Showing posts with label MSNBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSNBC. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

'I love the policy questions, I'm happy to do more, but I just wanted to talk about the victory here...'

Heck, I'd be in a celebratory mood as well.

But see Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "Bad sign: Cantor’s vanquisher surprised MSNBC host isn’t just celebrating his victory":

In the wake of his victory, Brat joined MSNBC host Chuck Todd on Wednesday where he received a gentle grilling and was asked for his position on a variety of policy matters. Brat seemed entirely unprepared to have to speak on issues of substance. In fact, he suggested – perhaps (hopefully) jokingly – that he thought Todd invited him on the program merely to celebrate his victory.

“Where are you on the minimum wage?” Todd began, starting off with a question right in this economics expert’s wheelhouse.

Brat railed against unspecific distorting effects on the market before he was prompted to say whether or not he thought a minimum wage should even exist? “I don’t have a well-crafted response on that one,” Brat replied. …

Okay. So, how about foreign policy?

“Would you be in favor of arming the Syrian rebels?” Todd asked.

“Hey, Chuck, I thought we were just going to chat today about the celebratory aspect,” Brat replied. “I’d love to go through all this, but my mind is just, uh, I didn’t get much sleep.”

“I love the policy questions, I’m happy to do more, but I just wanted to talk about the victory here,” he continued.
Yeah, well, cut him some slack. Even Baracky need a couple of minutes to finish his waffles.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Oh My! @MSNBC's Krystal Ball: 'Animal Farm' Actually a Parable About Greedy Capitalists (Bumped)

I know.

The mind reels.

This woman is literally brainless. Piketty's book is titled "Capital" for a reason.

From Darleen Click, at Protein Wisdom, "Positively Orwellian":

"Even the aghast and ostensibly economically literate The Wall Street Journal tells him to read Animal Farm. Animal Farm, hmm. Isn't that Orwell's political parable of farm animals where a bunch of pigs hog up all the economic resources, tell the animals they need the food because they're the makers and then scare up a prospect of a phony boogie man every time their greed is challenged? Sounds familiar. Hey conservatives, it's time to stop the childish Cold War name-calling and deal with facts. Either that or be relegated to the kids and the crazy uncle table at holiday dinners."

Look, even the left-wing editors at Wikipedia get it right:
Animal Farm is an allegorical and dystopian novel by George Orwell, published in England on 17 August 1945. According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. Orwell, a democratic socialist, was an outspoken critic of Joseph Stalin and, especially after experiences with the NKVD and the Spanish Civil War, he was actively opposed to the controversial ideology of Stalinism. The Soviet Union, he believed, had become a brutal dictatorship, built upon a cult of personality and enforced by a reign of terror. In a letter to Yvonne Davet, Orwell described Animal Farm as a satirical tale against Stalin "un conte satirique contre Staline", and in his essay "Why I Write" (1946), he wrote that Animal Farm was the first book in which he had tried, with full consciousness of what he was doing, "to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole".
VIDEO: Via National Review.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hammered in Ratings and Revenues, @MSNBC Hangs On for Dear Life

It's a terrible network with stupid commentators. Its tanking corresponds perfectly with the growing toxicity of the far-left, Democrat Party brand under this corrupt, amateur-hour Obama administration.

From Dylan Byers, at Politico, "MSNBC is in serious trouble":

MSNBC Ratings Decline photo stateofcable_zpsee42ad52.jpg
This is the story of MSNBC in a nutshell: It rose to prominence on its criticism of George W. Bush, peaked during Barack Obama's historic 2008 campaign, and, by criticizing Republicans and championing liberal causes, sustained its viewership in the years that followed.

Until now.

MSNBC suffered harder loses in 2013 -- in terms of both viewership and revenue -- than either of its competitors at Fox News and CNN, according to Nielsen data featured in a new Pew Research report. Prime-time viewership declined by a staggering 24 percent (nearly twice the loss sustained by CNN and four-times that sustained by Fox News). Daytime viewership fell by 15 percent, even as it rose at both of the other networks.

On the revenue side, MSNBC was projected to decline by 2 percent, while both CNN and Fox News were projected to experience growth of 2 percent and 5 percent, respectively. MSNBC was expected to bring in $475 million in revenue: less than half what CNN will make and roughly one-quarter of what Fox News will make.

Conventional wisdom has it that cable news doesn't have much of a future: The audience is old and getting older, the television landscape is growing more and more fractured, appointment viewing is becoming a thing of the past, etc. Certainly, every cable news network lost viewers last year. But this version of events often ignores the incredible revenue gains made each year by Fox News (like a rocket) and CNN (far more gradual, but we're still talking billions).

MSNBC isn't seeing that growth, and it's not clear how it will. In a world where liberals wanted to be outraged by George Bush every night, or celebrate the rise of Barack Obama, MSNBC had a theory of the case. But now Obama's presidency has turned into a slog, and MSNBC isn't compelling. Prime time is just hours of what often seems like feigned outrage. And the daytime strategy -- giving shows to kids in their 20s and 30s, in an apparent bid to reach the youths -- is comically bad, and rendered absurd at every commercial break when the catheter ads come on...

Maybe MSNBC President Phil Griffin will put these losers out of their misery. Maybe some higher-up will put Phil Griffin out of his misery. These stooges are all messed up. Obviously, Melissa Harris-Perry, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Touré Neblett, Lawrence O'Donnell, Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton aren't cutting the mustard, the buttfreak race-baiting morons. Poor things. Ima about to cry (not).

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Apology Not Accepted You Racist Scumbags!

From Lonely Con, "Kira Davis to MSNBC: Apology Not Accepted."

.@MSNBC's Racial Hypocrisy

Jason Riley interviewed at WSJ Digital.

Riley's wife is Naomi Schaefer Riley, who is white.

Conservatives More Likely to Live in Mixed-Race Households Than Leftists

At Expose Liberals, "MSNBC hates this: More conservatives than liberals belong to biracial families."

 photo BfPIAdaCUAAH6b0_zpse0412635.jpg

Following the links takes us to Jim Lindgren, at Volokh, "MSNBC flap: New evidence on the political views of mixed-race adopted and step-families":
Not surprisingly [in the General Social Survey], there is no statistically significant left-right political differences in the proportion of adopted or step-families that are in mixed race households. Indeed, among families with step-children or adopted children, 11 percent of conservatives were living in mixed race households compared to 10 percent of liberals living in mixed-race households.

Similarly, 9.4 percent of Republicans living in step- or adopted families were in mixed-race households, compared to only 8.8 percent of Democrats in such families. (Again, this small advantage for Republicans is not large enough to be statistically significant). If one breaks things down further by both party and political orientation, only 7.7 percent of liberal Democrats and 3.6 percent of moderate Democrats lived in mixed-race adopted or step-households, compared to an insignificantly different 10.6 percent of conservative Republicans.

Thus, there is no evidence in the GSS data that Republican, conservative, or conservative Republicans who were living with step-children or adopted children were less likely to live in mixed-race households than Democrats, liberals, liberal Democrats, or moderate Democrats in adopted or step-families. Indeed, in each instance the point estimates for living in a mixed-race household were insignificantly higher for the right side of the spectrum than for the left side.
Indeed, that's why MSNBC is Walter James "Kleagle" Casper's favorite channel. F-king racist jackboot thug.

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Michelle Malkin 'Put On a Clinic' in How Conservatives Can Respond to Leftist Racism

Here's Twitchy from the other night, "This is how it’s done: Michelle Malkin leads crushing social media win against MSNBC smear [pics]."

And on The Five yesterday:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

#MSNBC's Apology Pathology

An unusually good post from Erik Wemple, at WaPo, "The Cheerios ad and MSNBC’s apologetic pathology":
The Erik Wemple Blog has asked MSNBC for an explanation but hasn’t yet gotten one.

Whatever the explanation, there’s certainly no excuse. The tweet in question isn’t clever, helpful or fair. It’s a divisive piece of taunting nastiness driven by a worldview that MSNBC personalities have surfaced with great regularity in recent memory, always followed by excellent apologies. After then-MSNBC host Martin Bashir suggested that Sarah Palin be subjected to an excrement-related punishment visited upon slaves, he said, “My words were wholly unacceptable,” among other very contrite things. After short-lived MSNBC host Alec Baldwin allegedly shouted down a paparazzo with homophobic language, he said, “I did not intend to hurt or offend anyone with my choice of words, but clearly I have — and for that I am deeply sorry.” After host Melissa Harris-Perry presided over a segment that mocked Mitt Romney’s family over a photo featuring his adopted African-American grandson, the host said, among other things, “So without reservation or qualification, I apologize to the Romney family. Adults who enter into public life implicitly consent to having less privacy. But their families, and especially their children, should not be treated callously or thoughtlessly.”

And now this Cheerios thing. The string of offenses raises doubts about Wolffe’s claim that the tweet from last night doesn’t reflect “who we are at msnbc.” Rather, the tweet appears to a careful observer to define precisely what MSNBC is becoming: A place that offends and apologizes with equal vigor.

The Erik Wemple Blog supports media organizations that muster strong apologies. Too often, mistakes are followed by stonewalling and a failure to repent. Apologies can be an important measure of accountability. Yet this string of meae culpae suggests that the apology may be morphing into an enabling device for the network’s tendentious and divisive attitudes. Sometimes a bad tweet represents the errant and unrepresentative thoughts of some employee managing the social-media accounts. And sometimes it represents institutional ... mores and prejudices.
And don't miss Dan Riehl's excellent aggregation, "In Leftist terms, MSNBC should be officially labeled a “Hate Network” – Over 100 examples."

It truly is a "hate network," and clearly instills in its viewers a despicable racist, eliminationist hatred. Like Walter James Casper III, who's a huge fan of MSNBC's pathological hate. (Well, Repsac's a pathological hater, but we've been there before.)

PREVIOUSLY: "MSNBC President Phil Griffin Apologizes to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus." Also, ".@MSNBC Takes Down Racist Hate-Tweet Attacking Conservatives Over New Biracial Cheerios Commercial."

MSNBC President Phil Griffin Apologizes to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus

This is something else.

At Politico, "MSNBC president apologizes to RNC, fires staffer responsible for tweet."

And at Twitchy, "MSNBC head apologizes for ‘outrageous’ bigoted tweet, but will anything change? [video]."

More at Mediagazer.

More at Mediaite, "Rothman: The RNC’s Boycott of MSNBC is Brilliant."

.@MSNBC's Alex Wagner Attacks (Condescends to) Cathy McMorris Rodgers' During #SOTU Response

I read this extremely fascinating (if not entirely eye-opening) piece on MSNBC's Alex Wager the other day, at Instapundit, "MATTHEW CONTINETTI: Love in the Time of Obama: Alex Wagner, Sam Kass, and the new aristocracy."

Wagner apparently was once a personal assistant to George Clooney and she later married President Obama's personal White Houses chef Sam Kass. She's part of the new snobbish elite who've ascended on the tails of their connections, not on grit and merit. We've heard these kinds of stories before, but of late, with all the talk of "income inequality," it bears noting that status inequality is the new marker for leftists disdainful of flyover Americans.

Ace of SpadesHQ had a long post on this yesterday, "The Left Talks a Great Deal About the Evils of Income Inequality, But Is Very Happy to Perpetuate a Regime of Social Inequality":
Social inequality -- that is, strong caste and class identification, and disparagement of all other (or "lesser," in the eyes of the class-obsessed person) castes and classes -- has gotten more pronounced over the past ten years.

It is weaponized for politics. Sarah Palin quite plainly is not dismissed by the New Class merely because they disagree with her beliefs. Their disdain has a nasty personal edge to it -- they disapprove of her and the class she hails from. The New Class is not to content itself with disparaging Palin. They actively wish to include millions of Americans they've never even met inside the broad circle of their angry, arrogant disdain. The fact that they are not just attacking Palin but attacking millions of other people is not a bug, but a feature. The additional casualties of the attack are not regrettable collateral damage, but rather bonus damage to be celebrated.
Yes "weaponized," as in Wagner's tweet Tuesday ridiculing the House Republican Conference chairwoman:

Wagner is criticized as the perfect parrot for the left's tut-tut Democrat Party line. And her attack on McMorris Rodgers jibes perfectly with the longstanding leftist war on women that's really driving American gender politics. Rep. McMorris Rodgers is a particularly dangerous threat to radical feminism, according to Hanna Rosin at Slate, because she's a more "subtle model" for "values feminism" than Sarah Palin.

More at Fox Nation, "‘Where’s the Needlepoint?’: MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Mocks Female Republican's SOTU Response."

And at Mediaite, "Megyn Kelly and Guests Go After Alex Wagner’s ‘Blatantly Sexist’ Tweet."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

.@MSNBC Takes Down Racist Hate-Tweet Attacking Conservatives Over New Biracial Cheerios Commercial


This is racist Walter James Casper's channel.

At Twitchy, "‘Self unaware overload’: Despicable MSNBC pounded by reality after saying ‘right wing will hate’ bi-racial family [pics]."

And Politico, "MSNBC trolls the right with Cheerios tweet."

MSNBC photo BfMzC33CQAAjwk6_zpsa4688a8f.jpg

More at Fire Andrea Mitchell, "MSNBC: right wing hates new Cheerios ad with biracial family," and American Glob, "How the Left Lies About Conservatives."

The Right Scoop has the video, "Official @MSNBC on twitter accuses ‘rightwing’ of being racist."

I think they're going to need a more formal, forceful statement.

.@MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell: 'Iran Was More or Less an American Ally' Before Bush's 'Axis of Evil'

Oh brother.

At Hot Air, "Andrea Mitchell: Remember how Iran was sort of an ally after 9/11 until Bush’s “axis of evil” speech?"

And at Twitchy, "‘Are you insane?’ Andrea Mitchell suggests Iran was our ally before Bush’s ‘Axis of Evil’ speech."

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Messy Divorce for Chris Christie and MSNBC

I saw something on this earlier, at Politico, "Chris Christie aide slams MSNBC’s hurricane-fund ‘assault’."

And now over at the New York Times, "For Christie and MSNBC, a Messy Divorce Plays Out in Public View":
It was a match made in moderately minded Northeast Corridor heaven.

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey needed a TV network that would burnish his bipartisan bona fides and showcase his gleefully contrarian style. MSNBC craved a Republican who cut against the party grain and lit up the screen with his everyman-ish, Springsteen-loving spontaneity.

An on-air romance blossomed, forged over chummy strolls along the Jersey Shore and heart-to-hearts in the studio about everything from overeating to education, embodying the aisle-crossing aspirations of this partisan era.

Now, the improbable relationship between a governor with his eyes on the White House and a network determined to break into the top tier, up to now so beneficial to both, has curdled in a spectacularly public fashion.

Mr. Christie is confronting the worst crisis of his career, stemming from his aides’ role in shutting down approach lanes to the George Washington Bridge. The governor’s predicament is a ratings bonanza for MSNBC, whose left-leaning viewers are eating up every development in the sordid scandal.

Over the weekend, Mr. Christie, who has appeared on MSNBC many times since taking office, angrily denounced it as a “partisan network” that is “almost gleeful in their efforts attacking” him. Christie aides have called it a “feeding frenzy.”

“There is a difference between treating this matter seriously and seeking out the truth and irresponsibly using hearsay and conjecture without confirming the facts,” Colin Reed, a spokesman for Mr. Christie, said on Sunday. Feelings are frayed on both sides. Mika Brzezinski, a co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” who makes no secret of her affection for Mr. Christie, seemed taken aback by the governor’s harsh critique.

“I was a little surprised when he took a jab at us,” she said in an interview on Sunday.

“I don’t think it’s legitimate to say this is a partisan attack,” she added. “I think this is a very real story, with legs.”

Just like how Benghazi is a Republican witch hunt, or whatever the f-k it is they're saying over there. I rarely watch the network, it's so bad. As for Christie, he got in bed with them. Screw him. No one told him the MSNBC progs were playing him for the fool? Perhaps they did, but he got so full of himself --- and the national limelight as "the one" to overcome the partisan polarization --- he just couldn't help himself. It's gotta be a harsh wake-up call.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rachel Maddow's Shame: Won't Retract False Attack Linking Koch Brothers to Foundation for Government Accountability

Here's a pretty balanced takedown from Erik Wemple, at WaPo, "MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow hunkers down on Koch Bros. claim."

She's a disgusting dishonest perv. The episode at issue is here, "The Right Presses On for Welfare Drug Tests."

But see the extra effective smackdown at Power Line, "RACHEL MADDOW IS CRAZY, TOO."

Just read it all at the link. Maddow's standing firm on her moral bankruptcy. She's a dishonest loser hack, and a coward, even worse than all the MSNBC reprobates who've already resigned in disgrace.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Rachel Maddow Wears the 'Ideological' Pants at @MSNBC

An outstanding piece from Eliana Johnson, at National Review, "Rachel's Show" (via Memeorandum).

Much of the report is hardly surprising, although it's truly hilarious that MSNBC's marquee ideological programs are leading the network's nosedive in the ratings. Note that she's "neither an executive nor a manager" at MSNBC, but the programmatic direction is all Maddow. And I love this quote:
Maddow ... is motivated by ideology. “If you debate for a living, you’re going to lose sometimes. Sometimes your preconceptions are wrong — that has never happened to her one time,” says a former colleague. “She is actually not that interested in reality; she is the most ideological person I’ve ever met. That is not somebody you want in charge of your programming, because she might put on a great show, but she cannot make rational decisions — her agenda is changing America. . . . She really thinks she is changing America for the better. You can’t have somebody like that in charge of your programming.”
That's unsourced, but Maddow's a pathological liar whose show is a festival of conspiracies about conservatives and the GOP. It's no wonder the network's circling the drain.

More at Weasel Zippers, "MSNBC Appoints Executive to Review Scripts Before Airtime In Bid to Stop Rash of Jaw-Dropping Gaffes…," and NewsBusters, "Suicide Prevention? MSNBC Has Appointed Executive to Review Scripts Before Airtime."

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Depraved Melissa Harris-Perry Sheds Crocodile Tears in On-Air Romney Apology to Save Her Job

I remember her whooping it up during the segment last week. At no time did she rein in her panel and say, "Hey, this discussion is going in a way that's derogatory and unhealthy." She could have apologized at that moment and moved on, and thus would have prevented this whole blowup that may still cost her her job.

At London's Daily Mail, "Melissa Harris-Perry makes tearful apology after joke that made Mitt Romney's adopted black grandson the butt of a series of jokes."

And from Ed Morrissey, "Video: Melissa Harris-Perry’s tearful apology to Romney and other adoptive families":

BuzzFeed’s Dorsey Shaw notes that Mitt Romney is scheduled to appear on Fox News Sunday, and suggests that he will respond to Harris-Perry at that time. I’d be surprised, though, if the normally-gracious Romney has anything more to say about it than an acceptance of this apology today. This is the kind of moment most people would do best to rise above, rather than slug it out with their families in the crossfire.
Captain Ed argues it's time to move on, and perhaps it is, although, as broached above, I think Dan Riehl nails it, "She Lies! Original Video Indicates Melissa Harris-Perry’s Tearful Apology Is Bogus":
In today’s tearful apology MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry claims she “identified with” the Romney family picture that her show went on to mock. She also claims that she intended to say “positive and celebratory” things about it, not make it the butt of a joke.

That’s obviously false – in fact, as she admits, the very title of a segment she was basically setting up was “Look back in laughter.” That alone suggests she is simply spinning to get out of trouble, now.
And speaking of crying, I won't be when Harris-Perry gets canned.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hilarious! Angry Voices Now Calling for Melissa Harris-Perry's Termination

I say let the market work.

The idiot Harris-Perry'll be out of there before you know it.

Still, you gotta love CNN fanning the flames, via Nice Deb, "CNN: Some People Are Demanding That Host Melissa Harris-Perry Be Fired (Video)."

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Melissa Harris-Perry, Despicable @MSNBC Wretch, Apologizes for Racist Attack on Romney Grandchild

I knew this was coming. The only question was how long it would take her to apologize, and yet, she still botched it. Only a disgusting left-wing reprobate would launch a hash-tag while apologizing for a despicable racist attack on a baby.

Here's the apology, "An apology from Melissa Harris-Perry" via (Memeorandum).

Her tweets are embedded there, along with the selfish hashtag.

More at Twitchy, "‘Height of conceit!’ Pathetic Melissa Harris-Perry slammed for ludicrous hashtag-apology to Romneys," and "‘Lunatic!’ Melissa Harris-Perry ‘apologizes’ to Romneys (with self-serving hashtag); Do you buy it?"

Also, "Romney grandson-mocking racist progressives of pallor at MSNBC in a truth-boom nutshell," and "Katie Pavlich crushes Lamont Hill’s Romney grandson-mocking defense with shattering point."