Showing posts with label Bill O'Reilly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill O'Reilly. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bill O'Reilly Confronting Evil

An outstanding "Talking Points Memo" from yesterday's O'Reilly Factor. And both Mary Katharine Ham and Juan Williams are excellent:

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Immoral Obscenity of the American Welfare State

An intense talking points memo at Bill O'Reilly's.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Entitlement America

An outstanding O'Reilly Factor from a couple of nights back, worth every minute:

And I think this is the WaPo editorial he's referencing, "Mitt Romney’s parting ‘gifts’."

And here's O'Reilly's election night rant, on video.

O'Reilly's politically incorrect. For progressives that's RAAAAACISM!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bill O'Reilly Talking Points: Close Encounter with Occupy Protester

O'Reilly told some progressive asshat to bugger off, defended himself with his umbrella, and called the cops when the occupy goon wouldn't stand down.

And the radical gay extremists aren't pleased: "Bill O'Reilly: Cell Phone Armed Occupy Wall Street Anarchist Attacked Me."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jon Stewart on the 'O'Reilly Factor'

Freedom's Lighthouse provides the videos. And here's this from the Los Angeles Times, "Comedian Jon Stewart Takes the Hot Seat with Bill O'Reilly":

Jon Stewart showed up alone for his showdown Wednesday afternoon with Bill O'Reilly.

"Stewart, S-T-E-W-A-R-T," he told the security guard in the lobby of Fox News' midtown Manhattan headquarters. "I'm here to get crushed by O'Reilly."

In fact, what unfolded over the next 40 minutes was a vigorous, policy-laden debate between two of television's most popular figures who hail from increasingly polarized political worlds. Their discussion careened between talk of tort reform, global warming and the trials of the 9/11 terrorists.

But most of all, Stewart used his second appearance ever on "The O'Reilly Factor" to levy a robust critique of Fox News and its coverage of President Obama.

"Here's what Fox has done, through their cyclonic perpetual emotional machine that is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: They have taken reasonable concerns about this president and this economy and turned it into full-fledged panic attack about the next coming of Chairman Mao," the comedian told his host.

"I think some people do that, but most people don't," O'Reilly responded, calling it "the narrative of a couple of guys."

Media criticism is nothing new for Stewart, who engages in it every night on "The Daily Show," gleefully splicing together news footage in bracing send-ups of media outlets, particularly Fox News. His mockery of CNN's political talk show "Crossfire" helped persuade executives to cancel that program. And last year he jousted fiercely with CNBC host Jim Cramer, accusing him of overstating the health of the stock market.

But when Stewart lodged his case against Fox News on the network's own air, directly to its top-rated host, it made for a rare and remarkable television exchange.
More at the link, as well as a Fox News video of the broadcast. (Via Memeorandum.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sarah Palin's Book Tour

After having just attended a lecture and book signing with Michelle Malkin, I've been wondering if I'll have a similar opportunity with Sarah Palin. But the thing is, looking at the clip here, and thinking of my brief photo-op with Malkin, it's just a quick hello and thank you, for the most part (or, maybe she'll sign your jacket as well). Still, it'd be an honor to shake Governor Palin's hand and give her the blessings of success in the years ahead:

See also, "Sarah Palin Hits the (Book) Trail" (via Memeorandum). And in case you missed it, from The Blog Prof, "Hundreds Wait All Night in 30F Weather in MI to Meet Sarah Palin at Book Signing."

Actually, I'll Take Leighton Meester Over Levi Johnston Any Day...

I'm not linking, but Andrew Sullivan has posted a picture from Levi Johnston's Playgirl photo-shoot. It's an interesting selection, given that Sullivan's returning to regularly-scheduled blogging from his (super-hyped drama-queen) Sarah Palin hiatus. (And that's not to mention Sully's likely boy-crush on Levi.) Robert Stacy McCain's got a report, "Sullivan Promises to be 'Normal' Today" (with the concluding flourish, "DEPORT ANDREW SULLIVAN!").

Actually, I'd rather preoccupy my time with Leighton Meester, who's got her own
genuinely-electrifying pictorial in GQ. But note that Huffington Post has a better photo-spread than GQ online. See, "Leighton Meester's GQ Shoot: Lingerie, Spreads Legs."

That shot above, a body-suit legs-wide-open offering, is pretty phenomenal.

Sarah Palin Interviewed on Fox News

I missed it. It's been a busy week with teaching and the Michelle Malkin event, and I actually starting reading Going Rogue last night. But Freedom's Lighthouse has posted Sarah Palin's interview with Sean Hannity from yesterday, "Gov. Sarah Palin Interview with Sean Hannity - Complete Video 11/18/09." Sean asks Governor Palin about her father's "moose eyeballs" in the first segment, and that's a portion of the first chapter of the Going Rogue that caught my attention as well:

I had planned, however, to catch Governor Palin's appearance tonight on the O'Reilly Factor. Here's here's a preview:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Idiot Leftist Marc Lamont Hill Out at Fox News

From Mediaite, "Liberal Analyst Marc Lamont Hill Fired From Fox News":

Mediaite has confirmed Marc Lamont Hill has been fired from Fox News Channel. The liberal commentator was a regular on the network, most recently appearing as a guest on The O’Reilly Factor one week ago, according to TV Eyes.

Interestingly, the news was broken by News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch at the companies stockholders meeting today, reported by The Hollywood Reporter.

Murdoch made the announcement after a shareholder asked about Hill’s “reputation of defending cop killers and racists.”
See also, David Horowitz, "The O’Reilly Factor’s Insult to Its Viewers Generally and to African Americans in Particular":

I am a big fan of The O’Reilly Factor. I think O’Reilly has done heroic work in taking on the media left, in speaking up for the little guy, in pursuing sex offenders and corrupt judges and being a stand up guy on a whole host of issues. I watch him regularly and regard him as a pioneer in honest television.

That said, I find his continued promotion of Professor Marc Lamont Hill an embarrassment to his own standards and an insult to the intelligence of African Americans particularly and his entire audience generally ...
Hill's own website has this description: "Dr. Marc Lamont Hill is one of the leading hip-hop generation intellectuals in the country."

Yeah. Right. Good riddance to the guy.
Columbia should follow suit (but they won't, since Hill's type is a dime-a-dozen over there).

Dan Riehl has
more. And Memeorandum.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Goes After Jesse Griffin

Here's the video from last night's O'Reilly Factor:

There's a couple on interesting points on this. For one, O'Reilly doesn't mention any of the legwork done by conservative bloggers to dig dirt on "Gryphen." Robert Stacy McCain and Dan Riehl worked all weekend getting statements from the Palin camp and on digging out Jesse Griffin's identity. Some of that stuff was exclusive, but no credits from O'Reilly?

Secondly, though, is "Gryphen" himself. The guy apparently has tremendous support on the Palin-hating left, and it's clear that the guy's whacked views on family and morality are fully central to today's progressive ideology.
For example:
You know the reason that many people enjoy adult movies is that it is sexy to watch people making love ... I think that this trend toward real people having real sex is definitely the way to go. I always had a little guilt watching an adult movie and wondering if the female performer was a drug addict, or victim of molestation, just prostituting herself to make a buck. I am not Jewish, so guilt and sex don't really go together for me. But when you see a video of an amateur couple having sex you can tell that they are simply doing it for the sheer excitement of sharing their passion with a bunch of middle aged pervs who are going to wank off to their sexual exploits. Well great here comes that guilt again.
And is that a smack of anti-Semitism in there? That'd be pretty standard for the left, in any case. Guilt's not confined to Judaism.

Check Robert Stacy McCain for more.

Video Hat Tip:
Saber Point.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

O'Reilly Hammers Leftists for Alexa Branchini Protests

The Huffington Post has published a "Progress Report" from the Soros-backed far-left blog, Think Progress: "Stop The O'Reilly Harassment Machine" (via Memeorandum).

Actually, the harrassment runs in the other direction (see the Palm Beach Daily News, "
Bill O'Reilly speaks at Branchini foundation benefit for rape victims, despite protest"); and O'Reilly's on-the-street interviews - alleged as violating the rights of Think Progress blogger Amanda Terkel - are the kind of journalistic shoe-leather reports that today's media sorely lacks. But the real reason these folks are mad is because O'Reilly rightly exposed them for the leftist totalitarians they are, as this segment from "The Factor" indicates:

According to Gateway Pundit:

This segment on the O'Reilly Factor was exceptional. O'Reilly managed to eviscerate nearly a dozen "evil" Far Left entities in one segment.

Bill O'Reilly ripped apart "evil" Far Left players: NBC, John Podesta, Think Progress, Jeff Zucker, Center for American Progress, General Electric, and Amanda Terkel.

No wonder they hate him.

Bill O'Reilly condemned the "evil" Far Left loons for attacking rape victim Alexa Branchini at a fundraiser this past week in Florida. Elements at NBC News encouraged the loons to protest the
Alexa Foundation, an organization that supports rape victims. After the event O'Reilly producer Jesse Watters confronted an over-matched and dishonest Amanda Terkel from Think Progress who led the charge against the Alexa Foundation.

Far Left blogress Amanda Terkel
whined in her latest post at Think Progress that she was harassed by Bill O'Reilly producer Jesse Watters.

How pathetic.

And check out
Think Progress' homepage, where loads of articles are decrying the "harrassment." Being called to account for their own intolerance is obviously too much for these idiots.