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Showing posts sorted by date for query nihilist. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Obsessed Hate-Troll Walter James Casper Attacks Mad Jewess with Despicable 'Racist' Smear

I didn't even see it until I was talking to the Mad Jewess on Twitter, but she posted an hilarious smackdown of the vile hate-troll Walter James Casper III, a.k.a, Repsac3.

See, "My Buddy is Being Harassed for YEARS, Now!"

 photo a01a9238-563b-470f-ac13-0a5993c20dfc_zps0bbd13bd.jpg
It's true.

Repsac's been stalking me and this blog for over half a decade. It started before American Power. Repsac was pissed off years ago when he was trolling me at Biobrain's blog, whining about how nobody was responding to him in the comments. It's been like that ever since, and even worse, as Repsac turned into a pathological liar who created a special blog to harass me. He recruited bloggers who attempted to have me fired at my place of employment, even posting all my workplace information with exhortations to call my administration.

Repsac's spent years in pathetic denial trying to wash away the evil. But we know now that his hatred is not only motivated by ideological intolerance but racial hatred as well. Some time back Repsac joined with the Pale Scot to push disgusting racist smears against me that were universally condemned, even by Casper's current bareback interest, Kevin, the main blogger now at the hateful stalk-blog American Nihilist.

So keep that in mind as Racist Repsac is now launching depraved attacks on the Mad Jewess, simply because she had the temerity to stand up and denounce the vile leftist trolling and harassment. He writes, ""Doug's" racist friend ... MadJewessWoman weighs in..."

Totally predictable. The very first thing Racist Repsac does is attack Mad Jewess Woman as "racist." Of course, leftists have the market on racism cornered, most recently seen with Melissa Harris-Perry's despicable attacks on Mitt Romney's black grandchild. I'm astounded sometimes at just how inhuman and horrible these people are --- and that's after being out here for years in beatdown mode on regressive evil. I'm still amazed sometimes.

And Repsac3? What to say? Everything I've ever posted about him is true. He's been repudiated for his harassment over and over again. Skye, Zilla, the Mad Jewess --- just a few people who've stood up and now look, more disgusting racist allegations and obsessive hate-trolling. And dang, Racist Repsac even stalked some dude named Evan Hurst for months, angry that the guy, who was homosexual, was ignoring him on Twitter. Racist Reppy's got it bad. The dude needs help, and bad. And the Mad Jewess ain't gonna take no shit:

Screw him. Screw Walter James Casper III. He's a communist and a loser troll who's been denounced repeatedly across the web but just keeps on coming back because he can't help himself. When no one likes you and your life is a miserable failure, you hunker down in hate and lash out at those with whom you disagree. And have no pity for this f-ker. He'd shovel dirt on you six feet down if he had the chance, the Beelzebub monster.

Pinko commie scum is right.

Monday, October 14, 2013

#StopRush Troll Melissa Brewer and the Kimberlin-Schmalfeldt Axis of Criminal Harassment and Intimidation

Robert Stacy McCain posted an entry the other day explaining the significance of the conservative campaign against Brett Kimberlin and his associates.


Melissa Brewer photo melissa-brewer-1_zpsce32a98d.jpg
It might seem funny that Robert would write such an entry, especially given the massive anti-Kimberlin blog-burst that erupted 18-months ago in defense of a number of TCOT bloggers who'd been targeted by the convicted Speedway Bomber and nascent left-wing "justice-through-music" shakedown scam artist. (See Michelle Malkin for a refresher, "Free speech blogburst: Show solidarity for targeted conservative bloggers; Update: It’s Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day; Donation fund for targets.")

But as anyone who's even sporadically kept up with this situation knows, Kimberlin maintains a deep bench of malicious hate-activists ("hatevists") conducting long-term intimidation campaigns to harass into silence conservative voices online, on Twitter and the right blogosphere. While no doubt many of the original participants in the Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin blogburst have moved on --- either having lost interest, or in fact having little skin in the game to keep them angry and engaged against the haters --- the core group of bloggers targeted by the Kimberlin axis are still battling the hate, most prominently by defending themselves against a $1 million Kimberlin lawsuit filed in Montgomery County, Maryland, in September.

I confess to often overlooking the need to stay up-to-date on the Kimberlin cabal, and I certainly haven't blogged as much as I should have on this --- against an utterly depraved program of hatred, perversion and criminal violence attempting to destroy anyone who dares speak truth against the evil.

I'm now updating after seeing the latest developments at the Other McCain, "The #Shutuppery Files: ‘Twitter Gulag’ #StopRush Crew Joined Team Kimberlin." The entry focuses on the nefarious #StopRush troll Melissa Brewer (pictured above), who in a previous incarnation posted under the Twitter handle "Melisssa in DC (@subculturestuff). Brewer, under that nom de guerre, organized a campaign against Sister Toldjah, which included the creation of an enemies list of conservatives to be targeted for dispatch to Twitter gulag. Right-blogger Serr8d was on the list and has it posted at his blog, "Twitter 'Hit List', Organized by the #StopRush Liberal Fascists Who Are All Hatetivists."

Brewer's harassment went well beyond Twitter malevolence campaigns. This is someone who was deeply involved in criminal harassment of conservatives, including publishing the personal information of her targets, as well as contacting employers of the people she'd targeted for destruction. Check this post for an idea of this woman's machinations, "Twitler's List."

It turns out that new information links Brewer to Bill Schmalfeldt's completely unhinged psycho-killer campaign against Kimberlin target Aaron Worthing and others. New information also ties her to the various mob-style smear campaigns of Kimberlin’s associate Neal Rauhauser.

I'm not an expert on these things, as mentioned. It's hard enough keeping up on my day job. But I've been targeted in equally evil campaigns of workplace intimidation and harassment. These attacks are among the signature methods of the anarchist-Alinskyite-nihilist left. Frankly, I was shocked at the enormity of lies that leftist enemies were willing to spew in their disgusting and wicked campaigns of workplace harassment. I now know there's no depth to which regressive leftists won't stoop to literally annihilate those whom they detest. And thus, for true patriots there is no higher battle than standing up for decency and right. In the end, defending truth is the ultimate virtue, for if you don't have truth you have tyranny. And what the left wants more than anything is to destroy any semblance of virtue that stands athwart its totalitarian project. They have not reason nor faith. Only brute force and the legions of Lucifer willing to do their bidding. I don't exaggerate on this. Brett Kimberlin's personal jihad against any and all who deign to even mention his name speaks to the left's genuine existential hatred of goodness and righteousness. I suspect most people haven't the personal constitution and fortitude to withstand the onslaught. Indeed, many will simply run and hide from the hate-addled monstrosity of progressive intimidation. But it can't be ignored. Civil society will perish if no one stands in its defense. As I get older, and I see how the U.S. has become largely a shell of itself and its past glory, I know the fight is long but that conservative values will again prevail with nurture and perseverance. The defense against the Kimberlin axis is but one theater in the right's long campaign against the left's postmodern socialist takeover of America. These are truths of my being. I will die vindicating them.

In any case, more from the Other McCain:
So, to recap: The same Melissa Brewer who was part of the hateful #StopRush boycott effort to silence Rush Limbaugh, the same Melissa Brewer who was part of the hateful effort to silence @SisterToldjah and other conservatives on Twitter, this was the Melissa Brewer who claimed to have an “Anon leak about people being PAID to blog about Kimberlin,” and this same Melissa Brewer was communicating multiple times daily with Bill Schmalfeldt, who has harassed Aaron Worthing, Ali Akbar, Lee Stranahan, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, John Hoge and others. Lee Stranahan, Feb. 16:
Cease & Desist: Melissa Brewer aka @CatsRImportant Is Working With Bill Schmalfeldt
That was at the time Stranahan was pursuing harassment charges against Schmalfeldt. It has been alleged by Kimberlin Unmasked that Melissa Brewer is “Xenophon,” who has published multiple attacks on Team Kimberlin targets. And guess what? Kimberlin Unmasked also is a defendant in the Kimberlin v. Walker et al. lawsuit. Now, after all this, Melissa Brewer has posted a long article with this headline:
My Story: PTSD, Survival, and Feminism
Go back and RTWT.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Septic Tank Pervert Caught Peeping on 7-Year-Old Girl in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Another news item on the nihilist Democrat social perversion agenda.

The dude was covered in feces, proving that Democrats will do anything to get to their prey.

At KOTV-6 Tulsa, "Tulsa Man Found Inside Septic Tank Arrested For Peeping Tom."

And at Daily Mail, on Twitter.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Disgusting Troll Rights Harassment Blogger Continues Lying About Years-Long Campaign of Intimidation

Walter James Casper III is an ultimate hate troll and a liar.

After launching an attack blog close to five years ago ("American Nihilist") he assembled a team of hard left online stalkers to foment a campaign of intimidation and harassment. This included Casper personally allowing my workplace contact information to be posted at his blog, with exhortations for radicals to contact my employer in attempts so harass, interfere with, and terminate my employment at the college. Casper himself was told to cease and desist from commenting at this blog Apr 23, 2010. He himself announced that he would never abide by my wishes as long as I was writing about him. That is, he claimed a "right" to comment on someone else's blog without permission. The courts in Maryland have just ruled that Kimberlin-associated harassment troll Bill Schmalfeldt is prohibited from contacting blogger John Hoge in any form of communication, online or in person. Walter James Casper III is essentially a brother-from-another-mother to Bill Schmalfeldt. For some deranged reason he continues to claim that he has a right to comment on this blog. But as John Hoge has shown, once a person has demanded an antagonist to cease and desist continued communications are subject to criminal liability.

John Hoge photo cease-tweet_zpsf6f37b9d.jpg

On April 23, 2010, I wrote, "Repsac3 Banned from American Power":
I rarely ban radical leftist commentators from American Power. Mostly, I'll moderate or disable comments if I don't feel like dealing with their stupidity (James B. Webb is a case in point). Mostly, I have fun with them for the sheer hilarity of it, and for the epistemological heuristic utility of obliterating the mindless left-wing/socialist ideological claptrap. And as we see time and again, leftists never seriously engage on point, but rather demonize, ridicule, and attack as racist as part of their ongoing program of intolerance and radical totalitarianism. I will continue to debunk and deflect all of this, since that's what I do. And I'll also continue the periodic back-and-forth blog wars as long as there's some fun or learning in it. But Repsac3's nothing more than the devil's frontman, and I've had enough. He's welcomed here no longer.
Obsessed hate troll Repsac3 then immediately wrote a blog post announcing:
As long as Donald Douglas is posting a public blog that accepts comments, I'm going to continue to comment on what he posts, whenever and wherever I choose.
And to this day he continues to claim a right to comment on this blog. He is an ultimate troll-rights harassment freak.

Harassment laws vary by state, but harassment is universally defined as continued unwanted communications and contacts "after the harasser has been told to cease." I wrote about this in February 2012, "Intent to Annoy and the Fascist Hate-Blogging Campaign of Walter James Casper III."

Hate-blogger and troll rights harasser Walter James Casper III has been told repeatedly and unequivocally to stop commenting at this blog; to stop contacting me personally by email; and to stop contacting my employer through his blog's postings with the intent to cause the termination of my employment.

Repsac3 continues to run his hate-blog even after virtually all his hate-henchmen have been beaten back and exposed as homosexuals, perverts, and criminal harassers.

Repsac3 is a loser. He and Bill Schmalfeldt are perfect no neckline fat-ass brothers-from-different-mothers.

Get a life asshole.

You are banned and your continued harassment is criminally prohibited.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Troll Rights Harasser Repsac3 Breaks Through the Disqus Commenting Firewall!


Nailed the asshole --- again! --- on his moral bankruptcy, and the dude can't even respond but to call me a liar!

Bwhahaha!! Face it, Repmaster Asshole, you're an obsessed loser who's beaten, and bad.

And behold readers, notice how our resident troll rights harasser simply can't respond on point:
• 5 hours ago − You're a lying obsessed ass, Douglas ... Give it a rest, buddy.

• 5 hours ago − And learn how to use disqus better, while you're at it.
Really? Who's obsessed?

Folks have heard that broken record before. Seems to me our resident troll rights asshole once said that he was calling it a day, at a blog post titled, "Donald Kent Douglas Wins The Internet!!":
After a whole lotta reflection, I'm giving up. Throwing in the towel. I'm forfeiting the game, and letting Dr. Douglas take home the trophy, such as it is...
And since then?

Well, obviously the poor progressive asshole just can't let go. Racist Repsac3 has been banned from this blog for years. And I "won the Internet" last January when I reported this criminal to the authorities and switched over to Disqus commenting. Of course, that was just too much for Comrade Racist Repsac the Comunist to take, WHAAAA! Here's his wittle wittle weftist tantrum, bawling like a child about how Mean Old Donny was gonna be banned at the American Nihilist hate-hole. Banned! WHAAAA!!:
In true Donalde Kent Douglas fashion though, he is now and forevermore BANNED!!! from commenting on any/all blogs under my control... No whining, threats or fretting... All future submissions disappeared on sight, without further notice or comment. Persona non grata, gone-a, goodbye...
Hey, no problem dick hole. It's been over a year now and I don't even read your shit hole.

But note dear readers! Racist Repsac3, by contrast, is in my Sitemeter stats on a daily basis, just jonesin' for the teeniest tiniest throwaway mention to give his life meaning. Bwahahaha! And now he's jonesin' on squeezing through some comments at Disqus?

Oh, it hurts!! It hurts. Stop, stop. You can't make this up! You're making me bust a gut, Reppy! Bwahaha!!

Fuck you Walter James Casper III. Everything written about you is true, true, true to infinity! The fact that you can't comment must be infuriating, right? I love it! No one --- not a freakin' soul --- can see your deranged bleatings, and no one cares. Not here. Not at this blog. Just look at you, you freak. I haven't even mentioned you at this blog in two months, and poof! No sooner had a post gone up on you've posted at American Nihilist multiple times and taken to Twitter to share with your awesome less-than-250 followers.


You're right, though. I should have had your ISP added to the blacklist, a problem that's now been corrected, you stalking ass prick:
Username: repsac3


IP Address:
In any case, dear readers, here's the post that sent this criminal harasser over the edge: "Horror! Ideological Ghoul James Casper III Tweets Kate Michelman's Defense of Baby-Killer Kermit Gosnell, the 'Jeffrey Dahmer of Abortionists'."

Go snip some post-abortion spines, you ghoul. That's what you're all about. Murder. Death. Four fucking horseman you motherfucking pustule of diabolical refuse.

Get a life loser.

BANNED: "Ban, Block and Report Walter James Casper III in 2013."

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Left's Culture of Death

An essential commentary, from Bob Belvedere, "The Naked Face of Leftism: Death Mongers."

Genuine progressive ideology --- and by that I mean Marxist-infused social justice redistributionism and nihilist anti-morality --- is the contemporary evil of the modern political world. Make no mistake, Councillor Collin Brewer's comments, discussed at the post above, we're frankly depraved. But considering the left's abortion holocaust alone, as just one example, they were quite tame.

I'm personally horrified by much of what counts as "progressive" politics. It's taken me a long time to truly understand how deeply corrupted society is by the disease of leftism. I don't know how we turn things around, how we help young people realize that their interests are harmed by the Kool-Aid of radicalism, but whatever the answer, it's a program of civic renewal that should be the cause of any real conservative activist.

Folks should read Neo-Neocon's outstanding piece at PJ Media from a week or so back, "Why Do Some Liberals Become Conservatives?" Unlike other accounts of political transformation (change) from left to right --- and recall that Cinnamon Stillwell's, "The Making of a 9/11 Republican," remains the best --- Neo-Neocon (a.k.a. Jean Kaufman) offers an explanation based on cognitive consistency theory:
Rarely, if ever, are prospective changers actually seeking change. In fact their previous political positions on the left may be quite firmly and strongly held, and they would probably consider anyone quite mad who had the audacity to inform them of the transformation about to take place.

But although they may not be interested in change, change is interested in them. It usually begins with something external, some new information encountered seemingly by accident, something that starts to bug the person because it contradicts or doesn’t fit easily into his or her pre-existing framework. It’s like a buzzing fly that won’t quit and can’t be ignored. It causes discomfort, a sense of unease, and the disequilibrium that comes from the dilemma known as cognitive dissonance.

It’s such an unpleasant experience that people are usually eager to resolve it. How they do that is one point at which changers split off from non-changers. The latter group, if faced with that very same information, might just swat that fly — that is, in their discomfort at the knowledge that seems incongruous with their previous beliefs, they would either discredit the new information, minimize it, rationalize it, or shut it out entirely, thus ending the discomfort and the dilemma.

But those who ultimately end up as changers can’t seem to put it away that easily. For them, something once seen cannot be unseen. Perhaps they have a different habit of mind to begin with, one more accustomed to challenging its own beliefs and assumptions, one more uncomfortable with contradictions.
Keep reading.

That model theorizes something of an abrupt shift in ideology triggered by an event that jars an individual's sense of consistency. But that's not always how people change ideological positions. In contrast, for example, gradual change is consistent with the idea of politics as a life-long learning process. People become set in their ways. And hence, people become conservative in terms of doing things a "right" way. People might think they're "liberal" in their youth, but they realize they're quite traditional in a number of respects, especially regarding thrift, morality and personal enterprise. In my case, I thought I was "liberal" into my 30's. My dad especially was a New Deal Democrat and a black American who instilled the values of the civil rights movement in me and my sisters. But the Democrat Party of today bears little resemblance to the party of the middle 20th century. The notion of centrism here might apply, for while Democrats have always been concerned about using government to shift resources to those with less, the left today is an explicitly statist, far-left anti-capitalist tendency bereft of the moral epistemology of America's founding. The left today is at the least a movement toward (European-style) socialist democracy and more likely a movement toward a (Utopian) proletarian revolution through a re-engineering of society (i.e., popular entertainment and the mass media) and the corruption of the cultural institutions of the state (i.e., public education). I was always conservative in terms of personal responsibility, honesty, and hard work. When I realized that most people on the left didn't share those values I knew that I was no longer a Democrat. Most of all, the left's stab-in-the-back on the Iraq war sealed the deal and I became an activist for truth. Throw in becoming a parent and basically experiencing a religious awakening (in the personal sense of objective truth), I found out once and for all that everything I'd come to believe about "leftist morality" and being a "liberal" was stupid.

Progressives are evil. (Remember, "liberals" aren't liberal.) Nothing brought the truth home on that count more than blogging over this last 7 years. People know my battles with leftist ghouls and their program to destroy decent people on the right. The culture of death Bob writes about is seen in all of the manifestations of collectivist harassment, stalking, and lies. As I've said many times, leftists would actually murder their conservative opponents if they could get away with it. One of the main reasons conservatives should never cave on gun rights is some day they might need firearms to guard against the tyranny of a progressive majority that's captured the state. (It's not just state power that's a threat, but progressive majoritarian redistributionist state power.) Seriously. Patriots need to bear arms against socialists who want to deprive them of life, liberty and property through the corrupted power of the collectivist state. Nothing can stand in the way of this, from the left's ideological perspective, because it's truly totalitarian in its goal to eradicate all sources of resistance. Death then becomes part of the progressive agenda, as we've seen from Stalin to Pol Pot to Che Guevara. Liberals have no values --- they must make gods of men --- because their ungodly campaign of death and destruction demands it. There can be no other way for collectivists.

In any case, don't miss the all the good stuff over at TCOTs.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

No Sweeping Generalizations!

I don't know?

I try to block these stalking asshats, but no doubt by now these these f-kers have multiple accounts. It's definitely the same MO:

Meanwhile, Kevin Robbins, the flaming "backside boogie" baker boy at American Nihilist, is keeping teh stupid alive. Get a life you freak. (And be careful at that link ---- Kevin's "backside boogie" bros are [YMCA] NSFW.)

BONUS: Evil Blogger Lady comments on "troll-rights" ringleader Walter James Casper III:
He would make a good partner for Andrew Sullivan. I know Sully is married now but apparently they are into swinging...
Shoot, he's probably already made a "good partner" for Andrew "RAWMUSCLEGLUTE" Sullivan!

If it feels good do it!

They're animals. Depraved f-king animals.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ban, Block and Report Walter James Casper III in 2013

Walter James Casper III was banned from this blog in April 2010. I wrote at the time that "I rarely ban radical leftist commentators" but that I was getting tired of Repsac's disgusting racism and rank stupidity. I'd also grown tired of this idiot's perpetual lies and taunting harassment even when proven wrong beyond any doubt. That's not debate or engagement. That's stalking and harassment. A few months back, after Walter Russell Mead prohibited commenting at Via Media, Vox Day wrote:

Walter James Casper
Vox Popoli is not, and will never be, an echo chamber. There are not, and will never be, any topics that are definitively outside the scope of permissible intellectual discourse ... The only commenters whose participation I will not tolerate is those who repeatedly lie, who demonstrate proven intellectual dishonesty, and who simply refuse to admit it when someone else has publicly shown them to be wrong. If you are not at least capable of acknowledging that you could be wrong about an idea, no matter how near and dear it is to you, then you will probably be better served commenting at a place where your ideas will not be questioned or criticized.
More than ever, that's key. The complete intellectual dishonesty and moral bankruptcy of a person who refuses to admit that, you know, he might have been wrong about something. It is, in a word, anti-intellectual. It's also morally bankrupt. That is why Walter James Casper III was banned.

Since then, Walter James Casper III has continued to stalk this blog, claiming "trolling rights" to comment here whenever he pleases. See: "F*** You, Douglas! — W. James Casper = COBAG = Repsac3!!" Of course, no one has a "right" to comment on someone else's blog. The right to freedom of speech guarantees freedom from discrimination by government. Repsac3, despite claiming worldly expertise on politics and government, just doesn't get a basic point --- indeed, has no clue --- of public goods theory or the politics of pooled resources. So here's a lesson.


In denying his stalking and harassment --- criminal activity of which I have reported to the police --- Repsac3 claims that he was only "submitting comments to an area open to public comment, in rebuttal of posts attacking me by name." See that? He was only harassing this blog on the justification that the commenting system here is an area "open for public comment." The problem, of course, is that there's no such thing as a "public" blog open to "public comments." Put aside the obvious fact that Blogger blogs are owned by Google and not the U.S. or any state government (and hence privately owned), the individual proprietor of a blog, even a Blogger blog, retains all the rights to allow any and all comments at the site. But for some reason, serial harassers have claimed a "trolling rights" theory to justify their despicable harassment of people with whom they disagree and of whom they wish to terrorize. And this is after being repeatedly warned to cease and desist, the legal threshold over which Repsac3's actions became criminal. Robert Stacy McCain identified this criminal activity in the case of Kimberlin-Rauhauser bully Bill Schmalfedlt. By developing a psychotic theory of "public commenting," radical leftist harassers delude themselves that they have a "right" to torment their targets. A blog, of course, is nothing like, say, a public park. Anyone can use the park, regardless of whether they contributed to the provision of that park, a public good, through tax contributions or user fees to the government agency responsible for providing that service. In other words, there are distinct realms of consumption of good and services. The oceans are common pool resources that no single nation-state owns. The public good problem is the incentive for one state to use more resources than it would be allowed under existing norms, regimes, or legal treaties. Even in this case, an otherwise common resource is nevertheless restricted in its use by state actors, otherwise the common resources --- say fisheries --- would be depleted. In sum, Walter James Casper III has invented a system of "public commenting" that only exists in the dark recesses of his addled and hateful mind. There is no right to comment on someone else's blog, no matter the kind of commenting system the blog uses. To this day racist Repsac3 is a raging, roiling hate-filled loser who rues the day that I switched to Disqus commenting, which has a fabulous black-listing system to ban persistent harassment trolls such as the dick Repmaster Troll. Suck it up and get used to it, asshole. You're banned.


Criminal harasser Repsac3, in his deranged world of never entertaining an idea that conflicts with his communist ideological program, has also developed a theory of generalizations which, when deployed, is purported to reject any argument about the obvious and inherent anti-social and collectivists tendencies of the radical left. With this theory, Repac3 can justify in his mind that progressive collectivism is a benign, benighted system of thinking, the correct ideology to lift the human race, bring peace, and end racism and poverty through "social justice." The facts, of course, are exactly the opposite, as over a century of history have shown with communist ideologies of the kind that Walter James Casper consumes and promotes in his radical political identity and activities.


Repsac3, at his Twitter profile, claims he's against "sweeping generalizations." Indeed, when union goons are repeatedly caught out as violent thugs, and when the union leadership advocates violence, union backer Repsac3 denounces the "sweeping generalizations," stupidly claiming that it's only "individuals" committing violent acts, not the unions. Of course idiot Repsac3's spouting illogical bullshit. To be clear, generalizations are a form of argument to explain general tendencies. To say that unions are violent and thuggish is a generalization that is repeatedly demonstrated as true. The examples of individual union members who do not engage in violence or thuggery don't disprove the generalization. If one says that "seat belts save lives" the claim is not invalidated by the example of someone being killed in a car crash despite wearing a seat beat. It's a clear generalization that is borne out by experience. Further, if one argues that progressives favor high taxes to fund a massive state sector of public services and transfer payments, and that these programs violate the liberty of Americans, the point is not invalidated by a few individuals who identify as progressive but don't favor higher taxes. Take Occupy Wall Street as one example that Walter James Casper III loves to defend by attacking "sweeping generalizations." Occupy is a movement that has been marked by violent protest and thousands of criminal arrests. It's own website declares, with a closed-fist icon of violent resistance, that it's a movement for a worldwide revolution and "is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia." The original founder of Occupy's New York mobilization, Kalle Lasn, is a proven Jew-basher and anti-Semite. And the initial Occupiers in the streets demonstrated widespread anti-Semitism on a daily basis and research shows that Jew-hatred is not a bug but a feature of the movement. A few Judeophile supporters of Occupy Wall Street do not disprove the generalization that the movement is anti-Semitic, despite the deranged and desperate bleatings of Repsac3 to the contrary. Indeed, the Democrat Party from President Obama and Nancy Pelosi on down has declared their solidarity with the Occupy movement, but polls have shown that only minorities of self-identified Democrats support or sympathize with Israel as an independent state with the right to self-defense. The generalization that Democrats ---- who are public backers of Occupy Wall Street --- don't support Israel is borne out by the data.

Again, the fact of some union members who are not violent thugs, or some individuals who are not violent Occupy activists, or who are strong supporters of Israel, does not disprove the generalizations. A generalization is a general pattern, a statement of a tendency. If "Hatesac" is bothered by the generalization of progressive violence and hatred and bigotry, perhaps he should reject those ideologies rather than defend them.



Walter James Casper III has used his hate-blog American Nihilist to publish my workplace information with exhortations for progressives to contact my college administration, with the obvious intent to get me fired for my conservative advocacy and allegedly politically incorrect statements. The widespread understanding among free speech advocates is that it's not appropriate to get someone fired because of their political views. But Repsac3 offered his co-bloggers front-page posting time to launch ideological attacks on my livelihood. The fact is that Repsac3 always had --- and still has --- editorial control over the contents published at his blog. If he didn't, then the post targeting me would still be available at the blog. (It has been edited by the blog administrator, Repsac3, to remove my contact information, as it should have been from the start, but wasn't.) Of course, it should have never been published in the first place, under any circumstances, and the "personal responsibility" for the post rests not with the author but with the person who provided the pixels at the front of the hate-blog, Walter James Casper, the blog publisher of American Nihilist. No amount of dodging can possibly escape the truth, which is why Repsac3 has been universally condemned for his intimidation campaigns among conservative bloggers and free speech advocates. See: (O)CT(O)PUS, "DEFAMATION - DONALD STYLE," February 12th, 2009. After Carl Salonen and SEK launched their vicious libel campaigns at my workplace, Repsac3 praised those attempts to get me fired, remarking that such attacks worked in having me no longer blogging about those pricks. By such actions, which are logically unsupportable, Repsac3 objectively backs efforts to shut down his political opponents and he in fact befriends and embraces some of the most vile criminal goons populating the left's intimidation networks. Further, as the left's campaigns of lawfare and workplace intimidation have become widespread, Repsac3 has repeatedly defended the hate and laughed off attacks on conservatives has "wingnut" whining. This utterly bankrupt behavior puts Reppie up there with the main Kimberlin-Rauhauser henchmen, like Schmalfeldt. See: "Pray for Ten Thousand Angels."

These activities grow from Walter James Casper III's radical ideological commitments, which I have documented in recent posts:

* "Communists Angela Davis and Danny Glover to Headline Democracy Now!'s Inauguration-Night 'Peace Ball' in Washington D.C."

* "Far-Left Whack-Job Thom Hartmann Wants to 'Outlaw Billionaires'."

* "Harvard Grad, Occupy Wall Street Activist Busted on Bomb-Making and Weapons Possession Charges."

So, for all of my readers and blog allies, remember that this is a dangerous ideological opponent and political enemy who is working to do harm to those with whom he disagrees. Like Zilla of the Resistance has advised, the best remedy is to ban these assholes, block them from your comments sections and block and report them on Twitter for stalking and intimidation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

ZOMG! The Return of the 'Lightworker'

In 2008, the MSM's Obama-enablers constantly built up the Democrat candidate with ethereal, other-worldly iconography. The worst messiah-worship was from Mark Morford at the San Francisco Chronicle, which was deconstructed by Michelle Malkin quite mercilessly, "Obama the Lightworker." And media photography repeatedly portrayed Obama with the celestial imagery of a halo, for example, "The Halos of Barack Obama."

So you can imagine my chagrin at this AP photo at left, published at Buzzfeed, "Barack Obama Is A Wizard," with the disclaimer, "This photo from the AP has not been doctored in any way." And the caption below the picture reads, "A light shines behind President Barack Obama as he speaks during a campaign event at Bayliss Park, Monday, Aug. 13, 2012, in Council Bluffs, Iowa, during a three day campaign bus tour through Iowa."

So there you go, "The Lightbringer."

Isn't that wonderful? Indeed, hard-line leftist Libby Spencer felt the thrill up her legs, "The Magic Moment":
Took me all day to decide if I liked this photo or not. Decided that I like it a lot. BuzzFeed billed it as The Wizard. I think I would have called it The Visionary. Either way it's a brilliant catch by the photograher. Confirmed to be authentic, as in not photoshopped.
Oh brother. "The Visionary."

Yeah, Obama can envision trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and then some. Even after four years Ms. Spencer still elevates Obama atop some mystical pedestal of "visionary" enlightenment. Who knows, perhaps O can employ his light-working skills to a circus job next January, that is, if he has time out for a vocation after his hectic golfing schedule.

And by the way, recall that Libby Spencer is the neo-communist blogger who, along with the antiwar Newshoggers hacks, cheered the insurgency's use of mentally-challenged women suicide bombers in Iraq as a "brilliant" tactical innovation. You can't make this stuff up. See: "Surge 'success' fades with resurgence of violence."
For the record, assuming it's true, I think it's just horrible that whoever was behind this latest disaster used Down's women to perpetrate the bombings but I don't see it as a sign of desperation. I see it as a sign of adaptation and a brilliant one at that.

A "brilliant" adaptation.

Despicable, but it makes sense. Ms. Spencer reflects perfectly the kind of demonic antiwar radicalism that candidate Obama presented in 2007, when he was the single most anti-American member of the U.S. Senate. Obama launched his presidential bid by declaring the war in Iraq a "complete failure." Basically, with our men and women dying in the field, progressives like this were rooting for their defeat. The enormous depravity involved in this is staggering, almost unfathomable. But you see it all the time if you keep your eyes on the neo-communist left. God have mercy on these people. Seriously.

RELATED: See, "The Great Betrayal: Obama's Wars and the War in Iraq."

BONUS: Last October, Libby Spencer's co-blogger Captain Fogg contacted my college with libelous complaints in one more of the many despicable attempts to get me fired from my teaching position. At the time there were two complaints, both anonymous. I knew Fogg complained because he cribbed his email to my college off the comments he left at the hate-blog American Nihilist. This was in response to comments I left at The Impolitic, Ms. Spencer's blog. So logic would suggest it was these two tag-teaming the workplace intimidation at my college. See: "W. James Casper's Demonic Band of Progressive Totalitarians."

This is the kind of evil you have to deal with when you stand up for decency and right out here. It's a lot of work, but vital for the preservation of freedom.

More later...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Repsac3, Hate-Addled Internet Predator, Screams 'Liar' at Virtually Entire World on Politicization of Colorado Shooting

For all of hate-blogger Walter James Casper III's embarrassing, over-the-top bleating, he's in fact never shown that Brain Ross's premature speculation wasn't political. In fact, that Ross sought to tie suspect James Holmes to the tea party was nothing but political, because his statement couldn't be farther from a routine mistake of fact. Ross "investigated" the suspect's name, found out there was a "James Holmes" in Colorado who belonged to tea party groups, and then went on the air with it. He didn't wrongly report the suspect's age or occupation, or some other descriptive non-political fact. He instinctively went with the same well-worn blood libel smear against the allegedly "violent" tea party movement. He was comfortable smearing the tea party for mass murder because that's what network elites do. Simple as that. And of course it was entirely wrong and Ross has been universally condemned for "politicizing" the reporting. Not "misreporting" the story, "politicizing" it in the most disgusting way imaginable. Regina Thomson, President of the Colorado Tea Party Patriots, repudiated Ross's smear as "shameless and reprehensible." This happens every time there's some kind of horrible massacre, for example last year in Tucson. Left-wing journalists, pundits, and bloggers jumped to exploit the bloodshed to destroy conservatives. And that Repsac3 is now so blindingly enraged to be called out on his dishonesty--- when even far-left "Wonkette" called Ross's smear a reprehensible move --- is just, well, pathetic.

And note now that the epic hate blogger didn't think it enough to attack Michelle Malkin, who had written a perfectly reasonable and well-documented report, as a "whiney wingnut victim." No, in his insane descent to dangerous incoherence, he's now basically calling virtually everyone who's responded to the Colorado politicization a "liar":

Actually, it's Repsac3 who's lying. As I've reported throughout, the condemnation has been virtually universal, left and right, attacking Ross's initial report as disgustingly political. Here's IBD's editorial from Friday, for example, "ABC News' Tea Party Apology Isn't Good Enough":
ABC News quickly apologized after one of its reporters tried to tie the Colorado massacre to the Tea Party. When will the network apologize for the blatant media bias that led to this monumental screw-up?

Less than eight hours after the movie theater shooting spree left 13 dead, "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos turned to reporter Brian Ross who, he said, had "found something that might be significant."

Ross' finding? There's a guy named Jim Holmes who joined the Colorado Tea Party last year.

Stop the presses!

Never mind that a simple online search of the Denver area turns up more than a dozen Jim Holmeses, any one of whom was just as likely to be the shooter as the guy Ross found on the Tea Party site. And never mind that Ross had zip, zero, nada information on the Jim Holmes whose name he did find.

Why bother taking such elemental journalistic steps when you can possibly be the first to tag a right-wing group with a mass shooting?

There's also the question of why Ross' first instinct was to go trolling around Tea Party sites. That, as much as Stephanopoulos and Ross' decision to go on the air with the bogus information, reveals the enormity of the media bias at work here.

This is the same bias that was on glaring display after the Gabby Giffords shooting, when reporters tried — falsely and based on no evidence whatsoever — to pin the shooting on heated Tea Party rhetoric.

It's the same bias that pushed the mainstream press to trumpet unfounded claims that Tea Partyers hurled a racial epithet at a black congressman. And that propelled these same reporters to cover up actual crimes — rapes, murders, destruction of property — perpetrated by their "Occupy Wall Street" friends.

Shortly after Ross' report, ABC News apologized "for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

Sorry, but that's not good enough. If ABC News was genuinely sorry, it would take a hard look at how such a fantastically biased report could have made it on the air in the first place.
Exactly right.

And this is the same basic point that Michelle made in her post on Friday, "Blame Righty impulse blows up in media faces…again." And tea party groups are still indignant that they get blood libeled every time there's a national tragedy. See Jennifer Stefano, the Pennsylvania State Director of AFP, at Fox News, "Media must stop falsely accusing the Tea Party every time tragedy strikes."

And here's John Kass, at far-left Chicago Tribune, "ABC makes a wrong — and biased — snap judgment: Colorado massacre quickly becomes political":
How long does it take for a major American television news network to politicize mass murder and blame conservatives for the blood of innocents?

Not long.

It happened on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Friday morning, as the country woke to the news of the mass murder during the midnight showing of the new Batman movie: A heavily armed man named James Eagan Holmes allegedly killed 12 and injured 58 others in a suburban theater outside Denver.

ABC's George Stephanopoulos, once a top aide to former President Bill Clinton, and ABC reporter Brian Ross teamed up to quickly place the horror at the feet of American conservatives.

Stephanopoulos: I'm going to go to Brian Ross. You've been investigating the background of Jim Holmes here. You found something that might be significant.

Ross: There's a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado tea party site as well, talking about him joining the tea party last year. Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado. Stephanopoulos: OK, we'll keep looking at that. Brian Ross, thanks very much. And that's all it took, a mention, a name, a possible connection about a Jim Holmes joining the tea party movement that is reviled by establishment Democrats and (though not often reported) establishment Republicans. The connection was made. It was artfully done.

But there was one thing wrong with the ABC report.

It was the wrong Holmes.

The Holmes ABC referred to was a middle-aged man. The one arrested with the guns and the gas bombs and the mask and the booby-trapped apartment is James Eagan Holmes, a 24-year-old graduate student who was in the process of dropping out of school.

After an onslaught by bloggers over the Internet on Friday, ABC news issued a correction.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado tea party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," said ABC News in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

We all make mistakes. But this one smacks of political bias. And when you add political bias to the rush of breaking news, as seems to have happened here, things get stinky.
It could have been an honest mistake, perhaps. It might have come across as a mistake if Stephanopoulos had interjected and said, "No, Brian, we don't have enough evidence to make that connection to the tea party." Instead, the former aide to Bill Clinton thanked Ross for his reporting. It's no wonder that virtually the entire political establishment reacted the way it did. ABC News was out there on a limb, as James Taranto reported at the Wall Street Journal --- and for someone to come along and then essentially call all these people "liars" is simply beneath contempt. But that's Walter James Casper for you. He's been working the Internet for years, attempting to undermine and destroy conservatives.

I could keep going, because the examples are all over the web. But in fact there's no need to keep going. The facts are out there, but those blinded by ideological bigotry refuse to see them.

Walter James Casper is now back to stalking this blog and sending me unsolicited tweets. He's even kicked back up the old "American Nihilist" hate-site after I reported it to the Irvine Police Department previously. But it's all of a piece, I guess, as a conservative on the web shining truth on progressive evil. The left tries to shut folks down with stalking and intimidation, but you have to shine a light on the hate and defeat them. It takes a lot of time, but Repsac3 is a particularly resistant form of progressive pestilence. He never went away after being reported to the police, despite announcing that I'd "won the Internet." He just shifted gears a bit, and is now back in the hunt for his next political kill.

PREVIOUSLY: "When Even Sick Left-Wing Sites Like 'Wonkette' Want Brian Ross Fired, Despicable Hate-Blogger Repsac3 Attacks Michelle Malkin as 'Whiney Wingnut Victim'."

BACKGROUND: "Intent to Annoy and the Fascist Hate-Blogging Campaign of Walter James Casper III."

Saturday, May 5, 2012

North Carolina's Gay Marriage Amendment Could Have Implications for November

Nate Silver reports that Amendment 1 is likely to pass on Tuesday, "North Carolina’s Ban on Gay Marriage Appears Likely to Pass" (via Memeorandum).

And here's this, from the Los Angeles Times, "Marriage amendment vote puts national focus on North Carolina":

The battle over the measure has turned North Carolina into a national political flash point. Opponents say the amendment is so broadly worded that it would discriminate not only against gays, but also unmarried heterosexual couples.

The outcome could offer an early hint of the state's leanings in November's presidential election: North Carolina, home to the 2012 Democratic National Convention, is an important swing state.

The debate has been fierce. Pro- and anti-amendment activists have held rallies to vie for voters. Ministers have strived to influence their congregants. Lawn signs have been stolen and defaced. And the state NAACP has accused proponents of trying to divide gays and blacks.

Opponents of the amendment have raised $2.2 million, and proponents $1.2 million, mostly for TV and radio ads; a third of the money has come from out of state.

The Rev. Billy Graham has weighed in, preparing a full-page ad expected to appear in newspapers over the weekend. In it, he urges fellow Tar Heels to vote for the amendment, saying: "At 93, I never thought we would have to debate the definition of marriage.''

President Obama has called the Republican-backed Defense of Marriage Amendment divisive, saying it would discriminate against gays.

"It's a hot issue — you hear people talking about it everywhere," said amendment supporter Ray McEntee. He was manning a booth outside a Pittsboro polling place next to a sign that read: "One Man. One Woman."

Early voting started April 19, with turnout running about 30% higher than in the primary four years ago and with especially large numbers of young people voting.

"It's almost entirely driven by interest in the amendment," said David McLennan, a political science professor at William Peace University in Raleigh. He predicts turnout will reach 40% to 45%, unusually high for a primary.

Like amendments in Michigan, Idaho and South Carolina, North Carolina's act would severely limit protections for same-sex and heterosexual unmarried couples, said Maxine Eichner, a family law professor at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

The measure would threaten domestic partnership health benefits for local government workers and strip unmarried couples of their rights to make decisions for an incapacitated partner, Eichner said.

Supporters of Amendment 1 say unmarried couples would be protected by language that permits private contracts and court actions "pursuant to such contracts.''

It's a tough amendment, but again, conservatives need to stand their ground against the forces of nihilist progressivism. See: "North Carolina Amendment One Same-Sex Marriage."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Intent to Annoy and the Fascist Hate-Blogging Campaign of Walter James Casper III

Look, at minimum, the purpose of progressive intimidation and harassment is to drive political enemies off the net. Plain and simple. It'd be easy to ignore these people, some claim. Just don't visit their blogs, right? Sure, except that oftentimes ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. In my case the progressive harassers have taken it all the way to my employer, and Walter James Casper III has authorized the attacks at his blog, promoted attacks against me in various online forums, and has long since escalated his harassment attacks to personal cyber-stalking.

Again, I don't post links to American Nihilist, but Casper is arguing that my wishes not to be contacted don't matter --- that he has a right to comment at this blog and send emails --- whenever he chooses --- and that these in fact are not harassing communications as defined by state and federal laws. Casper is wrong. He is harassing. He commented at my Fiat post for sole purpose to annoy. Seriously. Nothing "prohibits" him from commenting, so he comments even after he's been told repeatedly to stay away? And why? To indicate his disapproval and to reprove me for my posting. That's it. In other words, to say fuck you and your blog, you are wrong, and I'm going to link to the proof in the comments whether you like it or not. Fuck you, Douglas. You wishes don't mean shit. You're on the Internet and I don't like you and I'm going to let you know, since you are a bad man.

I will be continuing my contacts to the authorities this week. It's a time consuming process. Meanwhile, the Halt Abuse website I linked to earlier has this discussion, which goes to show clearly and without a doubt that Casper's contacts are indeed harassing and designed to annoy and cause psychological disruption. See, "It It Harassment?":
First, you need to determine whether or not what you're experiencing is truly harassment.

Harassment consists of the intentional crossing of your emotional or physical safety boundaries. You must have boundaries set in place clearly in order for that to apply. The legal definition of harassment, according to Black's Law Dictionary, is:

"A course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such person and serves no legitimate purpose" or "Words, gestures, and actions which tend to annoy, alarm and abuse (verbally) another person."

This is of course a very broad definition, which state and federal legislation and common law have narrowed and refined in various ways. However, for our purposes, WHOA defines online harassment as any actions that meet the qualifications of the above definition after the harasser has been told to cease.

If someone simply disagrees with you, however strongly or unpleasantly, that isn't harassment. Someone who sends you a single email message that isn't overtly threatening probably hasn't harassed you. Spam, while very annoying, isn't harassment. And messages posted to any open venue, such as a newsgroup, a web-based board, an AOL discussion forum or a chat room, are seldom truly harassing unless they're forged to appear to come from you or contain direct threats or libelous statements. The same goes for things said on someone else's web site. Harassment usually involves repeated communications via email or some sort of instant messaging program after the harasser has clearly been told to go away.
Casper has been "told to go away" repeatedly. He is by definition harassing.

I think I've said this a couple of times, but for people who are now just coming to this debate and are ill-informed: This is not exclusively about Walter James Casper III. This is a fight over an idea, the concept that there is right and wrong in the world, and that evil will indeed triumph over good if people of right don't stand up to defend decency.

Claiming that another person's wishes to be left alone at the blog are meaningless and that absent legal prohibitions it's perfectly fine to harass someone is the definition of evil in my book. Casper has made repeated comments at the blog and he's sent emails when comments have been closed to prevent the abuse. That's harassment. Walter James Casper III has been warned away. So no. Casper has not "won." Casper will never "win," because his evil cannot defeat me, no matter what happens with this blog. I refuse to be harassed with impunity. I refuse to be intimidated by a liar and sociopath who is the epitome of the radical left's program to silence all dissent from the collectivist narrative.

Something's gonna change. You watch.

Friday, January 27, 2012

California Penal Code Section 646.9 on Criminal Harassment and Cyberstalking: Statement of Warning to Hate-Blogger Walter James Casper III

Okay, this has gone on long enough.

I am herewith setting out my policy on harassment and stalking and I'm affirming for the record that I'm playing for keeps.

For some reason racist hate-blogger Walter James Casper III thinks this is all fun and games. I warned him not to comment here and that if he does comment I will approve those as a record of harassment, which I will report to Google. Casper's contacts here at this blog are unwanted and unsolicited. I am within my free speech rights to post commentary and criticism on politics and ideology. And I am particularly within my rights to identify and highlight criminally derogatory and racist speech directed against me. And thus I will continue to monitor Casper's hate blog American Nihilist. Importantly, since Casper sponsored workplace attacks against me, and since he has contacted me personally by email with threatening statements, I ceased all direct contact with him at his blog or elsewhere online. And I have also repeatedly warned Walter James Casper III not to contact me or to comment at this blog. It's all on the record.

As is within my free speech rights, I highlighted Casper's dishonesty and stupidity in an essay today: "Oops! MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Spews Hatred of American Exceptionalism: Racist Attack Blogger Walter James Casper III Caught Lying Again!"

Comments are closed at that post to prevent harassment. Casper commented at an unrelated post, against my wishes, since he is banned from commenting here. After I updated the post, Casper ignored the admonitions yet again with another comment in violation of my rights:
repsac3 said...

"Walter James Casper is now in likely violation of Google's terms of use. He is banned from commenting here and he is abusing his Google privileges. I am now approving all of hate-blogger Walter James Casper's comments and submitting them to Google as a record of the harassment."

I'll get around to the rest of Dr. Douglas' nonsense if / when I have the time, but I did want to briefly comment on this bit...

There is no "term of use" that forbids anyone from submitting comments to any blogspot blog, and I find it awful hard to believe that anyone at Google is going to reprimand a person for one for one [sic] comments in response to posts where that person is called out by name, no matter how vociferously the blog owner asserts his right to malign a person at his blog without being called on it at that same blog. (I'm willing to bet I could submit a comment or two in response to every post at this blog, and Google still would not act -- Dr. Douglas should consider himself lucky I only submit comments to some of the posts where he attacks me by name.)

That said, if Google does agree with Dr. Douglas, and contacts me pointing out the term I am violating, I will most certainly stop doing so. I suspect, however, that should Google respond to Dr. Douglas' specious "Mommy, he's making faces at me!! Make him STOP!!!" pleas at all, it will be to tell Dr. Douglas that he ought to grow up and stop whining. One cannot throw the first punch, and then scurry to hide behind his mother's skirt complaining about the return punch.

And seeing as he intends to approve of my comments, anyway, perhaps Dr. Douglas would be so brave as to not delete the comment sections on posts mentioning me--or maybe, just not moderate his blog in the first place. (though the latter'd prolly take more guts than Dr. D. has, anymore... Golly forbid folks actually disagree with him on his own blog...)

Say hi to our Google overlords for me... ...and thanks for approving my comments...

January 27, 2012 5:53 PM
Actually, there are indeed "'terms of use' that forbid" Casper from harassing me in the comments. According to Blogger's "Terms of Service":
2. Proper Use. You agree that you are responsible for your own use of the Service, for any posts you make, and for any consequences thereof. You agree that you will use the Service in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence and all United States export control laws.
Walter James Casper is engaged in a malicious, persistent, and willful pattern of abuse that is prohibited under California state law (see below). As such, Casper's comments here are a violation of Blogger's terms of service. Moreover, here's the statement from Google's "Reporting abuse - Blogger Help" page:
We strongly believe in freedom of expression, even if a blog contains unappealing or distasteful content or presents unpopular viewpoints. We realize this may be frustrating, and we regret any inconvenience this may cause you. In cases where contact information for the author is listed on the page, we recommend that you work directly with this person to have the content in question removed or changed.
Here are some examples of content we will not remove unless provided with a court order:

Personal attacks or alleged defamation
Parody or satire of individuals
Distasteful imagery or language
Political or social commentary
Thus, this is to inform Walter James Casper III of my effort to "work directly with this person" to stop his comments on this blog. THIS IS A FORMAL LEGAL WARNING TO CEASE AND DESIST FROM COMMENTING AT THIS BLOG. Hereafter, I will consider any new comment posted here a "personal attack" within the purview of the terms of service and I'll append the comment to this post and send it to Google as a legal complaint and report on abuse, harassment, and cyberstalking.

Here's California Penal Code Section 646.9 on Criminal Harassment and Cyberstalking:

(a) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family, is guilty of the crime of stalking, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, or by imprisonment in the state prison.

(b) Any person who violates subdivision (a) when there is a temporary restraining order, injunction, or any other court order in effect prohibiting the behavior described in subdivision (a) against the same party, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years.  

(c) Every person who, having been convicted of a felony under this section, commits a second or subsequent violation of this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three,
or four years.

(d) In addition to the penalties provided in this section, the sentencing court may order a person convicted of a felony under this section to register as a sex offender pursuant to subparagraph (E) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 290.

(e) For the purposes of this section, "harasses" means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that seriously alarms, annoys, torments, or terrorizes the person, and that serves no legitimate purpose.  This course of conduct must be such as would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and must actually cause substantial emotional distress to the person.  

(f) For purposes of this section, "course of conduct" means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. Constitutionally protected activity is not included within the meaning of "course of conduct."

(g) For the purposes of this section, "credible threat" means a verbal or written threat, including that performed through the use of an electronic communication device, or a threat implied by a pattern of conduct or a combination of verbal, written, or electronically communicated statements and conduct made with the intent to place the person that is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family and made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family.  It is not necessary to prove that the defendant had the intent to actually carry out the threat.  The present incarceration of a person making the threat shall not be a bar to prosecution under this section.  

(h) For purposes of this section, the term "electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to, telephones, cellular phones, computers, video recorders, fax machines, or pagers. "Electronic communication" has the same meaning as the term defined in Subsection 12 of Section 2510 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
See the full text here or here.

I will also report new instances of abuse and harassment to the Irvine Police Department and the Long Beach Police Department. Here is the record of harassment published previously, with one of Casper's emails warning me to "reconsider" or else: "Continuing Lies by Cowardly Hate-Blogger W. James Casper in Left's Demonic Workplace Intimidation Campaign." And American Nihilist's long pattern of abuse, intimidation, and workplace harassment is chronicled at this post as well.

The harassment stops now. Walter James Casper III has no right to comment on this blog. If he feels he has been maligned or libeled he can take proper legal recourse. I have legal representation and I am prepared to defend my free speech rights in a court of law.

And folks might weigh Ann Althouse's comments policy in relation to the policy I'm setting forth here. She writes:
I have started deleting all the comments of one of our most conspicuous commenters for reasons I am not going to discuss. I ask all of my commenters to take some extra care with your comments now. Don't be a troll and don't feed a troll. If you are a troll, I may target you for deletion next. If you feed a troll, you may soon find that your comment refers to a comment that has been deleted. Let's raise the level of discussion around here. I have many great commenters that I love having as my guests. Others are being destructive and need to stop. If you're someone I'm targeting for deletion -- and I'm deleting all your comments regardless of content -- you need to go away permanently. You are on notice that I consider you to be harassing me, and I will contact Blogger about your account if you do not desist.
Althouse is a professor of law, so she certainly knows something about harassment and stalking. And recall that Walter James Casper III has long been trolling my comments. Indeed, I went to comment moderation to help prevent his trolling. But comment moderation has not been effective, and I have had to disable comments to some posts on occasion to prevent malicious attacks. When I did that, Casper then started harassing me by email. These emails I consider personally threatening to me and my family. And as such they're considered criminal activity under California state law. Hereafter I will update this post with any comment here from Walter James Casper III, or with any other form of unwanted personal contact, and I will submit a complaint of abuse and criminal harassment to Google and to the proper legal authorities.

Walter James Casper III is hereby notified under the law.

Comments on this post are closed.

UPDATE: (1-28-12 8:20am PST) Walter Jamers Casper III is on record that he wants to be known as a criminal harasser. Here's is his comment in violation of this policy:
repsac3 said...

In reply to: California Penal Code Section 646.9 on Criminal Harassment and Cyberstalking: Statement of Warning to Hate-Blogger Walter James Casper III

Sorry, Dr. Douglas, but I will not allow you to attempt to intimidate me with specious threats. My answer now is the same as it was the last time you made this kinda noise, back in September (and probably before that too, though it ain't worth the search):

If you really believe I am in violation of any federal or state law or ISP/Google/??? term of service because I submit a comment or two to your moderated blog against your expressed wishes, often in reply to American Power blog posts where you discuss me by name, I cordially invite you to make your reports to Google, the Irvine / Long Beach police department, Homeland Security, or whoever you feel you need to.

The time has come to fish or cut bait.

January 28, 2012 4:22 AM
UPDATE: (1-28-12 8:45am PST) Here's the complaint sent through the Blogger help page:
A man named Walter James Casper III used to be a commenter on my blog years ago. He became obsessed and abusive and started an entire blog to attack me personally and to threaten me with harassment. His co-bloggers at the blog, called "American Nihilist," have contacted my workplace to complain about my blogging, trying to get me fired. These attacks are violating my free speech rights and causing me and my family personal strife and emotional duress. Walter James Casper has also sent me personal emails of a threatening nature. These are completely unsolicited, as I have never exchanged emails with him at any time. I have written about the harassment and threats at my blog and Walter James Casper claims he has a right to respond in the comment section at my blog. While I have moderated comments, or even disabled comments, Casper continues to harass me with additional attempts to comment, with threats, and by email. I will also be filing police reports and contacting my attorney about these issues. My complaint is in no way an attempt to suppress Casper's free speech rights. This is only to notify Blogger of a terms of use violation, since Casper's threats are illegal under California state law, Penal Code Section 646.9, which makes cyberstalking and online harassment a crime. Casper's Blogger profile name is "Repsac3" and this is his Blogger profile URL: Thank you for your attention to this matter.
I will also be notifying the police of Walter James Casper's harassment next week.