Tuesday, October 7, 2014

George Will Disinvited from Scripps College Speaking Engagement

This is quite a story, at National Review, "Scripps College Disinvited George Will from Speaking Series Focused on Different Views for Having Different Views."

And from Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "George Will speech at Scripps College canceled because of tolerance, or something":
This story begins almost four months ago, when Washington Post columnist George Will challenged the Obama administration’s attempts to use debunked data to push a narrative of an epidemic of sexual assaults on American college campuses. Will also criticized the expansion of the term “sexual assault” to a nearly meaningless definition, and the demand by the White House for colleges to use a minimal standard of evidence to “convict” the accused. For being one of the first to call foul on the Department of Education’s efforts, Will earned the ire of progressives and activists, and one newspaper stopped carrying his column when the controversy erupted over his opinion.

Since then, plenty of people have joined Will in questioning the actions, motives, and outcomes of the Obama administration’s insistence that a sexual assault epidemic has erupted and kangaroo campus courts are the remedy, including myself, and especially Ashe Schow at the Washington Examiner.  That emergence of a legitimate debate over what looks very much like a new McMartin Preschool-style witch hunt made little difference to Scripps College, which invited Will to deliver a speech — and then disinvited him...
More. Via Memeorandum.

Colleges really aren't places of diversity of thought. Perhaps they were at one time, but nowadays anyone who deviates from the hard-left ideological orthodoxy is not welcomed, and indeed will be demonized, excoriated, and boycotted.

The left is leading the closing of the American mind.

BONUS: Here's Will's offending column, at WaPo, from June, "Colleges become the victims of progressivism."