Monday, February 10, 2014

The Radical Left Is Never Right About Israel

From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker:
On April 30, 2013, Julia Gillard, then Australian prime minister and leader of the Labor Party, denounced the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement as "not serving the cause of peace and diplomacy for agreement on a two state solution" of the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

She was aware of a number of factors.  One was that, despite pretenses, BDS in reality aimed at targeting a whole nation, not individuals or groups responsible for any particular activities.  Secondly, she was experiencing BDS action at the University of New South Wales that had mutated from anti-Zionist rhetoric to expressions of anti-Semitism and Holocaust-denial on campus.  She was also aware of the absurd concentration of left radicals on the issue of Israel rather than on Iran, "whose regime has for decades been a patron of the darkest forces in the region."

Since June 2005, the Palestinian Authority, instead of following the road laid down in the Oslo Accords to discuss negotiations, has called for BDS against Israel.

With the aid of a collection of organizations and individuals, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel has concentrated with ideological intensity and hatred on targeting individuals, businesses, and organizations that have some ties with Israel.

Some of the businesses, organizations, academic units, and entertainers who are complicit in this effort have accepted some version of the Palestinian narrative of victimhood and oppression by Israel, or they have been subjected to considerable pressure to take part in BDS.  They constitute a motley group: official bodies such as the Norwegian government, trade unions in Ireland and Britain; academic organizations in a number of countries; businesses such as the Dutch pension fund PGGM, the Danish Danske Bank and the German Deutsche Bahn; and entertainers and writers such as Alice Walker, Roger Waters, Elvis Costello, Jean-Luc Goddard, and Emma Thompson.

What is the common thread tying them together?  Abettors of the campaign give specious reasons for their participation.  In general, involvement in boycott or disengagement from Israel is explained as a response to Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and the existence of or continuing construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.  Except for what they have heard from the Palestinian propaganda that has been funded and disseminated by critics of Israel, almost all of the people involved in boycott know little of the history and politics of the Middle East, let alone anything about the alleged Israeli behavior that they attack with such venom.

The reality is that the hostility towards Israel is not directed at helping the Palestinian population.  It is fundamentally based on a campaign to de-legitimize the State of Israel, to refuse to acknowledge the validity of the existence of a Jewish state...  
Keep reading.

And in its burning hatred of Israel, today's left has settled on its shoulders the mantle of global anti-Semitic eliminationism. For that reason alone people of good will and decency should expose the left for what it is, a totalitarian movement based on racist hatred and ideological evil. But of course, there is so much that's evil among regressive leftists that it literally boggles the mind to witness its still not inconsiderable degree of popular support. Personally, I cannot relate to leftists and I will not spend time with them other than that which is cordial and professionally necessary. They need to be exposed at every turn for their moral bankruptcy and socialist perversity. Indeed, as I've said many times, leftists are not essentially Americans. But we can't just ship them off, so we must find a way to continue to marginalize them and to teach our young the values of right and goodness only through which our continued security and prosperity can be guaranteed.

RELATED: From David Gerstman, at Legal Insurrection, "NY Times plays Sympathy for the BDS."

EXTRA EVIL: "Hateful Anti-Semitic Ghoul Walter James Casper III Tweets Jew-Bashing Attack on Pamela Geller — and Israel!"

Because Repsac3 fully endorses the eliminationist agenda Professor Curtis has so thoroughly exposed.