Monday, June 16, 2014

Six in 10 Americans Dissatisfied with Obama Administration Handling of 2012 #Benghazi Attack

Yes, because it was all just some unhinged GOP whipped up frenzy for the base, or something.

At CNN, "CNN/ORC Poll: Majority dissatisfied with handling of Benghazi."

Just 37 percent are satisfied with the administration's handling of Benghazi, and:
Sixty-one percent of Americans surveyed think the administration has generally been dishonest in providing information about Benghazi in the aftermath of the attack.

“That may be one reason why overall dissatisfaction with the White House has gone from 50% in 2012 to 60% now,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
There'll be more on this. An ABC News poll out last week found that 58 percent of Americans thought the White House "covered up what it knows" about. Benghazi.