Sunday, July 18, 2010

Elena Kagan's Sharia Protection Racket

From the Center on Security Policy:

As Dean of Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan banned military recruiters from campus because US law said they couldn't enlist homosexuals. Well, she invited the Saudi's "recruiters" to promote their legal code -- Shariah -- which calls for homosexuals to be murdered and women to be treated like animals. If Kagan tolerates promoting the injustice of Shariah law on the campus of Harvard, what kind of injustice will she tolerate in America during a lifetime on the Supreme Court?
And not only that: "Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit: Sided with kingdom in case brought by victims of terror attacks."


fffffffffff said...

What the hell is this?

Don't you realize how insane all this paranoid fear-mongering makes you look? Do you really think Kagan supports executing gays in order to appease Muslims? That doesn't even make any sense. You guys are simultaneously attacking her for being pro-gay and anti-gay. Even if she associated with a Muslim group with shady ties it doesn't mean she endorses all of their views entirely. I mean good God the US military collaborates all the time with Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. They help to prop up the Saudi regime. Are the troops a bunch of dhimmis?

What's your opinion of Republicans who openly suck up to hateful Christian rightists who demonize gays and oppose women's rights? Need I remind you that Jerry Falwell called AIDS God's punishment for gays and John Hagee said Hurricane Katrina was God punishing New Orleans for their debauchery?