Saturday, June 12, 2010
Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals
Also, at Say Anything, "Arizona Governor: Illegal Immigrants Can Take Their Kids With Them When They Leave."
As I've said before, Arizona's doing the jobs the feds won't do. And Governor Jan Brewer is AZ's real maverick:
Bonus Freakout: Zandar the Stupid. (Arizona's crackdown doesn't seem to be having the political effect lefitists were hoping for.)
Friday, June 11, 2010
What Really Goes on Beneath the Burka?
Saudi Arabia Gives Israel Green Light for Preventive Military Srike on Iran
But now, according to a new report from the Times of London, Jerusalem won't have to worry about evading Saudi forces in the event of a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. See, "Saudi Arabia Gives Israel Clear Skies to Attack Iranian Nuclear Sites":
Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.RTWT.
In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran. To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defences will return to full alert.
“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a US defence source in the area. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [US] State Department.”
Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defence circles in the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing,” said one.
The four main targets for any raid on Iran would be the uranium enrichment facilities at Natanz and Qom, the gas storage development at Isfahan and the heavy-water reactor at Arak. Secondary targets include the lightwater reactor at Bushehr, which could produce weapons-grade plutonium when complete.
The targets lie as far as 1,400 miles (2,250km) from Israel; the outer limits of their bombers’ range, even with aerial refuelling. An open corridor across northern Saudi Arabia would significantly shorten the distance. An airstrike would involve multiple waves of bombers, possibly crossing Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Aircraft attacking Bushehr, on the Gulf coast, could swing beneath Kuwait to strike from the southwest.
The Obama administration has refused a green light for an Israeli Iraq flyover, although the government of Benjamin Netanyahu has not ruled out military action. The U.N.'s latest round of sanctions are just a political sop to the peace movement and won't do a thing to halt Iranian nuclear proliferation.
Frankly, about the only thing stopping Israel, I would imagine, is the guaranteed worldwide condemnation of a unilateral strike by Jerusalem. The question is at what point will Israel place national survival above the risk of futher diplomatic isolation?
'Who's Nailin' Paylin?' and Other Hoped-For Newsweek Covers
And that's just Newsweek. You've also got the radical left-wing Jezebel's excoriation, "Sarah Palin, False Prophet":
... this idea that the Christian right has gained so much ground because liberals and feminists are out of touch with the "real America" is fiction, one of the lies they tell to carve a path through their thicket of contradictions. It's actually because charismatic people like Sarah Palin go out there and tell people whatever they want to hear without being bound by logic or facts. If they can inspire pure faith and loyalty, they can get people excited about the idea of a theocracy with liberty and justice for all, and a pro-woman patriarchy, and a unicorn in every pot. That doesn't make any of it real. It doesn't make Sarah Palin a feminist. And it doesn't make the left exclusive and intolerant and out of touch. It just makes people like Sarah Palin powerful enough to tell lies and have a substantial number of people believe them.Okay, inspiring "faith and loyalty" with a bunch of lies? Not very specific as to the nature of those "lies," but this is coming from a publication going by the name of "Jezebel."
And how about Vanity Fair, "'Sarastopheles', 'Sarah Pagan', and Other Discarded Newsweek Covers"? Here you get Sarah Palin the demonic "Mephistopheles" and a sort of naughty occultish medieval prostitute, or something. It can't ever just be a woman who blends traditional values and professionalism with respect for nation, family, and the protection of life. In our extremely progressive postmodern Democratic-feminist milieu, that kind of pragmatique is, well, evil. So leftists want to take it down. Destroy it. Kill it. Or whatever it takes to get the eminently superior Palin model out of the freakin' way.
Emily Henochowicz, American Anti-Israel Activist, Is Left's Next Rachel Corrie
Emily Henochowicz, a young American student-turned activist, lost an eye during running battles with Israeli security forces in Jerusalem on Monday. In yesterday's Washington Post, columnist Robert McCartney martyrs Henochowicz as an innocent American-Jewish student attending college in Israel, who tragically gets caught up in events, "U.S. student pays devastating physical price to protest Israel's actions":
Emily Henochowicz wasn't thinking about protests or Palestinians or tear gas canisters when she went to Israel in February for a one-semester college exchange program.She "accompanied a friend to a demonstration ..."
The 21-year-old art student from Montgomery County wanted to study animation, and Jerusalem's Bezalel Academy had a good program.
It was a plus to spend time in Israel. Henochowicz grew up in an observant Jewish household and had her bat mitzvah at Potomac's Har Shalom synagogue. Her father was born in Tel Aviv, and his parents are Polish Holocaust survivors.
But Henochowicz became critical of Israel in the spring, after accompanying a friend to a demonstration in East Jerusalem against the eviction of Palestinian families. Very quickly, she began participating regularly in protests against Israeli policies, especially the expansion of Jewish settlements on the West Bank.
Like the keffiyeh-clad Intifada-style "friends" who are said to be carrying her away at the video (at 1:00 minute):
It turns out her "friends" are Palestinian cadres with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). See, "US activist loses eye after being shot in face with tear gas canister." The International Solidarity Movement is a pro-terrorist group co-founded by Adam Shapiro, the lead organizer of the Gaza "Peace" Flotilla. According to Discover the Networks, ISM is a "Radical, anti-Israel organization that recruits westerners to travel to Israel to obstruct Israeli security operations," and the group "Justifies Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians." (And see Gerald Steinberg, "The War Against Israel: Terror, lies and slander are the main tools of the Leftist-Islamist alliance against the Jewish state.")
But hey, WaPo's Robert McCartney reassures us that "Henochowicz grew up in an observant Jewish household." She couldn't possibly be rabidly anti-Zionist, you know?
And that's not all. According to the article, Henochowicz "has become a minor celebrity and martyr among Palestinian supporters."
Boy, what a surprise!
Seriously, and with all due respect, too bad for the leftist-Islamists that useful Emily wasn't killed. The global media complex just loves U.S. martyrs like Rachel Corrie to help build condemnation of Israel as a rights-violating "apartheid regime." The Free Gaza Movement even named the next ship after the self-flattening anti-bulldozer activist.
It's called information warfare.
Thus, the communist CounterPunch is on the case, "While Israel Kills and Maims ... The Outrage at Helen Thomas."
But for lamestream columnists like Robert McCartney, all these folks are "non-violent" demonstrators, just like those "peace activists" with steel bars on the Hamas-backed Mavi Mara.
Katy Perry Slams Lady Gaga's 'Alejandro' as Cheap Blasphemy
At ABC News, "It's War: Celeb Feuds: Katy Perry criticizes Gaga's 'Alejandro' video":
Katy Perry took to Twitter to discuss her distaste for Lady Gaga's new video, "Alejandro," in which the singer dresses in a red-and-white latex nun's habit, sucks on rosary beads and, dressed in a crucifix-emblazoned robe with a cross over her crotch, becomes the center of a gay orgy. "Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke," Perry wrote on her Twitter account.
Katy Perry's tweet is here.
Plus, at NYDN, "Katy Perry suggests Lady Gaga's 'Alejandro' music video uses blasphemy for cheap entertainment."
This is the kind of stuff Robert Stacy McCain loves! Or maybe Theo Spark? Crazy catfights over allegedly blasphemous music videos! Whoo hoo!
Birthers Are Back!
I'm not into it, really. I generally go as far as Andrew McCarthy, "Suborned in the U.S.A.: The birth-certificate controversy is about Obama’s honesty, not where he was born." That said, Aaron Klein is calm and even-handed on the issues in his Chapter 5 of The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists. So now it turns out that WND's got a new breaking report, "Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here; Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says hospital birth certificate non-existent." And in response, Charles Johnson attacks Tim Adams, WND's source, as a "white supremacist." Typical.
In any case, Mediaite's got a piece on this, and more at Memeorandum. Below is Susan Nordyke's official medical birth transcipt from Hawaii, not Barack Obama's:
Beautiful, Smart Conservative Women
Every woman on the Top 20 list can be credited for amazing, ground breaking work in the conservative movement. I am truly honored to be included with these women. This is a list of women one can use to inspire the next generation of young women to succeed and the confidence to reject the feminist construct of perpetual victim-hood. Breaking free of the vicious cycle is good for women, not bad as the author would lead you to believe. Freedom will always trumps perpetual victim-hood.In case you missed it, Skye's referring to Newsweek's response to John Hawkins', "The 20 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media (2010 Edition)."
I'm just proud to be friends with so many hot conservative women I can't count them all!
Michelle Malkin's one of those, by the way! And don't miss her great road-trip blogging, "The Great American Road Trip: Reflections, RV tips & Rushmore-to-Yellowstone pics."
Jose Lara, Los Angeles Social Studies Teacher, Took Students on Revolutionary 'Freedom Ride' to Protest Arizona's SB 1070
Standing in front of a wall-to-wall mural featuring a who's who of revolutionaries, including Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, and boldly displaying the motto Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!!! (Fatherland or Death, We Shall Overcome!!!), a group of teachers, students, parents and community activists in the Los Angeles Unified School District gathered last month for an unusual field trip — to Arizona, to protest that state's controversial immigration law.More at the link.
A video posted on YouTube shows LA social studies teacher Jose Lara interviewing teachers and students on May 28 at the headquarters of an organization calling for a Mexican revolution on U.S. soil. Soon after he shot the video, many in the group left for an overnight "freedom ride" to Phoenix to protest what Lara tells the camera is a "racist and outrageous" law.
Four days later, the school board president implored the superintendent of schools to ensure that students in the district be taught that Arizona's law is "un-American" and Jim Crow-like. The law, passed in April, empowers law enforcement officials to question the immigration status of people they think may be in the country illegally.
Lara, who made the video, teaches at the Unified School District's Santee Education Complex with Ron Gochez, another social studies teacher who came under fire last month after he was identified making incendiary remarks in a widely circulated YouTube video that shows him speaking at a 2007 rally for La Raza, a revolutionary group calling for Mexican revolt inside the United States ....
Not sure if I bumped into Jose Lara, but here's another shot of Ron Gochez, holding his Che Guevara standard:
Both Lara and Gochez are active in numerous revolutionary groups, including Union Del Barrio, a La Raza organization that Gochez helped establish across the street from Santee High School.
In the video shot before the trip to Arizona, students, teachers and others are seen gathered at the Union Del Barrio meeting hall and cultural center in Los Angeles, called Centro Cultural Francisco Villa — a nod to one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution — where wall murals picture revolutionary leaders — including Ho Chi Minh — holding machine guns.
Beside portraits of the revolutionaries is a hand-painted rendering of the famous and long-living revolutionary motto: Patrio o Muerte, Venceremos!!! Popularized by Fidel Castro during the Cuban Revolution, it’s been used by Latin American leaders including Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of Bolivia, who declared it the official motto of his nation's army three months ago.
Gochez confirmed to that he participated in the caravan to Arizona, though he does not appear in Lara’s video blog entry. Gochez did, however, give numerous on-camera interviews to local news outlets from Centro Cultural Francisco Villa that same night.
Lady Gaga at New York Mets Game
And at NYDN, "Lady Gaga give photographers the middle finger during New York Mets' loss at Citi Field." But it's a non-story at NYT, "Santana Gets Little Support, Then Niese Needs Almost None."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Arizona's SB 1070 About Justice, Not Profiling
The fury over a law in Arizona meant to stop illegal immigration has produced more heat than light.More at the link.
Arizona's law went after potential illegal immigrants but came perilously close to profiling.
An amendment to the law provides that this only kicks in after an arrest. At that point, the law enforcement officer is supposed to determine probable cause that the suspect is in the country illegally.
The original arrest must be legitimate, however, not a pretext to get at immigration status. The law also states that "race, color or national origin" may not be considered except as permitted by the state or national Constitution.
During this controversy, however, several facts have been obscured ...
That's my pic above, but more at Just My Truth.
Rabbi Nessenoff, Helen Thomas Interviewer, Gets 25,000 Hate Emails
And BE SURE to click Blazing Cat Fur, "Boy and I thought I got hate mail..."
Thousands of Illegals Flee Arizona Amid SB 1070 Crackdown
And at Fox 10 Phoenix, "Hispanic Exodus Out of Arizona?"
Hmmm ... In other news ... At Politico, "Dems' tough new immigration pitch" (via Memeorandum):
Long pilloried for being soft on illegal immigration, top Democratic officials have concluded there’s only one way they can hope to pass a comprehensive immigration bill:Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Talk more like Republicans.
They’re seizing on the work of top Democratic Party operatives who, after a legislative defeat in 2007, launched a multiyear polling project to craft an enforcement-first, law-and-order, limited-compassion pitch that now defines the party’s approach to the issue.
The 12 million people who unlawfully reside the country? Call them “illegal immigrants,” not “undocumented workers,” the pollsters say.
Strip out the empathy, too. Democrats used to offer immigrants “an earned path to citizenship” so hardworking people trying to support their families could “come out of the shadows.” To voters, that sounded like a gift, the operatives concluded.
Now, Democrats emphasize that it’s “unacceptable” to allow 12 million people to live in America illegally and that the government must “require” them to register and “get right with the law.” That means three things: “Obey our laws, learn our language and pay our taxes” — or face deportation.
Arizona. Doin' the job the feds won't do, and it shows.
Tina Brown Slams Women GOP Primary Winners as 'Blow to Feminism'
One would think that feminists would rejoice to see women victorious in political elections. But today’s feminism is not after equality; the movement has been hijacked by rabid fascist feminists. These new feminists require that, in order to be a “real” feminist, you have to walk in lock step with them, toe the fascist feminist line, and never disagree with them on a single issue. And their stance on every issue is always, of course, liberal. They want unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions available right up until the moment of birth, universal health care, universal day care, open borders, a weaker military, massive welfare systems, the government taking the place of fathers in families — basically anything you can think of to destroy western civilization.Word.
More at the link.
Photographic Evidence Debunks Sarah Palin Breast Implant Smear
Gov. Palin Visits Kuwait
CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait (July 26, 2007)- During her recent visit to Kuwait , Gov. Sarah Palin accompanied 1st Lt. John Lombrano on a tour of facilities on a military base. Lombrano is commander of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry, Alaska Army National Guard. Bravo Company provides security for the base. Lombrano lives in Anchorage, Alaska.
As Teri Hatcher "Sidra" might say (or Robert Stacy McCain), "They're real and they're spectacular..."
Google Wallpaper Experiment Crashes
At TechCrunch, "Google Kills Its Homepage Background Image Experiment Early":
Last night, Google decided to temporarily abandon the principles behind its famously spartan homepage in favor of something a little different: a background image, which has been a design element present on rival search engine Bing since it launched. Users predictably went nuts as their clean, bare homepages suddenly featured flowerly hippo things and other colorful photographs. Countless tweets have complained about the images, and our story last night racked up over 200 comments. “Remove google background” is currently the fifth highest trending topic on Google.More at the link.
Now Google has apparently decided that imposing a background image on users wasn’t such a good idea after all, and they’ve turned off their experiment around ten hours early according to a tweet from Marrisa Mayer, Google’s Vice President of Search Product and User Experience. Users that visit the Google homepage are now shown the normal design, along with a link that says “Curious about today’s homepage? Add your own background image now”.
And at CSM, "Remove Google background, critics plead." CSM compares Google to Facebook, but I'm thinking Sitemeter.
Check Google's blog as well, "The art of a homepage."
Wonkette Attacks Carly 'Chemo Hair' Fiorina's Open Mic Moment
Before the rude jackass remarks about Boxer — who has normal political lady hair — you must endure several minutes of Fiorina’s banal blabbing about Sean Hannity while she fiddles with her Blackberry and dismisses emails from people praising her appearance on Fox News. Entitled much, Carly.
Regardless of her unfortunate experience with “chemo hair,” Carly Fiorina is a cretin.
See also NY Daily News, "My mic was on? Senate hopeful Fiorina mocks Barbara Boxer's hair, moans about Fox's Sean Hannity" (via Memeorandum).
I'm all in for Fiorina now. The primaries are over. We'll be seeing the biggest leftist double-standards this side of Sarah Palin. Barbara Boxer will be endlesslessly lauded as a leftist lioness of the Senate, while Fiorina will be mercillessly mocked for her cancer and attacked as a privileged corporate shill. The fear shows on the left, naturally. Folks said Tom Campbell was going to be Boxer's biggest nightmare, but who doesn't like an all-out feminist cat-fight. Fiorina's on top of the issues and she talks business on the economy. This is going to be good.
Tea Party Burnout?
Still, I'm betting we'll see some pretty big tea party action for the July 4th holiday, as Independence Day falls on a Sunday this year and folks will have some time to get out and protest. Plus, as we've seen in Arizona, immigration has become another big mobilizing issue that's gotten thousands of people out to local events. I'll continue to provide on-the-ground coverage. The tea parties are maturing into a long-term movement, and Dana's right for grassroots activists to resist efforts at cooptation by opportunists. Not all tea party backed candidates won on Tuesday, but the push for limited government (and the pushback against the Obama-progressive-Corruptocrats) is well established by now. And keep your eyes on Nevada especially. If Sharon Angle knocks off Harry Reid in November, it'd be hard to find a more convincing tea party trophy victory. See, "Nevada Challenger Lifted by Tea Party Ardor."
Sarah Palin's Breast Implants?
Sarah Palin's a hot, wholesome woman, and she's been the prime target of the radical left since John McCain plucked her from obscurity. But frankly, few things reveal the left's feminist bankrupcty in greater detail. As TigerHawk notes:
... we note that privacy in medical matters is the legal foundation of the Constitutional right to abortion, per Roe v. Wade. This right to privacy is apparently so sacred that (so says the left) it is reasonable to sacrifice fetuses to defend it. One would think that the left, therefore, would be reluctant to intrude on even Sarah Palin's medical privacy. Of course, that would require some measure of intellectual honesty, which is apparently beyond the capacity of many liberals when Sarah Palin is involved.
Year of the Woman? Not for Feminists
So why all the attention to the string of women's victories in Tuesday's primaries? The press needs a catchy spin, for one thing. Or, more likely, journalists need to feed the cultish mavens of gender equality. For example, at Wall Street Journal, "Women Candidates Come Into Their Own." And at USA Today, "Women candidates play major role in 2010."
But wait! Everything's not so hunky dory on the feminist front. At the Los Angeles Times, "2010: the Year of the Conservative Woman?", you'll notice the stress on "conservative women," as if women on the right aren't for equality. And check the comments at Jezebel, "Meet The Political Ladies Who Triumphed Last Night." Tuesday was a big night for women candidates, but leftists can't stand it:
Republican women politicians (and just in general) are the worst. They want to take away my rights but have the right to keep theirs. Fuck all of these bishes!That kind of downer on the left has Rachael Larimore asking, "Where’s the Rah-Rah Sisterhood?"
I'm all for sisterhood (or whatever) but not if it includes women like these.
Do we really want politicians, even if they are women, making decisions for our states and/or country that includes many people they don't even consider worth their time, not to mention trying to take ownership of our reproductive organs and forcing religion into politics?
Oh hello there women of the GOP. Why don't we make a deal here. I won't try to control your uterus and you don't try to control mine.
Why the schizophrenia on women's progress? Why the disconnect and disenchantment? Obviously, feminism today is an ideology that leverages victimhood and male-hatred into a regime of abortion-on-demand and gender quota set-asides. It's one of the most important currents on the contemporary radical left. And the trend isn't just isolated to extremist feminist bloggers like Amanda Marcotte or Jessica Valenti. Take a look at Barbara Kellerman's piece at yesterday's Business Week, "Don’t Drink Yet to New ‘Year of the Woman’":
There’s no doubt, obviously, that the role of women in society is changing, in some cases in important ways. Among the changes are those in education, where females are increasingly more educated, better educated and better credentialed than their male counterparts.What follows there is a long list of statistics on the comparative indicators of women's progress. But we'll always have differences in achievement in America. We're to the point where women are catching up and surpassing men in the everyday measurements of success such as college attendance and middle-class earnings. That's what Hanna Rosin's boasting about at The Atlantic. And until the rest of the downbeat press corps and radical feminists start picking up that meme, despite increasing female representation in politics, we'll never truly ever have a "Year of the Woman."
But so far as leadership roles are concerned, whether in government or industry, or for that matter in nonprofits and in the military, women in America still badly lag behind. Here are just a few of the figures...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
California Ãœber Alles
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay ...
The obvious reference is to former Governor Jerry Brown's nomination last night as the Democratic Party's candidate for governor in 2010. Commenting on the "Fairness Doctrine" in February, Brown, who is currently Attorney General, remarked that, "Well, a little state control wouldn't hurt anybody." (Listen here.)
Brown served previously as California Governor from 1975–1983, prior to the establishment of a two-term limit in 1990. Hence, "Jerry Brown wins Democratic nomination, makes third run for California governor."
Brown runs neck-and-neck in matchups against GOP nominee Meg Whitman (here and here). The Los Angeles Times has an analysis, "Whitman on the right, Brown on the left, voters in the middle." But see Thomas Del Beccaro, at Big Government, "The Top 7 Reasons Meg Whitman Will Beat Jerry Brown."
(And for me, while this is likely not a "Democratic year," Whitman's biggest asset is money --- almost too much money, amazingly.)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Carly Fiorina Wins GOP Senate Nomination
Plus, at WSJ, "GOP Voters Pick Fiorina in Calif. Senate Primary." A lot of folks'll be stressing the historic victory in Californa for women (gender politics, blah, blah), but it's the magnitude of campaign spending that's interesting, especially Meg Whitman's. See, ABC News, "Female Republican Candidates Nab Key Spots in California Races: Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina Ran Hard-Edged Campaigns Against Established Republicans."
I've been on Twitter tonight, so readers might also follow me there to keep up with the fun breaking stuff.
I'll have more of all my reporting tomorrow.
Gulf Spill Livestream
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Feds May Soon Change Immigration Enforcement Policies
(Phoenix, AZ) Since 2006, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office have been responsible for arresting, detaining, or investigating in the jails over 38,000 illegal immigrants that otherwise may have been released back out onto the streets of Maricopa County.RTWT at the link.
But Sheriff Arpaio is voicing his concern that efforts by his office which have contributed to a reduction in illegal immigration and crime may be trumped by an agenda out of Washington that threatens to reduce local law enforcement’s ability to enforce illegal immigration laws.
John Morton, assistant secretary of homeland security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has recently publicly commented that the new Arizona law is not the solution to immigration enforcement and further added that he may not accept illegal immigrants apprehended by local law enforcement in Arizona.
“It doesn’t take a crystal ball to predict that substantive changes to illegal immigration enforcement are looming,” Arpaio says. “These changes are likely to be unwelcome by the majority of Arizonans, me included.”
A Switch in Time? John McCain Takes Harder Line on Illegal Immigration
Hayworth is the author of Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security and the War on Terror (a timely book that gives him a lot of credibility on the issue). Plus, SB 1070's in the news all the time. Voters in Arizona want action not platitudes. No wonder Senator McCain's running laughable advertisements. Next to Teddy Kennedy, McCain was the biggest amnesty backer during the 2006 push for comprehensive immigration reform. Now his plug is "complete the danged fence":
In any case, LAT's got a piece on McCain today. It's looking tight, but he should be okay. See, "The immigration factor in McCain's reelection fight":
As a candidate for president, Republican John McCain lamented his party's tough talk on illegal immigration. "In the long term, if you alienate the Hispanics, you'll pay a heavy price," he told a group of Milwaukee businessmen in October 2006.RELATED: Background at ABC News, "Fierce Struggle for McCain to Retain Arizona Seat: Sen. McCain in battle for political life in Arizona against conservative former Rep. Hayworth," and at Arizona Republic, "McCain, Hayworth campaigns battle over lobbyist ties."
Back then, some strongly favored walling off the U.S.- Mexico border to address the problem, but not McCain. "I think the fence is least effective," the Arizona senator said.
Lately, however, McCain has transformed himself from a champion of broad-based reform — who spoke of illegal immigrants as "God's children," deserving of love and compassion — into a fierce advocate for the kind of crackdown he once scorned.
In a recent TV ad, McCain blamed illegal immigrants for all manner of problems facing his state: "smuggling, home invasions, murder." It is time, he said, for Washington to "complete the danged fence."
Facing his toughest reelection fight in years, McCain's future may hinge on whether voters see him as honest or opportunistic.
Old allies are dismayed. "Someone who was a visionary ... has gone from being very large to very, very small," said Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who worked with McCain and the late Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy on a bipartisan immigration overhaul bill.
Old foes are dismissive. Among them is former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, McCain's main rival in the August primary and a longtime adversary. "An election-year conversion," Hayworth said.
The more important verdict, however, rests with voters like Linda Stapley-Williams, 60, a retired high school teacher and GOP activist in Mesa. She wonders: "Did he change his position as he was exposed to new information? Because that can be an admirable thing. Or did he change his opinion because the outcry was so overwhelming and there was no way he was going to get reelected if he didn't?"
McCain — who holds a comfortable, if not overwhelming, lead in polls — declined to be interviewed. Last month he told the Arizona Republic it was "a political ploy" to say he changed his immigration stance.
See also Rasmussen in May, "Election 2010: Arizona Republican Primary for Senate: Arizona Senate GOP Primary: McCain 52%, Hayworth 40%."
California Primary Day
Leftists Cheerfully Defend Helen Thomas' Anti-Semitism
See John Cole, "You Got Played":
Clearly, this woman is evil beyond words. The way she smiled at those Jewish kids while giving them friendly advice to enter careers in journalism so they can have fulfilling lives of learning and accomplishment when secretly, I have been assured by liberals and others, what she really wants is to transport them back to the gas ovens of the Holocaust.Nice try.
Just watch the clip. No context can save Helen Thomas from what's clearly a vicious statement against Israel and a rejection of the Jewish state's right to exist.
And c'mon. The leftist reaction is just too pat. I mean seriously, check out this Israel-basher at NewsJunkie, "Helen Thomas: No Apologies Necessary":
Helen Thomas’ statements were about policy, not people, and for that, we should not have lost her. To liken what Helen has said to racist rants inviting African-Americans to return to Africa is disingenuous at best, and more directly, a twisted misinterpretation designed only to silence opposing views to Israeli expansionism ....Well, no, Thomas wasn't making a policy statement. She was making a personal statement, the ugliness of which ended her career.And Richard Greener's got some historical revisionism at HuffPo:
Consider the conversation as if it were discussing the occupation forces in Iraq. Change Germany and Poland to the United States and the United Kingdom, or Canada. Realize that what Helen was recommending was that the occupiers return to their country of origin. Helen Thomas is making a statement against a nations foreign policy, not against individuals because of their ethnic group or race. Helen Thomas was not being anti-Semitic or racist. To disagree with Israel, or Israel’s foreign policy, does not make a person anti-Semitic.
There was a time when people could take the position that the UN, together with the US and the European Powers, had no business establishing a country called Israel, in a part of the world that was neither the US or Europe, as a Jewish State for Jews who were mainly Europeans. It wasn't a popular position to take. It wasn't a position I would take. But there was a time when expressing that point of view, right here in the United States, wouldn't cost you your job. Not even if you were an old lady.And check the long thread at Daily Kos, "Helen Thomas To Retire Immediately (Updated)." Most of the comments there defend her.
Times have changed. Helen Thomas is out of work. She's an old lady. She bad-mouthed Israel and the Jews. She's out of work.
Good thing we've got a "free" press here.
Meanwhile, Markos Moulitsas' refusal to remove this post is tantamount to an endorsement by Daily Kos, "Eulogy before the Inevitability of Self-Destruction: The Decline and Death of Israel."
RELATED: From Joseph Fein, "What do Fareed Zakharia, Andrew Sullivan and Helen Thomas have in Common?"
UPDATE: Kim Preistap links, "Breaking: Helen Thomas retires, effective immediately."
Gaza Organizer Bülent Yildirim at Hamas Rally: 'Everything in the World ... Is Progressing Towards Islam'
Via Gateway Pundit, "Gaza Flotilla Organizer at Hamas Rally: “Anyone Who Does Not Stand With Palestine Will Be Toppled… World Is Progressing to Islam” (Video)":
And at MEMRI, "'Freedom Flotilla' Organizer Bülent Yıldırım at Hamas Rally in Gaza: 'Anyone Who Does Not Stand Alongside Palestine... Will Be Toppled'; 'Everything in the World... Is Progressing Towards Islam'; 'What Can The Enemy Do To Me?... If They Kill Me – That Is Martyrdom for the Sake of Allah... The Entire World Must Know That If They Do Not Lift the Embargo from Gaza, All the Muslims in the World Will March to Gaza'."
Background at Wall Street Journal, "Turkish Charity Group Sounds Defiant Note."
RELATED: Lots more reporting at Blazing Cat Fur. See, "Douchebags on Parade ...", and "How to Deal With Moonbat Protests."
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Almost) Shouted Down at Progressive Policy Conference
Joran van der Sloot Confesses
He broke her neck because she "intruded" into his private life? I'd like to break his neck:
Van der Sloot remains the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, then 18, on the Caribbean resort island of Aruba while she was celebrating her high school graduation.
He was arrested twice in the case -- and gave a number of conflicting confessions, some in TV interviews -- but was freed for lack of evidence.
A fixture on true crime shows and in tabloids after Holloway's disappearance, he gained a reputation for lying -- even admitting a penchant for it -- and also exhibited a volatile temper. In one Dutch television interview he threw a glass of wine in a reporter's eyes. In another, he smashed a glass of water against a wall in a fury.
Monday, June 7, 2010
'Southern Exposure'
RELATED: La Shawn Barber, "Obama Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Napolitano-Endorsed Immigration Law" (via Memeorandum). And at Rasmussen, "70% Support Crackdown On Those Who Hire Illegal Immigrants."
WikiLeaks Champions Busted Army Specialist Brad Manning as 'National Hero'
But checking WikiLeaks on Twitter, Julian Assange proves his outfit's a criminal enterprise:
More at Robert Mackey, "U.S. Soldier Arrested in WikiLeaks Inquiry After Tip From Former Hacker."
Plus, Gateway Pundit, "Disgruntled Army Specialist Arrested for Leaking Thousands of Classified Records," Jules Crittenden, "Leak Bust," and Jawa Report, "U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested In WikiLeaks Video Probe (Bumped - Updated: WikiLeaks: If True Manning Is A National Hero)."
Helen Thomas Announces Retirement
Check also Ed Morrissey, "White House blasts absent Thomas in today's briefing."
Ed's got some of the reactions, so we'll see how folks spin this ...
Added: A big thread's building at Memeorandum. See also The Hill.
GOP Candidates Make Final Push for Tuesday Primary
Also, at Inland Empire News, "Polls Give Whitman the Nod."
And at Fox News, "Incumbents Fight for Political Life, Newcomers Eyeing Victory in Tuesday Elections."
Pro-AZ Immigration Law Event Draws Thousands
There's that Ford pick-up in the background, with the "Speak English Asshole" bumper sticker.
Ann Althouse has a cool truck pic this morning as well. And so does iOWNTHEWORLD.