Sunday, March 31, 2013

Arming Liberal Socialist Indoctrinators

A rare progressive radical who's not hiding his murderous ideology:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

James Taranto Takes a Paddle to Amanda Marcotte!

Oh boy, this is delectable!

At Twitchy, "Twitter fight: Amanda Marcotte hits ‘gross weirdo’ James Taranto over women’s marriage prospects."

I saw this breaking out on Twitter earlier, but Marcotte blocked me like a woman years ago, so I caught just RTs.

More at Althouse, "'Mother of Two Princeton Men Scolds College Women For Showing Insufficient Enthusiasm for Marrying Princeton Men'."

Washington Post Injects Race Into the Gun Debate

From the inimitable AoSHQ, "Because It Wasn't Already Contentious Enough ... WaPo Op-Ed Injects Race Into the Gun Debate."

Also at Althouse, "'White men have much to discuss about mass shootings'." (Via Memeorandum.)

Katy Perry Trending?

Who knew? Well, she was the other day, at least.

Good thing I'm following Zoo Today!

Yes, I'd rather be checking in at Zoo Today on a daily basis, rather than obsessively stalking enemies on the Internet, like a depraved homosexual. See: "Troll Rights Harasser Repsac3 Breaks Through the Disqus Commenting Firewall!"

Damned freak. Sheesh. Get a life you creep loser!

Troll Rights Harasser Repsac3 Breaks Through the Disqus Commenting Firewall!


Nailed the asshole --- again! --- on his moral bankruptcy, and the dude can't even respond but to call me a liar!

Bwhahaha!! Face it, Repmaster Asshole, you're an obsessed loser who's beaten, and bad.

And behold readers, notice how our resident troll rights harasser simply can't respond on point:
• 5 hours ago − You're a lying obsessed ass, Douglas ... Give it a rest, buddy.

• 5 hours ago − And learn how to use disqus better, while you're at it.
Really? Who's obsessed?

Folks have heard that broken record before. Seems to me our resident troll rights asshole once said that he was calling it a day, at a blog post titled, "Donald Kent Douglas Wins The Internet!!":
After a whole lotta reflection, I'm giving up. Throwing in the towel. I'm forfeiting the game, and letting Dr. Douglas take home the trophy, such as it is...
And since then?

Well, obviously the poor progressive asshole just can't let go. Racist Repsac3 has been banned from this blog for years. And I "won the Internet" last January when I reported this criminal to the authorities and switched over to Disqus commenting. Of course, that was just too much for Comrade Racist Repsac the Comunist to take, WHAAAA! Here's his wittle wittle weftist tantrum, bawling like a child about how Mean Old Donny was gonna be banned at the American Nihilist hate-hole. Banned! WHAAAA!!:
In true Donalde Kent Douglas fashion though, he is now and forevermore BANNED!!! from commenting on any/all blogs under my control... No whining, threats or fretting... All future submissions disappeared on sight, without further notice or comment. Persona non grata, gone-a, goodbye...
Hey, no problem dick hole. It's been over a year now and I don't even read your shit hole.

But note dear readers! Racist Repsac3, by contrast, is in my Sitemeter stats on a daily basis, just jonesin' for the teeniest tiniest throwaway mention to give his life meaning. Bwahahaha! And now he's jonesin' on squeezing through some comments at Disqus?

Oh, it hurts!! It hurts. Stop, stop. You can't make this up! You're making me bust a gut, Reppy! Bwahaha!!

Fuck you Walter James Casper III. Everything written about you is true, true, true to infinity! The fact that you can't comment must be infuriating, right? I love it! No one --- not a freakin' soul --- can see your deranged bleatings, and no one cares. Not here. Not at this blog. Just look at you, you freak. I haven't even mentioned you at this blog in two months, and poof! No sooner had a post gone up on you've posted at American Nihilist multiple times and taken to Twitter to share with your awesome less-than-250 followers.


You're right, though. I should have had your ISP added to the blacklist, a problem that's now been corrected, you stalking ass prick:
Username: repsac3


IP Address:
In any case, dear readers, here's the post that sent this criminal harasser over the edge: "Horror! Ideological Ghoul James Casper III Tweets Kate Michelman's Defense of Baby-Killer Kermit Gosnell, the 'Jeffrey Dahmer of Abortionists'."

Go snip some post-abortion spines, you ghoul. That's what you're all about. Murder. Death. Four fucking horseman you motherfucking pustule of diabolical refuse.

Get a life loser.

BANNED: "Ban, Block and Report Walter James Casper III in 2013."

Gay Marriage Is the Most Important Issue Evar!

Via Pat Dollard:

'The Place Beyond the Pines'

A movie review from Betsy Sharkey, at the Los Angeles Times, "Review: In 'The Place Beyond the Pines,' society is the bad guy."

Violence is the trigger in "The Place Beyond the Pines," Derek Cianfrance's latest love letter to bad breaks. But it's the ripple effect of responsibility, regret, limited resources and guilt that makes "Pines" particularly relevant in a time when so many struggle from paycheck to paycheck.

Starring Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes, Bradley Cooper, Ray Liotta and Dane DeHaan, the movie is intimate in its telling, sweeping in its issues and stumbles only occasionally.

The idiosyncratic Cianfrance tends to gravitate toward the economically challenged who live lives of desperation. It's a cultural slice that seems as forgotten by cinema as by society, those carrying a deep longing for the American dream of home and family, and a deep resentment that it is out of reach...
More at that top link.

I've got some time over the Easter Break to catch a couple of movies. And I'd have a crush on Ryan Gosling if I was a homosexual, so what the heck?

Struggling California Dairies Moving Out of State

I was just thinking about this while driving back from Las Vegas last weekend.

Once you come east of Corona and Norco, out by the Interstate 210, you can still see the remnants of the cattle ranches and dairy farms that decades ago dominated the landscape. Suburbanization has been encroaching for some time, but it's the state's anti-business climate that putting the final nail in the industry.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Dairies in California consider incentives to move out of state":
Other states have long poached California manufacturers and jobs. Now they're coming for the cows.

Seizing on the plight of the state's dairy industry, which is beset by high feed costs and low milk prices, nearly a dozen states are courting Golden State dairy farmers. The pitch: cheaper farm land, lower taxes, fewer environmental regulations and higher prices for their milk.

At the World Ag Expo, a behemoth trade show held in Tulare County last month, nine states had recruitment booths on the ground's Dairy Center.

South Dakota sent its governor, Dennis Daugaard, to make a personal appeal for his state. Ag officials there estimate that a single dairy cow creates $15,000 worth of economic activity annually through feed, vet bills and the like. That translates into jobs and revenue for hard-pressed rural areas.

"We're trying to corral some California cows," Daugaard said recently. "We're looking for dairymen who are looking to move out of California."

The state's $8-billion dairy industry leads the country in milk production. California cows produced 41.5 billion pounds of milk, or about 4.8 billion gallons, in 2011. That's 21% of the nation's milk supply. The next top milk-producing states, Wisconsin and Idaho, produced a combined 39.4 billion pounds of milk in 2011.

Although the migration is not yet a stampede, some California dairy farmers have left for what they see as better opportunities.

Sybrand Vander Dussen, 70, and his son, Mark, sold their 2,000-cow dairy in Corona two years ago. Mark Vander Dussen, 44, moved with his wife, Ranae, four kids and 800 Holstein heifers last year to set up shop in Greeley, Colo., where a $250-million cheese plant is under construction.

"We searched for a place that had better long-term prospects," Mark Vander Dussen said.

His father, a partner in the venture, plans to remain in California but said he's happy to no longer be dairy farming in the state. Sybrand Vander Dussen said when his friends heard that he was selling they said, "You're probably the smartest dairyman in California."

The federal government regulates milk prices in most states to prevent price volatility, but not in California, which has its own milk pricing system, established in 1935.

California dairy operators complain that the state's system is too stingy, and they're pushing officials to bring prices closer in line with the federal pricing system, partly to recover from tough years recently.
Continue reading.

Rule 5 Girls With Guns

Oh boy, talk about driving the gun-grabbing feminists batsh*t crazy, via Pat Dollard:

Girls Guns photo girls-with-guns_zps7b207947.jpg

Also at Guns and Bikinis, "Cuban Model (Claudia Sampedo)."

Dana Pico has more, "Rule 5 Blogging: Are all Finns blonde?"

And at Ninety Miles From Nowhere, "Morning Mistress," and "Lingerie Ladies." Plus, "Hot Pick of the Late Night."

More at Pirate's Cove, "If All You See……is an evil fossil fueled vehicle that no one (else) should own, you might just be a Warmist."

And at Randy's Rountable, "Thursday Nite Tart...Stacey Poole."

At Daley Gator, "DaleyBabe."

Still more at Bob Belvedere's, "Rule 5 News: 30 March 2013 A.D."

Forward your links to me if you don't see yours here. I'll have more Rule 5 this afternoon.

Blue States With High Taxes Are Struggling to Compete for Businesses and Workers

From Arthur Laffer Stephen Moore, "The Red-State Path to Prosperity":
You can tell a lot about prosperity in America by observing the places people are moving to and where they are packing up and moving from. New Census Bureau data on metropolitan areas indicate that the South and the Sunbelt regions continue to grow, while the Northeast and Midwest continue to shrink.

Among the 10 fastest-growing metro areas last year were Raleigh, Austin, Las Vegas, Orlando, Charlotte, Phoenix, Houston, San Antonio and Dallas. All of these are in low-tax, business-friendly red states. Blue-state areas such as Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Providence and Rochester were among the biggest population losers.

This migration isn't accidental. Workers and business owners are responding to clear economic incentives. Red states in the Southeast and Sunbelt are following the Reagan model by reducing tax rates and easing regulations. They also offer right-to-work laws as an enticement for businesses to come and set up shop. Meanwhile, the blue states of the Northeast, joined by California, Minnesota and Illinois, are implementing the Obama model of raising taxes on businesses and the wealthy to fund government "investments" and union power.

The contrast sets up a wonderful natural laboratory to test rival economic ideas.
Yes. More at the link.

And see the Mercatus Center, "Freedom in the 50 States."

Horror! Ideological Ghoul James Casper III Tweets Kate Michelman's Defense of Baby-Killer Kermit Gosnell, the 'Jeffrey Dahmer of Abortionists'

Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek has shown that accused Philadelphia abortion provider Kermit Gosnell is "the Jeffrey Dahmer of abortionists." This is a man so evil that he slit the throats of newborn babies who survive "botched" abortions. This is the hell house where precious human beings still squirm in horrible pain after their spinal cords have been severed with industrial shears. And Dr. Gosnell reportedly keeps a collection of baby body parts as souvenirs. Sickening.

But none of this matters to the demonstrably evil Walter James Casper III, the longtime "troll rights" harassment stalker of this blog. As the Gosnell trial winds on in the "City of Brotherly Love," "Hatesac" Casper is tweeting out the morally deranged bleatings of abortion-on-demand dregs like former NARAL head Kate Michelman:

Any decent, life-loving and -affirming human being would be denouncing the anti-human stain of Hermit "Baby Killer" Gosnell. But not the ghoulish Walter James Casper III, a genuinely evil man, as proven here time after time again, in the constant reporting on his crimes.

Michelle Malkin has the background on Gosnell's horrors, from 2011, "The Philadelphia Horror: How mass murder gets a pass."

And just this week from the wonderful Katie Pavlich, "Update on Abortion Monster Kermit Gosnell":
I wrote a lot about Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell back in 2011 when a Grand Jury issued a report showing the man had killed a woman and snipped the spinal cords of at least seven-full term healthy and viable babies after birth, making millions of dollars over the years. Gosnell worked late night hours in unsanitary conditions and hired staff without medical credentials to administer labor inducing drugs to women. Gosnell's medical license was revoked in 2010 and he was named in at least 46-medical-malpractice suits. Gosnell specifically targeted poor and minority women at his dirty, illegal and unsanitary clinic nicknamed the "house of horrors." As a reminder:
An abortion doctor who catered to minorities, immigrants and poor women was charged with eight counts of murder in the deaths of a patient and seven babies who were born alive and then killed with scissors, prosecutors said Wednesday.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 69, made millions of dollars over 30 years, performing as many illegal, late-term abortions as he could, prosecutors said.

Gosnell "induced labor, forced the live birth of viable babies in the sixth, seventh, eighth month of pregnancy and then killed those babies by cutting into the back of the neck with scissors and severing their spinal cord."

Authorities went to investigate drug-related complaints at the clinic last year and stumbled on what Williams called a "house of horrors."

"There were bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses scattered throughout the building," Williams said. "There were jars, lining shelves, with severed feet that he kept for no medical purpose."

But for diabolical ideological ghouls such as Walter James Casper III, it's all the fault of conservatives who've made it "more and more burdensome for women to get safe abortions." Oh sure. "Safe" abortions. Like those Planned Parenthood abortions where the babies not actually aborted --- those surviving human beings thrown on a medical cart --- are denied medical help because it'd be too difficult "logistically" to rush that child to the hospital?

Uh huh. That's what this is all about: giving a pass to murder.

Stay classy, Casper.

FRC's Tony Perkins on the Andrea Tantaros Show


VIDEO: Ahmed, the Eight-Year-Old Boy on the Front Line of Syria's Civil War

At Telegraph UK:
It is one of the most shocking images from the Syrian war. An eight-year-old boy draws deeply on a cigarette, the small fingers of his other hand clutching a an AK-47 rifle that balances awkwardly against his chest.

Firefighter Survives Being 'Thrown Through' Air by Icy Car Crash

Seems to me he was violating common sense safety rules. He even jumped back over the curb once before a second car crash into that pile up. He survived. He's lucky to be alive:

Touré vs. Ben Carson

The no comparison comparison, from Iowahawk, at Breitbart, "Tale of the Tape: Touré vs. Ben Carson."

Dr. Ben Carson photo carson_zps6b0cdc37.jpg


PREVIOUSLY: "Progressives Smear Dr. Benjamin Carson on Polygamy Comments Even Though Justice Sotomayor Raised Exact Same Concerns."

Manly Night at the Playboy Mansion

At Esquire, "Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Be of Good Cheer, for They Are Out There, and We Are in Here: The Perfect Life of Hugh Hefner":
For as long as anyone can remember, Monday night has been Manly Night at the Playboy Mansion. A little after five o'clock, nine or ten of Hugh Hefner's best friends — invited guests, holders of inner-circle memberships that will be good until death — start pulling up outside the front gate. They talk into what looks like a big round rock, and a disembodied voice questions and admits them, sometimes sounding surprised about it—"Oh, hey, you can come up" — and the gate swings open, revealing a hedge-lined driveway and two yellow warning signs: BRAKE FOR ANIMALS and PLAYMATES AT PLAY. The Mansion soon looms at the top of a rise, a Gothic pile with leaded glass windows that overlook immaculate grounds tended by men in green work shirts, each with the familiar white rabbit stitched on the chest. The guests ease up next to a marble fountain topped by a cherub molesting a dolphin, and then they head through the Mansion's thick wood front door and into the appropriately named Great Hall, where there are several large portraits of their host watched over by a full-sized statue of Frankenstein.

Ray Anthony, the ninety-one-year-old trumpeter and bandleader, is usually the first of the men to show up, with either a hat or a toupee on his head. Fred Dryer, the former football player and actor, also arrives, still looking capable of feats of strength, his hands the size of dinner plates. Johnny Crawford, the former child star (The Rifleman) and teen idol ("Cindy's Birthday"), wanders in, as does eighty-four-year-old Keith Hefner, the younger brother and only sibling of the more famous of the Hefner boys. More ordinary men join the gathering as well — a retired kindergarten teacher named Mark Cantor, a movie-memorabilia expert named Ron Borst, a producer named Kevin Burns. The youngest and newest member, Jeremy Arnold, is a film historian and writer. He's been admitted to Manly Night for only a year or so, after spending ten years in the less-exclusive Movie Nights' farm club — Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays — and he still walks around with a bemused smile, as though he's not quite sure how he ended up here or doesn't believe he has. All these men somehow drifted into Hefner's orbit, and for whatever reason he decided to snare them, the way a planet collects satellites. Now they will never escape his gravity. They will never try.

The center of this particular universe is, for the moment, invisible to the naked eye. He's probably upstairs in his bedroom, where the chances are very high that he's eating a bowl of Lipton chicken-noodle soup, which he eats nearly every day. He rarely eats with the other members of the group, who move to the dining room — a large wood table, a dozen ornate blue chairs, a life-sized cardboard cutout of a smiling Hefner in black silk pajamas, a permanent stand-in — and take their regular seats. There are menus at each place — Hosted byHugh M. Hefner — but the Mansion is a bit like a cruise ship: The industrial kitchen and its venerable staff (William the executive chef, Brenda the pastry chef, Alan the butler, and maybe six or eight invisible others) will prepare just about any American meal a man could want. Plates of fried chicken soon come out of the shining kitchen, big salads, slabs of rib eye. Cocktails are poured and the men knock on one another and catch up on the week's events and raise a toast they say together: "Gentlemen, gentlemen, be of good cheer, for they are out there, and we are in here."
Continue reading.

How #GayMarriage Symbol Went Viral on Facebook

At the Verge, "Facebook maps out support for gay marriage as profile photo campaign takes off." And WSJ, "Facebook: Big Impact From Gay-Marriage Campaign."

And Gabby Hoffman's got the moral competitor, "I support traditional marriage..."

The Louise Mensch School of Rock

At Independent UK, "Music students dazzled by the Louise and Peter Mensch show at the Albert Hall":

Louise Mensch photo Mensch-IRELAND_zps0f0af962.jpg
“Why are you still bothering?,” Louise Mensch asks her husband, Peter, the New York  rock band manager who guides the careers of Metallica and Jimmy Page. “You made a lot of money a long time ago and it’s your 60th birthday today?”

It’s a question which might normally be posed within the family home. But today the former Conservative MP is quizzing her husband on a stage at the Royal Albert Hall in front of 50 spellbound  students.

The audience are young musicians, chosen to attend a masterclass in music management as part of the London venue’s new education programme.

Whilst Mr Mensch reveals how he made AC/DC international megastars and saved Madonna’s career, the session also provided a revealing insight into the relationship which prompted his wife’s surprise resignation from Parliament last August to move to New York with her husband.

“I don’t have to introduce Louise, you know her,” Mr Mensch told the students as the former politician, who agreed to be “chairman” for the session, sat alongside her husband.

Unused to a supporting role, and betraying a slight East Coast twang, Louise soon began to impose herself on proceedings.

“I want to get through you guys’ questions,” she told the audience. “But first I have some questions of my own. Let’s talk about Metallica. You stole them from their manager didn’t you? ” “Louise knows my career better than I do,” Peter admitted.

Later an exasperated Peter complained “You keep cutting me off” when Louise tried to move the conversation on. “I’ve got so many questions,” she told him.

“It’s my show and I can do what I want” insisted Peter, who was “shushed” by his wife when he threatened to divulge an indiscreet story about Samantha Cameron.

Louise first met Peter when she invited him to speak at the Oxford Union in 1990.

Years before they became an item, Mr Mensch helped Louise gain work experience in the music business. “I spent all of one Summer interning at MTV Headbangers Ball and record companies,” she told the students. “I worked for nothing.” Now she is helping him choose his next starlet....
Continue reading.

RELATED: At Telegraph UK, "Louise Mensch feared she would be trounced by Labour, her husband says":
Louise Mensch quit her job as a Conservative MP partly out of fear she would be “killed” at the next election, her husband has said...

Pilgrims Reenact Passion of Christ in Jerusalem on Good Friday

Via Telegraph UK:

Here's That Megyn Kelly Segment on the Left's Bogus Smear of Dr. Benjamin Carson

Here's my earlier entry, "Progressives Smear Dr. Benjamin Carson on Polygamy Comments Even Though Justice Sotomayor Raised Exact Same Concerns."

The depraved progressives are busted. Megyn Kelly clearly gets it, and this idiot Dan Gerstein claims it's "apples and oranges" and "legal vs. ethical." What an asshole.

And listen to conservative Ben Ferguson just hammering the left for the hypocrisy. This issue really shows how f-ked up public debate is in America. When the radical left redefines all moral standards truth is the first casualty. It's bad all around, tragic.