Showing posts sorted by date for query raaaaacist. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query raaaaacist. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2014

Multicultural Explosion Brings Growing Pains Across the U.S.

Look, I'm for pulling back on immigration.

We need to assimilate those who're already here. But hey, mention that to the depraved leftist open-borders progs and RAAAAACIST!!

At USA Today, "Growing Pains: Multicultural explosion rattles residents."

RELATED: The late political scientist Samuel Huntington, more relevant than ever, Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's National Identity.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

#RNC Spokesman Furious GOP Lumped with Cliven Bundy — Furious!!

At Mememorandum, "RNC Spokesman Is Furious the GOP Has Been Lumped With Bundy (VIDEO)."

And one of the things I find amusing is how everyone's tripping over themselves running away from the guy. Myself? I think it's a fabulous story, and Mr. Bundy's tapping into a real sense of federal overreach. But honestly, as I wrote earlier, "Sounds as if the Bundy family may have bitten off more than they could chew." So it's way beyond that now. It's about the real racists attempting to turn an inarticulate old man into a Klansman, when the real Klansmen are in the Democrat Party killing people (and they always have been). Further, you've got stupid race-trading leftists attacking Mr. Bundy as satanic like it's nothing.

But it's understandable, in our PC-drenched culture. Leftists can scream "RAAAAACIST" and instantaneously shut down the discussion. Notice, though, that the idiots progs aren't messing with me, because they know I'll call 'em out on their lies and they know they'll lose. They'll be exposed as the ASFLs they are, everything. F-k 'em.

Bonus: I think Ron Christie's comments just destroy the leftist meme at the clip, and Carol Costello is the most brainless shill for the Democrats it's hilarious.

Another 'Uncle Tom' Weighs In on Bundy

It's Derrick Grayson, via iOWNTHEWORLD.

The man nails it.

But you're not supposed to think for yourself these days. And a black man agreeing with Cliven Bundy? RAAAAACIST!!!

And see, "Shiree Bundy Cox, Cliven Bundy's Daughter, Hammers Sean Hannity."

Monday, December 2, 2013

Ted Rall is RAAAAACIST!!


It couldn't happen to a more repulsive cartoonist.

At NewsBusters, "Lefties Fight: Daily Kos Infuriates Ted Rall by Accusing Him of Racist Depiction of Obama."

Gotta admit, though. That's a nasty depiction of "The One." The hair, especially, looks kinda nubbish, lol.

Ted Rall photo 11-27-13_zps1365c1c8.jpg

Saturday, September 14, 2013

How Muslims Celebrate September 11th

With cake. What else.

Via My Pet Jawa.

 photo aa1d9a44-cad2-479f-bd93-bd0f41cd2be2_zpsa5761bd5.jpg

And of course if you criticize this you're RAAAAACIST!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The #IRS Scandal is RAAAAACIST!

This is really something else.

It's racist?

To blow off this whole scandal like this, a controversy which is recognized nearly across the board as a huge problem for the administration, is utterly ridiculous, if not depraved.

But MSNBC's on its last legs, so they're getting desperate:

More, at Twitchy, "Boom! Livid Martha MacCallum slams IRS lavish spending; ‘REALLY, IRS?’"

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

They're Black Flash Mobs, CBS. Get It Right. These Are Black Criminal Flash Mobs

It's the criminal gang demographic whose race shall not be uttered.

At CBS: "Flash mob caught on tape stole $3K in designer jeans, store owner says." It's not just "20 teenagers." It's "20 black teenaagers." You can call 'em out like that, go ahead. Take a chance and be called as RAAAAACIST!! Everything's racist nowadays, so live a little.

Also at Gateway Pundit, "Flash Mobbery Chicago… Youth Mob Loots Clothing Store – Makes Off With $3,000 in Jeans (Video)."

Even Gateway's keeping their race under wraps. Don't want to be slurred as "Hateway," I guess. The progs are going to do it anyway. They don't care about civil rights and black progress. They care about power and social destruction of decency, of law and order. The freaks.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Deneen Borelli: 'The Bottom Line is This, President Obama is Going Down'

I guess Cher really went off on the GOP as RAAAAACIST the other day, but I just love Deneen Borelli's Obama take down at the clip:

Monday, June 25, 2012

'F*ck Arpaio!' — The Left Reacts to Arizona v. United States

As noted earlier, there's a little in both sides from today's SB 1070 ruling at the Supreme Court, and the Wall Street Journal agrees: "Both Parties Claim Victory in Arizona Ruling."

But that's not stopping radical progressives from dancing a jig — and attacking SB 1070 supporters as racist!

See, of all people, Perez Hilton, "Supreme Court Sides ALMOST Entirely With Federal Government In Arizona Immigration Case!"
Well, three out of four isn't bad!

But we still wish they could have abolished ALL of these ridiculously RACIST and unjust policies!

And the progs are especially pissed at Associate Justice Antonin Scalia. See Joe Gandelman at The Moderate Voice, "Scalia's Anger at Obama on Immigration." (Via Memeorandum.)

Also Balloon Juice, "Wingnuts on the Bench, and Lawyers, Guns and Money, "SB 1070 and the Scalia Clown Show." (Via Memeorandum.)

Expect updates.

It's like an insane explosion of cheers and jeers.

Added: At Weasel Zippers, "Tingles: “Pack Of Conservatives” In Current Supreme Court Would Not Have Backed Desegregation, Civil Rights Bill…"

We're going to see more RAAAAACIST attacks through the night...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race

Well, it's a sensitive question, and of course no one likes to be attacked as RAAAAACIST!!!

Video c/o Instapundit:

And the book is here: No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Drop the I-Word Campaign

Sometimes you have to shake your head at the left's complete and utter moral and intellectual bankruptcy. Here's the description of this campaign:
Drop the I-Word is a public education campaign powered by immigrants and diverse communities across the country that value human dignity and are working to eradicate the dehumanizing slur "illegals" from everyday use and public discourse. The i-word opens the door to racial profiling and violence and prevents truthful, respectful debate on immigration. No human being is "illegal."
But see Daley Gator for the smack down, "Oh, so it is the I-word now?":
Apparently the Left has decided, for all of us, since they are so, you know, intellectual, that the word illegal is now forbidden. I would have said illegal, but that would be, say it with me, RAAAAACIST! As I wrote last night, the Left wants to control the dialogue. And, in order to do that, they want to eliminate debate, and eliminating certain words, like illegal, makes it easier for them to obfuscate. When Liberals cannot argue, they try to intimidate, or censor, or change the conversation, this campaign against the I-word is all about that.

Also at Theo's, "Video - An activist on Bill O'Reilly tries to defend the Left's "Drop the I-Word" campaign where I = illegal!"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rodney Hunt, Co-Founder of Mississippi Federation for Immigrant Reform and Enforcement, Wages One-Man Battle Against Illegal Immigration

At Los Angeles Times, "One man helps mount Mississippi's anti-illegal-immigrant movement":
Latinos have moved to the South in growing numbers over the last decade, and their presence has been accompanied by growing anger and resentment aimed at illegal immigrants. If Hunt gets his way, Mississippi will become the latest Southern state to pass a law aimed at driving illegal immigrants out — establishing the Deep South as the U.S. region with the most-stringent restrictions on illegal immigrants.

In Mississippi, there's a struggle that goes beyond immigration. Latinos, regardless of legal status, are part of a grand contest to define the state's future.

Blacks, who vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, make up 37% of Mississippi's population, the highest percentage of any state. Latinos, if they vote Democratic, could one day tip the balance of power in a state where whites — that is, white Republicans — have the upper hand.

When Hunt describes this dynamic, it is not in racial terms — because, he says, these are not the terms he thinks in. Though he is a white Mississippian raised in the '60s, he says, "I changed, along with most of the people in my generation. We try to accept people as they are, and not by the color of their skin."

His public appeals have been based on familiar arguments about illegal immigrants: the jobs they are taking, their flouting of the rule of law, their burden on government coffers.

His broad goal, he said, is not to retain white power in Mississippi. It's to retain conservative power.

"It has nothing to do with race," he says.
Well, it's about the rule of law, if you ask me. But that won't stop progressives from screaming RAAAAACIST!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tea Party Zombies Must Die

Verum Serum has the story: "New Tone Video Game: Kill Fox News “Zombies”…Who Paid for This?" Seriously. The "Koch Whore Lobbyist Zombie"? These people are beyond the pale. But check that link to watch the clip.

At Linkmaster Smith, at The Other McCain, "Raaaaacist Tea Parties: The Frankenstein Vampire Werewolf Zombie Argument."

BONUS: From Daniel Foster, at National Review, "Tea Party Zombies Must Die":
Hey kids, hear about the latest rage? It’s “Tea Party Zombies Must Die” an exciting new first-person shooter “Advergame.” Here’s how it’s described:
DON’T GET TEA-BAGGED! The Tea Party zombies are walking the streets of America. Grab your weapons and bash their rotten brains to bits! Destroy zombie Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, the Koch Brothers, and many more!
Don’t believe the hype? I took the game for a whirl and managed to snag some choice screenshots...
Via Memeorandum.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

24-Year-Old Cincinnati Man Dies of Toothache After Brilliantly Filling His Pain Medication Prescription Instead of Antibiotics

Folks should probably be clear about something first: A tooth extraction is not an expensive dental procedure. Indeed, as the ABC News report indicates, "a routine tooth extraction" costs about $80.00. And while it's a horribly needless waste of life, it's no one's fault but the man's himself, 24-year-old Kyle Willis, the father of a young girl. Willis decided to ride out the pain. When he was overcome by swelling he checked into the emergency room and the doctors gave him prescriptions for antibiotics and pain medication. Willis, apparently because he was "uninsured," bought the pain killers and blew off the antibiotics. Big mistake. Rudimentary health knowledge says buy the antibiotics and take some (cheap) generic ibuprofen for the pain and inflammation. To make matters worse, Willis had family members in the area. His aunt [...] is married to a successful local musician. Perhaps he could have borrowed a little money from loved ones. That's called individual responsibility. You always take care of your own, and when you need a hand you fall back on loved ones. When all else fails, there's charity. Of course, under our socialist welfare state, the historical culture of personal responsibility and self-sufficiency has been destroyed by the patrimonial socialist handout regime. Big government assumes that people are too stupid and weak to save for a rainy day, or to plan ahead for emergencies. Tucking away a few Jacksons wouldn't have killed this man. His ignorance and lack of discipline did. So dumb is this case that even über-socialist Matthew Yglesias has to begin his essay with a disclaimer, conceding that supreme stupidity is not a rationale for increasing the size and scope of government:
Now, clearly, this man made some sub-optimal choices here he’s not purely a victim of lack of health insurance. At the same time you have right before you a no-longer-living, no-longer-breathing example of the “push the patient to the edge of financial desperation” theory of health care cost controls. It turns out that the quality of a frightened, pain-wracked young man asked to make technical medical decisions under severe financial constraints is not very high. The social cost of 24 year-old fathers dying of eminently treatable tooth infections, by contrast, is gigantic.
Oh, give me a freakin' break! "Technical medical decisions"? Doctors gave Willis all he needed to get better. It's not a "technical medical decision" to choose pain killers over antibiotics --- it's gambling with your life and the future of your child. Oh, and the man was black --- so now I'm going to be attacked as RAAAAACIST for pointing out that stupidity knows no color.

Freakin' progressive "compassion" is killing society's least well prepared for success. And that's what's really sad about this case.

More imbecilic progressive "compassion" at The Reaction: "Reconciling Conservative "Logic" Is Like Pulling Teeth."

UPDATE: Lonely Conservative links: "Walmart Sells $4 Prescriptions." Also, at Scared Monkeys, "Cincinnati Man Dies of Tooth Infection … Liberal MSM Blames No Insurance."

Althouse links. Thanks!

And Dustbury!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Progressives Want to Read Slavery Back Into Constitution

A couple of sections of the Constitution were inadvertently omitted from yesterday's reading on the floor of the House of Representatives:
The U.S. Constitution has still never been read in its entirety and in order on the House floor.

During Thursday morning’s “historic reading,” one member apparently skipped Article 4 Section 4 and part of Article 5 Section 1 when he or she inadvertently turned two pages at once, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), who was in charge of the reading, said on the House floor this afternoon.

Goodlatte returned to the House floor at 2:23 p.m., more than two hours after the error occurred, read the missing sections, and placed them officially in the congressional record.
But progressives are pissed that sections no longer part of the document were not read, for example, the three-fifths compromise, formerly of Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3, dealing with the compromises over slavery. It's obvious why that's important to lefties. Rather than celebrate and honor the history of this nation's founding, they seek to use sections no longer part of the document to hammer those with whom they disagree. See Rachel Maddow, for example, "Three-Fifths of a Reading." Perhaps even worse is listening to this discussion with Keith Olbermann and Yale political scientist Akhil Reed Amar. Here what progressives despise is limited government, a concept that never leaves the lips of either of these men. Clearly such a complicated thing as the founding can be interpreted even twisted to fit whatever framework the advocate wishes. But to make the Founders into modern-day progressives is preposterous. And I shudder to think of the students who set foot into this professor's classroom. What an agenda! Contrast that to the discussion by Peter Berkowitz, "What Would a Return to the Constitution Entail?" (via Instapundit).

Fortified by historic Republican electoral gains at the federal and state levels last November, Tea Party activists and the new generation of Republicans led by rising star freshman Senator Marco Rubio, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor have reaffirmed their intention to return to the Constitution. To underscore that intention, Republican representatives kicked off the 112th Congress with a piece of provocative and potentially instructive political theater by, for the first time in the nation’s history, reading aloud the 224 year old document on the House floor. But what does such a return entail?

Some hard-driving conservatives see it as an opportunity to restore simplicity and purity to democratic self-government. Meanwhile, many influential progressive politicians and pundits are determined to hear in talk of return a reckless and reactionary repudiation of the modern welfare state.

In fact, an informed and thoughtful return to the Constitution will take seriously the devotion to individual liberty and limited government shared by the original Federalist proponents of the Constitution and their Anti-Federalist opponents. It will learn from the intricately separated and blended political institutions that the Constitution established to impose restraint and allow for energy and efficiency. And it should culminate in the recovery of the spirit of political moderation that the Constitution embodies and on which its preservation depends.
My sense is this is the appropriate way to read both the Constitution and the goals of the tea party. Compare that to Professor Amar's elaboration of the number of times taxation is mentioned in Article 1, Sec. 8. The distinction between constitutionally enumerated powers and political sources of government expansion are completely ignored. Nothing there requires the erection of Leviathan. Again, I'm astounded how aggressive Professor Amar wants to tamp down discussion of the sources of liberty in federalism and the dispersion of power. I mean, to do so is practically --- wait for it --- RAAAAACIST!!

Time for Some Small-Government Optimism … and to Repeal ObamaCare," and "In U.S., 46% Favor, 40% Oppose Repealing Healthcare Law" (via Memeorandum).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

You're Not Entitled to Your Own Facts

I wrote previously: "I think the folks at American Nihilist owe me an apology."

And I'm renewing the call.

And to be clear, I've been subject to enough racial slurs in my life to let a couple go. Indignities are part of living in a diverse society with real differences in race, class, and ideological persuasion. But when leftist go around calling people out as RAAAAACIST, I'd at least expect some consistency, honesty, and intellectual integrity. In the case of James Casper --- a.k.a. "Repsac3" --- that's obviously asking way too much. Some folks will remember that Repsac3 unveiled his bigoted race-centric view of the world during
The Pale Scot controversy: "It's Come to This: Progressives Reduced to Racist Slurs Against American Power." The comments left at BJ Keefe's blog were so bad that BJ Keefe himself disowned them, while nevertheless hypocritically citing a First Amendment principle to allow such hatred to remain in his comment thread.

In any case, I shouldn't be returning to this subject, but as Repsac3 is a stalking asshat and a liar who maintains a stalking website, and who has been the ringleader in a campaign of harassment, including the publication of my workplace information, I don't mind taking the time every now and then to point out what a pure bigot and demonologist prick he is.

The other day I posted on Dennis Prager, "
The Liberal Leftist Mind Rejects Sad Facts." Harasser and hate-sponsor Reppy responded. With regard to President Obama's endorsement of racist hip-hop mysogyny, RepRacist3 dismissed socal commentator Thomas Chatterton Williams as a "clown." (Chatterton is the author of Losing My Cool: How a Father's Love and 15,000 Books Beat Hip-Hop Culture.)

That's tyical of Repsac3, a progressive bigot who takes to attacking dignified, accomplished black men as "clowns." Clearly derogatory and offensive, this is what leftists love to do: infantilize and demean blacks, whipping them with epithets, keeping them down on the progressive plantation. Reppy's racist ally in that regard is

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

And as for the facts, this is what Chatterton wrote --- in full context --- with regard to President Obama:

What's on President Obama's iPod? A wide range, he told Rolling Stone magazine last week, from the jazz of John Coltrane to the ballads of Maria Callas. And more: "My rap palate has greatly improved," Mr. Obama noted. "Jay-Z used to be sort of what predominated, but now I've got a little Nas and a little Lil Wayne and some other stuff, but I would not claim to be an expert."

Expert or not, that's the wrong message for the president to be sending black America.

Does Mr. Obama like Lil Wayne's "Lil Duffle Bag Boy"? In that song, the rapper implores young black men to "go and get their money" through round-the-clock drug hustling. And with Lil Wayne, it's not just an act: The rapper is currently serving a one-year term on Rikers Island after being caught in New York with drugs and guns stashed in his Louis Vuitton overnighter.

Lil Wayne is emblematic of a hip-hop culture that is ignorant, misogynistic, casually criminal and often violent. A self-described gangster, he is a modern-day minstrel who embodies the most virulent racist stereotypes that generations of blacks have fought to overcome. His music is a vigorous endorsement of the pathologies that still haunt and cripple far too many in the black underclass.
The president once spoke out for a strong black family. Indeed, Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention represented the finest traditions of black conservatism going back to Booker T. Washington. Now he's down with the minstrel-misogyny that continues to keep black youth in their place. And that racism of low expectations is enabled by leftists like James "Repsac3" Casper. These Kos-Kleagles apologize for the bigotry of their own ranks while constantly playing the race card to excoriate ideological enemies as bigots and "clowns."

These are bad people, progressive KKK henchmen. Repsac3's Twitter background provides an idea of the circle of secular demonologists this evil man follows --- and the hatred both he and they endorse:

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Michael Steele, Republican Chairman, May Face Opposition

If I recall, it seems like folks thought Michael Steele was pretty much innoculated against an ouster. The lefty spin would be that the GOP is RAAAAACIST!! But here's this, in any case, via New York Times:
WASHINGTON — Turning their attention to the 2012 presidential election, Republican leaders are digging in for a battle over control of the Republican National Committee, judging that its role in fund-raising, get-out-the-vote operations and other tasks will be critical to the effort to topple President Obama.

Some senior party officials are maneuvering to put pressure on Michael Steele, the controversial party chairman, not to seek re-election when his term ends in January or, failing that, to encourage a challenger to step forward to take him on.

So far, the effort has been tentative, with Mr. Steele’s most ardent opponents working behind the scenes to persuade an alternative to run against him — fearful that any overt moves will create a backlash in Mr. Steele’s favor among those committee members who tend to view the establishment in Washington with suspicion.

One man leading the effort is a Mississippi Republican Party committeeman, Henry Barbour, who is a nephew of Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi — a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, himself. Governor Barbour is said by people involved in the discussions to be among those eager to see a change at the top the party and recently criticized party fund-raising under Mr. Steele.

Officials close to the presumed new House speaker, Representative John A. Boehner, and the Senate minority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said that both men would prefer a new chairman, as well, but that they were also resigned to Mr. Steele’s continued leadership should no clear alternative emerge to defeat him.

In an interview Tuesday night, Henry Barbour said, “I like Mike Steele and I’ve worked hard to support him as chairman.” But, he added, “I do think we have to make a change and I have actively talked to some other members in the last week or so and encouraged a few of them to consider running.”

Among those Mr. Barbour has approached is a member of Mr. Steele’s “kitchen cabinet” of advisers, Reince Priebus, who is chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin and who helped manage Mr. Steele’s first election for the chairmanship two years ago.

Several officials involved in the discussions, all of whom requested anonymity to share details of the talks, said Mr. Priebus had recently warned Mr. Steele that a run for re-election could prove difficult this time around, and advised him to consider leaving the chairmanship at time when he could point to big Republican gains nationwide.

But Mr. Priebus has made it clear that he is personally uncomfortable with the idea of challenging Mr. Steele directly for the post, given their friendship.

The effort to woo Mr. Priebus was first reported Tuesday on the Web site of The Washington Post.

Michael Steele

WaPo's piece is here: "Republicans Attempt to Recruit Alternative to Michael Steele."

Sarah Palin Rallies GOP at 'Victory 2010' in Anaheim."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Opposing ObamaCare is Bigoted Asshattery!!

Well, I'm up to a trifecta at this point.

Here's yet another tweet, from Olby-Obama cultist
Matt Osborne:


I've seen this guy around the 'sphere. His page is "Osborne Ink." Here's a sample: "They Are The Fear They Want Us To Feel."

If You Oppose ObamaCare You're RAAAAACIST and UNEDUCATED!!", and "If You Tweet Your Opposition to ObamaCare You're REALLY RAAAAACIST!!"

And what the heck, follow me on Twitter:

If You Tweet Your Opposition to ObamaCare You're REALLY RAAAAACIST!!

Okay, here's a follow up to "If You Oppose ObamaCare You're RAAAAACIST and UNEDUCATED!!"

I fowarded that to some lefty tweeps at
Single Payer's Twitter feed, and a few others in those threads.

And here's a reply from
Mona Hussein Obama:


And that was cracking up a couple of my tweeting friendlies, Robert Stacy McCain and William Teach (on Twitter here and here).