Monday, June 6, 2011

Howard Kurtz Covers #WeinerGate on CNN's 'Reliable Sources'

This video's edited a bit. At about 3:30 minutes Gawker's Maureen O'Connor says:
Is this relevant to Anthony Weiner’s career as a politician? Maybe. . . . This is what we do. We cover human interest stories. We cover the strange case of a person, a powerful person, ending up falling to the exact same ridiculously stupid follies that everyone does. Taking a picture of his dick and getting caught doing it.
"Dick" is deleted, but Howard Kurtz responds that that's not a word he'd use on the air.


That said, Jeff Jarvis is a bleedin' idiot. He's all about "if this were Europe" no one would give a hoot ... Well bud, it's not Europe, but I'm sure you'd do well over there. Bye bye!

RELATED: At POWIP: "Weinergate: Whole Lotta Love." And Patterico, "More Weiner Messages to Young Girls? Evidence the Media Was Duped into Dropping the Investigation." (At Memeorandum.)


dave in boca said...

Looks like the lamestreamers are abandoning the Weiner/Wiener story for the bus-chasing of Sarah Palin.

They have no clue as to their cluelessness.