Monday, August 2, 2010

Christiane Amanpour (Tanks?) in Debut at ABC's 'This Week'

Folks are wiggin' over Christian Amanpour's debut as host at "This Week." I've commented on this a couple of times now, in March when Amanpour was announced as the new anchor and over the weekend as well. I doubt she'll have problems. She's an experienced journalist and it's not like ABC News is hostile to lefties. She'd have to flop numerous times before she'd get the boot. It's too bad though, since Jake Tapper was totally cool in the seat. He seemed like a good fit and was clearly pegged into the happenings with new media, blogs, etc.

In any case,
Eric Boehlert can scream until he's blue in the face. The JournoList scandal pulled back the curtains on our corrupt lefty press for good. What more could they ask for? (Well, net neutrality comes to mind, but we'll save that for later.)

That said, how'd the show go itself? I'll post Speaker Pelosi's clip here (more at ABC's home), where she indicates that she's ready to "turn out the lights" on the Afghan deployment, and is bummed out that the public's not there yet:

Remember, this is the face of today's Democratic Party, whose leaders would have given up on World War II in 1942. Disgraceful.

Lady Gaga Slams Arizona's SB 1070 During Monster Ball Performance in Phoenix

She's a freak, what can I say? I still trip on her fashion and outrageousness, but at this point she's totally FUBAR on politics.

At Rolling Stone, "
Lady Gaga Protests Arizona Immigration Law in Phoenix":

Lady Gaga loudly contested Arizona's controversial new immigration law SB 1070 during her Monster Ball tour stop in Phoenix Saturday night. With "Stop SB 1070" written prominently on her left forearm, Gaga told the approving crowd, "Tonight, I want you to reject any person or any thing or any law that has made you feel like you don't belong. I got a phone call from a couple really big rock and rollers, big pop stars, big rappers, and they said, 'We'd like you to boycott Arizona because of SB 1070.' And I said, 'Do you really think that us dumb fucking pop stars are going to collapse the economy of Arizona?'"

Instead of avoiding the state, Lady Gaga said she wanted to take the fight straight to the heart of Arizona. "I'll tell you what we have to do about SB 1070: We have to be active," she said. "We have to protest... I will not cancel my show. I will yell and I will scream louder and I will hold you, and we will hold each other, and we will peaceably protest this state. Because if it wasn't for all you immigrants, this country wouldn't have shit."
Related: At The Other McCain, "Stupid Things Lady Gaga Says."

Billy Idol Blasted for 'Selling Out'

One of the biggest criticisms of Billy Idol is that he sold out his punk roots for fame and glamour. And while even his earliest music wasn't particularly hard core, once Gen X broke up Idol became a pop star and separated from the toiling punk masses of the club scenes. I'm just recalling off hand here, but I found a post last night that captures that kinda buzz:
To, to those of us who were already punk rockers, Billy was a difficult subject to tackle. We could all agree that Rebel Yell, Eyes Without a Face and all that shit sucked. Billy was a very blatant case of “selling out”. But some of us, if we were honest with oursleves [sic], thought the White Wedding video was pretty cool and even though we thought Billy Idol was a tool, it was hard not to love the early Generation X tracks. I heard the band the first time on Burning Ambitions which as long time readers know, was my introduction to punk, playing the A-Side of this single and it stood equally alongside other class of 77′ acts like Wire, ATV and X- Ray Spex. Your Generation is like a glam version of The Ramones which is probably exactly what they were going for. It is an amazingly cool punk rock track and the B-Side is no slouch either. It’s all freakin’ cotton candy for the ears.
Actually, I have no need to prove how punk I am by dissing Idol's later tracks. By the early '80s it had been two or three years of non-stop gigs, seeing every band under the sun, U.S. and U.K. A couple of buddies started successful outfits of their own, and my best friend had shifted to rockabilly, at one point opening for acts like Stevie Ray Vaughn. In L.A. you just kinda went with the flow. Idol was cool because we liked punkers who made it big. Sure, not "selling out" is authentic, but even John Lydon cultivated his "public image" (and has more recently become a product pitchman). Besides, Steve Jones cut a few tracks on "Gen X," so you just get the real feel of what it was like back then even when Idol was going disco. Fun stuff.

Sarah Palin on 'Fox News Sunday'

She's lookin' good:

And don't forget about Palin's new book: America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag.

Due out in November.

'We Have Not Passed On What It Means to Be American to This Generation'

I'm just now seeing this clip, and it's a masterpiece. Get a cup of coffee and listen to Dennis Prager expound on America's exceptionalism. November's elections are the most important in a lifetime, which sounds like a cliche, but Prager believes it. It's a choice of direction in moral values. Our president sees America as no better than any other country in the world, and the Democratic Party is the party of acquiescence to evil:

RELATED: At The Blog Prof, "Video of Bill Kristol: These Democrats 'Would Have Given Up on WWII in 1942'."

Oakland Pot Factory Sham is Shame of a Nation

After the budget and jobs, drug decriminalization's likely the most important issue on the ballot in November's elections, and Oakland's at the forefront of the fight for sanity. (Note here that I'm always amused at JBW's childish arguments about getting the "nanny state" out of our lives, even more hilarious as he's down with Obama's uber-nanny nationalized socialism in every other area of the economy — but more on that later.) It turns out LAT has a piece on the "Walmartization" of Oakland's "medical" marijuana industry, and get a load out of that picture at the screencap. Looks like a bunch brothas from de 'hood be cruisin' down for some phat sweet-stick smokas, yo!

It's a scam, obviously. See Oakland Tribune columnist Tammerlin Drummond's piece from yesterday, "
Time for an honest debate about marijuana":


The whole notion of marijuana at dispensaries being sold for strictly "medical" purposes has long been a sham.

True, there are many seriously ill people who benefit from smoking marijuana. A friend who passed away from brain cancer five years ago smoked the drug to help boost his appetite after chemo treatments made him nauseous.

He was an eligible candidate for a medical marijuana card.

Yet it's also true that pretty much anyone and their mother can qualify for a medical marijuana prescription in California.

You can get a medical card if you have insomnia or mood swings. Who doesn't?

There are so many conditions that make you eligible, a de facto state of legalization pretty much already exists.

For those who don't want to go through the motions of obtaining a card, there are plenty of "medical" growers with flourishing pot-sale businesses catering to recreational uses on the side.

Those who support legalization say that marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol.

They say it's unfair to criminalize pot while allowing the legal sale of booze.

Prop. 19 supporters argue that both marijuana and alcohol should be regulated and taxed.

California NAACP President Alice Huffman came out in support of the measure. She said legalizing marijuana for recreational use would reduce the number of young black men in jail for marijuana-related offenses. Out of some 1,500 people in California prisons on marijuana charges, half are black.

Yet judging from the firestorm that Huffman's comments have created, there is a huge gulf between those who believe Prop. 19 will lead to more widespread use of marijuana and those who argue that the war on drugs has been a costly failure.

A coalition of black pastors is actively campaigning against Prop. 19.

They aren't moved by the argument that it would reduce the numbers of black men disproportionately incarcerated on marijuana possession charges.

They see marijuana as a scourge in their communities, an addictive substance that often leads to harder drug use. Sacramento pastor Ron Allen says he was on crack cocaine for 11 years. He said marijuana started him on the road to drug addiction.

There is no question that marijuana is an addictive drug. I know people whose brains are totally fried from decades of marijuana abuse.

Yet I also know people who use marijuana recreationally.

They aren't any more likely to become addicts than those who drink responsibly are to develop cirrhosis.

It's time we had an open and honest debate on the issue before voters go to the polls in November.
Check out Pastor Ron Allen of Sacramento at the video — he suggests this is an ultimate tragedy in a city with murder rates among the highest in the nation. Unbelievable, really. But that's what the nihilist left wants in today's America.

American Power at American Patrol

I haven't talked to Glenn Spencer since I met him at the Phoenix Rising rally, so I'm not sure if he knows it's my blog. But American Power held the lead spot yesterday at the front page of American Patrol.


Bookmark it. American Patrol is your one-stop shop for all your breaking immigration news.

Blacks as Anti-Immigrant Racists?

Probably not the meme one might expect in a Capt. Fogg thread, but here it is:
Captain, I share your feelings on a very personal level. My home state of North Carolina had a 300% increase in its Hispanic population as of the 2000 census. I expect that when all the 2010 numbers are in there will be another substantial increase. As the Hispanic population has increased, so has the bigotry against them. What I was not prepared for and still cannot fathom is the strength of African-American prejudice against Hispanics. Far too many of my people make the same bigoted commentary and enact the same disgraceful racism against Hispanics that we ourselves have suffered. For years, there has been a coalition of Blacks and Hispanics working together to combat this divide so all is not hopeless but I feel shame and frustration that such bias even exists. Being oppressed does not teach one to refrain from becoming an oppressor. This is one of the most dificult [sic] truths that I have had to face. It fills me with despair. If those who have sufferd [sic] the lash are willing to become wielders of the lash, then what hope is there for humankind?
Blacks vote Democrat overwhelming, ergo, Democrats as "wielders of the lash"? Oh, the humanity!

I wonder if Fogg banned this lady yet? There are serious consequences for breaking the narrative over there (that poor soul is headed to the camps!!).

Assassination Politics: 'Russian Spy' Anna Fermanova Busted for High-Tech Arms Smuggling

Anna Fermanova, a Russian immigrant cosmetologist, was arrested last week for "attempting to smuggle high-tech night vision scopes from the United States to Russia."

See, "
A young Russian beautician, Anna Fermanova, has been arrested in Texas as part of the American investigation into suspected foreign spies, it has emerged." (HAT TIP: GrEaT sAtAn"S gIrLfRiEnD.) See also, "Anna Fermanova’s high-tech scopes are used for assassination, say experts."

Anna Fermanova

Video games train the kids for war.
Army chic in high-fashion stores.
Law and order's done their job.
Prisons filled while the rich still rob.
Assassination politics.
Violence rules within' our nation's midst.
Well ignorance is their power tool.
You'll only know what they want you to know.
The television cannot lie.
Controlling media with smokescreen eyes.
Nuclear politicians picture show.
The acting's lousy but the blind don't know.
They scare us all with threats of war.
So we forget just how bad things are.
You taste the fear when you're all alone.
They gonna git'cha when you're on your own.
The silence of conspiracy.
Slaughtered on the altar of apathy.
You gotta wake up from your sleep.
'Cause meek inherits earth...six feet deep.
Open your eyes see the lies right in front of ya.
Open your eyes.....

"Open Your Eyes" (The Lords of the New Church:).

Undo It

Care of Amusing Bunni's Musings:

That's Rule 5 material, by the way. Gotta keep up with the linkage!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Burkas in Canada

Ezra Levant, at the Toronto Sun, "Time to face facts on burkas":
Canada’s misguided experiment with multiculturalism pretends that all cultural ideas are equal, and Canadian values, such as the equality of men and women, are no better than foreign values like the subjugation of women.

Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, enacted in 1982 when our Muslim population was tiny, is contradictory.

Section 27 of the Charter calls for “the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians.”

But Section 28 says that rights “are guaranteed equally to male and female persons.”

Well, which is it? “Enhancing” Saudi values? Or guaranteeing women’s equality?

Because you can’t have both.

Margaret Atwood published her sci-fi novel The Handmaid’s Tale, about America being taken over by a Christian theocracy that treats women as sexual property, 25 years ago.

It has become trite to watch cultural liberals like Atwood bravely attack imaginary discrimination, while staying silent on real discrimination.

The Handmaid’s Tale won Atwood the Governor General’s Award for fiction. A book about the subjugation of women in radical Islam would win Atwood a death threat.

Atwood loves posing as a feminist at champagne receptions in her honour. But she’ll leave the heavy lifting to people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

She’s the Somali refugee who wrote and narrated a movie called Submission, about the place of women in radical Islam.

The film’s producer, Theo Van Gogh, was murdered for it, but a note pinned with a knife into his body referred primarily to Hirsi Ali, who has had to live under around-the-clock security ever since.

That’s all a bit too real for Atwood, and is the reason why other feminists like the once-noisy Judy Rebick are so meek and gentle with the real butchers of women’s rights.

So, should the burka be banned?

It’s anathema for a free country like Canada to tell citizens how to dress.

The same liberty that allows the rest of us to dress as we like is the liberty that allows a woman to hide her face.

But what about in a bank?

Should masked women, Muslim or not, be allowed into a bank? If that’s okay, how about a man in a ski mask?

How about testifying in court?

Who else can hide their eyes and facial expressions while condemning an accused or swearing to their own innocence?

And why stop at witnesses — what about judges or police officers in a burka?

What about ID cards like a driver’s licence?

What point is an ID card if it doesn’t actually ID you?
Or, you could board a plane, completely covered!

Billy Idol on Twitter

Actually, it's Billy Morrison, who joined the tour in March, who's tweeting:


I'm especially excited about this one. I saw the announcements for Idol's Hollywood Palladium gig months ago, but didn't seriously consider it. But with the Pechanga date, it all came together. My wife was in high school when "Rebel Yell" came out. By that time I'd seen Idol in concert a couple of times. Weird. Check back for updates. I'm having a fun reliving some my youth here, Gen X style.

Atlas Shrugged, Behind the Scenes

Via Instapundit:

Grant Bowler is new to me, since I'm not a "Lost" fan, or whatever. And that's better. I'd hate to have Brad Pitt star (for example) and then while watching the movie have flashbacks to "Fight Club" or "Seven." Basically, it makes for a clean slate with a fresh star.

RELATED: "Cameras Roll on 'Atlas'."

Michael Totten on BDS Israel

You may have heard about the Palestinian BDS movement. The letters in their acronym stand for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction. They really ought to add another D for Destroy. Their goal—and they aren’t shy about saying so publicly even in English—isn’t peace between Israelis and Palestinians, which is what all civilized people should want, but the end of Israel.

Take a look at the video and see for yourself.

HAT TIP: Instapundit.

Outrage Over Chelsea Clinton's Wedding

Doug Ross has the must read post on this, with the classic commentary from Mrs. Ross:
"There really are two Americas: the Democrat ruling class and everyone else."
I for one (as well as my wife) don't begrudge the Clintons for having a smash-bang wedding with lavish no-holds barred accomodations, luxuries, etc. This is America. It's what we do. But I don't see any effort by the Clintons at moderation, a point that Mrs. Ross points out at the post:
"These people are such f***ing hypocrites it makes me sick to my stomach."
It seems hypocritical, but again, who's to complain? That said, I am fascinated by the contrast with Jenna Bush's marriage in summer 2008. There's an article at New York Times, "Jenna Bush Has Wedding at Ranch in Crawford." The Bush family spent $100,000. No matter (I think my father-in-law spent under $10,000 when I married my wife). That said, iOWNTHEWORLD offers an observation:
I never saw pictures of Jenna’s wedding before. Did you notice that the racists had a black minister??? Wow. How did that guy get in there?

Jenna Bush

George and Jenna

BONUS: Robert Stacy McCain tweeted earlier, indicating he's met Chelsea and she's a-okay. Robert's got a post up now as well, "Best Wishes, Chelsea Clinton."

RELATED: "Town Elbows Its Way Into Clinton Wedding."

AND NO-JOKE DOUBLE BONUS: "Why the Clintons, not the Bushes, are the new royal family."

Sarah Palin's New Book Cover

For America by Heart : Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag.

Cool. Due out in November.

Sarah Palin

From Neocons to Crazy-Cons?

Well, yeah, according to David Klinghoffer:
What has become of conservatism? We have reached a point at which nothing could be more important than to stop and recall what brought us here, to the right, in the first place.

Buckley's National Review, where I was the literary editor through the 1990s, remains as vital and interesting as ever. But more characteristic of conservative leadership are figures on TV, radio and the Internet who make their money by stirring fears and resentments. With its descent to baiting blacks, Mexicans and Muslims, its accommodation of conspiracy theories and an increasing nastiness and vulgarity, the conservative movement has undergone a shift toward demagoguery and hucksterism. Once the talk was of "neocons" versus "paleocons." Now we observe the rule of the crazy-cons.

Klinghoffer veers into spirituality, and suggests that the conservative vision has lost the "metaphysical dream that allows for ultimate meaning in our existence."

I can't speak for Andrew Breitbart, and I actually reject a good bit of the "craziness" on the right, but as you finish Klinghoffer ask if American politics, realistically, will be returning to a more wistful, respectful era? (And also ask if being "crazy" is code for being "racist"?) Besides, National Review's not my top source for right wing news. I prefer Commentary and Weekly Standard, to say nothing of
Ace of Spades HQ, Instapundit, and The Other McCain. And I read these sources, among others, because they provide me with the intellectual sustenance to "save civilization," which is what Klinghoffer suggests is "what he signed up for" when he became a conservative.

And here's the thing: A lot of us became conservative because we saw society's moral foundations in tatters, and it was the Democratic-left holding the shears. You can always hold up your hands and scream "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right," but you still have to choose. We have no viable third party movement, and the GOP at present is the best place to form a conservative-libertarian coalition for political victory. And as a party out of power, the most strident voices at the base are going to get a lot of play, especially when new media is driving most of the key political memes. I choose conservatism. It's a no-brainer. But notwithstanding the citations above, I'm not wedded to any particular talking point. I think for myself, thank you. For example, is it crazy to call President Obama a socialist? I think he is (but on an intellectual level, e.g., see Jonah Goldberg, "
What Kind of Socialist Is Barack Obama?"). But that kind of talk gets one attacked as an extremist by the left-wing media machine. How about if you don't submit? Breitbart's attacked mercilessly as a "liar" and a "unprincipled" scoundrel because he gets results. Yet, almost daily I find some MSM outlets reporting not just factual errors, but outright lies, and then people like me are crazy for calling out this sh*t? I don't think so. People are mad. And when people get mad they starting gravitating to more polarizing messages, and some of it can get heated. For me though, Klinghoffer and others like him (which no offense to him, would include idiots like Charles Johnson) simply prop up the left's Media Industrial Complex, and in that sense they're enabling the very anti-conservative forces Andrew Breitbart is finally beginning to take down.

Sunday Cartoon Roundup

I almost forgot my cartoon roundup!!

That's Day by Day at center:


Day by Day


More cartoons at Flopping Aces and Theo Spark's.

Penélope Cruz Rule 5

Washington Rebel's got style:


RELATED: "Poll: What Do You Think of Bob Belvedere's Taste in Women?"

'Rock the Casbah' — And the Hudson River!

I haven't been meaning to neglect Ruby Slippers, and I know she loves The Clash, so let's rock it a bit more here with "that crazy Casbah sound":

Looks like the Clinton family was rockin' the Hudson River yesterday, by the way. Chelsea's ceremony was estimated at between $3 million and $5 million, quite a bit more than what the Bush family spent for Jenna's wedding. Ruby Slippers has more on that, "Fireworks, $250,000 in Jewelry, and a Vegan Cake - Oh My."

The Clash HAT TIP: Linkmaster Smith is rockin' it with
Sunday's Rule 5 entry!


I Had to Turn My Heart Away...

I've been so caught up with Billy Idol I almost forgot to post this lovely clip. Enjoy Heart, "Barracuda":

Related Trivia: "McCain and Palin once again play 'Barracuda'." (The Wilson sisters were not pleased.)

'In Lieu of Flowers ... Please Feel Free to Make a Make Contributions to Whoever May Be Running Against Obama in 2012'

Robert Snyder's last wishes, c/o Blazing Cat Fur:


Rest in peace, Robert.

'I Like My Wife, I Just Can't Live With Her'

Not me.

That's John Frost, at NYT (FWIW), "
The Un-Divorced":
... at 58, he sees no reason to divorce. Their children have grown and left home. He asked himself: Why bring in a bunch of lawyers? Why create rancor when there’s nowhere to go but down?

“To tie a bow around it would only make it uglier,” Mr. Frost said. “When people ask about my relationship status, I usually just say: ‘It’s complicated. I like my wife, I just can’t live with her.’ ”
And check this out:
One woman, a 39-year-old mother of two from Brooklyn, who like many interviewed for this article wished to remain anonymous, has stayed separated for nearly two years at the suggestion of five lawyers.

“There’s no advantage to getting divorced,” she said. Both she and her husband are in new relationships. Most people assume they’ve officially split. But given the health insurance issue and the prospect of legal fees, she said, “I feel like we could just drift on like this for years.”

Not being divorced is also an excuse not to remarry.

“In my day, we’d refer to a man as a bon vivant, a gadabout who doesn’t want to worry about marrying anyone else because he’s already married,” said Sheila Riesel, a New York divorce lawyer for more than three decades.

In the end, some people just don’t want to divorce. Perhaps one spouse desires it and the other drags his or her feet. Sometimes, people are just confused; separation can be a wake-up call.

In other cases, initiating divorce ultimately serves that purpose. Last year, a 67-year-old professor in New York filed for divorce from the man she married in 1969 and separated from in 1988 after she had an affair with a woman.

“I had images of Vita Sackville-West, but it was very messy and the children suffered a lot,” she recalled. “My husband had been more attached to me than I thought.”

And she considered him a pal; they even took vacations together. “I think I liked that we were still married in some way,” she admitted. “But last year I met someone who minds that I’m still married to someone else.”

And thus, time to divorce. Call it an old-fashioned romance.
Man, that'd be rough if my wife left me for another ... woman?

And how about that "my husband was more attached to me than I thought"? Amanda Marcotte could go a mile with that one, LOL!

Via Memeorandum.


I especially like this first McCain ad at top. I'm confident that a McCain administration would have achieved some of those campaign pledges, although in 2013 we could be stuck with our "Celeb" one more time ... that is, depending on who (whom?) the GOP nominates. Quinnipiac indicates that voters would prefer an "unnamed" Republican in 2012:
A year after President Barack Obama's political honeymoon ended, his job approval rating has dropped to a negative 44 - 48 percent, his worst net score ever, and American voters say by a narrow 39 - 36 percent margin that they would vote for an unnamed Republican rather than President Obama in 2012, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
But who's it gonna be?

Alvin Greene's First 'OFFICIAL Attack Ad' Smears Jim DeMint as 'Liar, Bigot, Un-American, Maniac, Evil'

At least he admits it's a smear: "Watch our first OFFICIAL attack ad and start spreading news!." Watch the background text rolling by. Did I miss anything?

Hat Tip: Linkmaster Smith.

New Jersey's Mount Olive Schools to Eliminate 'D' Grades

At The Daily Caller, "New Jersey school district eliminates “D” grade."

Starting this fall, Mount Olive Middle and High School students will have to work harder to earn a passing grade.

The Mount Olive school board voted 8-1 Monday night to eliminate the “D” grade in the middle and high school grading systems.

Last month, Superintendent Larrie Reynolds proposed the policy as a way to encourage students to learn — not just earn credits, Reynolds said.

“I’m tired of kids coming to school and not learning and getting credit for it,” he said. “We intend to be the beacon of excellence in Morris County, and to do that, we have to fix it.”

Currently, anything under a 65 is considered failing. The new policy, which is expected to be in effect by September, would raise the failure score to anything under a 70.
One thing that always bugs me is when students at my college are happy to get a "D". They'll continue to get financial aid, which is more of an immediate interest than the longer-term goal of a high GPA.

Oakland Plantation — Natchitoches, Louisiana

A fabulous photo-essay, at Pat Austin's, " Take a Trip to Natchitoches and Oakland Plantation" (click and enlarge here full overseers shot):


And at Wikipedia, "Oakland Plantation (Natchitoches, Louisiana)."

Unplayable 45s, at Althouse

I've been reading Ann Althouse for about 5 years now. And while posting Three Dog Night yesterday I remembered Ann's post on her "Unplayable 45s" she won't throw out:

Three Dog Night

Meanwhile, Billy Idol was more my generation, although "One" came out when I was about 8 years-old. I always liked it, but the reviews were mixed at Althouse's comments.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Buchanan High School in Clovis, Calif., Endures Loss of Seven Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Most From Any School in California

I'll be in Clovis at the end of August to attend my father-in-law's 70th birthday gathering. I called him this morning to give him the heads up on today's front-page story at the Los Angeles Times, "Wars Take a Heavy Toll on One California School." He thanked me, although Clovis is a small town, and he was well familiar with the losses:
The seventh funeral was Friday. The church was full, even strangers lined the streets and everyone in sight stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads as Brian Piercy's body moved from church to cemetery — the same as they had done for six others.

Seven boys from Clovis' Buchanan High Shool have been killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

With Piercy's death, Buchanan has the somber distinction of more war dead than any other school in California.

There's no sure answer as to how such a thing could happen. But many people in this Central Valley city have a theory. They say Clovis is an extraordinarily patriotic community and its children are raised on God and country, duty and honor. They're willing to serve and willing to die, the same as Clovis' generations who went before them.

Buchanan's school colors are red, white and blue. The stadium is named Veteran's Memorial. Former classmates and older siblings come back in uniform for campus visits. Friday night football games include a moment of silence for Buchanan's fallen soldiers.

"The cheerleaders wear six stars on their uniforms. I guess it will be seven now," said 15-year-old Julie Thaxter. "We're not proud they died, but we're proud they fought. It makes others from here even more ready to go and honor them. My brother wants to join. He's 14 and he's been set on it since he was 8."

Also, "
California’s War Dead" (for Buchanan High).

Cancer Patient Nikki Phelps vs. Virginity Repairs in Britain — i.e., Islamic Hymen Replacement Surgery

Doug Ross reports on the British cancer patient who fought the NHS, which denied life-saving drug treatment. "Nikki Phelps, R.I.P."
Nikki Phelp's insurer was Britain's National Health Service (NHS), the model for Barack Obama and his hand-picked appointment for the head of Medicare, Donald Berwick.

Nikki Phelps


And at London's Daily Mail, "
Virginity Repairs and an NHS That's Lost Its Way":

Three months ago, Bill Phelps became a widower — he watched, helpless, as his cancer-stricken young wife Nikki’s life slowly ebbed away.

Nikki, 37, a former teacher and mother of two-year-old twins, was denied the drug that might have saved her life, as it was deemed too costly by her NHS Primary Care Trust.

I wonder, then, how Mr Phelps feels after reading yesterday’s report that the NHS is happy to foot the bill for young women to have ‘virginity repairs’?

How can it be right that the mother of his two little boys was condemned to death by an NHS that put women’s desire to appear ‘untouched’ before the right of a mother to live as long as she can to raise her children?

Latest figures show that there has been a 25 per cent rise in hymen replacement operations carried out on the NHS over the past four years.

And, while there is no way of knowing the ethnic, cultural or religious background of the women undergoing these procedures, we do know that there has been a three-fold increase in Muslim women having the operation done privately — fearful that a future husband might discover they were not a virgin on their wedding night.

Might some of the rise in NHS cases be for the same reason? The NHS insists that it carries out the procedure only ‘to secure physical or psychological health’.

The same justification is often used for state-funded cosmetic procedures such as breast reductions.

Whatever the case, I find it astonishing that at a time when women are dying because they can’t get cancer treatment, other women are having their virginity repairs paid for by the State.

Let me be clear: I have every sympathy for a woman, of whatever cultural origin, who is so fearful of an oppressive partner that she would seek surgery to restore her ‘purity’.

We must never forget that it’s certain men who are to blame for this, as they demand a standard of behaviour from their wives, sisters and daughters that they would not dream of applying to themselves.

But how can we defend aesthetic breast procedures, sex- change operations or hymen repairs at a time of crippling national debt, and when we have some of the worst cancer survival rates in Europe?

RELATED: "A Victory Too Late: Mother Dies as the NHS Finally Agrees to Pay for Cancer Drugs."

Summer School 2010 — One of the Best Classes in Memory

I watched "The Paper Chase" again last week for the first time in years. I'd been having such a fabulous summer session — with some of the best classroom discussions in years — that I wanted to share the opening scenes with my students on the day before the final exam — and not just so they'd get a look at Professor Kingsfield's method. I love how the movie opens with the first-year law students settling into their seats on the first day of class with the caption "Harvard Law School" flashing at the screen just as John Houseman enters the room. It does capture that supreme sense of both excitement and fear that is the college classroom experience, all the more so since it's Harvard. We couldn't watch the whole movie, of course, and amazingly not one of my students had seen it, so perhaps they'll dwell on it if they find it while surfing the cable channels in the future.

Teaching this summer was a lot different for a number of reasons: We're fully moved into the
South Quad Complex, and the new classrooms are fully modernized with smart technology; the computer console/media setup is extremely user-friendly, which facilitates use of short video clips for quick discussion launchers; I'm using a new textbook, one that offers an "exceptionalist" take on American politics, and one that helped drive some dramatic sections; lots of university students attend community college in the summer, to save money and finish up their G.E., so they help elevate the quality of the experience; I also had two Iraq war veterans and a public relations officer from the Long Beach Police Department, and they further added to the diversity of the summer session; and I taught just this one class, which left me with more time to think about my students and how to improve instruction.

All of that, plus after ten years at LBCC I'm more comfortable in my methods than ever. I try less to be a Professor Kingsfield and more like when I was younger — i.e., more hip and laid back, and even more understanding.

In any case, things really came together. Not only were the sections dynamic and endlessly vibrant, but the students were not shy in sharing their feedback on the learning experience. Some classes go better than others (every classroom is different), and you'll know when you're hitting it off. But I was surprised and honored that the students put together
some thank you cards on the day before the final. One student in particular had a life-changing experience. His comments are up on the "guys" card at top right:


Professor Douglas!!! I have never been so excited to come to class as I was this semester! You are a tremendous leader and a Class-A example of looking at both sides of stories. Thank you for your passion for teaching.
At top left, a UCI student comments:
You've made me realize that your political ideas should be based on sound knowledge/reasoning. Thanks ....
Now that is interesting! It seems to me that upper-division students at a top-tiered public university would have already gotten instruction in "sound knowledge/reasoning"? Or maybe that's just a good reflection on the (non)quality of instruction at UCI, where the reputation's as one of the most radical campuses in the country.

The students signed the cards on the same morning that I showed "The Paper Chase" clip. I went around the entire room and asked each student their major and their plans for college and beyond — and I called on each by name to personally validate and humanize their participation and experience. Lots of students are majoring in psychology, and they laughed when I joked that I was now recruiting political scientists! But some took that discussion to heart. It made them think about what they were doing in the context of the career aspirations of the others. As one fellow wrote, on the left at middle-top:
Professor Douglas ... It's been an interesting summer session, and the discussion today has made me consider my immediate future a little more. Keep doing what you are doing.
Reading the card from the "girls" seemed almost like reading farewells in a high school yearbook at graduation! The comments had more of that kind of a feel, for example, at the ladies' card center-left:
Thank you for being a great teacher! You are one of the funniest teachers I've had a LBCC. I know I'm not the best student although I try as hard as I can but thank you for taking your summer to teach us!
And this one, second to the bottom at right:
Thank you for being a cool guy. I really appreciate teachers who take the time to emotionally reach out to students. Sorry I couldn't have been a better student! Anyways, thanks for the fun lectures! I'll miss them. Thanks and have a great summer.
Some of the other comments are readable at the picture above. Not all the students in class signed the cards, but 42 students took the final exam, which ended up being almost 100 percent retention (a key measure of classroom effectiveness from the administration's perspective, especially when the drop-out rated exceeds 50 percent for a lot of professors) .

In any case, I mostly wanted to share all this with readers.

It takes a long time to get truly comfortable in the classroom. Teaching is not a natural ability for a lot of people, and even for great teachers it takes a while to warm up the inner attributes that can enliven a classroom and change lives. Meanwhile, I don't push myself off as some kind of "Master Teacher" or "Expert Instructor." We have a few like that on my campus. Folks who dominate curriculum development and are fairly closed-minded on pedagogical inputs from others. I just do my thing. I teach it right down the middle. With the new textbook I'm making more of an explicit effort to counteract left-wing indoctrination on campus, but as you can see from the students' comments, the kids appreciate a balanced approach that focuses on sound argument and careful evidence.

I think this is also important in the context of blogging as well. I don't use the blog in class, although some of my idiot antagonists online love to launch attacks on AmPower as perverted and "creepy." For example, after eviscerating Scott Eric Kaufman the other day, the LGM lamebrain
commented at the post (twice actually, since comments are moderated, and Insecure Little Scotty wanted to be sure he got his digs in):
You've got me there. My whole world view invalidated by a spelling error. No amount of having taught Dispatches can ever take back that typo ... on the internet, at least among children. Please, tell me how teaching critical thinking and persuasive writing through complex texts with students are familiar is necessarily a bad thing? I await your silence, since the last time you thought twice about pedagogy was when you decided which of the beautiful ladies in the second row would require the bulk of your creepy attention. For the rest of us, we aim to teach.
Scott proves correct my criticisms of him: He never once has acknowledged he's not that good with language, which is not good, since he's an English professor. So word to Scotty: Your use of "flack" wasn't a spelling error or a typo. You didn't know the differences. And you'd show some intellectual maturity by just admitting that you still have things to learn, even in what should be your field of expertise. And no, Scott, as you can see above, this isn't the "last time" I thought about pedagogy. A good professor thinks of it whenever she sets foot in the classroom. And my sense is that trolling the conservative 'sphere for snarky attack material against your ideological enemies is eminently more "creepy" than your allusion to "beautiful ladies."

Eyes Without a Face (Stylin' Replay Version)

I played this song over and over when I posted it the other night. So, while doodling around online I found that Billy Idol's playing the Pechanga Resort in Temecula on August 11th. Recall that I just took my family out that way a couple of weeks ago (to nearby Harrah's Rincon). A lot of these casinos have great concert venues. Well, checking with my wife it turns out that she's got complimentary room stays at the hotel, so we booked a room and scored tickets for Idol's concert — hence, here's a stylin' replay of "Eyes Without a Face." Billy Idol's homepage is here (with tour dates). Here's Pechanga's Billy Idol blurb. This YouTube's concert information is below:

In November 2009, a 70 minute version of this concert was released on DVD and Blu-Ray and is available via various stores online.

Billy Idol Live from the Congress Theater, Chicago on July 28, 2006. This program was originally aired as a two-hour show on the Voom RaveHD channel in 2007, and then rebroadcast as a one-hour program as part of the PBS Soundstage series in 2009.

Billy Idol - Vocals
Steve Stevens - Guitars
Derek Sherinian - Keyboards
Stephen McGrath - Bass, Vocals
Brian Tichy - Drums

One is the Loneliest Number

From Carolyn Tackett, "Help a Friend."

And previously, "
The Recession Hits Stogie at Saberpoint." Stogie's blog is here.

Horrible Paris Rosen Front-Flip Crash at X-Games Motocross Event

Don't watch if you've got a soft stomach. It's much worse in slow-motion. Rosen lands head-first:

Mexican Drug Cartel Puts $1 Million Bounty on Sheriff Joe Arpaio

This is totally WTF territory.

Via MAinfo, "
Juarez Cartel Offers 1 Million For Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Head":

Howard Zinn's 'The People Speak'

Well, perhaps I'll get some Google traffic today with another post on Howard Zinn's Marxist education project, "The People's Speak."

And don't miss all the earlier coverage at Michelle's, e.g., "
“Social Justice” for grade-schoolers: The Howard Zinn Education Project." And previously, "FBI Releases 423 File on Communist Historian Howard Zinn."

RELATED: "FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership."

Revving Up Weekend Rule 5

Mind Numbed Robot kicks off the weekend's Rule 5 festivities. And my friend Patrick at Political Byline runs a great blog, but I'm searching in vain for some beauties, LOL!

And as alway, look for some wonderful posting at MAinfo.


And be sure to visit some of other friends of American Power:

* Another Black Conservative.

Astute Bloggers (Honorary).

Blazing Cat Fur.

Bob Belvedere.

* Cold Fury.

Classical Liberal.

Daley Gator.

Left Coast Rebel.

* Mind Numbed Robot.

Not a Sheep.

* Paco Enterprises.

* Panhandle Perspective.

* Political Byline.


The Other McCain.

Reaganite Republican (Honorary).

Right Klik (Honorary).

Saberpoint (Honorary).

Serr8d (Honorary).

Snooper's Report (Honorary).


Theo Spark.

* TrogloPundit.

* Washington Rebel.


BONUS: Don't forget Instapundit.

And drop your link in the comments to be added to the weekly roundups!

The Recession Hits Stogie at Saberpoint

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job. It's a depression when you lose yours, or at least that's what they say. All I know is it's a heartbreak when your friends are losing their home. Stogie at Saberpoint's been a blog buddy of mine for roughly four years. A good guy and great patriot, facing financial hardship:
It's just a matter of weeks before I lose my home. I never, ever thought I'd be in such a predicament. This happened to other people, sure, but not to me. I am a college graduate and a CPA. Accountants were supposed to be immune from unemployment. Not any more. The fact that I am well past 50 doesn't help. Seniors and new grads are the hardest hit.

I am not feeling sorry for myself. I am pissed, but have entered a phase of my life where nothing surprises me anymore. If one could get jaded to bad news, political malfeasance and power-grabbing, I am about there. No outrage now seems to surprise me. The neo-Marxists now running the country are capable of the most outrageous usurpations of the Constitution, which in effect, is no longer the law of the land. It is merely a quaint old parchment kept under glass in the museum of history, for people to gawk at. The economy is being destroyed by fools, mostly Democrat fools, but with the assistance of RINO Republicans who haven't the sense or the gonads to resist.
Hit Stogie's tip jar if you're able.

FBI Releases 423 Files on Communist Historian Howard Zinn

Great reading at Robert Stacy McCain's: "FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership."

It's lengthy so just go over there and read the post.
Leftists are denying that the files prove Zinn was an active member of the Communist Party USA (pointing to Zinn's own denials). But McCain's sifting through the files carefully. Lots of clues, but this is especially noteworthy:


This might end up being big on Memeorandum today. And self-identified CPUSA member or not, Zinn's left-wing extremism has worked havoc on young minds for decades, and continues with the school indoctrination programs he left in place. See Michell's entry, "Hollywood & Howard Zinn’s Marxist Education Project."

DISCLOSURE: I attended a Howard Zinn lecture at Fresno State in the early '90s. My copy of A People's History is at the office.

Outlook Dims on (Obama) the Economy

At NYT (FWIW), "With Recovery Slowing, the Jobs Outlook Dims":

There is no more disputing it: the economic recovery in the United States has indeed slowed.

The nation’s economy has been growing for a year, with few new jobs to show for it. Now, with the government reporting a growth rate of just 2.4 percent in the second quarter and federal stimulus measures fading, the jobs outlook appears even more discouraging.

“Given how weak the labor market is, how long we’ve been without real growth, the rest of this year is probably still going to feel like a recession,” said Prajakta Bhide, a research analyst for the United States economy at Roubini Global Economics. “It’s still positive growth — rather than contraction — but it’s going to be very, very protracted.”

A Commerce Department report on Friday showed that economic growth slipped sharply in the latest quarter from a much brisker pace earlier, an annual rate of 5 percent at the end of 2009 and 3.7 percent in the first quarter of 2010. Consumer spending, however, was weaker than initially indicated earlier in the recovery.

Many economists are forecasting a further slowdown in the second half of the year, perhaps to an annual rate as low as 1.5 percent. That is largely because businesses have refilled the stockroom shelves that were whittled down during the financial crisis, and there will not be much need for additional orders.

Additionally, the fiscal stimulus measures that have propped up growth are expiring. Proposals for individual programs like another expansion of unemployment benefits have been beaten back each time they have come up in Congress.

“We need 2.5 percent growth just to keep the unemployment rate where it is,” said Christina Romer, chairwoman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers. “If you want to get it down quickly, you need substantially stronger growth than that. That’s what I’ve been saying for the last several quarters, and that’s why I’ve been hoping that we’ll please pass the jobs measures just sitting on the floor of Congress.”

The approaching midterm elections, however, may harden the political standoff after Congress returns from its August recess. As a result, pressure will probably increase on the Federal Reserve to use its available tools to prevent a double-dip recession. Recent reports from Fed policy makers suggest the central bank has become increasingly worried about where the economy is headed.

American businesses, if not American households, seem to be hanging on.
Image Credit: Blogmocracy.

Saturday FMJRA

Theo's fired up, that's for sure!

See also Blazing Cat Fur, "
Veiled in secrecy: Religious observance or cultural apartheid?" Plus, Astute Bloggers, and Astute Bloggers, "A CORRUPTOCRATIC TWOFER: MAXINE WATERS TO GET CONGRESSIONAL ETHICS TRIAL, TOO - (ALONG WITH RANGEL)." And check Instapundit while you're at it!


Taliban to Hunt Down Informants Identified by WikiLeaks

At Telegraph UK, "Wikileaks Afghanistan: Taliban Hhunting Down Informants'":

The Taliban has issued a warning to Afghans whose names might appear on the leaked Afghanistan war logs as informers for the Nato-led coalition.

In an interview with Channel 4 News, Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, said they were studying and investigating the report, adding “If they are US spies, then we know how to punish them.”

The warning came as the US military's top officer, Admiral Mike Mullen said that Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, may already have blood on his hands following the leak of 92,000 classified documents relating to the war in Afghanistan by his website.