Wednesday, February 4, 2015

President Obama Downplays Terrorist Threat (VIDEO)

Actually, I don't know if he's downplaying it so much as over-rationalizing it. When folks call Obama a political "realist" on national security policy, this is what they're talking about. (See Stephen Walt, for example, a true fanatical supporter of this administration's foreign policy, "Think Before You March").

The problem is it's bloodless realpolitik. It doesn't make for particularly compelling viewing. It seems more like resignation to global dangers, with the luxury of pulling up the drawbridge. Even when there's no existential threat, Americans like some emotion and resolve. And besides, some argue that global jihad is currently "the greatest danger facing mankind."

There's a disconnect.

In any case, watch at Pat Dollard's, "WATCH, (P)RESIDENT EVIL: “I Insist We Do Not Provide a Victory to These Terrorists by Over-inflating Their Importance as a Threat to the U.S.