and hate-mongering. It was a "phony" protest, or something:

Well, we know Repsac hates Israel and the Jews --- given his long history of tweeting support for the racist Occupy Wall Street movement, not to mention his tweets backing the Jew-hating BDS movment --- so his conspiracies are all of a piece. Right in line with this old man urging Muslims to stand up and blame the Jews for the September 11 attacks. Yep, this is what Reppy's all about::

Repsac3 started trolling me over six years ago, upset that I was paying no attention to him, and he's never given up. That is some obsession. His stalking hate-blog is now members-only, but he continues to troll my online presence relentlessly, and at this point it's actually clinical and perverted. The dude should give it up and take care of his health, enjoy whatever remainder of time he has on this good green earth.

And most of all, he should just disassociate with the racist anti-Israel protesters he's been reaching out to. Seriously, these are terrible people. Liars and racists. Too bad for Reppy, but it's come to this in his twilight.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism: A Global Contagion of Hatred Is Now Breaking; It's Fully Encapsulated by the Left

The global left right now is engaged it what is being called the most violent campaign of anti-Semitism since the 1930s.

I've been on top of these developments for weeks, as has Professor William Jacobson. See, "Anti-Semitism on open display in the name of anti-Zionism."

Meanwhile, that ghastly hate-driven troll Walter James Casper tweets a defense of the global left's anti-Semitism. As always with Repsac hate-troll, it's just "a few bad apples," as it always is when the left's hatred and ideological violence is on display.

Of course Repsac's a liar. Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. The global campaign is anti-Jew, because no other state is singled out for the same demonization and deligitimation as Israel. Apartheid exists literally across the Arab world, but only Israel is attacked as an "apartheid state." No other country in the world is subject to an ongoing genocidal campaign of extermination. If you're on the side of the global left, you're on the side of the left's hoped-for Holocaust.

It's anti-Semitism straight up, and Repsac3's down with it:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

'We are Hamas!… From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!'

And so it goes, via Gateway Pundit, "Muslims in Miami Chant “Let’s Go Hamas!… From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!” (Video)."

PREVIOUSLY: "Los Angeles #Gaza Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel and Death to the Jews," and "Walter James Casper 'Reaching Out' to Anti-Israel #ANSWER Communist 'CassandraRules'."

Also, "Cassandra Rules: 'It's Troubling' That Jew-Hating Leftists 'Are Being Painted as Anti-Semitic...'"

Cassandra Rules: 'It's Troubling' That Jew-Hating Leftists 'Are Being Painted as Anti-Semitic...'

What a sad, evil, hate-addled communist stooge.

Here's "Cassandra's" bizarre and normatively evil tweet from this morning:

And now just refer to Blazing Cat Fur, "From Today's Gaza March In France":

PREVIOUSLY: "Los Angeles #Gaza Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel and Death to the Jews," and "Walter James Casper 'Reaching Out' to Anti-Israel #ANSWER Communist 'CassandraRules'."

Yes, because Repsac's always reaching out to leftists who endorse anti-Semitic hatred, genocidal hook-nosed imagery, and collectivist hatred. That's who he is.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Walter James Casper 'Reaching Out' to Anti-Israel #ANSWER Communist 'CassandraRules'

Following up from my previous entry, "Los Angeles #Gaza Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel and Death to the Jews."

Just wanted to get on record how my racist, anti-Semitic hate-troll stalker is "reaching out" to the ANSWER communists I've been covering at the blog. Seriously. This dude is one messed up stalking troll:

She's not a good person, an America-bashing anti-Israel Jew-hater. Just Repsac's kind. Israel is no different from Nazi Germany. BDS much?

Bonus "Cassandra" tweeting an upside down American flag from the Anaheim anti-brutality protest:

And one of "Cassandra's" Anonymous pals, death-wishing Israeli Jews:

You can see why Repsac's "reaching out" to these demons. Sheesh.

Racist stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper III. One sick mofo, man.